def get_orderbook_to_publish(self): orderbook = self.orderbook fancy_orderbook = {'bids': defaultdict(Decimal), 'asks': defaultdict(Decimal)} for bid in orderbook['bids']: fancy_orderbook['bids'][[bid]['price']] += Decimal(bid['volume']) for ask in orderbook['asks']: fancy_orderbook['asks'][ask['price']] += Decimal(ask['volume']) sorted_bid_keys = sorted( fancy_orderbook['bids'].keys(), key=lambda (k): float(k), reverse=True, ) sorted_ask_keys = sorted( fancy_orderbook['asks'].keys(), key=lambda (k): float(k), ) bids = [[k, str(fancy_orderbook['bids'][k]), ''] for k in sorted_bid_keys] asks = [[k, str(fancy_orderbook['asks'][k]), ''] for k in sorted_ask_keys] return { 'bids': bids, 'asks': asks, }
def round_limits(minimum, maximum): """ Rounds a pair of minimum and maximum values to form reasonable "round" values suitable for use as axis minimum and maximum values. Values are rounded "out": up for maximum and down for minimum, and "off": to one higher than the first significant digit shared by both. See unit tests for examples. """ min_bits = minimum.normalize().as_tuple() max_bits = maximum.normalize().as_tuple() max_digits = max( len(min_bits.digits) + min_bits.exponent, len(max_bits.digits) + max_bits.exponent) # Whole number rounding if max_digits > 0: multiplier = Decimal('10')**(max_digits - 1) min_fraction = (minimum / multiplier).to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_FLOOR) max_fraction = (maximum / multiplier).to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) return (min_fraction * multiplier, max_fraction * multiplier) max_exponent = max(min_bits.exponent, max_bits.exponent) # Fractional rounding q = Decimal('10')**(max_exponent + 1) return (minimum.quantize(q, rounding=ROUND_FLOOR).normalize(), maximum.quantize(q, rounding=ROUND_CEILING).normalize())
def _decimalize(v, q=None): # If already a decimal, just return itself if type(v) == Decimal: return v # If tuple/list passed, bulk-convert elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): return type(v)(decimalize(x, q) for x in v) # If PDFObjRef passed, resolve it elif isinstance(v, PDFObjRef): return decimalize(resolve_all(v), q) # Convert int-like elif isinstance(v, numbers.Integral): return Decimal(int(v)) # Convert float-like elif isinstance(v, numbers.Real): if q != None: return Decimal(repr(v)).quantize(Decimal(repr(q)), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP) else: return Decimal(repr(v)) else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert {0} to Decimal.".format(v))
def get_ul_mag(ec, zp=DEFAULT_ZP, sig=DEFAULT_UL_SIGMA): dec = Decimal(str(ec)) dzp = Decimal(str(zp)) dsig = Decimal(str(sig)) mag = str(dzp - (D25 * (dsig * dec).log10())) emag = str(dec) return mag, emag
def compute_precision(recommendations, test_file): """ Computes recommendation precision based on a tsv test file. """ ## Computing precision # Organizing data user_item = {} with open(test_file) as test_file: for line in test_file: u, i, v = line.strip().split(' ') u, i = int(u), int(i) # TODO: accept float =/ v = 1 if u in user_item: user_item[u].add(i) else: user_item[u] = set([i]) # Computing total_users = Decimal(len(recommendations.keys())) for at in range(1, PRECISION_AT + 1): mean = 0 for u in recommendations.keys(): relevants = user_item[u] retrieved = recommendations[u][:at] precision = len(relevants & set(retrieved)) / Decimal( len(retrieved)) mean += precision print 'Average Precision @%s: %s' % (at, (mean / total_users))
def _clean_quantity(self, quantity): """Clean quantity value before it is added to entry. """ value = quantity.get(QUANTITY.VALUE, '').strip() error = quantity.get(QUANTITY.E_VALUE, '').strip() unit = quantity.get(QUANTITY.U_VALUE, '').strip() kind = quantity.get(QUANTITY.KIND, '').strip() if not value: return False if is_number(value): value = '%g' % Decimal(value) if error: error = '%g' % Decimal(error) if value: quantity[QUANTITY.VALUE] = value if error: quantity[QUANTITY.E_VALUE] = error if unit: quantity[QUANTITY.U_VALUE] = unit if kind: quantity[QUANTITY.KIND] = kind return True
