예제 #1
def revert_snapshot(stdurl, volid, snp_name):
    logging.debug('Inside revert_snapshot...')
    querycommand = 'command=listStorageSnapshots&id=%s' % volid
    logging.debug('Executing listStorageSnapshots method...')
    resp_list_snapshot = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_list_snapshot.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listDatasetSnapshotsResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Failed to list snapshot Error: %s', errormsg)
        return ['PASSED', '']
    if 'snapshot' not in str(data):
        logging.debug('There is no snapshot to revert')
        return ['FAILED', 'There is no snapshot to revert']
    snapshots = data['listDatasetSnapshotsResponse']['snapshot']
    path = None
    for snapshot in snapshots:
        path = None
        if snapshot['name'] == snp_name:
            path = snapshot.get('path')
    if path is None:
        logging.error('Not able to get snapshot path for reverting it')
        return ['FAILED', 'Not able to get snapshot path']
    querycommand = 'command=rollbackToSnapshot&id=%s&path=%s' % (volid, path)
    logging.debug('Executing rollbackToSnapshot method...')
    resp_rollbackToSnapshot = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_rollbackToSnapshot.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['']['errortext'])
        logging.debug('Failed to revert snp %s Error: %s', snp_name, errormsg)
        return ['FAILED', '']
    logging.debug('snapshot %s reverted successfully', snp_name)
    return ['PASSED', '']
예제 #2
파일: cleanup.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def deleteVolume():
    #########Delete File Systems
    querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
    resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
    data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
    filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"].get("filesystem")
    if filesystems == None:
        print 'There are no volumes'
        for filesystem in filesystems:
            filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
            filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
            acct_id = filesystem.get('accountid')
            init_grp = filesystem.get('initiatorgroup')
            if init_grp == 'ALL':
                assign_iniator_gp_to_LUN(stdurl, filesystem_id, acct_id,
            querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_volume = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_volume.text)
            if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                errormsg = str(
                print 'Not able to delete volume %s, due to%s' % (
                    filesystem_name, errormsg)
                deleteJobId = data['deleteFileSystemResponse'].get('jobid')
                delete_volume_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, deleteJobId)
                if delete_volume_status[0] == 'PASSED':
                    print 'Volume %s deleted successfully' % (filesystem_name)
                    print 'Not able to delete volume %s' % (filesystem_name)
예제 #3
def create_pool(user_params, stdurl):
    logging.info('inside create_pool method...')
    command = 'command=addHAPool'
    logging.info('getting defaults parameters for create pool...')
    pool_def_params = get_pool_default_params()
    logging.debug('defaults parameters for create pool: %s',
    logging.info('getting final parametrs for creating pool...')
    pool_params = get_params(pool_def_params, user_params)
    logging.info('final parametrs for creating pool: %s', str(pool_params))
    querycommand = get_querycommand(command, pool_params, 'pool')
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating pool: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_createPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_createPool.text)
    logging.debug('response for create Pool: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addHAPoolResponse'].get('errortext'))
        logging.error('Not able to create pool due to: %s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    logging.info('getting create pool job id...')
    job_id = data['addHAPoolResponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('create pool job id: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    create_pool_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('create_pool_status: %s', create_pool_status)
    if create_pool_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Pool created successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', create_pool_status]
    logging.debug('result of create_pool: %s', str(result))
    return result
예제 #4
def addDiskGroup_vdev(pool_id, clstr_id, group, disk_list, iops, sctr_size,
    if '_' or ' ' in group:
        group = group.replace('_', '%20').replace(' ', '%20')
    logging.info('inside addDiskGroup_vdev method..')
