예제 #1
def accum_phrase(iterations, joins, obj, drs):
    """Accumitavely builds phrases by prepending the last set of concats to the next
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    sample_set = EntryMatcher()
    concat = AudioSegment.empty()
    join_sound = AudioSegment.empty()

    for x in range(iterations):
        for i in range(joins):
            choice = str(rn.choice(sample_set.results))
            concat += AudioSegment.from_file(

        num_iter = str(x)  #convert the iteration number to string
                      format='wav')  #export
예제 #2
def layers(joins, obj, drs):

    gos = EntryMatcher()
    gos.input_vars('amp > -50 centroid <-> 1000 6000 duration < 500')
    concat = AudioSegment.empty()
    if gos.match_len == 1:
        print('There was only one matched element, you need more')
    for i in range(len(gos.match_result)):
        choice = str(gos.match_result[i])
        print('choice is', choice)
        join_sound = AudioSegment.from_file(obj.source + choice + obj.affix)
        concat += join_sound
    for j in range(joins):
        probability = translate(j, 0, joins, 5, 95)
        for x in range(gos.match_len):
            choice = str(gos.match_result[x])
            join_sound = AudioSegment.from_file(obj.source + choice + obj.affix)
            gain = rn.randint(0, 100)
            if gain > probability:
                join_sound = join_sound.apply_gain(0)
            elif gain < probability:
                join_sound = join_sound.apply_gain(-120)
            concat += join_sound
    print('i got here')
    concat.export(drs.new_dir + '0' + obj.affix, format="wav")
예제 #3
def interp_groups(joins, obj, drs):  #not done at all
    """Interpolates two groups
    Keyword arguments:

    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    first = EntryMatcher()
    second = EntryMatcher()
    third = EntryMatcher()

    first.input_vars('amp > -40 centroid > 0 duration < 800')
    # second.input_vars('amp < -90 centroid > 8000 duration < 40')
    second.input_vars('amp <-> 12 -45 centroid <-> 500 5000 duration < 30')
    concat = AudioSegment.empty()
    for i in range(joins):
        selection = rn.uniform(0, 1)
        line = util.translate(i, 0, joins, 0, 1)
        if selection <= line:
            choice = rn.choice(first.match_result)
        elif selection >= line:
            choice = rn.choice(second.match_result)
        choice = str(choice)
        join_sound = AudioSegment.from_file(f'{obj.source}{choice}{obj.affix}')
        concat += join_sound

                  format='wav')  #export
예제 #4
def law_of_proximity(iterations, divisions, obj, drs):

    # start with an initial unit which is radically established as a whole. Sub units are developed from this by increasing the proximity between sub-sets. Proximity is relative, so a group can be distinguished by its proximity to another group. Or the same group of samples can form two different gestalt units by having different internal proximities.

    sequence = []

    sample_set = EntryMatcher()
    sample_set.input_vars('amp <-> 6 -54 centroid <-> 90 4968 duration < 500')
예제 #5
def search_small(iterations, joins, min_results, max_results, obj, drs):
    """Search for sample_set groups with random properties
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    min_results -- minimum results to allow
    max_results -- maximum results to allow
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory

    # Create instance of EntryMatcher()
    sample_set = EntryMatcher()
    sample_set.match_len = -99999

    while sample_set.match_len < min_results or sample_set.match_len > max_results:
        # Create some random variables to seed #
        seed_amp = rn.uniform(obj.amp.min(), obj.amp.max())
        seed_amp_spread = rn.uniform(3, 18)
        seed_centroid = rn.uniform(obj.centroid.min(), obj.centroid.max())
        seed_centroid_spread = rn.randint(100, 1000)
        input_string = f'amp <-> {seed_amp_spread} {seed_amp} centroid <-> {seed_centroid_spread} {seed_centroid} duration < 1000'

    for x in range(iterations):
        concat = AudioSegment.empty()
        prev_rand = -1

        for i in range(joins):
            rand = rn.choice(sample_set.match_result)

            if prev_rand != rand:
                choice = rand
                concat += AudioSegment.from_file(
                prev_rand = rand
                rand = rn.choice(sample_set.match_result)
            elif prev_rand == rand:
                rand = rn.choice(sample_set.match_result)

        num_iter = str(x)  #convert the iteration number to string
                      format='wav')  #export
예제 #6
def long_short_exp(iterations, joins, prob_lo, prob_hi, obj, drs):
    """Like long_short() but modulates the probability over the number of joins
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    prob_lo --  min probability for short samples to occur  (0 - 1)
    prob_hi --  max probability for short samples to occur  (0 - 1)
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    # Descriptor Matching
    long_samples = EntryMatcher()
    short_samples = EntryMatcher()
    long_samples.input_vars(input('Create a descriptor for long samples\n'))
    short_samples.input_vars(input('Create a descriptor for short samples\n'))

