def doit(): # state vector is (x, y, theta) x = cs.SX.sym('x', 3) # control vector is (v, omega) u = cs.SX.sym('u', 2) # explicit variables for readability v = u[0] omega = u[1] theta = x[2] # unicycle kinematic model xdot = cs.vertcat(v*cs.cos(theta), v*cs.sin(theta), omega) # intermediate cost, final cost, final constraint l = cs.sumsqr(u) xf_des = np.array([0, 1, 0]) lf = 1000.0 * cs.sumsqr(x - xf_des) hf = x - xf_des # create solver solver = ilqr.IterativeLQR(x=x, u=u, xdot=xdot, dt=0.1, N=100, intermediate_cost=l, final_cost=lf, final_constraint=None) # solve solver.randomizeInitialGuess() solver.solve(50) plt.figure() plt.title('Total cost') plt.semilogy(solver._dcost, '--s') plt.grid() plt.figure() plt.title('State trajectory') plt.plot(solver._state_trj) plt.legend(['x', 'y', 'theta']) plt.grid() plt.figure() plt.title('Control trajectory') plt.plot(solver._ctrl_trj) plt.legend(['v', 'omega']) plt.grid()
def BaseOptiDX(): pathpoints = 30 ref_path = {} ref_path['x'] = 5 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, pathpoints + 1)) ref_path['y'] = np.linspace(1, 2, pathpoints + 1)**2 * 10 wp = ca.horzcat(ref_path['x'], ref_path['y']).T N = 5 N1 = N - 1 wpts = np.array(wp[:, 0:N]) x = ca.MX.sym('x', N) dx = ca.MX.sym('dx', N - 1) nlp = {\ 'x': ca.vertcat(x, dx), 'f': ca.sumsqr(x - wpts[0, :]) + ca.sumsqr(dx), 'g': ca.vertcat(\ x[1:] - (x[:-1] + dx), x[0] - wpts[0, 0], )\ } S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp) # x0 x00 = wpts[0, :] dx00 = (x00[1:] - x00[:-1]) x0 = ca.vertcat(x00, dx00) lbx = [0] * N + [0] * N1 ubx = [ca.inf] * N + [10] * N1 lbg = [0] * N ubg = [0] * N # solve r = S(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg) x_opt = r['x'] x = np.array(x_opt[:N]) xds = np.array(x_opt[N:N + N1]) print(f"xs: {x.T}") print(f"dx's: {xds.T}") plt.figure(1) plt.plot(wpts[0, :], np.ones_like(wpts[0, :]), 'o', markersize=12) plt.plot(x, np.ones_like(x), '+', markersize=20)
def smooth_track(track): N = len(track) xs = track[:, 0] ys = track[:, 1] th1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N-2) th2_f = ca.MX.sym('y2_f', N-2) x_f = ca.MX.sym('x_f', N) y_f = ca.MX.sym('y_f', N) real = ca.Function('real', [th1_f, th2_f], [ca.cos(th1_f)*ca.cos(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f)*ca.sin(th2_f)]) im = ca.Function('im', [th1_f, th2_f], [-ca.cos(th1_f)*ca.sin(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f)*ca.cos(th2_f)]) sub_cmplx = ca.Function('a_cpx', [th1_f, th2_f], [ca.atan(im(th1_f, th2_f)/real(th1_f, th2_f))]) d_th = ca.Function('d_th', [x_f, y_f], [ca.if_else(ca.fabs(x_f[1:] - x_f[:-1]) < 0.01 ,ca.atan((y_f[1:] - y_f[:-1])/(x_f[1:] - x_f[:-1])), 10000)]) x = ca.MX.sym('x', N) y = ca.MX.sym('y', N) th = ca.MX.sym('th', N-1) B = 5 nlp = {\ 'x': ca.vertcat(x, y, th), 'f': ca.sumsqr(sub_cmplx(th[1:], th[:-1])) + B* (ca.sumsqr(x-xs) + ca.sumsqr(y-ys)), # 'f': B* (ca.sumsqr(x-xs) + ca.sumsqr(y-ys)), 'g': ca.vertcat(\ th - d_th(x, y), x[0] - xs[0], y[0]- ys[0], x[-1] - xs[-1], y[-1]- ys[-1], )\ } S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp) # th0 = [lib.get_bearing(track[i, 0:2], track[i+1, 0:2]) for i in range(N-1)] th0 = d_th(xs, ys) x0 = ca.vertcat(xs, ys, th0) lbx = [0] *2* N + [-np.pi]*(N -1) ubx = [100] *2 * N + [np.pi]*(N-1) r = S(x0=x0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx) print(f"Solution found") x_opt = r['x'] xs_new = np.array(x_opt[:N]) ys_new = np.array(x_opt[N:2*N]) track[:, 0] = xs_new[:, 0] track[:, 1] = ys_new[:, 0] return track
def init_ocp(self): ocp = Ocp(T=FreeTime(20.0)) self.x = ocp.state() self.y = ocp.state() self.theta = ocp.state() self.v = ocp.control() self.theta_dot = ocp.control() ocp.set_der(self.x, sin(self.theta) * self.v) ocp.set_der(self.y, cos(self.theta) * self.v) ocp.set_der(self.theta, self.theta_dot) self.X_0 = ocp.parameter(self.nx) X = vertcat(self.x, self.y, self.theta) ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(X) == self.X_0) max_v = 5 ocp.subject_to(1 <= (self.v <= max_v)) th_dot_lim = 0.5 ocp.subject_to(-th_dot_lim <= (self.theta_dot <= th_dot_lim)) #ocp.subject_to( -0.3 <= (ocp.der(V) <= 0.3) ) # Minimal time # ocp.add_objective(0.50*ocp.T) self.waypoints = ocp.parameter(2, grid='control') self.waypoint_last = ocp.parameter(2) p = vertcat(self.x, self.y) ocp.add_objective(ocp.sum(sumsqr(p - self.waypoints), grid='control')) ocp.add_objective(sumsqr(ocp.at_tf(p) - self.waypoint_last)) options = {"ipopt": {"print_level": 5}} options["expand"] = True options["print_time"] = False ocp.solver('ipopt', options) ocp.method( MultipleShooting(N=self.N, M=1, intg='rk', grid=FreeGrid(min=0.05, max=2))) ocp.set_initial(self.x, 0) ocp.set_initial(self.y, 0) ocp.set_initial(self.theta, 0) ocp.set_initial(self.theta_dot, 0) ocp.set_initial(self.v, 2) self.ocp = ocp
