예제 #1
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def set_application_setting(category, setting, value):
            # key is required, category is not
            if not setting:
                print "Info: attempt to set application setting - missing setting name [%s/%s]." % (category, setting)
                return False, "Setting is a required value."
            sSQL = "select setting_xml from application_settings where id = 1"
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            sxml = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
            # if there's no settings xml row, insert it
            if not sxml:
                sSQL = "delete from application_settings"
                sSQL = "insert into application_settings (id, setting_xml) values (1, '<settings />')"
                sxml = "<settings />"
            if sxml:
                xdoc = ET.fromstring(sxml)
                if xdoc is not None:
                    # category is optional - if omitted, the new one goes in the root
                    if category:
                        xcat = xdoc.find(category)
                        if xcat is None:
                            xcat = ET.Element(category)

                        xnew = xcat.find(setting)
                        if xnew is None:
                            xnew = ET.Element(setting)

                        xnew.text = ("" if value is None else value)

                        xnew = xdoc.find(setting)
                        if xnew is None:
                            xnew = ET.Element(setting)
                        xnew.text = ("" if value is None else value)

                    sSQL = "update application_settings set setting_xml='%s' where id=1" % ET.tostring(xdoc)
                    db = catocommon.new_conn()
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                        print "Info: attempt to set application setting [%s/%s] failed." % (category, setting)
                        return False, db.error
            return True, ""
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #2
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBUpdate(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            # if the password has not changed leave it as is.
            sPasswordUpdate = ""
            if self.Password and self.Password != "~!@@!~":
                sPasswordUpdate = ", password = '******'"

            #  same for privileged_password
            sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ""
            if self.PrivilegedPassword != "~!@@!~":
                #  updated password
                #  priviledged password can be blank, so if it is, set it to null
                if self.PrivilegedPassword:
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = null"
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = '******'"

            sSQL = "update asset_credential " \
                "set username = '******'," \
                "domain = '" + self.Domain + "'," \
                "shared_or_local = '" + self.SharedOrLocal + "'," \
                "shared_cred_desc = '" + catocommon.tick_slash(self.Description) + "'" \
                + sPasswordUpdate + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + \
                "where credential_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                return False, db.error

#                #  add security log
#                uiCommon.WriteObjectPropertyChangeLog(uiGlobals.CatoObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.strip().replace("'", "''") + "Changed credential", sOriginalUserName, sCredUsername)

            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
예제 #3
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def DBCreateNew(self):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        if not self.Username and not self.PrivateKey:
            raise Exception("A Credential requires a User Name OR a Private Key.")

        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivilegedPassword) if self.PrivilegedPassword else None

        # if it's a local credential, the credential_name is the asset_id.
        # if it's shared, there will be a name.
        if self.SharedOrLocal == "1":
            # whack and add - easiest way to avoid conflicts
            sSQL = "delete from asset_credential where credential_name = %s and shared_or_local = '1'"
            db.exec_db(sSQL, (self.Name))
        sSQL = """insert into asset_credential
            (credential_id, credential_name, username, password, domain, shared_or_local, shared_cred_desc, privileged_password, private_key)
            values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
        params = (self.ID, self.Name, self.Username, catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.Password), self.Domain, self.SharedOrLocal, self.Description, sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate, catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivateKey))
        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL, params):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise Exception("A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name.")
                raise Exception(db.error)
        return True
예제 #4
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
 def DBUpdate(self):
     db = catocommon.new_conn()
     # if the password has not changed leave it as is.
     sPasswordUpdate = ""
     if self.Password and self.Password != "~!@@!~":
         sPasswordUpdate = ", password = '******'"
     #  same for privileged_password
     sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ""
     if self.PrivilegedPassword != "~!@@!~":
         #  updated password
         #  priviledged password can be blank, so if it is, set it to null
         if self.PrivilegedPassword:
             sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = null"
             sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ", privileged_password = '******'"
     # same for private key, but a different rule since it's a textarea
     sPKUpdate = ""
     if self.PrivateKey != "********":
         sPKUpdate = ", private_key = '" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivateKey) + "'"
     sSQL = """update asset_credential set
         credential_name = %s,
         username = %s,
         domain = %s,
         shared_or_local = %s,
         shared_cred_desc = %s {0} {1} {2}
         where credential_id = %s""".format(sPasswordUpdate, sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate, sPKUpdate) 
     db.exec_db(sSQL, (self.Name, self.Username, self.Domain, self.SharedOrLocal, self.Description, self.ID))
     return True
예제 #5
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBCreateNew(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ""
            if self.PrivilegedPassword:
                sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "NULL"
                sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "'" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.PrivilegedPassword) + "'"

            # if it's a local credential, the credential_name is the asset_id.
            # if it's shared, there will be a name.
            if self.SharedOrLocal == "1":
                # whack and add - easiest way to avoid conflicts
                sSQL = "delete from asset_credential where credential_name = '%s' and shared_or_local = '1'" % self.Name
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
            sSQL = "insert into asset_credential " \
                "(credential_id, credential_name, username, password, domain, shared_or_local, shared_cred_desc, privileged_password) " \
                "values ('" + self.ID + "','" + self.Name + "','" + self.Username + "','" + catocommon.cato_encrypt(self.Password) + "','" \
                + self.Domain + "','" + self.SharedOrLocal + "','" + self.Description + "'," + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + ")"
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return False, "A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return False, db.error
            #  add security log
            # need to move this function to catocommon
            # uiCommon.WriteObjectAddLog(uiGlobals.CatoObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sCredentialName, "")
            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
예제 #6
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def FromID(self, credential_id):
            Note the absence of password or privileged_password in this method.
            We don't store passwords, even encrypted, in the object.
            if not credential_id:
                raise Exception("Error building Credential object: ID is required.");    
            sSQL = """select credential_id, credential_name, username, domain, shared_cred_desc, shared_or_local
                from asset_credential
                where credential_id = '%s'""" % credential_id

