예제 #1
def _add_current_user_id(graph, user):
    set the current user id, convenient if you want to make sure you
    fb session and user belong together
    if graph:
        graph.current_user_id = None

        if user.is_authenticated():
            profile = try_get_profile(user)
            facebook_id = get_user_attribute(user, profile, 'facebook_id')
            if facebook_id:
                graph.current_user_id = facebook_id
예제 #2
    def test_update_access_token(self):
        request = RequestMock().get('/')
        request.session = {}
        request.user = AnonymousUser()
        graph = get_persistent_graph(request, access_token='paul')
        action, user = connect_user(self.request, facebook_graph=graph)
        first_user_id = user.id

        # new token required should start out as False
        profile = try_get_profile(user)
        new_token_required = get_user_attribute(user, profile,
        self.assertEqual(new_token_required, False)

        # we manually set it to true
        if profile:
            profile = get_profile_model().objects.get(id=profile.id)
        user = get_user_model().objects.get(id=user.id)
        new_token_required = get_user_attribute(user, profile,
        self.assertEqual(new_token_required, True)

        # another update should however set it back to False
        request.facebook = None
        graph = get_facebook_graph(request, access_token='paul2')
        logger.info('and the token is %s', graph.access_token)
        action, user = connect_user(self.request, facebook_graph=graph)
        user = get_user_model().objects.get(id=user.id)
        self.assertEqual(user.id, first_user_id)
        if profile:
            profile = get_profile_model().objects.get(id=profile.id)
        user = get_user_model().objects.get(id=user.id)
        new_token_required = get_user_attribute(user, profile,
        self.assertEqual(new_token_required, False)
예제 #3
 def test_gender_matching(self):
     request = RequestMock().get('/')
     request.session = {}
     request.user = AnonymousUser()
     graph = get_persistent_graph(request, access_token='paul')
     converter = FacebookUserConverter(graph)
     base_data = converter.facebook_profile_data()
     self.assertEqual(base_data['gender'], 'male')
     data = converter.facebook_registration_data()
     self.assertEqual(data['gender'], 'm')
     action, user = connect_user(self.request, facebook_graph=graph)
     profile = try_get_profile(user)
     gender = get_user_attribute(user, profile, 'gender')
     self.assertEqual(gender, 'm')
예제 #4
 def test_send(error,
     user, profile, share = self.share_details
     with mock.patch('open_facebook.api.OpenFacebook') as mocked:
         instance = mocked.return_value
         instance.set = Mock(side_effect=error)
         instance.has_permissions = Mock(return_value=has_permissions)
         instance.access_token = get_user_attribute(
             user, profile, 'access_token')
         self.assertEqual(share.error_message, expected_error_message)
         user = get_user_model().objects.get(id=user.id)
         if profile:
             profile = get_profile_model().objects.get(id=profile.id)
         new_token_required = get_user_attribute(
             user, profile, 'new_token_required')
         self.assertEqual(new_token_required, expected_new_token)
예제 #5
def get_facebook_graph(request=None, access_token=None, redirect_uri=None, raise_=False):
    given a request from one of these
    - js authentication flow (signed cookie)
    - facebook app authentication flow (signed cookie)
    - facebook oauth redirect (code param in url)
    - mobile authentication flow (direct access_token)
    - offline access token stored in user profile

    returns a graph object

    redirect path is the path from which you requested the token
    for some reason facebook needs exactly this uri when converting the code
    to a token
    falls back to the current page without code in the request params
    specify redirect_uri if you are not posting and recieving the code
    on the same page
    # this is not a production flow, but very handy for testing
    if not access_token and request.REQUEST.get('access_token'):
        access_token = request.REQUEST['access_token']
    # should drop query params be included in the open facebook api,
    # maybe, weird this...
    from open_facebook import OpenFacebook, FacebookAuthorization
    from django.core.cache import cache
    expires = None
    if hasattr(request, 'facebook') and request.facebook:
        graph = request.facebook
        _add_current_user_id(graph, request.user)
        return graph

