예제 #1
    def run(self, x0):
        Run simulator with specified system dynamics and control function.

        print("Running simulation....")
        sim_loop_length = int(
            self.total_sim_time / self.dt) + 1  # account for 0th
        t = np.array([0])
        y_vec = np.array([x0]).T
        u_vec = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]).T

        # Start figure

        #fig = plt.figure()
        plt.rc('grid', linestyle="--", color='black')
        fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4)
        #fig, (ax3,ax4) = plt.subplots(2)
        if len(x0) > 12:
            fig, (ax5) = plt.subplots(1)

        for i in range(sim_loop_length):

            # Translate data to ca.DM
            x = ca.DM(np.size(y_vec, 0), 1).full()
            x = np.array([y_vec[:, -1]]).T
            print("Step " + str(i) + "/" + str(sim_loop_length))

                # Get control input and obtain next state
                u = self.controller(x)
                #print("Control input is set as "+str(u)+" ")

                x_next = self.dynamics(x, u)

            except RuntimeError:
                    "Uh oh, your simulator crashed due to unstable dynamics.\n \
                       Retry with new controller parameters.")

            # Store data
            t = np.append(t, t[-1] + self.dt)
            y_vec = np.append(y_vec, np.array(x_next), axis=1)
            u_vec = np.append(u_vec, np.array(u))

            # Get plot window values:
            if self.plt_window != float("inf"):
                l_wnd = 0 if int(i + 1 -
                                 self.plt_window / self.dt) < 1 else int(
                                     i + 1 - self.plt_window / self.dt)
                l_wnd = 0

            #ax1.set_title("Quadcopter - Ref: "+str(self.model.x_d))
            ax1.plot( t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[0,l_wnd:-1], 'r-', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[1,l_wnd:-1], 'b--', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[2,l_wnd:-1], 'g-')

            ax1.legend(["X position", "Y position", "Z position"], loc=1)

            ax2.plot( t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[3,l_wnd:-1], 'r-', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[4,l_wnd:-1], 'b--', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[5,l_wnd:-1], 'g-')

            ax2.legend(["X velocity", "Y velocity", "Z velocity"], loc=1)

            ax3.plot( t[l_wnd:-1], ((y_vec[6,l_wnd:-1])*(180/np.pi)), 'r-', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], ((y_vec[7,l_wnd:-1])*(180/np.pi)), 'b-', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], ((y_vec[8,l_wnd:-1])*(180/np.pi)), 'g-')

            ax3.legend(["roll angle", "pitch angle", "yaw angle"], loc=1)

            ax4.plot( t[l_wnd:-1], (y_vec[9,l_wnd:-1]) , 'r-', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], (y_vec[10,l_wnd:-1]), 'b--', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], (y_vec[11,l_wnd:-1]), 'g-')

            ax4.legend(["Omega x", "Omega y", "Omega z"], loc=1)

            if len(x0) > 12:
                ax5.plot( t[l_wnd:-1], (y_vec[12,l_wnd:-1]) , 'r-', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], (y_vec[13,l_wnd:-1]), 'b--', \
                      t[l_wnd:-1], (y_vec[14,l_wnd:-1]), 'g-')

                ax5.legend(["X error", "Y error", "Z error"], loc=1)
                ax5.set_ylabel("error m")

        return t, y_vec, u_vec
예제 #2
print("Angular velocity: " + str(target_angular_velocity) + " microrad")

# Create system model in casadi
x = cas.MX.sym('x', spacecraft.num_states, 1)
u = cas.MX.sym('u', spacecraft.num_forces, 1)
state = PolarOrbiterState(x)
thrust = PolarOrbiterThrust(u)
state_derivative = spacecraft.ode_scaled(state, thrust).vector
ode = cas.Function('ode', [x, u], [spacecraft.ode_scaled(PolarOrbiterState(x), PolarOrbiterThrust(u)).vector],
                   ['state', 'thrust'], ['state_derivative'])

initial_state = PolarOrbiterState(

print(f"Initial state: {initial_state.vector}")

# Create an integrator for the ode
Xk = x
for k in range(integrator_substeps):
    Xk = rk4step_ode(ode, Xk, u, integrator_stepsize)
F = cas.Function('F', [x, u], [Xk], ['x', 'u'], ['xk'])

# Create stage cost for the OCP
state_cost = u[0] ** 2 + u[1] ** 2
state_cost = cas.Function('l', [x, u], [state_cost], ['x', 'u'], ['l'])
예제 #3
if 'car_w_trailers':
    X0 = np.array([0, 0, m.pi / 3, 0, 0, 0])
    Xg = np.array([1, 4, m.pi / 2, 0, 0, 0])

    filename = "/home/naveed/Dropbox/Research/Data/WAFR20/car_w_trailers/TPFC_1_wo_obs_wo_Txu.csv"
    file = open(filename, "a")
    file.write('epsilon' + ',' + 'Average Cost' + ',' + 'Cost variance' + ',' +
               'Average Time' + '\n')


if Model == 'car_w_trailers':
    robot = car_w_trailers(dt=0.3)
    #open-loop optimisation gain
    R = c.DM([[20, 0], [0, 10]])
    Q = 5 * c.DM.eye(robot.nx)
    Qf = 1000 * c.DM.eye(robot.nx)

def SSP(Q, R, Qf):
    #State space planning

    control = algo.SSP(T, X0, Xg, R, Q, Qf, params.Xmin, params.Xmax)

    U_guess = np.zeros((robot.nu, T))

    U_guess = np.reshape(U_guess, (robot.nu * T, 1))

    print("Solving state space problem...")
    U_opti_ss = control.solve_SSP(robot, X0, np.zeros(robot.nu), U_guess)
예제 #4
    if L1_regularization:
        hqp.create_constraint(q_dot1 - 0, 'equality', priority=3)

        "sqpmethod", {
            "expand": True,
            "qpsol": 'qpoases',
            'print_iteration': True,
            'print_header': True,
            'print_status': True,
            "print_time": True,
            "record_time": True,
            'max_iter': 1000

    q_opt = cs.vertcat(cs.DM(q0_1), cs.DM.zeros(7, 1))
    ee_vel_history = cs.vertcat(cs.DM.zeros(2, 1))
    q_opt_history = q_opt
    q_dot_opt = cs.DM([0] * 7)
    q_dot_opt_history = q_dot_opt
    hqp.time_taken = 0
    tic = time.time()

    constraint_violations = cs.DM([0, 0, 0])

    #Setup for visualization
    visualizationBullet = True
    counter = 1
    if visualizationBullet:
def MPC_cost(v,K,S,S_i,x_i,goal,true_goal,signal_positive,signal_negative): #velocity, Horizon, Steering variables, Steering angle initial, start, goal, true_goal
    cost = 0

    S = casadi.reshape(S,1,K)

    R = casadi.DM([[0.5,0],[0,0.5]]) # s, s_dot
    Q = casadi.DM([35]) # heading_error
    Qf = casadi.DM([100])

    X = casadi.MX(3,K) #x,y,theta,heading_error

    S_vec = casadi.MX(2,1) # s and s_dot

    for i in range(K):

        if i==0:
            X[:,i] = dynamics_rear(x_i[:],S[i],casadi.DM([v])) #calculate new state

            S_vec[0] = S[i]
            S_vec[1] = S_i-S[i]

            X[:,i] = dynamics_rear(X[:,i-1],S[i],casadi.DM([v])) #calculate new state

            S_vec[0] = S[i]
            S_vec[1] = S[i]-S[i-1]

        Longitudinal control
        x = X[0,i]
        y = X[1,i]
        theta = X[2,i]

        heading error
        beta = casadi.atan2((goal[1]-y),(goal[0]-x))
        heading_error = casadi.atan2(casadi.sin(beta - theta), casadi.cos(beta - theta))
        e = heading_error #may be need MX here
        if signal_positive:
            e = (casadi.pi - e)
        if signal_negative:
            e = -(casadi.pi - casadi.fabs(e))
        cost = cost + (casadi.mtimes(casadi.mtimes(S_vec.T,R),S_vec) +

    x = X[0,i]
    y = X[1,i]
    theta = X[2,i]
    beta = casadi.atan2((goal[1]-y),(goal[0]-x))
    heading_error = casadi.atan2(casadi.sin(beta - theta), casadi.cos(beta - theta))
    e = heading_error #may be need MX here
    if signal_positive:
        e = (casadi.pi - e)
    if signal_negative:
        e = -(casadi.pi - casadi.fabs(e))

    cost = cost +  casadi.mtimes(casadi.mtimes(e.T,Q),e) #terminal cost

    return cost
if 'car_w_trailers':
    X0 = np.array([0, 0, m.pi / 3, 0, 0, 0])
    Xg = np.array([2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    filename = "/home/naveed/Dropbox/Research/Data/WAFR20/car_w_trailers/TLQR_1_wo_obs_modified1.csv"
    file = open(filename, "a")
    file.write('epsilon' + ',' + 'Average Cost' + ',' + 'Cost variance' + ',' +
               'Average Time' + '\n')


if Model == 'car_w_trailers':
    robot = car_w_trailers(dt=0.1)
    #open-loop optimisation gain
    R = c.DM([[5, 0], [0, 5]])
    Q = c.DM([[10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
    Qf = 20 * c.DM([[50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]])

def SSP(Q, R, Qf):
    #State space planning

    control = algo.SSP(T, X0, Xg, R, Q, Qf, params.Xmin, params.Xmax)

