def expansion_ratio_from_pressure(chamber_pressure, exit_pressure, gamma,
    """Find the nozzle expansion ratio from the chamber and exit pressures.

    See :ref:`expansion-ratio-tutorial-label` for a physical description of the
    expansion ratio.

    Reference: Rocket Propulsion Elements, 8th Edition, Equation 3-25

        chamber_pressure (scalar): Nozzle stagnation chamber pressure [units: pascal].
        exit_pressure (scalar): Nozzle exit static pressure [units: pascal].
        gamma (scalar): Exhaust gas ratio of specific heats [units: dimensionless].

        scalar: Expansion ratio :math:`\\epsilon = A_e / A_t` [units: dimensionless]
    chamber_pressure = cas.fmax(
        chamber_pressure, dubious_min_combustion_pressure(oxamide_fraction))
    chamber_pressure = cas.fmax(chamber_pressure, exit_pressure * 1.5)

    AtAe = ((gamma + 1) / 2) ** (1 / (gamma - 1)) \
           * (exit_pressure / chamber_pressure) ** (1 / gamma) \
           * cas.sqrt((gamma + 1) / (gamma - 1) * (1 - (exit_pressure / chamber_pressure) ** ((gamma - 1) / gamma)))
    er = 1 / AtAe
    return er
예제 #2
def Cd_wave_rae2822(Cl, mach, sweep=0.):
    A curve fit I did to RAE2822 airfoil data.
    Within -0.4 < CL < 0.75 and 0 < mach < ~0.9, has R^2 = 0.9982.
    See: C:\Projects\GitHub\firefly_aerodynamics\MSES Interface\analysis\rae2822
    :param Cl: Lift coefficient
    :param mach: Mach number
    :param sweep: Sweep angle, in deg
    :return: Wave drag coefficient.

    mach = cas.fmax(mach, 0)
    sweep_rad = np.pi / 180 * sweep
    mach_perpendicular = mach * cas.cos(
        sweep_rad)  # Relation from FVA Eq. 8.176
    Cl_perpendicular = Cl / cas.cos(
        sweep_rad)**2  # Relation from FVA Eq. 8.177

    # Coeffs
    c2 = 4.5776476424519119e+00
    mc0 = 9.5623337929607111e-01
    mc1 = 2.0552787101770234e-01
    mc2 = 1.1259268018737063e+00
    mc3 = 1.9538856688443659e-01

    m = mach_perpendicular
    l = Cl_perpendicular

    Cd_wave = cas.fmax(m - (mc0 - mc1 * cas.sqrt(mc2 +
                                                 (l - mc3)**2)), 0)**2 * c2

    return Cd_wave
예제 #3
def Cd_wave_e216(Cl, mach, sweep=0.):
    A curve fit I did to Eppler 216 airfoil data.
    Within -0.4 < CL < 0.75 and 0 < mach < ~0.9, has R^2 = 0.9982.
    See: C:\Projects\GitHub\firefly_aerodynamics\MSES Interface\analysis\e216
    :param Cl: Lift coefficient
    :param mach: Mach number
    :param sweep: Sweep angle, in deg
    :return: Wave drag coefficient.

    mach = cas.fmax(mach, 0)
    sweep_rad = np.pi / 180 * sweep
    mach_perpendicular = mach * cas.cos(
        sweep_rad)  # Relation from FVA Eq. 8.176
    Cl_perpendicular = Cl / cas.cos(
        sweep_rad)**2  # Relation from FVA Eq. 8.177

    # Coeffs
    c0 = 7.2685945744797997e-01
    c1 = -1.5483144040727698e-01
    c3 = 2.1305118052118968e-01
    c4 = 7.8812272501525316e-01
    c5 = 3.3888938102072169e-03
    l0 = 1.5298928303149546e+00
    l1 = 5.2389999717540392e-01

    m = mach_perpendicular
    l = Cl_perpendicular

    Cd_wave = (cas.fmax(m - (c0 + c1 * cas.sqrt(c3 +
                                                (l - c4)**2) + c5 * l), 0) *
               (l0 + l1 * l))**2

    return Cd_wave
예제 #4
    def apply_finish_line_constraints(
        self, opti, endx, endy, endtheta, finish_line, direction, backwards=False
        # Transform robot geometry to pose
        # Only need to consider front or back edge, depending on direction
        p1, p2 = self.GEOMETRY[1] if backwards else self.GEOMETRY[0]
        x1, y1 = rotate_around_origin(p1, endtheta)
        x2, y2 = rotate_around_origin(p2, endtheta)
        x1 += endx
        y1 += endy
        x2 += endx
        y2 += endy

        # Enforce that at least one corner crosses the line
        (x1_fin, y1_fin), (x2_fin, y2_fin) = finish_line
        if direction in ["right", "left"]:
            assert x1_fin == x2_fin

            if direction == "right":
                opti.subject_to(ca.fmax(x1, x2) > x1_fin)
                opti.subject_to(ca.fmin(x1, x2) < x1_fin)
        elif direction in ["up", "down"]:
            assert y1_fin == y2_fin

            if direction == "up":
                opti.subject_to(ca.fmax(y1, y2) > y1_fin)
                opti.subject_to(ca.fmin(y1, y2) < y1_fin)
            raise Exception(f"Unknown direction '{direction}")
예제 #5
def Cl_rae2822(alpha, Re_c):
    # A curve fit I did to a RAE2822 airfoil, 2D XFoil data. Incompressible flow.
    # Within -2 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < 10^6, has R^2 = 0.9857
    # Likely valid from -6 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < 10^6.
    # See: C:\Projects\GitHub\firefly_aerodynamics\Gists and Ideas\XFoil Drag Fitting\rae2822

    Re_c = cas.fmax(Re_c, 1)
    log10_Re = cas.log10(Re_c)

    # Coeffs
    a1l = 5.5686866813855172e-02
    a1t = 9.7472055628494134e-02
    a4l = -7.2145733312046152e-09
    a4t = -3.6886704372829236e-06
    atr = 8.3723547264375520e-01
    atr2 = -8.3128119739031697e-02
    c0l = -4.9103908291438701e-02
    c0t = 2.3903424824298553e-01
    ctr = 1.3082854754897108e+01
    rtr = 2.6963082864300731e+00

    a = alpha
    r = log10_Re

    Cl = (c0t + a1t * a + a4t * a**4) * 1 / (
        1 + cas.exp(ctr - rtr * r - atr * a - atr2 * a**2)) + (
            c0l + a1l * a + a4l * a**4) * (
                1 - 1 / (1 + cas.exp(ctr - rtr * r - atr * a - atr2 * a**2)))

    return Cl
예제 #6
def Cd_profile_rae2822(alpha, Re_c):
    # A curve fit I did to a RAE2822 airfoil, 2D XFoil data. Incompressible flow.
    # Within -2 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < 10^6, has R^2 = 0.9995
    # Likely valid from -6 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < Inf.
    # see: C:\Projects\GitHub\firefly_aerodynamics\Gists and Ideas\XFoil Drag Fitting\e216

    Re_c = cas.fmax(Re_c, 1)
    log10_Re = cas.log10(Re_c)

    # Coeffs
    at = 8.1034027621509015e+00
    c0l = -8.4296746456429639e-01
    c0t = -1.3700609138855402e+00
    kart = -4.1609994062600880e-01
    kat = 5.9510959342452441e-01
    krt = -7.1938030052506197e-01
    r1l = 1.1548628822014631e-01
    r1t = -4.9133662875044504e-01
    rt = 5.0070459892411696e+00

    a = alpha
    r = log10_Re

    log10_Cd = (c0t + r1t * (r - 4)) * (
            1 / (1 + cas.exp(kat * (a - at) + krt * (r - rt) + kart * (a - at) * (r - rt)))) + (
                       c0l + r1l * (r - 4)) * (
                       1 - 1 / (1 + cas.exp(kat * (a - at) + krt * (r - rt) + kart * (a - at) * (r - rt))))

    Cd = 10 ** log10_Cd

    return Cd
예제 #7
def Cd_profile_e216(alpha, Re_c):
    # A curve fit I did to a Eppler 216 (e216) airfoil, 2D XFoil data. Incompressible flow.
    # Within -2 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < 10^6, has R^2 = 0.9995
    # Likely valid from -6 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < 10^6.
    # see: C:\Projects\GitHub\firefly_aerodynamics\Gists and Ideas\XFoil Drag Fitting\e216

    Re_c = cas.fmax(Re_c, 1)
    log10_Re = cas.log10(Re_c)

    # Coeffs
    a1l = 4.7167470806940448e-02
    a1t = 7.5663005080888857e-02
    a2l = 8.7552076545610764e-04
    a4t = 1.1220763679805319e-05
    atr = 4.2456038382581129e-01
    c0l = -1.4099657419753771e+00
    c0t = -2.3855286371940609e+00
    ctr = 9.1474872611212135e+01
    rtr = 3.0218483612170434e+01
    rtr2 = -2.4515094313899279e+00

    a = alpha
    r = log10_Re

    log10_Cd = (c0t + a1t * a + a4t * a**4) * 1 / (
        1 + cas.exp(ctr - rtr * r - atr * a - rtr2 * r**2)) + (
            c0l + a1l * a + a2l * a**2) * (
                1 - 1 / (1 + cas.exp(ctr - rtr * r - atr * a - rtr2 * r**2)))

    Cd = 10**log10_Cd

    return Cd
예제 #8
def Cd_profile_2412(alpha, Re_c):
    # A curve fit I did to a NACA 2412 airfoil in incompressible flow.
    # Within -2 < alpha < 12 and 10^5 < Re_c < 10^7, has R^2 = 0.9713

        "Warning: Cd_profile_e216() recommended over Cd_profile_2412(); those are MUCH more accurate fits."

