def informationFlow(self, Nalpha=None, Nbeta=None): ceparams = self.ceparams.copy() if Nalpha is not None: ceparams['Nalpha'] = Nalpha if Nbeta is not None: ceparams['Nbeta'] = Nbeta negI, _ = causaleffect.joint_uncond( ceparams, self.decoder, self.classifier, self.device) return -1. * negI
def CVAE( model="mnist_VAE_CNN", # currently not used steps=20000, batch_size=100, z_dim=6, z_dim_true=4, x_dim=10, y_dim=1, alpha_dim=4, ntrain=5000, No=15, Ni=15, lam_ML=0.000001, gamma=0.001, lr=0.0001, b1=0.5, b2=0.999, use_ce=True, objective="IND_UNCOND", decoder_net="VAE_CNN", # options are ['linGauss','nonLinGauss','VAE','VAE_CNN','VAE_Imagenet','VAE_fMNIST'] classifier_net="cnn", # options are ['oneHyperplane','twoHyperplane','cnn','cnn_imagenet','cnn_fmnist'] data_type="mnist", # options are ["2dpts","mnist","imagenet","fmnist"] break_up_ce=True, # Whether or not to break up the forward passes of the network based on alphas randseed=None, save_output=False, debug_level=2, debug_plot=False, save_plot=False, c_dim=1, img_size=28): # initialization params = { "steps": steps, "batch_size": batch_size, "z_dim": z_dim, "z_dim_true": z_dim_true, "x_dim": x_dim, "y_dim": y_dim, "alpha_dim": alpha_dim, "ntrain": ntrain, "No": No, "Ni": Ni, "lam_ML": lam_ML, "gamma": gamma, "lr": lr, "b1": b1, "b2": b2, "use_ce": use_ce, "objective": objective, "decoder_net": decoder_net, "classifier_net": classifier_net, "data_type": data_type, "break_up_ce": break_up_ce, "randseed": randseed, "save_output": save_output, "debug_level": debug_level, 'c_dim': c_dim, 'img_size': img_size } params["data_std"] = 2. if debug_level > 0: print("Parameters:") print(params) # Initialize arrays for storing performance data debug = {} debug["loss"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_ce"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_logdet"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_quadform"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_mse"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_kld"] = np.zeros((steps)) if decoder_net == 'linGauss': for i in range(params["z_dim"]): for j in range(params["z_dim_true"]): debug["cossim_w%dwhat%d" % (j + 1, i + 1)] = np.zeros((steps)) for j in range(i + 1, params["z_dim"]): debug["cossim_what%dwhat%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)] = np.zeros( (steps)) if save_plot: frames = [] if data_type == 'mnist' or data_type == 'fmnist': class_use = np.array([0, 3, 4]) class_use_str = np.array2string(class_use) y_dim = class_use.shape[0] newClass = range(0, y_dim) save_dir = '/home/mnorko/Documents/Tensorflow/causal_vae/results/fmnist_class034/' + data_type + '_' + objective + '_zdim' + str( z_dim) + '_alpha' + str(alpha_dim) + '_No' + str(No) + '_Ni' + str( Ni) + '_lam' + str(lam_ML) + '_class' + class_use_str[1:( len(class_use_str) - 1):2] + '/' else: save_dir = '/home/mnorko/Documents/Tensorflow/causal_vae/results/imagenet/' + data_type + '_' + objective + '_zdim' + str( z_dim) + '_alpha' + str(alpha_dim) + '_No' + str(No) + '_Ni' + str( Ni) + '_lam' + str(lam_ML) + '_cont_kl0.1/' if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if data_type == '2dpts': break_up_ce = False params['break_up_ce'] = False # seed random number generator if randseed is not None: if debug_level > 0: print('Setting random seed to ' + str(randseed) + '.') np.random.seed(randseed) torch.manual_seed(randseed) # Device configuration device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Generate data if data_type == '2dpts': # --- construct projection matrices --- # 'true' orthogonal columns used to generate data from latent factors #Wsquare = sp.linalg.orth(np.random.rand(x_dim,x_dim)) Wsquare = np.identity(x_dim) W = Wsquare[:, :z_dim_true] # 1st column of W w1 = np.expand_dims(W[:, 0], axis=1) # 2nd column of W w2 = np.expand_dims(W[:, 1], axis=1) # form projection matrices Pw1 = util.formProjMat(w1) Pw2 = util.formProjMat(w2) # convert to torch matrices Pw1_torch = torch.from_numpy(Pw1).float() Pw2_torch = torch.from_numpy(Pw2).float() # --- construct data --- # ntrain instances of alpha and x Alpha = params["data_std"] * np.random.randn(ntrain, z_dim_true) X = np.matmul(Alpha, W.T) elif data_type == 'mnist': test_size = 64 X, Y, tridx = load_mnist_classSelect('train', class_use, newClass) vaX, vaY, vaidx = load_mnist_classSelect('val', class_use, newClass) sample_inputs = vaX[0:test_size] sample_inputs_torch = torch.from_numpy(sample_inputs) sample_inputs_torch = sample_inputs_torch.