    # Process
    for x in range(iterations):  # Each x is an iteration
        concat = AudioSegment.empty()

        for i in range(joins):  # Each i is a sample concatenation
            prob = util.translate(
                i, 0, joins, prob_lo, prob_hi
            )  # this probability referes to the chance for a SHORT sample
            s_or_l = (rn.uniform(0, 1))  # random value to test

            if s_or_l > prob:  # if random-v is greater than prob
                choice = str(rn.choice(long_samples.results))
            elif s_or_l < prob:  # if random-v is less than prob
                choice = str(rn.choice(short_samples.results))

            concat += AudioSegment.from_file(

        num_iter = str(x)  # convert the iteration number to string
                      format='wav')  #export
예제 #7
def mixed_silence(iterations, joins, samp_prob, silence_prob, obj, drs):
    """Mixes silence, and multiple lengths of silence
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    samp_prob -- the breakpoint for selecting silence or sample [0 - 1] 0.8 is 80% chance for sample
    silence_prob -- breakpoint for selecting a long or short silence [0 - 1] 0.8 is 80% chance for short
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    sample_set = EntryMatcher()

    for x in range(iterations):
        concat = AudioSegment.empty()

        for i in range(joins):
            outcome = rn.uniform(0, 1)

            if outcome < samp_prob:
                choice = str(rn.choice(sample_set.match_result))
                join_sound = AudioSegment.from_file(

            elif outcome > samp_prob:
                type_of_silence = rn.uniform(0, 1)

                if type_of_silence > silence_prob:
                    dur = rn.randint(2, 5) * 1000

                elif type_of_silence < silence_prob:
                    dur = rn.randint(4, 15) * 10
                join_sound = AudioSegment.silent(duration=dur)

            concat += join_sound
        num_iter = str(x)
                      format='wav')  #export
예제 #8
def jank(iterations, joins, rep_min, rep_max, obj, drs):
    """Robotically repeated groups of samples
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    rep_min -- minimum amount of reptitions
    rep_max -- maximum amount of reptitions
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    #Generate a list of samples under 500ms and scramble/permute them#
    jank_samps = [None] * joins
    short_samples = EntryMatcher()

    for j in range(joins):
        jank_samps[j] = rn.choice(short_samples.match_result)

    #Start Concatenations
    for x in range(iterations):
        concat = AudioSegment.empty()

        for i in range(joins):
            rep = rn.randint(rep_min, rep_max)
            choice = str(jank_samps[i])
            join_sound = AudioSegment.from_file(
            )  # append the sound to the concatenation stream
            concat += join_sound * rep

        num_iter = str(x)  # convert the iteration number to string
                      format='wav')  #export
예제 #9
def law_of_continuity(iterations, joins, obj, drs):
    """Plays back all samples in index order
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    sample_set = EntryMatcher()

    for x in range(iterations):
        choice_1 = str(rn.choice(sample_set.match_result))
        choice_2 = str(rn.choice(sample_set.match_result))
        sample_1 = AudioSegment.from_file(f'{obj.source}{choice_1}{obj.affix}')
        sample_2 = AudioSegment.from_file(f'{obj.source}{choice_2}{obj.affix}')
        concat = AudioSegment.empty()
        unit = AudioSegment.empty()

        #find the biggest container
        if len(sample_1) > len(sample_2):
            unit += sample_1

        elif len(sample_2) > len(sample_2):
            unit += sample_2

        for i in range(joins):
            concat += unit
            concat += AudioSegment.silent(duration=1000)

        num_iter = str(x)
        concat.export(f'{drs.new_dir}{num_iter}{obj.affix}', format="wav")
예제 #10
def long_short(iterations, joins, prob, obj, drs):
    """Randomly selects a uniform mixture of long/short samples
    Keyword arguments:

    iterations -- how many sets of concatenations
    joins -- how many concatenations per iteration
    prob -- probability for short samples to occur (0 - 1)
    obj -- pass the global variable class to reference directory and affix information
    drs -- pass the name of the class that creates your new directory
    long_samples = EntryMatcher()
    short_samples = EntryMatcher()
    long_samples.input_vars(input('Create a descriptor for long samples\n'))
    short_samples.input_vars(input('Create a descriptor for short samples\n'))

    for x in range(iterations):
        concat = AudioSegment.empty()

        for i in range(joins):
            s_or_l = rn.uniform(0, 1)
            if s_or_l > prob:
                choice = str(rn.choice(long_samples.results))
            elif s_or_l < prob:
                choice = str(rn.choice(short_samples.results))

            concat += AudioSegment.from_file(

        num_iter = str(x)  #convert the iteration number to string
                      format='wav')  #export
예제 #11
# bd.jank(2, 50, 3, 7, glovar, direc) # increase spacing out of jank over
# bd.mixed_silence(1, 20, 0.8, 0.75, glovar, direc)
# bd.long_short(2, 100, 800, glovar, direc)
# bd.search_small(2, 50, 3, 7, glovar, direc)
# bd.accum_phrase(1, 100, glovar, direc)
# bd.long_short_exp(2, 500, 0.3, 0.9, glovar, direc)

### --- Gestalts --- ###
# gs.law_of_continuity(2, 10, glovar, direc)

### --- iters --- ###

#corpus 1#
sample_set = EntryMatcher()
sample_set.input_vars('amp <-> 7 -48 centroid <-> 250 5000 duration < 50')
sample_set.match_result = sample_set.match_result[:10]
#corpus 2#
corpus_2 = EntryMatcher()
corpus_2.input_vars('amp < 0 centroid > 13000 duration > 0')
corpus_2.match_result = corpus_2.match_result[:100]

#Setup classes#
# sample_container = DataContainer()
# sample_org = ter.iterFunctions(sample_container)
# group_container = DataContainer()
# group_org = ter.iterFunctions(group_container)