            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            dr = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
            if dr is not None:
                self.ID = dr["credential_id"]
                self.Name = dr["credential_name"]
                self.Username = dr["username"]
                self.SharedOrLocal = dr["shared_or_local"]
                self.Domain = ("" if not dr["domain"] else dr["domain"])
                self.Description = ("" if not dr["shared_cred_desc"] else dr["shared_cred_desc"])
                raise Exception("Unable to build Credential object. Either no Credentials are defined, or no Credential by ID could be found.")
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #7
파일: catouser.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def HasHistory(user_id):
     """Returns True if the user has historical data."""
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         #  history in user_session.
         sql = "select count(*) from user_session where user_id = '" + user_id + "'"
         iResults = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
         if db.error:
             raise Exception(db.error)
         if iResults:
             return True
         #  history in user_security_log
         sql = "select count(*) from user_security_log where user_id = '" + user_id + "'"
         iResults = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
         if db.error:
             raise Exception(db.error)
         if iResults:
             return True
         return False
     except Exception, ex:
         raise ex
예제 #8
 def dbExists(self):
         # task_id is the PK, and task_name+version is a unique index.
         # so, we check the conflict property, and act accordingly
         sSQL = "select ecotemplate_id from ecotemplate" \
             " where ecotemplate_name = '" + self.Name + "'" \
             " or ecotemplate_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
         print sSQL
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         dr = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
         if db.error:
             print db.error
             raise Exception("Ecotemplate Object: Unable to check for existing Name or ID. " + db.error)
         if dr is not None:
             if dr["ecotemplate_id"]:
                 # PAY ATTENTION! 
                 # if the template exists... it might have been by name, so...
                 # we're setting the ids to the same as the database so it's more accurate.
                 self.ID = dr["ecotemplate_id"]
                 print dr["ecotemplate_id"]
                 return True
         return False
     except Exception, ex:
         raise ex
예제 #9
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def Delete(ids):
        Delete a list of clouds.
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        # we have to check each cloud and see if it's used as the default...
        # if so, you can't delete it without first fixing the account.
        existed = False
        for delete_id in ids:
            sql = "select count(*) from cloud_account where default_cloud_id = %s" % (delete_id)
            exists = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)

            if not exists:
                sql = "delete from clouds_keypair where cloud_id = %s" % (delete_id)
                sql = "delete from clouds where cloud_id = %s" % (delete_id)
                existed = True

        msg = ""
        if existed:
            msg = "Some of the selected Clouds were not deleted because they are referenced by a Cloud Account.  Delete the Account first, or assign it a new Default Cloud."
        return True, msg
예제 #10
파일: tag.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def __init__(self, sFilter="", sObjectID=""):
         sWhereString = ""
         if sFilter:
             aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
             for term in aSearchTerms:
                 if term:
                     sWhereString += " and (t.tag_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                         "or t.tag_desc like '%%" + term + "%%') "
         # if an object id arg is passed, we explicitly limit to that object
         if sObjectID:
             sWhereString += " and ot.object_id = '%s'" % sObjectID
         sSQL = """select t.tag_name, t.tag_desc, count(ot.tag_name) as in_use
             from tags t
             left outer join object_tags ot on t.tag_name = ot.tag_name
             where (1=1) %s
             group by t.tag_name, t.tag_desc
             order by t.tag_name""" % sWhereString
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         self.rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #11
    def FromID(self, sEcosystemID):
            sSQL = "select e.ecosystem_id, e.ecosystem_name, e.ecosystem_desc, e.storm_file, e.storm_status," \
                " e.account_id, e.ecotemplate_id, et.ecotemplate_name, e.created_dt, e.last_update_dt," \
                " (select count(*) from ecosystem_object where ecosystem_id = e.ecosystem_id) as num_objects" \
                " from ecosystem e" \
                " join ecotemplate et on e.ecotemplate_id = et.ecotemplate_id" \
                " where e.ecosystem_id = '" + sEcosystemID + "'"
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            dr = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
            if db.error:
                raise Exception("Ecosystem Object: Unable to get Ecosystem from database. " + db.error)

            if dr:
                self.ID = dr["ecosystem_id"]
                self.Name = dr["ecosystem_name"]
                self.AccountID = dr["account_id"]
                self.EcotemplateID = dr["ecotemplate_id"]
                self.EcotemplateName = dr["ecotemplate_name"]
                self.Description = (dr["ecosystem_desc"] if dr["ecosystem_desc"] else "")
                self.StormFile = (dr["storm_file"] if dr["storm_file"] else "")
                self.StormStatus = (dr["storm_status"] if dr["storm_status"] else "")
                self.CreatedDate = (str(dr["created_dt"]) if dr["created_dt"] else "")
                self.LastUpdate = (str(dr["last_update_dt"]) if dr["storm_status"] else "")
                self.NumObjects = str(dr["num_objects"])
                raise Exception("Error building Ecosystem object: " + db.error)
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
예제 #12
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
 def HasHistory(asset_id):
     """Returns True if the asset has historical data."""
     db = catocommon.new_conn()
     sql = "select count(*) from task_instance where asset_id = %s"
     iResults = db.select_col(sql, (asset_id))
     return catocommon.is_true(iResults)
예제 #13
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
        def DBSave(self):
                """ The messenger has some special considerations when updating!
                ^^^ can't even use that, it was messing up the web.py templator - do something else
                sSQL = """update messenger_settings set mode_off_on='{0}', 
                    loop_delay_sec={1}, retry_delay_min={2}, retry_max_attempts={3}, 
                    smtp_server_addr='{4}', smtp_server_user='******', smtp_server_port={6}, 
                    from_email='{7}', from_name='{8}', admin_email='{9}'"""
                # only update password if it has been changed.
                sPasswordFiller = "~!@@!~"
                if self.SMTPUserPassword != sPasswordFiller:
                    sSQL += ",smtp_server_password='******'";