    Re_c = cas.fmax(Re_c, 1)
    log_Re = cas.log(Re_c)

    CD0 = -5.249
    Re0 = 15.61
    Re1 = 15.31
    alpha0 = 1.049
    alpha1 = -4.715
    cx = 0.009528
    cxy = -0.00588
    cy = 0.04838

    log_CD = CD0 + cx * (alpha - alpha0)**2 + cy * (log_Re - Re0)**2 + cxy * (
        alpha - alpha1) * (log_Re - Re1
                           )  # basically, a rotated paraboloid in logspace
    CD = cas.exp(log_CD)

    return CD
예제 #9
def Cl_e216(alpha, Re_c):
    # A curve fit I did to a Eppler 216 (e216) airfoil, 2D XFoil data. Incompressible flow.
    # Within -2 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < 10^6, has R^2 = 0.9994
    # Likely valid from -6 < alpha < 12 and 10^4 < Re_c < Inf.
    # See: C:\Projects\GitHub\firefly_aerodynamics\Gists and Ideas\XFoil Drag Fitting\e216

    Re_c = cas.fmax(Re_c, 1)
    log10_Re = cas.log10(Re_c)

    # Coeffs
    a1l = 3.0904412662858878e-02
    a1t = 9.6452654383488254e-02
    a4t = -2.5633334023068302e-05
    asl = 6.4175433185427011e-01
    atr = 3.6775107602844948e-01
    c0l = -2.5909363461176749e-01
    c0t = 8.3824440586718862e-01
    ctr = 1.1431810545735890e+02
    ksl = 5.3416670116733611e-01
    rtr = 3.9713338634462829e+01
    rtr2 = -3.3634858542657771e+00
    xsl = -1.2220899840236835e-01

    a = alpha
    r = log10_Re

    Cl = (c0t + a1t * a + a4t * a**4) * 1 / (
        1 + cas.exp(ctr - rtr * r - atr * a - rtr2 * r**2)) + (
            c0l + a1l * a + asl / (1 + cas.exp(-ksl * (a - xsl)))) * (
                1 - 1 / (1 + cas.exp(ctr - rtr * r - atr * a - rtr2 * r**2)))

    return Cl
예제 #10
    def _include_statistics_eqs_of_stochastic_variables(
            self, exp_phi, ls_factor, model, problem):
        self.stochastic_variables = vertcat(*self.stochastic_variables)

        for i in range(self.stochastic_variables.numel()):
            var = self.stochastic_variables[i]
            if var.is_symbolic():
                name =
                name = 'stoch_var_' + str(i)

            _, _, _ = self._include_statistics_of_expression(
                var, name, exp_phi, ls_factor, model, problem)

        for i in range(self.socp.n_g_stochastic):
            var = self.socp.g_stochastic_ineq[i]
            rhs = self.socp.g_stochastic_rhs[i]

            name = 'stoch_constr_' + str(i)
            [stoch_ineq_mean, stoch_ineq_var,
             _] = self._include_statistics_of_expression(
                 var, name, exp_phi, ls_factor, model, problem)

            stoch_cosntr_viol_prob = problem.create_optimization_theta(
                name + '_viol_prob', new_theta_opt_max=0.0)
            k_viol = sqrt(self.socp.g_stochastic_prob[i] /
                          (1 - self.socp.g_stochastic_prob[i]))

                stoch_cosntr_viol_prob -
                (k_viol * sqrt(fmax(1e-6, stoch_ineq_var)) + stoch_ineq_mean -
예제 #11
def vec_max(x):
    """ Compute (symbolically) the maximum element in a vector

    x : nx1 or array
        The symbolic input array
    n, _ = x.shape

    if n == 1:
        return x[0]
    c = fmax(x[0], x[1])
    if n > 2:
        for i in range(1, n - 1):
            c = fmax(c, x[i + 1])
    return c
예제 #12
def atmos(h):
    """Compute press, density and temperature at a given altitude.

        h (float or ndarray): Altitude (in meters).

        (float, float, float) or (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray):
            Air pressure (Pa), density (kg/m3), and temperature (K).


    T = ca.fmax(288.15 - 0.0065 * h, 216.65)
    rhotrop = 1.225 * (T / 288.15)**4.256848030018761
    dhstrat = ca.fmax(0.0, h - 11000.0)
    rho = rhotrop * np.exp(-dhstrat / 6341.552161)
    p = rho * R * T
    return p, rho, T
def burn_rate_coefficient(oxamide_fraction):
    """Burn rate vs oxamide content model.
    Valid from 0% to 15% oxamide. # TODO IMPLEMENT THIS

        a: propellant burn rate coefficient
            [units: pascal**(-n) meter second**-1].
    oxamide_fraction = cas.fmax(oxamide_fraction, 0)

    return a_0 * (1 - oxamide_fraction) / (1 + lamb * oxamide_fraction)
예제 #14
def Cf_flat_plate(Re_L):
    Returns the mean skin friction coefficient over a flat plate. Don't forget to double it (two sides) if you want a drag coefficient.
    :param Re_L: Reynolds number, normalized to the length of the flat plate.
    :return: Mean skin friction coefficient over a flat plate.
    Re_L = cas.fabs(Re_L)
    # return 0.074 / Re_L ** 0.2  # Turbulent flat plate
    # return 0.02666 * Re_L ** -0.139  # Schlichting's model, roughly accounts for laminar part ("Boundary Layer Theory" 7th Ed., pg. 644)
    # return smoothmax(0.074 / Re_L ** 0.2 - 1742 / Re_L, 1.33 / Re_L ** 0.5, 1000)
    return cas.fmax(0.074 / Re_L**0.2 - 1742 / Re_L, 1.33 / Re_L**0.5)
예제 #15
        def predict():

            Xc = cs.SX.sym('control', self.n_control, 1)
            Xd = cs.SX.sym('disturbance', self.n_disturbance, 1)

            X1 = cs.vertcat(Xd, Xc).T
            X2 = cs.DM(self.model.X_train_)

            RBF_length_scale = self.model.kernel_.get_params(
            )['k1__k1__k2__length_scale'].reshape(1, -1)
            RBF_constant = self.model.kernel_.get_params(
            Constant_constant = self.model.kernel_.get_params(
            RQ_constant = self.model.kernel_.get_params(
            RQ_alpha = self.model.kernel_.get_params()['k2__k2__alpha']
            RQ_length_scale = self.model.kernel_.get_params(

            # mean
            K1 = RBF_constant * self.RBFn(X1, RBF_length_scale)
            K2 = Constant_constant * Constant(self.n_samples)
            K3 = RQ_constant * self.RationalQuadraticn(X1, RQ_alpha,
            K = (K1 + K2) * K3
            y_mean = cs.mtimes(K, self.model.alpha_) + self.model.y_train_mean
            y_mean = 0.5 * (y_mean + 1) * (
                self.normalizer_y.data_max_ -
                self.normalizer_y.data_min_) + self.normalizer_y.data_min_

            # variance: solve L L^T x = K^T
            #            v = linsolve_lower(self.model.L_, K.T)
            #            x = linsolve_uppper(self.model.L_.T, v)
            x = cs.mtimes(self.LLinv, K.T)