def __init__(self, session=None, configuration=None): super(KrakenBTCEURExchange, self).__init__(session, configuration) # Immutable properties and endpoints. = u'KRAKEN_BTC_EUR' self.friendly_name = u'Kraken BTC-EUR' self.base_url = '' self.price_decimal_precision = 1 self.currency = u'EUR' self.volume_currency = u'BTC' self.bid_string = 'buy' self.ask_string = 'sell' self.orderbook_depth = 100000 # Configurables with defaults. self.market_order_fee = Decimal('0.0014') self.limit_order_fee = Decimal('0.0004') self.fee = self.market_order_fee self.fiat_balance_tolerance = Money('0.0001', 'EUR') self.volume_balance_tolerance = Money('0.00000001', 'BTC') self.min_order_size = Money('0.002', 'BTC') self.max_tick_speed = 5 self.use_cached_orderbook = False # TODO: Unclear if these should be configurable or not. self.withdrawal_fee = Money('0.001', 'BTC') self.btc_credit_limit = Money('0', 'BTC') if configuration: self.configure(configuration)
def test_stdev(self): with self.assertRaises(NullComputationError): self.table.columns['one'].stdev() self.assertAlmostEqual( self.table.columns['two'].stdev().quantize(Decimal('0.01')), Decimal('0.69'))
def __init__(self, db, harness, strategy_configuration): super(DynamicMarketMaking, self).__init__(db, harness) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( 'dynamic_market_making.' +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '.log') formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.debug("--Strategy Init--") self.volat = TS() self.midpoints = LocalMoneyTS(cur='EUR') # Configurable properties with defaults. self.spread = Decimal( '0.01' ) # how much spread should we start with around orderbook midpoint for ask/bid self.base_volume = Money('0.005', 'BTC') # volume to stake with (constant) = None self.spread_adjust_coef = Decimal('1') self.spread_coef_on_loss = Decimal('2') self.base_volume_adjust_coef = Decimal('1') self.configure(strategy_configuration)
def __init__(self, session=None, configuration=None): super(CoinbaseBTCUSDExchange, self).__init__(session) = u'COINBASE_BTC_USD' self.friendly_name = u'Coinbase BTC-USD' self.base_url = '' self.currency = 'USD' self.bid_string = 'buy' self.ask_string = 'sell' self.product_id = 'BTC-USD' self.price_decimal_precision = 2 # Configurables with defaults. self.market_order_fee = Decimal( '0.0022') # Updated by Gareth on 2016-9-20 self.limit_order_fee = Decimal('0.001') self.fee = self.market_order_fee self.fiat_balance_tolerance = Money('0.0001', 'USD') self.volume_balance_tolerance = Money('0.00000001', 'BTC') self.max_tick_speed = 1 self.min_order_size = Money('0.001', 'BTC') self.use_cached_orderbook = False if configuration: self.configure(configuration)
def ExpMovingAverage(values, timestamps, window_time=300): assert len(values) == len(timestamps) ema = [] values = list(values) values.reverse() timestamps = list(timestamps) timestamps.reverse() for i in range(len(timestamps)): noted_timestamp = timestamps[i] relevant_values = [] relevant_timestamps = [] for j in range(len(timestamps)): index = j + i if index > len(timestamps) - 1: break elif noted_timestamp - timestamps[index] < window_time: relevant_values.append(values[index]) relevant_timestamps.append(noted_timestamp - timestamps[index]) else: break weights = np.exp([(Decimal(1) / Decimal(1 + ts)) for ts in relevant_timestamps]) weights = [w / sum(weights) for w in weights] weighted_value = 0 for i in range(len(relevant_values)): rv = relevant_values[i] weight = weights[i] weighted_value += rv * weight ema.append(weighted_value) ema.reverse() return ema
def search_customers(self): """ list all the customers and his dues :return: list of dictionary """ try: with Transaction().start(DBNAME, 1): party_list =[('categories', '=', 'Customer') ]) data = [] for member in party_list: invoice_list =[ ('party', '=',, ('state', '=', 'draft') ]) customer = {} customer['code'] = member.pan customer['name'] = due = Decimal(0) for invoice in invoice_list: due += invoice.total_amount customer['total'] = due.to_eng() data.append(customer) return data except Exception: if settings.level == 10: logger.exception('raised exception') return False, 'Failed crediting'
