def test_smooth(self): cdo = Cdo() if (parse_version(cdo.version()) >= parse_version('1.7.2') and cdo.hasNetcdf): ifile = "-select,level=0 " + DATA_DIR + '/icon/' cdo = Cdo() cdo.debug = DEBUG #cdo.merge(input='/home/ram/data/icon/input/phc3.0/ /home/ram/data/icon/input/phc3.0/', # output=ifile, # options='-O') smooth = cdo.smooth(input=" -sellonlatbox,0,30,0,90 -chname,SO,s,TempO,t " + ifile, returnMaArray='s',options='-f nc') plot(np.flipud(smooth[0,:,:]),ofile='smooth',title='smooth') smooth2 = cdo.smooth('nsmooth=2',input="-sellonlatbox,0,30,0,90 -chname,SO,s,TempO,t " + ifile, returnMaArray='s',options='-f nc') plot(np.flipud(smooth2[0,:,:]),ofile='smooth2',title='smooth,nsmooth=2') smooth4 = cdo.smooth('nsmooth=4',input="-sellonlatbox,0,30,0,90 -chname,SO,s,TempO,t " + ifile, returnMaArray='s',options='-f nc') plot(np.flipud(smooth4[0,:,:]),ofile='smooth4',title='smooth,nsmooth=4') smooth9 = cdo.smooth9(input="-sellonlatbox,0,30,0,90 -chname,SO,s,TempO,t " + ifile, returnMaArray='s',options='-f nc') plot(np.flipud(smooth9[0,:,:]),ofile='smooth9',title='smooth9') smooth3deg = cdo.smooth('radius=6deg',input="-sellonlatbox,0,30,0,90 -chname,SO,s,TempO,t " + ifile, returnMaArray='s',options='-f nc') plot(np.flipud(smooth3deg[0,:,:]),ofile='smooth3deg',title='smooth,radius=6deg') smooth20 = cdo.smooth('nsmooth=20',input="-sellonlatbox,0,30,0,90 -chname,SO,s,TempO,t " + ifile, returnMaArray='s',options='-f nc') plot(np.flipud(smooth20[0,:,:]),ofile='smooth20',title='smooth,nsmooth=20')
def test_fillmiss(self): cdo = Cdo() if not SHOW: return if cdo.hasNetcdf: if 'CDO' in os.environ: cdo.setCdo(os.environ.get('CDO')) cdo.debug = DEBUG rand = cdo.setname('v',input = '-random,r25x25 ', options = ' -f nc') missRange = '0.25,0.85' withMissRange = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True,prefix='cdoPy').name arOrg = cdo.copy(input = rand,returnMaArray = 'v') arWmr = cdo.setrtomiss(missRange,input = rand,output = withMissRange,returnMaArray='v') arFm = cdo.fillmiss( input = withMissRange,returnMaArray = 'v') arFm1s= cdo.fillmiss2(2, input = withMissRange,returnMaArray = 'v') if 'setmisstonn' in cdo.operators: arM2NN= cdo.setmisstonn( input = withMissRange,returnMaArray = 'v') pool = multiprocessing.Pool(8) pool.apply_async(plot, (arOrg, ),{"title":'org' })#ofile='fmOrg') pool.apply_async(plot, (arWmr, ),{"title":'missing' })#ofile='fmWmr') pool.apply_async(plot, (arFm, ),{"title":'fillmiss' })#ofile= 'fmFm') pool.apply_async(plot, (arFm1s,),{"title":'fillmiss2'})#ofile='fmFm2') if 'setmisstonn' in cdo.operators: pool.apply_async(plot, (arM2NN,), {"title":'setmisstonn'})#, ofile='fmsetMNN') pool.close() pool.join() else: print("test_fillmiss disables because of missing python-netCDF4")
def test_longChain(self): cdo = Cdo() if cdo.hasNetcdf: ifile = "-enlarge,global_0.3 -settaxis,2000-01-01 -expr,'t=sin(for*3.141529/180.0)' -for,1,10" t = cdo.fldmax(input="-div -sub -timmean -seltimestep,2,3 %s -seltimestep,1 %s -gridarea %s"%(ifile,ifile,ifile), returnMaArray="t") self.assertTrue(abs(8.9813e-09 - t[0][0][0]) < 1.0e-10, 'Found non-zero diff')
def test_readCdf(self): cdo = Cdo() input= "-settunits,days -setyear,2000 -for,1,4" cdfFile = cdo.copy(options="-f nc",input=input) if cdo.hasNetcdf: cdf = cdo.readCdf(cdfFile) self.assertEqual(sorted(['lat','lon','for','time']),sorted(list(cdf.variables.keys())))
def test_CDO_options(self): cdo = Cdo() cdo.debug = DEBUG names = cdo.showname(input = "-stdatm,0",options = "-f nc") self.assertEqual(["P T"],names) if cdo.hasLib("sz"): ofile = cdo.topo(options = "-z szip")
def test_verticalLevels(self): cdo = Cdo() # check, if a given input files has vertival layers of a given thickness array targetThicknesses = [50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 450.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] sourceLevels = "25 100 250 500 875 1400 2100 3000 4000 5000".split() thicknesses = cdo.thicknessOfLevels(input = "-selname,T " + cdo.stdatm(','.join(sourceLevels),options = "-f nc")) self.assertEqual(targetThicknesses,thicknesses)
def test_bndLevels(self): cdo = Cdo() ofile = cdo.stdatm(25,100,250,500,875,1400,2100,3000,4000,5000,options = "-f nc") self.assertEqual([0, 50.0, 150.0, 350.0, 650.0, 1100.0, 1700.0, 2500.0, 3500.0, 4500.0, 5500.0], cdo.boundaryLevels(input = "-selname,T " + ofile)) self.assertEqual([50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 450.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0], cdo.thicknessOfLevels(input = ofile))
def test_outputOperators(self): cdo = Cdo() levels = cdo.showlevel(input = "-stdatm,0") info = cdo.sinfo(input = "-stdatm,0") self.assertEqual([0,0],list(map(float,levels))) self.assertEqual("GRIB",info[0].split(' ')[-1]) values = cdo.outputkey("value",input="-stdatm,0")[1::] self.assertEqual(["1013.25", "288"],values) values = cdo.outputkey("value",input="-stdatm,0,10000")[1::] self.assertEqual(["1013.2", "271.9", "288.0", "240.6"],['{:.1f}'.format(float(s)) for s in values]) values = cdo.outputkey("lev",input="-stdatm,0,10000")[1::] self.assertEqual(["0", "10000","0", "10000"],values) # test autoSplit usage levels = cdo.showlevel(input="-stdatm,0,10,20",autoSplit=' ') self.assertEqual([['0','10','20'],['0','10','20']],levels) timesExpected = ['2001-01-01T12:00:00', '2001-01-01T13:00:00', '2001-01-01T14:00:00', '2001-01-01T15:00:00', '2001-01-01T16:00:00', '2001-01-01T17:00:00', '2001-01-01T18:00:00', '2001-01-01T19:00:00', '2001-01-01T20:00:00', '2001-01-01T21:00:00'] self.assertEqual(timesExpected, cdo.showtimestamp(input="-settaxis,2001-01-01,12:00,1hour -for,1,10", autoSplit=' ')) self.assertEqual(['P T'],cdo.showname(input="-stdatm,0")) self.assertEqual(['P','T'],cdo.showname(input="-stdatm,0",autoSplit=' '))
