예제 #1
def write_image(out_image, pixel_values, header, nn=1):
    from cbflib_adaptbx import compress

    assert not os.path.exists(out_image)
    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    compressed = compress(pixel_values)

    fixed_header = ""
    header = header.decode()
    for record in header.split("\n")[:-1]:
        if "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
            fixed_header += f"X-Binary-Size: {len(compressed)}\r\n"
        elif "Content-MD5" in record:
        elif "Count_cutoff" in record:
            cutoff = int(record.split()[2]) * nn
            fixed_header += "# Count_cutoff %d counts\n" % cutoff
            fixed_header += f"{record}\n"

    tailer = "\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n"

    gz_open(out_image, "wb").write(fixed_header.encode() + start_tag +
                                   compressed + tailer.encode())
예제 #2
def write_image_from_flex_array(out_image, pixel_values, header):
  '''Write a scaled CBF image from an array of pixel values and a header to
  add at the top. N.B. clobbers the binary size of the compressed data &
  the MD5 hash of the data.'''
  from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
  import binascii
  import os

  assert(not os.path.exists(out_image))
  start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

  compressed = compress(pixel_values)

  fixed_header = ''
  for record in header.split('\n')[:-1]:
    if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
      old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
      fixed_header += 'X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed)
    elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
      fixed_header += '%s\n' % record

  tailer = '\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n'

  open(out_image, 'wb').write(fixed_header + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
예제 #3
def write_image_from_flex_array(out_image, pixel_values, header):
    '''Write a scaled CBF image from an array of pixel values and a header to
  add at the top. N.B. clobbers the binary size of the compressed data &
  the MD5 hash of the data.'''
    from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
    import binascii
    import os

    assert (not os.path.exists(out_image))
    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

    compressed = compress(pixel_values)

    fixed_header = ''
    for record in header.split('\n')[:-1]:
        if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
            old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
            fixed_header += 'X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed)
        elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
            fixed_header += '%s\n' % record

    tailer = '\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n'

    open(out_image, 'wb').write(fixed_header + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
예제 #4
def write_image_from_flex_array(out_image, pixel_values, header):
    """Write a scaled CBF image from an array of pixel values and a header to
    add at the top. N.B. clobbers the binary size of the compressed data &
    the MD5 hash of the data."""
    from cbflib_adaptbx import compress

    assert not os.path.exists(out_image)
    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    compressed = compress(pixel_values)

    fixed_header = ""
    header = header.decode()
    for record in header.split("\n")[:-1]:
        if "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
            fixed_header += f"X-Binary-Size: {len(compressed)}\r\n"
        elif "Content-MD5" in record:
            fixed_header += f"{record}\n"

    tailer = "\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n"

    open(out_image, "wb").write(
        fixed_header.encode() + start_tag + compressed + tailer.encode()
예제 #5
파일: MendBKGINIT.py 프로젝트: hainm/xia2
def recompute_BKGINIT(bkginit_in, init_lp, bkginit_out):

  start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

  data = open(bkginit_in, 'rb').read()
  data_offset = data.find(start_tag) + 4
  cbf_header = data[:data_offset - 4]

  fast = 0
  slow = 0
  length = 0

  for record in cbf_header.split('\n'):
    if 'X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension' in record:
      fast = int(record.split()[-1])
    elif 'X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension' in record:
      slow = int(record.split()[-1])
    elif 'X-Binary-Number-of-Elements' in record:
      length = int(record.split()[-1])

  assert(length == fast * slow)

  pixel_values = uncompress(packed = data[data_offset:],
                            fast = fast, slow = slow)

  untrusted = []

  for record in open(init_lp):
    if 'UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE=' in record:
      untrusted.append(map(int, record.replace('.', ' ').split()[1:5]))

  modified_pixel_values = copy.deepcopy(pixel_values)

  for s in range(5, slow - 5):
    y = s + 1
    for f in range(5, fast - 5):
      x = f + 1
      trusted = True
      for x0, x1, y0, y1 in untrusted:
        if (x >= x0) and (x <= x1) and (y >= y0) and (y <= y1):
          trusted = False