    throughput = iops * 128
    querycommand = 'command=addDiskGroup&poolid=%s&clusterid=%s&'\
        'grouptype=%s&diskslist=%s&sectorsize=%s&totaliops=%s&totalthroughput=%s' \
        %(pool_id, clstr_id, group, disk_list, sctr_size, iops, throughput)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API adding Disk group: %s', str(rest_api))
    add_diskGroup = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(add_diskGroup.text)
    logging.debug('response for adding disk group: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addDiskgroupResponse'].get('errortext'))
        print errormsg
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        logging.error('Not able to add disk group due to: %s', errormsg)
        return result
    logging.info('getting add disk group job id...')
    job_id = data['addDiskgroupResponse']['jobid']
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    addDiskGrp_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('Adding disk group status: %s', addDiskGrp_status)
    if addDiskGrp_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Added Disk Group successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', addDiskGrp_status]
    logging.debug('result of Adding  Disk Group : %s', str(result))
    return result
예제 #5
def edit_qos_syncronization(stdurl, volid, condition):
    ## Here condition refers to always or standard
    logging.info('Inside edit_qos_syncronization method....')
        'getting REST API for editing QoS group syncronization property...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateFileSystem&id=%s&sync=%s' % (volid,
    rest_api = stdurl + querycommand
    logging.debug('REST API for editing QoS group syncronization property: %s',
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_updateQOS = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    upddata = json.loads(resp_updateQOS.text)
    logging.debug('Response for editing QoS group syncronization property: %s',
    if 'errorcode' in str(upddata):
        errormsg = str(upddata['updatefilesystemresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    logging.info('Getting  new syncronization condition...')
    value = upddata['updatefilesystemresponse']['filesystem'][0]['sync']
    new_value = str(value).lower()
    logging.debug('new  syncronization condition  is %s', (new_value))
    if condition == new_value:
        result = [
            'syncronization condition is updated to %s ' % (new_value)
        return result
        result = ['FAILED', 'syncronization condition is not updated']
        return result
예제 #6
def edit_qos_readonly(stdurl, volid, condition):
    ##condition refers to true or false
    #print "condition ="+condition
    logging.info('Inside edit_qos_readonly method....')
        'getting REST API for editing QoS group readonly property...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateFileSystem&id=%s&readonly=%s' % (volid,
    rest_api = stdurl + querycommand
    logging.debug('REST API for editing QoS group read only property: %s',
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_updateQOS = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    upddata = json.loads(resp_updateQOS.text)
    logging.debug('Response for editing QoS group readonly property: %s',
    if 'errorcode' in str(upddata):
        errormsg = str(upddata['updatefilesystemresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    logging.info('Getting  new read only condition...')
    value = upddata['updatefilesystemresponse']['filesystem'][0]['readonly']
    new_value = str(value).lower()
    logging.debug('new  read only condition  is %s', (new_value))
    if condition == new_value:
        result = [
            'Read only condition is updated to %s ' % (new_value)
        return result
        result = ['FAILED', 'New condition is not updated']
        return result
예제 #7
def edit_qos_iops(group_id, iops_value, stdurl):
    logging.info('.....inside edit_qos_iops method....')
    logging.debug('getting REST API for editing QoS group IOPS properties...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateQosGroup&id=%s&iops=%s' % (group_id,
    rest_api = stdurl + querycommand
    logging.debug('REST API for editing QoS group IOPS properties: %s',
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_updateQOS = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    upddata = json.loads(resp_updateQOS.text)
    logging.debug('Response for editing QoS group IOPS properties: %s',
    if 'errorcode' in str(upddata):
        errormsg = str(upddata['updateqosresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        logging.error('FAILED: %s', errormsg)
        return result
        logging.info('Getting  new ipos value')
        iops = upddata['updateqosresponse']['qosgroup'][0]['iops']
        logging.debug('new  iops value is %s', (iops))
        vol_name = upddata['updateqosresponse']['qosgroup'][0]['name']
        if int(iops_value) == int(iops):
            msg = "Updated Iops in " + vol_name + " is " + iops
            print msg
            result = ['PASSED', upddata]
            logging.debug('PASSED: %s', upddata)
            return result
            errormsg = "IOPS not updated in " + vol_name
            result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
            logging.error('FAILED: %s', errormsg)
            return result
예제 #8
def edit_qos_tp(groupid, tpvalue, stdurl):
    logging.info('.....inside edit_qos_tp method....')