def generate_brent(n=2, a=10., b=10., func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): if n != 2: raise ValueError("brent is only defined for n=2") x = data_type.sym("x", n) f = (x[0] + a)**2 + (x[1] + b)**2 + cs.exp(-cs.sumsqr(x)) func = cs.Function("brent", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-20., 0.]] * n, [[-10.] * n]
def robust_control_stages(ocp, delta, t0): """ Returns ------- stage: :obj: `~rockit.stage.Stage x : :obj: `~casadi.MX """ stage = ocp.stage(t0=t0, T=1) x = stage.state(2) u = stage.state() der_state = vertcat(x[1], -0.1 * (1 - x[0]**2 + delta) * x[1] - x[0] + u + delta) stage.set_der(x, der_state) stage.set_der(u, 0) stage.subject_to(u <= 40) stage.subject_to(u >= -40) stage.subject_to(x[0] >= -0.25) L = stage.variable() stage.add_objective(L) stage.subject_to(L >= sumsqr(x[0] - 3)) bound = lambda t: 2 + 0.1 * cos(10 * t) stage.subject_to(x[0] <= bound(stage.t)) stage.method(MultipleShooting(N=20, M=1, intg='rk')) return stage, x, stage.at_t0(u)
def generate_egg_crate(n=2, a=25., func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): if n != 2: raise ValueError("egg_crate is only defined for n=2") x = data_type.sym("x", n) f = cs.sumsqr(x) + a * (cs.sin(x[0])**2 + cs.sin(x[1])**2) func = cs.Function("egg_crate", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-5., 5.]] * n, [[0., 0.]]
def generate_griewank(n=2, a=1., b=4000., func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): x = data_type.sym("x", n) product_part = 1. for i in range(n): product_part = product_part * cs.cos(x[i] / cs.sqrt(i + 1)) f = a + (1. / b) * cs.sumsqr(x) - product_part func = cs.Function("griewank", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-600., 600.]] * n, [[0.] * n]
def generate_deckkers_aarts(n=2, a=1e5, b=1e-5, func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): if n != 2: raise ValueError("deckkers_aarts is only defined for n=2") x = data_type.sym("x", n) sqr = cs.sumsqr(x) f = a * x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 - sqr**2 + b * sqr**4 func = cs.Function("deckkers_aarts", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) minima = [[0., 15.], [0., -15.]] return func, [[-20., 20.], [-20., 20.]], minima
def generate_bartelsconn(n=2, func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): if n != 2: raise ValueError("bartelsconn is only defined for n=2") x = data_type.sym("x", n) f = cs.norm_1(cs.sumsqr(x) + x[0] * x[1]) f += cs.norm_1(cs.sin(x[0])) f += cs.norm_1(cs.cos(x[1])) func = cs.Function("bartelsconn", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-500., 500.]] * n, [[0.] * n]
def create_objective(self, model): self.obj_1 = sum( w / len(ov) * ca.sumsqr(self.densities * (ov - cm @ ca.interp1d( model.observation_times, om(model.observation_times,, * (model.xs[j] for j in oj)), self.observation_times))) for om, oj, ov, w, cm in zip( self.observation_model, self.observation_vector, self.observations, self.weightings, self.collocation_matrices)) self.obj_2 = sum( ca.sumsqr((model.xdash[:, i] - model.model( model.observation_times, *model.cs, *[:, i])) for i in range(model.s)) / model.n self.regularisation = ca.sumsqr( (ca.vcat( - ca.vcat(self.regularisation_vector)) / (1 + ca.vcat(self.regularisation_vector))) self.objective = self.obj_1 + self.rho * self.obj_2 + self.alpha * self.regularisation
def init_mpc(self): # Specify ODE self.ocp.set_der(self.x, self.V * cos(self.theta)) self.ocp.set_der(self.y, self.V * sin(self.theta)) self.ocp.set_der(self.theta, self.V / L * tan( # Initial constraints self.ocp.subject_to(self.ocp.at_t0(self.X) == self.X_0) # Initial guess self.ocp.set_initial(self.x, 0) self.ocp.set_initial(self.y, 0) self.ocp.set_initial(self.theta, 0) self.ocp.set_initial(self.V, 0.5) # Path constraints max_v = 5 self.ocp.subject_to(0 <= (self.V <= max_v)) #ocp.subject_to( -0.3 <= (ocp.der(V) <= 0.3) ) self.ocp.subject_to(-pi / 6 <= ( <= pi / 6)) # Minimal time self.ocp.add_objective(0.50 * self.ocp.T) self.ocp.add_objective( self.ocp.sum(sumsqr(self.p - self.waypoints), grid='control')) self.ocp.add_objective( sumsqr(self.ocp.at_tf(self.p) - self.waypoint_last)) # Pick a solution method options = {"ipopt": {"print_level": 0}} options["expand"] = True options["print_time"] = False self.ocp.solver('ipopt', options) # Make it concrete for this ocp self.ocp.method( MultipleShooting(N=N, M=1, intg='rk', grid=FreeGrid(min=0.05, max=2)))
def generate_happy_cat(n=2, a=0.125, b=0.5, c=0.5, func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): x = data_type.sym("x", n) nx2 =, x) f = ((nx2 - n)**2)**a + (1. / n) * (b * nx2 + cs.sumsqr(x)) + c func = cs.Function("happy_cat", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-2., 2.]] * n, [[-1] * n]