      if trusted:
        pixel = pixel_values[s * fast + f]
        if pixel < 0:
          pixels = []
          for j in range(-2, 3):
            for i in range(-2, 3):
              p = pixel_values[(s + j) * fast + f + i]
              if p > 0:
          modified_pixel_values[s * fast + f] = int(
                                  sum(pixels) / len(pixels))

  open(bkginit_out, 'wb').write(cbf_header + start_tag +

예제 #6
def recompute_BKGINIT(bkginit_in, init_lp, bkginit_out):

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

    data = open(bkginit_in, 'rb').read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag) + 4
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset - 4]

    fast = 0
    slow = 0
    length = 0

    for record in cbf_header.split('\n'):
        if 'X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension' in record:
            fast = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif 'X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension' in record:
            slow = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif 'X-Binary-Number-of-Elements' in record:
            length = int(record.split()[-1])

    assert (length == fast * slow)

    pixel_values = uncompress(packed=data[data_offset:], fast=fast, slow=slow)

    untrusted = []

    for record in open(init_lp):
        if 'UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE=' in record:
            untrusted.append(map(int, record.replace('.', ' ').split()[1:5]))

    modified_pixel_values = copy.deepcopy(pixel_values)

    for s in range(5, slow - 5):
        y = s + 1
        for f in range(5, fast - 5):
            x = f + 1
            trusted = True
            for x0, x1, y0, y1 in untrusted:
                if (x >= x0) and (x <= x1) and (y >= y0) and (y <= y1):
                    trusted = False

            if trusted:
                pixel = pixel_values[s * fast + f]
                if pixel < 0:
                    pixels = []
                    for j in range(-2, 3):
                        for i in range(-2, 3):
                            p = pixel_values[(s + j) * fast + f + i]
                            if p > 0:
                    modified_pixel_values[s * fast + f] = int(
                        sum(pixels) / len(pixels))

         'wb').write(cbf_header + start_tag + compress(modified_pixel_values))

예제 #7
def squishGain(cbf_file, out_name, force_gain=None):

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    data = cbf_file.read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag) + 4
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset - 4]

    fast = 0
    slow = 0
    length = 0

    for record in cbf_header.split("\n"):
        if "X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension" in record:
            fast = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif "X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension" in record:
            slow = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
            xbsize_record = record
            length = int(record.split()[-1])

    values = uncompress(packed=data[data_offset:data_offset + length],

    # remainder of the file, contains another CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION that looks
    # like just zero padding.
    tail = data[data_offset + length:]

    modified = copy.deepcopy(values)

    if force_gain:
        new_val = int(1000 * force_gain)
        # calculate the mean of values that are greater than zero. This is close
        # to 1000 times the "MEAN GAIN VALUE" reported in INIT.LP
        dval1d = modified.as_1d().as_double()
        mval = flex.mean(dval1d.select(dval1d > 0))
        new_val = int(mval)

    # Set this value everywhere that is not a masked value marked by -3
    print("Setting flat gain of {0}".format(new_val / 1000.0))
    modified.set_selected(modified >= 0, new_val)

    # Compress the data
    compressed = compress(modified)
    nbytes = len(compressed)

    # Update the header
    pre, post = cbf_header.split(xbsize_record)
    new_xbsize_record = "X-Binary-Size:{0:10d}".format(nbytes)
    if xbsize_record.endswith("\r"):
        new_xbsize_record += "\r"
    new_cbf_header = pre + new_xbsize_record + post

