예제 #1
    def test_directCollocationSimple(self):
        """Test direct collocation on a very simple model

        # Double integrator model
        x = ce.struct_symMX([ce.entry('q'), ce.entry('v')])

        u = cs.MX.sym('u')

        ode = ce.struct_MX(x)
        ode['q'] = x['v']
        ode['v'] = u

        quad = x['v']**2

        NT = 2  # number of control intervals
        N = 3  # number of collocation points per interval
        ts = 1  # time step

        # DAE model
        dae = dae_model.SemiExplicitDae(x=x.cat, ode=ode.cat, u=u, quad=quad)

        # Create direct collocation scheme
        scheme = cl.CollocationScheme(dae=dae,
                                      t=np.arange(NT + 1) * ts,

        # Optimization variable
        w = scheme.combine(['x', 'K', 'Z', 'u'])

        # Objective
        f = scheme.q[:, -1]

        # Constraints
        g = ce.struct_MX([
            ce.entry('eq', expr=scheme.eq),
            ce.entry('initial', expr=scheme.x[:, 0]),  # q0 = 0, v0 = 0
                     expr=scheme.x[:, -1] - np.array([1, 0]))  # qf = 1, vf = 0

        # Make NLP
        nlp = {'x': w, 'g': g, 'f': f}

        # Init NLP solver
        opts = {'ipopt.linear_solver': 'ma86'}
        solver = cs.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)

        # Run NLP solver
        sol = solver(lbg=0, ubg=0)
        if np.isnan(float(sol['f'])):
            raise RuntimeError('Nlp Solver failed')

        sol_w = w(sol['x'])

        # Check agains the known solution
        nptest.assert_allclose(sol_w['u'], [[1, -1]])
        nptest.assert_allclose(sol['f'], 2. / 3.)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, dae, t, poly_order=5, tdp_fun=None):

        pdq = Pdq(t, poly_order)
        N = len(pdq.collocationPoints)
        scheme = CollocationScheme(dae, pdq, tdp_fun=tdp_fun)

        x0 = cs.MX.sym('x0', dae.nx)
        X = scheme.x
        Z = scheme.z
        z0 = dae.z

        # Solve the collocation equations w.r.t. (X,Z)
        var = scheme.combine(['x', 'z'])
        eq = cs.Function('eq', [var, x0, scheme.u, scheme.p], [cs.vertcat(scheme.eq, scheme.x[:, 0] - x0)])
        rf = cs.rootfinder('rf', 'newton', eq)

        # Initial point for the rootfinder
        w0 = ce.struct_MX(var)
        w0['x'] = cs.repmat(x0, 1, N)
        w0['z'] = cs.repmat(z0, 1, N - 1)
        sol = var(rf(w0, x0, scheme.u, scheme.p))
        sol_X = sol['x']
        sol_Z = sol['z']
        [sol_Q] = cs.substitute([scheme.q], [X, Z], [sol_X, sol_Z])

        self._simulate = cs.Function('CollocationSimulator', 
            [x0, z0, scheme.u, scheme.p], [sol_X[:, -1], sol_Z[:, -1], sol_Q[:, -1], sol_X, sol_Z, sol_Q], 
            ['x0', 'z0', 'u', 'p'], ['xf', 'zf', 'qf', 'X', 'Z', 'Q'])

        self._pdq = pdq
        self._dae = dae
예제 #3
    def combine(self, what):
        """Return a struct_MX combining the specified parts of the collocation scheme.

        @param what is a list of strings with possible values 'x0', 'x', 'z', 'u', 'p', 'eq', 'q'.

        what_set = ['K', 'x', 'Z', 'U', 'u', 'p', 'eq', 'q']
        assert all([w in what_set for w in what])

        return ce.struct_MX([ce.entry(w, expr=getattr(self, w)) for w in what])
예제 #4
def parallel(models):
    '''Connect multiple DAE models in parallel

    d = {}
    for attr in ['x', 'z', 'u', 'p', 'ode', 'alg',
                 'quad']:  # TODO: what do we do with t?
        d[attr] = ce.struct_MX([
            ce.entry('model_{0}'.format(i), expr=getattr(m, attr))
            for i, m in enumerate(models)

    return Dae(**d)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, name, dae, t, order, method='legendre', tdp_fun=None):
        """Make an integrator based on collocation method