                sSQL = sSQL.format(("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.Enabled) else "0"), 
                       str(self.PollLoop), str(self.RetryDelay),
                        str(self.RetryMaxAttempts), self.SMTPServerAddress, self.SMTPUserAccount, 
                        str(self.SMTPServerPort), self.FromEmail, self.FromName, self.AdminEmail, 

                db = catocommon.new_conn()
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
                return True, ""
            except Exception, ex:
                print ex.__str__()
                raise Exception(ex)
예제 #14
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def __init__(self, sFilter=""):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sWhereString = ""
        if sFilter:
            aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
            for term in aSearchTerms:
                if term:
                    sWhereString += """ and (a.asset_name like '%%{0}%%'
                        or a.port like '%%{0}%%'
                        or a.address like '%%{0}%%'
                        or a.db_name like '%%{0}%%'
                        or a.asset_status like '%%{0}%%'
                        or ac.username like '%%{0}%%'
                        or ot.tag_name like '%%{0}%%')""".format(term)

        sSQL = """select a.asset_id as ID, 
            a.asset_name as Name,
            a.asset_status as Status,
            a.address as Address,
            case when ac.shared_or_local = 1 then 'Local' else 'Shared' end as SharedOrLocal,
            case when ac.domain <> '' then concat(ac.domain, cast(char(92) as char), ac.username) else ac.username end as Credentials,
            coalesce(group_concat(ot.tag_name order by ot.tag_name separator ','), '') as Tags
            from asset a
            left outer join object_tags ot on a.asset_id = ot.object_id
            left outer join asset_credential ac on ac.credential_id = a.credential_id
            where 1=1 %s group by a.asset_id order by a.asset_name""" % sWhereString

        self.rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
예제 #15
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def __init__(self, sFilter="", sProvider=""):
         sWhereString = ""
         if sFilter:
             aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
             for term in aSearchTerms:
                 if term:
                     sWhereString += " and (account_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                         "or account_number like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                         "or provider like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                         "or login_id like '%%" + term + "%%') "
         # if a sProvider arg is passed, we explicitly limit to this provider
         if sProvider:
             sWhereString += " and provider = '%s'" % sProvider
         sSQL = "select account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, login_id, auto_manage_security," \
             " case is_default when 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as is_default," \
             " (select count(*) from ecosystem where account_id = cloud_account.account_id) as has_ecosystems" \
             " from cloud_account" \
             " where 1=1 " + sWhereString + " order by is_default desc, account_name"
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         self.rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #16
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBUpdate(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            #of course we do nothing if this cloud was hardcoded in the xml
            #just return success, which should never happen since the user can't get to edit a hardcoded Cloud anyway.
            if not self.IsUserDefined:
                return True
            #what's the original name?
            sSQL = "select cloud_name from clouds where cloud_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
            sOriginalName = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
            if not sOriginalName:
                if db.error:
                    raise Exception("Error getting original cloud name:" + db.error)
            sSQL = "update clouds set" + " cloud_name = '" + self.Name + "'," \
                " provider = '" + self.Provider.Name + "'," \
                " api_protocol = '" + self.APIProtocol + "'," \
                " api_url = '" + self.APIUrl + "'" \
                " where cloud_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return False, "A Cloud with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return False, db.error

            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #17
파일: catouser.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def ValidatePassword(uid, pwd):
        Checks a password against the system settings for length, complexity, etc.
        s_set = settings.settings.security()

        # is this password long enough?  too long?
        if len(pwd) < s_set.PassMinLength or len(pwd) > s_set.PassMaxLength:
            return False, "Password must be between %d and %d characters in length." % (s_set.PassMinLength, s_set.PassMaxLength)
        # is it complex (if required to be)?
        if s_set.PassComplexity:
            if not re.search(r"[A-Z~!@#$%^&?+=]", pwd):
                return False, "Password must contain at least one capital letter and at least one special character. (~!@#$%^&?+=)"
        # has it been used lately (if that's required)?
        # in which case we need to save the old one to history, and delete
        # any rows over this counter.
        # this test isn't necessary if no user_id was provided
        if uid and s_set.PasswordHistory:
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            sql = """select password from user_password_history 
            where user_id = '%s'
            order by change_time desc
            limit %d""" % (uid, s_set.PasswordHistory)
            previous_pwds = db.select_csv(sql, False)
            if previous_pwds:
                if catocommon.cato_encrypt(pwd) in previous_pwds:
                    return False, "That password cannot yet be reused."
        return True, None
예제 #18
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBUpdate(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            #of course we do nothing if this cloud was hardcoded in the xml
            #just return success, which should never happen since the user can't get to edit a hardcoded Cloud anyway.
            if not self.IsUserDefined:
                return True
            #what's the original name?
            sSQL = "select cloud_name from clouds where cloud_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
            sOriginalName = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
            if not sOriginalName:
                if db.error:
                    raise Exception("Error getting original cloud name:" +

            sSQL = "update clouds set" + " cloud_name = '" + self.Name + "'," \
                " provider = '" + self.Provider.Name + "'," \
                " api_protocol = '" + self.APIProtocol + "'," \
                " api_url = '" + self.APIUrl + "'" \
                " where cloud_id = '" + self.ID + "'"
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return False, "A Cloud with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return False, db.error

