def write_deployment(self, campaign_key, deployment_data, extras): """ Write the deployment data to the db, and return a key. """ start_time_stamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(extras[3], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') end_time_stamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(extras[4], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') # check if the deployment already exists deployments = Deployment.objects.filter(start_time_stamp=start_time_stamp, short_name=deployment_data['title'], ) if deployments.count() > 0: print "Deployment %s already exists." % deployments[0].short_name return deployments[0].id deployment = Deployment(start_time_stamp=start_time_stamp, end_time_stamp=end_time_stamp, short_name=deployment_data['title'][:100], mission_aim=deployment_data['description'], type="SVAM", operator="", start_position=extras[0], end_position=extras[1], transect_shape=extras[2], min_depth=extras[5], max_depth=extras[6], contact_person="", descriptive_keywords="", license="") deployment.campaign_id = campaign_key return
def post_deployment(self, request, **kwargs): # should extract and validate the form... form = staging_forms.ApiDeploymentForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): # extract the path we are working with base = staging_settings.STAGING_IMPORT_DIR path = os.path.join(base, kwargs['pk'].decode('hex')) path = os.path.abspath(path) # now we create the deployment created_deployment = Deployment() data = form.cleaned_data created_deployment.short_name = data['short_name'] created_deployment.campaign = data['campaign'] created_deployment.license = data['license'] created_deployment.descriptive_keywords = data[ 'descriptive_keywords'] print "passing to function to process" # now pass to the parsing function try: DeploymentImporter.import_path(created_deployment, path) logger.debug("DeploymentImporter Run successfully.") return self.create_response(request, created_deployment) except Exception: logger.exception("Unable to import deployment.")
def write_deployment(self, campaign_key, deployment_data): """ Write the deployment data to the db, and return a key. """ # check if the deployment already exists deployments = Deployment.objects.filter(start_time_stamp=deployment_data['start_time_stamp'], short_name=deployment_data['short_name']) if deployments.count() > 0: print "Deployment %s already exists." % deployments[0].short_name return deployments[0].id deployment = Deployment(**deployment_data) deployment.campaign_id = campaign_key return
def test_deployment_import(self): """Test the actual import code.""" # create a few measurement types needed for this cadence = ScientificMeasurementType() cadence.normalised_name = "cadence" cadence.display_name = "Cadence" cadence.max_value = 200 cadence.min_value = 0 cadence.description = "How fast you pedal" cadence.units = 'm' index = ScientificMeasurementType() index.normalised_name = "index" index.display_name = "Index" index.max_value = 100000 index.min_value = 0 index.description = "Number of the Image" index.units = "m" # get the fixture path path = self.deployment_path # prefill what we need to deployment = Deployment() deployment.short_name = "TestDeployment" deployment.campaign = self.campaign deployment.license = "CC-BY" deployment.descriptive_keywords = "Test Keyword, Other Keyword" # and fire it off! # this should throw nothing deploymentimport.DeploymentImporter.import_path(deployment, path) # now check it worked! # there are 16 image pairs self.assertEqual(deployment.pose_set.count(), 16) for p in deployment.pose_set.all(): # check the correct number of images per pose self.assertEqual(p.image_set.count(), 2) # check the cadence pose measurement came through self.assertEqual(p.scientificposemeasurement_set.count(), 1) cadence_m = p.scientificposemeasurement_set.get(measurement_type__normalised_name="cadence") # get the front image front = p.image_set.get(camera__name="Front") # check it has an index measurement self.assertEqual(front.scientificimagemeasurement_set.count(), 1) index_m = front.scientificimagemeasurement_set.get(measurement_type__normalised_name="index")