def seacyc(archive, simulation, method='base'): """ substracts the seasonal cycle :param archive: netCDF file containing the reference period :param simulation: netCDF file containg the period to be analysed :param method: method to generat the seasonal cycle files base = seasonal cycle generated from reference period sim = seasonal cycle generated from period to be analysed own = seasonal cycle generated for both time windows """ from shutil import copy from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() # calculate seasonal cycle and add an additional file into the working directory # base) cdo -s ydaymean ${basedir}base_${varname}_${dtrstr}${region}_${datestring1}_${namestring}.nc # cp ;; # sim) cdo -s ydaymean ${simdir}sim_${varname}_${dtrstr}${region}_${datestring2}_${namestring}.nc # cp ;; # own) cdo -s ydaymean ${basedir}base_${varname}_${dtrstr}${region}_${datestring1}_${namestring}.nc # cdo -s ydaymean ${simdir}sim_${varname}_${dtrstr}${region}_${datestring2}_${namestring}.nc ;; if method == 'base': seasoncyc_base = cdo.ydaymean(input=archive, output='' ) seasoncyc_sim = '' copy(seasoncyc_base, seasoncyc_sim) if method == 'sim': seasoncyc_sim = cdo.ydaymean(input=simulation, output='' ) seasoncyc_base = '' copy(seasoncyc_sim, seasoncyc_base) if method == 'own': seasoncyc_base = cdo.ydaymean(input=archive, output='' ) seasoncyc_sim = cdo.ydaymean(input=simulation, output='' ) return seasoncyc_base, seasoncyc_sim
def testDbg(self): if not 'DEBUG' in os.environ: cdo = Cdo() self.assertEqual(False,cdo.debug) cdo.debug = True self.assertEqual(True,cdo.debug) cdo.debug = False
def __getLonLat(self, ifile): """ Get vectors with lon and lat values from a netdf file using cdo.griddes Was introduced because we were using a damaged grid lon,lat valued are located in the center of a gridbox :param ifile: netcdf fn :result: lon,lat vectors """ def searchGriddes(grid, needle): tmp = [x for x in grid if x.find(needle) != -1] return float(tmp[0].split(' ')[-1]) from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() grid = cdo.griddes(input=ifile) try: xinc = searchGriddes(grid, 'xinc') xsize = searchGriddes(grid, 'xsize') xfirst = searchGriddes(grid, 'xfirst') except: xinc = searchGriddes(grid, 'yinc') xsize = searchGriddes(grid, 'ysize') xfirst = searchGriddes(grid, 'yfirst') yfirst = searchGriddes(grid, 'yfirst') ysize = searchGriddes(grid, 'ysize') yinc = searchGriddes(grid, 'yinc') lon = np.arange(xfirst+xinc/2, xsize*xinc+xfirst+xinc/2, xinc, dtype=float) lat = np.arange(yfirst+yinc/2, ysize*yinc+yfirst+yinc/2, yinc, dtype=float) lon = np.arange(xfirst, xsize*xinc+xfirst, xinc, dtype=float) lat = np.arange(yfirst, ysize*yinc+yfirst, yinc, dtype=float) return lon, lat
def test_cdf(self): cdo = Cdo() self.assertTrue(hasattr(cdo, "cdf"))# not in cdo.__dict__) if cdo.hasNetcdf: sum = cdo.fldsum(input = cdo.stdatm("0",options="-f nc"),returnCdf=True) self.assertEqual(1013.25,sum.variables["P"][:]) else: self.assertRaises(ImportError,cdo.fldsum,input = cdo.stdatm("0",options="-f nc"),returnCdf=True)
def testOps(self): cdo = Cdo() self.assertTrue("sinfov" in cdo.operators) self.assertTrue("for" in cdo.operators) self.assertTrue("mask" in cdo.operators) if (parse_version('1.7.0') >= parse_version(cdo.version())): self.assertTrue("studentt" in cdo.operators) self.assertTrue(len(cdo.operators) > 700)
def test_readArray(self): cdo = Cdo() ifile = cdo.enlarge('r44x35', input=' -stdatm,0,100,1000', options='-f nc') if cdo.hasNetcdf: self.assertEqual((3,35,44), cdo.readArray(ifile, 'T').shape) else: self.assertRaises(ImportError,cdo.readArray,ifile,'T')
def test_returnXDataset(self): cdo = Cdo() if cdo.hasXarray: sum = cdo.fldsum(input = cdo.stdatm("0",options="-f nc"),returnXDataset=True) self.assertEqual(1013.25,sum.variables["P"][:]) else: self.assertRaises(ImportError, cdo.fldsum, input = '-topo',returnXDataset=True)
def test_cdo_general(self): # test if cdos work in general cdo = Cdo() out_file = self._tmpdir + os.sep + '' if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file) cdo.timmean(options='-f nc', output=out_file, input=self.file) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(out_file)) if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file)
def test_returnMaArray(self): cdo = Cdo() cdo.debug = DEBUG if not cdo.hasNetcdf: print("no tests run for test_returnMaArray") return topo = cdo.topo(returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual(-1890.0,round(topo.mean())) self.assertEqual(259200,topo.count()) bathy = cdo.setrtomiss(0,10000, input = "-topo",returnMaArray='topo') #print(bathy) self.assertEqual(173565,bathy.count()) self.assertEqual(-3386.0,round(bathy.mean())) oro = cdo.setrtomiss(-10000,0, input = "-topo",returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual(1142.0,round(oro.mean())) self.assertEqual(85567,oro.count()) bathy = cdo.remapnn('r2x2',input = "-topo", returnMaArray = 'topo') self.assertEqual(-4298.0,bathy[0,0]) self.assertEqual(-2669.0,bathy[0,1]) ta = cdo.remapnn('r2x2',input = "-topo", options = '-f nc') tb = cdo.subc(-2669.0,input = ta,options = '-f nc') withMask = cdo.div(input=ta+" "+tb,returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual('--',withMask[0,1].__str__()) self.assertEqual(False,withMask.mask[0,0]) self.assertEqual(False,withMask.mask[1,0]) self.assertEqual(False,withMask.mask[1,1]) self.assertEqual(True,withMask.mask[0,1])
def test_xarray_output(self): cdo = Cdo() try: import xarray except: print("no xarray installation available!") return tArray = cdo.topo('global_10.0',returnXArray = 'topo') if DEBUG: print(tArray)
