예제 #1
 def test_02_exception_raised_on_failed_login(self):
     Story: User logs in with an invalid API token.
     Ensure that a HTTPError is raised in response.
     from caspyr import Session
     with self.assertRaises(HTTPError):
         self.session = Session.login(refresh_token='12345')
예제 #2
def get_data():
    req = request.get_json()
    token = req['cspapitoken']
    s = Session.login(token)
    serialData = {}
    deployments = len(Deployment.list(s))
    bps = len(Blueprint.list(s))
    projects = len(Project.list(s))
    cloudaccounts = len(CloudAccount.list(s))
    serialData['deployments'] = deployments
    serialData['bps'] = bps
    serialData['projects'] = projects
    serialData['cloudaccounts'] = cloudaccounts
    return jsonify(serialData)
예제 #3
    def setUp(self, api_token=api_token):
        from caspyr import Session
        self.session = Session.login(refresh_token=api_token)

        self.aws_cloud_account_name = "trading aws"
        self.aws_region = "us-west-1"
        self.aws_cloud_zone_name = "dev aws"
        self.aws_image_name = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20171026.1"
        self.aws_network_profile_name = "trading aws network profile"
        self.aws_storage_profile_name = "trading aws storage profile"
        self.aws_storage_policy_name = "gp2"
        self.aws_flavor_name = "t2.small"
        self.aws_storage_device_type = "ebs"
        self.aws_storage_volume_type = "gp2"

        self.azure_cloud_account_name = "trading azure"
        self.azure_region = "westus"
        self.azure_cloud_zone_name = "dev azure"
        self.azure_image_name = "Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest"
        self.azure_network_profile_name = "trading azure network profile"
        self.azure_storage_profile_name = "trading azure storage profile"
        self.azure_storage_policy_name = "standard lrs"
        self.azure_storage_storage_type = "managed_disks"
        self.azure_storage_disk_type = "standard_lrs"
        self.azure_flavor_name = "Standard_B2s"
        self.azure_storage_os_disk_caching = "read_only"
        self.azure_storage_data_caching = "read_only"

        self.image_mapping_name = "ubuntu"
        self.flavor_mapping_name = "small"
        self.network_profile_tags = [{ "key": "env", "value": "dev" }]
        self.storage_policy_tags = [{ "key": "performance", "value": "standard"}]
        self.project_name = "trading"

        details = '../secrets.json'
        with open(details) as f:
            data = json.load(f)
            for i in data:
                if i['token']==api_token:
                    self.aws_access_key = i["aws_access_key"]
                    self.aws_secret_key = i["aws_secret_key"]
                    self.azure_subscription_id = i["azure_subscription_id"]
                    self.azure_tenant_id = i["azure_tenant_id"]
                    self.azure_application_id = i["azure_application_id"]
                    self.azure_application_key = i["azure_application_key"]
예제 #4
 def setUp(self):
     from caspyr import Session
     api_token = os.getenv('api_token')
     self.session = Session.login(refresh_token=api_token)
예제 #5
def get_ips(token, cluster_name):
    s = Session.login(token)
    ips = [Machine.get_ip(s, master['id']) for master in Machine.find_by_tag(s, key=cluster_name, value='master')]
예제 #6
파일: test.py 프로젝트: kenshi08/caspyr
def main():
    args = getargs()
    session = Session.login(args.token)
