예제 #1
파일: yogo.py 프로젝트: gic888/mienblocks
 def selectDB(self, event, url=None, clas="/CercalSystem/"):
     if not url:
         if len(URLS) == 1:
             self.report("Only one datastore available. Using it")
             url = URLS[0]
             d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Select Database Site", "Type": "List", "Value": URLS}])
             if not d:
             url = d[0]
     if not clas or type(clas) == int:
         cl = self.classList(url)
         if len(cl) == 1:
             clas = cl[0]
         elif type(clas) == int:
             clas = cl[clas]
             d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Select Database Table", "Type": "List", "Value": cl}])
             if not d:
             clas = d[0]
     self.rest = PSDB(url, clas)
     self.dbid.SetLabel("%s%s" % (url, clas))
     n = len(self.list(None))
     self.dbreccount.SetLabel("%i records" % n)
예제 #2
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

from mien.interface.cellview3D import CellViewer
import wx, os, sys, tempfile
from mien.parsers.mzip import deserialize
from ccbcv.rest import PSDB

URL = 'http://cercus.cns.montana.edu:8090'
PATH = '/CercalCellAfferent/'
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = 'localhost:1.0'
record = sys.argv[1]
wxapp = wx.PySimpleApp()
x = CellViewer()
df = CERCDB.getFile(record)
doc = deserialize(df)
fid, fname=tempfile.mkstemp('.png')
CERCDB.putFile(record, open(fname,'rb').read(), "snapshot", 'image/png')
예제 #3
def dbscript(lfn):
    """The first argument should be a command. Allowed commands are:
	add, set, del, list, info, pull, metas, file

	add takes a list of file names to add to the db. 
	set takes a DB id, meta tag, and value, and sets the indicated 
		tag on the indicated object to the value
	del deletes the listed DB ids. The first ID may be "all" to 
		clear the db.
	list takes no arguments and prints a list of ids of the db entries
	info takes a list of ids and prints detailed info about each
	pull takes a db id and a file name, and downloads the datafile
		associated to the id into the named file. 
	metas list all the defined metadata tags in the db
	file  takes a db id, an attribute name (e.g. image) and a file name
		downloads the named file attribute into the named file
    cmd = lfn[0]
    PATH = "/CercalSystem/"
    CERCDB.auth("gic", "graham")
    if cmd == "del":
        lfn = lfn[1:]
        if lfn and lfn[0] == "all":
            lfn = CERCDB.getIDList()
        for name in lfn:
            print "deleted entry %s" % name
    elif cmd == "add":
        for fn in lfn[1:]:
            doc = io.read(fn)
            groups = doc.getElements("Group", depth=1)
            groups = [g for g in groups if g.attrib("DBrecord")]
            if groups:
                for grp in groups:
                    print ("Commiting db group %s from %s" % (grp.name(), fn))
                    m = dict([(k[5:], grp.attrib(k)) for k in grp.attributes if k.startswith("meta_")])
                    name = grp.name()
                    name = name.replace(".", "_")
                    s = serialize(None, grp)
                    if grp.attrib("DBurl") == URL and grp.attrib("DBrecord") == PATH:
                        db = CERCDB
                        db = PSDB(grp.attrib("DBurl"), grp.attrib("DBrecord"))
                    db.addOrUpdate(name, m, s)
                m = db_getmetas(doc)
                if "dbid" in m:
                    name = m["dbid"]
                    del (m["dbid"])
                    name = "%s_%s_%s" % (m["length"][0].upper(), str(m["class"]), str(m["slide_number"]))
                print "commiting %s as %s" % (fn, name)
                s = serialize(None, doc)
                CERCDB.addOrUpdate(name, m, s)
    elif cmd == "set":
        iid = lfn[1]
        tag = lfn[2]
        val = lfn[3]
        nmd = {tag: val}
        CERCDB.update(iid, nmd)
    elif cmd == "list":
        for iid in CERCDB.getIDList():
            print (iid)
    elif cmd == "info":
        l = CERCDB.get(CERCDB.path)
        lidd = dict([(e["id"], e) for e in l])
        for id_ in lfn[1:]:
            e = lidd.get(id_, "No such entry")
            print (e)
    elif cmd == "pull":
        record = lfn[1]
        fname = lfn[2]
        df = CERCDB.getFile(record)
        doc = deserialize(df)
        doc = io.write(doc, fname, format="guess")
    elif cmd == "metas":
        l = CERCDB.get(CERCDB.path)
        metas = set([])
        for e in l:
            md = e["metadata"]
            for k in md:
        for k in metas:
            print (k)
    elif cmd == "file":
        record = lfn[1]
        fpath = lfn[2]
        fname = lfn[3]
        df = CERCDB.getFile(record, fpath)
        open(fname, "wb").write(df)
예제 #4

# You will also need a very recent update of mien for some of this stuff to work

#1) Get a data file. To do this you need a database URL, class path, and id

#these my be set as constants, downloaded from some url, or whatever.
URL = 'http://cercus.cns.montana.edu:8090'
PATH = '/CercalCellAfferent/'

#construct a Rest resource

from ccbcv.rest import PSDB
JSONH = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'}

# you can request a list of database records:

idlist = PSDB.getIDList()

# see ccbcv.scripts or ccbcv.yogo for examples of polling, searching, etc from the DB

#select some record

record = idlist[0]