def main(in_folder = "/skynet1_rech3/huziy/EXP_0.1deg/DFS4.3_interpolated", out_folder = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/NEMO_OFFICIAL/dev_v3_4_STABLE_2012/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/GLK/DFS4.3_clim"): create_links_to_forcing_files.create_links(expdir=out_folder, forcing_dir=in_folder) cdo_obj = Cdo() for vname in varnames: opath = os.path.join(out_folder, "{0}.nc".format(vname)) inpaths = os.path.join(out_folder, "{0}_y*.nc".format(vname)) cdo_obj.ensmean(input = inpaths, output = opath, options = "-f nc") print("processed: {0}".format(vname))
def test_xdataset_output(self): cdo = Cdo() try: import xarray except: print("no xarray installation available!") return tDataset = cdo.topo('global_10.0',returnXDataset = True) if DEBUG: print(tDataset)
def main_improved(in_folder=""): print("Processing {}".format(in_folder)) out_folder = in_folder + "_clim" if not os.path.isfile(out_folder): os.makedirs(out_folder) cdo_obj = Cdo() opath = os.path.join(out_folder, "") inpaths = os.path.join(in_folder, "*") cdo_obj.ensmean(input=inpaths, output=opath, options="-f nc")
def test_returnArray(self): cdo = Cdo() cdo.debug = DEBUG if cdo.hasNetcdf: self.assertRaises(LookupError, cdo.stdatm,0, returnArray = 'TT') temperature = cdo.stdatm(0,returnArray = 'T') self.assertEqual(288.0,temperature.flatten()[0]) #TODO pressure = cdo.stdatm("0,1000",options = '-f nc -b F64',returnArray = 'P') #TODO self.assertEqual("[ 1013.25 898.54345604]",pressure.flatten().__str__()) else: self.assertRaises(ImportError, cdo.stdatm,0, returnArray = 'TT') self.assertRaises(ImportError, cdo.stdatm,0, returnArray = 'T')
def test_simple(self): cdo = Cdo() cdo.debug = DEBUG s = cdo.sinfov(input="-topo",options="-f nc") s = cdo.sinfov(input="-remapnn,r36x18 -topo",options="-f nc") f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True,prefix='cdoPy').name cdo.expr("'z=log(abs(topo)+1)*9.81'",input="-topo", output=f, options="-f nc") s = cdo.infov(input=f) cdo.stdatm("0",output=f,options="-f nc") rm([f,])
def test_icon_coords(self): cdo = Cdo() if cdo.hasNetcdf: ifile = DATA_DIR +'/icon/' ivar = 't_acc' varIn = cdo.readCdf(ifile) varIn = varIn.variables[ivar] expected = u'clon clat' self.assertEqual(expected,varIn.coordinates) varOut =cdo.readCdf(cdo.selname(ivar,input=ifile)) varOut = varOut.variables[ivar] expected = u'clat clon' self.assertEqual(expected,varOut.coordinates)
def create_climo_file(fp_in, fp_out, t_start, t_end, variable): ''' Generates climatological files from an input file and a selected time range Paramenters: f_in: input file path f_out: output file path t_start (datetime.datetime): start date of climo period t_end (datetime.datetime): end date of climo period variable (str): name of the variable which is being processed Requested date range MUST exist in the input file ''' supported_vars = { 'cddETCCDI', 'csdiETCCDI', 'cwdETCCDI', 'dtrETCCDI', 'fdETCCDI', 'gslETCCDI', 'idETCCDI', 'prcptotETCCDI', 'r10mmETCCDI', 'r1mmETCCDI', 'r20mmETCCDI', 'r95pETCCDI', 'r99pETCCDI', 'rx1dayETCCDI', 'rx5dayETCCDI', 'sdiiETCCDI', 'suETCCDI', 'thresholds', 'tn10pETCCDI', 'tn90pETCCDI', 'tnnETCCDI', 'tnxETCCDI', 'trETCCDI', 'tx10pETCCDI', 'tx90pETCCDI', 'txnETCCDI', 'txxETCCDI', 'wsdiETCCDI', 'tasmin', 'tasmax', 'pr' } if variable not in supported_vars: raise Exception("Unsupported variable: cant't yet process {}".format(variable)) # Allow different ops by variable? # op = 'sum' if variable == 'pr' else 'mean' op = 'mean' cdo = Cdo() date_range = '{},{}'.format(d2s(t_start), d2s(t_end)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fp_out)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fp_out)) with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc') as tempf: cdo.seldate(date_range, input=fp_in, # Add extra postprocessing for specific variables. vt = var_trans(variable) if 'yr' in fp_in: cdo_cmd = '{vt} -tim{op} {fname}'.format(, op=op, vt=vt) else: cdo_cmd = '{vt} -ymon{op} {fname} {vt} -yseas{op} {fname} {vt} -tim{op} {fname}'\ .format(, op=op, vt=vt) cdo.copy(input=cdo_cmd, output=fp_out)
def test_keep_coordinates(self): cdo = Cdo() ifile = '/pool/data/ICON/ocean_data/ocean_grid/' if (os.path.isfile(ifile)): ivar = 'ifs2icon_cell_grid' varIn = cdo.readCdf(ifile) varIn = varIn.variables[ivar] expected = 'clon clat' self.assertEqual(expected,varIn.coordinates) varOut =cdo.readCdf(cdo.selname(ivar,input=ifile)) varOut = varOut.variables[ivar] expected = expected.split(' ') expected.reverse() self.assertEqual(expected,varOut.coordinates.split(' '))
def test_cdiMeta(self): cdo = Cdo() if cdo.hasNetcdf: ofile = cdo.stdatm("0", returnCdf = True) if DEBUG: print(ofile) if cdo.hasXarray: ofile = cdo.stdatm("0", returnXArray = 'T') if DEBUG: print(ofile) print(ofile.attrs) ofile = cdo.stdatm("0", returnXDataset=True) if DEBUG: print(ofile) print(ofile.attrs)
def test_returnCdf(self): cdo = Cdo() ofile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True,prefix='cdoPy').name press = cdo.stdatm("0",output=ofile,options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(ofile,press) if cdo.hasNetcdf: variables = cdo.stdatm("0",returnCdf=True).variables print(variables) cdf = cdo.stdatm("0",returnCdf=True) press = cdf.variables['P'][:] self.assertEqual(1013.25,press.min()) press = cdo.stdatm("0",output=ofile,options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(ofile,press) else: self.assertRaises(ImportError,cdo.stdatm,0,returnCdf=True) rm([ofile,])
def test_returnNone(self): cdo = Cdo() self.assertFalse(cdo.returnNoneOnError,"'returnNoneOnError' is _not_ False after initialization") cdo.returnNoneOnError = True self.assertTrue(cdo.returnNoneOnError,"'returnNoneOnError' is _not_ True after manual setting") ret = cdo.sinfo(input="-topf") self.assertEqual(None,ret) if DEBUG: print(ret) cdo_ = Cdo(returnNoneOnError=True) self.assertTrue(cdo_.returnNoneOnError) ret = cdo_.sinfo(input=" ifile.grb") self.assertEqual(None,ret) if DEBUG: print(ret)