        'getting REST API for editing QoS group THROUGHPUT  properties...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateQosGroup&id=%s&throughput=%s' % (groupid,
    rest_api = stdurl + querycommand
    logging.debug('REST API for editing QoS group THROUGHPUT  properties: %s',
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_updateQOS = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    upddata = json.loads(resp_updateQOS.text)
    logging.debug('Response for editing QoS group THROUGHPUT properties: %s',
    if 'errorcode' in str(upddata):
        errormsg = str(upddata['updateqosresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        logging.error('FAILED: %s', errormsg)
        return result
        logging.info('Getting  new throuhput  value')
        tp = upddata['updateqosresponse']['qosgroup'][0]['throughput']
        logging.debug('new  throughput value is %s', (tp))
        vol_nametp = upddata['updateqosresponse']['qosgroup'][0]['name']
        if int(tpvalue) == int(tp):
            print "Throughput is  updated in " + vol_nametp + " is " + tp
            result = ['PASSED', upddata]
            logging.debug('PASSED: %s', upddata)
            return result
            errormsg = "Throughput is not updated in " + vol_nametp
            result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
            logging.error('FAILED: %s', errormsg)
            return result
예제 #9
파일: tsmUtils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def create_tsm(user_params, stdurl):
    logging.info('inside create_tsm method...')
    logging.debug('getting default parameters for creating tsm')
    tsm_def_params = get_tsm_default_params()
    logging.debug('default parameters for creating tsm: %s', str(tsm_def_params))
    logging.debug('getting final parametrs for creating tsm')
    final_tsm_params = modify_params(tsm_def_params, user_params)
    logging.debug('final parameters for creating tsm: %s', str(final_tsm_params))
    command = 'command=createTsm'
    querycommand = form_querycommand(command, final_tsm_params)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating tsm: %s', (rest_api))
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_addTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_addTsm.text)
    logging.debug('response for creating TSM: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addTsmResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to create Tsm due to: %s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    job_id = data['addTsmResponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('create Tsm job id: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    create_tsm_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    if create_tsm_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'TSM created successfuly']
        return result
        result = ['FAILED', create_tsm_status]
        logging.debug('result of create_tsm: %s', str(result))
        return result
예제 #10
def delete_volume(id, stdurl):
    # id is volume id
    logging.info('Inside the delete_volume method...')
    querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s' % (id)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for deleting volume: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_deleteFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_deleteFileSystem.text)
    logging.debug('response for deleting volume: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['deleteFileSystemResponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', 'Not able to delete volume due to: %s', errormsg]
        logging.error('Not able to delete volume due to: %s', errormsg)
        return result
    logging.info('getting job_id for deleting volume...')
    job_id = data['deleteFileSystemResponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('job_id for delet volume: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    delete_volume_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('delete_volume_status: %s', delete_volume_status)
    if delete_volume_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Volume deleted successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', delete_volume_status]
    logging.debug('result of delete_volume: %s', str(result))
    return result
예제 #11
def get_account_id(stdurl, account_name):
    querycommand = 'command=listAccount'
    resp_listAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listAccount.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listAccountResponse'].get('errortext'))
        print 'Not able to get accounts, Error: %s' % (errormsg)
        logging.error('Not able to get accounts, Error: %s', errormsg)
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
    accounts = data['listAccountResponse'].get('account')
    if accounts is None:
        print 'There is no Accounts to list...'
        logging.debug('There is no Accounts to list, please create account '\
                'and procede...')
        return ['BLOCKED', 'There is no Accounts...']
    isAccount = False
    for account in accounts:
        if account_name is None:
            account_id = account['id']
            return ['PASSED', account_id]
        elif account['name'] == account_name:
            account_id = account['id']
            return ['PASSED', account_id]
    if not isAccount:
        return ['BLOCKED', 'There is no account with given name']
예제 #12
def get_node2_ip(NODE1_IP, stdurl):
    querycommand = 'command=listController'
    logging.debug('executing listController...')