    # Write the file out.
    open(out_name, "wb").write(new_cbf_header + start_tag + compressed + tail)
예제 #8
def save_cbf(im, orig_path, out_cbf=None, pOpt=False):
    ''' convert np.ndarray to cbf
    - im        : np.ndarray or str : image to convert to cbf
    - orig_path : the path to exp data to get the header from those images
    - out_cbf   : name of the .cbf output file
    - pOpt      : Show cbf file with adxv if True (remember to set the path to adxv l.13)
    from utils import glob_colors as colors
    if isinstance(im, str):
        im = np.load(im)
        if not out_cbf: out_cbf = in_npy.replace('.npy', '.cbf')
    orig_file = glob(orig_path + '*.cbf')[1]  #;print(orig_file)
    # orig_file = "/home/tarik/Documents/data/ireloh/IRELOH_ED_Dataset_1/n14_a004_0484.cbf"
    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    with open(orig_file, 'rb') as cbf:
        data = cbf.read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag) + 4
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset - 4]

    fast = 0
    slow = 0
    length = 0
    for record in cbf_header.decode().split("\n"):
        if "X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension" in record:
            fast = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif "X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension" in record:
            slow = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
            xbsize_record = record
            length = int(record.split()[-1])

    tail = data[data_offset + length:]

    # print(im.shape,fast,slow,length)
    im001 = flex.int32(im)  #np.array(im,dtype=np.int32))
    compressed = compress(im001)
    nbytes = len(compressed)

    # Update the header
    pre, post = cbf_header.decode().split(xbsize_record)
    new_xbsize_record = "X-Binary-Size:{0:10d}".format(nbytes)
    if xbsize_record.endswith("\r"):
        new_xbsize_record += "\r"
    new_cbf_header = pre + new_xbsize_record + post

         "wb").write(new_cbf_header.encode() + start_tag + compressed + tail)
    print(colors.green + 'file saved : \n' + colors.yellow + out_cbf +
    if pOpt:
        p = Popen("%s %s" % (adxv, out_cbf), shell=True)
예제 #9
def multiplyCounts(cbf_file, out_name, multiplier):

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    data = cbf_file.read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag) + 4
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset - 4]

    fast = 0
    slow = 0
    length = 0

    for record in cbf_header.split("\n"):
        if "X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension" in record:
            fast = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif "X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension" in record:
            slow = int(record.split()[-1])
        elif "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
            xbsize_record = record
            length = int(record.split()[-1])

    values = uncompress(packed=data[data_offset:data_offset + length],

    # remainder of the file, contains another CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION that looks
    # like just zero padding.
    tail = data[data_offset + length:]

    # multiply all positive values
    modified = copy.deepcopy(values).as_1d()
    sel = modified > 0
    new_val = modified.select(sel) * multiplier
    modified.set_selected(sel, new_val)

    # reshape

    # Compress the data
    compressed = compress(modified)
    nbytes = len(compressed)

    # Update the header
    pre, post = cbf_header.split(xbsize_record)
    new_xbsize_record = "X-Binary-Size:{0:10d}".format(nbytes)
    if xbsize_record.endswith("\r"):
        new_xbsize_record += "\r"
    new_cbf_header = pre + new_xbsize_record + post

    # Write the file out.
    open(out_name, "wb").write(new_cbf_header + start_tag + compressed + tail)
예제 #10
def add_zingers(imageset, params):

    from dxtbx.format.FormatCBF import FormatCBF

    assert issubclass(imageset.reader().get_format_class(),
                      FormatCBF), "Only CBF format images supported"

    from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
    import binascii
    from numpy.random import poisson
    from random import sample
    import os.path

    for i in range(len(imageset)):
        image_data = imageset[i]

        num = poisson(params.zingers.average_per_image)
        index = sample(range(len(image_data)), num)
        value = list(poisson(params.zingers.average_intensity, num))
        for j, v in zip(index, value):
            image_data[j] += v
        out_image = os.path.join(params.output.directory, "image_%04i.cbf" % i)

        start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

        data = open(imageset.get_path(i), "rb").read()
        data_offset = data.find(start_tag)
        cbf_header = data[:data_offset]

        new_header = []
        compressed = compress(image_data)

        old_size = 0

        for record in cbf_header.split("\n")[:-1]:
            if "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
                old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
                new_header.append("X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n" % len(compressed))
            elif "Content-MD5" in record:
                new_header.append("%s\n" % record)

        tailer = data[data_offset + 4 + old_size:]

        with open(out_image, "wb") as f:
            f.write("".join(new_header) + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
            print("%s written with %d zingers" % (out_image, num))