def testTempdir(self): # manual set path tempPath = os.path.abspath('.')+'/tempPy_{0}'.format( random.randrange(1,100000)) cdo = Cdo(tempdir=tempPath) cdo.topo('r10x10',options = '-f nc') self.assertEqual(1,len(os.listdir(tempPath))) cdo.topo('r10x10',options = '-f nc') cdo.topo('r10x10',options = '-f nc') self.assertEqual(3,len(os.listdir(tempPath))) cdo.topo('r10x10',options = '-f nc') cdo.topo('r10x10',options = '-f nc') self.assertEqual(5,len(os.listdir(tempPath))) cdo.cleanTempDir() self.assertEqual(0,len(os.listdir(tempPath)))
def seacyc(archive, simulation, method='base'): """ Subtracts the seasonal cycle. :param archive: netCDF file containing the reference period :param simulation: netCDF file containing the period to be analysed :param method: method to generate the seasonal cycle files base = seasonal cycle generated from reference period sim = seasonal cycle generated from period to be analysed own = seasonal cycle generated for both time windows :return [str,str]: two netCDF filenames for analysis and reference period (located in working directory) """ try: logger.debug('seacyc started with method: %s' % method) from shutil import copy from flyingpigeon.ocgis_module import call from flyingpigeon.utils import get_variable from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() if method == 'base': seasoncyc_base = cdo.ydaymean( input=archive, output='') variable = get_variable(archive) # seasoncyc_base = call(resource=archive, # variable=variable, # prefix='seasoncyc_base', #calc=[{'func': 'mean', 'name': variable}], # calc_grouping=['day','month'] ) logger.debug('seasoncyc_base calculated : %s' % seasoncyc_base) cdo.ydaymean(input=archive, output='') seasoncyc_sim = '' copy(seasoncyc_base, seasoncyc_sim) elif method == 'sim': # seasoncyc_sim = call(resource=archive, # variable=variable, # prefix='seasoncyc_sim', #calc=[{'func': 'mean', 'name': variable}], # calc_grouping=['day','month'] ) cdo.ydaymean(input=simulation, output='') seasoncyc_base = '' copy(seasoncyc_sim, seasoncyc_base) elif method == 'own': # seasoncyc_base = call(resource=archive, # variable=variable, # prefix='seasoncyc_base', #calc=[{'func': 'mean', 'name': variable}], # calc_grouping=['day','month'] ) seasoncyc_base = cdo.ydaymean( input=archive, output='') # seasoncyc_sim = call(resource=archive, # variable=variable, # prefix='seasoncyc_sim', #calc=[{'func': 'mean', 'name': variable}], # calc_grouping=['day','month'] ) seasoncyc_sim = cdo.ydaymean( input=simulation, output='') else: raise Exception('normalisation method not found') except Exception as e: msg = 'seacyc function failed : %s ' % e logger.debug(msg) raise Exception(msg) return seasoncyc_base, seasoncyc_sim
def test_outputOperators(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) levels = cdo.showlevel(input="-stdatm,0") info = cdo.sinfo(input="-stdatm,0") self.assertEqual([0, 0], list(map(float, levels))) self.assertEqual("GRIB", info[0].split(' ')[-1]) values = cdo.outputkey("value", input="-stdatm,0")[1::] self.assertEqual(["1013.25", "288"], values) values = cdo.outputkey("value", input="-stdatm,0,10000")[1::] self.assertEqual(["1013.25", "271.913", "288", "240.591"], values) values = cdo.outputkey("lev", input="-stdatm,0,10000")[1::] self.assertEqual(["0", "10000", "0", "10000"], values) # test autoSplit usage levels = cdo.showlevel(input="-stdatm,0,10,20", autoSplit=' ') self.assertEqual([['0', '10', '20'], ['0', '10', '20']], levels) timesExpected = [ '2001-01-01T12:00:00', '2001-01-01T13:00:00', '2001-01-01T14:00:00', '2001-01-01T15:00:00', '2001-01-01T16:00:00', '2001-01-01T17:00:00', '2001-01-01T18:00:00', '2001-01-01T19:00:00', '2001-01-01T20:00:00', '2001-01-01T21:00:00' ] self.assertEqual( timesExpected, cdo.showtimestamp( input="-settaxis,2001-01-01,12:00,1hour -for,1,10", autoSplit=' ')) self.assertEqual(['P T'], cdo.showname(input="-stdatm,0")) self.assertEqual(['P', 'T'], cdo.showname(input="-stdatm,0", autoSplit=' '))
def test_cdo_import(): from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo()
def _handler(self, request, response): init_process_logger('log.txt') response.outputs['output_log'].file = 'log.txt''Start process') response.update_status('execution started at : {}'.format(, 5) process_start_time = time.time() # measure process execution time ... start_time = time.time() # measure init ... ################################ # reading in the input arguments ################################ try: response.update_status('read input parameter : %s ' %, 7) refSt = request.inputs['refSt'][0].data refEn = request.inputs['refEn'][0].data dateSt = request.inputs['dateSt'][0].data dateEn = request.inputs['dateEn'][0].data seasonwin = request.inputs['seasonwin'][0].data nanalog = request.inputs['nanalog'][0].data timres = request.inputs['timeres'][0].data # bbox = [-80, 20, 50, 70] # TODO: Add checking for wrong cordinates and apply default if nesessary bbox = [] bboxStr = request.inputs['BBox'][0].data bboxStr = bboxStr.split(',') bbox.append(float(bboxStr[0])) bbox.append(float(bboxStr[2])) bbox.append(float(bboxStr[1])) bbox.append(float(bboxStr[3])) LOGGER.debug('BBOX for ocgis: %s ' % (bbox)) LOGGER.debug('BBOX original: %s ' % (bboxStr)) normalize = request.inputs['normalize'][0].data detrend = request.inputs['detrend'][0].data distance = request.inputs['dist'][0].data outformat = request.inputs['outformat'][0].data timewin = request.inputs['timewin'][0].data model_var = request.inputs['reanalyses'][0].data model, var = model_var.split('_') # experiment = self.getInputValues(identifier='experiment')[0] # dataset, var = experiment.split('_') #'environment set')'input parameters set') response.update_status('Read in and convert the arguments', 8) except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to read input prameter %s ' % e LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) ###################################### # convert types and set environment ###################################### try: response.update_status('Preparing enviroment converting arguments', 9) LOGGER.debug('date: %s %s %s %s ' % (type(refSt), refEn, dateSt, dateSt)) start = min(refSt, dateSt) end = max(refEn, dateEn) # # refSt = dt.strftime(refSt, '%Y-%m-%d') # refEn = dt.strftime(refEn, '%Y-%m-%d') # dateSt = dt.strftime(dateSt, '%Y-%m-%d') # dateEn = dt.strftime(dateEn, '%Y-%m-%d') if normalize == 'None': seacyc = False else: seacyc = True if outformat == 'ascii': outformat = '.txt' elif outformat == 'netCDF': outformat = '.nc' else: LOGGER.exception('output format not valid') except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to set environment %s ' % e LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) ########################### # set the environment ########################### response.update_status('fetching data from archive', 10) try: if model == 'NCEP': getlevel = False if 'z' in var: level = var.strip('z') conform_units_to = None else: level = None conform_units_to = 'hPa' elif '20CRV2' in model: getlevel = False if 'z' in var: level = var.strip('z') conform_units_to = None else: level = None conform_units_to = 'hPa' else: LOGGER.exception('Reanalyses dataset not known')'environment set for model: %s' % model) except Exception: msg = 'failed to set environment' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) ########################################## # fetch Data from original data archive ########################################## # NOTE: If ref is say 1950 - 1990, and sim is just 1 week in 2017 - ALL the data will be downloaded, 1950 - 2017 try: model_nc = rl(start=start.year, end=end.year, dataset=model, variable=var, timres=timres, getlevel=getlevel)'reanalyses data fetched') except Exception: msg = 'failed to get reanalyses data' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) response.update_status('subsetting region of interest', 17) # from flyingpigeon.weatherregimes import get_level LOGGER.debug("start and end time: %s - %s" % (start, end)) time_range = [start, end] # For 20CRV2 geopotential height, daily dataset for 100 years is about 50 Gb # So it makes sense, to operate it step-by-step # TODO: need to create dictionary for such datasets (for models as well) # TODO: benchmark the method bellow for NCEP z500 for 60 years # if ('20CRV2' in model) and ('z' in var): if ('z' in var): tmp_total = [] origvar = get_variable(model_nc) for z in model_nc: tmp_n = 'tmp_%s' % (uuid.uuid1()) b0 = call(resource=z, variable=origvar, level_range=[int(level), int(level)], geom=bbox, spatial_wrapping='wrap', prefix='levdom_' + os.path.basename(z)[0:-3]) tmp_total.append(b0) tmp_total = sorted( tmp_total, key=lambda i: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(i))[0]) inter_subset_tmp = call(resource=tmp_total, variable=origvar, time_range=time_range) # Clean for i in tmp_total: tbr = 'rm -f %s' % (i) os.system(tbr) # Create new variable ds = Dataset(inter_subset_tmp, mode='a') z_var = ds.variables.pop(origvar) dims = z_var.dimensions new_var = ds.createVariable('z%s' % level, z_var.dtype, dimensions=(dims[0], dims[2], dims[3])) new_var[:, :, :] = squeeze(z_var[:, 0, :, :]) # new_var.setncatts({k: z_var.getncattr(k) for k in z_var.ncattrs()}) ds.close() model_subset_tmp = call(inter_subset_tmp, variable='z%s' % level) else: model_subset_tmp = call( resource=model_nc, variable=var, geom=bbox, spatial_wrapping='wrap', time_range=time_range, # conform_units_to=conform_units_to ) # If dataset is 20CRV2 the 6 hourly file should be converted to daily. # Option to use previously 6h data from cache (if any) and not download daily files. if '20CRV2' in model: if timres == '6h': from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() model_subset = '' % uuid.uuid1() tmp_f = '' % uuid.uuid1() cdo_op = getattr(cdo, 'daymean') cdo_op(input=model_subset_tmp, output=tmp_f) sti = '00:00:00' cdo_op = getattr(cdo, 'settime') cdo_op(sti, input=tmp_f, output=model_subset) LOGGER.debug('File Converted from: %s to daily' % (timres)) else: model_subset = model_subset_tmp else: model_subset = model_subset_tmp'Dataset subset done: %s ', model_subset) response.update_status('dataset subsetted', 19) # BLOCK OF DETRENDING of model_subset ! # Original model subset kept to further visualisaion if needed # Now is issue with SLP: # TODO 1 Keep trend as separate file # TODO 2 Think how to add options to plot abomalies AND original data... # May be do archive and simulation = call.. over NOT detrended data and keep it as well # TODO 3 Check with faster smoother add removing trend of each grid if detrend == 'None': orig_model_subset = model_subset else: orig_model_subset = remove_mean_trend(model_subset, varname=var) # ====================================== ############################################################ # get the required bbox and time region from resource data ############################################################ # # # try: # if dataset == 'NCEP': # if 'z' in var: # variable = 'hgt' # level = var.strip('z') # # conform_units_to=None # else: # variable = 'slp' # level = None # # conform_units_to='hPa' # elif '20CRV2' in var: # if 'z' in level: # variable = 'hgt' # level = var.strip('z') # # conform_units_to=None # else: # variable = 'prmsl' # level = None # # conform_units_to='hPa' # else: # LOGGER.exception('Reanalyses dataset not known') #'environment set') # except Exception as e: # msg = 'failed to set environment %s ' % e # LOGGER.exception(msg) # # raise Exception(msg) # # LOGGER.debug("init took %s seconds.", time.time() - start_time) # response.update_status('Read in and convert the arguments done', 8) # # ################# # # get input data # ################# # start_time = time.time() # measure get_input_data ... # response.update_status('fetching input data', 7) # try: # input = reanalyses(start=start.year, end=end.year, # variable=var, dataset=dataset) #'input files %s' % input) # nc_subset = call(resource=input, variable=var, # geom=bbox, spatial_wrapping='wrap') # except Exception as e: # msg = 'failed to fetch or subset input files %s' % e # LOGGER.exception(msg) # # raise Exception(msg) LOGGER.debug("get_input_subset_dataset took %s seconds.", time.time() - start_time) response.update_status('**** Input data fetched', 20) ######################## # input data preperation ######################## response.update_status('Start preparing input data', 22) start_time = time.time() # measure data preperation ... try: # Construct descriptive filenames for the three files # listed in config file # TODO check strftime for years <1900 (!) refDatesString = dt.strftime( refSt, '%Y-%m-%d') + "_" + dt.strftime(refEn, '%Y-%m-%d') simDatesString = dt.strftime( dateSt, '%Y-%m-%d') + "_" + dt.strftime(dateEn, '%Y-%m-%d') archiveNameString = "base_" + var + "_" + refDatesString + '_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f' \ % (bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]) simNameString = "sim_" + var + "_" + simDatesString + '_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f' \ % (bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]) archive = call(resource=model_subset, time_range=[refSt, refEn], prefix=archiveNameString) simulation = call(resource=model_subset, time_range=[dateSt, dateEn], prefix=simNameString)'archive and simulation files generated: %s, %s' % (archive, simulation)) except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to prepare archive and simulation files %s ' % e LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: if seacyc is True:'normalization function with method: %s ' % normalize) seasoncyc_base, seasoncyc_sim = analogs.seacyc( archive, simulation, method=normalize) else: seasoncyc_base = seasoncyc_sim = None except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to generate normalization files %s ' % e LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) output_file = 'output.txt' files = [ os.path.abspath(archive), os.path.abspath(simulation), output_file ] LOGGER.debug("Data preperation took %s seconds.", time.time() - start_time) ############################ # generate the config file ############################ config_file = analogs.get_configfile( files=files, seasoncyc_base=seasoncyc_base, seasoncyc_sim=seasoncyc_sim, base_id=model, sim_id=model, timewin=timewin, varname=var, seacyc=seacyc, cycsmooth=91, nanalog=nanalog, seasonwin=seasonwin, distfun=distance, outformat=outformat, calccor=True, silent=False, period=[ dt.strftime(refSt, '%Y-%m-%d'), dt.strftime(refEn, '%Y-%m-%d') ], bbox="{0[0]},{0[2]},{0[1]},{0[3]}".format(bbox)) response.update_status('generated config file', 25) ####################### # CASTf90 call ####################### start_time = time.time() # measure call castf90 # ----------------------- try: import ctypes # TODO: This lib is for linux mkl_rt = ctypes.CDLL('') nth = mkl_rt.mkl_get_max_threads() LOGGER.debug('Current number of threads: %s' % (nth)) mkl_rt.mkl_set_num_threads(ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(64))) nth = mkl_rt.mkl_get_max_threads() LOGGER.debug('NEW number of threads: %s' % (nth)) # TODO: Does it \/\/\/ work with default shell=False in subprocess... (?) os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = str(nth) os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(nth) except Exception as e: msg = 'Failed to set THREADS %s ' % e LOGGER.debug(msg) # ----------------------- response.update_status('Start CASTf90 call', 30) try: # response.update_status('execution of CASTf90', 50) cmd = ['analogue.out', config_file] LOGGER.debug("castf90 command: %s", cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)'analogue output:\n %s', output) response.update_status('**** CASTf90 suceeded', 70) except CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'CASTf90 failed:\n{0}'.format(e.output) LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) LOGGER.debug("castf90 took %s seconds.", time.time() - start_time) # TODO: Add try - except for pdfs analogs_pdf = analogs.plot_analogs(configfile=config_file) response.update_status('preparing output', 75) # response.outputs['config'].storage = FileStorage() response.outputs['analog_pdf'].file = analogs_pdf response.outputs['config'].file = config_file response.outputs['analogs'].file = output_file response.outputs['output_netcdf'].file = simulation response.outputs['target_netcdf'].file = archive if seacyc is True: response.outputs['base_netcdf'].file = seasoncyc_base response.outputs['sim_netcdf'].file = seasoncyc_sim else: # TODO: Still unclear how to overpass unknown number of outputs dummy_base = '' dummy_sim = '' with open(dummy_base, 'a'): os.utime(dummy_base, None) with open(dummy_sim, 'a'): os.utime(dummy_sim, None) response.outputs['base_netcdf'].file = dummy_base response.outputs['sim_netcdf'].file = dummy_sim ######################## # generate analog viewer ######################## formated_analogs_file = analogs.reformat_analogs(output_file) # response.outputs['formated_analogs'].storage = FileStorage() response.outputs['formated_analogs'].file = formated_analogs_file'analogs reformated') response.update_status('reformatted analog file', 80) viewer_html = analogs.render_viewer( # configfile=response.outputs['config'].get_url(), configfile=config_file, # datafile=response.outputs['formated_analogs'].get_url()) datafile=formated_analogs_file) response.outputs['output'].file = viewer_html response.update_status('Successfully generated analogs viewer', 90)'rendered pages: %s ', viewer_html) response.update_status('execution ended', 100) LOGGER.debug("total execution took %s seconds.", time.time() - process_start_time) return response