            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #19
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def set_application_section(section, value):
        doc = {}
        sql = "select settings_json from application_settings where id = 1"
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sjson = db.select_col(sql)
        if sjson:
            doc = json.loads(sjson)

        doc[section] = json.loads(value)
        sql = "update application_settings set settings_json=%s where id = 1"
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql, catocommon.ObjectOutput.AsJSON(doc)):
            raise Exception("Info: attempt to set application section [%s] failed." % (section))
예제 #20
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def DBUpdate(self):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        # of course we do nothing if this cloud was hardcoded in the xml
        # just return success, which should never happen since the user can't get to edit a hardcoded Cloud anyway.
        if not self.IsUserDefined:
            return True
        # what's the original name?
        sSQL = "select cloud_name from clouds where cloud_id = '%s'" % self.ID
        sOriginalName = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
        if not sOriginalName:
            if db.error:
                raise Exception("Error getting original cloud name:" + db.error)

        sDefaultAccountID = "null"
        if self.DefaultAccount:
            sDefaultAccountID = "'%s'" % self.DefaultAccount.ID

        sSQL = """update clouds set cloud_name = '%s',
            provider = '%s',
            api_protocol = '%s',
            api_url = '%s',
            default_account_id = %s
            where cloud_id = '%s'""" % (self.Name, self.Provider.Name, self.APIProtocol, self.APIUrl, sDefaultAccountID, self.ID)
        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise InfoException("A Cloud with that name already exists.  Please select another name.")
                raise Exception(db.error)

        return True
예제 #21
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def __init__(self, sFilter="", sProvider=""):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sWhereString = ""
        if sFilter:
            aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
            for term in aSearchTerms:
                if term:
                    sWhereString += " and (ca.account_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or ca.account_number like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or ca.provider like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or c.cloud_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or ca.login_id like '%%" + term + "%%') "

        # if a sProvider arg is passed, we explicitly limit to this provider
        if sProvider:
            sWhereString += " and ca.provider = '%s'" % sProvider

        sSQL = """select 
            ca.account_id as ID, 
            ca.account_name as Name, 
            ca.account_number as AccountNumber, 
            ca.provider as Provider, 
            ca.login_id as LoginID, 
            c.cloud_name as DefaultCloud,
            case is_default when 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as IsDefault
            from cloud_account ca
            left outer join clouds c on ca.default_cloud_id = c.cloud_id
            where 1=1 %s order by ca.is_default desc, ca.account_name""" % sWhereString

        rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
        self.rows = rows if rows else {}
예제 #22
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def GetDefaultAccount(self):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        sSQL = """select default_account_id from clouds where cloud_id = '%s'""" % self.ID
        row = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)

        if row and row["default_account_id"]:
            # note: since there's no RI in the db on this id (it would create a circular dependency)...
            # we'll "fix" bad data here by updating the default_account if it doesn't exist.
                ca = CloudAccount()
                if ca.ID:
                    # when a default account is added to a cloud
                    # we DO NOT include the default cloud of the account
                    # or we'll have recursion
                    del ca.DefaultCloud
                    self.DefaultAccount = ca
                    return ca
            except Exception:
                sSQL = """update clouds set default_account_id = null where cloud_id = %s"""
                row = db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL, (self.ID))
        return None
예제 #23
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def __init__(self, sFilter=""):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sWhereString = ""
        if sFilter:
            aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
            for term in aSearchTerms:
                if term:
                    sWhereString += " and (c.cloud_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or ca.account_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or c.provider like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                        "or c.api_url like '%%" + term + "%%') "

        sSQL = """select 
            c.cloud_id as ID, 
            c.cloud_name as Name, 
            c.provider as Provider, 
            c.api_url as APIUrl, 
            c.api_protocol as APIProtocol, 
            ca.account_name as DefaultAccount
            from clouds c
            left outer join cloud_account ca on c.default_account_id = ca.account_id
            where 1=1 %s order by c.provider, c.cloud_name""" % sWhereString

        rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
        self.rows = rows if rows else {}
예제 #24
파일: uiCommon.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
def IsObjectAllowed(object_id, object_type):
    # if permissions checking is turned off, everything is allowed
    if catoconfig.CONFIG["ui_permissions"] == "false":
        return True

    # given a task id, we need to find the original task id,
    # then check if the user can see it based on tags
    if GetSessionUserRole() == "Administrator":
        return True

    if not object_id or not object_type:
        log("Invalid or missing Object ID or Object Type.")
        return False

    sql = """select 1 from object_tags otu
        join object_tags oto on otu.tag_name = oto.tag_name
        where (otu.object_type = 1)
        and otu.object_id = %s
        and oto.object_type = %s
        and oto.object_id = %s"""

    uid = GetSessionUserID()
    db = catocommon.new_conn()
    result = db.select_col_noexcep(sql, (uid, object_type, object_id))

    return catocommon.is_true(result)
예제 #25
파일: uiCommon.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
def SetNodeValueinXMLColumn(sTable, sXMLColumn, sWhereClause, sNodeToSet, sValue):
    db = catocommon.new_conn()
    log("Setting node [%s] to [%s] in [%s.%s where %s]." % (sNodeToSet, sValue, sTable, sXMLColumn, sWhereClause), 4)
    sSQL = "select " + sXMLColumn + " from " + sTable + " where " + sWhereClause
    sXML = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
    if not sXML:
        log("Unable to get xml." + db.error)
        # parse the doc from the table
        xd = catocommon.ET.fromstring(sXML)
        if xd is None:
            log("Error: Unable to parse XML.")

        # get the specified node from the doc, IF IT'S NOT THE ROOT
        if xd.tag == sNodeToSet:
            xNodeToSet = xd
            xNodeToSet = xd.find(sNodeToSet)

        if xNodeToSet is not None:
            xNodeToSet.text = sValue

            # then send the whole doc back to the database
            sSQL = "update " + sTable + " set " + sXMLColumn + " = %s where " + sWhereClause
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL, (catocommon.ET.tostring(xd))):
                log("Unable to update XML Column [" + sXMLColumn + "] on [" + sTable + "]." + db.error)
            log("Unable to update XML Column ... [" + sNodeToSet + "] not found.")