    U_guess = np.zeros((robot.nu, T))

    U_guess = np.reshape(U_guess, (robot.nu * T, 1))
예제 #7
	s_dot2 = tc.create_expression('s_dot2', 'state', (1,1))
	s_ddot2 = tc.create_expression('s_ddot2', 'control', (1,1))
	tc.ocp.subject_to(0 <= (s_2 <= 1))
	tc.set_dynamics(s_2, s_dot2)
	tc.set_dynamics(s_dot2, s_ddot2)

	fk_vals2 = robot.fk(q2)[6] #forward kinematics second robot
	fk_vals2[1,3] += 0.3 #accounting for the base offset in the y-direction


	#specifying the cartesian trajectory of the two robots as a function
	#of the progress variable

	rob1_start_pose = cs.DM([0.3, -0.24, 0.4])
	rob1_end_pose = cs.DM([0.6, 0.2, 0.25])
	traj1 = rob1_start_pose + cs.fmin(s_1, 1)*(rob1_end_pose - rob1_start_pose)

	rob2_start_pose = cs.DM([0.3, 0.54, 0.4])
	rob2_end_pose = cs.DM([0.6, 0.1, 0.25])
	traj2 = rob2_start_pose + cs.fmin(s_2, 1)*(rob2_end_pose - rob2_start_pose)

	#Highest priority: Hard constraints on joint velocity and joint position limits
	#Already added by default by TaSHo

	#2nd priority: Orientation constraints are fixed, And also the TODO: obstacle avoidance

	# slack_priority2 = opti.variable(6, 1)
	orientation_rob1 = {'equality':True, 'hard':False, 'expression':fk_vals1, 'reference':robot.fk(q0_1)[6], 'type':'Frame', 'rot_gain':50, 'trans_gain':0, 'norm':'L1'}
	orientation_rob2 = {'equality':True, 'hard':False, 'expression':fk_vals2, 'reference':robot.fk(q0_2)[6], 'type':'Frame', 'rot_gain':50, 'trans_gain':0, 'norm':'L1'}
예제 #8
 def compute_freestream_direction_geometry_axes(self):
     # Computes the freestream direction (direction the wind is GOING TO) in the geometry axes
     vel_dir_wind = cas.DM([-1, 0, 0])
     vel_dir_geometry = self.compute_rotation_matrix_wind_to_geometry(
     ) @ vel_dir_wind
     return vel_dir_geometry
예제 #9
    def __init__(
        x_d=[0] * 12,
        """ Initialize and build the MPC solver
        # Arguments:
            horizon: Prediction horizon in seconds
            model: System model
        # Optional Argumants:
            Q: State penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
            P: Termial penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
            R: Input penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)*0.01
            ulb: Lower boundry input
            uub: Upper boundry input
            xlb: Lower boundry state
            xub: Upper boundry state
            terminal_constraint: Terminal condition on the state
                    * if None: No terminal constraint is used
                    * if zero: Terminal state is equal to zero
                    * if nonzero: Terminal state is bounded within +/- the constraint
            solver_opts: Additional options to pass to the NLP solver
                    e.g.: solver_opts['print_time'] = False
                          solver_opts['ipopt.tol'] = 1e-8

        self.horizon = horizon

        build_solver_time = -time.time()
        self.dt = h
        self.Nx, self.Nu = 12, 4  # TODO
        Nopt = self.Nu + self.Nx
        self.Nt = int(horizon)
        self.dynamics = dynamics

        # Initialize variables

        # Cost function weights
        if P is None:
            P = np.eye(self.Nx) * 10
        if Q is None:
            Q = np.eye(self.Nx)
        if R is None:
            R = np.eye(self.Nu) * 0.01
        if S is None:
            S = np.eye(self.Nx) * 1000
        if Sl is None:
            Sl = np.full((self.Nx, ), 1000)

        self.Q = ca.MX(Q)
        self.P = ca.MX(P)
        self.R = ca.MX(R)
        self.S = ca.MX(S)
        self.Sl = ca.MX(Sl)

        if xub is None:
            xub = np.full((self.Nx), np.inf)
        if xlb is None:
            xlb = np.full((self.Nx), -np.inf)
        if uub is None:
            uub = np.full((self.Nu), np.inf)
        if ulb is None:
            ulb = np.full((self.Nu), -np.inf)

        self.ulb = ulb
        self.uub = uub
        self.terminal_constraint = terminal_constraint
        # Starting state parameters - add slack here
        x0 = ca.MX.sym('x0', self.Nx)
        x_ref = ca.MX.sym('x_ref', self.Nx * (self.Nt + 1))
        u0 = ca.MX.sym('u0', self.Nu)
        param_s = ca.vertcat(x0, x_ref, u0)

        # Create optimization variables
        opt_var = ctools.struct_symMX([(ctools.entry('u',
                                                     shape=(self.Nu, ),
                                                     shape=(self.Nx, ),
                                                     repeat=self.Nt + 1),
                                                     shape=(self.Nx, ),

        self.opt_var = opt_var
        self.num_var = opt_var.size

        # Decision variable boundries
        self.optvar_lb = opt_var(-np.inf)
        self.optvar_ub = opt_var(np.inf)
        """ Set initial values """
        obj = ca.MX(0)
        con_eq = []
        con_ineq = []
        con_ineq_lb = []
        con_ineq_ub = []
        con_eq.append(opt_var['x', 0] - x0)

        # Generate MPC Problem
        for t in range(self.Nt):

            # Get variables
            x_t = opt_var['x', t]
            u_t = opt_var['u', t]

            # Dynamics constraint
            x_t_next = self.dynamics(x_t, u_t)
            con_eq.append(x_t_next - opt_var['x', t + 1])

            # Input constraints
            if uub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nu, ), -ca.inf))
            if ulb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nu, ), ca.inf))

            # State constraints
            if xub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), -ca.inf))
            if xlb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), ca.inf))

            if obstacles is not None:
                for obs in obstacles:
                    con_ineq.append(self.distance_obs(x_t, obs))
                    con_ineq_lb.append(ca.DM((obs.eps + obs.radius)**2))

            obj += self.running_cost((x_t - x_ref[t * 12:12 + t * 12]), self.Q,
                                     u_t, self.R)

        # Terminal Cost
        obj += self.terminal_cost(
            (opt_var['x', self.Nt] - x_ref[(self.Nt) * 12:12 +
                                           (self.Nt) * 12]), self.P)

        # Terminal contraint

        s_t = opt_var['s', 0]
        con_ineq.append((opt_var['x', self.Nt] - x_ref[(self.Nt) * 12:12 +
                                                       (self.Nt) * 12])**2 -
        con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), 0.0))
        con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), terminal_constraint**2))

        obj += self.slack_cost(s_t, self.S, self.Sl)

        # Equality constraints bounds are 0 (they are equality constraints),
        # -> Refer to CasADi documentation
        num_eq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq).size1()
        num_ineq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_ineq).size1()
        con_eq_lb = np.zeros((num_eq_con, 1))
        con_eq_ub = np.zeros((num_eq_con, 1))

        # Set constraints
        con = ca.vertcat(*(con_eq + con_ineq))
        self.con_lb = ca.vertcat(con_eq_lb, *con_ineq_lb)
        self.con_ub = ca.vertcat(con_eq_ub, *con_ineq_ub)