def get_bitstamp_volume_between_timestamps(self, start, end): volume = Decimal('0.0') last_processed_timestamp = start while last_processed_timestamp < end: request_url = self.trades_base_url + str(last_processed_timestamp) req = requests.get(request_url) if len(req.text) < 2:"Bad response from bitcoincharts") break lines = req.text.split('\n') for line in lines: tokens = line.split(',') trade_volume = float(tokens[2].strip()) trade_timestamp = int(tokens[0]) last_processed_timestamp = trade_timestamp if not last_processed_timestamp < end: break else: volume = volume + Decimal(trade_volume) # this catches the case that it was a single-line response # but that one line is a trade shortly before our 'end' if len(lines) <= 1: break return volume
def test_bins_nulls(self): rows = [] for i in range(0, 100): rows.append([Decimal(i) / Decimal('100')]) rows.append([None]) new_table = Table(rows, self.column_names, self.column_types).bins('number') self.assertColumnNames(new_table, ['number', 'Count']) self.assertColumnTypes(new_table, [Text, Number]) self.assertSequenceEqual(new_table.rows[0], [ u'[0' + get_decimal_symbol() + u'0 - 0' + get_decimal_symbol() + u'1)', 10 ]) self.assertSequenceEqual(new_table.rows[3], [ u'[0' + get_decimal_symbol() + u'3 - 0' + get_decimal_symbol() + u'4)', 10 ]) self.assertSequenceEqual(new_table.rows[9], [ u'[0' + get_decimal_symbol() + u'9 - 1' + get_decimal_symbol() + u'0]', 10 ]) self.assertSequenceEqual(new_table.rows[10], [None, 1])
def _parse_cost(self, cost): pattern = re.compile(r'[$]?(?P<amount>[\d\,]*[.]+[\d]*)') try: match = re.match(pattern, cost).groupdict() return Decimal(match['amount'].replace(',', '')) except AttributeError: return Decimal('0.00')
def test_combine_works(self): conf_file = { 'platform': { 'audit': True }, 'strategy': { 'spread': Decimal('0.10') }, } command_line = { 'platform': { 'sentry': True }, 'strategy': { 'tick_sleep': None }, } output = config_helper.combine_file_and_command_line_config( conf_file, command_line, ) assert conf_file['platform']['audit'] is True assert conf_file['platform']['sentry'] is True assert conf_file['strategy']['spread'] == Decimal('0.10') assert conf_file['strategy']['tick_sleep'] is None
def cast(self, d): """ Cast a single value to a :class:`decimal.Decimal`. :returns: :class:`decimal.Decimal` or :code:`None`. """ if isinstance(d, Decimal) or d is None: return d elif type(d) is int: return Decimal(d) elif type(d) is float: return Decimal(repr(d)) elif isinstance(d, six.string_types): d = d.strip() d = d.strip('%') for symbol in CURRENCY_SYMBOLS: d = d.strip(symbol) if d.lower() in self.null_values: return None else: raise CastError('Can not parse value "%s" as Decimal.' % d) try: return parse_decimal(d, self.locale) except: pass raise CastError('Can not parse value "%s" as Decimal.' % d)
def _extract_travel_data(self, addr1, addr2): res = self._map.distance_matrix(addr1, addr2) try: status = res.get('rows')[0].get('elements')[0].get('status') if status.lower() == 'not_found': return None, None res = res.get('rows')[0].get('elements')[0] miles = self._convert_km_to_miles( res.get('distance').get('text').replace(',', '')) time = res.get('duration').get('text') minutes = 0 if 'hour' in time: hour = int(time.split(' ')[0]) minutes = hour * 60 minutes += int(time.split(' ')[2]) else: minutes += int(time.split(' ')[0]) miles = Decimal(miles) minutes = Decimal(minutes) return miles, minutes except TypeError: pass except AttributeError: pass return None, None
def test_variance(self): with self.assertRaises(NullComputationError): self.table.columns['one'].variance() self.assertEqual( self.table.columns['two'].variance().quantize(Decimal('0.01')), Decimal('0.47'))