def generate_salomon(n=2, a=1., b=2 *, c=0.1, func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): x = data_type.sym("x", n) sumsq = cs.sumsqr(x) f = a - cs.cos(b * cs.sqrt(sumsq)) + c * cs.sqrt(sumsq) func = cs.Function("salomon", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-10., 10.]] * n, [[0.] * n]
def optCtrl(optQueue,opt2Queue,P,MU,S,H,tgt,optdt): sold=None opt=qnTransient() opt.buildOpt(MU, P, S,optdt,tgt,H) while(True): q=optQueue.get() opt.model.set_value(opt.initX,q) obj=0 for h in range(H): obj+=(opt.stateVar[1,h]-tgt/MU[1,0]*opt.tVar[1,h])**2 #obj+=opt.E_abs[0,h] if(sold is not None): opt.model.minimize(obj+0.0*casadi.sumsqr(opt.sVar-sold)+0.000*casadi.sumsqr(opt.sVar)) else: opt.model.minimize(obj) sol=opt.model.solve() opt2Queue.put(sol.value(opt.sVar))
def add_target_orbit_constraint(mocp, p, phase_insertion): start = lambda a: mocp.start(a) end = lambda a: mocp.end(a) # Target orbit - soft constraints # 3 parameter orbit: SMA,ECC,INC # # h_target_magnitude - h_final_magnitude == 0 # h_target_z - h_final_z == 0 # c_target - c_final == 0 r_final_ECEF = casadi.vertcat(end(phase_insertion.rx), end(phase_insertion.ry), end(phase_insertion.rz)) v_final_ECEF = casadi.vertcat(end(phase_insertion.vx), end(phase_insertion.vy), end(phase_insertion.vz)) # Convert to ECI (z rotation is omitted, because LAN is free) r_f = r_final_ECEF v_f = ( v_final_ECEF + casadi.cross(casadi.SX([0, 0, p.body_rotation_speed]), r_final_ECEF)) h_final = casadi.cross(r_f, v_f) h_final_mag = casadi.norm_2(h_final) h_final_z = h_final[2] c_final = casadi.sumsqr(v_f) / 2 - 1.0 / casadi.norm_2(r_f) defect_h_magnitude = h_final_mag - p.target_orbit_h_magnitude defect_h_z = h_final_z - p.target_orbit_h_z defect_c = c_final - p.target_orbit_c slack_h_magnitude = mocp.add_variable('slack_h_magnitude', init=3.0) slack_h_z = mocp.add_variable('slack_h_z', init=3.0) slack_c = mocp.add_variable('slack_c', init=3.0) mocp.add_constraint(slack_h_magnitude > 0) mocp.add_constraint(slack_h_z > 0) mocp.add_constraint(slack_c > 0) mocp.add_constraint(defect_h_magnitude < slack_h_magnitude) mocp.add_constraint(defect_h_magnitude > -slack_h_magnitude) mocp.add_constraint(defect_h_z < slack_h_z) mocp.add_constraint(defect_h_z > -slack_h_z) mocp.add_constraint(defect_c < slack_c) mocp.add_constraint(defect_c > -slack_c) mocp.add_objective(100.0 * slack_h_magnitude) mocp.add_objective(100.0 * slack_h_z) mocp.add_objective(100.0 * slack_c)
def solve(self, x0): xs = ca.vcat([state for state in self.states]) us = ca.vcat([control for control in self.controls]) dyns = ca.vcat([ var[1:] - (var[:-1] + self.state_der[var] * self.dt) for var in self.states ]) cons = ca.vcat( [state[0] - x0[i] for i, state in enumerate(self.states)]) obs = ca.vcat([(o - self.objectives[o]) * self.o_scales[o] for o in self.objectives.keys()]) nlp = {\ 'x': ca.vertcat(xs, us, self.dt), 'f': ca.sumsqr(obs), 'g': ca.vertcat(dyns, cons) } n_g = nlp['g'].shape[0] self.lbg = [0] * n_g self.ubg = [0] * n_g x00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[state] for state in self.states]) u00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[control] for control in self.controls]) x0 = ca.vertcat(x00, u00, self.initial[self.dt]) # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':0}}) S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 5}}) r = S(x0=x0, lbx=self.lbx, ubx=self.ubx, lbg=self.lbg, ubg=self.ubg) x_opt = r['x'] n_state_vars = len(self.states) * self.n n_control_vars = len(self.controls) * self.n states = np.array(x_opt[:n_state_vars]) controls = np.array(x_opt[n_state_vars:n_state_vars + n_control_vars]) times = np.array(x_opt[-self.n + 1:]) for i, state in enumerate(self.states): self.set_inital(state, states[i * self.n:self.n * (i + 1)]) for i, control in enumerate(self.controls): self.set_inital(control, controls[(self.n - 1) * i:(i + 1) * (self.n - 1)]) self.set_inital(self.dt, times) return states, controls, times
def unit_quat(q): """ Normalizes a quaternion to be unit modulus. :param q: 4-dimensional numpy array or CasADi object :return: the unit quaternion in the same data format as the original one """ if isinstance(q, np.ndarray): # if (q == np.zeros(4)).all(): # q = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) q_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(q**2)) else: q_norm = cs.sqrt(cs.sumsqr(q)) return 1 / q_norm * q
def generate_drop_wave(n=2, a=1., b=12., c=0.5, d=2., func_opts={}, data_type=cs.SX): if n != 2: raise ValueError("drop_wave is only defined for n=2") x = data_type.sym("x", n) sqr = cs.sumsqr(x) f = -(a + cs.cos(b * cs.sqrt(sqr))) / (c * sqr + d) func = cs.Function("drop_wave", [x], [f], ["x"], ["f"], func_opts) return func, [[-5.2, 5.2]] * n, [[0., 0.]]