        # Build NLP Solver (can also solve QP)
        nlp = dict(x=opt_var, f=obj, g=con, p=param_s)

        options = {
            'ipopt.print_level': 0,
            'ipopt.mu_init': 0.01,
            'ipopt.tol': 1e-4,
            'ipopt.sb': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_frac': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_frac': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.mu_strategy': 'adaptive',
            'print_time': False,
            'verbose': False,
            'expand': True,
            'ipopt.max_iter': 100

        if solver_opts is not None:

        self.solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)
        # self.solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'sqpmethod', nlp, self.sol_options_sqp)

        build_solver_time += time.time()

        print('# Time to build mpc solver: %f sec' % build_solver_time)
        print('# Number of variables: %d' % self.num_var)
        print('# Number of equality constraints: %d' % num_eq_con)
        print('# Number of inequality constraints: %d' % num_ineq_con)
예제 #10
 def testRotation(self):
     rpy = np.random.sample(3)
     R = euler2mat(rpy[2], rpy[1], rpy[0], axes='rzyx')
     R_cs = self.dynamics.euler2mat(cs.DM(rpy)).full()
     np_testing.assert_almost_equal(R, R_cs)
예제 #11
 def testOmegaToRpydot(self):
     omega = np.array([2, 0, 0])
     rpydot = self.dynamics.omegaToRpyDot(cs.DM(np.random.sample(3)),
     np_testing.assert_almost_equal(rpydot, omega)
예제 #12
# Create discretized system model with CasADi
x = cas.MX.sym('x', spacecraft.num_states, 1)
u = cas.MX.sym('u', spacecraft.num_forces, 1)
state_derivative_fun = cas.Function(
    'ode', [x, u],
    [spacecraft.ode_scaled(PolarOrbiterState(x), PolarOrbiterThrust(u)).vector],
    ['state', 'thrust'], ['state_derivative'])
next_state = rk4step_ode(state_derivative_fun, x, u, timestep)
next_state_fun = cas.Function('next_state', [x, u], [next_state], ['x', 'u'], ['xnext'])

# Initial state
initial_state = PolarOrbiterState(
print(f"Initial state: {initial_state.vector}")

# Choose controls for simulation
thrusts = np.zeros((spacecraft.num_forces, num_samples))
thrust_radial_stop = 20
thrust_angular_stop = 50
thrusts[0, 0:thrust_radial_stop] = 0.19 * np.ones(thrust_radial_stop)
thrusts[1, 0:thrust_angular_stop] = 0.36 * np.ones(thrust_angular_stop)

# Simulate the system
xs = cas.DM.zeros((spacecraft.num_states, num_samples + 1))
예제 #13
def test_norm_vector():
    a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    cas_a = cas.DM(a)

    assert np.linalg.norm(a) == np.linalg.norm(cas_a)
예제 #14
    def _integrate(self, model, t_eval, inputs_dict=None):
        Calculate the solution of the algebraic equations through root-finding

        model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            The model whose solution to calculate.
        t_eval : :class:`numpy.array`, size (k,)
            The times at which to compute the solution
        inputs_dict : dict, optional
            Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving. If any input
            parameters that are present in the model are missing from "inputs", then
            the solution will consist of `ProcessedSymbolicVariable` objects, which must
            be provided with inputs to obtain their value.
        # Record whether there are any symbolic inputs
        inputs_dict = inputs_dict or {}
        has_symbolic_inputs = any(
            isinstance(v, casadi.MX) for v in inputs_dict.values())
        symbolic_inputs = casadi.vertcat(
            *[v for v in inputs_dict.values() if isinstance(v, casadi.MX)])

        # Create casadi objects for the root-finder
        inputs = casadi.vertcat(*[v for v in inputs_dict.values()])

        y0 = model.y0

        # If y0 already satisfies the tolerance for all t then keep it
        if has_symbolic_inputs is False and all(
                    abs(model.casadi_algebraic(t, y0, inputs).full()) <
                    self.tol) for t in t_eval):
            pybamm.logger.debug("Keeping same solution at all times")
            return pybamm.Solution(t_eval,

        # The casadi algebraic solver can read rhs equations, but leaves them unchanged
        # i.e. the part of the solution vector that corresponds to the differential
        # equations will be equal to the initial condition provided. This allows this
        # solver to be used for initialising the DAE solvers
        if model.rhs == {}:
            len_rhs = 0
            y0_diff = casadi.DM()
            y0_alg = y0
            len_rhs = model.concatenated_rhs.size
            y0_diff = y0[:len_rhs]
            y0_alg = y0[len_rhs:]

        y_alg = None

        # Set up
        t_sym = casadi.MX.sym("t")
        y_alg_sym = casadi.MX.sym("y_alg", y0_alg.shape[0])
        y_sym = casadi.vertcat(y0_diff, y_alg_sym)

        t_and_inputs_sym = casadi.vertcat(t_sym, symbolic_inputs)
        alg = model.casadi_algebraic(t_sym, y_sym, inputs)

        # Check interpolant extrapolation
        if model.interpolant_extrapolation_events_eval:
            extrap_event = [
                event(0, y0, inputs)
                for event in model.interpolant_extrapolation_events_eval
            if extrap_event:
                if (np.concatenate(extrap_event) < self.extrap_tol).any():
                    extrap_event_names = []
                    for event in model.events:
                        if (event.event_type
                                == pybamm.EventType.INTERPOLANT_EXTRAPOLATION
                                and (event.expression.evaluate(
                                    0, y0.full(), inputs=inputs) <

                    raise pybamm.SolverError(
                        "CasADi solver failed because the following interpolation "
                        "bounds were exceeded at the initial conditions: {}. "
                        "You may need to provide additional interpolation points "
                        "outside these bounds.".format(extrap_event_names))

        # Set constraints vector in the casadi format
        # Constrain the unknowns. 0 (default): no constraint on ui, 1: ui >= 0.0,
        # -1: ui <= 0.0, 2: ui > 0.0, -2: ui < 0.0.
        constraints = np.zeros_like(model.bounds[0], dtype=int)
        # If the lower bound is positive then the variable must always be positive
        constraints[model.bounds[0] >= 0] = 1
        # If the upper bound is negative then the variable must always be negative
        constraints[model.bounds[1] <= 0] = -1

        # Set up rootfinder
        roots = casadi.rootfinder(
            dict(x=y_alg_sym, p=t_and_inputs_sym, g=alg),
                "abstol": self.tol,
                "constraints": list(constraints[len_rhs:]),
        timer = pybamm.Timer()
        integration_time = 0
        for idx, t in enumerate(t_eval):
            # Evaluate algebraic with new t and previous y0, if it's already close
            # enough then keep it
            # We can't do this if there are symbolic inputs
            if has_symbolic_inputs is False and np.all(
                    abs(model.casadi_algebraic(t, y0, inputs).full()) <
                pybamm.logger.debug("Keeping same solution at t={}".format(
                    t * model.timescale_eval))
                if y_alg is None:
                    y_alg = y0_alg
                    y_alg = casadi.horzcat(y_alg, y0_alg)
            # Otherwise calculate new y_sol
                t_eval_inputs_sym = casadi.vertcat(t, symbolic_inputs)
                # Solve
                    y_alg_sol = roots(y0_alg, t_eval_inputs_sym)
                    integration_time += timer.time()
                    success = True
                    message = None
                    # Check final output
                    y_sol = casadi.vertcat(y0_diff, y_alg_sol)
                    fun = model.casadi_algebraic(t, y_sol, inputs)
                except RuntimeError as err:
                    success = False
                    message = err.args[0]
                    fun = None

                # If there are no symbolic inputs, check the function is below the tol
                # Skip this check if there are symbolic inputs
                if success and (has_symbolic_inputs is True or
                                (not any(np.isnan(fun))
                                 and np.all(casadi.fabs(fun) < self.tol))):
                    # update initial guess for the next iteration
                    y0_alg = y_alg_sol
                    y0 = casadi.vertcat(y0_diff, y0_alg)
                    # update solution array
                    if y_alg is None:
                        y_alg = y_alg_sol
                        y_alg = casadi.horzcat(y_alg, y_alg_sol)
                elif not success:
                    raise pybamm.SolverError(
                        "Could not find acceptable solution: {}".format(
                elif any(np.isnan(fun)):
                    raise pybamm.SolverError(
                        "Could not find acceptable solution: solver returned NaNs"
                    raise pybamm.SolverError("""
                        Could not find acceptable solution: solver terminated
                        successfully, but maximum solution error ({})
                        above tolerance ({})
                        """.format(casadi.mmax(casadi.fabs(fun)), self.tol))

        # Concatenate differential part
        y_diff = casadi.horzcat(*[y0_diff] * len(t_eval))
        y_sol = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg)
        # Return solution object (no events, so pass None to t_event, y_event)
        sol = pybamm.Solution([t_eval],
        sol.integration_time = integration_time
        return sol
예제 #15
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with casiopeia. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This example is an adapted version of the system identification example
# included in CasADi, for the original file see:
# https://github.com/casadi/casadi/blob/master/docs/examples/python/sysid.py

import pylab as pl

import casadi as ca
import casiopeia as cp

N = 10000
fs = 610.1

p_true = ca.DM([5.625e-6, 2.3e-4, 1, 4.69])
p_guess = ca.DM([5, 3, 1, 5])
scale = ca.vertcat(1e-6, 1e-4, 1, 1)

x = ca.MX.sym("x", 2)
u = ca.MX.sym("u", 1)
p = ca.MX.sym("p", 4)

f = ca.vertcat(
        x[1], \
        (u - scale[3] * p[3] * x[0]**3 - scale[2] * p[2] * x[0] - \
            scale[1] * p[1] * x[1]) / (scale[0] * p[0]), \

phi = x
예제 #16
def make_preismann_model(simulation_type, pred_horizon):
    Construct the Preismann model based state space model, using the prediction horizon and the
    disturbance magnitude
    :param simulation_type: This is to denote in the state_space_mode|l which type of simulation it is.
    :param pred_horizon: Length of the prediction horizon
    :return: Entire state space model of the Preismann model with both the initial conditions and with the
    weight matrices.