def errorPDF(obs, pred): # err_var = 25000.0 # pdf_min = 0.0 exp_arg = np.array([Decimal(i) for i in -0.5 / err_var * (obs - pred)**2]) pdf = Decimal(1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * err_var * np.pi)) * np.exp(exp_arg) pdf[pdf < pdf_min] = Decimal(pdf_min) return pdf
def create_disks(n, rnd): disks = [] for i in xrange(n): c = (Decimal(rnd.randint(MIN_DISK_BW * 1000, MAX_DISK_BW * 1000)) / 1000).quantize(Decimal('.0001')) disks.append(Disk(i, c)) return disks
def test_pearson_correlation(self): rows = ((-1, 0, 'a'), (0, 0, 'b'), (1, 3, 'c')) table = Table(rows, self.columns) self.assertEqual(table.pearson_correlation('one', 'one'), Decimal('1')) self.assertAlmostEqual(table.pearson_correlation('one', 'two'), Decimal('3').sqrt() * Decimal('0.5'))
def test_row_names_non_string(self): table = Table(self.rows, self.columns, row_names='one') self.assertSequenceEqual( table.row_names, [Decimal('1'), Decimal('2'), None]) self.assertSequenceEqual(table.rows[Decimal('1')], (1, 4, 'a')) self.assertSequenceEqual(table.rows[Decimal('2')], (2, 3, 'b')) self.assertSequenceEqual(table.rows[None], (None, 2, u'👍'))
def handle_float_decimal_combinations(value, arg, operation): if isinstance(value, float) and isinstance(arg, Decimal): logger.warning('Unsafe operation: {0!r} {1} {2!r}.'.format(value, operation, arg)) value = Decimal(str(value)) if isinstance(value, Decimal) and isinstance(arg, float): logger.warning('Unsafe operation: {0!r} {1} {2!r}.'.format(value, operation, arg)) arg = Decimal(str(arg)) return value, arg
def handle_numbers(number, number_op): number = valid_numeric(number) number_op = valid_numeric(number_op) if type(number) != type(number_op): logger.warning('Unsafe operation: {0} {1}.'.format(number, number_op)) return Decimal(number), Decimal(number_op)
def start(self): self.redis = yield util.setup_redis() self.setup_mysql() self.heartbeat_key = 'trades_auditor_heartbeat' self.looping_call = LoopingCall(self.audit).start(1800) self.accuracy_bottom = Decimal('0.99') self.accuracy_top = Decimal('1.01') self.slacker = Slacker('#notifications', 'Auditor')
def test_items(self): table = Table(self.rows, self.columns, row_names='three') self.assertSequenceEqual(table.columns['one'].items(), [ ('a', Decimal('1')), ('b', Decimal('2')), ('c', None) ])
def test_dict(self): table = Table(self.rows, self.columns, row_names='three') self.assertDictEqual(table.columns['one'].dict(), { 'a': Decimal('1'), 'b': Decimal('2'), 'c': None })
def test_values_sorted(self): rows = ((2, 2, 'a'), (None, 3, 'b'), (1, 4, 'c')) table = Table(rows, self.column_names, self.column_types) self.assertSequenceEqual( table.columns['one'].values_sorted(), [Decimal('1'), Decimal('2'), None])
def control_block_probability(clique, total=Decimal(78), p=Decimal('0.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666')): #how often does the clique, which is a subset of the total, control > p of the block? a=Decimal(0) rounds=Decimal(500000) for i in range(rounds): a+=control_block_trial(total, clique, p) #print("a: " +str(a)) return(Decimal(a)/rounds)
def calculate_camp_concentration(r, t): t = Decimal(str(t)) r = Decimal(str(r)) n = Constants.N_OF_RELEASED_MOLECULES a = Decimal.exp(-((r ** Decimal(2)) / (Decimal(4) * Constants.DIFFUSION_CONSTANT * t))) b = Decimal.exp(-(t / Constants.TAU)) c = Decimal(4 * Decimal(math.pi) * t * Constants.DIFFUSION_CONSTANT) ** (Decimal(2) / Decimal(3)) return (n * a * b) / c
def decompose_time_conversion(self, time, movie_fps=None): """ Zwraca sekundy w Decimal """ _re_time = re.compile("(?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<min>\d{2}):(?P<sec>\d{2}),(?P<msec>\d{3})") _re_time = _re_time.match(time) _re_time = _re_time.groupdict() _t_hour = float(_re_time["hour"]) _t_min = float(_re_time["min"]) _t_sec = float(_re_time["sec"]) _t_msec = int(_re_time["msec"]) * 0.001 conv_time = (_t_hour * 3600) + (_t_min * 60) + _t_sec + _t_msec conv_time = Decimal(str(conv_time)) return conv_time.quantize(Decimal("1.000"), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