from netCDF4 import Dataset as NC from cdo import Cdo from datetime import datetime, timedelta import gdal from glob import glob from os.path import join, split cdo = Cdo() reftime = "2008-1-1" components = ["vx", "vy", "vv"] download_dir = "data" for glacier in ["W69.10N"]: f_tiffs = glob(f"{download_dir}/TSX_{glacier}_*_v02.0.tif") for f_tiff in f_tiffs: f_nc = f_tiff.replace(".tif", ".nc") print(f"Converting {f_tiff} to {f_nc}") # use gdal's python binging to convert GeoTiff to netCDF # advantage of GDAL: it gets the projection information right # disadvantage: the variable is named "Band1", lacks metadata ds = gdal.Open(f_tiff) ds = gdal.Translate(f_nc, ds) ds = None # This deduces the mid-point (nominal) date from the filename _, _, start_date_str, end_date_str, _, var, _ = f_nc.split("_") start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date_str, "%d%b%y") end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date_str, "%d%b%y") nominal_date = start_date + (end_date - start_date) / 2
def balances(wdir, plotpath, filena, name, model): """Plot everything related to energy and water mass budgets. This method provides climatological annal mean maps of TOA, atmospheric and surface energy budgets, time series of annual mean anomalies in the two hemispheres and meridional sections of meridional enthalpy transports. Scatter plots of oceanic vs. atmospheric meridional enthalpy transports are also provided. Arguments: - wdir: the working directory; - plotpath: the path where the plot has to be saved; - filena: the files containing input fields; - name: the name of the variable associated with the input field; - model: the name of the model to be analysed; """ cdo = Cdo() nsub = len(filena) pdir = plotpath plotentname = pdir + '/{}_heat_transp.png'.format(model) plotwmbname = pdir + '/{}_wmb_transp.png'.format(model) plotlatname = pdir + '/{}_latent_transp.png'.format(model) # timesery = np.zeros([nsub, 2]) dims, ndims, tmean, zmean, timeser = global_averages(nsub, filena, name) transp_mean = np.zeros([nsub, ndims[1]]) lat_maxm = np.zeros([nsub, 2, len(dims[3])]) tr_maxm = np.zeros([nsub, 2, len(dims[3])]) lim = [55, 55, 25] for i_f in np.arange(nsub): transp = transport(zmean[i_f, :, :], timeser[i_f, :, 0], dims[1]) transp_mean[i_f, :], list_peak = transports_preproc( dims[1], ndims[3], lim[i_f], transp) lat_maxm[i_f, :, :] = list_peak[0] tr_maxm[i_f, :, :] = list_peak[1] if nsub == 3: ext_name = [ 'TOA Energy Budget', 'Atmospheric Energy Budget', 'Surface Energy Budget' ] transpty = (-6E15, 6E15) coords = [dims[0], dims[1]] plot_climap_eb(model, pdir, coords, tmean, ext_name) fig = plt.figure() strings = ['Meridional enthalpy transports', 'Latitude [deg]', '[W]'] lats = dims[1] for i in np.arange(nsub): filename = filena[i] + '.nc' if name[i] == 'toab': nameout = 'total' elif name[i] == 'atmb': nameout = 'atmos' elif name[i] == 'surb': nameout = 'ocean' nc_f = wdir + '/{}_transp_mean_{}.nc'.format(nameout, model) removeif(nc_f) lat_model = 'lat_{}'.format(model) pr_output(transp_mean[i, :], filename, nc_f, nameout, lat_model) name_model = '{}_{}'.format(nameout, model) cdo.chname('{},{}'.format(nameout, name_model), input=nc_f, output='') move('', nc_f) cdo.chname('lat,{}'.format(lat_model), input=nc_f, output='') move('', nc_f) plot_1m_transp(lats, transp_mean[i, :], transpty, strings) plt.grid() plt.savefig(plotentname) plt.close(fig) plot_1m_scatter(model, pdir, lat_maxm, tr_maxm) elif nsub == 2: ext_name = ['Water mass budget', 'Latent heat budget'] transpwy = (-2E9, 2E9) transply = (-6E15, 6E15) coords = [dims[0], dims[1]] plot_climap_wm(model, pdir, coords, tmean, ext_name, name) nc_f = wdir + '/{}_transp_mean_{}.nc'.format('wmb', model) removeif(nc_f) filena[0] = filena[0].split('.nc', 1)[0] filename = filena[0] + '.nc' pr_output(transp_mean[0, :], filename, nc_f, 'wmb', 'lat') nc_f = wdir + '/{}_transp_mean_{}.nc'.format('latent', model) removeif(nc_f) filena[1] = filena[1].split('.nc', 1)[0] filename = filena[1] + '.nc' pr_output(transp_mean[1, :], filename, nc_f, 'latent', 'lat') strings = ['Water mass transports', 'Latitude [deg]', '[kg*s-1]'] fig = plt.figure() plot_1m_transp(dims[1], transp_mean[0, :], transpwy, strings) plt.grid() plt.savefig(plotwmbname) plt.close(fig) strings = ['Latent heat transports', 'Latitude [deg]', '[W]'] fig = plt.figure() plot_1m_transp(dims[1], transp_mean[1, :], transply, strings) plt.grid() plt.savefig(plotlatname) plt.close(fig) for i_f in np.arange(nsub): fig = plt.figure() axi = plt.subplot(111) axi.plot(dims[3], timeser[i_f, :, 0], 'k', label='Global') axi.plot(dims[3], timeser[i_f, :, 1], 'r', label='SH') axi.plot(dims[3], timeser[i_f, :, 2], 'b', label='NH') plt.title('Annual mean {}'.format(ext_name[i_f])) plt.xlabel('Years') if ext_name[i_f] == 'Water mass budget': plt.ylabel('[Kg m-2 s-1]') else: plt.ylabel('[W/m2]') axi.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.13), shadow=True, ncol=3) plt.tight_layout() plt.grid() plt.savefig(pdir + '/{}_{}_timeser.png'.format(model, name[i_f])) plt.close(fig)