    Ap = ca.DM([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                    0., -0.57690, 0.32141, 0.11616, -0.00806, -1.3343, 0.01643,
                    1.5745, -0.02942, -1.9671, 0.04957, -1.0914, 0.90771
                ], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                    0., 1.3295, -0.25344, 0.63522, 0.04337, 1.3427, -0.01652,
                    -1.5843, 0.02961, 1.9795, -0.04988, 1.0983, -0.91339
                    0., 5.8510, -1.1153, 5.8806, -1.3277, -0.19762, 0.002434,
                    0.23319, -0.004359, -0.29133, 0.007338, -0.16164, 0.13443
                    0., -0.92533, 0.17639, 0.52445, -0.06726, -0.6130, 0.05206,
                    1.6107, -0.03011, -2.0124, 0.05071, -1.1166, 0.92859
                    0., -3.7105, 0.70732, 2.1033, -0.26973, 6.1943, -1.3306,
                    -0.39037, 0.007293, 0.48773, -0.01229, 0.27060, -0.22506
                    0., 0.66951, -0.12762, -0.37947, 0.04867, 1.6334, -0.07625,
                    -0.8962, 0.06604, 2.0594, -0.05189, 1.1426, -0.95026
                    0., 2.3410, -0.44621, -1.3269, 0.17023, 5.7112, -0.26658,
                    6.3626, -1.3358, -0.62377, 0.01572, -0.34608, 0.28783
                    0., -0.50862, 0.096954, 0.28827, -0.03697, -1.2409,
                    0.05792, 1.9303, -0.09067, -1.3642, 0.08856, -1.1742,
                    0., -1.4643, 0.27913, 0.82986, -0.10640, -3.5725, 0.16679,
                    5.5571, -0.26105, 6.5851, -1.3447, 0.40035, -0.33296
                    0., 0.44672, -0.085151, -0.25320, 0.032479, 1.0899,
                    -0.050867, -1.6953, 0.079624, 2.6426, -0.12460, 2.1912,
                ], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])

    Bp = ca.DM([[-11.886, 0., -11.886, 0.], [0.21376, 1.1940, 0., 268.53],
                [1.0000, 0., 0., 0.], [-0.14457, -1.2015, 0., -270.20],
                [-0.63619, 0.17683, 0., 39.769], [0.10062, 1.2215, 0., 274.71],
                [0.40347, -0.29604, 0., -66.578],
                [-0.072797, -1.2500, 0., -281.12],
                [-0.25455, 0.37861, 0.,
                 85.147], [0.055305, 1.2845, 0., 288.88],
                [0.15921, -0.43798, 0., -98.503],
                [-0.048574, -2.4988, 0., -293.05], [0., 1.0000, 0., 0.]])

    Bp_d = ca.DM([11.88589540, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

    # ca.DM([0., -0.028882, 0., 0., 0., -0.10716, 0.13604])
    operating_point = ca.DM([
        0., 1.8571, 0., -1.7729, -1.9879, 1.7396, -1.1978, -1.7393, -1.2053,
        1.7608, -1.7156, -2.8334, 0.
    ]) * 1

    # [0.152070692682436]

    # Un-constraint
    lower_bounds_input = None
    lower_bounds_slew_rate = None
    lower_bounds_states = None
    upper_bounds_input = None
    upper_bounds_slew_rate = None
    upper_bounds_states = None

    # Actual constraints
    lower_bounds_input = ca.DM([0, 0, 0, 0])
    # lower_bounds_slew_rate = ca.DM([-ca.inf, -ca.inf, -ca.inf, -ca.inf])
    # lower_bounds_states = ca.DM([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    # upper_bounds_input = ca.DM([2, 2, ca.inf, ca.inf])
    # upper_bounds_slew_rate = ca.DM([1, 1, ca.inf, ca.inf])
    upper_bounds_states = ca.DM([3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3]) * 5

    # size1 and size2 represent the num of rows and columns in the Casadi lib, respectively
    num_states = Ap.size1()
    num_inputs = Bp.size2()

    # Initial conditions here are needed for the right dimensions in the MPC
    [x0, u0] = set_preismann_initial_conditions()
    [Q, R, S] = set_preismann_weight_matrices()

    initial_state_space_model = {
        "system_model": Ap,
        "b_matrix": Bp,
        "b_disturbance": Bp_d,
        "Q": Q,
        "R": R,
        "S": S,
        "x0": x0,
        "u0": u0,
        "operating_point": operating_point,
        "num_states": num_states,
        "num_inputs": num_inputs,
        "sim_type": simulation_type,
        "lower_bounds_input": lower_bounds_input,
        "lower_bounds_slew_rate": lower_bounds_slew_rate,
        "lower_bounds_states": lower_bounds_states,
        "upper_bounds_input": upper_bounds_input,
        "upper_bounds_slew_rate": upper_bounds_slew_rate,
        "upper_bounds_states": upper_bounds_states

    print("Preismann model is constructed.")

    return initial_state_space_model
예제 #17
import casadi as ca
from controller import mpc, mpco
import numpy as np

A = ca.DM([[1, 0], [0, 1.5]])
B = ca.DM([[0.1, 0], [0, 0.5]])
Hp = 40
Hu = 30

Q = ca.DM([[1, 0], [0, 3]])
Qb = mpc.blockdiag(Q, Hp)

R = ca.DM([[1, 0], [0, 2]])
Rb = mpc.blockdiag(R, Hu)
x0 = ca.DM([[10], [11]])
u_prev = ca.DM([-1, -3])
ref = ca.DM.ones(Hp * 2, 1)
ref[1::A.size1()] = np.cumsum(ref[1::A.size1()]) / 20 + 2

mmpc = mpco.MpcObj(A, B, Hu, Hp, Q, R, x0, u_prev, ref)

for i in range(0, 10):
    input("press key")
예제 #18
Q0 = np.full(n_level_nodes, 100.0)
H0 = np.full(n_level_nodes, 0.0)
for i in range(1, n_level_nodes):
    A = w / 2.0 * (H0[i - 1] - H_b[i - 1] + H0[i] - H_b[i])
    P = w + H0[i - 1] - H_b[i - 1] + H0[i] - H_b[i]
    H0[i] = H0[i - 1] - dx * (P / A**3) * sabs(Q0[i]) * Q0[i] / C**2

# Symbols
Q = ca.MX.sym("Q", n_level_nodes, T)
H = ca.MX.sym("H", n_level_nodes, T)
theta = ca.MX.sym("theta")

# Left boundary condition
Q_left = np.full(T + 1, 100)
Q_left[T // 3:2 * T // 3] = 300.0
Q_left = ca.DM(Q_left).T

# Hydraulic constraints
Q_full = ca.vertcat(Q_left, ca.horzcat(Q0, Q))
H_full = ca.horzcat(H0, H)
A_full = w * 0.5 * (H_full[1:, :] - H_b[1:] + H_full[:-1, :] - H_b[:-1])
A_full = ca.vertcat(w * (H_full[0, :] - H_b[0]), A_full,
                    w * (H_full[-1, :] - H_b[-1]))
P_full = w + (H_full[1:, :] - H_b[1:] + H_full[:-1, :] - H_b[:-1])

c = w * (H_full[:, 1:] - H_full[:, :-1]) / dt + (Q_full[1:, 1:] -
                                                 Q_full[:-1, 1:]) / dx
d = ((Q_full[1:-1, 1:] - Q_full[1:-1, :-1]) / dt + theta *
     (2 * Q_full[1:-1, :-1] / A_full[1:-1, :-1] *
      (sH(Q_full[1:-1, :-1]) * (Q_full[1:-1, :-1] - Q_full[0:-2, :-1]) / dx +
       (1 - sH(Q_full[1:-1, :-1])) *
예제 #19
 def test_ctorDefaultUpperBound(self):
     '''Test Inequality ctor with default upper bound
     i = ce.Inequality(cs.MX.sym('x', 3), lb=cs.DM([1, 2, 3]))
     nptest.assert_equal(i.lb, np.array(cs.DM([1, 2, 3])))
     nptest.assert_equal(i.ub, np.array(cs.DM.inf(3)))
예제 #20
def hqpvschqp(params):
    result = {}
    n = params['n']
    total_eq_constraints = params['total_eq_constraints']
    total_ineq_constraints = params['total_ineq_constraints']
    pl = params['pl']  #priority levels
    gamma = params['gamma']
    rand_seed = params['rand_seed']
    adaptive_method = params['adaptive_method']  #True