    # parse the signed request if we have it
    signed_data = None
    if request:
        signed_request_string = request.REQUEST.get('signed_data')
        if signed_request_string:
            logger.info('Got signed data from facebook')
            signed_data = parse_signed_request(signed_request_string)
        if signed_data:
            logger.info('We were able to parse the signed data')

    # the easy case, we have an access token in the signed data
    if signed_data and 'oauth_token' in signed_data:
        access_token = signed_data['oauth_token']

    if not access_token:
        # easy case, code is in the get
        code = request.REQUEST.get('code')
        if code:
            logger.info('Got code from the request data')

        if not code:
            # signed request or cookie leading, base 64 decoding needed
            cookie_name = 'fbsr_%s' % facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID
            cookie_data = request.COOKIES.get(cookie_name)

            if cookie_data:
                signed_request_string = cookie_data
                if signed_request_string:
                    logger.info('Got signed data from cookie')
                signed_data = parse_signed_request(signed_request_string)
                if signed_data:
                    logger.info('Parsed the cookie data')
                # the javascript api assumes a redirect uri of ''
                redirect_uri = ''

            if signed_data:
                # parsed data can fail because of signing issues
                if 'oauth_token' in signed_data:
                    logger.info('Got access_token from parsed data')
                    # we already have an active access token in the data
                    access_token = signed_data['oauth_token']
                    logger.info('Got code from parsed data')
                    # no access token, need to use this code to get one
                    code = signed_data.get('code', None)

        if not access_token:
            if code:
                cache_key = hash_key('convert_code_%s' % code)
                access_token = cache.get(cache_key)
                if not access_token:
                    # exchange the code for an access token
                    # based on the php api
                    # https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/blob/master/src/base_facebook.php
                    # create a default for the redirect_uri
                    # when using the javascript sdk the default
                    # should be '' an empty string
                    # for other pages it should be the url
                    if not redirect_uri:
                        redirect_uri = ''

                    # we need to drop signed_data, code and state
                    redirect_uri = cleanup_oauth_url(redirect_uri)

                            'trying to convert the code with redirect uri: %s',
                        # This is realy slow, that's why it's cached
                        token_response = FacebookAuthorization.convert_code(
                            code, redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
                        expires = token_response.get('expires')
                        access_token = token_response['access_token']
                        # would use cookies instead, but django's cookie setting
                        # is a bit of a mess
                        cache.set(cache_key, access_token, 60 * 60 * 2)
                    except (open_facebook_exceptions.OAuthException, open_facebook_exceptions.ParameterException), e:
                        # this sometimes fails, but it shouldnt raise because
                        # it happens when users remove your
                        # permissions and then try to reauthenticate
                        logger.warn('Error when trying to convert code %s',
                        if raise_:
                            return None
            elif request.user.is_authenticated():
                # support for offline access tokens stored in the users profile
                profile = try_get_profile(request.user)
                access_token = get_user_attribute(
                    request.user, profile, 'access_token')
                if not access_token:
                    if raise_:
                        message = 'Couldnt find an access token in the request or the users profile'
                        raise open_facebook_exceptions.OAuthException(message)
                        return None
                if raise_:
                    message = 'Couldnt find an access token in the request or cookies'
                    raise open_facebook_exceptions.OAuthException(message)
                    return None
예제 #6
def connect_user(request,
    Given a request either

