예제 #1
def get_table(keyspace, name):
    table = TableMetadata(keyspace.name, name)
    # build columns for each data type
    columns_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(data_types)):
        col = column(table, "my_column_%s" % i, data_types[i])
        columns_dict[col.name] = col

    # create some udts
    address_udt = udt(keyspace, "address", ["street", "number"],
                      ["text", "int"])
    user_udt = udt(keyspace, "user", ["name", "address"],
                   ["tuple<text,text>", "frozen<address>"])
    collections_udt = udt(keyspace, "collections", ["field1", "field2", "field3", "field4"], ["frozen<user>",\
     "frozen<map<frozen<user>, frozen<user>>>",\
     "frozen<tuple<frozen<user>, frozen<address>>>"])
    # add udts to keyspace
    keyspace.user_types = {address_udt.name: address_udt,\
     user_udt.name: user_udt,\
     collections_udt.name: collections_udt}
    # build column with udt types
    columns_dict["user"] = column(table, user_udt.name,
                                  "frozen<%s>" % user_udt.name)
    columns_dict["collections"] = column(table, collections_udt.name,
                                         "frozen<%s>" % collections_udt.name)

    # set some pk's and ck's
    columns = list(columns_dict.values())
    partition_keys = [columns[0], columns[1]]
    clustering_keys = [columns[2], columns[3]]

    table.columns = columns_dict
    table.partition_key = partition_keys
    table.clustering_key = clustering_keys

    # indexes
    indexes = {}
    # add a regular index
    regular_index = index(keyspace, name, "regular_index_" + name, None,
                          {"target": "my_column_0"})
    indexes[regular_index.name] = regular_index
    # add a CUSTOM index (this must be removed by the anonymizer)
    custom_index = index(
        keyspace, name, "custom_index_" + name, "CUSTOM", {
            "target": "my_column_5",
            "class_name": "org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex"
    indexes[custom_index.name] = custom_index
    table.indexes = indexes

    # table options compatible with C* 2.1+
    table.options = {
        # set a comment, which must be removed by the anonymizer
        "comment": "Lorem ipsum",
        "max_compaction_threshold": "32",
        "min_compaction_threshold": "4",
        "compression_parameters": '{"sstable_compression": ""}'

    return table