예제 #26
파일: classes.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def __init__(self, cloud_name):
        self.cloud_id = None
        self.cloud_name = cloud_name
        self.url = None
        self.protocol = None
        self.region = None
        self.provider = None
        self.default_account = None
        self.path = "/"
        self.conn = None
        self.api_version = None
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sql = """select cloud_id, provider, api_url, api_protocol, default_account_id, region
            from clouds where cloud_name = %s"""
        row = db.select_row(sql, (cloud_name))
        if not row:
            msg = "The Cloud endpoint name %s is not configured in the database" % cloud_name
            raise Exception(msg) 

        self.cloud_id, self.provider, self.url, self.protocol, self.default_account, self.region = row[:]
        self.cloud_name = cloud_name

        if self.provider == "Amazon AWS":
            self.url = None
        elif self.provider == "Eucalyptus":
            self.path = "/services/Eucalyptus/"
            self.api_version = "2010-08-31"
예제 #27
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def __init__(self):
         sSQL = "select pass_max_age, pass_max_attempts, pass_max_length, pass_min_length, pass_age_warn_days," \
                 " auto_lock_reset, login_message, auth_error_message, pass_complexity, pass_require_initial_change, pass_history," \
                 " page_view_logging, report_view_logging, allow_login, new_user_email_message" \
                 " from login_security_settings" \
                 " where id = 1"
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         row = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
         if row:
             self.PassMaxAge = row["pass_max_age"]
             self.PassMaxAttempts = row["pass_max_attempts"]
             self.PassMaxLength = row["pass_max_length"]
             self.PassMinLength = row["pass_min_length"]
             self.PassComplexity = catocommon.is_true(row["pass_complexity"])
             self.PassAgeWarn = row["pass_age_warn_days"]
             self.PasswordHistory = row["pass_history"]
             self.PassRequireInitialChange = catocommon.is_true(row["pass_require_initial_change"])
             self.AutoLockReset = row["auto_lock_reset"]
             self.LoginMessage = row["login_message"]
             self.AuthErrorMessage = row["auth_error_message"]
             self.NewUserMessage = row["new_user_email_message"]
             self.PageViewLogging = catocommon.is_true(row["page_view_logging"])
             self.ReportViewLogging = catocommon.is_true(row["report_view_logging"])
             self.AllowLogin = catocommon.is_true(row["allow_login"])
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #28
파일: catouser.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def __init__(self, sFilter=""):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
        sWhereString = ""
        if sFilter:
            aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
            for term in aSearchTerms:
                if term:
                    sWhereString += """ and (u.full_name like '%%{0}%%'
                        or u.user_role like '%%{0}%%'
                        or u.username like '%%{0}%%'
                        or u.status like '%%{0}%%'
                        or u.last_login_dt like '%%{0}%%'
                        or ot.tag_name like '%%{0}%%')""".format(term)

        sSQL = """select u.user_id, u.username, u.full_name, u.last_login_dt, u.email,
            case when u.status = '1' then 'Enabled' when u.status = '-1' then 'Locked'
            when u.status = '0' then 'Disabled' end as status,
            u.authentication_type, u.user_role as role,
            coalesce(group_concat(ot.tag_name order by ot.tag_name separator ','), '') as Tags
            from users u
            left outer join object_tags ot on u.user_id = ot.object_id
            where u.status <> 86 %s group by u.user_id order by u.full_name""" % sWhereString
        self.rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
예제 #29
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def __init__(self, sFilter=""):
            sWhereString = ""
            if sFilter:
                aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
                for term in aSearchTerms:
                    if term:
                        sWhereString += " and (a.asset_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or a.port like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or a.address like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or a.db_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or a.asset_status like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or ac.username like '%%" + term + "%%') "
            sSQL = "select a.asset_id, a.asset_name, a.asset_status, a.address," \
                " case when ac.shared_or_local = 1 then 'Local - ' else 'Shared - ' end as shared_or_local," \
                " case when ac.domain <> '' then concat(ac.domain, cast(char(92) as char), ac.username) else ac.username end as credentials" \
                " from asset a" \
                " left outer join asset_credential ac on ac.credential_id = a.credential_id" \
                " where 1=1 " + sWhereString + " order by a.asset_name"

            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            self.rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #30
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def __init__(self, sFilter="", sProvider=""):
            sWhereString = ""
            if sFilter:
                aSearchTerms = sFilter.split()
                for term in aSearchTerms:
                    if term:
                        sWhereString += " and (account_name like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or account_number like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or provider like '%%" + term + "%%' " \
                            "or login_id like '%%" + term + "%%') "

            # if a sProvider arg is passed, we explicitly limit to this provider
            if sProvider:
                sWhereString += " and provider = '%s'" % sProvider

            sSQL = "select account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, login_id, auto_manage_security," \
                " case is_default when 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as is_default," \
                " (select count(*) from ecosystem where account_id = cloud_account.account_id) as has_ecosystems" \
                " from cloud_account" \
                " where 1=1 " + sWhereString + " order by is_default desc, account_name"