            K1 = RBF_constant * self.RBF1(X1, X1, RBF_length_scale)
            K2 = Constant_constant * Constant(1)
            K3 = RQ_constant * self.RationalQuadratic1(X1, X1, RQ_alpha,
            K_ = (K1 + K2) * K3
            y_var = K_ - cs.mtimes(K, x)
            y_var = cs.fmax(0, y_var)
            y_std = y_var**0.5
            y_std = y_std * (self.normalizer_y.data_max_ -
                             self.normalizer_y.data_min_) / 2

            predict = cs.Function('predict', [Xc, Xd], [y_mean, y_std])
            self.predict_ = predict
예제 #16
def scattering_factor(elevation_angle):
    Calculates a scattering factor (a factor that gives losses due to atmospheric scattering at low elevation angles).
    Source: AeroSandbox/studies/SolarPanelScattering
    :param elevation_angle: Angle between the horizon and the sun [degrees]
    :return: Fraction of the light that is not lost to scattering.
    elevation_angle = cas.fmin(cas.fmax(elevation_angle, 0), 90)
    theta = 90 - elevation_angle  # Angle between panel normal and the sun, in degrees
    theta_rad = theta * cas.pi / 180

    # # Model 1
    # c = (
    #     0.27891510500505767300438719757949,
    #     -0.015994330894744987481281839336589,
    #     -19.707332432605799255043166340329,
    #     -0.66260979582573353852126274432521
    # )
    # scattering_factor = c[0] + c[3] * theta_rad + cas.exp(
    #     c[1] * (
    #             cas.tan(theta_rad) + c[2] * theta_rad
    #     )
    # )

    # Model 2
    c = (
    scattering_factor = cas.exp(
        c[0] * (
                cas.tan(theta_rad * 0.999) + c[1] * theta_rad

    # # Model 3
    # p1 = -21.74
    # p2 = 282.6
    # p3 = -1538
    # p4 = 1786
    # q1 = -923.2
    # q2 = 1456
    # x = theta_rad
    # scattering_factor = ((p1*x**3 + p2*x**2 + p3*x + p4) /
    #            (x**2 + q1*x + q2))

    # Keep this:
    # scattering_factor = cas.fmin(cas.fmax(scattering_factor, 0), 1)
    return scattering_factor
def find_closest_point_on_line(posex, posey, startx, starty, endx, endy):
    #A to Position = position - line_start
    a2px = posex - startx
    a2py = posey - starty
    #A to B = line_end - line_start
    a2bx = endx - startx
    a2by = endy - starty
    sq_a2b = ca.fmax(0.001, a2bx**2 +
                     a2by**2)  #max, to make sure that we are not deviding by 0
    a2p_dot_a2b = a2px * a2bx + a2py * a2by
    diff = a2p_dot_a2b / sq_a2b
    diff = ca.if_else(diff < 0, 0, diff)
    diff = ca.if_else(diff > 1, 1, diff)
    #diff = ca.fmax(0, ca.fmin(1, a2p_dot_a2b/sq_a2b))
    closest_point = ca.vertcat(startx + a2bx * diff, starty + a2by * diff)
    return closest_point
예제 #18
def Cd_wave_Korn(Cl, t_over_c, mach, sweep=0, kappa_A=0.95):
    Wave drag_force coefficient prediction using the (very) low-fidelity Korn Equation method; derived in "Configuration Aerodynamics" by W.H. Mason, Sect. 7.5.2, pg. 7-18
    :param Cl: (2D) lift_force coefficient
    :param t_over_c: thickness-to-chord ratio
    :param sweep: sweep angle, in degrees
    :param kappa_A: Airfoil technology factor (0.95 for supercritical section, 0.87 for NACA 6-series)
    :return: Wave drag coefficient
    mach = cas.fmax(mach, 0)
    sweep_rad = np.pi / 180 * sweep
    Mdd = kappa_A / cas.cos(sweep_rad) - t_over_c / cas.cos(sweep_rad) ** 2 - Cl / (10 * cas.cos(sweep_rad) ** 3)
    Mcrit = Mdd - (0.1 / 80) ** (1 / 3)
    # Cd_wave = 20 * cas.ramp(mach - Mcrit) ** 4
    Cd_wave = 20 * cas.if_else(mach > Mcrit, mach - Mcrit, 0) ** 4

    return Cd_wave
예제 #19
def smoothmax(value1, value2, hardness):
    A smooth maximum between two functions.
    Useful because it's differentiable and convex!
    Great writeup by John D Cook here:
    :param value1: Value of function 1.
    :param value2: Value of function 2.
    :param hardness: Hardness parameter. Higher values make this closer to max(x1, x2).
    :return: Soft maximum of the two supplied values.
    value1 = value1 * hardness
    value2 = value2 * hardness
    max = cas.fmax(value1, value2)
    min = cas.fmin(value1, value2)
    out = max + cas.log(1 + cas.exp(min - max))
    out /= hardness
    return out
예제 #20
def solar_elevation_angle(latitude, day_of_year, time):
    Elevation angle of the sun [degrees] for a local observer.
    :param latitude: Latitude [degrees]
    :param day_of_year: Julian day (1 == Jan. 1, 365 == Dec. 31)
    :param time: Time after local solar noon [seconds]
    :return: Solar elevation angle [degrees] (angle between horizon and sun). Returns 0 if the sun is below the horizon.

    # Solar elevation angle (including seasonality, latitude, and time of day)
    # Source:
    declination = declination_angle(day_of_year)

    solar_elevation_angle = cas.asin(
        sind(declination) * sind(latitude) + cosd(declination) *
        cosd(latitude) * cosd(time / 86400 * 360)) * 180 / cas.pi  # in degrees
    solar_elevation_angle = cas.fmax(solar_elevation_angle, 0)
    return solar_elevation_angle
예제 #21
    def calculate_optimal_control(self):
        dd_h_dudu, d_h_du = hessian(self.problem.H, self.model.u)
        if is_equal(dd_h_dudu, DM.zeros(self.model.n_u, self.model.n_u)):
            # TODO: Implement the case where the controls are linear on the Hamiltonian ("Bang-Bang" control)
            raise Exception(
                'The Hamiltonian "H" is not strictly convex with respect to the control "u". '
                + 'The obtained hessian d^2 H/du^2 = 0')
        # if not ddH_dudu.is_constant():
        #     raise NotImplementedError('The Hessian of the Hamiltonian with respect to "u" is not constant,
        #                                this case has not been implemented')

        u_opt = -mtimes(inv(dd_h_dudu), substitute(d_h_du, self.model.u, 0))

        for i in range(self.model.n_u):
            if not self.problem.u_min[i] == -inf:
                u_opt[i] = fmax(u_opt[i], self.problem.u_min[i])

            if not self.problem.u_max[i] == inf:
                u_opt[i] = fmin(u_opt[i], self.problem.u_max[i])
        return u_opt
예제 #22
def loadGPModel(name, model, xscaler, yscaler, kernel='RBF'):
    """ GP mean and variance as casadi.SX variable
    X = model.X_train_
    x = cs.SX.sym('x', 1, X.shape[1])

    # mean
    if kernel == 'RBF':
        K1 = CasadiRBF(x, X, model)
        K2 = CasadiConstant(x, X, model)
        K = K1 + K2
    elif kernel == 'Matern':
        K = CasadiMatern(x, X, model)
        raise NotImplementedError

    y_mu = cs.mtimes(K, model.alpha_) + model._y_train_mean
    y_mu = y_mu * yscaler.scale_ + yscaler.mean_

    # variance
    L_inv = solve_triangular(model.L_.T,np.eye(model.L_.shape[0]))
    K_inv =

    if kernel == 'RBF':
        K1_ = CasadiRBF(x, x, model)
        K2_ = CasadiConstant(x, x, model)
        K_ = K1_ + K2_
    elif kernel == 'Matern':
        K_ = CasadiMatern(x, x, model)

    y_var = cs.diag(K_) - cs.sum2(cs.mtimes(K, K_inv)*K)
    y_var = cs.fmax(y_var, 0)
    y_std = cs.sqrt(y_var)
    y_std *= yscaler.scale_

    gpmodel = cs.Function(name, [x], [y_mu, y_std])
    return gpmodel
예제 #23
    def apply_obstacle_constraints(self, opti, xpos, ypos, theta, obstacles):
        for obx, oby, obr in obstacles:
            for p1, p2 in self.GEOMETRY:
                # Transform robot geometry to pose
                x1, y1 = rotate_around_origin(p1, theta)
                x2, y2 = rotate_around_origin(p2, theta)
                x1 += xpos
                y1 += ypos
                x2 += xpos
                y2 += ypos

                # Compute the closest distance between a point and a line segment
                px = x2 - x1
                py = y2 - y1
                norm = px * px + py * py
                u = ((obx - x1) * px + (oby - y1) * py) / norm
                u = ca.fmax(ca.fmin(u, 1), 0)
                x = x1 + u * px
                y = y1 + u * py
                dx = x - obx
                dy = y - oby

                dist = np.sqrt((dx * dx + dy * dy))
                opti.subject_to(dist > obr + self.OBSTACLE_BUFFER)
예제 #24
def opt_mintime(reftrack: np.ndarray,
                coeffs_x: np.ndarray,
                coeffs_y: np.ndarray,
                normvectors: np.ndarray,
                pars: dict,
                tpamap_path: str,
                tpadata_path: str,
                export_path: str,
                print_debug: bool = False,
                plot_debug: bool = False) -> tuple:
    Created by:
    Fabian Christ

    The minimum lap time problem is described as an optimal control problem, converted to a nonlinear program using
    direct orthogonal Gauss-Legendre collocation and then solved by the interior-point method IPOPT. Reduced computing
    times are achieved using a curvilinear abscissa approach for track description, algorithmic differentiation using
    the software framework CasADi, and a smoothing of the track input data by approximate spline regression. The
    vehicles behavior is approximated as a double track model with quasi-steady state tire load simplification and
    nonlinear tire model.