        N = order
        scheme = CollocationScheme(dae, t=t, order=order, method=method, tdp_fun=tdp_fun)

        x0 = cs.MX.sym('x0', dae.nx)
        z0 = dae.z

        # Solve the collocation equations w.r.t. (x,K,Z)
        var = scheme.combine(['x', 'K', 'Z'])
        eq = cs.Function('eq', [var, x0, scheme.u, scheme.p], [cs.vertcat(scheme.eq, scheme.x[:, 0] - x0)])
        rf = cs.rootfinder('rf', 'newton', eq)

        # Initial point for the rootfinder
        w0 = ce.struct_MX(var)
        w0['x'] = cs.repmat(x0, 1, scheme.x.shape[1])
        w0['K'] = cs.MX.zeros(scheme.K.shape)
        w0['Z'] = cs.repmat(z0, 1, scheme.Z.shape[1])
        sol = var(rf(w0, x0, scheme.u, dae.p))
        sol_x = sol['x']
        sol_K = sol['K']
        sol_Z = sol['Z']
        [sol_q, sol_Q, sol_X] = cs.substitute([scheme.q, scheme.Q, scheme.X], 
            [scheme.x, scheme.K, scheme.Z], [sol_x, sol_K, sol_Z])

        # TODO: return correct value for zf!
        # TODO: return only x instead of x and xf?
            [x0, z0, scheme.u, dae.p], 
            [sol_x[:, 1 :], np.repeat(np.nan, dae.nz), sol_q[:, -1], sol_X, sol_Z, sol_Q, sol_x, sol_K, scheme.tc],
            ['x0', 'z0', 'u', 'p'], 
            ['xf', 'zf', 'qf', 'X', 'Z', 'Q', 'x', 'K', 'tc'])

        self._scheme = scheme
예제 #6
    def test_directCollocationReach(self):
        """Test direct collocation on a toy problem

        The problem: bring the double integrator from state [0, 0] to state [1, 0]
        while minimizing L2 norm of the control input.

        # Double integrator model
        x = ce.struct_symMX([ce.entry('q'), ce.entry('v')])

        u = cs.MX.sym('u')

        ode = ce.struct_MX(x)
        ode['q'] = x['v']
        ode['v'] = u

        quad = u**2

        NT = 5  # number of control intervals
        N = 3  # number of collocation points per interval
        ts = 1  # time step

        # DAE model
        dae = dae_model.SemiExplicitDae(x=x.cat, ode=ode.cat, u=u, quad=quad)

        # Create direct collocation scheme
        scheme = cl.CollocationScheme(dae=dae,
                                      t=np.arange(NT + 1) * ts,

        # Optimization variable
        w = scheme.combine(['x', 'K', 'u'])

        # Objective
        f = scheme.q[:, -1]

        # Constraints
        g = ce.struct_MX([
            ce.entry('eq', expr=scheme.eq),
            ce.entry('initial', expr=scheme.x[:, 0]),  # q0 = 0, v0 = 0
                     expr=scheme.x[:, -1] - np.array([1, 0]))  # qf = 1, vf = 0

        # Make NLP
        nlp = {'x': w, 'g': g, 'f': f}

        # Init NLP solver
        opts = {'ipopt.linear_solver': 'ma86'}
        solver = cs.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)

        # Run NLP solver
        sol = solver(lbg=0, ubg=0)

        if np.isnan(float(sol['f'])):
            raise RuntimeError('Nlp Solver failed')

        sol_w = w(sol['x'])

        # Check against the known solution
        nptest.assert_allclose(sol_w['u'], [[0.2, 0.1, 0, -0.1, -0.2]],

        plt.plot(scheme.t, sol_w['x'].T, 'o')
        plt.plot(scheme.tc, scheme.evalX(sol_w['x'], sol_w['K']).T, 'x')

        fi = scheme.piecewisePolyX(sol_w['x'], sol_w['K'])
        t, val = fi.discretize(ts / 10.)
        plt.plot(t, val.T)

예제 #7
    def __init__(self, dae, t, order, method='legendre', 
        parallelization='serial', tdp_fun=None, expand=True, repeat_param=False, options={}):


        @param t time vector of length N+1 defining N collocation intervals
        @param order number of collocation points per interval
        @param method collocation method ('legendre', 'radau')
        @param dae DAE model
        @param parallelization parallelization of the outer map. Possible set of values is the same as for casadi.Function.map().