def ModelTraining(model, data, initializations=10, BFR=False, p_opts=None, s_opts=None): results = [] for i in range(0, initializations): # in first run use initial model parameters (useful for online # training when only time for one initialization) if i > 0: model.Initialize() # Estimate Parameters on training data new_params = ModelParameterEstimation(model, data, p_opts, s_opts) # Assign new parameters to model model.Parameters = new_params # Evaluate on Validation data u_val = data['u_val'] y_ref_val = data['y_val'] init_state_val = data['init_state_val'] # Loop over all experiments e = 0 for j in range(0, u_val.shape[0]): # Simulate Model y = model.Simulation(init_state_val[j], u_val[j]) y = np.array(y) e = e + cs.sumsqr(y_ref_val[j] - y) # Calculate mean error over all validation batches e = e / u_val.shape[0] e = np.array(e).reshape((1, )) # save parameters and performance in list results.append([e, new_params]) results = pd.DataFrame(data=results, columns=['loss', 'params']) return results
def gen(ocpVars): constrList = [] M = ocpVars['u'].shape[1] for i in range(M): quat = ocpVars['u'][1:5, i] # norm has to be one g = ca.sumsqr(quat) - 1 lbg = np.zeros(g.shape) ubg = np.zeros(g.shape) # create constraint tuple constrList += [(g, lbg, ubg)] return constrList
def solve(self): xs = ca.vcat([state for state in self.states]) us = ca.vcat([control for control in self.controls]) dyns = ca.vcat([var[1:] - (var[:-1] + self.state_der[var] * self.dt) for var in self.states]) cons = ca.vcat([cons[0] - self.constraints[cons] for cons in self.constraints.keys()]) obs = ca.vcat([(o - self.objectives[o]) * self.o_scales[o] for o in self.objectives.keys()]) nlp = {\ 'x': ca.vertcat(xs, us, self.dt), 'f': ca.sumsqr(obs), 'g': ca.vertcat(dyns, cons) } n_g = nlp['g'].shape[0] lbg = [0] * n_g ubg = [0] * n_g x00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[state] for state in self.states]) u00 = ca.vcat([self.initial[control] for control in self.controls]) x0 = ca.vertcat(x00, u00, self.initial[self.dt]) x_mins = [self.min_lims[state] for state in self.states] * self.n x_maxs = [self.max_lims[state] for state in self.states] * self.n u_mins = [self.min_lims[control] for control in self.controls] * (self.n - 1) u_maxs = [self.max_lims[control] for control in self.controls] * (self.n - 1) lbx = x_mins + u_mins + list(np.zeros(self.n-1)) ubx = x_maxs + u_maxs + list(np.ones(self.n-1) * self.max_t) S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp) r = S(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg) x_opt = r['x'] n_state_vars = len(self.states) * self.n n_control_vars = len(self.controls) * self.n states = np.array(x_opt[:n_state_vars]) controls = np.array(x_opt[n_state_vars:n_state_vars + n_control_vars]) times = np.array(x_opt[-self.n+1:]) return states, controls, times
def solve_launch_direction_problem(p): # Find the approximate launch direction vector. # The launch direction vector is horizontal (orthogonal to the launch site position vector). # The launch direction vector points (approximately) in the direction of the orbit insertion velocity. mocp = MOCP() rx = mocp.add_variable('rx', init=p.launch_site_x) ry = mocp.add_variable('ry', init=p.launch_site_y) rz = mocp.add_variable('rz', init=p.launch_site_z) vx = mocp.add_variable('vx', init=0.01) vy = mocp.add_variable('vy', init=0.01) vz = mocp.add_variable('vz', init=0.01) mocp.add_objective((rx - p.launch_site_x)**2) mocp.add_objective((ry - p.launch_site_y)**2) mocp.add_objective((rz - p.launch_site_z)**2) r = casadi.vertcat(rx, ry, rz) v = casadi.vertcat(vx, vy, vz) h = casadi.cross(r, v) h_mag = casadi.norm_2(h) h_z = h[2] c = casadi.sumsqr(v) / 2 - 1.0 / casadi.norm_2(r) mocp.add_objective((h_mag - p.target_orbit_h_magnitude)**2) mocp.add_objective((h_z - p.target_orbit_h_z)**2) mocp.add_objective((c - p.target_orbit_c)**2) mocp.solve() v_soln = DM([mocp.get_value(vx), mocp.get_value(vy), mocp.get_value(vz)]) launch_direction = normalize(v_soln) up_direction = normalize( DM([p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y, p.launch_site_z])) launch_direction = launch_direction - ( launch_direction.T @ up_direction) * up_direction return launch_direction