    n_eq_per_level = int(total_eq_constraints / pl)
    eq_last_level = n_eq_per_level + (total_eq_constraints -
                                      n_eq_per_level * pl)
    n_ineq_per_level = int(total_ineq_constraints / pl)
    ineq_last_level = n_ineq_per_level + (total_ineq_constraints -
                                          n_ineq_per_level * pl)
    # print(n_eq_per_level)
    # print(n_ineq_per_level)
    # print(eq_first_level)
    # print(ineq_first_level)
    count_hierarchy_failue = 0
    count_same_constraints = 0
    count_identical_solution = 0
    count_geq_constraints = 0

    hlp = lexopt_mosek()
    print("Using random seed " + str(rand_seed))
    # n_eq_per_level = 6
    # n_ineq_per_level = 6
        rand_seed)  #for 45, 1, 8 HQP-l1 does not agree with the cHQP
    #15, 18, 11 for 8 priority levels

    x, x_dot = hlp.create_variable(n, [-1e6] * n, [1e6] *
                                   n)  #high enough bounds to not matter
    A_eq_all = cs.DM(np.random.randn(params['eq_con_rank'], n))
    A_extra = (A_eq_all.T @ cs.DM(
                        total_eq_constraints - params['eq_con_rank']))).T
    A_eq_all = cs.vertcat(A_eq_all, A_extra)
    A_eq_all = A_eq_all.full()
    A_eq_all += np.random.randn(total_eq_constraints, n) * 1e-5
    b_eq_all = np.random.randn(total_eq_constraints)
    #normalizing the each row vector
    row_vec_norm = []
    for i in range(A_eq_all.shape[0]):
        row_vec_norm.append(cs.norm_1(A_eq_all[i, :]))
        # print(row_vec_norm)
        b_eq_all[i] /= row_vec_norm[i]
        for j in range(A_eq_all.shape[1]):
            A_eq_all[i, j] = A_eq_all[i, j].T / row_vec_norm[i]

    A_ineq_all = cs.DM(np.random.randn(params['ineq_con_rank'], n))
    A_ineq_extra = (A_ineq_all.T @ cs.DM(
                        total_ineq_constraints - params['ineq_con_rank']))).T
    A_ineq_all = cs.vertcat(A_ineq_all, A_ineq_extra)
    A_ineq_all = A_ineq_all.full()
    b_ineq_all = np.random.randn(total_ineq_constraints)
    b_ineq_all_lower = b_ineq_all - 1
    # print(b_ineq_all)
    # print(b_ineq_all_lower)
    #normalizing the each row vector
    row_ineqvec_norm = []
    for i in range(A_ineq_all.shape[0]):
        row_ineqvec_norm.append(cs.norm_1(A_ineq_all[i, :]))
        b_ineq_all[i] /= row_ineqvec_norm[i]
        b_ineq_all_lower[i] /= row_ineqvec_norm[i]
        for j in range(A_ineq_all.shape[1]):
            A_ineq_all[i, j] = A_ineq_all[i, j] / row_ineqvec_norm[i]

    A_eq = {}
    b_eq = {}
    A_eq_opti = {}
    b_eq_opti = {}
    A_ineq_opti = {}
    b_upper_opti = {}

    A_ineq = {}
    b_upper = {}
    b_lower = {}

    params = x
    params_init = [0] * n
    #create these tasks
    counter_eq = 0
    counter_ineq = 0
    # print(row_ineqvec_norm)
    for i in range(pl):

        if i != pl - 1:
            A_eq[i] = A_eq_all[counter_eq:counter_eq + n_eq_per_level, :]
            b_eq[i] = b_eq_all[counter_eq:counter_eq + n_eq_per_level]
            counter_eq += n_eq_per_level
                cs.mtimes(A_eq[i], x_dot) - b_eq[i], 'eq', i, {'b': 0})

            A_ineq[i] = A_ineq_all[counter_ineq:counter_ineq +
                                   n_ineq_per_level, :]
            b_upper[i] = b_ineq_all[counter_ineq:counter_ineq +
            b_lower[i] = b_ineq_all_lower[counter_ineq:counter_ineq +
            counter_ineq += n_ineq_per_level
            hlp.create_constraint(A_ineq[i] @ x_dot, 'lub', i, {
                'lb': b_lower[i],
                'ub': b_upper[i]

            A_eq[i] = A_eq_all[counter_ineq:counter_ineq + eq_last_level, :]
            b_eq[i] = b_eq_all[counter_eq:counter_eq + eq_last_level]
            counter_eq += eq_last_level
                cs.mtimes(A_eq[i], x_dot) - b_eq[i], 'eq', i, {'b': 0})

            A_ineq[i] = A_ineq_all[counter_ineq:counter_ineq +
                                   ineq_last_level, :]
            b_upper[i] = b_ineq_all[counter_ineq:counter_ineq +
            b_lower[i] = b_ineq_all_lower[counter_ineq:counter_ineq +
            counter_ineq += ineq_last_level
            hlp.create_constraint(A_ineq[i] @ x_dot, 'lub', i, {
                'lb': b_lower[i],
                'ub': b_upper[i]

    hlp.compute_matrices([0] * n, [0] * n)

        result['slp_time'] = hlp.time_taken
        result['slp_status'] = True
        result['slp_status'] = False

    if not adaptive_method:
        hlp.time_taken = 0
        sol = hlp.solve_weighted_method([gamma] * (pl - 2))
        # tic = time.time()
        sol, hierarchical_failure = hqp.solve_adaptive_hqp3(params_init,
                                                            [0] * n,
        # toc = time.time() - tic
        tp = 0  #true positive
        fp = 0
        tn = 0
        fn = 0
    hlp_status = True
    result['hlp_status'] = hlp_status
    if not hlp_status:
        print("hlp-l1 failed")
        result['hlp_time'] = hlp.time_taken
        if adaptive_method:
            result['heuristic_prediction'] = len(hierarchical_failure) == 0
        # if not adaptive_method:
        # 	return False, False, False, True, False, False
        # else:
        # 	return False, False, False, True, False, False, False

    #further analysis and comparison only if both hqp and chqp returned without failing

    lex_opt = True
    if hlp_status and result['slp_status']:
        for i in range(1, pl - 1):
            weighted_obj = sum(hlp.Mw_dict[i]['eq_slack'].level()) + sum(
            sequential_obj = hlp.optimal_slacks[i]
            if weighted_obj > sequential_obj + 1e-5:
                lex_opt = False
                if verbose:
                    print("Lex norm unsatisfied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by " +
                          str(weighted_obj - sequential_obj))

        result['lex_opt'] = lex_opt

    return result
예제 #21
    def solve(self, ):
        self.isSolved = True
        # prepare QP
        QSet, ASet, BSet, AeqSet, BeqSet = self.getQPset()

        if self.algorithm == 'end-derivative' and ASet is not None:
            mapMat = self.coeff2endDerivatives(AeqSet[0])
            QSet, HSet, ASet, BSet = self.mapQP(QSet, ASet, BSet, AeqSet,
        elif self.algorithm == 'poly-coeff' or ASet is None:
            x_sym = ca.SX.sym('x', QSet[0].shape[0])
            opts_setting = {
                'ipopt.max_iter': 100,
                'ipopt.print_level': 0,
                'print_time': 0,
                'ipopt.acceptable_tol': 1e-8,
                'ipopt.acceptable_obj_change_tol': 1e-6

            print('unsupported algorithm')

        for dd in range(self.dim):
            print('soving {}th dimension ...'.format(dd))
            if self.algorithm == 'poly-coeff' or ASet is None:
                obj = ca.mtimes([x_sym.T, QSet[dd], x_sym])
                if ASet is not None:
                    a_set = np.concatenate((ASet[dd], AeqSet[dd]))
                    a_set = AeqSet[dd].copy()
                Ax_sym = ca.mtimes([a_set, x_sym])
                if BSet is not None:
                    b_set_u = np.concatenate(
                        (BSet[dd], BeqSet[dd]))  # Ax <= b_set_u
                    b_set_l = np.concatenate(
                        (-np.inf * np.ones(BSet[dd].shape),
                         BeqSet[dd]))  # Ax >= b_set_l
                    b_set_u = BeqSet[dd]
                    b_set_l = BeqSet[dd]
                nlp_prob = {'f': obj, 'x': x_sym, 'g': Ax_sym}
                solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp_prob, opts_setting)
                    result = solver(
                    Phat_ = result['x']
                    flag_ = True
                    Phat_ = None
                    flag_ = False
                ## qpoases version
                qp = {}
                qp['h'] = ca.DM(QSet[dd]).sparsity()
                qp['a'] = ca.DM(ASet[dd]).sparsity()

                options_ = {
                    'print_time': False,
                    "jit": True,
                    'verbose': False,
                    'print_problem': False,
                solver_ = ca.conic('solver_', 'qpoases', qp, options_)
                    result = solver_(h=QSet[dd],
                    dP_ = result['x']
                    dF_ = BeqSet[dd]
                    Phat_ = solve(mapMat, np.concatenate((dF_, dP_)))
                    flag_ = True
                    dP_ = None
                    flag_ = False

