예제 #1
def get_mob_emoji(mob_name: str) -> str:
    emojis = {
        "Wolf": "🐺",
        "Bear": "🐻",
        "Boar": "🐗",
    mob_class = re.search("forbidden (\\w+)", mob_name.lower())
    if mob_class is not None and not "⚜️Forbidden Champion" in mob_name:
        return classes_to_emoji.get(mob_class.group(1).capitalize(), '')
    for mob_class, emoji in list(emojis.items()):
        if mob_class in mob_name:
            return emoji
    return ''
예제 #2
 def class_emoji(self):
     return classes_to_emoji.get(self.game_class, '❔')
예제 #3
def get_tops_text(player: Player,
                  stat: str,
                  stat_text: str,
                  game_class: str = None) -> str:
    Функция, возвращающая текст сообщения с топами.
    Осуществляет выборку, сортировку, представления топов в красивом виде.

    :param player: Player instance - Player, who requested tops message
    :param stat: Str - Stat, which top has been required (e.g. "attack")
    :param stat_text: Str - Stat representation, which will be visible (e.g. "⚔️Attack")
    :param game_class: Str - Game class, which top is needed to be shown (e.g. "knight")
    :return: Str - Result tops text.
    response = "Топ {} по замку:\n".format(stat_text)
    found = False
    if player is None:
        found = True
    if stat in ["wood", "stone", "construction"]:
        if stat == "construction":
            request = "select nickname, count(1) as construction_count, game_class, lvl, player_id from castle_logs " \
                      "left join players on castle_logs.player_id = players.id where action = 'construction' {}" \
                      "group by nickname, game_class, lvl, player_id order by construction_count desc;" \
                      "".format("and game_class = '{}' ".format(game_class) if game_class is not None else "")
            request = "select nickname, count(1) as res_count, game_class, lvl, player_id from castle_logs " \
                      "left join players on castle_logs.player_id = players.id where action = 'collect_resources' and "\
                      "additional_info ->> 'resource' = '{}' {}group by nickname, game_class, lvl, player_id order by "\
                      "res_count desc;".format(stat, "and game_class = '{}'"
                                                     "".format(game_class) if game_class is not None else "")
    elif stat.startswith("roulette"):
        select = stat.partition("roulette_")[2]
        request = "select nickname, count, game_class, lvl, players.id from locations, json_each(special_info -> '{}')"\
                  " as a(id, count) inner join players on a.id::text::integer = players.id where " \
                  "location_id = 10 order by " \
                  "count::text::integer desc".format(select)  # Этот запрос составлялся час. Помянем.

