예제 #1
def main(args):
    """ the main action """
    verbosity = args.verbose
    layer2 = cci_boto.connect(args.region, 0, args.access_key, args.secret_key)
    vault_name = args.vault_name
    carp(verbosity > 1, "deleting %s" % vault_name)

    # do an LS:
    inventory_res = cci_boto.get_inventory(layer2, vault_name)
    carp(verbosity > 1, "inventory is %s" % inventory_res)

    # get the list of archives:
    archive_list = inventory_res['ArchiveList']
    if verbosity > 1:
        dum = [print('deleting %s' % a['ArchiveId']) for a in archive_list]

    # delete them all
    noret = [
        layer2.layer1.delete_archive(vault_name, a['ArchiveId'])
        for a in archive_list
    carp(verbosity > 1, noret)

    # now delete the vault:
예제 #2
def main(args):
    """ the main action """
    verbosity = args.verbose
    vault_name = args.vault_name
    save_d = args.directory
    carp(verbosity > 0, "retrieving all of %s to %s" % (vault_name, save_d))

    layer2 = cci_boto.connect(args.region, 0, args.access_key, args.secret_key)

    # do an LS:
    inventory_res = cci_boto.get_inventory(layer2, vault_name)
    carp(verbosity > 0, "inventory is %s" % inventory_res)

    # get the list of archives:
    archive_list = inventory_res['ArchiveList']
    if verbosity > 0:
        dum = [print('retrieving %s' % a['ArchiveId']) for a in archive_list]

    # dictionary from the requested filename to the AID
    fullfn2aid = {(a['ArchiveDescription'] or a['ArchiveId']): a['ArchiveId']
                  for a in archive_list}
    # the ArchiveDescription could be a *full* path name; strip it:
    fn2aid = {os.path.basename(k): v for k, v in fullfn2aid.iteritems()}

    # dictionary from req filename to the archive retrieval req job:
    fn2job = {
        k: cci_boto.init_retrieval_job(layer2, vault_name, v)
        for k, v in fn2aid.iteritems()

    # now wait and get the results
    # 2FIX: add maximum timeout?
    for fname, job in fn2job.iteritems():
        wasok = cci_boto.wait_job(layer2, vault_name, job.id)
        if wasok:
            carp(verbosity > 0, "fetching %s" % fname)
            vault = cci_boto.fetch_vault(layer2, vault_name)
            retjob = vault.get_job(job.id)
            if retjob.completed:
                filename = os.path.join(save_d, fname)
예제 #3
def main(args):
    """ the main action """
    verbosity = args.verbose
    layer2 = cci_boto.connect(args.region, 0, args.access_key, args.secret_key)
    vault_name = args.vault_name
    carp(verbosity > 1,"deleting %s" % vault_name)

    # do an LS:
    inventory_res = cci_boto.get_inventory(layer2, vault_name)
    carp(verbosity > 1,"inventory is %s" % inventory_res)

    # get the list of archives:
    archive_list = inventory_res['ArchiveList']
    if verbosity > 1:
        dum = [ print ('deleting %s' % a['ArchiveId']) for a in archive_list ]

    # delete them all
    noret = [ layer2.layer1.delete_archive(vault_name, a['ArchiveId']) for a in archive_list ]
    carp(verbosity > 1,noret)

    # now delete the vault:
    print (layer2.layer1.delete_vault(vault_name))
예제 #4
def main(args):
    """ the main action """
    verbosity = args.verbose
    vault_name = args.vault_name
    save_d = args.directory
    carp(verbosity > 0,"retrieving all of %s to %s" % (vault_name,save_d))

    layer2 = cci_boto.connect(args.region, 0, args.access_key, args.secret_key)

    # do an LS:
    inventory_res = cci_boto.get_inventory(layer2, vault_name)
    carp(verbosity > 0,"inventory is %s" % inventory_res)

    # get the list of archives:
    archive_list = inventory_res['ArchiveList']
    if verbosity > 0:
        dum = [ print ('retrieving %s' % a['ArchiveId']) for a in archive_list ]

    # dictionary from the requested filename to the AID
    fullfn2aid = { (a['ArchiveDescription'] or a['ArchiveId']) : a['ArchiveId'] for a in archive_list }
    # the ArchiveDescription could be a *full* path name; strip it:
    fn2aid = { os.path.basename(k) : v for k, v in fullfn2aid.iteritems() }

    # dictionary from req filename to the archive retrieval req job:
    fn2job = { k : cci_boto.init_retrieval_job(layer2, vault_name, v) for k, v in fn2aid.iteritems() }

    # now wait and get the results
    # 2FIX: add maximum timeout?
    for fname, job in fn2job.iteritems() :
        wasok = cci_boto.wait_job(layer2, vault_name, job.id)
        if wasok :
            carp(verbosity > 0,"fetching %s"%fname)
            vault = cci_boto.fetch_vault(layer2, vault_name)
            retjob = vault.get_job(job.id)
            if retjob.completed :
                filename = os.path.join(save_d,fname)
예제 #5
        'the AWS Secret Access Key ID; defaults to the environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
        'which AWS region; defaults to the environment variable AWS_REGION or us-east-1',
        default=os.getenv('AWS_REGION', 'us-east-1'))
                        help='show completed jobs; default false.',
                        help='do not show completed jobs; default true.',
    parser.add_argument('vault_name', help='the name of the vault to query')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    layer2 = cci_boto.connect(args.region, 0, args.access_key, args.secret_key)
    layer1 = layer2.layer1

    print layer1.list_jobs(args.vault_name, completed=args.completed)

#for vim modeline: (do not edit)
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:tw=79:sta:et:ai:nu:fdm=indent:syn=python:ft=python:tag=.py_tags;:cin:fo=croql
예제 #6
import sys

# module as script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # parse arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="get vault inventory to stdout.")
    parser.add_argument('--access_key', help='the AWS Access Key ID; defaults to the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', default=os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'))
    parser.add_argument('--secret_key', help='the AWS Secret Access Key ID; defaults to the environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', default=os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'))
    parser.add_argument('--region', help='which AWS region; defaults to the environment variable AWS_REGION or us-east-1', default=os.getenv('AWS_REGION','us-east-1'))
    parser.add_argument('--block', '-b', help='whether to block on job completion, before printing. This can can take 4 hours. Defaults to False', action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('vault_name', help='the name of the vault to inventory')
    parser.add_argument('job_id', help='the job ID produced by a previous request to inventory this vault; if none given, we initiate an inventory request', nargs='?', default='')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # connect
    layer2 = cci_boto.connect(args.region, 0, args.access_key, args.secret_key)
    vault_name = args.vault_name

    # get or initiate job request
    if args.job_id :
        job_id = args.job_id
    else :
        job_id = cci_boto.init_inventory_job(layer2, vault_name)

    # now possibly block :
    if args.block :
        wasok = cci_boto.wait_job(layer2, vault_name, job_id)
        if wasok :
            print(cci_boto.get_job_result(layer2, vault_name, job_id))