                # ## ipopt version
                # x_sym = ca.SX.sym('x', QSet[0].shape[0])
                # opts_setting = {'ipopt.max_iter':100, 'ipopt.print_level':0, 'print_time':0, 'ipopt.acceptable_tol':1e-8, 'ipopt.acceptable_obj_change_tol':1e-6}
                # print(HSet[dd].shape)
                # obj = 0.5* ca.mtimes([x_sym.T, QSet[dd], x_sym]) + ca.mtimes([HSet[dd].reshape(1, -1), x_sym])
                # Ax_sym = ca.mtimes([ASet[dd], x_sym])
                # nlp_prob = {'f': obj, 'x': x_sym, 'g':Ax_sym}
                # solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp_prob, opts_setting)
                # try:
                #     result = solver(ubg=BSet[dd],)
                #     dP_ = result['x']
                #     # print(dP_)
                #     dF_ = BeqSet[dd]
                #     Phat_ = solve(mapMat, np.concatenate((dF_, dP_)))
                #     flag_ = True
                # except:
                #     dP_ = None
                #     flag_ = False
            if flag_:
                print("success !")
                P_ = np.dot(self.scaleMatBigInv(), Phat_)
                self.polyCoeffSet[dd] = P_.reshape(-1, self.N + 1).T
예제 #22
    q2, q_dot2 = hqp.create_variable(7, 1e-6)
    J2 = jac_fun_rob(q2)
    J2 = cs.vertcat(J2[0], J2[1])
    #progress variables for robot 2
    s_2, s_dot2 = hqp.create_variable(1, 1e-6)

    fk_vals2 = robot.fk(q2)[6]  #forward kinematics second robot
    fk_vals2[1, 3] += 0.3  #accounting for the base offset in the y-direction


    #specifying the cartesian trajectory of the two robots as a function
    #of the progress variable

    rob1_start_pose = cs.DM([0.3, -0.24, 0.4])
    rob1_end_pose = cs.DM([0.6, 0.2, 0.25])
    traj1 = rob1_start_pose + cs.fmin(s_1,
                                      1) * (rob1_end_pose - rob1_start_pose)

    rob2_start_pose = cs.DM([0.3, 0.54, 0.4])
    rob2_end_pose = cs.DM([0.6, 0.1, 0.25])
    traj2 = rob2_start_pose + cs.fmin(s_2,
                                      1) * (rob2_end_pose - rob2_start_pose)

    #Highest priority: Hard constraints on joint velocity and joint position limits
    max_joint_vel = np.array([max_joint_vel] * 7)
    max_joint_acc = np.array([max_joint_acc] * 7)
예제 #23
def analyze_data(data):
    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 13])
    plt.xlabel('t, sec')
    plt.ylabel('mass, kg')

    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 7], label='x')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 8], label='y')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 9], label='z')
    plt.xlabel('t, sec')
    plt.ylabel('body velocity, m/s')
    euler = np.array(
        [np.array(ca.DM(so3.Euler.from_mrp(x))).reshape(-1) for x in data['x'][:, 3:7]])
    plt.plot(data['t'], np.rad2deg(euler[:, 0]), label='roll')
    plt.plot(data['t'], np.rad2deg(euler[:, 1]), label='pitch')
    plt.plot(data['t'], np.rad2deg(euler[:, 2]), label='yaw')
    plt.xlabel('t, sec')
    plt.ylabel('euler angles, deg')
    #plt.title('angular velocity')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 0], label='x')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 1], label='y')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['x'][:, 2], label='z')
    plt.xlabel('t, sec')
    plt.ylabel('angular velocity, rad/s')
    #plt.title('trajectory [side]')
    plt.plot(data['x'][:, 10], -data['x'][:, 12])
    plt.xlabel('North, m')
    plt.ylabel('Altitude, m')
    #plt.title('trajectory [top]')
    plt.plot(data['x'][:, 11], data['x'][:, 10])
    plt.xlabel('East, m')
    plt.ylabel('North, m')

    #plt.title('control input')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['u'][:, 0], label='mdot')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['u'][:, 1], label='aileron')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['u'][:, 2], label='elevator')
    plt.plot(data['t'], data['u'][:, 3], label='rudder')
    plt.xlabel('t, sec')
def create_rocket_stage_phase(mocp, phase_name, p, **kwargs):
    engine_parameters = kwargs['engine_parameters']
    atmosphere_parameters = kwargs['atmosphere_parameters']
    init_mass = kwargs['init_mass']
    has_steering_unit_vector_constraint = kwargs.get(
        'has_steering_unit_vector_constraint', True)

    if init_mass is None:
        assert atmosphere_parameters is None  # Must have mass for drag-acceleration
        assert engine_parameters is None  # Must have mass for thrust-acceleration

    if phase_name == 'target':
        init_position = [
            p.target_position_x, p.target_position_y, p.target_position_z
        init_velocity = [
            p.target_velocity_x, p.target_velocity_y, p.target_velocity_z
        init_position = [p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y, p.launch_site_z]
        init_velocity = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    duration = mocp.create_phase(phase_name, init=0.001, n_intervals=3)

    if init_mass is not None:
        # Total vessel mass
        mass = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mass', init=init_mass)

    # ECEF position vector
    rx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rx', init=init_position[0])
    ry = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ry', init=init_position[1])
    rz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rz', init=init_position[2])
    r_vec = casadi.vertcat(rx, ry, rz)

    mocp.add_path_constraint(sumsqr(r_vec) > 0.99)

    # ECEF velocity vector
    vx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vx', init=init_velocity[0])
    vy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vy', init=init_velocity[1])
    vz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vz', init=init_velocity[2])
    v_vec = casadi.vertcat(vx, vy, vz)

    if engine_parameters is not None:
        launch_site_param = DM(
            [p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y, p.launch_site_z])
        init_up_direction = normalize(launch_site_param)

        # ECEF steering unit vector
        ux = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ux', init=init_up_direction[0])
        uy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uy', init=init_up_direction[1])
        uz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uz', init=init_up_direction[2])
        u_vec = casadi.vertcat(ux, uy, uz)

        if has_steering_unit_vector_constraint:
            # u is a unit vector
            mocp.add_constraint(sumsqr(mocp.start(u_vec)) == 1.0)

        omega_x = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'omega_x', init=0.0)
        omega_y = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'omega_y', init=0.0)
        omega_z = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'omega_z', init=0.0)
        omega_vec = casadi.vertcat(omega_x, omega_y, omega_z)

        alpha_x = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'alpha_x', init=0.0)
        alpha_y = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'alpha_y', init=0.0)
        alpha_z = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'alpha_z', init=0.0)
        alpha_vec = casadi.vertcat(alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_z)

        du_dt = casadi.cross(omega_vec,
                             u_vec) + u_vec * 10 * (1.0 - sumsqr(u_vec))
        mocp.set_derivative(ux, du_dt[0])
        mocp.set_derivative(uy, du_dt[1])
        mocp.set_derivative(uz, du_dt[2])

        mocp.set_derivative(omega_x, alpha_x)
        mocp.set_derivative(omega_y, alpha_y)
        mocp.set_derivative(omega_z, alpha_z)

        mocp.add_path_constraint(dot(u_vec, omega_vec) == 1e-20)

        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-6 * sumsqr(alpha_vec))
        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-6 * sumsqr(omega_vec))

        mocp.add_path_output('u_mag_err', sumsqr(u_vec) - 1)

        throttle = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'throttle', init=1.0)
        throttle_rate = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name,

    r_squared = sumsqr(r_vec) + 1e-8
    v_squared = sumsqr(v_vec) + 1e-8
    airspeed = v_squared**0.5
    orbital_radius = r_squared**0.5
    up_direction = r_vec / orbital_radius
    altitude = orbital_radius - 1.0
    planet_angular_velocity = casadi.DM(
        [0.0, -p.body_angular_rate, 0.0]
    )  # KSP coordinates: planet angular velocity points in negative y direction
    a_gravity = -(r_squared**(
        -1.5)) * r_vec  # Gravitational acceleration (mu=1 is omitted)
    a_coriolis = -2 * cross(planet_angular_velocity,
                            v_vec)  # Coriolis acceleration
    a_centrifugal = -cross(planet_angular_velocity,
                                 r_vec))  # Centrifugal acceleration
    a_vec = a_gravity + a_coriolis + a_centrifugal  # Total acceleration on vehicle