            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            self.rows = db.select_all_dict(sSQL)
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #31
파일: registry.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def __init__(self, object_id):
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         self.object_id = object_id
         if object_id:
             sSQL = "select registry_xml from object_registry where object_id = '%s'" % object_id
             self.xml_text = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
             if db.error:
                 raise Exception("Error: Could not look up Registry XML." + db.error)
             if self.xml_text:
                 self.xml_tree = ET.fromstring(self.xml_text)
                 # if the object_id is a guid, it's an object registry:... add one if it's not there.
                 if uiCommon.IsGUID(object_id):
                     sSQL = "insert into object_registry values ('%s', '<registry />')" % object_id
                     if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                         raise Exception("Error: Could not create Registry." + db.error)
                     self.xml_tree = ET.fromstring("<registry />")
         print self.xml_text
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #32
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
        def DBSave(self):
                sSQL = "update login_security_settings set" \
                    " pass_max_age='" + self.PassMaxAge + "'," \
                    " pass_max_attempts='" + self.PassMaxAttempts + "'," \
                    " pass_max_length='" + self.PassMaxLength + "'," \
                    " pass_min_length='" + self.PassMinLength + "'," \
                    " pass_complexity='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.PassComplexity) else "0") + "'," \
                    " pass_age_warn_days='" + self.PassAgeWarn + "'," \
                    " pass_history = '" + self.PasswordHistory + "'," \
                    " pass_require_initial_change='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.PassRequireInitialChange) else "0") + "'," \
                    " auto_lock_reset='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.AutoLockReset) else "0") + "'," \
                    " login_message='" + self.LoginMessage.replace("'", "''") + "'," \
                    " auth_error_message='" + self.AuthErrorMessage.replace("'", "''").replace(";", "") + "'," \
                    " new_user_email_message='" + self.NewUserMessage.replace("'", "''").replace(";", "") + "'," \
                    " page_view_logging='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.PageViewLogging) else "0") + "'," \
                    " report_view_logging='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.ReportViewLogging) else "0") + "'," \
                    " allow_login='******'" \
                    " where id = 1"

                db = catocommon.new_conn()
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
                return True, ""
            except Exception, ex:
                raise Exception(ex)
                print ex
예제 #33
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
    def DBUpdate(self):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()

        #  only update the passwword if it has changed
        sNewPassword = ""
        if self.LoginPassword != "($%#d@x!&":
            sNewPassword = (", login_password = '******'" if self.LoginPassword else "")

        sSQL = "update cloud_account set" \
                " account_name = '" + self.Name + "'," \
                " account_number = '" + self.AccountNumber + "'," \
                " provider = '" + self.Provider.Name + "'," \
                " default_cloud_id = '" + self.DefaultCloud.ID + "'," \
                " is_default = '" + ("1" if self.IsDefault else "0") + "'," \
                " auto_manage_security = 0," \
                " login_id = '" + self.LoginID + "'" + \
                sNewPassword + \
                " where account_id = '" + self.ID + "'"

        if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
            if db.error == "key_violation":
                raise InfoException("A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name.")
                raise Exception(db.error)

        # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
        if self.IsDefault:
            sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> %s"
            # not worth failing... we'll just end up with two defaults.
            db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL, (self.ID))

        return True
예제 #34
파일: tag.py 프로젝트: AsherBond/cato
 def DBUpdate(self):
     db = catocommon.new_conn()
     # do the description no matter what just to be quick
     sql = "update tags set tag_desc = %s where tag_name = %s"
     db.exec_db(sql, (self.Description, self.Name))
     return True
예제 #35
파일: catouser.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def AddPWToHistory(self, pw):
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         sql = "insert user_password_history (user_id, change_time, password) values ('%s', now(), '%s')" % (self.ID, pw)
         if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
             print db.error
     except Exception, ex:
         return False, ex.__str__()
예제 #36
파일: catouser.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBCreateNew(sUsername, sFullName, sAuthType, sPassword, sGeneratePW, sForcePasswordChange, sUserRole, sEmail, sStatus, sGroupArray):
            # TODO: All the password testing, etc.
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()

            if sAuthType == "local":
                if sPassword:
                    if sPassword:
                        result, msg = User.ValidatePassword(None, sPassword)
                        if result:
                            sEncPW = "'%s'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(sPassword)
                            return None, msg
                elif catocommon.is_true(sGeneratePW):
                    sEncPW = "'%s'" % catocommon.cato_encrypt(catocommon.generate_password())
                    return None, "A password must be provided, or check the box to generate one."
            elif sAuthType == "ldap":
                sEncPW = " null"
            sSQL = "insert into users" \
                " (user_id, username, full_name, authentication_type, force_change, email, status, user_role, user_password)" \
                " values ('" + sNewID + "'," \
                "'" + sUsername + "'," \
                "'" + sFullName + "'," \
                "'" + sAuthType + "'," \
                "'" + sForcePasswordChange + "'," \
                "'" + (sEmail if sEmail else "") + "'," \
                "'" + sStatus + "'," \
                "'" + sUserRole + "'," \
                "" + sEncPW + "" \
            if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    return None, "A User with that Login ID already exists.  Please select another."
                    return None, db.error

            if sGroupArray:
                # if we can't create groups we don't actually fail...
                for tag in sGroupArray:
                    sql = "insert object_tags (object_type, object_id, tag_name) values (1, '%s','%s')" % (sNewID, tag)
                    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sql):
                        print "Error creating Groups for new user %s." % sNewID
            # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
            u = User()
            return u, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
예제 #37
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBCreateNew(sAccountName, sAccountNumber, sProvider, sLoginID,
                    sLoginPassword, sIsDefault):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            # if there are no rows yet, make this one the default even if the box isn't checked.
            if sIsDefault == "0":
                iExists = -1

                sSQL = "select count(*) as cnt from cloud_account"
                iExists = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
                if iExists == None:
                    if db.error:
                        return None, "Unable to count Cloud Accounts: " + db.error

                if iExists == 0:
                    sIsDefault = "1"

            sNewID = catocommon.new_guid()
            sPW = (catocommon.cato_encrypt(sLoginPassword)
                   if sLoginPassword else "")

            sSQL = "insert into cloud_account" \
                " (account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, is_default, login_id, login_password, auto_manage_security)" \
                " values ('" + sNewID + "'," \
                "'" + sAccountName + "'," \
                "'" + sAccountNumber + "'," \
                "'" + sProvider + "'," \
                "'" + sIsDefault + "'," \
                "'" + sLoginID + "'," \
                "'" + sPW + "'," \

            if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                if db.error == "key_violation":
                    sErr = "A Cloud Account with that name already exists.  Please select another name."
                    return None, sErr
                    return None, db.error