def eval(self, x, w): ''' evaluate the cost function, with casadi operation input: x: primal decision var w: RV, randomness, in ml: it's the data ''' if len(x.shape)==1: x=x.reshape(-1,1) elif len(x.shape)==2: pass else: raise NotImplementedError if self.method =='boyd': ''' Boyd & Vandenberghe book. Figure 6.15. min_x || A(w) - b0 ||^2 where A(w) := A0 + w * B0 and w is a scalar. ''' # boy data set A0, B0, b0 = self.model # model of the optimization problem if self.mode== 'casadi': from casadi import sumsqr cost_val = sumsqr((A0 + w * B0) @ x - b0) elif self.mode== 'cvxpy': import cvxpy as cp cost_val = cp.sum_squares((A0 + w * B0) @ x - b0) elif self.mode=='numpy': cost_val = np.sum(((A0 + w * B0) @ x - b0)**2) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError return cost_val
q_torso_dot_sol = var_dot_sol[16] print("Solver time is = " + str(hlp.time_taken)) comp_time.append(hlp.time_taken) con_viol1 = hlp.optimal_slacks[1] con_viol2 = hlp.optimal_slacks[2] con_viol3 = hlp.optimal_slacks[3] con_viol4 = hlp.optimal_slacks[4] constraint_violations = cs.horzcat(constraint_violations, cs.vertcat(con_viol1, con_viol2, con_viol3, con_viol4)) # print(con_viols) # print(q_opt) # print(s2_opt) number_non_zero = sum(cs.fabs(q_dot1_sol) >= 1e-3) + sum(cs.fabs(q_dot2_sol) >= 1e-3) q_zero_integral += number_non_zero*ts q_2_integral += (cs.sumsqr(q_dot1_sol) + cs.sumsqr(q_dot2_sol))*ts q_1_integral += sum(cs.fabs(q_dot1_sol).full() + cs.fabs(q_dot2_sol).full())*ts #compute q_1_integral # print(number_non_zero) #Update all the variables q_dot_opt = cs.vertcat(q_dot1_sol, q_dot2_sol, s_dot1_sol, s_dot2_sol, q_torso_dot_sol) q_opt[0:17] += ts*q_dot_opt s1_opt = q_opt[14] if s1_opt >=1: print("Robot1 reached it's goal. Terminating") cool_off_counter += 1 # break # if cool_off_counter >= 100: #ts*100 cooloff period for the robot to exactly reach it's goal # break
def compute_mprim(state_i, lattice, L, v, u_max, print_level): N = 75 nx = 3 Nc = 3 mprim = [] for state_f in lattice: x = ca.MX.sym('x', nx) u = ca.MX.sym('u') F = ca.Function('f', [x, u], [v*ca.cos(x[2]), v*ca.sin(x[2]), v*ca.tan(u)/L]) opti = ca.Opti() X = opti.variable(nx, N+1) pos_x = X[0, :] pos_y = X[1, :] ang_th = X[2, :] U = opti.variable(N, 1) T = opti.variable(1) dt = T/N opti.set_initial(T, 0.1) opti.set_initial(U, 0.0*np.ones(N)) opti.set_initial(pos_x, np.linspace(state_i[0], state_f[0], N+1)) opti.set_initial(pos_y, np.linspace(state_i[1], state_f[1], N+1)) tau = ca.collocation_points(Nc, 'radau') C, _ = ca.collocation_interpolators(tau) Xc_vec = [] for k in range(N): Xc = opti.variable(nx, Nc) Xc_vec.append(Xc) X_kc = ca.horzcat(X[:, k], Xc) for j in range(Nc): fo = F(Xc[:, j], U[k]) opti.subject_to(X_kc@C[j+1] == dt*ca.vertcat(fo[0], fo[1], fo[2])) opti.subject_to(X_kc[:, Nc] == X[:, k+1]) for k in range(N): opti.subject_to(U[k] <= u_max) opti.subject_to(-u_max <= U[k]) opti.subject_to(T >= 0.001) opti.subject_to(X[:, 0] == state_i) opti.subject_to(X[:, -1] == state_f) alpha = 1e-2 opti.minimize(T + alpha*ca.sumsqr(U)) opti.solver('ipopt', {'expand': True}, {'tol': 10**-8, 'print_level': print_level}) sol = opti.solve() pos_x_opt = sol.value(pos_x) pos_y_opt = sol.value(pos_y) ang_th_opt = sol.value(ang_th) u_opt = sol.value(U) T_opt = sol.value(T) mprim.append({'x': pos_x_opt, 'y': pos_y_opt, 'th': ang_th_opt, 'u': u_opt, 'T': T_opt, 'ds': T_opt*v}) return np.array(mprim)
def construct_problem(self): """Formulate optimal control problem""" dt = self.sample_rate # Create an casadi.Opti instance. opti = casadi.Opti('conic') d0 = opti.parameter() th0 = opti.parameter() v = opti.parameter() curvature = opti.parameter(self.N) X = opti.variable(2, self.N + 1) proj_error = X[0, :] head_error = X[1, :] # Control variable (steering angle) Delta = opti.variable(self.N) # Goal function we wish to minimize ### YOUR CODE HERE ### # Use the casadi.sumsqr function to compute sum-of-squares d_sum = casadi.sumsqr(proj_error) th_sum = casadi.sumsqr(head_error) u_sum = casadi.sumsqr(Delta) J = self.gamma_d * d_sum + self.gamma_theta * th_sum + self.gamma_u * u_sum opti.minimize(J) # Simulate the system forwards using RK4 and the implemented error model. for k in range(self.N): k1 = self.error_model(X[:, k], v, Delta[k], curvature[k]) k2 = self.error_model(X[:, k] + dt / 2 * k1, v, Delta[k], curvature[k]) k3 = self.error_model(X[:, k] + dt / 2 * k2, v, Delta[k], curvature[k]) k4 = self.error_model(X[:, k] + dt * k3, v, Delta[k], curvature[k]) x_next = X[:, k] + dt / 6 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) opti.subject_to(X[:, k + 1] == x_next) # Problem constraints. opti.subject_to(proj_error[0] == d0) opti.subject_to(head_error[0] == th0) opti.subject_to( opti.bounded(-self.steer_limit, Delta, self.steer_limit)) # The cost function is quadratic and the problem is linear by design, # this is utilized when choosing solver. # Other possible solvers provided by CasADi include: 'qpoases' and 'ipopt'... opts_dict = { "print_iter": False, "print_time": 0, #"max_iter": 100 } opti.solver('qrqp', opts_dict) return opti.to_function('f', [d0, th0, v, curvature], [Delta])