    Please refer to our paper for further information:
    Christ, Wischnewski, Heilmeier, Lohmann
    Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning for a Race Car Considering Variable Tire-Road Friction Coefficients

    reftrack:       track [x_m, y_m, w_tr_right_m, w_tr_left_m]
    coeffs_x:       coefficient matrix of the x splines with size (no_splines x 4)
    coeffs_y:       coefficient matrix of the y splines with size (no_splines x 4)
    normvectors:    array containing normalized normal vectors for every traj. point [x_component, y_component]
    pars:           parameters dictionary
    tpamap_path:    file path to tpa map (required for friction map loading)
    tpadata_path:   file path to tpa data (required for friction map loading)
    export_path:    path to output folder for warm start files and solution files
    print_debug:    determines if debug messages are printed
    plot_debug:     determines if debug plots are shown

    alpha_opt:      solution vector of the optimization problem containing the lateral shift in m for every point
    v_opt:          velocity profile for the raceline

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PREPARE TRACK INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # spline lengths
    spline_lengths_refline = tph.calc_spline_lengths.calc_spline_lengths(
        coeffs_x=coeffs_x, coeffs_y=coeffs_y)

    # calculate heading and curvature (numerically)
    kappa_refline = tph.calc_head_curv_num. \
        calc_head_curv_num(path=reftrack[:, :2],

    # close track
    kappa_refline_cl = np.append(kappa_refline, kappa_refline[0])
    w_tr_left_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 3], reftrack[0, 3])
    w_tr_right_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 2], reftrack[0, 2])

    # step size along the reference line
    h = pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"]

    # optimization steps (0, 1, 2 ... end point/start point)
    steps = [i for i in range(kappa_refline_cl.size)]

    # number of control intervals
    N = steps[-1]

    # station along the reference line
    s_opt = np.linspace(0.0, N * h, N + 1)

    # interpolate curvature of reference line in terms of steps
    kappa_interp = ca.interpolant('kappa_interp', 'linear', [steps],

    # interpolate track width (left and right to reference line) in terms of steps
    w_tr_left_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_left_interp', 'linear', [steps],
    w_tr_right_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_right_interp', 'linear', [steps],

    # describe friction coefficients from friction map with linear equations or gaussian basis functions
    if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is not None:
        w_mue_fl, w_mue_fr, w_mue_rl, w_mue_rr, center_dist = opt_mintime_traj.src. \

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DIRECT GAUSS-LEGENDRE COLLOCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # degree of interpolating polynomial
    d = 3

    # legendre collocation points
    tau = np.append(0, ca.collocation_points(d, 'legendre'))

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    C = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    D = np.zeros(d + 1)

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    B = np.zeros(d + 1)

    # construct polynomial basis
    for j in range(d + 1):
        # construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
        p = np.poly1d([1])
        for r in range(d + 1):
            if r != j:
                p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau[r]]) / (tau[j] - tau[r])

        # evaluate polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        D[j] = p(1.0)

        # evaluate time derivative of polynomial at collocation points to get the coefficients of continuity equation
        p_der = np.polyder(p)
        for r in range(d + 1):
            C[j, r] = p_der(tau[r])

        # evaluate integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function
        pint = np.polyint(p)
        B[j] = pint(1.0)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # STATE VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # number of state variables
    nx = 5

    # velocity [m/s]
    v_n = ca.SX.sym('v_n')
    v_s = 50
    v = v_s * v_n

    # side slip angle [rad]
    beta_n = ca.SX.sym('beta_n')
    beta_s = 0.5
    beta = beta_s * beta_n

    # yaw rate [rad/s]
    omega_z_n = ca.SX.sym('omega_z_n')
    omega_z_s = 1
    omega_z = omega_z_s * omega_z_n

    # lateral distance to reference line (positive = left) [m]
    n_n = ca.SX.sym('n_n')
    n_s = 5.0
    n = n_s * n_n

    # relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]
    xi_n = ca.SX.sym('xi_n')
    xi_s = 1.0
    xi = xi_s * xi_n

    # scaling factors for state variables
    x_s = np.array([v_s, beta_s, omega_z_s, n_s, xi_s])

    # put all states together
    x = ca.vertcat(v_n, beta_n, omega_z_n, n_n, xi_n)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CONTROL VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # number of control variables
    nu = 4

    # steer angle [rad]
    delta_n = ca.SX.sym('delta_n')
    delta_s = 0.5
    delta = delta_s * delta_n

    # positive longitudinal force (drive) [N]
    f_drive_n = ca.SX.sym('f_drive_n')
    f_drive_s = 7500.0
    f_drive = f_drive_s * f_drive_n

    # negative longitudinal force (brake) [N]
    f_brake_n = ca.SX.sym('f_brake_n')
    f_brake_s = 20000.0
    f_brake = f_brake_s * f_brake_n

    # lateral wheel load transfer [N]
    gamma_y_n = ca.SX.sym('gamma_y_n')
    gamma_y_s = 5000.0
    gamma_y = gamma_y_s * gamma_y_n

    # scaling factors for control variables
    u_s = np.array([delta_s, f_drive_s, f_brake_s, gamma_y_s])

    # put all controls together
    u = ca.vertcat(delta_n, f_drive_n, f_brake_n, gamma_y_n)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MODEL EQUATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # extract vehicle and tire parameters
    veh = pars["vehicle_params_mintime"]
    tire = pars["tire_params_mintime"]

    # general constants
    g = pars["veh_params"]["g"]
    rho = pars["veh_params"]["rho_air"]
    mass = pars["veh_params"]["mass"]

    # curvature of reference line [rad/m]
    kappa = ca.SX.sym('kappa')

    # drag force [N]
    f_xdrag = pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v**2

    # rolling resistance forces [N]
    f_xroll_fl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh[
    f_xroll_fr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh[
    f_xroll_rl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh[
        "wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_rr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh[
        "wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll = tire["c_roll"] * mass * g

    # static normal tire forces [N]
    f_zstat_fl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_fr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_rl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_rr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]

    # dynamic normal tire forces (aerodynamic downforces) [N]
    f_zlift_fl = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_front"] * rho * v**2
    f_zlift_fr = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_front"] * rho * v**2
    f_zlift_rl = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_rear"] * rho * v**2
    f_zlift_rr = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_rear"] * rho * v**2

    # dynamic normal tire forces (load transfers) [N]
    f_zdyn_fl = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] *
                 (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) -
                 veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_fr = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] *
                 (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) +
                 veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_rl = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] *
                 (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) -
                 (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_rr = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] *
                 (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) +
                 (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y)

    # sum of all normal tire forces [N]
    f_z_fl = f_zstat_fl + f_zlift_fl + f_zdyn_fl
    f_z_fr = f_zstat_fr + f_zlift_fr + f_zdyn_fr
    f_z_rl = f_zstat_rl + f_zlift_rl + f_zdyn_rl
    f_z_rr = f_zstat_rr + f_zlift_rr + f_zdyn_rr

    # slip angles [rad]
    alpha_fl = delta - ca.atan(
        (v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) /
        (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z))
    alpha_fr = delta - ca.atan(
        (v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) /
        (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z))
    alpha_rl = ca.atan(
        (-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) /
        (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z))
    alpha_rr = ca.atan(
        (-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) /
        (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z))

    # lateral tire forces [N]
    f_y_fl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fl *
              (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fl / tire["f_z0"]) *
              ca.sin(tire["C_front"] *
                     ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - tire["E_front"] *
                             (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl -
                              ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl)))))
    f_y_fr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fr *
              (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fr / tire["f_z0"]) *
              ca.sin(tire["C_front"] *
                     ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - tire["E_front"] *
                             (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr -
                              ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr)))))
    f_y_rl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rl *
              (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rl / tire["f_z0"]) *
              ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] *
                     ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - tire["E_rear"] *
                             (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl -
                              ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl)))))
    f_y_rr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rr *
              (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rr / tire["f_z0"]) *
              ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] *
                     ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - tire["E_rear"] *
                             (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr -
                              ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr)))))