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to(device) ntrain = X.shape[0] elif data_type == 'fmnist': test_size = 64 X, Y, tridx = load_fashion_mnist_classSelect('train', class_use, newClass) vaX, vaY, vaidx = load_fashion_mnist_classSelect( 'val', class_use, newClass) sample_inputs = vaX[0:test_size] sample_inputs_torch = torch.from_numpy(sample_inputs) sample_inputs_torch = sample_inputs_torch.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to(device) ntrain = X.shape[0] elif data_type == 'svhn': X, Y, tridx = load_svhn_classSelect('train', class_use, newClass) vaX, vaY, vaidx = load_svhn_classSelect('val', class_use, newClass) sample_inputs = vaX[0:test_size] sample_inputs_torch = torch.from_numpy(sample_inputs) sample_inputs_torch = sample_inputs_torch.float().to(device) ntrain = X.shape[0] elif data_type == 'imagenet': transform_train = transforms.Compose([ transforms.RandomCrop(128, padding=4, pad_if_needed=True), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.Resize([32, 32]), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ]) transform_test = transforms.Compose([ transforms.CenterCrop(128), transforms.Resize([32, 32]), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ]) file_open = open('imagenet_zebra_gorilla.pkl', 'rb') train_fileType_2 = pickle.load(file_open) train_imgName_2 = pickle.load(file_open) train_imgLabel_2 = pickle.load(file_open) val_fileType_2 = pickle.load(file_open) val_imgName_2 = pickle.load(file_open) val_imgLabel_2 = pickle.load(file_open) file_open.close() train_set = Imagenet_Gor_Zeb(train_imgName_2, train_imgLabel_2, train_fileType_2, transforms=transform_train) trainloader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) test_size = 16 val_set = Imagenet_Gor_Zeb(val_imgName_2, val_imgLabel_2, val_fileType_2, transforms=transform_test) valloader =, batch_size=test_size, shuffle=True) dataiter = iter(trainloader) dataiter_val = iter(valloader) sample_inputs_torch, _ = sample_inputs_torch = # --- initialize decoder --- if decoder_net == 'linGauss': from linGaussModel import Decoder decoder = Decoder(x_dim, z_dim).to(device) elif decoder_net == 'nonLinGauss': from VAEModel import Decoder_samp z_num_samp = No decoder = Decoder_samp(x_dim, z_dim).to(device) elif decoder_net == 'VAE': from VAEModel import Decoder, Encoder encoder = Encoder(x_dim, z_dim).to(device) encoder.apply(weights_init_normal) decoder = Decoder(x_dim, z_dim).to(device) decoder.apply(weights_init_normal) elif decoder_net == 'VAE_CNN' or 'VAE_fMNIST': from VAEModel_CNN import Decoder, Encoder encoder = Encoder(z_dim, c_dim, img_size).to(device) encoder.apply(weights_init_normal) decoder = Decoder(z_dim, c_dim, img_size).to(device) decoder.apply(weights_init_normal) elif decoder_net == 'VAE_Imagenet': checkpoint = torch.load( '/home/mnorko/Documents/Tensorflow/causal_vae/results/imagenet/imagenet_JOINT_UNCOND_zdim40_alpha0_No20_Ni1_lam0.001/' + 'network_batch' + str(batch_size) + '.pt') from VAEModel_CNN_imagenet import Decoder, Encoder encoder = Encoder(z_dim, c_dim, img_size).to(device) decoder = Decoder(z_dim, c_dim, img_size).to(device) encoder.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict_encoder']) decoder.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict_decoder']) else: print("Error: decoder_net should be one of: linGauss nonLinGauss VAE") # --- initialize classifier --- if classifier_net == 'oneHyperplane': from hyperplaneClassifierModel import OneHyperplaneClassifier classifier = OneHyperplaneClassifier(x_dim, y_dim, Pw1_torch, ksig=5.).to(device) classifier.apply(weights_init_normal) elif classifier_net == 'twoHyperplane': from hyperplaneClassifierModel import TwoHyperplaneClassifier classifier = TwoHyperplaneClassifier(x_dim, y_dim, Pw1_torch, Pw2_torch, ksig=5.).to(device) classifier.apply(weights_init_normal) elif classifier_net == 'cnn': from cnnClassifierModel import CNN classifier = CNN(y_dim).to(device) batch_orig = 64 checkpoint = torch.load('./mnist_batch64_lr0.1_class38/network_batch' + str(batch_orig) + '.pt') #checkpoint = torch.load('/home/mnorko/Documents/Tensorflow/causal_vae/results/mnist_batch64_lr0.1_class149/network_batch' + str(batch_orig) + '.pt') classifier.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict_classifier']) elif classifier_net == 'cnn_fmnist': from cnnClassifierModel import CNN classifier = CNN(y_dim).to(device) batch_orig = 64 checkpoint = torch.load( './fmnist_batch64_lr0.1_class034/network_batch' + str(batch_orig) + '.pt') #checkpoint = torch.load('/home/mnorko/Documents/Tensorflow/causal_vae/results/mnist_batch64_lr0.1_class149/network_batch' + str(batch_orig) + '.pt') classifier.