예제 #11
def add_zingers(imageset, params):

  from dxtbx.format.FormatCBF import FormatCBF
  assert issubclass(imageset.reader().get_format_class(), FormatCBF), (
    "Only CBF format images supported")

  from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
  import binascii
  from numpy.random import poisson
  from random import sample
  import os.path

  for i in range(len(imageset)):
    image_data = imageset[i]

    num = poisson(params.zingers.average_per_image)
    index = sample(range(len(image_data)), num)
    value = list(poisson(params.zingers.average_intensity, num))
    for j, v in zip(index, value):
      image_data[j] += v
    out_image = os.path.join(params.output.directory, "image_%04i.cbf" % i)

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

    data = open(imageset.get_path(i), 'rb').read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag)
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset]

    new_header = []
    compressed = compress(image_data)

    old_size = 0

    for record in cbf_header.split('\n')[:-1]:
      if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
        old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
        new_header.append('X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed))
      elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
        new_header.append('%s\n' % record)

    tailer = data[data_offset + 4 + old_size:]

    with open(out_image, 'wb') as f:
      f.write(''.join(new_header) + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
      print '%s written with %d zingers' % (out_image, num)

def basic_tests(verbose=True):
  initial_intdata = create_random_data_with_gaussian_distribution(0.0,100.0)

  #special deltas to test the compression algorithm
  addresses = [3,6,9,12,15,18]
  deltas = [-127,128,-32767,32768,-2147483647,2147483647]
  for x in xrange(6):

  if verbose: P=Profiler("compress")
  array_shape = initial_intdata.focus()
  if verbose: print array_shape
  compressed = compress(initial_intdata)
  if verbose: print len(compressed)
  if verbose: P=Profiler("uncompress")
  decompressed_dat = uncompress(packed=compressed, fast=array_shape[1], slow=array_shape[0])

  if verbose: del P
  assert assert_equal(initial_intdata, decompressed_dat)
예제 #13
def write_image(out_image, pixel_values, header):
    from cbflib_adaptbx import compress

    assert not os.path.exists(out_image)
    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    compressed = compress(pixel_values)

    fixed_header = ""
    for record in header.split("\n")[:-1]:
        if "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
            fixed_header += "X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n" % len(compressed)
        elif "Content-MD5" in record:
            fixed_header += "%s\n" % record

    tailer = "\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n"

            "wb").write(fixed_header + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
예제 #14
def basic_tests(verbose=True):
    initial_intdata = create_random_data_with_gaussian_distribution(0.0, 100.0)

    #special deltas to test the compression algorithm
    addresses = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18]
    deltas = [-127, 128, -32767, 32768, -2147483647, 2147483647]
    for x in range(6):
        initial_intdata[addresses[x] - 1] = 0
        initial_intdata[addresses[x]] = deltas[x]

    if verbose: P = Profiler("compress")
    array_shape = initial_intdata.focus()
    if verbose: print(array_shape)
    compressed = compress(initial_intdata)
    if verbose: print(len(compressed))
    if verbose: P = Profiler("uncompress")
    decompressed_dat = uncompress(packed=compressed,

    if verbose: del P
    assert assert_equal(initial_intdata, decompressed_dat)
예제 #15
파일: rebin_images.py 프로젝트: dials/dials
def write_image(out_image, pixel_values, header):
  from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
  import binascii
  import os

  assert(not os.path.exists(out_image))
  start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

  compressed = compress(pixel_values)

  fixed_header = ''
  for record in header.split('\n')[:-1]:
    if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
      old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
      fixed_header += 'X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed)
    elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
      fixed_header += '%s\n' % record

  tailer = '\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n'

  gz_open(out_image, 'wb').write(fixed_header + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
예제 #16
def write_image(out_image, pixel_values, header):
  from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
  import binascii
  import os