    listController_resp = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(listController_resp.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listControllerResponse'].get('errortext'))
        logging.error('ungracefull HA test case(iSCSI) blocked '\
                'due to %s', errormsg)
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, errormsg)
    controllers = data['listControllerResponse']['controller']
    has_second_node = False
    has_first_node = False
    NODE2_IP = None
    for controller in controllers:
        if controller['ipAddress'] == NODE1_IP:
            node1_clustername = controller['clustername']
            has_first_node = True
            if has_second_node:
                if node2_clustername == node1_clustername:
                    return NODE2_IP
        node2_clustername = controller['clustername']
        NODE2_IP = controller['ipAddress']
        has_second_node = True
        if has_first_node:
            if node1_clustername == node2_clustername:
                return NODE2_IP
        if NODE2_IP is None:
            logging.error('ungracefull HA test case(iSCSI) blocked '\
                    'due to %s', 'There is no second Node')
            is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, 'There is no second Node')
        return NODE2_IP
예제 #13
def deleteiscsiInitiatorGrp(stdurl, acc_id, grpName):
    querycommand = 'command=listiSCSIInitiator&accountid=%s'\
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for listiSCSIInitiator...%s', rest_api)
    logging.debug('executing sendrequest command...')
    resp_listiSCSIInitiator = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listiSCSIInitiator.text)
    if 'initiator' in str(data):
        init = data['listInitiatorsResponse']['initiator']
        for initiator in init:
            if initiator['name'] == grpName:
                initID = initiator['id']
                querycommand = 'command=deleteiSCSIInitiator&accountid=%s&id=%s'\
                        %(acc_id, initID)
                rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
                logging.debug('REST API for deleteIscsiInitiator... %s',
                resp_deliSCSIInitiator = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
                data = json.loads(resp_deliSCSIInitiator.text)
                if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                    errormsg = data['deleteiscsiinitiatorResponse'][
                    print errormsg
                    logging.debug('%s', errormsg)
                    result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
                    return result
                    print 'Deleted iscsiInitator Group %s' % grpName
                    logging.debug('Deleted iscsiInitator Group "%s"', grpName)
                    result = ['PASSED', 'Deleted iscsiInitator Group']
                    return result
            print 'Initiator group "%s" not present' % grpName
            logging.debug('iscsiInitator Group "%s" not present', grpName)
            result = ['FAILED', 'iscsiInitator Group not present']
            return result
        errormsg = data['listInitiatorsResponse']['errortext']
        logging.debug('%s', errormsg)
        print errormsg
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
예제 #14
파일: cleanup.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def deletePool():
    querycommand = 'command=listHAPool'
    resp_listHAPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listHAPool.text)
    hapools = data["listHAPoolResponse"].get("hapool")
    if hapools == None:
        print 'There are no pools'
        for hapool in hapools:
            hapool_id = hapool['id']
            hapool_name = hapool['name']
            querycommand = 'command=deleteHAPool&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_hapool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_hapool.text)
            if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                errormsg = str(data['deleteHAPoolResponse']['errortext'])
                print errormsg
                print "Deleted the HAPool", hapool_name
예제 #15
파일: cleanup.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def deleteVSM():
    querycommand = 'command=listTsm'
    resp_listTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/listTSM.txt", "w", resp_listTsm)
    data = json.loads(resp_listTsm.text)
    tsms = data["listTsmResponse"].get("listTsm")
    if tsms == None:
        print 'There are no tsms'
        for tsm in tsms:
            tsm_id = tsm['id']
            tsm_name = tsm['name']
            querycommand = 'command=deleteTsm&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_tsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_tsm.text)
            if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                errormsg = str(data['deleteTsmResponse']['errortext'])
                print errormsg
                print "Deleted the TSM", tsm_name
예제 #16
def mapUsertoRootToYes(volid, ClientIP):
    logging.info('Setting map user to root to yes method...')