    # longitudinal tire forces [N]
    f_x_fl = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh[
        "k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fl
    f_x_fr = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh[
        "k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fr
    f_x_rl = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * (
        1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rl
    f_x_rr = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * (
        1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rr

    # longitudinal acceleration [m/s²]
    ax = (f_x_rl + f_x_rr + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta) -
          (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta) -
          pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v**2) / mass

    # lateral acceleration [m/s²]
    ay = ((f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta) + f_y_rl + f_y_rr +
          (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta)) / mass

    # time-distance scaling factor (dt/ds)
    sf = (1.0 - n * kappa) / (v * (ca.cos(xi + beta)))

    # model equations for two track model (ordinary differential equations)
    dv = (sf / mass) * (
        (f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.cos(beta) +
        (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta) +
        (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.sin(beta) -
        (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta) - f_xdrag * ca.cos(beta))

    dbeta = sf * (
        -omega_z +
        (-(f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.sin(beta) +
         (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta) +
         (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.cos(beta) +
         (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta) + f_xdrag * ca.sin(beta)) /
        (mass * v))

    domega_z = (sf / veh["I_z"]) * (
        (f_x_rr - f_x_rl) * veh["track_width_rear"] / 2 -
        (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * veh["wheelbase_rear"] +
        ((f_x_fr - f_x_fl) * ca.cos(delta) +
         (f_y_fl - f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"] / 2 +
        ((f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta) +
         (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"])

    dn = sf * v * ca.sin(xi + beta)

    dxi = sf * omega_z - kappa

    # put all ODEs together
    dx = ca.vertcat(dv, dbeta, domega_z, dn, dxi) / x_s

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CONTROL BOUNDARIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    delta_min = -veh["delta_max"] / delta_s  # min. steer angle [rad]
    delta_max = veh["delta_max"] / delta_s  # max. steer angle [rad]
    f_drive_min = 0.0  # min. longitudinal drive force [N]
    f_drive_max = veh[
        "f_drive_max"] / f_drive_s  # max. longitudinal drive force [N]
    f_brake_min = -veh[
        "f_brake_max"] / f_brake_s  # min. longitudinal brake force [N]
    f_brake_max = 0.0  # max. longitudinal brake force [N]
    gamma_y_min = -np.inf  # min. lateral wheel load transfer [N]
    gamma_y_max = np.inf  # max. lateral wheel load transfer [N]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # STATE BOUNDARIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    v_min = 1.0 / v_s  # min. velocity [m/s]
    v_max = pars["optim_opts"]["v_max"] / v_s  # max. velocity [m/s]
    beta_min = -0.5 * np.pi / beta_s  # min. side slip angle [rad]
    beta_max = 0.5 * np.pi / beta_s  # max. side slip angle [rad]
    omega_z_min = -0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s  # min. yaw rate [rad/s]
    omega_z_max = 0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s  # max. yaw rate [rad/s]
    xi_min = -0.5 * np.pi / xi_s  # min. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]
    xi_max = 0.5 * np.pi / xi_s  # max. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # INITIAL GUESS FOR DECISION VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    v_guess = 20.0 / v_s

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # HELPER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # continuous time dynamics
    f_dyn = ca.Function('f_dyn', [x, u, kappa], [dx, sf], ['x', 'u', 'kappa'],
                        ['dx', 'sf'])

    # longitudinal tire forces [N]
    f_fx = ca.Function('f_fx', [x, u], [f_x_fl, f_x_fr, f_x_rl, f_x_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_x_fl', 'f_x_fr', 'f_x_rl', 'f_x_rr'])
    # lateral tire forces [N]
    f_fy = ca.Function('f_fy', [x, u], [f_y_fl, f_y_fr, f_y_rl, f_y_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_y_fl', 'f_y_fr', 'f_y_rl', 'f_y_rr'])
    # vertical tire forces [N]
    f_fz = ca.Function('f_fz', [x, u], [f_z_fl, f_z_fr, f_z_rl, f_z_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_z_fl', 'f_z_fr', 'f_z_rl', 'f_z_rr'])

    # longitudinal and lateral acceleration [m/s²]
    f_a = ca.Function('f_a', [x, u], [ax, ay], ['x', 'u'], ['ax', 'ay'])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # FORMULATE NONLINEAR PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # initialize NLP vectors
    w = []
    w0 = []
    lbw = []
    ubw = []
    J = 0
    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    # initialize ouput vectors
    x_opt = []
    u_opt = []
    dt_opt = []
    tf_opt = []
    ax_opt = []
    ay_opt = []
    ec_opt = []

    # initialize control vectors (for regularization)
    delta_p = []
    F_p = []

    # boundary constraint: lift initial conditions
    Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', nx)
    n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(0) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s
    n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(0) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s
    lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min])
    ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max])
    w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    x_opt.append(Xk * x_s)

    # loop along the racetrack and formulate path constraints & system dynamic
    for k in range(N):
        # add decision variables for the control
        Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), nu)
        lbw.append([delta_min, f_drive_min, f_brake_min, gamma_y_min])
        ubw.append([delta_max, f_drive_max, f_brake_max, gamma_y_max])
        w0.append([0.0] * nu)

        # add decision variables for the state at collocation points
        Xc = []
        for j in range(d):
            Xkj = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k) + '_' + str(j), nx)
            lbw.append([-np.inf] * nx)
            ubw.append([np.inf] * nx)
            w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # loop over all collocation points
        Xk_end = D[0] * Xk
        sf_opt = []
        for j in range(1, d + 1):
            # calculate the state derivative at the collocation point
            xp = C[0, j] * Xk
            for r in range(d):
                xp = xp + C[r + 1, j] * Xc[r]

            # interpolate kappa at the collocation point
            kappa_col = kappa_interp(k + tau[j])

            # append collocation equations (system dynamic)
            fj, qj = f_dyn(Xc[j - 1], Uk, kappa_col)
            g.append(h * fj - xp)
            lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
            ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

            # add contribution to the end state
            Xk_end = Xk_end + D[j] * Xc[j - 1]

            # add contribution to quadrature function
            J = J + B[j] * qj * h

            # add contribution to scaling factor (for calculating lap time)
            sf_opt.append(B[j] * qj * h)

        # calculate used energy
        dt_opt.append(sf_opt[0] + sf_opt[1] + sf_opt[2])
        ec_opt.append(Xk[0] * v_s * Uk[1] * f_drive_s * dt_opt[-1])

        # add new decision variables for state at end of the collocation interval
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), nx)
        n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(k + 1) +
                 pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s
        n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(k + 1) -
                 pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s
        lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min])
        ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max])
        w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # add equality constraint
        g.append(Xk_end - Xk)
        lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
        ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

        # get tire forces
        f_x_flk, f_x_frk, f_x_rlk, f_x_rrk = f_fx(Xk, Uk)
        f_y_flk, f_y_frk, f_y_rlk, f_y_rrk = f_fy(Xk, Uk)
        f_z_flk, f_z_frk, f_z_rlk, f_z_rrk = f_fz(Xk, Uk)

        # get accelerations (longitudinal + lateral)
        axk, ayk = f_a(Xk, Uk)

        # path constraint: limitied engine power
        g.append(Xk[0] * Uk[1])
        ubg.append([veh["power_max"] / (f_drive_s * v_s)])

        # get constant friction coefficient
        if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is None:
            mue_fl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_fr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_rl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_rr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]

        # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with linear equations)
        elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "linear":
            # friction coefficient for each tire
            mue_fl = w_mue_fl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fl[k + 1, 1]
            mue_fr = w_mue_fr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fr[k + 1, 1]
            mue_rl = w_mue_rl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rl[k + 1, 1]
            mue_rr = w_mue_rr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rr[k + 1, 1]

        # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with gaussian basis functions)
        elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "gauss":
            # gaussian basis functions
            sigma = 2.0 * center_dist[k + 1, 0]
            n_gauss = pars["optim_opts"]["n_gauss"]
            n_q = np.linspace(-n_gauss, n_gauss,
                              2 * n_gauss + 1) * center_dist[k + 1, 0]

            gauss_basis = []
            for i in range(2 * n_gauss + 1):
                    ca.exp(-(Xk[3] * n_s - n_q[i])**2 / (2 * (sigma**2))))
            gauss_basis = ca.vertcat(*gauss_basis)

            mue_fl =[k + 1, :-1],
                            gauss_basis) + w_mue_fl[k + 1, -1]
            mue_fr =[k + 1, :-1],
                            gauss_basis) + w_mue_fr[k + 1, -1]
            mue_rl =[k + 1, :-1],
                            gauss_basis) + w_mue_rl[k + 1, -1]
            mue_rr =[k + 1, :-1],
                            gauss_basis) + w_mue_rr[k + 1, -1]

            raise ValueError("No friction coefficients are available!")