  assert(not os.path.exists(out_image))
  start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

  compressed = compress(pixel_values)

  fixed_header = ''
  for record in header.split('\n')[:-1]:
    if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
      old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
      fixed_header += 'X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed)
    elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
      fixed_header += '%s\n' % record

  tailer = '\r\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----\r\n;\r\n'

  gz_open(out_image, 'wb').write(fixed_header + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
예제 #17
def merge_cbf(imageset, n_images, out_prefix="sum_"):

  from dxtbx.format.FormatCBF import FormatCBF
  assert issubclass(imageset.get_format_class(), FormatCBF), (
    "Only CBF format images supported")

  from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
  import binascii

  assert len(imageset) >= n_images

  n_output_images = len(imageset) // n_images

  in_oscillation = imageset.get_scan().get_oscillation()[1]
  out_oscillation = in_oscillation * n_images

  for i_out in range(n_output_images):
    data_out = None

    for j in range(n_images):

      i_in = (i_out*n_images) + j

      data_in = imageset.get_raw_data(i_in)
      assert len(data_in) == 1
      data_in = data_in[0]
      if data_out is None:
        data_out = data_in
        # FIXME only add pixels to this which are > 0; image pixels < 0
        # are meaningful and should be preserved;
        # Achieved by setting -ve values here to 0 before +=
        # This assumes that -ve values are constant over all images
        data_special = data_in < 0
        data_in.set_selected(data_special, 0)
        data_out += data_in

    out_image = "%s%04i.cbf" %(out_prefix, i_out+1)

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

    data = open(imageset.get_path(i_out*n_images), 'rb').read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag)
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset]

    new_header = []
    compressed = compress(data_out)

    old_size = 0

    for record in cbf_header.split('\n')[:-1]:
      rsplit = record.split(' ')
      if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
        old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
        new_header.append('X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed))
      elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
      elif len(rsplit) > 3 and rsplit[1] in { \
        'Exposure_time', 'Angle_increment', 'Exposure_period', 'Count_cutoff', \
        'Phi_increment', 'Omega_increment', 'Chi_increment' }:

        if rsplit[1] == 'Count_cutoff': # needs to be an integer
          new_header.append('%s\n' % ' '.join(rsplit[:2] + ['%d' % (n_images * int(rsplit[2]))] + rsplit[3:]))
          new_header.append('%s\n' % ' '.join(rsplit[:2] + ['%f' % (n_images * float(rsplit[2]))] + rsplit[3:]))

        new_header.append('%s\n' % record)

    loop_lines = [n for n, record in enumerate(new_header) if record.startswith('loop_')]
    multiply_fields = { '_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_range', '_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_increment', \
                        '_diffrn_scan_axis.displacement_range', '_diffrn_scan_axis.displacement_increment', \
                        '_diffrn_scan_frame.integration_time', '_diffrn_scan_frame.exposure_time', \
                        '_array_intensities.overload' }
    for loop_start in loop_lines:
      n = loop_start
      modifiers = []
      while True:
        n = n + 1
        line = new_header[n].strip()
        if line in { '', ';' }: # end of loop
        elif line.startswith('_'): # loop header
          if line in multiply_fields:
        elif any(modifiers): # loop body
          # NOTE: This can break when fields are modified in loops with
          #   'Strings with spaces, as they are seen as multiple columns, or with'
          #   _multiple _columns _defined _on _same _line _they _are _seen _as _one _column
          new_line = [ element if modifier is None else '%f' % (float(element) * modifier) \
                       for modifier, element in zip(modifiers, line.split()) ]
          new_header[n] = '%s\r\n' % ' '.join(new_line)

    tailer = data[data_offset + 4 + old_size:]

    with open(out_image, 'wb') as f:
      f.write(''.join(new_header) + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
      print '%s written' % out_image