    querycommand = 'command=listNfs&datasetid=%s' % (volid)
    resp_listNfsClient = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listNfsClient.text)
    if 'nfs' in data["listNfsProtocolResponse"]:
        listNfs = data["listNfsProtocolResponse"]["nfs"]
        for nfs in listNfs:
            authnetwork = nfs['authnetwork']
            if authnetwork == ClientIP:
                nfsClientID = nfs['id']
                    'managedstate=true&response=json' %(nfsClientID, ClientIP)
                resp_updateNfs = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
                logging.debug('Rest api for map user to root to set it as '\
                                      'yes: %s',resp_updateNfs)
                data4 = json.loads(resp_updateNfs.text)
                logging.debug('map user set to yes response: %s', data4)
                if "errorcode" in data4["UpdateNfsProtocolResponse"]:
                    errormsg = str(
                    print errormsg
                    result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
                    return result
                    msg = 'Map user to root is set to Yes for  Authorized NFS '\
                            'client "%s"' %authnetwork
                    result = ["PASSED", msg]
                    return result

            result = ['FAILED', 'Client not present, either it was deleted '\
                                    'or it was not created']
            return result
        result = ['FAILED', 'NO NFS Clients Service are present in the volume']
        return result
예제 #17
def allDirEdit(volid, ClientIP):
    logging.info('Setting All dir to no method...')
    querycommand = 'command=listNfs&datasetid=%s' % (volid)
    resp_listNfsClient = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listNfsClient.text)
    if 'nfs' in data["listNfsProtocolResponse"]:
        listNfs = data["listNfsProtocolResponse"]["nfs"]
        for nfs in listNfs:
            authnetwork = nfs['authnetwork']
            if authnetwork == ClientIP:
                nfsClientID = nfs['id']
                    'managedstate=true&response=json' %(nfsClientID, ClientIP)
                logging.info('Setting All Dir to "NO" for  Authorized NFS '\
                    'client "%s"', authnetwork)
                resp_updateNfs = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
                data4 = json.loads(resp_updateNfs.text)
                if "errorcode" in data4["UpdateNfsProtocolResponse"]:
                    errormsg = str(
                    logging.error('%s', errormsg)
                    print errormsg
                    result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
                    return result
                    print 'ALL dir is set to no for  Authorized NFS '\
                            'client "%s"' %authnetwork
                    result = ["PASSED", 'ALL DIR is set to NO']
                    return result

            result = ['FAILED', 'Client not present, either it was deleted '\
                                    'or it was not created']
            return result
        result = ['FAILED', 'NO NFS Clients Service are present in the volume']
        return result
예제 #18
def addNFSclient(stdurl, filesystemID, Client):
    logging.info('Adding NFS Client method...')
    querycommand = 'command=nfsService&datasetid=%s&authnetwork=%s&'\
            'response=json' %(filesystemID, Client)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for adding NFS client: %s', str(rest_api))
    set_NFSService = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(set_NFSService.text)
    logging.debug('response for add nfs client: %s', str(data))
    if "errorcode" in data["nfsserviceprotocolresponse"]:
        errormsg = str(data["nfsserviceprotocolresponse"].get("errortext"))
        print errormsg
        logging.error('%s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
        logging.info('Getting nfs id')
        nfs_id = data["nfsserviceprotocolresponse"]["nfs"]["id"]
        logging.debug('nfs id : "%s"', nfs_id)
        logging.info('Getting controller id')
        ctrl_id = data["nfsserviceprotocolresponse"]["nfs"]["controllerid"]
        logging.debug('controller id : "%s"', ctrl_id)
        querycommand = 'command=updateController&nfsid=%s&type=configurenfs'\
                '&id=%s&response=json' %(nfs_id, ctrl_id)
        rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
        logging.debug('REST API for updating controller: %s', str(rest_api))
        UpadateNFSService = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
        data = json.loads(UpadateNFSService.text)
        logging.debug('response for updating controller: %s', str(data))
        if "errorcode" in data["updateControllerResponse"]:
            errormsg = str(data["updateControllerResponse"].get("errortext"))
            logging.error('%s', errormsg)
            result1 = ['FAILED', errormsg]
            return result1
        result = ['PASSED', 'NFS client added successfully']
        return result
예제 #19
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def listGlobalSettings_param(stdurl):
    logging.info('Inside the Global setting update method...')
