class Markdown(MergeRule): pronunciation = "mark down" mapping = { "heading [<num>] [<dict>]": R(Store() + Function(lambda num, dict: Text( ("#" * num) + " " + str(dict).capitalize()).execute()) + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), "table row <n>": R(Function(lambda n: Text("|" * (n - 1)).execute()) + Key("home")), "table (break | split) <n>": R( Function(lambda n: Text("---|" * (n - 1) + "---").execute()) + Key("enter")), "insert <element>": R(Store() + Key("%(element)s") + Retrieve(action_if_text="c-right")), "insert header": R(Text("---\nauthor: \ntitle: \n---\n")), } extras = [ Dictation("dict"), ShortIntegerRef("n", 1, 12), ShortIntegerRef("num", 1, 7), Choice( "element", { "list": "asterisk, space", "numbered list": "one, dot, space", "[block] quote": "rangle, space", "link": "lbracket, rbracket, lparen, rparen, left:3", "image": "exclamation, lbracket, rbracket, lparen, rparen, left:3", "reference": "lbracket, rbracket, left, at", "equation": "dollar, dollar, enter:2, dollar, dollar, up", "math": "dollar, dollar, left", "(italics | italic text)": "underscore:2, left", "bold [text]": "asterisk:4, left:2", "strike through [text]": "tilde:4, left:2", "horizontal rule": "asterisk, asterisk, asterisk, enter", "R code": "backtick:3, lbrace, r, rbrace, enter:2, backtick:3, up", "in line code": "backtick:2, left", "code [block]": "backtick:6, left:3, enter:2, up", }), ] defaults = { "num": 1, "dict": "", }
class ChromeRule(MappingRule): _mapping = { browser_shared.PREVIOUS_TAB_N_TIMES: R(Key("cs-tab")) * Repeat(extra="n"), browser_shared.SWITCH_TO_TAB_N: R(Key("c-%(m)s%(nth)s")), browser_shared.SWITCH_TO_LAST_TAB: R(Key("c-9")), browser_shared.SWITCH_TO_SECOND_TO_LAST_TAB: R(Key("c-9, cs-tab")), "switch focus [<n>]": R(Key("f6/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), browser_shared.TOGGLE_BOOKMARK_TOOLBAR: R(Key("cs-b")), "switch user": R(Key("cs-m")), "focus notification": R(Key("a-n")), "allow notification": R(Key("as-a")), "deny notification": R(Key("as-a")), "google that": R(Store(remove_cr=True) + Key("c-t") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), "wikipedia that": R( Store(space="+", remove_cr=True) + Key("c-t") + Text("") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), browser_shared.SHOW_EXTENSIONS: R(Key("a-f/20, l, e/15, enter")), "more tools": R(Key("a-f/5, l")), } mapping = BrowserSharedCommands.merge_dictionaries( _mapping, BrowserSharedCommands.chromeAndFirefoxMapping) extras = browser_shared.get_extras() defaults = browser_shared.get_defaults()
class Python(MergeRule): mapping = { SymbolSpecs.IF: R(Key("i,f,space,colon,left")), SymbolSpecs.ELSE: R(Text("else:") + Key("enter")), # (no switch in Python) SymbolSpecs.BREAK: R(Text("break")), SymbolSpecs.FOR_EACH_LOOP: R(Store() + Text("for in :") + Key("left:5") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:5")), SymbolSpecs.FOR_LOOP: R(Store() + Text("for i in range(0, ):") + Key("left:2") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:2")), SymbolSpecs.WHILE_LOOP: R(Store() + Text("while :") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), # (no do-while in Python) SymbolSpecs.TO_INTEGER: R(Store() + Text("int()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), SymbolSpecs.TO_FLOAT: R(Store() + Text("float()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), SymbolSpecs.TO_STRING: R(Store() + Text("str()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), SymbolSpecs.AND: R(Text(" and ")), SymbolSpecs.OR: R(Text(" or ")), SymbolSpecs.NOT: R(Text("!")), SymbolSpecs.SYSOUT: R(Store() + Text("print()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), SymbolSpecs.IMPORT: R(Text("import ")), SymbolSpecs.FUNCTION: R(Store() + Text("def ():") + Key("left:3") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:3")), SymbolSpecs.CLASS: R(Store() + Text("class :") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), SymbolSpecs.COMMENT: R(Store() + Text("#") + Key("space") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), SymbolSpecs.LONG_COMMENT: R(Store() + Text("''''''") + Key("left:3") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:3")), SymbolSpecs.NULL: R(Text("None")), SymbolSpecs.RETURN: R(Text("return ")), SymbolSpecs.TRUE: R(Text("True")), SymbolSpecs.FALSE: R(Text("False")), # Python specific "sue iffae": R(Text("if ")), "sue shells": R(Text("else ")), "from": R(Text("from ")), "self": R(Text("self")), "long not": R(Text(" not ")), "it are in": R(Text(" in ")), "shell iffae | LFA": R(Key("e,l,i,f,space,colon,left")), "convert to character": R(Store() + Text("chr()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), "length of": R(Store() + Text("len()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), "global": R(Text("global ")), "make assertion": R(Text("assert ")), "list (comprehension | comp)": R(Text("[x for x in TOKEN if TOKEN]")), "[dot] (pie | pi)": R(Text(".py")), "toml": R(Text("toml")), "jason": R(Text("toml")), "identity is": R(Text(" is ")), "yield": R(Text("yield ")), # Essentially an improved version of the try catch command above # probably a better option than this is to use snippets with tab stops # VS code has the extension Python-snippets. these are activated by # going into the command pallet (cs-p) and typing in "insert snippet" # then press enter and then you have choices of snippets show up in the drop-down list. # you can also make your own snippets. "try [<exception>]": R( Text("try : ") + Pause("10") + Key("enter/2") + Text("except %(exception)s:") + Pause("10") + Key("enter/2")), "try [<exception>] as": R( Text("try :") + Pause("10") + Key("enter/2") + Text("except %(exception)s as :") + Pause("10") + Key("enter/2")), # class and class methods "sub class": R(Store() + Text("class ():") + Key("left:3") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:3")), "dunder": R(Store() + Text("____()") + Key("left:4") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:4")), "init": R(Store() + Text("__init__()") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), "meth [<binary_meth>]": R(Text("__%(binary_meth)s__(self, other):")), "meth [<unary_meth>]": R(Text("__%(unary_meth)s__(self):")), } extras = [ Dictation("text"), Choice("unary_meth", { "reper": "reper", "stir": "str", "len": "len", }), Choice("binary_meth", { "add": "add", "subtract": "sub", }), Choice( "exception", { "exception": "Exception", "stop iteration": "StopIteration", "system exit": "SystemExit", "standard": "StandardError", "arithmetic": "ArithmeticError", "overflow": "OverflowError", "floating point": "FloatingPointError", "zero division": "ZeroDivisionError", "assertion": "AssertionError", "EOF": "EOFError", "import": "ImportError", "keyboard interrupt": "KeyboardInterrupt", "lookup": "LookupError", "index": "IndexError", "key": "KeyError", "name": "NameError", "unbound local": "UnboundLocalError", "environment": "EnvironmentError", "IO": "IOError", "OS": "OSError", "syntax": "SyntaxError", "system exit": "SystemExit", "type": "TypeError", "value": "ValueError", "run time": "RuntimeError", "not implemented": "NotImplementedError", }) ] defaults = {"unary_meth": "", "binary_meth": "", "exception": ""}
class GitterRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "bold": R(Store() + Text("****") + Key("left:2") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:2")), "emphasize": R(Store() + Text("**") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), "strike through": R(Store() + Text("~~~~") + Key("left:2") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:2")), "latex": R(Store() + Text("$$$$") + Key("left:2") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:2")), "<header_size> header": R(Store() + Text("%(header_size)s ") + Retrieve(action_if_text="s-enter")), "insert item": R(Store() + Text("*") + Key("space") + Retrieve(action_if_text="s-enter")), "block quote": R(Store() + Text(">") + Key("space") + Retrieve(action_if_text="s-enter")), "mention": R(Store() + Text("@") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right, space")), "insert link": R(Store() + Text("[]()") + Key("left:3") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:2")), "insert image": R(Store() + Text("![]()") + Key("left:3") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right:2")), "insert code": R(Store() + Text("``") + Key("left") + Retrieve(action_if_text="right")), "formatted code": R(Store() + Text("``````") + Pause("0.5") + Key("left:3,s-enter:2,up") + Retrieve()), } extras = [ Choice("header_size", { "small": "###", "medium": "##", "large": "#", }), ] Defaults = {}
class FirefoxRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "(new window|win new)": R(Key("c-n")), "(new incognito window | incognito)": R(Key("cs-n")), "new tab [<n>]|tab new [<n>]": R(Key("c-t") * Repeat(extra="n")), "reopen tab [<n>]|tab reopen [<n>]": R(Key("cs-t")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "close tab [<n>]|tab close [<n>]": R(Key("c-w")) * Repeat(extra='n'), "win close|close all tabs": R(Key("cs-w")), "(next|forward) tab [<n>]|tab (right|sauce) [<n>]": R(Key("c-tab")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "(back|prev|prior|previous) tab [<n>]|tab (left|lease) [<n>]": # control shift tab doesn't work and this appears to be an undocumented workaround R(Key("c-tab/30")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "new tab that": R(Mouse("middle") + Pause("20") + Key("c-tab")), "go (back|prev|prior|previous) [<n>]": R(Key("a-left/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "go (next|forward) [<n>]": R(Key("a-right/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "zoom in [<n>]": R(Key("c-plus/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "zoom out [<n>]": R(Key("c-minus/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), "zoom reset": R(Key("c-0")), "(hard refresh|super refresh)": R(Key("c-f5")), "find (next|forward) [match] [<n>]": R(Key("c-g/20")) * Repeat(extra="n"), # requires an extension in some browsers such as chrome "[toggle] caret browsing": R(Key("f7")), "[go] home [page]": R(Key("a-home")), "[show] history": R(Key("c-h")), "address bar": R(Key("c-l")), "[show] downloads": R(Key("c-j")), "[add] bookmark": R(Key("c-d")), "bookmark all [tabs]": R(Key("cs-d")), "[show] bookmarks": R(Key("cs-o")), "[toggle] full screen": R(Key("f11")), "(show|view) page source": R(Key("c-u")), "resume": R(Key("f8")), "step over": R(Key("f10")), "step into": R(Key("f11")), "step out": R(Key("s-f11")), "(duplicate tab|tab duple)": R(Key("a-d,a-c,c-t/15,c-v/15, enter")), "(duplicate