        # path constraint: Kamm's Circle for each wheel
        g.append(((f_x_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk))**2 + (f_y_flk /
                                                       (mue_fl * f_z_flk))**2))
        g.append(((f_x_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk))**2 + (f_y_frk /
                                                       (mue_fr * f_z_frk))**2))
        g.append(((f_x_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk))**2 + (f_y_rlk /
                                                       (mue_rl * f_z_rlk))**2))
        g.append(((f_x_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk))**2 + (f_y_rrk /
                                                       (mue_rr * f_z_rrk))**2))
        lbg.append([0.0] * 4)
        ubg.append([1.0] * 4)

        # path constraint: lateral wheel load transfer
            (f_y_flk + f_y_frk) * ca.cos(Uk[0] * delta_s) + f_y_rlk + f_y_rrk +
            (f_x_flk + f_x_frk) * ca.sin(Uk[0] * delta_s)) * veh["cog_z"] /
                 ((veh["track_width_front"] + veh["track_width_rear"]) / 2) -
                 Uk[3] * gamma_y_s)

        # path constraint: f_drive * f_brake == 0 (no simultaneous operation of brake and accelerator pedal)
        g.append(Uk[1] * Uk[2])
        lbg.append([-20000.0 / (f_drive_s * f_brake_s)])

        # path constraint: actor dynamic
        if k > 0:
            sigma = (1 - kappa_interp(k) * Xk[3] * n_s) / (Xk[0] * v_s)
            g.append((Uk - w[1 + (k - 1) * nx]) /
                     (pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"] * sigma))
                delta_min / (veh["t_delta"]), -np.inf,
                f_brake_min / (veh["t_brake"]), -np.inf
                delta_max / (veh["t_delta"]), f_drive_max / (veh["t_drive"]),
                np.inf, np.inf

        # path constraint: safe trajectories with acceleration ellipse
        if pars["optim_opts"]["safe_traj"]:
            g.append((ca.fmax(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_pos_safe"])**2 +
                     (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"])**2)
            g.append((ca.fmin(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_neg_safe"])**2 +
                     (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"])**2)
            lbg.append([0.0] * 2)
            ubg.append([1.0] * 2)

        # append controls (for regularization)
        delta_p.append(Uk[0] * delta_s)
        F_p.append(Uk[1] * f_drive_s / 10000.0 + Uk[2] * f_brake_s / 10000.0)

        # append outputs
        x_opt.append(Xk * x_s)
        u_opt.append(Uk * u_s)
        tf_opt.extend([f_x_flk, f_y_flk, f_z_flk, f_x_frk, f_y_frk, f_z_frk])
        tf_opt.extend([f_x_rlk, f_y_rlk, f_z_rlk, f_x_rrk, f_y_rrk, f_z_rrk])

    # boundary constraint: start states = final states
    g.append(w[0] - Xk)
    lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
    ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

    # path constraint: limited energy consumption
    if pars["optim_opts"]["limit_energy"]:
        g.append(ca.sum1(ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)) / 3600000.0)

    # formulate differentiation matrix (for regularization)
    diff_matrix = np.eye(N)
    for i in range(N - 1):
        diff_matrix[i, i + 1] = -1.0
    diff_matrix[N - 1, 0] = -1.0

    # regularization (delta)
    delta_p = ca.vertcat(*delta_p)
    Jp_delta = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), delta_p)
    Jp_delta =, Jp_delta)

    # regularization (f_drive + f_brake)
    F_p = ca.vertcat(*F_p)
    Jp_f = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), F_p)
    Jp_f =, Jp_f)

    # formulate objective
    J = J + pars["optim_opts"]["penalty_F"] * Jp_f + pars["optim_opts"][
        "penalty_delta"] * Jp_delta

    # concatenate NLP vectors
    w = ca.vertcat(*w)
    g = ca.vertcat(*g)
    w0 = np.concatenate(w0)
    lbw = np.concatenate(lbw)
    ubw = np.concatenate(ubw)
    lbg = np.concatenate(lbg)
    ubg = np.concatenate(ubg)

    # concatenate output vectors
    x_opt = ca.vertcat(*x_opt)
    u_opt = ca.vertcat(*u_opt)
    tf_opt = ca.vertcat(*tf_opt)
    dt_opt = ca.vertcat(*dt_opt)
    ax_opt = ca.vertcat(*ax_opt)
    ay_opt = ca.vertcat(*ay_opt)
    ec_opt = ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CREATE NLP SOLVER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # fill nlp structure
    nlp = {'f': J, 'x': w, 'g': g}

    # solver options
    opts = {
        "expand": True,
        "verbose": print_debug,
        "ipopt.max_iter": 2000,
        "ipopt.tol": 1e-7

    # solver options for warm start
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
        opts_warm_start = {
            "ipopt.warm_start_init_point": "yes",
            "ipopt.warm_start_bound_push": 1e-9,
            "ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push": 1e-9,
            "ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push": 1e-9,
            "ipopt.mu_init": 1e-9

    # load warm start files
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
            w0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'w0.csv'))
            lam_x0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_x0.csv'))
            lam_g0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_g0.csv'))
        except IOError:
            print('\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Failed to load warm start files!' +

    # check warm start files
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"] and not len(w0) == len(lbw):
            '\033[91m' +
            'WARNING: Warm start files do not fit to the dimension of the NLP!'
            + '\033[0m')

    # create solver instance
    solver = ca.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp, opts)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # SOLVE NLP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # start time measure
    t0 = time.perf_counter()

    # solve NLP
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
        sol = solver(x0=w0,
        sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)

    # end time measure
    tend = time.perf_counter()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # EXTRACT SOLUTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # helper function to extract solution for state variables, control variables, tire forces, time
    f_sol = ca.Function(
        'f_sol', [w], [x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt],
        ['x_opt', 'u_opt', 'tf_opt', 'dt_opt', 'ax_opt', 'ay_opt', 'ec_opt'])

    # extract solution
    x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt = f_sol(sol['x'])

    # solution for state variables
    x_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, nx))

    # solution for control variables
    u_opt = np.reshape(u_opt, (N, nu))

    # solution for tire forces
    tf_opt = np.append(tf_opt[-12:], tf_opt[:])
    tf_opt = np.reshape(tf_opt, (N + 1, 12))

    # solution for time
    t_opt = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(dt_opt)))

    # solution for acceleration
    ax_opt = np.append(ax_opt[-1], ax_opt)
    ay_opt = np.append(ay_opt[-1], ay_opt)
    atot_opt = np.sqrt(np.power(ax_opt, 2) + np.power(ay_opt, 2))

    # solution for energy consumption
    ec_opt_cum = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(ec_opt))) / 3600.0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # EXPORT SOLUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # export data to CSVs

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PLOT & PRINT RESULTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if plot_debug:

    if print_debug:
        print("INFO: Laptime: %.3fs" % t_opt[-1])
        print("INFO: NLP solving time: %.3fs" % (tend - t0))
        print("INFO: Maximum abs(ay): %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ay_opt))
        print("INFO: Maximum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ax_opt))
        print("INFO: Minimum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amin(ax_opt))
        print("INFO: Maximum total acc: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(atot_opt))
        print('INFO: Energy consumption: %.3fWh' % ec_opt_cum[-1])

    return -x_opt[:-1, 3], x_opt[:-1, 0]
예제 #25
    def _convert(self, symbol, t, y, y_dot, inputs):
        """ See :meth:`CasadiConverter.convert()`. """
        if isinstance(
            return casadi.MX(symbol.evaluate(t, y, y_dot, inputs))

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.StateVector):
            if y is None:
                raise ValueError("Must provide a 'y' for converting state vectors")
            return casadi.vertcat(*[y[y_slice] for y_slice in symbol.y_slices])

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.StateVectorDot):
            if y_dot is None:
                raise ValueError("Must provide a 'y_dot' for converting state vectors")
            return casadi.vertcat(*[y_dot[y_slice] for y_slice in symbol.y_slices])

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BinaryOperator):
            left, right = symbol.children
            # process children
            converted_left = self.convert(left, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
            converted_right = self.convert(right, t, y, y_dot, inputs)

            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Minimum):
                return casadi.fmin(converted_left, converted_right)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Maximum):
                return casadi.fmax(converted_left, converted_right)

            # _binary_evaluate defined in derived classes for specific rules
            return symbol._binary_evaluate(converted_left, converted_right)

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.UnaryOperator):
            converted_child = self.convert(symbol.child, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.AbsoluteValue):
                return casadi.fabs(converted_child)
            return symbol._unary_evaluate(converted_child)