            # if "default" was selected, unset all the others
            if sIsDefault == "1":
                sSQL = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> '" + sNewID + "'"
                if not db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                    raise Exception(db.error)


            # now it's inserted... lets get it back from the db as a complete object for confirmation.
            ca = CloudAccount()

            # yay!
            return ca, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
예제 #38
파일: uiCommon.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
def SetNodeAttributeinXMLColumn(sTable, sXMLColumn, sWhereClause, sNodeToSet,
                                sAttribute, sValue):
    # THIS ONE WILL do adds if the attribute doesn't exist, or update it if it does.
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
            "Setting [%s] attribute [%s] to [%s] in [%s.%s where %s]" %
            (sNodeToSet, sAttribute, sValue, sTable, sXMLColumn, sWhereClause),

        sXML = ""

        sSQL = "select " + sXMLColumn + " from " + sTable + " where " + sWhereClause
        sXML = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
        if db.error:
            log("Unable to get xml." + db.error)
            return ""

        if sXML:
            # parse the doc from the table
            xd = ET.fromstring(sXML)
            if xd is None:
                log("Unable to parse xml." + db.error)
                return ""

            # get the specified node from the doc
            # here's the rub - the request might be or the "root" node,
            # which "find" will not, er ... find.
            # so let's first check if the root node is the name we want.
            xNodeToSet = None

            if xd.tag == sNodeToSet:
                xNodeToSet = xd
                xNodeToSet = xd.find(sNodeToSet)

            if xNodeToSet is None:
                # do nothing if we didn't find the node
                return ""
                # set it
                xNodeToSet.attrib[sAttribute] = sValue

            # then send the whole doc back to the database
            sSQL = "update " + sTable + " set " + sXMLColumn + " = '" + catocommon.tick_slash(ET.tostring(xd)) + "'" \
                " where " + sWhereClause
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                log("Unable to update XML Column [" + sXMLColumn + "] on [" +
                    sTable + "]." + db.error)

        return ""
    except Exception:
        log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 0)
        if db.conn.socket:
예제 #39
 def POST(self, method):
         self.db = catocommon.new_conn()
         methodToCall = getattr(self, method)
         result = methodToCall()
         return result
     except Exception as ex:
         raise ex
         if self.db.conn.socket:
예제 #40
파일: uiCommon.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
def AddSecurityLog(LogType, Action, ObjectType, ObjectID, LogMessage):
    sTrimmedLog = catocommon.tick_slash(LogMessage).strip()
    if sTrimmedLog:
        if len(sTrimmedLog) > 7999:
            sTrimmedLog = sTrimmedLog[:7998]
    sSQL = """insert into user_security_log (log_type, action, user_id, log_dt, object_type, object_id, log_msg)
        values ('%s', '%s', '%s', now(), %d, '%s', '%s')""" % (
        LogType, Action, GetSessionUserID(), ObjectType, ObjectID, sTrimmedLog)
    db = catocommon.new_conn()
    if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
        log_nouser(db.error, 0)
예제 #41
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def DBDelete(self):
            db = catocommon.new_conn()

            sSQL = "delete from asset_credential where credential_id = '%s'" % self.ID
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                return False, db.error

            #  add security log
            #uiCommon.WriteObjectDeleteLog(uiGlobals.CatoObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.strip().replace("'", "''"), "Credential deleted" + sOriginalCredentialID + " " + sOriginalUserName)

            return True, None
        except Exception, ex:
            raise ex
예제 #42
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def __init__(self):
         sSQL = "select mode_off_on, loop_delay_sec, max_processes" \
             " from poller_settings" \
             " where id = 1"
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         row = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
         if row:
             self.Enabled = catocommon.is_true(row["mode_off_on"])
             self.LoopDelay = row["loop_delay_sec"]
             self.MaxProcesses = row["max_processes"]
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #43
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
        def DBSave(self):
                sSQL = "update poller_settings set" \
                    " mode_off_on='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.Enabled) else "0") + "'," \
                    " loop_delay_sec='" + str(self.LoopDelay) + "'," \
                    " max_processes='" + str(self.MaxProcesses) + "'"

                db = catocommon.new_conn()
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
                return True, ""
            except Exception, ex:
                raise Exception(ex)
예제 #44
파일: uiCommon.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
def RemoveNodeFromXMLColumn(sTable, sXMLColumn, sWhereClause, sNodeToRemove):
        db = catocommon.new_conn()
            "Removing node [%s] from [%s.%s where %s]." %
            (sNodeToRemove, sTable, sXMLColumn, sWhereClause), 4)
        sSQL = "select " + sXMLColumn + " from " + sTable + " where " + sWhereClause
        sXML = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
        if not sXML:
            log("Unable to get xml." + db.error)
            # parse the doc from the table
            xd = ET.fromstring(sXML)
            if xd is None:
                log("Error: Unable to parse XML.")

            # get the specified node from the doc
            xNodeToWhack = xd.find(sNodeToRemove)
            if xNodeToWhack is None:
                    "INFO: attempt to remove [%s] - the element was not found."
                    % sNodeToRemove, 4)
                # no worries... what you want to delete doesn't exist?  perfect!

