def __init__(self, fig, rect=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], *args, **kwargs): self.fig = fig azim = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'azim', -60) elev = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'elev', 30) self.xy_viewLim = unit_bbox() self.zz_viewLim = unit_bbox() self.xy_dataLim = unit_bbox() self.zz_dataLim = unit_bbox() # inihibit autoscale_view until the axises are defined # they can't be defined until Axes.__init__ has been called self._ready = 0 Axes.__init__(self, self.fig, rect, frameon=True, xticks=[], yticks=[], *args, **kwargs) self.M = None self._ready = 1 self.view_init(elev, azim) self.mouse_init() self.create_axes() self.set_top_view() #self.axesPatch.set_edgecolor((1,0,0,0)) self.axesPatch.set_linewidth(0) #self.axesPatch.set_facecolor((0,0,0,0)) self.fig.add_axes(self)
def plot_wireframe(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs): rstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, "rstride", 1) cstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, "cstride", 1) had_data = self.has_data() rows,cols = Z.shape tX,tY,tZ = npy.transpose(X), npy.transpose(Y), npy.transpose(Z) rii = [i for i in range(0,rows,rstride)]+[rows-1] cii = [i for i in range(0,cols,cstride)]+[cols-1] xlines = [X[i] for i in rii] ylines = [Y[i] for i in rii] zlines = [Z[i] for i in rii] # txlines = [tX[i] for i in cii] tylines = [tY[i] for i in cii] tzlines = [tZ[i] for i in cii] # lines = [zip(xl,yl,zl) for xl,yl,zl in zip(xlines,ylines,zlines)] lines += [zip(xl,yl,zl) for xl,yl,zl in zip(txlines,tylines,tzlines)] linec = self.add_lines(lines, *args, **kwargs) self.auto_scale_xyz(X,Y,Z, had_data) return linec
def __init__(self, xy, radius=5, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key("resolution"): import warnings warnings.warn("Circle is now scale free. Use CirclePolygon instead!", DeprecationWarning) popd(kwargs, "resolution") self.radius = radius Ellipse.__init__(self, xy, radius * 2, radius * 2, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, xy, radius=5, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('resolution'): import warnings warnings.warn( 'Circle is now scale free. Use CirclePolygon instead!', DeprecationWarning) popd(kwargs, 'resolution') self.radius = radius Ellipse.__init__(self, xy, radius * 2, radius * 2, **kwargs)
def plot_surface(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs): had_data = self.has_data() rows, cols = Z.shape tX, tY, tZ = np.transpose(X), np.transpose(Y), np.transpose(Z) rstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'rstride', 10) cstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'cstride', 10) # polys = [] boxes = [] for rs in np.arange(0, rows - 1, rstride): for cs in np.arange(0, cols - 1, cstride): ps = [] corners = [] for a, ta in [(X, tX), (Y, tY), (Z, tZ)]: ztop = a[rs][cs:min(cols, cs + cstride + 1)] zleft = ta[min(cols - 1, cs + cstride)][rs:min(rows, rs + rstride + 1)] zbase = a[min(rows - 1, rs + rstride)][cs:min(cols, cs + cstride + 1):] zbase = zbase[::-1] zright = ta[cs][rs:min(rows, rs + rstride + 1):] zright = zright[::-1] corners.append([ztop[0], ztop[-1], zbase[0], zbase[-1]]) z = np.concatenate((ztop, zleft, zbase, zright)) ps.append(z) boxes.append(map(np.array, zip(*corners))) polys.append(zip(*ps)) # lines = [] shade = [] for box in boxes: n = proj3d.cross(box[0] - box[1], box[0] - box[2]) n = n / proj3d.mod(n) * 5 shade.append(, [-1, -1, 0.5])) lines.append((box[0], n + box[0])) # color = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) norm = Normalize(min(shade), max(shade)) colors = [color * (0.5 + norm(v) * 0.5) for v in shade] for c in colors: c[3] = 1 polyc = art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, facecolors=colors, *args, **kwargs) polyc._zsort = 1 self.add_collection(polyc) # self.auto_scale_xyz(X, Y, Z, had_data) return polyc
def bbox_artist(artist, renderer, props=None, fill=True): """ This is a debug function to draw a rectangle around the bounding box returned by get_window_extent of an artist, to test whether the artist is returning the correct bbox props is a dict of rectangle props with the additional property 'pad' that sets the padding around the bbox in points """ if props is None: props = {} props = props.copy() # don't want to alter the pad externally pad = popd(props, 'pad', 4) pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(pad) bbox = artist.get_window_extent(renderer) l, b, w, h = bbox.get_bounds() l -= pad / 2. b -= pad / 2. w += pad h += pad r = Rectangle( xy=(l, b), width=w, height=h, fill=fill, ) r.set_clip_on(False) r.update(props) r.draw(renderer)
def bbox_artist(artist, renderer, props=None, fill=True): """ This is a debug function to draw a rectangle around the bounding box returned by get_window_extent of an artist, to test whether the artist is returning the correct bbox props is a dict of rectangle props with the additional property 'pad' that sets the padding around the bbox in points """ if props is None: props = {} props = props.copy() # don't want to alter the pad externally pad = popd(props, 'pad', 4) pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(pad) bbox = artist.get_window_extent(renderer) l,b,w,h = bbox.get_bounds() l-=pad/2. b-=pad/2. w+=pad h+=pad r = Rectangle(xy=(l,b), width=w, height=h, fill=fill, ) r.set_clip_on( False ) r.update(props) r.draw(renderer)