#obviously, there are more useful ways to do this. This is just an example

# now download the record to a local document:
예제 #5
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

import mien.parsers.fileIO as io
import mien.parsers.nmpml as nmpml
from ccbcv.rest import PSDB
from mien.parsers.mzip import deserialize

URL = 'http://cercus.cns.montana.edu:8090'
PATH = '/CercalSystem/'

def getVaric(iid):
	df = CERCDB.getFile(iid)
	doc = deserialize(df)
	var = doc.getElements('Fiducial', {"Style":"spheres"})
	return var

records =  CERCDB.get(PATH)
doc = nmpml.blankDocument()
for rec in records:
	if 'afferent' in rec['metadata']['anatomy_type']:
		iid = rec['id']
		print iid
		els = getVaric(iid)
		if not els:
예제 #6
파일: yogo.py 프로젝트: gic888/mienblocks
class DBTool(BaseGui):
    def __init__(self, parent, **opts):
        BaseGui.__init__(self, parent, title="Database Tool", menus=["Connection", "Get", "Put"], pycommand=True)

        controls = [
            ["Connection", "Choose Data Store", self.selectDB],
            ["Get", "List All Entries", self.list],
            ["Get", "Show Details", self.infoprint],
            ["Get", "Search", self.do_search],
            ["Get", "Download Single File", self.download],
            ["Get", "Download Several Files", self.downloadGroup],
            ["Put", "Upload Current File", self.upload],
        self.mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.main, -1, "Connected To:"), 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 5)
        self.dbid = wx.StaticText(self.main, -1, "")
        self.mainSizer.Add(self.dbid, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 5)
        self.dbreccount = wx.StaticText(self.main, -1, "0 Records")
        self.mainSizer.Add(self.dbreccount, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 5)
        self.selectDB(None, URLS[0], "/CercalSystem/")
        self.doc = self.Parent.document
        self.SetSize(wx.Size(500, 200))

    def getMetas(self):
        conflict = []
        metas = {}
        for e in self.doc.elements:
            m = dict([(k[5:], e.attrib(k)) for k in e.attributes if k.startswith("meta_")])
            for k in m:
                if k in conflict:
                elif not k in metas:
                    metas[k] = m[k]
                elif metas[k] != m[k]:
                    del (metas[k])
        return metas

    def classList(self, url):
        z = Resource(url)
        d = z.get("/Class/")
        cl = ["/" + a["id"] + "/" for a in d if not a.get("core")]
        return cl

    def selectDB(self, event, url=None, clas="/CercalSystem/"):
        if not url:
            if len(URLS) == 1:
                self.report("Only one datastore available. Using it")
                url = URLS[0]
                d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Select Database Site", "Type": "List", "Value": URLS}])
                if not d:
                url = d[0]
        if not clas or type(clas) == int:
            cl = self.classList(url)
            if len(cl) == 1:
                clas = cl[0]
            elif type(clas) == int:
                clas = cl[clas]
                d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Select Database Table", "Type": "List", "Value": cl}])
                if not d:
                clas = d[0]
        self.rest = PSDB(url, clas)
        self.dbid.SetLabel("%s%s" % (url, clas))
        n = len(self.list(None))
        self.dbreccount.SetLabel("%i records" % n)

    def list(self, event):
        ids = self.rest.getIDList()
        if event == None:
            return ids

    def upload(self, event):
        groups = self.doc.getElements("Group")
        groups = [g for g in groups if g.attrib("DBrecord")]
        if any(groups):
            self.report("found existing records. Committing them to the DB")
            for g in groups:
            self.report("no existing DB groups. Uploading whole file as new record")

    def upload_group(self, g):
        m = dict([(k[5:], g.attrib(k)) for k in g.attributes if k.startswith("meta_")])
        name = g.name()
        self.do_upload(name, g, m)

    def upload_doc(self):
        m = self.getMetas()
        name = "%s_%s_%s" % (m["length"][0].upper(), str(m["class"]), str(m["slide_number"]))
        self.do_upload(name, self.doc, m)

    def do_upload(self, name, doc, meta):
        name = name.replace(".", "_")
        s = serialize(None, doc)
        self.rest.addOrUpdate(name, meta, s)

    def infoprint(self, event):
        ids = self.list(None)
        d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Which Record?", "Type": "List", "Value": ids}])
        if not d:
        print self.rest.getInfo(d[0])

    def do_search(self, event):
        j = self.rest.get(self.rest.path)
        import ccbcv.yogo

        s = ccbcv.yogo.SearchGui(self, j)

    def download(self, event=None, record=None, append=True, refresh=True):
        if not record:
            ids = self.list(None)
            d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Which Record?", "Type": "List", "Value": ids}])
            if not d:
            record = d[0]
        df = self.rest.getFile(record)
        doc = deserialize(df)
        if not append:
            m = self.rest.getInfo(record)["metadata"]
            m = dict([("meta_" + k, m[k]) for k in m])
            m["Name"] = record
            m["DBrecord"] = self.rest.path
            m["DBurl"] = self.rest.url
            m["color"] = (255, 255, 255)
            group = createElement("Group", m)
            for e in doc.elements[:]:
            if refresh:
                self.Parent.update_all(element=self.Parent.document, action="rebuild")

    def downloadGroup(self, event=None, records=None):
        if not records:
            ids = self.list(None)
            d = self.askParam([{"Name": "Which Record?", "Type": "Select", "Value": ids}])
            if not d:
            records = d[0]
        for r in records:
            self.download(None, r, True, False)
        self.Parent.update_all(element=self.Parent.document, action="rebuild")