        request = "select nickname, {}, game_class, lvl, id from players where castle = '🖤' and {} is not null " \
                  "and api_info -> 'token' is not null {}" \
                  "order by {} desc".format(stat, stat, "and game_class = '{}' ".format(game_class) if
                                            game_class is not None else "", stat)
        response += "<em>Обратите внимание, в топе отображаются только игроки, подключившие API (команда /auth).</em>" \
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    num = 0
    response_old = ""
    while row is not None:
        num += 1
        class_icon = classes_to_emoji.get(row[2]) or '❔'
        if row[4] == player.id:
            response_new = "<b>{}) {}</b><code>{:<3}</code><b> 🏅: {} {}{}</b> 🔻" \
                           "\n".format(num, stat_text, row[1] or "???", row[3], class_icon, row[0])
            found = True
            if num <= TOP_NUM_PLAYERS:
                response += response_new
                row = cursor.fetchone()
            response += "\n...\n" + response_old + response_new
            response_old = "<code>{}</code>) {}<code>{:<3}</code> 🏅: <code>{}</code> {}{}" \
                           "\n".format(num, stat_text, row[1] or "???", row[3], class_icon, row[0])
            if num <= TOP_NUM_PLAYERS:
                response += response_old
                if found:
                    if num == TOP_NUM_PLAYERS + 1:
                    response += response_old
        row = cursor.fetchone()
    return response
예제 #4
def get_profile_text(player,
    barracks = Location.get_location(1)
    class_links = barracks.special_info.get("class_links")
    if class_links is None:
        class_links = {}
        barracks.special_info.update({"class_links": class_links})
        class_format = (classes_to_emoji.get(player.game_class) + player.game_class) if \
            player.game_class is not None else "Воин"
    except Exception:
        class_format = "Воин"
        logging.error("id:{} nickname:{} class:{} username:{}".format(
            player.id, player.nickname, player.game_class, player.username))
    response = "<b>{}</b> - {} {}\n".format(
        player.nickname, class_format,
        "🖤Скалы" if player.castle == '🖤' else player.castle)
    response += "{}id: <code>{}</code>, ".format(
        "@{}, ".format(player.username) if player.username is not None else "",
    if user_data is None:
        user_data = dispatcher.user_data.get(player.id)
    if player.status is not None:
        response += "Статус: <b>{}</b>\n".format(
            get_status_text_by_id(player.status, player.id))
    response += "🏅: <code>{}</code>, 🔥: <code>{}</code> ⚔: <code>{}</code>, 🛡: <code>{}</code>" \
                "\n".format(player.lvl, player.exp or "???", player.attack, player.defense)
    response += ("👝: {}, ".format(player.pogs) if player.pogs is not None else "") + \
        "🔘: <code>{}</code>\n".format(player.reputation)
    guild = Guild.get_guild(
        guild_id=player.guild) if player.guild is not None else None
    response += "Гильдия: {} | {}🔋\n".format(
        "<code>{}</code>".format(guild.tag) if guild is not None else "нет",
    if guild is not None and self_request:
        response += "Покинуть гильдию: /leave_guild\n"
    elif guild is not None and guild.check_high_access(requested_player.id) and \
            (requested_player.guild == guild.id or guild.is_academy()):
        response += "Удалить из гильдии: /remove_player_{}\n".format(player.id)
    if self_request:
        if player.game_class is not None and player.castle == '🖤' and player.game_class not in [
                'Master', 'Esquire'
                if class_links.get(player.game_class) is None:
                invite_link = class_links.get(player.game_class)
                response += "<a href=\"{}\">\n📚Классовый чат</a>\n".format(
                    "https://t.me/joinchat/" + invite_link)
            except Exception:
    response += "\nЭкипировка:\n"
    eq_list = list(player.equipment.values())
    for equipment in eq_list:
        if equipment is None:
        response += equipment.format()

    r1, r2, r3 = player.get_reports_count()

        if guild is not None and guild.commander_id == player.id:
            response += "\n<b>🎗Командир гильдии</b>\n"
        if guild is not None and player.id in guild.assistants:
            response += "\n<b>🎗Зам командира гильдии</b>\n"
    except Exception:

    response += "\nРепорты(эта неделя / прошлая / всего): <code>{}</code> / <code>{}</code> / <code>{}</code>" \
                "\n".format(r1, r2, r3)
    response += "Регистрация в боте: <code>{}</code>\n".format(
        player.created.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S") if player.
        created is not None else "Оппозит")
    response += "Последнее обновление профиля: " \
                "<code>{}</code>\n".format(player.last_updated.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S") if
                                           player.last_updated is not None else "неизвестно")
    if user_data is None:
        return response
    status = user_data.get("status")
    if status is not None and status in ["sawmill", "quarry", "construction"
                                         ] or "quest_name" in user_data:
        if "quest_name" in user_data:
            quest_name = user_data.get("quest_name")
            response += "\n<b>Вы {}. Это займёт несколько минут.</b>" \
                        "".format("на разведке" if quest_name == 'exploration' else
                                  "копаете котлован" if quest_name == 'pit' else "")
            if player is not None:
                j = construction_jobs.get(player.id)
                if j is not None:
                    seconds_left = j.get_time_left()
                    response += "\nВы заняты делом. Окончание через <b>{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}</b>" \
                                "".format(seconds_left // 60, (seconds_left % 60) // 1)
    return response