    # Atmosphere
    if atmosphere_parameters is not None:
        atmosphere_fraction = casadi.exp(-altitude /
        air_density = atmosphere_parameters.air_density_MSL * atmosphere_fraction
        dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * v_squared
        mocp.add_path_output('dynamic_pressure', dynamic_pressure)

        # Drag force
        drag_force_vector = (-0.5 * atmosphere_parameters.drag_area *
                             ) * atmosphere_fraction * airspeed * v_vec
        a_vec += (drag_force_vector / mass)

    # Engine thrust
    if engine_parameters is not None:
        if atmosphere_parameters is None:
            exhaust_velocity = engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_vacuum
            exhaust_velocity = engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_vacuum + \
                atmosphere_fraction * (engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_sea_level - engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_vacuum)
        engine_mass_flow = engine_parameters.max_mass_flow * throttle
        thrust = exhaust_velocity * engine_mass_flow
        mocp.add_path_output('thrust', thrust)
        thrust_acceleration = thrust / mass
        mocp.add_path_output('thrust_acceleration', thrust_acceleration)
        thrust_force_vector = thrust * u_vec
        a_vec += (thrust_force_vector / mass)

    ## Differential equations
    if engine_parameters is not None:
        mocp.set_derivative(mass, -engine_mass_flow)
        mocp.set_derivative(throttle, throttle_rate)
    elif init_mass is not None:
        mocp.set_derivative(mass, 0.0)  # Atmospheric coast: mass is constant

    for i in range(3):
        mocp.set_derivative(r_vec[i], v_vec[i])
        mocp.set_derivative(v_vec[i], a_vec[i])

    ## Constraints

    # Duration is positive and bounded
    mocp.add_constraint(duration > 0.004)
    if phase_name == 'target':
        mocp.add_constraint(duration < 20.0)
        mocp.add_constraint(duration < 10.0)

    # Mass is positive
    if init_mass is not None:
        mocp.add_path_constraint(mass > 1e-6)

    if engine_parameters is not None:
        # Do not point down
        mocp.add_path_constraint(dot(up_direction, u_vec) > -0.2)

        # Throttle limits
        mocp.add_path_constraint(throttle < 0.90)
        mocp.add_path_constraint(throttle > 0.05)

        # Throttle rate reduction
        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-5 * throttle_rate**2)

    # Q alpha constraint
    if (atmosphere_parameters is not None) and (engine_parameters is not None):
        lateral_airspeed = casadi.sqrt(
            casadi.sumsqr(v_vec - (dot(v_vec, u_vec) * u_vec)) + 1e-8)
        lateral_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * lateral_airspeed * airspeed  # Same as Q * sin(alpha), but without trigonometry
            (lateral_dynamic_pressure /

    ## Outputs
    mocp.add_path_output('altitude', altitude)
    mocp.add_path_output('airspeed', airspeed)
    mocp.add_path_output('vertical_speed', dot(up_direction, v_vec))
        casadi.norm_2(v_vec - (dot(up_direction, v_vec) * (up_direction))))

    if engine_parameters is not None:
            casadi.acos(dot(v_vec, u_vec) / airspeed) * 180.0 / pi)
            'pitch', 90.0 - casadi.acos(dot(up_direction, u_vec)) * 180.0 / pi)

    variables = locals().copy()
    RocketStagePhase = collections.namedtuple('RocketStagePhase',
    return RocketStagePhase(**variables)
예제 #25
    def _simulate_with_casadi_with_inputs(self, initcon, tsim, varying_inputs,
                                          integrator, integrator_options):

        xalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._diffvars]
        xall = casadi.vertcat(*xalltemp)

        time = casadi.SX.sym('time')

        odealltemp = [
            time * convert_pyomo2casadi(self._rhsdict[i])
            for i in self._derivlist
        odeall = casadi.vertcat(*odealltemp)

        # Time-varying inputs
        ptemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._siminputvars.values()]
        pall = casadi.vertcat(time, *ptemp)

        dae = {'x': xall, 'p': pall, 'ode': odeall}

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            zalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._simalgvars]
            zall = casadi.vertcat(*zalltemp)
            # Need to do anything special with time scaling??
            algalltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(i) for i in self._alglist]
            algall = casadi.vertcat(*algalltemp)
            dae['z'] = zall
            dae['alg'] = algall

        integrator_options['tf'] = 1.0
        F = casadi.integrator('F', integrator, dae, integrator_options)
        N = len(tsim)

        # This approach removes the time scaling from tsim so must
        # create an array with the time step between consecutive
        # time points
        tsimtemp = np.hstack([0, tsim[1:] - tsim[0:-1]])
        tsimtemp.shape = (1, len(tsimtemp))

        palltemp = [casadi.DM(tsimtemp)]

        # Need a similar np array for each time-varying input
        for p in self._siminputvars.keys():
            profile = varying_inputs[p]
            tswitch = list(profile.keys())
            tidx = [tsim.searchsorted(i) for i in tswitch] + \
                   [len(tsim) - 1]
            ptemp = [profile[0]] + \
                    [casadi.repmat(profile[tswitch[i]], 1,
                                   tidx[i + 1] - tidx[i])
                     for i in range(len(tswitch))]
            temp = casadi.horzcat(*ptemp)

        I = F.mapaccum('simulator', N)
        sol = I(x0=initcon, p=casadi.vertcat(*palltemp))
        profile = sol['xf'].full().T

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            algprofile = sol['zf'].full().T
            profile = np.concatenate((profile, algprofile), axis=1)

        return [tsim, profile]
예제 #26
def _convertToDmIfNotDmStruct(val):
    return val if isinstance(val, DMStruct) else cs.DM(val)
예제 #27
    def run(self, x0=[0, 0, 0, 0]):
        Run simulator with specified system dynamics and control function.

        print("Running simulation....")
        sim_loop_length = int(
            self.total_sim_time / self.dt) + 1  # account for 0th
        t = np.array([0])
        y_vec = np.array([x0]).T
        u_vec = np.array([0])

        # Start figure
        if ANIM:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
            ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
        for i in range(sim_loop_length):

            # Translate data to ca.DM
            x = ca.DM(4, 1).full()
            x = y_vec[:, -1]

                # Get control input and obtain next state
                u = self.controller(x)
                x_next = self.dynamics(x, u)
            except RuntimeError:
                    "Uh oh, your simulator crashed due to unstable dynamics.\n \
                       Retry with new controller parameters.")

            # Store data
            t = np.append(t, t[-1] + self.dt)
            y_vec = np.append(y_vec, np.array(x_next), axis=1)
            u_vec = np.append(u_vec, np.array(u))

            # Get plot window values:
            if self.plt_window != float("inf"):
                l_wnd = 0 if int(i + 1 -
                                 self.plt_window / self.dt) < 1 else int(
                                     i + 1 - self.plt_window / self.dt)
                l_wnd = 0

            if ANIM:
            plt.plot(t[l_wnd:-1], y_vec[0, l_wnd:-1], 'r--', t[l_wnd:-1],
                     y_vec[1, l_wnd:-1], 'b--')
            plt.legend(["x1", "x2"])
            plt.ylabel("X1 [m] / X2 [m/s]")
            plt.ylim([-0.5, 11])
            plt.title("Pendulum on Cart - Ref: " + str(self.model.x_d) +
                      " [m]")

            if ANIM:
            rad_to_deg_x3 = 180 / np.pi * y_vec[2, l_wnd:-1]
            rad_to_deg_x4 = 180 / np.pi * y_vec[3, l_wnd:-1]
            plt.plot(t[l_wnd:-1], rad_to_deg_x3, 'go', t[l_wnd:-1],
                     rad_to_deg_x4, 'k--')
            plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
            plt.ylabel("X3 [deg] / X4 [deg/s]")
            plt.legend(["x3", "x4"])
            if ANIM:

        if ANIM:
        return t, y_vec, u_vec
예제 #28
HPRC = False
Model = 'quad'  #'car_w_trailers' #'car_model' #'youBot_model'
OL_time = 0  #Open loop time taken.