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict_classifier']) elif classifier_net == 'cnn_imagenet': from cnnImageNetClassifierModel import CNN classImagenetIdx = [366, 340] classifier_model = models.vgg16_bn(pretrained=True) classifier = CNN(classifier_model, classImagenetIdx).to(device) else: print( "Error: classifier should be one of: oneHyperplane twoHyperplane") ## if decoder_net == 'linGauss': What = Variable(torch.mul(torch.randn(x_dim, z_dim, dtype=torch.float), 0.5), requires_grad=True) else: What = None # --- specify optimizer --- # NOTE: we only include the decoder parameters in the optimizer # because we don't want to update the classifier parameters if decoder_net == 'VAE' or decoder_net == 'VAE_CNN' or decoder_net == 'VAE_Imagenet' or decoder_net == 'VAE_fMNIST': params_use = list(decoder.parameters()) + list(encoder.parameters()) else: params_use = list(decoder.parameters()) optimizer_NN = torch.optim.Adam(params_use, lr=lr, betas=(b1, b2)) # --- train --- start_time = time.time() for k in range(0, steps): # --- reset gradients to zero --- # (you always need to do this in pytorch or the gradients are # accumulated from one batch to the next) optimizer_NN.zero_grad() # --- compute negative log likelihood --- # randomly subsample batch_size samples of x randIdx = np.random.randint(0, ntrain, batch_size) if data_type == '2dpts': Xbatch = torch.from_numpy(X[randIdx, :]).float() elif data_type == 'mnist' or data_type == 'fmnist': Xbatch = torch.from_numpy(X[randIdx]).float() Xbatch = Xbatch.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) elif data_type == 'imagenet': try: Xbatch, _ = except: dataiter = iter(trainloader) Xbatch, _ = Xbatch = if decoder_net == 'linGauss': nll = loss_functions.linGauss_NLL_loss(Xbatch, What, gamma) elif decoder_net == 'nonLinGauss': randBatch = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn(z_num_samp, z_dim)).float() Xest, Xmu, Xlogvar = decoder(randBatch) Xcov = torch.exp(Xlogvar) nll = loss_functions.nonLinGauss_NLL_loss(Xbatch, Xmu, Xcov) elif decoder_net == 'VAE' or decoder_net == 'VAE_CNN' or decoder_net == 'VAE_Imagenet' or decoder_net == 'VAE_fMNIST': latent_out, mu, logvar = encoder(Xbatch) Xest = decoder(latent_out) nll, nll_mse, nll_kld = loss_functions.VAE_LL_loss( Xbatch, Xest, logvar, mu) # --- compute mutual information causal effect term --- if objective == "IND_UNCOND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.ind_uncond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) elif objective == "IND_COND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.ind_cond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) elif objective == "JOINT_UNCOND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.joint_uncond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) elif objective == "JOINT_COND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.joint_cond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) # --- compute gradients --- # total loss loss = use_ce * causalEffect + lam_ML * nll # backward step to compute the gradients loss.backward() if decoder_net == 'linGauss': # update What with the computed gradient * # reset the What gradients to 0 else: optimizer_NN.step() # --- save debug info for this step --- debug["loss"][k] = loss.item() debug["loss_ce"][k] = causalEffect.item() debug["loss_nll"][k] = (lam_ML * nll).item() if decoder_net == 'VAE' or decoder_net == 'VAE_CNN' or decoder_net == 'VAE_Imagenet' or decoder_net == 'VAE_fMNIST': debug["loss_nll_mse"][k] = (lam_ML * nll_mse).item() debug["loss_nll_kld"][k] = (lam_ML * nll_kld).item() if debug_level > 1: if decoder_net == 'linGauss': Wnorm = W / np.linalg.norm(W, axis=0, keepdims=True) Whatnorm = What.detach().numpy() / np.linalg.norm( What.detach().numpy(), axis=0, keepdims=True) # cosine similarities between columns of W and What for i in range(params["z_dim"]): for j in range(params["z_dim_true"]): debug["cossim_w%dwhat%d" % (j + 1, i + 1)][k] = np.matmul( Wnorm[:, j], Whatnorm[:, i]) for j in range(i + 1, params["z_dim"]): debug["cossim_what%dwhat%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)][k] = np.matmul( Whatnorm[:, i], Whatnorm[:, j]) # --- print step information --- if debug_level > 0: print("[Step %d/%d] time: %4.2f [CE: %g] [ML: %g] [loss: %g]" % \ (k, steps, time.time() - start_time, debug["loss_ce"][k], debug["loss_nll"][k], debug["loss"][k])) # --- debug plot --- if debug_plot and k % 1000 == 0: print('Generating plot frame...') if data_type == '2dpts': # generate samples of p(x | alpha_i = alphahat_i) decoded_points = {} decoded_points["ai_vals"] = lfplot_aihat_vals decoded_points["samples"] = np.zeros( (2, lfplot_nsamp, len(lfplot_aihat_vals), params["z_dim"])) for l in range(params["z_dim"]): # loop over latent dimensions for i, aihat in enumerate( lfplot_aihat_vals): # loop over fixed aihat values for m in range( lfplot_nsamp): # loop over samples to generate z = np.random.randn(params["z_dim"]) z[l] = aihat x = decoder( torch.from_numpy(z).float(), What, gamma) decoded_points["samples"][:, m, i, l] = x.detach().numpy() frame = plotting.debugPlot_frame(X, ceDebug["Xhat"], W, What, k, steps, debug, params, classifier, decoded_points) if save_plot: frames.append(frame) elif data_type == 'mnist' or data_type == 'imagenet' or data_type == 'fmnist': { 'step': k, 'model_state_dict_classifier': classifier.state_dict(), 'model_state_dict_encoder': encoder.state_dict(), 'model_state_dict_decoder': decoder.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer_NN.state_dict(), 'loss': loss, }, save_dir + 'network_batch' + str(batch_size) + '.pt') sample_latent, mu, var = encoder(sample_inputs_torch) sample_inputs_torch_new = sample_inputs_torch.permute( 0, 2, 3, 1) sample_inputs_np = sample_inputs_torch_new.detach().cpu( ).numpy() sample_img = decoder(sample_latent) sample_latent_small = sample_latent[0:10, :] imgOut_real, probOut_real, latentOut_real = sweepLatentFactors( sample_latent_small, decoder, classifier, device, img_size, c_dim, y_dim, False) rand_latent = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn( 10, z_dim)).float().to(device) imgOut_rand, probOut_rand, latentOut_rand = sweepLatentFactors( rand_latent, decoder, classifier, device, img_size, c_dim, y_dim, False) samples = sample_img samples = samples.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) samples = samples.detach().cpu().numpy() save_images(samples, [8, 8], '{}train_{:04d}.png'.format(save_dir, k)) #sio.savemat(save_dir + 'sweepLatentFactors.mat',{'imgOut_real':imgOut_real,'probOut_real':probOut_real,'latentOut_real':latentOut_real,'loss_total':debug["loss"][:k],'loss_ce':debug["loss_ce"][:k],'loss_nll':debug['loss_nll'][:k],'samples_out':samples,'sample_inputs':sample_inputs_np}) sio.savemat( save_dir + 'sweepLatentFactors.mat', { 'imgOut_real': imgOut_real, 'probOut_real': probOut_real, 'latentOut_real': latentOut_real, 'imgOut_rand': imgOut_rand, 'probOut_rand': probOut_rand, 'latentOut_rand': latentOut_rand, 'loss_total': debug["loss"][:k], 'loss_ce': debug["loss_ce"][:k], 'loss_nll': debug['loss_nll'][:k], 'samples_out': samples, 'sample_inputs': sample_inputs_np }) # --- save all debug data --- debug["X"] = Xbatch.detach().cpu().numpy() if not decoder_net == 'linGauss': debug["Xest"] = Xest.detach().cpu().numpy() if save_output: datestamp = ''.join( re.findall(r'\d+', str([:10])) timestamp = ''.join( re.findall(r'\d+', str([11:19])) # results_folder = './results/tests_kSig5_lr0001_' + objective + '_lam' \ # + str(lam_ML) + '_No' + str(No) + '_Ni' + str(Ni) + '_' \ # + datestamp + '_' + timestamp + '/' # if not os.path.exists(results_folder): # os.makedirs(results_folder) results_folder = save_dir matfilename = 'results_' + datestamp + '_' + timestamp + '.mat' sio.savemat(results_folder + matfilename, { 'params': params, 'data': debug }) if debug_level > 0: print('Finished saving data to ' + matfilename) if save_plot: print('Saving plot...'), "results.gif", duration=100) print('Done!') return debug
def CVAE_test_twohyperplaneVAE( model="linGauss_multiHP", # currently not used steps=6000, batch_size=100, z_dim=4, z_dim_true=4, x_dim=10, y_dim=1, alpha_dim=2, ntrain=5000, No=15, Ni=15, lam_ML=0.000001, gamma=0.001, lr=0.0001, b1=0.5, b2=0.999, use_ce=True, objective="IND_UNCOND", decoder_net="linGauss", classifier_net="hyperplane", randseed=None, save_output=False, debug_level=2, debug_plot=False, save_plot=False): # initialization params = { "steps": steps, "batch_size": batch_size, "z_dim": z_dim, "z_dim_true": z_dim_true, "x_dim": x_dim, "y_dim": y_dim, "alpha_dim": alpha_dim, "ntrain": ntrain, "No": No, "Ni": Ni, "lam_ML": lam_ML, "gamma": gamma, "lr": lr, "b1": b1, "b2": b2, "use_ce": use_ce, "objective": objective, "decoder_net": decoder_net, "classifier_net": classifier_net, "randseed": randseed, "save_output": save_output, "debug_level": debug_level } params["plot_batchsize"] = 500 params["data_std"] = 2. if debug_level > 0: print("Parameters:") print(params) # Initialize arrays for storing performance data debug = {} vis_samples = 35 