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Function):
            converted_children = [
                self.convert(child, t, y, y_dot, inputs) for child in symbol.children
            # Special functions
            if symbol.function == np.min:
                return casadi.mmin(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.max:
                return casadi.mmax(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.abs:
                return casadi.fabs(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sqrt:
                return casadi.sqrt(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sin:
                return casadi.sin(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.arcsinh:
                return casadi.arcsinh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.arccosh:
                return casadi.arccosh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.tanh:
                return casadi.tanh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.cosh:
                return casadi.cosh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sinh:
                return casadi.sinh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.cos:
                return casadi.cos(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.exp:
                return casadi.exp(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.log:
                return casadi.log(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sign:
                return casadi.sign(*converted_children)
            elif isinstance(symbol.function, (PchipInterpolator, CubicSpline)):
                return casadi.interpolant("LUT", "bspline", [symbol.x], symbol.y)(
            elif symbol.function.__name__.startswith("elementwise_grad_of_"):
                differentiating_child_idx = int(symbol.function.__name__[-1])
                # Create dummy symbolic variables in order to differentiate using CasADi
                dummy_vars = [
                    casadi.MX.sym("y_" + str(i)) for i in range(len(converted_children))
                func_diff = casadi.gradient(
                # Create function and evaluate it using the children
                casadi_func_diff = casadi.Function("func_diff", dummy_vars, [func_diff])
                return casadi_func_diff(*converted_children)
            # Other functions
                return symbol._function_evaluate(converted_children)
        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Concatenation):
            converted_children = [
                self.convert(child, t, y, y_dot, inputs) for child in symbol.children
            if isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.NumpyConcatenation, pybamm.SparseStack)):
                return casadi.vertcat(*converted_children)
            # DomainConcatenation specifies a particular ordering for the concatenation,
            # which we must follow
            elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.DomainConcatenation):
                slice_starts = []
                all_child_vectors = []
                for i in range(symbol.secondary_dimensions_npts):
                    child_vectors = []
                    for child_var, slices in zip(
                        converted_children, symbol._children_slices
                        for child_dom, child_slice in slices.items():
                                child_var[child_slice[i].start : child_slice[i].stop]
                        [v for _, v in sorted(zip(slice_starts, child_vectors))]
                return casadi.vertcat(*all_child_vectors)

            raise TypeError(
                Cannot convert symbol of type '{}' to CasADi. Symbols must all be
                'linear algebra' at this stage.
예제 #26
def f_inv_neg_relu(x):
    return csd.fmax(0, -x)
예제 #27
def f_inv_relu(x):
    return csd.fmax(0, x)
예제 #28
    if load_dual:
        with open(dual_location, 'r') as infile:
            dual_vals = json.load(infile)
        if len(dual_vals) !=
            raise Exception(
                "Couldn't load the dual, since your problem has %i cons and the cached problem has %i cons."
                % (, len(dual_vals)))
        for i in tqdm(range(, desc="Loading dual variables:"):
            opti.set_initial(opti.lam_g[i], dual_vals[i])

sind = lambda theta: cas.sin(theta * cas.pi / 180)
cosd = lambda theta: cas.cos(theta * cas.pi / 180)
tand = lambda theta: cas.tan(theta * cas.pi / 180)
atan2d = lambda y_val, x_val: cas.atan2(y_val, x_val) * 180 / np.pi
clip = lambda x, min, max: cas.fmin(cas.fmax(min, x), max)

def smoothmax(value1, value2, hardness):
    A smooth maximum between two functions.
    Useful because it's differentiable and convex!
    Great writeup by John D Cook here:
    :param value1: Value of function 1.
    :param value2: Value of function 2.
    :param hardness: Hardness parameter. Higher values make this closer to max(x1, x2).
    :return: Soft maximum of the two supplied values.
    value1 = value1 * hardness
    value2 = value2 * hardness
예제 #29
    def simplify(self, options):
        if options.get('replace_parameter_expressions', False):
  "Replacing parameter expressions")

            simple_parameters, symbols, values = [], [], []
            for p in self.parameters:
                value = ca.MX(p.value)
                if value.is_constant():

            self.parameters = simple_parameters

            if len(values) > 0:
                # Resolve expressions that include other, non-simple parameter
                # expressions.
                converged = False
                while not converged:
                    new_values = ca.substitute(values, symbols, values)
                    converged = ca.is_equal(ca.veccat(*values), ca.veccat(*new_values), CASADI_COMPARISON_DEPTH)
                    values = new_values

                if len(self.equations) > 0:
                    self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values)
                if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                    self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values)

                # Replace parameter expressions in metadata
                for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants):
                    for attribute in ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES:
                        value = getattr(variable, attribute)
                        if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant():
                            [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values)
                            setattr(variable, attribute, value)

        if options.get('replace_constant_expressions', False):
  "Replacing constant expressions")

            simple_constants, symbols, values = [], [], []
            for c in self.constants:
                value = ca.MX(c.value)
                if value.is_constant():

            self.constants = simple_constants

            if len(values) > 0:
                # Resolve expressions that include other, non-simple parameter
                # expressions.
                converged = False
                while not converged:
                    new_values = ca.substitute(values, symbols, values)
                    converged = ca.is_equal(ca.veccat(*values), ca.veccat(*new_values), CASADI_COMPARISON_DEPTH)
                    values = new_values

                if len(self.equations) > 0:
                    self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values)
                if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                    self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values)

                # Replace constant expressions in metadata
                for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants):
                    for attribute in ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES:
                        value = getattr(variable, attribute)
                        if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant():
                            [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values)
                            setattr(variable, attribute, value)

        if options.get('eliminate_constant_assignments', False):
  "Elimating constant variable assignments")

            alg_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.alg_states])

            reduced_equations = []
            for eq in self.equations:
                if eq.is_symbolic() and in alg_states:
                    constant = alg_states.pop(
                    constant.value = 0.0


                    # Skip this equation

                if eq.n_dep() == 2 and (eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) or eq.is_op(ca.OP_ADD)):
                    if eq.dep(0).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(0).name() in alg_states and eq.dep(1).is_constant():
                        variable = eq.dep(0)
                        value = eq.dep(1)
                    elif eq.dep(1).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(1).name() in alg_states and eq.dep(0).is_constant():
                        variable = eq.dep(1)
                        value = eq.dep(0)
                        variable = None
                        value = None

                    if variable is not None:
                        constant = alg_states.pop(

                        if eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB):
                            constant.value = value
                            constant.value = -value


                        # Skip this equation

                # Keep this equation

            # Eliminate alias variables
            self.alg_states = list(alg_states.values())
            self.equations = reduced_equations

        if options.get('replace_parameter_values', False):
  "Replacing parameter values")

            # N.B. Any parameter expression elimination must be done first.
            unspecified_parameters, symbols, values = [], [], []
            for p in self.parameters:
                if ca.MX(p.value).is_constant() and ca.MX(p.value).is_regular():

            if len(self.equations) > 0:
                self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values)
            if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values)
            self.parameters = unspecified_parameters

            # Replace parameter values in metadata
            for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants):
                for attribute in ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES:
                    value = getattr(variable, attribute)
                    if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant():
                        [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values)
                        setattr(variable, attribute, value)

        if options.get('replace_constant_values', False):
  "Replacing constant values")

            # N.B. Any parameter expression elimination must be done first.
            symbols = self._symbols(self.constants)
            values = [v.value for v in self.constants]
            if len(self.equations) > 0:
                self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values)
            if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values)
            self.constants = []

            # Replace constant values in metadata
            for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants):
                for attribute in ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES:
                    value = getattr(variable, attribute)
                    if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant():
                        [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values)
                        setattr(variable, attribute, value)

        if options.get('eliminable_variable_expression', None) is not None:
  "Elimating variables that match the regular expression {}".format(options['eliminable_variable_expression']))

            p = re.compile(options['eliminable_variable_expression'])

            alg_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.alg_states])

            variables = []
            values = []

            reduced_equations = []
            for eq in self.equations:
                if eq.is_symbolic() and in alg_states and p.match(
                    del alg_states[]
                    # Skip this equation

                if eq.n_dep() == 2 and (eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) or eq.is_op(ca.OP_ADD)):
                    if eq.dep(0).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(0).name() in alg_states and p.match(eq.dep(0).name()):
                        variable = eq.dep(0)
                        value = eq.dep(1)
                    elif eq.dep(1).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(1).name() in alg_states and p.match(eq.dep(1).name()):
                        variable = eq.dep(1)
                        value = eq.dep(0)
                        variable = None
                        value = None

                    if variable is not None:
                        del alg_states[]

                        if eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB):

