def link_roi_to_class_instance(request, project_id=None, relation_id=None, stack_id=None, ci_id=None): """ With the help of this method one can link a region of interest (ROI) to a class instance. The information about the ROI is passed as POST variables. """ # Try to get all needed POST parameters x_min = float(request.POST['x_min']) x_max = float(request.POST['x_max']) y_min = float(request.POST['y_min']) y_max = float(request.POST['y_max']) z = float(request.POST['z']) zoom_level = int(request.POST['zoom_level']) rotation_cw = int(request.POST['rotation_cw']) # Get related objects project = Project.objects.get(id=project_id) stack = Stack.objects.get(id=stack_id) ci = ClassInstance.objects.get(id=ci_id) rel = Relation.objects.get(id=relation_id) # Calculate ROI center and extent cx = (x_max + x_min) * 0.5 cy = (y_max + y_min) * 0.5 cz = z width = abs(x_max - x_min) height = abs(y_max - y_min) # Create a new ROI class instance roi = RegionOfInterest() roi.user = request.user roi.editor = request.user roi.project = project roi.stack = stack roi.zoom_level = zoom_level roi.location = Double3D(cx, cy, cz) roi.width = width roi.height = height roi.rotation_cw = rotation_cw # Link ROI and class instance roi_ci = RegionOfInterestClassInstance() roi_ci.user = request.user roi_ci.project = project roi_ci.relation = rel roi_ci.region_of_interest = roi roi_ci.class_instance = ci # Create cropped image, if wanted if settings.ROI_AUTO_CREATE_IMAGE: file_name, file_path = create_roi_path( create_roi_image(request.user, project_id,, file_path) # Build result data set status = {'status': "Created new ROI with ID %s." %} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(status))
def link_roi_to_class_instance(request, project_id=None, relation_id=None, stack_id=None, ci_id=None): """ With the help of this method one can link a region of interest (ROI) to a class instance. The information about the ROI is passed as POST variables. """ # Try to get all needed POST parameters x_min = float(request.POST['x_min']) x_max = float(request.POST['x_max']) y_min = float(request.POST['y_min']) y_max = float(request.POST['y_max']) z = float(request.POST['z']) zoom_level = int(request.POST['zoom_level']) rotation_cw = int(request.POST['rotation_cw']) # Get related objects project = Project.objects.get(id=project_id) stack = Stack.objects.get(id=stack_id) ci = ClassInstance.objects.get(id=ci_id) rel = Relation.objects.get(id=relation_id) roi = _add_roi(,,, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z, zoom_level, rotation_cw) # Link ROI and class instance roi_ci = RegionOfInterestClassInstance() roi_ci.user = request.user roi_ci.project = project roi_ci.relation = rel roi_ci.region_of_interest = roi roi_ci.class_instance = ci # Build result data set status = {'status': "Created new ROI with ID %s." %} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(status))
def link_roi_to_class_instance(request, project_id=None, relation_id=None, stack_id=None, ci_id=None): """ With the help of this method one can link a region of interest (ROI) to a class instance. The information about the ROI is passed as POST variables. """ # Try to get all needed POST parameters x_min = float(request.POST['x_min']) x_max = float(request.POST['x_max']) y_min = float(request.POST['y_min']) y_max = float(request.POST['y_max']) z = float(request.POST['z']) zoom_level = int(request.POST['zoom_level']) rotation_cw = int(request.POST['rotation_cw']) # Get related objects project = Project.objects.get(id=project_id) stack = Stack.objects.get(id=stack_id) ci = ClassInstance.objects.get(id=ci_id) rel = Relation.objects.get(id=relation_id) roi = _add_roi(,,, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z, zoom_level, rotation_cw) # Link ROI and class instance roi_ci = RegionOfInterestClassInstance() roi_ci.user = request.user roi_ci.project = project roi_ci.relation = rel roi_ci.region_of_interest = roi roi_ci.class_instance = ci # Build result data set status = {'status': "Created new ROI with ID %s." %} return JsonResponse(status)