debug["yhat_min"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_ce"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_logdet"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_quadform"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_mse"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["loss_nll_kld"] = np.zeros((steps)) debug["What"] = np.zeros((z_dim, x_dim, steps)) debug["xhat_a1"] = np.zeros((x_dim, vis_samples, steps)) debug["xhat_a2"] = np.zeros((x_dim, vis_samples, steps)) debug["Yhat_a1"] = np.zeros((x_dim, vis_samples, steps)) debug["Yhat_a2"] = np.zeros((x_dim, vis_samples, steps)) # seed random number generator if randseed is not None: if debug_level > 0: print('Setting random seed to ' + str(randseed) + '.') np.random.seed(randseed) torch.manual_seed(randseed) # --- construct projection matrices --- # 'true' orthogonal columns used to generate data from latent factors #Wsquare = sp.linalg.orth(np.random.rand(x_dim,x_dim)) Wsquare = np.identity(x_dim) W = Wsquare w1 = np.expand_dims(W[:, 0], axis=1) w2 = np.expand_dims(W[:, 1], axis=1) # form projection matrices Pw1 = util.formProjMat(w1) Pw2 = util.formProjMat(w2) # convert to torch matrices Pw1_torch = torch.from_numpy(Pw1).float() Pw2_torch = torch.from_numpy(Pw2).float() # --- construct data --- # ntrain instances of alpha and x Alpha = params["data_std"] * np.random.randn(ntrain, z_dim_true) X = np.matmul(Alpha, W.T) # --- initialize decoder --- if decoder_net == 'linGauss': from linGaussModel import Decoder decoder = Decoder(x_dim, z_dim) elif decoder_net == 'nonLinGauss': from VAEModel import Decoder_samp z_num_samp = No decoder = Decoder_samp(x_dim, z_dim) elif decoder_net == 'VAE': from VAEModel import Decoder, Encoder encoder = Encoder(x_dim, z_dim) encoder.apply(weights_init_normal) decoder = Decoder(x_dim, z_dim) else: print("Error: decoder_net should be one of: linGauss nonLinGauss VAE") decoder.apply(weights_init_normal) # --- initialize classifier --- if classifier_net == 'oneHyperplane': from hyperplaneClassifierModel import OneHyperplaneClassifier classifier = OneHyperplaneClassifier(x_dim, y_dim, Pw1_torch, ksig=100., a1=w1.reshape((1, 2))) elif classifier_net == 'twoHyperplane': from hyperplaneClassifierModel import TwoHyperplaneClassifier classifier = TwoHyperplaneClassifier(x_dim, y_dim, Pw1_torch, Pw2_torch, ksig=100., a1=w1.reshape((1, 2)), a2=w2.reshape((1, 2))) else: print( "Error: classifier should be one of: oneHyperplane twoHyperplane") classifier.apply(weights_init_normal) if decoder_net == 'linGauss': What = Variable(torch.mul(torch.randn(x_dim, z_dim, dtype=torch.float), 0.5), requires_grad=True) else: What = None # --- specify optimizer --- # NOTE: we only include the decoder parameters in the optimizer # because we don't want to update the classifier parameters if decoder_net == 'VAE': params_use = list(decoder.parameters()) + list(encoder.parameters()) else: params_use = list(decoder.parameters()) optimizer_NN = torch.optim.Adam(params_use, lr=lr, betas=(b1, b2)) # --- train --- start_time = time.time() for k in range(0, steps): # --- reset gradients to zero --- # (you always need to do this in pytorch or the gradients are # accumulated from one batch to the next) optimizer_NN.zero_grad() # --- compute negative log likelihood --- # randomly subsample batch_size samples of x randIdx = np.random.randint(0, ntrain, batch_size) Xbatch = torch.from_numpy(X[randIdx, :]).float() if decoder_net == 'linGauss': nll = loss_functions.linGauss_NLL_loss(Xbatch, What, gamma) elif decoder_net == 'nonLinGauss': randBatch = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn(z_num_samp, z_dim)).float() Xest, Xmu, Xlogvar = decoder(randBatch) Xcov = torch.exp(Xlogvar) nll = loss_functions.nonLinGauss_NLL_loss(Xbatch, Xmu, Xcov) elif decoder_net == 'VAE': latent_out, mu, logvar = encoder(Xbatch) Xest = decoder(latent_out) nll, nll_mse, nll_kld = loss_functions.VAE_LL_loss( Xbatch, Xest, logvar, mu) # --- compute mutual information causal effect term --- if objective == "IND_UNCOND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.ind_uncond(params, decoder, classifier, What=What) elif objective == "IND_COND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.ind_cond(params, decoder, classifier, What=What) elif objective == "JOINT_UNCOND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.joint_uncond(params, decoder, classifier, What=What) elif objective == "JOINT_COND": causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.joint_cond(params, decoder, classifier, What=What) yhat_np = ceDebug["yhat"].detach().numpy() # --- compute gradients --- # total loss if use_ce: loss = causalEffect + lam_ML * nll else: loss = lam_ML * nll # backward step to compute the gradients loss.backward() if decoder_net == 'linGauss': # update What with the computed gradient * # reset the What gradients to 0 else: optimizer_NN.step() # --- save debug info for this step --- debug["yhat_min"][k] = yhat_np.min() # components of objective debug["loss"][k] = loss.detach().numpy() debug["loss_ce"][k] = causalEffect.detach().numpy() debug["loss_nll"][k] = (lam_ML * nll).detach().numpy() if debug_level > 1: # and k == steps-1: if decoder_net == 'linGauss': debug["What"][:, :, k] = What.detach().numpy() elif decoder_net == 'VAE': debug["loss_nll_mse"][k] = (lam_ML * nll_mse).detach().numpy() debug["loss_nll_kld"][k] = (lam_ML * nll_kld).detach().numpy() v_sweep = np.linspace(-5., 5., vis_samples) # samples Yhat | x[1], x[2], x[3] for ix1, x1 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ix2, x2 in enumerate(v_sweep): xs = np.zeros((250, 3)) xs[:, 0] = x1 xs[:, 1] = x2 xs[:, 2] = params["data_std"] * np.random.randn(250) yhats = classifier(torch.from_numpy(xs).float())[0] debug["yhat_x1x2"][ix1, ix2, k] = np.mean( yhats.detach().numpy()[:, 0]) for ix1, x1 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ix3, x3 in enumerate(v_sweep): xs = np.zeros((250, 3)) xs[:, 0] = x1 xs[:, 1] = params["data_std"] * np.random.randn(250) xs[:, 2] = x3 yhats = classifier(torch.from_numpy(xs).float())[0] debug["yhat_x1x3"][ix1, ix3, k] = np.mean( yhats.detach().numpy()[:, 0]) for ix2, x2 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ix3, x3 in enumerate(v_sweep): xs = np.zeros((250, 3)) xs[:, 0] = params["data_std"] * np.random.randn(250) xs[:, 1] = x2 xs[:, 2] = x3 yhats = classifier(torch.from_numpy(xs).float())[0] debug["yhat_x2x3"][ix2, ix3, k] = np.mean( yhats.detach().numpy()[:, 0]) # samples x | alpha[1], alpha[2], beta for ia1, a1 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ia2, a2 in enumerate(v_sweep): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = a1 zs[:, 1] = a2 zs[:, 2] = np.random.randn(250) xs = decoder( torch.from_numpy(zs).float()).detach().numpy() debug["x1_a1a2"][ia1, ia2, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 0]) debug["x2_a1a2"][ia1, ia2, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 1]) debug["x3_a1a2"][ia1, ia2, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 2]) for ia1, a1 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ib, b in enumerate(v_sweep): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = a1 zs[:, 1] = np.random.randn(250) zs[:, 2] = b xs = decoder( torch.from_numpy(zs).float()).detach().numpy() debug["x1_a1b"][ia1, ib, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 0]) debug["x2_a1b"][ia1, ib, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 1]) debug["x3_a1b"][ia1, ib, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 2]) for ia2, a2 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ib, b in enumerate(v_sweep): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = np.random.randn(250) zs[:, 1] = a2 zs[:, 2] = b xs = decoder( torch.from_numpy(zs).float()).detach().numpy() debug["x1_a2b"][ia2, ib, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 0]) debug["x2_a2b"][ia2, ib, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 1]) debug["x3_a2b"][ia2, ib, k] = np.mean(xs[:, 2]) # samples yhat | alpha[1], alpha[2], beta for ia1, a1 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ia2, a2 in enumerate(v_sweep): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = a1 zs[:, 1] = a2 zs[:, 2] = params["data_std"] * np.random.randn(250) xs = decoder(torch.from_numpy(zs).float()) yhats = classifier(xs)[0] debug["yhat_a1a2"][ia1, ia2, k] = np.mean( yhats.detach().numpy()[:, 0]) for ia1, a1 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ib, b in enumerate(v_sweep): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = a1 zs[:, 1] = np.random.randn(250) zs[:, 2] = b xs = decoder(torch.from_numpy(zs).float()) yhats = classifier(xs)[0] debug["yhat_a1b"][ia1, ib, k] = np.mean( yhats.detach().numpy()[:, 0]) for ia2, a2 in enumerate(v_sweep): for ib, b in enumerate(v_sweep): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = np.random.randn(250) zs[:, 1] = a2 zs[:, 2] = b xs = decoder(torch.from_numpy(zs).float()) yhats = classifier(xs)[0] debug["yhat_a2b"][ia2, ib, k] = np.mean( yhats.detach().numpy()[:, 0]) # samples x | alpha[i] for ia1, a1 in enumerate(range(-3, 4)): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = a1 zs[:, 1] = np.random.randn(250) zs[:, 2] = np.random.randn(250) xs = decoder(torch.from_numpy(zs).float()) debug["xhat_a1"][ia1, :, :, k] = xs.detach().numpy().transpose() for ia2, a2 in enumerate(range(-3, 4)): zs = np.zeros((250, 3)) zs[:, 0] = np.random.randn(250) zs[:, 1] = a2 zs[:, 2] = np.random.randn(250) xs = decoder(torch.from_numpy(zs).float()) debug["xhat_a2"][ia2, :, :, k] = xs.detach().numpy().transpose() # --- print step information --- if debug_level > 0: print("[Step %d/%d] time: %4.2f [CE: %g] [ML: %g] [loss: %g]" % \ (k, steps, time.time() - start_time, debug["loss_ce"][k], debug["loss_nll"][k], debug["loss"][k])) # --- debug plot --- if debug_plot and k % 500 == 0: print('Generating plot frame...') # generate samples of p(x | alpha_i = alphahat_i) decoded_points = {} decoded_points["ai_vals"] = lfplot_aihat_vals decoded_points["samples"] = np.zeros( (2, lfplot_nsamp, len(lfplot_aihat_vals), params["z_dim"])) for l in range(params["z_dim"]): # loop over latent dimensions for i, aihat in enumerate( lfplot_aihat_vals): # loop over fixed aihat values for m in range( lfplot_nsamp): # loop over samples to generate z = np.random.randn(params["z_dim"]) z[l] = aihat x = decoder(torch.from_numpy(z).float(), What, gamma) decoded_points["samples"][:, m, i, l] = x.detach().numpy() frame = plotting.debugPlot_frame(X, ceDebug["Xhat"], W, What, k, steps, debug, params, classifier, decoded_points) if save_plot: frames.append(frame) # --- save all debug data --- debug["X"] = X if save_output: datestamp = ''.join( re.findall(r'\d+', str([:10])) timestamp = ''.join( re.findall(r'\d+', str([11:19])) results_folder = './results/tests_kSig5_lr0001_' + objective + '_lam' \ + str(lam_ML) + '_No' + str(No) + '_Ni' + str(Ni) + '_' \ + datestamp + '_' + timestamp + '/' if not os.path.exists(results_folder): os.makedirs(results_folder) matfilename = 'results_' + datestamp + '_' + timestamp + '.mat' sio.savemat(results_folder + matfilename, { 'params': params, 'data': debug }) if debug_level > 0: print('Finished saving data to ' + matfilename) if save_plot: print('Saving plot...'), "results.gif", duration=100) print('Done!') return debug, params
def train(self, X, K, L, steps = 50000, Nalpha = 50, Nbeta = 50, lam = 0.0001, causal_obj = 'JOINT_UNCOND', batch_size = 100, lr = 0.0001, b1 = 0.5, b2 = 0.999, use_ce = True): # initialize self.K = K self.L = L ntrain = X.shape[0] sample_input = torch.from_numpy(X[0]).unsqueeze(0).float().permute(0,3,1,2) M = self.classifier([0].shape[1] self.train_params = { 'K' : K, 'L' : L, 'steps' : steps, 'Nalpha' : Nalpha, 'Nbeta' : Nbeta, 'lambda' : lam, 'causal_obj' : causal_obj, 'batch_size' : batch_size, 'lr' : lr, 'b1' : b1, 'b2' : b2, 'use_ce' : use_ce} self.ceparams = { 'Nalpha' : Nalpha, 'Nbeta' : Nbeta, 'K' : K, 'L' : L, 'z_dim' : K+L, 'M' : M} debug = {'loss' : np.zeros((steps)), 'loss_ce' : np.zeros((steps)), 'loss_nll' : np.zeros((steps)), 'loss_nll_logdet' : np.zeros((steps)), 'loss_nll_quadform' : np.zeros((steps)), 'loss_nll_mse' : np.zeros((steps)), 'loss_nll_kld' : np.zeros((steps))} # initialize for training opt_params = list(self.decoder.parameters()) + list(self.encoder.parameters()) self.opt = torch.optim.Adam(opt_params, lr=lr, betas=(b1, b2)) start_time = time.time() # training loop for k in range(0, steps): # reset gradient self.opt.zero_grad() # compute negative log-likelihood randIdx = np.random.randint(0, ntrain, batch_size) Xbatch = torch.from_numpy(X[randIdx]).float().permute(0,3,1,2).to(self.device) z, mu, logvar = self.encoder(Xbatch) Xhat = self.decoder(z) nll, nll_mse, nll_kld = loss_functions.VAE_LL_loss(Xbatch, Xhat, logvar, mu) # compute causal effect if causal_obj == 'IND_UNCOND': causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.ind_uncond( self.ceparams, self.decoder, self.classifier, self.device) elif causal_obj == 'IND_COND': causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.ind_cond( self.ceparams, self.decoder, self.classifier, self.device) elif causal_obj == 'JOINT_UNCOND': causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.joint_uncond( self.ceparams, self.decoder, self.classifier, self.device) elif causal_obj == 'JOINT_COND': causalEffect, ceDebug = causaleffect.joint_cond( self.ceparams, self.decoder, self.classifier, self.device) else: print('Invalid causal objective!') # compute gradient loss = use_ce*causalEffect + lam*nll loss.backward() self.opt.step() # save debug info for this step debug['loss'][k] = loss.item() debug['loss_ce'][k] = causalEffect.item() debug['loss_nll'][k] = (lam*nll).item() debug['loss_nll_mse'][k] = (lam*nll_mse).item() debug['loss_nll_kld'][k] = (lam*nll_kld).item() if self.params['debug_print']: print("[Step %d/%d] time: %4.2f [CE: %g] [ML: %g] [loss: %g]" % \ (k+1, steps, time.time() - start_time, debug['loss_ce'][k], debug['loss_nll'][k], debug['loss'][k])) if self.params['save_output'] and k % 1000 == 0:{ 'step': k, 'model_state_dict_classifier' : self.classifier.state_dict(), 'model_state_dict_encoder' : self.encoder.state_dict(), 'model_state_dict_decoder' : self.decoder.