                        # Skip this equation

                # Keep this equation

            # Eliminate alias variables
            self.alg_states = list(alg_states.values())
            self.equations = reduced_equations

            if len(self.equations) > 0:
                self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, variables, values)
            if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, variables, values)

        if options.get('expand_vectors', False):
  "Expanding vectors")

            symbols = []
            values = []

            for l in ['states', 'der_states', 'alg_states', 'inputs', 'parameters', 'constants']:
                old_vars = getattr(self, l)
                new_vars = []
                for old_var in old_vars:
                    if old_var.symbol.numel() > 1:
                        rows = []
                        for i in range(old_var.symbol.size1()):
                            cols = []
                            for j in range(old_var.symbol.size2()):
                                if old_var.symbol.size1() > 1 and old_var.symbol.size2() > 1:
                                    component_symbol = ca.MX.sym('{}[{},{}]'.format(, i, j))
                                elif old_var.symbol.size1() > 1:
                                    component_symbol = ca.MX.sym('{}[{}]'.format(, i))
                                elif old_var.symbol.size2() > 1:
                                    component_symbol = ca.MX.sym('{}[{}]'.format(, j))
                                    raise AssertionError
                                component_var = Variable(component_symbol, old_var.python_type)
                                for attribute in ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES:
                                    value = ca.MX(getattr(old_var, attribute))
                                    if value.size1() == old_var.symbol.size1() and value.size2() == old_var.symbol.size2():
                                        setattr(component_var, attribute, value[i, j])
                                    elif value.size1() == old_var.symbol.size1():
                                        setattr(component_var, attribute, value[i])
                                    elif value.size2() == old_var.symbol.size2():
                                        setattr(component_var, attribute, value[j])
                                        assert value.size1() == 1
                                        assert value.size2() == 1
                                        setattr(component_var, attribute, value)
                        values.append(ca.vertcat(*[ca.horzcat(*[v.symbol for v in row]) for row in rows]))
                setattr(self, l, new_vars)

            if len(self.equations) > 0:
                self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, symbols, values)
                self.equations = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(ca.vertsplit(ca.vec(eq)) for eq in self.equations))
            if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, symbols, values)
                self.initial_equations = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(ca.vertsplit(ca.vec(eq)) for eq in self.initial_equations))

            # Replace values in metadata
            for variable in itertools.chain(self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants):
                for attribute in ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES:
                    value = getattr(variable, attribute)
                    if isinstance(value, ca.MX) and not value.is_constant():
                        [value] = ca.substitute([value], symbols, values)
                        setattr(variable, attribute, value)

        if options.get('detect_aliases', False):
  "Detecting aliases")

            states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.states])
            der_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.der_states])
            alg_states = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.alg_states])
            inputs = OrderedDict([(, s) for s in self.inputs])

            all_states = OrderedDict()

            alias_rel = AliasRelation()

            # For now, we only eliminate algebraic states.
            do_not_eliminate = set(list(der_states) + list(states) + list(inputs))

            reduced_equations = []
            for eq in self.equations:
                if eq.n_dep() == 2 and (eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB) or eq.is_op(ca.OP_ADD)):
                    if eq.dep(0).is_symbolic() and eq.dep(1).is_symbolic():
                        if eq.dep(0).name() in alg_states:
                            alg_state = eq.dep(0)
                            other_state = eq.dep(1)
                        elif eq.dep(1).name() in alg_states:
                            alg_state = eq.dep(1)
                            other_state = eq.dep(0)
                            alg_state = None
                            other_state = None

                        # If both states are algebraic, we need to decide which to eliminate
                        if eq.dep(0).name() in alg_states and eq.dep(1).name() in alg_states:
                            # Most of the time it does not matter which one we eliminate.
                            # The exception is if alg_state has already been aliased to a
                            # variable in do_not_eliminate. If this is the case, setting the
                            # states in the default order will cause the new canonical variable
                            # to be other_state, unseating (and eliminating) the current
                            # canonical variable (which is in do_not_eliminate).
                            if alias_rel.canonical_signed([0] in do_not_eliminate:
                                # swap the states
                                other_state, alg_state = alg_state, other_state

                        if alg_state is not None:
                            # Check to see if we are linking two entries in do_not_eliminate
                            if alias_rel.canonical_signed([0] in do_not_eliminate and \
                               alias_rel.canonical_signed([0] in do_not_eliminate:
                                # Don't do anything for now, we only eliminate alg_states

                                # Eliminate alg_state by aliasing it to other_state
                                if eq.is_op(ca.OP_SUB):
                                    alias_rel.add(, '-' +

                                # To keep equations balanced, drop this equation

                # Keep this equation

            # Eliminate alias variables
            variables, values = [], []
            for canonical, aliases in alias_rel:
                canonical_state = all_states[canonical]

                python_type = canonical_state.python_type
                start = canonical_state.start
                m, M = canonical_state.min, canonical_state.max
                nominal = canonical_state.nominal
                fixed = canonical_state.fixed

                for alias in aliases:
                    if alias[0] == '-':
                        sign = -1
                        alias = alias[1:]
                        sign = 1

                    alias_state = all_states[alias]

                    values.append(sign * canonical_state.symbol)

                    # If any of the aliases has a nonstandard type, apply it to
                    # the canonical state as well
                    if alias_state.python_type != float:
                        python_type = alias_state.python_type

                    # If any of the aliases has a nondefault start value, apply it to
                    # the canonical state as well
                    alias_state_start = ca.MX(alias_state.start)
                    if alias_state_start.is_regular() and not alias_state_start.is_zero():
                        start = sign * alias_state.start

                    # The intersection of all bound ranges applies
                    m = ca.fmax(m, alias_state.min if sign == 1 else -alias_state.max)
                    M = ca.fmin(M, alias_state.max if sign == 1 else -alias_state.min)

                    # Take the largest nominal of all aliases
                    nominal = ca.fmax(nominal, alias_state.nominal)

                    # If any of the aliases is fixed, the canonical state is as well
                    fixed = ca.fmax(fixed, alias_state.fixed)

                    del all_states[alias]

                canonical_state.aliases = aliases
                canonical_state.python_type = python_type
                canonical_state.start = start
                canonical_state.min = m
                canonical_state.max = M
                canonical_state.nominal = nominal
                canonical_state.fixed = fixed

            self.states = [v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in states]
            self.der_states = [v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in der_states]
            self.alg_states = [v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in alg_states]
            self.inputs = [v for k, v in all_states.items() if k in inputs]
            self.equations = reduced_equations

            if len(self.equations) > 0:
                self.equations = ca.substitute(self.equations, variables, values)
            if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                self.initial_equations = ca.substitute(self.initial_equations, variables, values)

        if options.get('reduce_affine_expression', False):
  "Collapsing model into an affine expression")

            for equation_list in ['equations', 'initial_equations']:
                equations = getattr(self, equation_list)
                if len(equations) > 0:
                    states = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(itertools.chain(self.states, self.der_states, self.alg_states, self.inputs)))
                    constants = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(self.constants))
                    parameters = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(self.parameters))

                    equations = ca.veccat(*equations)

                    Af = ca.Function('Af', [states, constants, parameters], [ca.jacobian(equations, states)])
                    bf = ca.Function('bf', [states, constants, parameters], [equations])

                    # Work around CasADi issue #172
                    if len(self.constants) == 0 or not ca.depends_on(equations, constants):
                        constants = 0
                        logger.warning('Not all constants have been eliminated.  As a result, the affine DAE expression will use a symbolic matrix, as opposed to a numerical sparse matrix.')
                    if len(self.parameters) == 0 or not ca.depends_on(equations, parameters):
                        parameters = 0
                        logger.warning('Not all parameters have been eliminated.  As a result, the affine DAE expression will use a symbolic matrix, as opposed to a numerical sparse matrix.')

                    A = Af(0, constants, parameters)
                    b = bf(0, constants, parameters)

                    # Replace veccat'ed states with brand new state vectors so as to avoid the value copy operations induced by veccat.
                    self._states_vector = ca.MX.sym('states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.states)]))
                    self._der_states_vector = ca.MX.sym('der_states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.der_states)]))
                    self._alg_states_vector = ca.MX.sym('alg_states_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.alg_states)]))
                    self._inputs_vector = ca.MX.sym('inputs_vector', sum([s.numel() for s in self._symbols(self.inputs)]))

                    states_vector = ca.vertcat(self._states_vector, self._der_states_vector, self._alg_states_vector, self._inputs_vector)
                    equations = [ca.reshape(ca.mtimes(A, states_vector), equations.shape) + b]
                    setattr(self, equation_list, equations)

        if options.get('expand_mx', False):
  "Expanding MX graph")
            if len(self.equations) > 0:
                self.equations = ca.matrix_expand(self.equations)
            if len(self.initial_equations) > 0:
                self.initial_equations = ca.matrix_expand(self.initial_equations)"Finished model simplification")
예제 #30
 def trim_and_square(x):
     return cd.fmax(x, 0)**2