Xg = np.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    filename = "/home/naveed/Dropbox/Research/Data/WAFR20/Quad/MPC_SH_1_wo_obs_modified1.csv"
    file = open(filename, "a")
    file.write('epsilon' + ',' + 'Average Cost' + ',' + 'Cost variance' + ',' +
               'Average Time' + '\n')

if Model == 'quad':
    robot = quad(dt=0.1)
    #open-loop optimisation gain
    R = c.DM([[5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0, 0], [0, 0, 10, 0], [0, 0, 0, 10]])
    Q = c.DM.eye(robot.nx)
    Q[0, 0] = 10
    Q[1, 1] = 10
    Q[2, 2] = 10
    Qf = 1000 * c.DM.eye(robot.nx)

def blockPrint():
    sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')

# Restore
def enablePrint():
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
예제 #29
    def getModel(self, q, dq, u):
        q = ca.reshape(q, 5, 1)
        dq = ca.reshape(dq, 5, 1)
        p0 = ca.MX(self.p0[0, 0])

        p1 = self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) + p0
        p2 = self.l[1, 0] * ca.sin(q[1, 0]) + p1
        p3 = self.l[2, 0] * ca.sin(q[2, 0]) + p2
        p4 = self.l[3, 0] * ca.sin(q[3, 0]) + p2
        p5 = self.l[4, 0] * ca.sin(q[4, 0]) + p4

        c1 = self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) / 2 + p0
        c2 = self.l[1, 0] * ca.sin(q[1, 0]) / 2 + p1
        c3 = self.l[2, 0] * ca.sin(q[2, 0]) / 2 + p2
        c4 = self.l[3, 0] * ca.sin(q[3, 0]) / 2 + p2
        c5 = self.l[4, 0] * ca.sin(q[4, 0]) / 2 + p4

        dc1 = self.l[0, 0] * ca.cos(q[0, 0]) * dq[0, 0] / 2
        dc2 = self.l[1, 0] * ca.cos(
            q[1, 0]) * dq[1, 0] / 2 + self.l[0, 0] * ca.cos(q[0, 0]) * dq[0, 0]
        dc3 = self.l[2, 0] * ca.cos(
            q[2, 0]) * dq[2, 0] / 2 + self.l[1, 0] * ca.cos(
                q[1, 0]) * dq[1, 0] + self.l[0, 0] * ca.cos(q[0, 0]) * dq[0, 0]
        dc4 = self.l[3, 0] * ca.cos(
            q[3, 0]) * dq[3, 0] / 2 + self.l[1, 0] * ca.cos(
                q[1, 0]) * dq[1, 0] + self.l[0, 0] * ca.cos(q[0, 0]) * dq[0, 0]
        dc5 = (self.l[4, 0] * ca.cos(q[4, 0]) * dq[4, 0] / 2 +
               self.l[3, 0] * ca.cos(q[3, 0]) * dq[3, 0] +
               self.l[1, 0] * ca.cos(q[1, 0]) * dq[1, 0] +
               self.l[0, 0] * ca.cos(q[0, 0]) * dq[0, 0])

        dC = ca.reshape(ca.vertcat(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4, dc5), 5, 1)

        ddc1 = (self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) * (-dq[0, 0]**2) / 2)
        ddc2 = (self.l[1, 0] * ca.sin(q[1, 0]) *
                (-dq[1, 0]**2) / 2) + (self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) *
                                       (-dq[0, 0]**2))
        ddc3 = ((self.l[2, 0] * ca.sin(q[2, 0]) * (-dq[2, 0]**2) / 2) +
                (self.l[1, 0] * ca.sin(q[1, 0]) * (-dq[1, 0]**2)) +
                (self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) * (-dq[0, 0]**2)))
        ddc4 = ((self.l[3, 0] * ca.sin(q[3, 0]) * (-dq[3, 0]**2) / 2) +
                (self.l[1, 0] * ca.sin(q[1, 0]) * (-dq[1, 0]**2)) +
                (self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) * (-dq[0, 0]**2)))
        ddc5 = ((self.l[4, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) * (-dq[4, 0]**2) / 2) +
                (self.l[3, 0] * ca.sin(q[3, 0]) * (-dq[3, 0]**2)) +
                (self.l[1, 0] * ca.sin(q[1, 0]) * (-dq[1, 0]**2)) +
                (self.l[0, 0] * ca.sin(q[0, 0]) * (-dq[0, 0]**2)))

        P = ca.MX(5, 5)
        P[0, :] = p0
        P[1, 1:4:1] = p1
        P[2, 2:4:1] = p2
        P[3, 3:4:1] = p3
        P[4, 4:4:1] = p4
        # print(P.shape)

        G = ca.MX(5, 5)
        G[0, 0] = c1
        G[0:1:1, 1] = c2
        G[0:2:1, 2] = c3
        G[0:3:1, 3] = c4
        G[:, 4] = c5
        # print(G.shape)

        ddC = ca.reshape(ca.vertcat(ddc1, ddc2, ddc3, ddc4, ddc5), 5, 1)
        # print(ddC.shape)

        U = ca.reshape(ca.vertcat(0., self.u), 5, 1)
        # print(U.shape)

        M = ca.MX(self.m.reshape(5, 1))
        # print(M)

        I = ca.DM([[self.i[0], self.i[1], self.i[2], self.i[3], self.i[4]],
                   [0., self.i[1], self.i[2], self.i[3], self.i[4]],
                   [0., 0., self.i[2], self.i[3], self.i[4]],
                   [0., 0., 0., self.i[3], self.i[4]],
                   [0., 0., 0., 0., self.i[4]]])
        # print(I)
        iI = ca.inv(I)
        # print(iI)
        Q = U + ca.mtimes((G - P), M * (self.gravity - ddC))
        ddq = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(iI), Q)
        # print(ddq)
        return [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5], dC, ddq
예제 #30
def pv_schedule(Tf, Nperday, x0, B, pv_lambda, p_in, patient_volume, dict_opts):
    N = int(Tf * Nperday)
    dt = Tf/N
    # set maximal treatment volume, default is 500 ml
    if 'max_treatment_volume' in dict_opts.keys():
        max_treatment_volume = dict_opts['max_treatment_volume']
        max_treatment_volume = 500
    # maximal fractional blood removal
    max_fraction = max_treatment_volume / patient_volume

    # Allowed treatment times
    if 'allowed_days' in dict_opts.keys() or 'allowed_hours' in dict_opts.keys() or 'forbidden_days' in dict_opts.keys():
        allowed_arr = allowed_generator(Nperday, dict_opts, N, dt)
        allowed_arr = [1]*N

    # initial value for control, default is zero control
    if 'u_start' in dict_opts.keys():
        u_start = dict_opts['u_start']
        u_start = [ca.DM(0.)] * len(allowed_arr)
    # obtaining objective
    if 'objective' in dict_opts.keys() and dict_opts['objective'] == 'integer_end_point':
        objective = 'integer_end_point'
    elif 'objective' in dict_opts.keys() and dict_opts['objective'] == 'heuristic':
        objective = 'heuristic'
    else: # default
        objective = 'relaxed_int_u'
    if objective == 'integer_end_point':
        # model formulation and integrator
        integrator_function, integrator_function_2 = model_integrator(N, dt, Tf, Nperday, B, max_fraction, pv_lambda,  two_stage=True)    
        # model formulation and integrator
        integrator_function = model_integrator(N, dt, Tf, Nperday, B, max_fraction, pv_lambda)    
        integrator_function_2 = None
    if objective == 'heuristic':
        x1_opt, x2_opt, x3_opt, q_opt, u, tgrid, error_flag = pv_heuristic_alg(Tf, N, np.array(x0), integrator_function, p_in, max_fraction, B, allowed_arr)
        return x1_opt, x2_opt, x3_opt, q_opt, u, tgrid, {}, allowed_arr, error_flag        
        # NLP based problem
        # maximal number of donations, default is none
        if 'u_max' in dict_opts.keys():
            u_max = dict_opts['u_max']
            u_max = None    
        Q, w, w0, g, lbw, ubw, lbg, ubg, discrete = nlp_builder(N, Nperday, 0.05, B, x0, max_fraction, allowed_arr, integrator_function, integrator_function_2, p_in, u_start, u_max)
        # build NLP
        # Solve problem using NLP solver
        if 'obj_factor' in dict_opts.keys():
            obj_factor = dict_opts['obj_factor']
            print('Using objective factor')
            obj_factor = 10
        # problem formulation
        nlp_prob = {'f': obj_factor*Q, 'x': w, 'g': g}

        # define and run NLP solver
        if objective == 'integer_end_point':
            bonmin_options = {'variable_selection': 'most-fractional', 'tree_search_strategy':'dive'} # options used in paper
            # bonmin_options = {'variable_selection': 'nlp-strong-branching', 'tree_search_strategy':'dive'}  
            # bonmin_options = {}   
            nlp_solver = ca.nlpsol('nlp_solver', 'bonmin', nlp_prob, {"discrete": discrete, "bonmin": bonmin_options});            

        else: # objective == 'relaxed_int_u'
            ipopt_opts = {}  
            nlp_solver = ca.nlpsol('nlp_solver', 'ipopt', nlp_prob, {"ipopt": ipopt_opts});
        sol = nlp_solver(x0=ca.vertcat(*w0), lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
        # Integrate solution object to obtain trajectories
        x1_opt, x2_opt, x3_opt, q_opt, u_opt, tgrid = integrate_nlp_sol(sol, x0, allowed_arr,  N, dt, Nperday, Tf, integrator_function, integrator_function_2, max_fraction, p_in)
        return x1_opt, x2_opt, x3_opt, q_opt, u_opt, tgrid, sol, allowed_arr, 0