    querycommand = 'command=listConfigurations'
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    listGlobalSettings_param = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(listGlobalSettings_param.text)
    logging.debug('response for  global settings list: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listglobalsettingsresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
        global_config = data["listconfigurationsresponse"]["configuration"]
        result = ['PASSED', global_config]
        return result
예제 #20
파일: haUtils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def change_state(stdurl, ctrl_id, mode, ctrl_name):
    querycommand = 'command=changeControllerState&id=%s&state=%s' \
            %(ctrl_id, mode)
    logging.debug('Executing changeControllerState...')
    resp_stateofnode = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_stateofnode.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['changeControllerStateResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to execute changeControllerState: %s',
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
    hajob_id = data['changeControllerStateResponse']['controller']['hajobid']
    querycommand = 'command=listHAJobActivities&hajobid=%s' % (hajob_id)
    logging.debug('Executing listHAJobActivities...')
    hajob = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(hajob.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listHAJobActivitiesResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to execute listHAJobActivitiesResponse: %s',\
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
    job_id = data['listHAJobActivitiesResponse']['jobid']
    rstatus = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    querycommand = 'command=listHAJob&jobstatus=running'
    logging.debug('Executing listHAJob...')
    hajob = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(hajob.text)
    logging.debug('response for listHAJob... %s', hajob)
    logging.debug('executing queryAsyncJobResult method for job: %s', job_id)
    rstatus = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    if rstatus[0] == 'PASSED':
        logging.debug('Node %s moved to %s successfully', ctrl_name, mode)
        return ['PASSED', '']
        logging.debug('Node %s failed to moved to %s', ctrl_name, mode)
        return ['FAILED', '']
예제 #21
def set_readonly(vol_id, operation, stdurl):
    logging.info('Setting read only method...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateFileSystem&id=%s&readonly=%s' \
            %(vol_id, operation)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for setting readonly: %s', str(rest_api))
    response_read = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(response_read.text)
    logging.debug('response for ready only: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data['updatefilesystemresponse']):
        errormsg = str(data['updatefilesystemresponse'].get('errortext'))
        print errormsg
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return ['PASSED', 'Successfully updated readonly']
def monitorFilesystemQoS(stdurl, volid):
    querycommand = 'command=monitorFileSystemQoS&id=%s' % (volid)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('Rest Api for Monitor FS Qos : %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_FSqos = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_FSqos.text)
    logging.debug('Response for  Monitor FS Qos: %s', str(data))
    if 'monitorFilesystemQoS' in str(data['monitorFileSystemResponse']):
        fs_qos = data['monitorFileSystemResponse']['monitorFilesystemQoS']
        result = ['PASSED', fs_qos]
        return result
        errormsg = str(data['monitorFileSystemResponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
예제 #23
def create_account(account_name, stdurl):
    logging.info('inside create_ccount method...')