    - (if authenticated) connect the user
    - login
    - register
    user = None
    graph = facebook_graph or get_facebook_graph(request, access_token)

    converter = get_instance_for('user_conversion', graph)

    assert converter.is_authenticated()
    facebook_data = converter.facebook_profile_data()
    force_registration = request.REQUEST.get('force_registration') or\

    logger.debug('force registration is set to %s', force_registration)
    if connect_facebook and request.user.is_authenticated(
    ) and not force_registration:
        # we should only allow connect if users indicate they really want to connect
        # only when the request.CONNECT_FACEBOOK = 1
        # if this isn't present we just do a login
        # default behaviour is not to overwrite old data
        user = _connect_user(request, converter, overwrite=True)
        email = facebook_data.get('email', False)
        email_verified = facebook_data.get('verified', False)
        kwargs = {}
        if email and email_verified:
            kwargs = {'facebook_email': email}
        auth_user = authenticate(facebook_id=facebook_data['id'], **kwargs)
        if auth_user and not force_registration:
            action = CONNECT_ACTIONS.LOGIN

            # Has the user registered without Facebook, using the verified FB
            # email address?
            # It is after all quite common to use email addresses for usernames
            update = getattr(auth_user, 'fb_update_required', False)
            profile = try_get_profile(auth_user)
            current_facebook_id = get_user_attribute(auth_user, profile,
            if not current_facebook_id:
                update = True
            # login the user
            user = _login_user(request, converter, auth_user, update=update)
            action = CONNECT_ACTIONS.REGISTER
            # when force registration is active we should remove the old
            # profile
                user = _register_user(
            except facebook_exceptions.AlreadyRegistered, e:
                # in Multithreaded environments it's possible someone beats us to
                # the punch, in that case just login
                    'parallel register encountered, slower thread is doing a login'
                auth_user = authenticate(facebook_id=facebook_data['id'],
                action = CONNECT_ACTIONS.LOGIN
                user = _login_user(request, converter, auth_user, update=False)
예제 #7
def _update_user(user, facebook, overwrite=True):
    Updates the user and his/her profile with the data from facebook
    # if you want to add fields to ur user model instead of the
    # profile thats fine
    # partial support (everything except raw_data and facebook_id is included)
    facebook_data = facebook.facebook_registration_data(username=False)
    facebook_fields = [
        'facebook_name', 'facebook_profile_url', 'gender', 'date_of_birth',
        'about_me', 'website_url', 'first_name', 'last_name'

    profile = try_get_profile(user)
    # which attributes to update
    attributes_dict = {}

    # send the signal that we're updating

    # set the facebook id and make sure we are the only user with this id
    current_facebook_id = get_user_attribute(user, profile, 'facebook_id')
    facebook_id_changed = facebook_data['facebook_id'] != current_facebook_id
    overwrite_allowed = overwrite or not current_facebook_id

    # update the facebook id and access token
    facebook_id_overwritten = False
    if facebook_id_changed and overwrite_allowed:
        # when not overwriting we only update if there is no
        # profile.facebook_id
        logger.info('profile facebook id changed from %s to %s',
        attributes_dict['facebook_id'] = facebook_data['facebook_id']
        facebook_id_overwritten = True

    if facebook_id_overwritten:
        _remove_old_connections(facebook_data['facebook_id'], user.id)

    # update all fields on both user and profile
    for f in facebook_fields:
        facebook_value = facebook_data.get(f, False)
        current_value = get_user_attribute(user, profile, f, None)
        if facebook_value and not current_value:
            attributes_dict[f] = facebook_value

    # write the raw data in case we missed something
    serialized_fb_data = json.dumps(facebook.facebook_profile_data())
    current_raw_data = get_user_attribute(user, profile, 'raw_data')
    if current_raw_data != serialized_fb_data:
        attributes_dict['raw_data'] = serialized_fb_data

    image_url = facebook_data['image']
    # update the image if we are allowed and have to
    if facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_STORE_LOCAL_IMAGE:
        image_field = get_user_attribute(user, profile, 'image', True)
        if not image_field:
            image_name, image_file = _update_image(profile, image_url)
            image_field.save(image_name, image_file)

    # save both models if they changed
    update_user_attributes(user, profile, attributes_dict)
    if getattr(user, '_fb_is_dirty', False):
    if getattr(profile, '_fb_is_dirty', False):


    return user