예제 #18
파일: merge_cbf.py 프로젝트: rjgildea/dials
def merge_cbf(imageset, n_images, out_prefix="sum_", get_raw_data_from_imageset=True):
    from dxtbx.format.FormatCBF import FormatCBF

    assert issubclass(
        imageset.get_format_class(), FormatCBF
    ), "Only CBF format images supported"

    from cbflib_adaptbx import compress

    assert len(imageset) >= n_images

    n_output_images = len(imageset) // n_images

    n_digits = len(str(n_output_images))

    for i_out in range(n_output_images):
        data_out = None

        for j in range(n_images):

            i_in = (i_out * n_images) + j

            if get_raw_data_from_imageset:
                data_in = imageset.get_raw_data(i_in)
                data_in = get_raw_data_from_file(imageset, i_in)

            assert len(data_in) == 1
            data_in = data_in[0]
            if data_out is None:
                data_out = data_in
                # FIXME only add pixels to this which are > 0; image pixels < 0
                # are meaningful and should be preserved;
                # Achieved by setting -ve values here to 0 before +=
                # This assumes that -ve values are constant over all images
                data_special = data_in < 0
                data_in.set_selected(data_special, 0)
                data_out += data_in

        out_image = "{prefix}{number:0{digits}d}.cbf".format(
            prefix=out_prefix, number=i_out + 1, digits=n_digits

        start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

        with open(imageset.get_path(i_out * n_images), "rb") as fh:
            data = fh.read()
        data_offset = data.find(start_tag)
        cbf_header = data[:data_offset].decode("latin-1")

        new_header = []
        compressed = compress(data_out)

        old_size = 0

        for record in cbf_header.split("\n")[:-1]:
            rsplit = record.split(" ")
            if "X-Binary-Size:" in record:
                old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
                new_header.append(f"X-Binary-Size: {len(compressed)}\r\n")
            elif "Content-MD5" in record:
            elif len(rsplit) > 3 and rsplit[1] in {

                if rsplit[1] == "Count_cutoff":  # needs to be an integer
                        % " ".join(
                            + ["%d" % (n_images * int(rsplit[2]))]
                            + rsplit[3:]
                        % " ".join(
                            + ["%f" % (n_images * float(rsplit[2]))]
                            + rsplit[3:]


        loop_lines = [
            n for n, record in enumerate(new_header) if record.startswith("loop_")
        multiply_fields = {
        for loop_start in loop_lines:
            n = loop_start
            modifiers = []
            while True:
                n = n + 1
                line = new_header[n].strip()
                if line in {"", ";"}:  # end of loop
                elif line.startswith("_"):  # loop header
                    if line in multiply_fields:
                elif any(modifiers):  # loop body
                    # NOTE: This can break when fields are modified in loops with
                    #   'Strings with spaces, as they are seen as multiple columns, or with'
                    #   _multiple _columns _defined _on _same _line _they _are _seen _as _one _column
                    new_line = [
                        if modifier is None
                        else f"{float(element) * modifier:f}"
                        for modifier, element in zip(modifiers, line.split())
                    new_header[n] = f"{' '.join(new_line)}\r\n"

        tailer = data[data_offset + 4 + old_size :]

        with open(out_image, "wb") as f:
        print(f"{out_image} written")
예제 #19
def make_cbf(in_name, template):
    f = h5py.File(in_name, "r")

    mask = None

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify("0c1a04d5")

    for j in range(len(f["/entry/sample/transformations/omega"][()])):
        block = 1 + (j // 1000)
        i = j % 1000
        header = compute_cbf_header(f, j)
        depth, height, width = f["/entry/data/data_%06d" % block].shape

        data = flex.int(numpy.int32(f["/entry/data/data_%06d" % block][i]))
        good = data.as_1d() < 65535
        data.as_1d().set_selected(~good, -2)

        # set the tile join regions to -1 - MOSFLM cares about this apparently
        if mask is None:
            mask = get_mask(width, height)
        data.as_1d().set_selected(mask.as_1d(), -1)

        compressed = compress(data)

        mime = """