def plot_surface(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs): had_data = self.has_data() rows, cols = Z.shape tX,tY,tZ = npy.transpose(X), npy.transpose(Y), npy.transpose(Z) rstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'rstride', 10) cstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'cstride', 10) # polys = [] boxes = [] for rs in npy.arange(0,rows-1,rstride): for cs in npy.arange(0,cols-1,cstride): ps = [] corners = [] for a,ta in [(X,tX),(Y,tY),(Z,tZ)]: ztop = a[rs][cs:min(cols,cs+cstride+1)] zleft = ta[min(cols-1,cs+cstride)][rs:min(rows,rs+rstride+1)] zbase = a[min(rows-1,rs+rstride)][cs:min(cols,cs+cstride+1):] zbase = zbase[::-1] zright = ta[cs][rs:min(rows,rs+rstride+1):] zright = zright[::-1] corners.append([ztop[0],ztop[-1],zbase[0],zbase[-1]]) z = npy.concatenate((ztop,zleft,zbase,zright)) ps.append(z) boxes.append(map(npy.array,zip(*corners))) polys.append(zip(*ps)) # lines = [] shade = [] for box in boxes: n = proj3d.cross(box[0]-box[1], box[0]-box[2]) n = n/proj3d.mod(n)*5 shade.append(,[-1,-1,0.5])) lines.append((box[0],n+box[0])) # color = npy.array([0,0,1,1]) norm = Normalize(min(shade),max(shade)) colors = [color * (0.5+norm(v)*0.5) for v in shade] for c in colors: c[3] = 1 polyc = art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, facecolors=colors, *args, **kwargs) polyc._zsort = 1 self.add_collection(polyc) # self.auto_scale_xyz(X,Y,Z, had_data) return polyc
def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): had_data = self.has_data() zval = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'z', 0) zdir = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'dir', 'z') lines = Axes.plot(self, *args, **kwargs) # linecs = [art3d.Line2DW(l, z=zval, dir=zdir) for l in lines] # xs = lines[0].get_xdata() ys = lines[0].get_ydata() zs = [zval for x in xs] xs,ys,zs = art3d.juggle_axes(xs,ys,zs,zdir) # self.auto_scale_xyz(xs,ys,zs, had_data) # return linecs
def add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add an a axes with axes rect [left, bottom, width, height] where all quantities are in fractions of figure width and height. kwargs are legal Axes kwargs plus"polar" which sets whether to create a polar axes add_axes((l,b,w,h)) add_axes((l,b,w,h), frameon=False, axisbg='g') add_axes((l,b,w,h), polar=True) add_axes(ax) # add an Axes instance If the figure already has an axes with key *args, *kwargs then it will simply make that axes current and return it. If you do not want this behavior, eg you want to force the creation of a new axes, you must use a unique set of args and kwargs. The artist "label" attribute has been exposed for this purpose. Eg, if you want two axes that are otherwise identical to be added to the axes, make sure you give them unique labels: add_axes((l,b,w,h), label='1') add_axes((l,b,w,h), label='2') The Axes instance will be returned """ if iterable(args[0]): key = tuple(args[0]), tuple(kwargs.items()) else: key = args[0], tuple(kwargs.items()) if self._seen.has_key(key): ax = self._seen[key] return ax if not len(args): return if isinstance(args[0], Axes): a = args[0] a.set_figure(self) else: rect = args[0] ispolar = popd(kwargs, 'polar', False) if ispolar: a = PolarAxes(self, rect, **kwargs) else: a = Axes(self, rect, **kwargs) self.axes.append(a) self._axstack.push(a) self._seen[key] = a return a
def add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add an a axes with axes rect [left, bottom, width, height] where all quantities are in fractions of figure width and height. kwargs are legal Axes kwargs plus"polar" which sets whether to create a polar axes add_axes((l,b,w,h)) add_axes((l,b,w,h), frameon=False, axisbg='g') add_axes((l,b,w,h), polar=True) add_axes(ax) # add an Axes instance If the figure already has an axed with key *args, *kwargs then it will simply make that axes current and return it The Axes instance will be returned """ if iterable(args[0]): key = tuple(args[0]), tuple(kwargs.items()) else: key = args[0], tuple(kwargs.items()) if self._seen.has_key(key): ax = self._seen[key] return ax if not len(args): return if isinstance(args[0], Axes): a = args[0] a.set_figure(self) else: rect = args[0] ispolar = popd(kwargs, 'polar', False) if ispolar: a = PolarAxes(self, rect, **kwargs) else: a = Axes(self, rect, **kwargs) self.axes.append(a) self._axstack.push(a) self._seen[key] = a return a
def add_subplot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a subplot. Examples add_subplot(111) add_subplot(212, axisbg='r') # add subplot with red background add_subplot(111, polar=True) # add a polar subplot add_subplot(sub) # add Subplot instance sub kwargs are legal Axes kwargs plus"polar" which sets whether to create a polar axes. The Axes instance will be returned. If the figure already has a subplot with key *args, *kwargs then it will simply make that subplot current and return it """ key = self._make_key(*args, **kwargs) if self._seen.has_key(key): ax = self._seen[key] return ax if not len(args): return if isinstance(args[0], Subplot) or isinstance(args, PolarSubplot): a = args[0] a.set_figure(self) else: ispolar = popd(kwargs, 'polar', False) if ispolar: a = PolarSubplot(self, *args, **kwargs) else: a = Subplot(self, *args, **kwargs) self.axes.append(a) self._axstack.push(a) self._seen[key] = a return a