def percentiler(data, percent): if not data: return None i = Decimal(len(data) - 1) * percent if i % 1 == 0: return data[int(i)] f = i.quantize('0.0') c = f + 1 d0 = data[int(f)] * Decimal(c - i) d1 = data[int(c)] * Decimal(i - f) return d0 + d1
def decompose_time_conversion(self, time, movie_fps=None): if type(time) is list: #jako czas końcowy dla ostaniego napisu użyjemy jego początku #następnie przy zwracaniu dodamy określony czas time = time[1] #dodajemy do końcowgo czasu _plus_t_stop = 2 else: #nic nie dodajmy _plus_t_stop = 0 _re_time = re.compile(r"(?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<min>\d{2}):(?P<sec>\d{2}):") _re_time = _re_time.match(time) _re_time = _re_time.groupdict() _t_hour = float(_re_time['hour']) _t_min = float(_re_time['min']) _t_sec = float(_re_time['sec']) conv_time = (_t_hour * 3600) + (_t_min * 60) + _t_sec + _plus_t_stop conv_time = Decimal(str(conv_time)) return conv_time.quantize(Decimal('1.000'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
def set_pd_mag_from_counts(photodict, c, ec='', lec='', uec='', zp=DEFAULT_ZP, sig=DEFAULT_UL_SIGMA): with localcontext() as ctx: if lec == '' or uec == '': lec = ec uec = ec prec = max( get_sig_digits(str(c)), get_sig_digits(str(lec)), get_sig_digits(str(uec))) ctx.prec = prec dlec = Decimal(str(lec)) duec = Decimal(str(uec)) dc = Decimal(str(c)) dzp = Decimal(str(zp)) dsig = Decimal(str(sig)) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT] = str(zp) if float(c) < DEFAULT_UL_SIGMA * float(uec): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT_SIGMA] = str(sig) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = str(dzp - (D25 * (dsig * duec ).log10())) dnec = Decimal('10.0')**( (dzp - Decimal(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE])) / D25) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * ( (dnec + duec).log10() - dnec.log10())) else: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = str(dzp - D25 * dc.log10()) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * ( (dc + duec).log10() - dc.log10())) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_LOWER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * ( dc.log10() - (dc - dlec).log10()))
def print_bars(self, label_column_name='group', value_column_name='Count', domain=None, width=120, output=sys.stdout, printable=False): """ Print a text-based bar chart based on this table. :param label_column_name: The column containing the label values. Defaults to :code:`group`, which is the default output of :meth:`.Table.pivot` or :meth:`.Table.bins`. :param value_column_name: The column containing the bar values. Defaults to :code:`Count`, which is the default output of :meth:`.Table.pivot` or :meth:`.Table.bins`. :param domain: A 2-tuple containing the minimum and maximum values for the chart's x-axis. The domain must be large enough to contain all values in the column. :param width: The width, in characters, to use for the bar chart. Defaults to :code:`120`. :param output: A file-like object to print to. Defaults to :code:`sys.stdout`. :param printable: If true, only printable characters will be outputed. """ y_label = label_column_name label_column = self._columns[label_column_name] # if not isinstance(label_column.data_type, Text): # raise ValueError('Only Text data is supported for bar chart labels.') x_label = value_column_name value_column = self._columns[value_column_name] if not isinstance(value_column.data_type, Number): raise DataTypeError('Only Number data is supported for bar chart values.') output = output width = width # Format numbers decimal_places = utils.max_precision(value_column) value_formatter = utils.make_number_formatter(decimal_places) formatted_labels = [] for label in label_column: formatted_labels.append(six.text_type(label)) formatted_values = [] for value in value_column: formatted_values.append(format_decimal( value, format=value_formatter, locale=utils.LC_NUMERIC )) max_label_width = max(max([len(l) for l in formatted_labels]), len(y_label)) max_value_width = max(max([len(v) for v in formatted_values]), len(x_label)) plot_width = width - (max_label_width + max_value_width + 2) min_value = Min(value_column_name).run(self) max_value = Max(value_column_name).run(self) # Calculate dimensions if domain: x_min = Decimal(domain[0]) x_max = Decimal(domain[1]) if min_value < x_min or max_value > x_max: raise ValueError('Column contains values outside specified domain') else: x_min, x_max = utils.round_limits(min_value, max_value) # All positive if x_min >= 0: x_min = Decimal('0') plot_negative_width = 0 zero_line = 0 plot_positive_width = plot_width - 1 # All negative elif x_max <= 0: x_max = Decimal('0') plot_negative_width = plot_width - 1 zero_line = plot_width - 1 plot_positive_width = 0 # Mixed signs else: spread = x_max - x_min negative_portion = (x_min.copy_abs() / spread) # Subtract one for zero line plot_negative_width = int(((plot_width - 1) * negative_portion).to_integral_value()) zero_line = plot_negative_width plot_positive_width = plot_width - (plot_negative_width + 1) def project(value): if value >= 0: return plot_negative_width + int((plot_positive_width * (value / x_max)).to_integral_value()) else: return plot_negative_width - int((plot_negative_width * (value / x_min)).to_integral_value()) # Calculate ticks ticks = OrderedDict() # First tick ticks[0] = x_min ticks[plot_width - 1] = x_max tick_fractions = [Decimal('0.25'), Decimal('0.5'), Decimal('0.75')] # All positive if x_min >= 0: for fraction in tick_fractions: value = x_max * fraction ticks[project(value)] = value # All negative elif x_max <= 0: for fraction in tick_fractions: value = x_min * fraction ticks[project(value)] = value # Mixed signs else: # Zero tick ticks[zero_line] = Decimal('0') # Halfway between min and 0 value = x_min * Decimal('0.5') ticks[project(value)] = value # Halfway between 0 and max value = x_max * Decimal('0.5') ticks[project(value)] = value decimal_places = utils.max_precision(ticks.values()) tick_formatter = utils.make_number_formatter(decimal_places) ticks_formatted = OrderedDict() for k, v in ticks.items(): ticks_formatted[k] = format_decimal( v, format=tick_formatter, locale=utils.LC_NUMERIC ) def write(line): output.write(line + '\n') # Chart top top_line = u'%s %s' % (y_label.ljust(max_label_width), x_label.rjust(max_value_width)) write(top_line) if printable: bar_mark = utils.PRINTABLE_BAR_MARK zero_mark = utils.PRINTABLE_ZERO_MARK else: bar_mark = utils.BAR_MARK zero_mark = utils.ZERO_MARK # Bars for i, label in enumerate(formatted_labels): value = value_column[i] if value == 0: bar_width = 0 elif value > 0: bar_width = project(value) - plot_negative_width elif value < 0: bar_width = plot_negative_width - project(value) label_text = label.ljust(max_label_width) value_text = formatted_values[i].rjust(max_value_width) bar = bar_mark * bar_width if value >= 0: gap = (u' ' * plot_negative_width) # All positive if x_min <= 0: bar = gap + zero_mark + bar else: bar = bar + gap + zero_mark else: bar = u' ' * (plot_negative_width - bar_width) + bar # All negative or mixed signs if x_max > value: bar = bar + zero_mark bar = bar.ljust(plot_width) write('%s %s %s' % (label_text, value_text, bar)) # Axis & ticks axis = utils.HORIZONTAL_LINE * plot_width tick_text = u' ' * width for i, (tick, label) in enumerate(ticks_formatted.items()): # First tick if tick == 0: offset = 0 # Last tick elif tick == plot_width - 1: offset = -(len(label) - 1) else: offset = int(-(len(label) / 2)) pos = (width - plot_width) + tick + offset # Don't print intermediate ticks that would overlap if tick != 0 and tick != plot_width - 1: if tick_text[pos - 1:pos + len(label) + 1] != ' ' * (len(label) + 2): continue tick_text = tick_text[:pos] + label + tick_text[pos + len(label):] axis = axis[:tick] + utils.TICK_MARK + axis[tick + 1:] write(axis.rjust(width)) write(tick_text)
