def mouse_alternates(mode): if try: if mode == "legion": if utilities.window_exists(None, "legiongrid"): pass else: ls = LegionScanner() ls.scan() #[500, 500, 1000, 1000] tscan = ls.get_update() Popen([ "pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["LEGION_PATH"], "-t", tscan[0] ]) #, "-d", "500_500_500_500" elif mode == "rainbow": Popen([ "pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["RAINBOW_PATH"], "-m", "r" ]) elif mode == "douglas": Popen([ "pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["DOUGLAS_PATH"], "-m", "d" ]) except Exception: utilities.simple_log(True) else: utilities.availability_message(mode.title(), "PIL")
def mouse_alternates(mode, nexus, monitor=1): if nexus.dep.PIL: if mode == "legion" and not utilities.window_exists(None, "legiongrid"): r = monitors[int(monitor) - 1].rectangle bbox = [ int(r.x), int(r.y), int(r.x) + int(r.dx) - 1, int(r.y) + int(r.dy) - 1 ] ls = LegionScanner() ls.scan(bbox) tscan = ls.get_update() Popen([ settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["PYTHONW"], settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["LEGION_PATH"], "-t", tscan[0], "-m", str(monitor) ]) # , "-d", "500_500_500_500" elif mode == "rainbow" and not utilities.window_exists(None, "rainbowgrid"): Popen([ settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["PYTHONW"], settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["RAINBOW_PATH"], "-g", "r", "-m", str(monitor) ]) elif mode == "douglas" and not utilities.window_exists(None, "douglasgrid"): Popen([ settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["PYTHONW"], settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["DOUGLAS_PATH"], "-g", "d", "-m", str(monitor) ]) else: utilities.availability_message(mode.title(), "PIL")
def mouse_alternates(mode, nexus, monitor=1): if nexus.dep.PIL: if mode == "legion" and not utilities.window_exists( None, "legiongrid"): r = monitors[int(monitor) - 1].rectangle bbox = [ int(r.x), int(r.y), int(r.x) + int(r.dx) - 1, int(r.y) + int(r.dy) - 1 ] ls = LegionScanner() ls.scan(bbox) tscan = ls.get_update() Popen([ "pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["LEGION_PATH"], "-t", tscan[0], "-m", str(monitor) ]) # , "-d", "500_500_500_500" elif mode == "rainbow" and not utilities.window_exists( None, "rainbowgrid"): Popen([ "pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["RAINBOW_PATH"], "-g", "r", "-m", str(monitor) ]) elif mode == "douglas" and not utilities.window_exists( None, "douglasgrid"): Popen([ "pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["DOUGLAS_PATH"], "-g", "d", "-m", str(monitor) ]) else: utilities.availability_message(mode.title(), "PIL")
def begin(self): '''''' if settings.SETTINGS["auto_com"]["active"]: if self._nexus.dep.NATLINK and not settings.WSR: self._nexus.timer.add_callback(lambda: self._toggle(), settings.SETTINGS["auto_com"]["interval"]) else: utilities.availability_message("Auto-Command-Mode", "natlink")
def _execute(self, data=None): if executable = utilities.get_active_window_path(natlink).split("\\")[-1] is_executable = executable in self.executables if (is_executable and not self.negate) or (self.negate and not is_executable): self.action._execute() else: utilities.availability_message("SelectiveAction", "natlink") self.action._execute()
def mouse_alternates(mode): if try: if mode == "legion": if utilities.window_exists(None, "legiongrid"): pass else: ls = LegionScanner() ls.scan()#[500, 500, 1000, 1000] tscan = ls.get_update() Popen(["pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["LEGION_PATH"], "-t", tscan[0]])#, "-d", "500_500_500_500" elif mode == "rainbow": Popen(["pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["RAINBOW_PATH"], "-m", "r"]) elif mode == "douglas": Popen(["pythonw", settings.SETTINGS["paths"]["DOUGLAS_PATH"], "-m", "d"]) except Exception: utilities.simple_log(True) else: utilities.availability_message(mode.title(), "PIL")
import Tkinter as tk from dragonfly import monitors try: # Style C -- may be imported into Caster, or externally BASE_PATH = os.path.realpath(__file__).split("\\caster")[0].replace("\\", "/") if BASE_PATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) finally: from caster.lib import settings, utilities from caster.lib.dfplus.communication import Communicator try: from PIL import ImageGrab, ImageTk, ImageDraw, ImageFont except ImportError: utilities.availability_message("Douglas Grid / Rainbow Grid", "PIL") def wait_for_death(title, timeout=5): t = 0.0 inc = 0.1 while t < timeout: if not utilities.window_exists(None, title): break t += inc time.sleep(inc) if t >= timeout: print("wait_for_death()" + " timed out (" + title + ")") class Dimensions: def __init__(self, w, h, x, y):
import sys, os import threading try: # Style C -- may be imported into Caster, or externally BASE_PATH = os.path.realpath(__file__).split("\\caster")[0].replace( "\\", "/") if BASE_PATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) finally: from caster.asynch.mouse.grids import TkTransparent, Dimensions from caster.lib import settings, utilities try: from PIL import ImageGrab except ImportError: utilities.availability_message("Legion", "PIL") class Rectangle: top = None bottom = None left = None right = None class LegionGrid(TkTransparent): def __init__(self, grid_size=None, tirg=None, auto_quit=False): self.setup_XMLRPC_server() TkTransparent.__init__(self, settings.LEGION_TITLE, grid_size) self.attributes("-alpha", 0.7)
from dragonfly import monitors try: # Style C -- may be imported into Caster, or externally BASE_PATH = os.path.realpath(__file__).split("\\caster")[0].replace("\\", "/") if BASE_PATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) finally: from caster.asynch.mouse.grids import TkTransparent, Dimensions from caster.lib import gdi, settings, utilities try: from PIL import ImageGrab except ImportError: utilities.availability_message("Legion", "PIL") class Rectangle: top = None bottom = None left = None right = None class LegionGrid(TkTransparent): def __init__(self, grid_size=None, tirg=None, auto_quit=False): self.setup_xmlrpc_server() TkTransparent.__init__(self, settings.LEGION_TITLE, grid_size) self.attributes("-alpha", 0.7) self.tirg_positions = {} if tirg is not None:
from caster.lib import settings, utilities, control if settings.SETTINGS["auto_com"]["active"]: if from caster.asynch.auto_com import toggler toggler.initialize_auto_com_internal() else: utilities.availability_message("Auto-Command-Mode", "natlink")