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BINARY
X-Binary-Size: %d
X-Binary-ID: 1
X-Binary-Element-Type: "signed 32-bit integer"
X-Binary-Element-Byte-Order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
X-Binary-Number-of-Elements: %d
X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension: %d
X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension: %d
X-Binary-Size-Padding: 4095

""" % (

        padding = (bytearray(4095) + b"""--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----

        with open(template % (j + 1), "wb") as fout:
            print(template % (j + 1))
                ("".join(header) + mime).replace("\n",

예제 #20
def merge_cbf(imageset, n_images, out_prefix="sum_"):

  from dxtbx.format.FormatCBF import FormatCBF
  assert issubclass(imageset.reader().get_format_class(), FormatCBF), (
    "Only CBF format images supported")

  from cbflib_adaptbx import compress
  import binascii

  assert len(imageset) >= n_images

  n_output_images = len(imageset) // n_images

  in_oscillation = imageset.get_scan().get_oscillation()[1]
  out_oscillation = in_oscillation * n_images

  for i_out in range(n_output_images):
    data_out = None

    for j in range(n_images):

      i_in = (i_out*n_images) + j

      data_in = imageset.get_raw_data(i_in)
      assert len(data_in) == 1
      data_in = data_in[0]
      if data_out is None:
        data_out = data_in
        # FIXME only add pixels to this which are > 0; image pixels < 0
        # are meaningful and should be preserved;
        # Achieved by setting -ve values here to 0 before +=
        # This assumes that -ve values are constant over all images
        data_special = data_in < 0
        data_in.set_selected(data_special, 0)
        data_out += data_in

    out_image = "%s%04i.cbf" %(out_prefix, i_out+1)

    start_tag = binascii.unhexlify('0c1a04d5')

    data = open(imageset.get_path(i_out*n_images), 'rb').read()
    data_offset = data.find(start_tag)
    cbf_header = data[:data_offset]

    new_header = []
    compressed = compress(data_out)

    old_size = 0

    for record in cbf_header.split('\n')[:-1]:
      rsplit = record.split(' ')
      if 'X-Binary-Size:' in record:
        old_size = int(record.split()[-1])
        new_header.append('X-Binary-Size: %d\r\n' % len(compressed))
      elif 'Content-MD5' in record:
      elif len(rsplit) > 3 and rsplit[1] in { \
        'Exposure_time', 'Angle_increment', 'Exposure_period', 'Count_cutoff', \
        'Phi_increment', 'Omega_increment', 'Chi_increment' }:
        new_header.append('%s\n' % ' '.join(rsplit[:2] + ['%f' % (n_images * float(rsplit[2]))] + rsplit[3:]))
        new_header.append('%s\n' % record)

    loop_lines = [n for n, record in enumerate(new_header) if record.startswith('loop_')]
    multiply_fields = { '_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_range', '_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_increment', \
                        '_diffrn_scan_axis.displacement_range', '_diffrn_scan_axis.displacement_increment', \
                        '_diffrn_scan_frame.integration_time', '_diffrn_scan_frame.exposure_time', \
                        '_array_intensities.overload' }
    for loop_start in loop_lines:
      n = loop_start
      modifiers = []
      while True:
        n = n + 1
        line = new_header[n].strip()
        if line in { '', ';' }: # end of loop
        elif line.startswith('_'): # loop header
          if line in multiply_fields:
        elif any(modifiers): # loop body
          # NOTE: This can break when fields are modified in loops with
          #   'Strings with spaces, as they are seen as multiple columns, or with'
          #   _multiple _columns _defined _on _same _line _they _are _seen _as _one _column
          new_line = [ element if modifier is None else '%f' % (float(element) * modifier) \
                       for modifier, element in zip(modifiers, line.split()) ]
          new_header[n] = '%s\r\n' % ' '.join(new_line)

    tailer = data[data_offset + 4 + old_size:]

    with open(out_image, 'wb') as f:
      f.write(''.join(new_header) + start_tag + compressed + tailer)
      print '%s written' % out_image