def print_bars(table, label_column_name, value_column_name, domain=None, width=120, output=sys.stdout): """ Print a bar chart representation of two columns. """ y_label = label_column_name label_column = table.columns[label_column_name] # if not isinstance(label_column.data_type, Text): # raise ValueError('Only Text data is supported for bar chart labels.') x_label = value_column_name value_column = table.columns[value_column_name] if not isinstance(value_column.data_type, Number): raise DataTypeError('Only Number data is supported for bar chart values.') output = output width = width # Format numbers decimal_places = max_precision(value_column) value_formatter = make_number_formatter(decimal_places) formatted_labels = [] for label in label_column: formatted_labels.append(six.text_type(label)) formatted_values = [] for value in value_column: formatted_values.append(format_decimal(value, format=value_formatter)) max_label_width = max(max([len(l) for l in formatted_labels]), len(y_label)) max_value_width = max(max([len(v) for v in formatted_values]), len(x_label)) plot_width = width - (max_label_width + max_value_width + 2) min_value = Min(value_column_name).run(table) max_value = Max(value_column_name).run(table) # Calculate dimensions if domain: x_min = Decimal(domain[0]) x_max = Decimal(domain[1]) if min_value < x_min or max_value > x_max: raise ValueError('Column contains values outside specified domain') else: x_min, x_max = round_limits(min_value, max_value) # All positive if x_min >= 0: x_min = Decimal('0') plot_negative_width = 0 zero_line = 0 plot_positive_width = plot_width - 1 # All negative elif x_max <= 0: x_max = Decimal('0') plot_negative_width = plot_width - 1 zero_line = plot_width - 1 plot_positive_width = 0 # Mixed signs else: spread = x_max - x_min negative_portion = (x_min.copy_abs() / spread) # Subtract one for zero line plot_negative_width = int(((plot_width - 1) * negative_portion).to_integral_value()) zero_line = plot_negative_width plot_positive_width = plot_width - (plot_negative_width + 1) def project(value): if value >= 0: return plot_negative_width + int((plot_positive_width * (value / x_max)).to_integral_value()) else: return plot_negative_width - int((plot_negative_width * (value / x_min)).to_integral_value()) # Calculate ticks ticks = OrderedDict() # First tick ticks[0] = x_min ticks[plot_width - 1] = x_max tick_fractions = [Decimal('0.25'), Decimal('0.5'), Decimal('0.75')] # All positive if x_min >= 0: for fraction in tick_fractions: value = x_max * fraction ticks[project(value)] = value # All negative elif x_max <= 0: for fraction in tick_fractions: value = x_min * fraction ticks[project(value)] = value # Mixed signs else: # Zero tick ticks[zero_line] = Decimal('0') # Halfway between min and 0 value = x_min * Decimal('0.5') ticks[project(value)] = value # Halfway between 0 and max value = x_max * Decimal('0.5') ticks[project(value)] = value decimal_places = max_precision(ticks.values()) tick_formatter = make_number_formatter(decimal_places) ticks_formatted = OrderedDict() for k, v in ticks.items(): ticks_formatted[k] = format_decimal(v, format=tick_formatter) def write(line): output.write(line + '\n') # Chart top top_line = u'%s %s' % (y_label.ljust(max_label_width), x_label.rjust(max_value_width)) write(top_line) # Bars for i, label in enumerate(formatted_labels): value = value_column[i] if value == 0: bar_width = 0 elif value > 0: bar_width = project(value) - plot_negative_width elif value < 0: bar_width = plot_negative_width - project(value) label_text = label.ljust(max_label_width) value_text = formatted_values[i].rjust(max_value_width) bar = BAR_MARK * bar_width if value >= 0: gap = (u' ' * plot_negative_width) # All positive if x_min <= 0: bar = gap + ZERO_MARK + bar else: bar = bar + gap + ZERO_MARK else: bar = u' ' * (plot_negative_width - bar_width) + bar # All negative or mixed signs if x_max > value: bar = bar + ZERO_MARK bar = bar.ljust(plot_width) write('%s %s %s' % (label_text, value_text, bar)) # Axis & ticks axis = HORIZONTAL_LINE * plot_width tick_text = u' ' * width for i, (tick, label) in enumerate(ticks_formatted.items()): # First tick if tick == 0: offset = 0 # Last tick elif tick == plot_width - 1: offset = -(len(label) - 1) else: offset = int(-(len(label) / 2)) pos = (width - plot_width) + tick + offset # Don't print intermediate ticks that would overlap if tick != 0 and tick != plot_width - 1: if tick_text[pos - 1:pos + len(label) + 1] != ' ' * (len(label) + 2): continue tick_text = tick_text[:pos] + label + tick_text[pos + len(label):] axis = axis[:tick] + TICK_MARK + axis[tick + 1:] write(axis.rjust(width)) write(tick_text)
def convert_time_to_uuid(time_arg, lowest_val=True, randomize=False): """ Converts a timestamp to a type 1 :class:`uuid.UUID`. This is to assist with getting a time slice of columns or creating columns when column names are ``TimeUUIDType``. Note that this is done automatically in most cases if name packing and value packing are enabled. Also, be careful not to rely on this when specifying a discrete set of columns to fetch, as the non-timestamp portions of the UUID will be generated randomly. This problem does not matter with slice arguments, however, as the non-timestamp portions can be set to their lowest or highest possible values. :param time_arg: The time to use for the timestamp portion of the UUID. Expected inputs to this would either be a :class:`decimal` object or a timestamp with a precision of at most 100 nanoseconds. Sub-second precision should be below the decimal place. :type time_arg: :class:`decimal` or timestamp :param lowest_val: Whether the UUID produced should be the lowest possible value UUID with the same timestamp as time_arg or the highest possible value. :type lowest_val: bool :param randomize: Whether the clock and node bits of the UUID should be randomly generated. The `lowest_val` argument will be ignored if this is true. :type randomize: bool :rtype: :class:`uuid.UUID` """ if isinstance(time_arg, uuid.UUID): return time_arg if isinstance(time_arg, float): time_arg = Decimal.from_float(time_arg) ns_100 = int(time_arg * DECIMAL_1E7) # 0x01b21dd213814000 is the number of 100-ns intervals between the # UUID epoch 1582-10-15 00:00:00 and the Unix epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00. timestamp = ns_100 + 0x01b21dd213814000L time_low = timestamp & 0xffffffffL time_mid = (timestamp >> 32L) & 0xffffL time_hi_version = (timestamp >> 48L) & 0x0fffL if randomize: rand_bits = random.getrandbits(8 + 8 + 48) clock_seq_low = rand_bits & 0xffL # 8 bits, no offset clock_seq_hi_variant = (rand_bits & 0xff00L) / 0x100 # 8 bits, 8 offset node = (rand_bits & 0xffffffffffff0000L) / 0x10000L # 48 bits, 16 offset else: # In the event of a timestamp tie, Cassandra compares the two # byte arrays directly. This is a *signed* comparison of each byte # in the two arrays. So, we have to make each byte -128 or +127 for # this to work correctly. # # For the clock_seq_hi_variant, we don't get to pick the two most # significant bits (they're always 01), so we are dealing with a # positive byte range for this particular byte. if lowest_val: # Make the lowest value UUID with the same timestamp clock_seq_low = 0x80L clock_seq_hi_variant = 0 & 0x3fL # The two most significant bits # will be 0 and 1, no matter what node = 0x808080808080L # 48 bits else: # pragma: nocover # Make the highest value UUID with the same timestamp clock_seq_low = 0x7fL clock_seq_hi_variant = 0x3fL # The two most significant bits will # 0 and 1, no matter what node = 0x7f7f7f7f7f7fL # 48 bits return uuid.UUID(fields=(time_low, time_mid, time_hi_version, clock_seq_hi_variant, clock_seq_low, node), version=1)
def decompose_time_conversion(self, time): #format czasowy w postaci [234] gdzie 23 to sec a 4 do dziesiąte # części sek. conv_time = float(time) / 10 conv_time = Decimal(str(conv_time)) return conv_time.quantize(Decimal('1.000'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN,)