예제 #1
  def importFastaSeq(self):

    if not self.project:
      showWarning('Failure','Please create a new CCPN project.', parent=self)

    fileTypes = [ FileType('Fasta', ['*.fsa']),
                  FileType('All', ['*']) ]

    fileSelectPopup = FileSelectPopup(self, file_types=fileTypes,
                        title='Import Fasta sequence file', dismiss_text='Cancel',
                        selected_file_must_exist=True, multiSelect=False,)

    fileName = fileSelectPopup.getFile()

    if not os.path.exists(fileName):
      showWarning('Failure','No such file.', parent=self)

    if fileName:
      name = os.path.split(fileName)[1]
      if '.' in name:
        name = name.split('.')[0]

      fastaObj = FastaFormat(self.project, self, verbose=True)
      fastaObj.readSequence(fileName, minimalPrompts=True)


      return fastaObj
예제 #2

    # Print it.
    entryAppData = nmrEntry.findFirstApplicationData()

    print 'Application data: [%s]' % entryAppData

    # Find it based on the application and keyword values.
    keywds2 = {'application': 'Fasta format', 'keyword': 'sequence file'}

    seqFileFromAppData = nmrEntry.findFirstApplicationData(**keywds2).value

    # Read in a sequence to create a molSystem object - can also set the
    # Tkinter object to None for using all text-based format converter sub
    # routines.
    fastaObj = FastaFormat(project, None)

    fastaObj.readSequence(seqFileFromAppData, minimalPrompts=1)

    # Connect the molSystem to the BMRB Entry.

    # Also create a new study object.
    keywordList = ['NMR', 'Structure determination']
    study = entryStore.newStudy(name=project.name, keywords=keywordList)

    # And connect to the Entry object.

    affStore = project.newAffiliationStore(name=project.name)
예제 #3
    # Give the location of the sequence file

    sequenceFile = os.path.join(dataDir, sequenceFileName)

    # Create a FastaFormat instance
    # Again, if this was PDB format, this would read:
    # formatObject = PdbFormat(ccpnProject,guiRoot)

    formatObject = FastaFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot)

    # Call the readSequence method from the fastaFormat instance
    # and pass in the name of the file to read
    # This line would be the same for a PDB format - the read/write methods
    # are the same for all formats (except for some format-specific keywords
    # in some cases)

    formatObject.readSequence(sequenceFile, minimalPrompts=1)

    # Testing to see if all is there...
예제 #4
import memops.api.Implementation as Implementation

# Get FastaFormat class for format conversion.
from ccpnmr.format.converters.FastaFormat import FastaFormat

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # CCPN project.
    project = Implementation.MemopsRoot(name = 'readFasta')

    # Create a Tkinter object.
    guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk()

    # Create a FastaFormat object and associate it with the CCPN project and
    # Tkinter object.
    fastaObj = FastaFormat(project, guiRoot)

    # Give the location of the sequence file.
    seqDir  = '../data/seq'
    seqFile = os.path.join(seqDir, 'fasta.seq')

    # Call the readSequence method from the fastaFormat instance
    # and pass in the name of the file to read.
    fastaObj.readSequence(seqFile, minimalPrompts = 1)

    # Check to see if molSystem and molecule objects are in the CCPN project.
    print '\nProject object: [%s]' % project
    print "'list' of MolSystem objects: [%s]" % project.sortedMolSystems()
    print "'list' of Molecule objects: [%s]" % project.sortedMolecules()

    # Select first available molecule.
예제 #5
  # Give the location of the sequence file

  sequenceFile = os.path.join(dataDir,sequenceFileName)
  # Create a FastaFormat instance
  # Again, if this was PDB format, this would read:
  # formatObject = PdbFormat(ccpnProject,guiRoot)
  formatObject = FastaFormat(ccpnProject,guiRoot)
  # Call the readSequence method from the fastaFormat instance
  # and pass in the name of the file to read
  # This line would be the same for a PDB format - the read/write methods
  # are the same for all formats (except for some format-specific keywords
  # in some cases)
  formatObject.readSequence(sequenceFile,minimalPrompts = 1)
  # Testing to see if all is there...