            # OK, here's the deal...
            # we have found the node we want to delete, but we found it using an xpath,
            # ElementTree doesn't support deleting by xpath.
            # so, we'll use a parent map to find the immediate parent of the node we found,
            # and on the parent we can call ".remove"
            parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in xd.getiterator() for c in p)
            xParentOfNodeToWhack = parent_map[xNodeToWhack]

            # whack it
            if xParentOfNodeToWhack is not None:

            sSQL = "update " + sTable + " set " + sXMLColumn + " = '" + catocommon.tick_slash(ET.tostring(xd)) + "'" \
                " where " + sWhereClause
            if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                log("Unable to update XML Column [" + sXMLColumn + "] on [" +
                    sTable + "]." + db.error)

    except Exception:
        log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 0)
        if db.conn.socket:
예제 #45
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def get_application_setting(xpath):
         sSQL = "select setting_xml from application_settings where id = 1"
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         sxml = db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)
         if sxml:
             xdoc = ET.fromstring(sxml)
             if xdoc is not None:
                 return xdoc.findtext(xpath, "")
         print "Info: attempt to find application settings [%s] failed." % xpath
         return ""
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #46
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def HasHistory(asset_id):
     """Returns True if the asset has historical data."""
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         #  history in user_session.
         sql = "select count(*) from tv_task_instance where asset_id = '" + asset_id + "'"
         iResults = db.select_col_noexcep(sql)
         if db.error:
             raise Exception(db.error)
         if iResults:
             return True
         return False
     except Exception, ex:
         raise ex
예제 #47
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
 def __init__(self):
         sSQL = "select mode_off_on, loop_delay_sec, schedule_min_depth, schedule_max_days, clean_app_registry" \
             " from scheduler_settings" \
             " where id = 1"
         db = catocommon.new_conn()
         row = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
         if row:
             self.Enabled = catocommon.is_true(row["mode_off_on"])
             self.LoopDelay = row["loop_delay_sec"]
             self.ScheduleMinDepth = row["schedule_min_depth"]
             self.ScheduleMaxDays = row["schedule_max_days"]
             self.CleanAppRegistry = row["clean_app_registry"]
     except Exception, ex:
         raise Exception(ex)
예제 #48
파일: settings.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
        def DBSave(self):
                sSQL = "update scheduler_settings set" \
                " mode_off_on='" + ("1" if catocommon.is_true(self.Enabled) else "0") + "'," \
                " loop_delay_sec='" + str(self.LoopDelay) + "'," \
                " schedule_min_depth='" + str(self.ScheduleMinDepth) +"'," \
                " schedule_max_days='" + str(self.ScheduleMaxDays) +"'," \
                " clean_app_registry = '" + str(self.CleanAppRegistry) + "'"

                db = catocommon.new_conn()
                if not db.exec_db_noexcep(sSQL):
                    return False, db.error
                return True, ""
            except Exception, ex:
                raise Exception(ex)
예제 #49
파일: cloud.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def FromID(self, sAccountID):
            if not sAccountID:
                raise Exception(
                    "Error building Cloud Account object: Cloud Account ID is required."

            sSQL = "select account_name, account_number, provider, login_id, login_password, is_default" \
                " from cloud_account" \
                " where account_id = '" + sAccountID + "'"

            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            dr = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)

            if dr is not None:
                self.ID = sAccountID
                self.Name = dr["account_name"]
                self.AccountNumber = ("" if not dr["account_number"] else
                self.LoginID = ("" if not dr["login_id"] else dr["login_id"])
                self.LoginPassword = ("" if not dr["login_password"] else
                self.IsDefault = (True if dr["is_default"] == 1 else False)

                # find a provider object
                cp = providers.CloudProviders()
                if not cp:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Error building Cloud Account object: Unable to get CloudProviders."

                #check the CloudProvider class first ... it *should be there unless something is wrong.
                if cp.has_key(dr["provider"]):
                    self.Provider = cp[dr["provider"]]
                    raise Exception(
                        "Provider [" + dr["provider"] +
                        "] does not exist in the cloud_providers session xml.")

                raise Exception(
                    "Unable to build Cloud Account object. Either no Cloud Accounts are defined, or no Account with ID ["
                    + sAccountID + "] could be found.")
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)
예제 #50
파일: asset.py 프로젝트: grobertson/cato
    def PopulateAsset(self, asset_id="", asset_name=""):
            Note the absence of password or privileged_password in this method.
            We don't store passwords, even encrypted, in the object.
            if not asset_id and not asset_name:
                raise Exception("Error building Asset object: ID or Name is required.");    
            sSQL = """select a.asset_id, a.asset_name, a.asset_status, a.port, a.db_name, a.conn_string,
                a.address, ac.username, ac.domain,
                ac.shared_cred_desc, ac.credential_name, a.credential_id,
                case when ac.shared_or_local = '0' then 'Shared' else 'Local' end as shared_or_local
                from asset a
                left outer join asset_credential ac on ac.credential_id = a.credential_id
            if asset_id:
                sSQL += " where a.asset_id = '%s'""" % asset_id
            elif asset_name:
                sSQL += " where a.asset_name = '%s'""" % asset_name

            db = catocommon.new_conn()
            dr = db.select_row_dict(sSQL)
            if dr is not None:
                self.ID = dr["asset_id"]
                self.Name = dr["asset_name"]
                self.Status = dr["asset_status"]
                self.Port = ("" if not dr["port"] else str(dr["port"]))
                self.DBName = ("" if not dr["db_name"] else dr["db_name"])
                self.Address = ("" if not dr["address"] else dr["address"])
                self.UserName = ("" if not dr["username"] else dr["username"])
                self.SharedOrLocal = ("" if not dr["shared_or_local"] else dr["shared_or_local"])
                self.CredentialID = ("" if not dr["credential_id"] else dr["credential_id"])
                self.Domain = ("" if not dr["domain"] else dr["domain"])
                self.SharedCredName = ("" if not dr["credential_name"] else dr["credential_name"])
                self.SharedCredDesc = ("" if not dr["shared_cred_desc"] else dr["shared_cred_desc"])
                self.ConnString = ("" if not dr["conn_string"] else dr["conn_string"])
                raise Exception("Unable to build Asset object. Either no Assets are defined, or no Asset by ID/Name could be found.")
        except Exception, ex:
            raise Exception(ex)