    querycommand = 'command=createAccount&name=%s&description=None' % (
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating tsm: %s', (rest_api))
    resp_createAccount = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_createAccount.text)
    logging.debug('response for creating Account: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['createaccountresponse'].get('errortext'))
        print errormsg
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return ['PASSED', 'Successfully created account']
예제 #24
def addInitiator(account_id, initGroup, bothInitiatorIqn, network, stdurl):
    querycommand = 'command=addiSCSIInitiator&accountid=%s&name=%s&'\
                    'initiatorgroup=%s&netmask=%s' \
                    %(account_id, initGroup, bothInitiatorIqn, network)
    logging.info('Executing command to add ISCSI InitiatorGroup in Account')
    resp_addInitiator = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_addInitiator.text)
    AddInitiators = data["tsmiSCSIInitiatorResponse"]
    if 'errorcode' in str(AddInitiators):
        errormsg = str(data['tsmiSCSIInitiatorResponse']['errortext'])
        print errormsg
        result = ["FAILED", errormsg]
        return result
        result = ['PASSED', 'Added initiator group']
        return result
예제 #25
파일: tsmUtils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def editNFSthreads(tsm_id, threads, stdurl):
    logging.info('Editing NFS thread value method...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateTsmNfsOptions&tsmid=%s&nfsworkerthreads=%s' \
                    %(tsm_id, threads)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for editing tsm IOPS: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_threadUpdate = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_threadUpdate.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['updateTsmNfsOptionsResponse']['errortext'])
        print errormsg
        logging.error('%s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
        result = ['PASSED', 'Successfully updated thread value']
        return result
예제 #26
파일: tsmUtils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def editTsmQuota(dataset_id, quota, stdurl):
    logging.info('Editing tsm quota method..')
    querycommand = 'command=updateStorage&id=%s&quotasize=%s' %(dataset_id, quota)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for editing tsm quota: %s', str(rest_api))
    edit_tsmQuota = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(edit_tsmQuota.text)
    logging.debug('response for editing tsm quota: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in data['updatedatasetresponse']:
        errormsg = str(data['updatedatasetresponse']['errortext'])
        print errormsg
        logging.error('%s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
        result = ['PASSED', 'Successfully updated TSM quota size']
        return result
예제 #27
파일: tsmUtils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def delete_tsm(tsm_id, stdurl):
    logging.info('Inside the delete tsm method...')
    querycommand = 'command=deleteTsm&id=%s' %(tsm_id)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for deleting TSM: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_deleteTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_deleteTsm.text)
    logging.debug('response for deleting tsm: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['deleteTsmResponse']['errortext'])
        print errormsg
        result = ['FAILED', 'Not able to delete tsm due to: %s', errormsg]
        logging.error('Not able to delete tsm due to: %s', errormsg)
        return result
        result = ['PASSED', 'Successfully deleted Tsm']
        return result
예제 #28
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def updateGlobalSettings(config_name , value, stdurl):
    logging.info('Inside the Global setting update method...')
    querycommand = 'command=updateConfiguration&name=%s&value=%s' \
            %(config_name, value)
    logging.info('updating the global setting : %s', config_name)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for global settings update: %s', str(rest_api))
    update_global = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(update_global.text)
    logging.debug('response for  global settings update: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['updateconfigurationresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
        result = ['PASSED', 'Successfully updated global configuration']
        return result
예제 #29
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def get_node_ip(stdurl, controllerid):
    node_ip = None
    querycommand = 'command=listController&id=%s' %(controllerid)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for listController... %s', rest_api)
    logging.debug('getting controllers IP...')
    resp_listController = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listController.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listControllerResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to get list controllers... %s', errormsg)
        return ['FAILED', '']
    node_ip = (data['listControllerResponse']['controller'][0]).get('ipAddress')
    if node_ip is not None:
        return ['PASSED', node_ip]
    logging.debug('Not able to get Node IP... %s')
    return ['FAILED', '']
예제 #30
파일: haUtils.py 프로젝트: ksatchit/devops
def list_controller(stdurl):
    querycommand = 'command=listController'
    logging.debug('Executing listController...')
    resp_listcontroller = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_listcontroller.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listControllerResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to list controllers Error: %s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
    elif 'controller' in data['listControllerResponse']:
        controllerlist = data['listControllerResponse']['controller']
        result = ['PASSED', controllerlist]
        print 'There is no Node'
        logging.debug('There is no Node available to list')
        result = ['FAILED', 'There is no Node available to list']
    return result