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict' : self.opt.state_dict(), 'loss' : loss, }, '' % \ (self.params['save_dir'], self.params['batch_size'])) # save/return debug data from entire training run debug['Xbatch'] = Xbatch.detach().cpu().numpy() debug['Xhat'] = Xhat.detach().cpu().numpy() if self.params['save_output']: datestamp = ''.join(re.findall(r'\d+', str([:10])) timestamp = ''.join(re.findall(r'\d+', str([11:19])) matfilename = 'results_' + datestamp + '_' + timestamp + '.mat' sio.savemat(save_dir + matfilename, {'params' : params, 'data' : debug}) if self.params['debug_print']: print('Finished saving data to ' + matfilename) return debug
what2 = np.array([[np.cos(theta_alpha2)], [np.sin(theta_alpha2)]]) What = torch.from_numpy(np.hstack((what1, what2))).float() # sample-based estimate of causal effect nce_iu, info_iu = causaleffect.ind_uncond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) nce_ic, _ = causaleffect.ind_cond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) nce_ju, _ = causaleffect.joint_uncond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) nce_jc, _ = causaleffect.joint_cond(params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What) # compute likelihood data["loglik"][ia1, ia2] = -loss_functions.linGauss_NLL_loss( torch.from_numpy(X).float(), What, params["gamma"]) # store results data["ce_iu"][ia1, ia2] = -nce_iu.detach().numpy() data["ce_ic"][ia1, ia2] = -nce_ic.detach().numpy() data["ce_ju"][ia1, ia2] = -nce_ju.detach().numpy() data["ce_jc"][ia1, ia2] = -nce_jc.detach().numpy()
for ia, theta_alpha in enumerate(thetas_alpha): for ib, theta_beta in enumerate(thetas_beta): print( 'Computing causal effect for alpha=%.2f (%d/%d), beta=%.2f (%d/%d)...' % (theta_alpha, ia, len(thetas_alpha), theta_beta, ib, len(thetas_beta))) # form generative map for this (theta1, theta2) what1 = np.array([[np.cos(theta_alpha)], [np.sin(theta_alpha)]]) what2 = np.array([[np.cos(theta_beta)], [np.sin(theta_beta)]]) What = torch.from_numpy(np.hstack((what1, what2))).float() # sample-based estimate of causal effect CEs[ia, ib, 0] = -causaleffect.ind_uncond( params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What)[0] CEs[ia, ib, 1] = -causaleffect.ind_cond( params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What)[0] CEs[ia, ib, 2] = -causaleffect.joint_uncond( params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What)[0] CEs[ia, ib, 3] = -causaleffect.joint_cond( params, decoder, classifier, device, What=What)[0] # --- save results --- print('Done! Saving results...') sio.savemat( 'results/visualize_causalobj_linear.mat', { 'CEs': CEs, 'thetas_alpha': thetas_alpha, 'thetas_beta': thetas_beta, 'params': params }) print('Done!') #%% make debug plot (see visualize_causalobj_plot.m for plots in paper)
sample_inputs = vaX[0:test_size] sample_labels = vaY[0:test_size] sample_inputs_torch = torch.from_numpy(sample_inputs) sample_inputs_torch = sample_inputs_torch.permute(0,3,1,2).float().to(device) ntrain = X.shape[0] # --- load VAE --- from models.CVAE import Decoder, Encoder checkpoint_vae = torch.load(vae_file, map_location=device) encoder = Encoder(K+L,c_dim,img_size).to(device) decoder = Decoder(K+L,c_dim,img_size).to(device) encoder.apply(util.weights_init_normal) decoder.apply(util.weights_init_normal) # --- load classifier --- from models.CNN_classifier import CNN checkpoint_model = torch.load(classifier_file, map_location=device) classifier = CNN(y_dim).to(device) classifier.load_state_dict(checkpoint_model['model_state_dict_classifier']) # --- compute causal effect --- params_old = {'Nalpha' : 50, 'Nbeta' : 50, 'decoder_net' : 'VAE', 'z_dim' : K+L, 'alpha_dim' : K, 'y_dim' : M} params = {'Nalpha' : 50, 'Nbeta' : 50, 'K' : K, 'L' : L, 'M' : M} ntrials = 10 for i in range(ntrials): encoder.apply(util.weights_init_normal) decoder.apply(util.weights_init_normal) Iold = ceold.joint_uncond(params_old, decoder, classifier, device)[0].detach().numpy() I = ce.joint_uncond(params, decoder, classifier)[0].detach().numpy() print('Trial %d/%d: old=%f, new=%f (err=%g)' % \ (i, ntrials, Iold, I, np.linalg.norm(I-Iold)/np.linalg.norm(Iold)))