window|win duple)": R(Key("a-d,a-c,c-n/15,c-v/15, enter")), "[show] (menu | three dots)": R(Key("a-f")), "[show] settings": R(Key("a-f/5, s")), "(clear history|clear browsing data)": R(Key("cs-del")), "[show] developer tools": R(Key("cs-i")), "checkout [this] pull request [locally]": R(Function(github_automation.github_checkoutupdate_pull_request, new=True)), "update [this] pull request [locally]": R(Function(github_automation.github_checkoutupdate_pull_request, new=False)), "IRC identify": R(Text("/msg NickServ identify PASSWORD")), "[toggle] bookmark bar": R(Key("c-b")), "[show] (extensions|plugins)": R(Key("a-a, l, e/15, enter")), "google that": R(Store(remove_cr=True) + Key("c-t") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), "wikipedia that": R(Store(space="+", remove_cr=True) + Key("c-t") + Text( "") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), } extras = [ Choice("nth", { "first": "1", "second": "2", "third": "3", "fourth": "4", "fifth": "5", "sixth": "6", "seventh": "7", "eighth": "8", }), IntegerRefST("n", 1, 100), IntegerRefST("m", 1, 10) ] defaults = {"n": 1, "m":"", "nth": ""}
class RStudioRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "new file": R(Key("cs-n")), "open file": R(Key("c-o")), "open recent project": R(Key("a-f, j")), "open project": R(Key("a-f, n, enter")), "save all": R(Key("ac-s")), "select all": R(Key("c-a")), "find": R(Key("c-f")), "[go to] line <ln1>": R(Key("as-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(ln1)s") + Key("enter")), "<action> [line] <ln1> [by <ln2>]": R( Function(navigation.action_lines, go_to_line="as-g/10", select_line_down="s-down", wait="/3", upon_arrival="home, ")), "focus console": R(Key("c-2")), "focus main": R(Key("c-1")), "next tab": R(Key("c-f12")), "first tab": R(Key("cs-f11")), "previous tab": R(Key("c-f11")), "last tab": R(Key("cs-f12")), "close tab": R(Key("c-w")), "run line": R(Key("c-enter")), "run document": R(Key("ac-r")), "comment (line | selected)": R(Key("cs-c")), "next plot": R(Key("ac-f12")), "previous plot": R(Key("ac-f11")), "(help | document) that": R(Store() + Key("c-2, question") + Retrieve() + Key("enter, c-3")), "glimpse that": R(Store() + Key("c-2") + Retrieve() + Key("space, percent, rangle, percent") + Text(" glimpse()") + Key("enter/50, c-1")), "vee table that": R(Store() + Key("c-2") + Text("library(vtable)") + Key("enter/50") + Retrieve() + Key("space, percent, rangle, percent") + Text(" vtable()") + Key("enter/50, c-1")), } extras = [ ShortIntegerRef("ln1", 1, 10000), ShortIntegerRef("ln2", 1, 10000), Choice("action", navigation.actions), ] defaults = {"ln2": ""}
class SublimeRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "new file": R(Key("c-n")), "new window": R(Key("cs-n")), "open file": R(Key("c-o")), "open folder": R(Key("f10, f, down:2, enter")), "open recent": R(Key("f10, f, down:3, enter")), "save as": R(Key("cs-s")), # "comment line": R(Key("c-slash")), "comment block": R(Key("cs-slash")), "outdent lines": R(Key("c-lbracket")), "join lines": R(Key("c-j")), "match bracket": R(Key("c-m")), # "(select | sell) all": R(Key("c-a")), "(select | sell) scope [<n2>]": R(Key("cs-space") * Repeat(extra="n2")), "(select | sell) brackets [<n2>]": R(Key("cs-m") * Repeat(extra="n2")), "(select | sell) indent": R(Key("cs-j")), # "find": R(Key("c-f")), "get all": R(Key("a-enter")), "replace": R(Key("c-h")), "replace all": R(Key("ca-enter")), "paste from history": R(Key("c-k,c-v")), "edit lines": R(Key("cs-l")), "edit next [<n3>]": R(Key("c-d/10")) * Repeat(extra="n3"), "edit only next [<n3>]": R(Key("c-k,c-d/10")) * Repeat(extra="n3"), "edit up [<n3>]": R(Key("ac-up")) * Repeat(extra="n3"), "edit down [<n3>]": R(Key("ac-down")) * Repeat(extra="n3"), "edit all": R(Key("a-f3")), # "transform upper": R(Key("c-k, c-u")), "transform lower": R(Key("c-k, c-l")), # "line <ln1>": R(Key("c-g/10") + Text("%(ln1)s") + Key("enter")), "<action> [line] <ln1> [by <ln2>]": R(Function(navigation.action_lines)), "[move] line down [<n3>]": R(Key("cs-down") * Repeat(extra='n3')), "[move] line up [<n3>]": R(Key("cs-up") * Repeat(extra='n3')), # "go to file": R(Key("c-p")), "go to <dict> [<filetype>]": R(Key("c-p") + Text("%(dict)s" + "%(filetype)s") + Key("enter")), "file back [<n2>]": R(Key("c-p") + Key("down") * Repeat(extra="n2") + Key("enter")), # "go to word": R(Key("c-semicolon")), "go to symbol": R(Key("c-r")), "go to [symbol in] project": R(Key("cs-r")), "go to that": R(Store() + Key("cs-r") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), "find that in project": R(Store() + Key("cs-f") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), "find that": R(Store() + Key("c-f") + Retrieve() + Key("enter")), "command pallette": R(Key("cs-p")), # "go back [<n2>]": R(Key("a-minus") * Repeat(extra="n2")), "go forward [<n2>]": R(Key("a-plus") * Repeat(extra="n2")), "next modification": R(Key("c-dot")), "previous modification": R(Key("c-comma")), # "fold": R(Key("cs-lbracket")), "unfold": R(Key("cs-rbracket")), "unfold all": R(Key("c-k, c-j")), "fold [level] <n2>": R(Key("c-k, c-%(n2)s")), # "full screen": R(Key("f11")), "toggle side bar": R(Key("c-k, c-b")), "show key bindings": R(Key("f10, p, right, k")), "show at center": R(Key("c-k,c-c")), "zoom in [<n2>]": R(Key("c-equal") * Repeat(extra="n2")), "zoom out [<n2>]": R(Key("c-minus") * Repeat(extra="n2")), # "(set | add) bookmark": R(Key("c-f2")), "next bookmark": R(Key("f2")), "previous bookmark": R(Key("s-f2")), "clear bookmarks": R(Key("cs-f2")), # "set mark": R(Key("c-k,c-space")), "select mark": R(Key("c-k,c-a")), "swap with mark": R(Key("c-k,c-x")), "delete mark": R(Key("c-k,c-w")), # "build it": R(Key("c-b")), "build with": R(Key("cs-b")), "build <nth>": R(Key("c-s,a-%(nth)s,c-b")), "build [<nth>] last": R(Key("c-s,a-1") + Key("c-pageup") * Repeat(extra="nth") + Key("c-b")), # "record macro": R(Key("c-q")), "play [back] macro [<n3>]": R(Key("cs-q/10")), "(new | create) snippet": R(Key("ac-n")), # "close tab": R(Key("c-w")), "next tab": R(Key("c-pgdown")), "previous tab": R(Key("c-pgup")), "<nth> tab": R(Key("a-%(nth)s")), "[<nth>] last tab": R(Key("a-1") + Key("c-pageup") * Repeat(extra="nth")), "column <cols>": R(Key("as-%(cols)s")), "focus <panel>": R(Key("c-%(panel)s")), "move <panel>": R(Key("cs-%(panel)s")), # "open terminal": R(Key("cs-t")), "open console": R(Key("c-`")), } extras = [ Dictation("dict"), ShortIntegerRef("ln1", 1, 1000), ShortIntegerRef("ln2", 1, 1000), ShortIntegerRef("n2", 1, 9), ShortIntegerRef("n3", 1, 21), Choice("action", navigation.actions), Choice( "nth", { "first": "1", "second": "2", "third": "3", "fourth": "4", "fifth": "5", "sixth": "6", "seventh": "7", "eighth": "8", "ninth": "9", }), Choice("cols", { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3", "grid": "5", }), Choice("panel", { "one": "1", "left": "1", "two": "2", "right": "2", }), Choice( "filetype", { "pie | python": "py", "mark [down]": "md", "tech": "tex", "tommel": "toml", }), ] defaults = { "ln2": "", "n2": 1, "n3": 1, "file type": "", "nth": "1", }