        @return Returns a dictionary with the following keys:
        'X' -- state at collocation points
        'Z' -- alg. state at collocation points
        'x0' -- initial state
        'eq' -- the expression eq == 0 defines the collocation equation. eq depends on X, Z, x0, p.
        'Q' -- quadrature values at collocation points depending on x0, X, Z, p.

        # Convert whatever DAE to implicit DAE
        dae = dae.makeImplicit()

        M = order
        N = len(t) - 1

        # Define variables and functions corresponfing to all control intervals

        K = cs.MX.sym('K', dae.nx, N * M)   # State derivatives at collocation points
        Z = cs.MX.sym('Z', dae.nz, N * M)   # Alg state at collocation points
        x = cs.MX.sym('x', dae.nx, N + 1)   # State at the ends of collocation intervals (t)

        u = cs.MX.sym('u', dae.nu, N)    # Input on collocation intervals
        U = cs.horzcat(*[cs.repmat(u[:, n], 1, M) for n in range(N)]) # Input at collocation points

        # Butcher tableau for the selected method
        butcher = butcherTableuForCollocationMethod(order, method)

        # Interval lengths
        h = np.diff(t)

        # Integrated state at collocation points
        Mx = cs.kron(cs.DM.eye(N), cs.DM.ones(1, M))
        MK = cs.kron(cs.diagcat(*h), butcher.A.T)    # integration matrix
        X = cs.mtimes(x[:, : -1], Mx) + cs.mtimes(K, MK)

        # Integrated state at the ends of collocation intervals
        xf = x[:, : -1] + cs.mtimes(K, cs.kron(cs.diagcat(*h), butcher.b))
        # Points in time at which the collocation equations are calculated
        # TODO: this possibly can be sped up a little bit.
        tc = np.hstack([t[n] + h[n] * butcher.c for n in range(N)])
        # Values of the time-dependent parameter
        if tdp_fun is not None:
            tdp_val = cs.horzcat(*[tdp_fun(t) for t in tc])
            assert dae.ntdp == 0
            tdp_val = np.zeros((0, tc.size))

        # DAE function
        dae_fun = dae.createFunction('dae', ['xdot', 'x', 'z', 'u', 'p', 't', 'tdp'], ['dae', 'quad'])
        if expand:
            dae_fun = dae_fun.expand()  # expand() for speed

        if repeat_param:
            reduce_in = []
            p = cs.MX.sym('P', dae.np, N * M)
            reduce_in = [4]
            p = cs.MX.sym('P', dae.np)

        dae_map = dae_fun.map('dae_map', parallelization, N * M, reduce_in, [], options)
        dae_out = dae_map(xdot=K, x=X, z=Z, u=U, p=p, t=tc, tdp=tdp_val)

        eqc = ce.struct_MX([
            ce.entry('collocation', expr=dae_out['dae']),
            ce.entry('continuity', expr=xf - x[:, 1 :]),
            ce.entry('param', expr=cs.diff(p, 1, 1))

        # Integrate the quadrature state
        quad = dae_out['quad']

        #t0 = time.time()
        q = [cs.MX.zeros(dae.nq)]  # Integrated quadrature at interval ends
        # TODO: speed up the calculation of q.
        for n in range(N):
            q.append(q[-1] + h[n] * cs.mtimes(quad[:, n * M : (n + 1) * M], butcher.b))

        q = cs.horzcat(*q)

        Q = cs.mtimes(q[:, : -1], Mx) + cs.mtimes(quad, MK)  # Integrated quadrature at collocation points
        #print('Creating Q took {0:.3f} s.'.format(time.time() - t0))

        self._N = N
        self._M = M

        self._eq = eqc
        self._x = x
        self._X = X
        self._K = K
        self._Z = Z
        self._U = U
        self._u = u
        self._quad = quad
        self._Q = Q
        self._q = q
        self._p = p
        self._tc = tc
        self._butcher = butcher
        self._tdp = tdp_val
        self._t = t