def solve_opti(self, abs_t, x_0, x_ss, N, last_u, x_guess=None, u_guess=None, expl_constraints=None, verbose=False): opti = ca.Opti() x = opti.variable(self.n_x, N+1) u = opti.variable(self.n_u, N) slack = opti.variable(self.n_x) if x_guess is not None: opti.set_initial(x, x_guess) if u_guess is not None: opti.set_initial(u, u_guess) opti.set_initial(slack, np.zeros(self.n_x)) da_lim = self.agent.da_lim ddf_lim = self.agent.ddf_lim opti.subject_to(x[:,0] == np.squeeze(x_0)) opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(ddf_lim[0]*self.dt, u[0,0]-last_u[0], ddf_lim[1]*self.dt)) opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(da_lim[0]*self.dt, u[1,0]-last_u[1], da_lim[1]*self.dt)) stage_cost = 0 for i in range(N): stage_cost = stage_cost + 1 beta = ca.atan2(self.l_r*ca.tan(u[0,i]), self.l_f+self.l_r) opti.subject_to(x[0,i+1] == x[0,i] + self.dt*x[3,i]*ca.cos(x[2,i] + beta)) opti.subject_to(x[1,i+1] == x[1,i] + self.dt*x[3,i]*ca.sin(x[2,i] + beta)) opti.subject_to(x[2,i+1] == x[2,i] + self.dt*x[3,i]*ca.sin(beta)) opti.subject_to(x[3,i+1] == x[3,i] + self.dt*u[1,i]) if self.F is not None: opti.subject_to(ca.mtimes(self.F, x[:,i]) <= self.b) if self.H is not None: opti.subject_to(ca.mtimes(self.H, u[:,i]) <= self.g) if expl_constraints is not None: V = expl_constraints[i][0] w = expl_constraints[i][1] opti.subject_to(ca.mtimes(V, x[:2,i]) + w <= np.zeros(len(w))) if i < N-1: opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(ddf_lim[0]*self.dt, u[0,i+1]-u[0,i], ddf_lim[1]*self.dt)) opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(da_lim[0]*self.dt, u[1,i+1]-u[1,i], da_lim[1]*self.dt)) opti.subject_to(x[:,N] - x_ss == slack) slack_cost = 1e6*ca.sumsqr(slack) total_cost = stage_cost + slack_cost opti.minimize(total_cost) solver_opts = { "mu_strategy" : "adaptive", "mu_init" : 1e-5, "mu_min" : 1e-15, "barrier_tol_factor" : 1, "print_level" : 0, "linear_solver" : "ma27" } # solver_opts = {} plugin_opts = {"verbose" : False, "print_time" : False, "print_out" : False} opti.solver('ipopt', plugin_opts, solver_opts) sol = opti.solve() slack_val = sol.value(slack) if la.norm(slack_val) > 1e-6: print('Warning! Solved, but with slack norm of %g is greater than 1e-8!' % la.norm(slack_val)) if sol.stats()['success'] and la.norm(slack_val) <= 1e-6: print('Solve success, with slack norm of %g!' % la.norm(slack_val)) feasible = True x_pred = sol.value(x) u_pred = sol.value(u) sol_cost = sol.value(stage_cost) else: # print(sol.stats()['return_status']) # print(opti.debug.show_infeasibilities()) feasible = False x_pred = None u_pred = None sol_cost = None # pdb.set_trace() return x_pred, u_pred, sol_cost
def solve(self, abs_t, x_0, x_ss, N, last_u, x_guess=None, u_guess=None, expl_constraints=None, verbose=False): x = ca.SX.sym('x', self.n_x*(N+1)) u = ca.SX.sym('y', self.n_u*N) slack = ca.SX.sym('slack', self.n_x) z = ca.vertcat(x, u, slack) # Flatten candidate solutions into 1-D array (- x_1 -, - x_2 -, ..., - x_N+1 -) if x_guess is not None: x_guess_flat = x_guess.flatten(order='F') else: x_guess_flat = np.zeros(self.n_x*(N+1)) if u_guess is not None: u_guess_flat = u_guess.flatten(order='F') else: u_guess_flat = np.zeros(self.n_u*N) slack_guess = np.zeros(self.n_x) z_guess = np.concatenate((x_guess_flat, u_guess_flat, slack_guess)) lb_slack = [-1000.0]*self.n_x ub_slack = [1000.0]*self.n_x # Box constraints on decision variables lb_x = x_0.tolist() + self.state_lb*(N) + self.input_lb*(N) + lb_slack ub_x = x_0.tolist() + self.state_ub*(N) + self.input_ub*(N) + ub_slack # Constraints on functions of decision variables lb_g = [] ub_g = [] stage_cost = 0 constraint = [] for i in range(N): stage_cost += 1 # Formulate dynamics equality constraints as inequalities beta = ca.atan2(self.l_r*ca.tan(u[self.n_u*i+0]), self.l_f+self.l_r) constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, x[self.n_x*(i+1)+0] - (x[self.n_x*i+0] + self.dt*x[self.n_x*i+3]*ca.cos(x[self.n_x*i+2] + beta))) constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, x[self.n_x*(i+1)+1] - (x[self.n_x*i+1] + self.dt*x[self.n_x*i+3]*ca.sin(x[self.n_x*i+2] + beta))) constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, x[self.n_x*(i+1)+2] - (x[self.n_x*i+2] + self.dt*x[self.n_x*i+3]*ca.sin(beta))) constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, x[self.n_x*(i+1)+3] - (x[self.n_x*i+3] + self.dt*u[self.n_u*i+1])) lb_g += [0.0]*self.n_x ub_g += [0.0]*self.n_x # Steering rate constraints if self.ddf_lim is not None: if i == 0: # Constrain steering rate with respect to previously applied input constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, u[self.n_u*(i)+0]-last_u[0]) if i < N-1: # Constrain steering rate along horizon constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, u[self.n_u*(i+1)+0]-u[self.n_u*(i)+0]) lb_g += [self.ddf_lim[0]*self.dt] ub_g += [self.ddf_lim[1]*self.dt] # Throttle rate constraints if self.da_lim is not None: if i == 0: # Constrain throttle rate constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, u[self.n_u*i+1]-last_u[1]) if i < N-1: constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, u[self.n_u*(i+1)+1]-u[self.n_u*(i)+1]) lb_g += [self.da_lim[0]*self.dt] ub_g += [self.da_lim[1]*self.dt] # Exploration constraints on predicted positions of agent if expl_constraints is not None: V = expl_constraints[i][0] w = expl_constraints[i][1] for j in range(V.shape[0]): constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, V[j,0]*x[self.n_x*i+0] + V[j,1]*x[self.n_x*i+1] + w[j]) lb_g += [-1e9] ub_g += [0] # Formulate terminal soft equality constraint as inequalities constraint = ca.vertcat(constraint, x[self.n_x*N:] - x_ss + slack) lb_g += [0.0]*self.n_x ub_g += [0.0]*self.n_x slack_cost = 1e6*ca.sumsqr(slack) total_cost = stage_cost + slack_cost opts = {'verbose' : False, 'print_time' : 0, 'ipopt.print_level' : 5, 'ipopt.mu_strategy' : 'adaptive', 'ipopt.mu_init' : 1e-5, 'ipopt.mu_min' : 1e-15, 'ipopt.barrier_tol_factor' : 1, 'ipopt.linear_solver': 'ma27'} nlp = {'x' : z, 'f' : total_cost, 'g' : constraint} solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts) sol = solver(lbx=lb_x, ubx=ub_x, lbg=lb_g, ubg=ub_g, x0=z_guess) pdb.set_trace() if solver.stats()['success']: if la.norm(slack_val) <= 1e-8: print('Solve success for safe set point', x_ss) feasible = True z_sol = np.array(sol['x']) x_pred = z_sol[:self.n_x*(N+1)].reshape((N+1,self.n_x)).T u_pred = z_sol[self.n_x*(N+1):self.n_x*(N+1)+self.n_u*N].reshape((N,self.n_u)).T slack_val = z_sol[self.n_x*(N+1)+self.n_u*N:] cost_val = sol['f'] else: print('Warning! Solved, but with slack norm of %g is greater than 1e-8!' % la.norm(slack_val)) feasible = False x_pred = None u_pred = None cost_val = None else: print(solver.stats()['return_status']) feasible = False x_pred = None u_pred = None cost_val = None # pdb.set_trace() # pdb.set_trace() return x_pred, u_pred, cost_val
def create_rocket_stage_phase(mocp, phase_name, p, **kwargs): is_powered = kwargs['is_powered'] has_heating = kwargs['has_heating'] drag_area = kwargs['drag_area'] maxQ = kwargs['maxQ'] init_mass = kwargs['init_mass'] init_position = kwargs['init_position'] init_velocity = kwargs['init_velocity'] if is_powered: init_steering = kwargs['init_steering'] engine_type = kwargs['engine_type'] engine_count = kwargs['engine_count'] mdot_max = kwargs['mdot_max'] mdot_min = kwargs['mdot_min'] if engine_type == 'vacuum': effective_exhaust_velocity = kwargs['effective_exhaust_velocity'] else: exhaust_velocity = kwargs['exhaust_velocity'] exit_area = kwargs['exit_area'] exit_pressure = kwargs['exit_pressure'] duration = mocp.create_phase(phase_name, init=0.001, n_intervals=2) # Total vessel mass mass = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mass', init=init_mass) # ECEF position vector rx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rx', init=init_position[0]) ry = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ry', init=init_position[1]) rz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rz', init=init_position[2]) r_vec = casadi.vertcat(rx, ry, rz) # ECEF velocity vector vx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vx', init=init_velocity[0]) vy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vy', init=init_velocity[1]) vz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vz', init=init_velocity[2]) v_vec = casadi.vertcat(vx, vy, vz) if is_powered: # ECEF steering unit vector ux = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ux', init=init_steering[0]) uy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uy', init=init_steering[1]) uz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uz', init=init_steering[2]) u_vec = casadi.vertcat(ux, uy, uz) # Engine mass flow for a SINGLE engine mdot = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mdot', init=mdot_max) mdot_rate = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mdot_rate', init=0.0) if has_heating: heat = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'heat', init=0.0) ## Dynamics r_squared = rx**2 + ry**2 + rz**2 + 1e-8 v_squared = vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2 + 1e-8 airspeed = v_squared**0.5 r = r_squared**0.5 altitude = r - 1 r3_inv = r_squared**(-1.5) mocp.add_path_output( 'downrange_distance', casadi.asin( casadi.norm_2( casadi.cross( r_vec / r, casadi.SX( [p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y, p.launch_site_z]))))) mocp.add_path_output('altitude', altitude) mocp.add_path_output('airspeed', airspeed) mocp.add_path_output('vertical_speed', (r_vec.T / r) @ v_vec) mocp.add_path_output( 'horizontal_speed_ECEF', casadi.norm_2(v_vec - ((r_vec.T / r) @ v_vec) * (r_vec / r))) # Gravitational acceleration (mu=1 is omitted) gx = -r3_inv * rx gy = -r3_inv * ry gz = -r3_inv * rz # Atmosphere atmosphere_fraction = casadi.exp(-altitude / p.scale_height) air_pressure = p.air_pressure_MSL * atmosphere_fraction air_density = p.air_density_MSL * atmosphere_fraction dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * v_squared mocp.add_path_output('dynamic_pressure', dynamic_pressure) if is_powered: lateral_airspeed = casadi.sqrt( casadi.sumsqr(v_vec - ((v_vec.T @ u_vec) * u_vec)) + 1e-8) lateral_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * lateral_airspeed * airspeed # Same as Q * sin(alpha), but without trigonometry mocp.add_path_output('lateral_dynamic_pressure', lateral_dynamic_pressure) mocp.add_path_output( 'alpha', casadi.acos((v_vec.T @ u_vec) / airspeed) * 180.0 / pi) mocp.add_path_output( 'pitch', 90.0 - casadi.acos((r_vec.T / r) @ u_vec) * 180.0 / pi) # Thrust force if is_powered: if engine_type == 'vacuum': engine_thrust = effective_exhaust_velocity * mdot else: engine_thrust = exhaust_velocity * mdot + exit_area * ( exit_pressure - air_pressure) total_thrust = engine_thrust * engine_count mocp.add_path_output('total_thrust', total_thrust) Tx = total_thrust * ux Ty = total_thrust * uy Tz = total_thrust * uz else: Tx = 0.0 Ty = 0.0 Tz = 0.0 # Drag force drag_factor = (-0.5 * drag_area) * air_density * airspeed Dx = drag_factor * vx Dy = drag_factor * vy Dz = drag_factor * vz # Coriolis Acceleration ax_Coriolis = 2 * vy * p.body_rotation_speed ay_Coriolis = -2 * vx * p.body_rotation_speed az_Coriolis = 0.0 # Centrifugal Acceleration ax_Centrifugal = rx * p.body_rotation_speed**2 ay_Centrifugal = ry * p.body_rotation_speed**2 az_Centrifugal = 0.0 # Acceleration ax = gx + ax_Coriolis + ax_Centrifugal + (Dx + Tx) / mass ay = gy + ay_Coriolis + ay_Centrifugal + (Dy + Ty) / mass az = gz + az_Coriolis + az_Centrifugal + (Dz + Tz) / mass if is_powered: mocp.set_derivative(mass, -engine_count * mdot) mocp.set_derivative(mdot, mdot_rate) else: mocp.set_derivative(mass, 0.0) mocp.set_derivative(rx, vx) mocp.set_derivative(ry, vy) mocp.set_derivative(rz, vz) mocp.set_derivative(vx, ax) mocp.set_derivative(vy, ay) mocp.set_derivative(vz, az) # Heat flow heat_flow = 1e-4 * (air_density**0.5) * (airspeed**3.15) mocp.add_path_output('heat_flow', heat_flow) if has_heating: mocp.set_derivative(heat, heat_flow) ## Constraints # Duration is positive and bounded mocp.add_constraint(duration > 0.006) mocp.add_constraint(duration < 10.0) # Mass is positive mocp.add_path_constraint(mass > 1e-6) # maxQ soft constraint weight_dynamic_pressure_penalty = mocp.get_parameter( 'weight_dynamic_pressure_penalty') slack_maxQ = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'slack_maxQ', init=10.0) mocp.add_path_constraint(slack_maxQ > 0.0) mocp.add_mean_objective(weight_dynamic_pressure_penalty * slack_maxQ) mocp.add_path_constraint(dynamic_pressure / maxQ < 1.0 + slack_maxQ) if is_powered: # u is a unit vector mocp.add_path_constraint(ux**2 + uy**2 + uz**2 == 1.0) # Do not point down mocp.add_path_constraint((r_vec / r).T @ u_vec > -0.2) # Engine flow limits mocp.add_path_constraint(mdot_min < mdot) mocp.add_path_constraint(mdot < mdot_max) # Throttle rate reduction mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-6 * mdot_rate**2) # Lateral dynamic pressure penalty weight_lateral_dynamic_pressure_penalty = mocp.get_parameter( 'weight_lateral_dynamic_pressure_penalty') mocp.add_mean_objective( weight_lateral_dynamic_pressure_penalty * (lateral_dynamic_pressure / p.maxQ_sin_alpha)**8) variables = locals().copy() RocketStagePhase = collections.namedtuple('RocketStagePhase', sorted(list(variables.keys()))) return RocketStagePhase(**variables)