def _aggregate_specific_years(work_dir, infile, times, remove=True): """ aggregate infile to times with mean and sd""" cdo = Cdo() onameM = work_dir + os.sep + "temp" + os.sep + tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( ).name.split('/')[-1] onameS = work_dir + os.sep + "temp" + os.sep + tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( ).name.split('/')[-1] oname = work_dir + os.sep + "temp" + os.sep + tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( ).name.split('/')[-1] tmpname = work_dir + os.sep + "temp" + os.sep + tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( ).name.split('/')[-1] cdo.selyear(",".join([str(t) for t in times]), input=infile, output=tmpname, options='-f nc4 -b F32') cdo.timselmean(12, input=tmpname, output=onameM, options='-f nc4 -b F32') #cdo.timselstd(12,input=tmpname,output=onameS,options='-f nc4 -b F32') name = cdo.showname(input=onameM) cdo.setname(name[0] + "_std -timselstd,12", input=tmpname, output=onameS, options='-L -f nc4 -b F32') cdo.merge(input=[onameM, onameS], output=oname) if remove: os.remove(infile) os.remove(tmpname) os.remove(onameM) os.remove(onameS) return oname
def call(resource=[], variable=None, dimension_map=None, calc=None, calc_grouping=None, conform_units_to=None, memory_limit=None, prefix=None, regrid_destination=None, regrid_options='bil', level_range=None, geom=None, output_format_options=None, search_radius_mult=2., select_nearest=False, select_ugid=None, spatial_wrapping=None, t_calendar=None, time_region=None, time_range=None, dir_output=None, output_format='nc'): ''' ocgis operation call :param resource: :param variable: variable in the input file to be picked :param dimension_map: dimension map in case of unconventional storage of data :param calc: ocgis calc syntax for calculation partion :param calc_grouping: time aggregate grouping :param conform_units_to: :param memory_limit: limit the amount of data to be loaded into the memory at once \ if None (default) free memory is detected by birdhouse :param level_range: subset of given levels :param prefix: string for the file base name :param regrid_destination: file path with netCDF file with grid for output file :param geom: name of shapefile stored in birdhouse shape cabinet :param output_format_options: output options for netCDF e.g compression level() :param regrid_destination: file containing the targed grid (griddes.txt or netCDF file) :param regrid_options: methods for regridding: 'bil' = Bilinear interpolation 'bic' = Bicubic interpolation 'dis' = Distance-weighted average remapping 'nn' = nearest neighbour 'con' = First-order conservative remapping 'laf' = largest area fraction reamapping :param search_radius_mult: search radius for point geometries. All included gridboxes will be returned :param select_nearest: nearest neighbour selection for point geometries :param select_ugid: ugid for appropriate polygons :param spatial_wrapping: how to handle coordinates in case of subsets, options: None (default), 'wrap', 'unwrap' :param time_region: select single month :param time_range: sequence of two datetime.datetime objects to mark start and end point :param dir_output (default= curdir): :param output_format: :return: output file path ''''Start ocgis module call function') from ocgis import OcgOperations, RequestDataset, env from ocgis.util.large_array import compute from datetime import datetime as dt import uuid # prepare the environment env.DIR_SHPCABINET = DIR_SHP env.OVERWRITE = True # env.DIR_OUTPUT = dir_output # LOGGER.debug(' **** env.DIR_OUTPUT = %s ' % env.DIR_OUTPUT) if dir_output is None: dir_output = abspath(curdir) # check time_range fromat: if time_range is not None: try: LOGGER.debug('time_range type= %s , %s ' % (type(time_range[0]), type(time_range[1]))) if type(time_range[0] is ''): time_range = [ dt.combine(time_range[0], dt.min.time()), dt.combine(time_range[1], dt.min.time()) ] LOGGER.debug('time_range changed to type= %s , %s ' % (type(time_range[0]), type(time_range[1]))) except: LOGGER.exception('failed to confert data to datetime') # # if geom is not None: # spatial_reorder = True # spatial_wrapping = 'wrap' # else: # spatial_reorder = False # spatial_wrapping = None # if spatial_wrapping == 'wrap': spatial_reorder = True else: spatial_reorder = False LOGGER.debug('spatial_reorder: %s and spatial_wrapping: %s ' % (spatial_reorder, spatial_wrapping)) if prefix is None: prefix = str(uuid.uuid1()) env.PREFIX = prefix # # if output_format_options is False: # output_format_options = None # elif output_format_options is True: # output_format_options = {'data_model': 'NETCDF4', # NETCDF4_CLASSIC # 'variable_kwargs': {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 9}} # else: if output_format_options is not None:'output_format_options are set to %s ' % (output_format_options)) if type(resource) != list: resource = list([resource]) # execute ocgis'Execute ocgis module call function') # if has_Lambert_Conformal(resource) is True and geom is not None: # LOGGER.debug('input has Lambert_Conformal projection and can not prcessed with ocgis:\ #') # return None # else: try: LOGGER.debug('call module curdir = %s ' % abspath(curdir)) rd = RequestDataset(resource, variable=variable, level_range=level_range, dimension_map=dimension_map, conform_units_to=conform_units_to, time_region=time_region, t_calendar=t_calendar, time_range=time_range) # from ocgis.constants import DimensionMapKey # rd.dimension_map.set_bounds(DimensionMapKey.TIME, None) ops = OcgOperations( dataset=rd, output_format_options=output_format_options, dir_output=dir_output, spatial_wrapping=spatial_wrapping, spatial_reorder=spatial_reorder, # regrid_destination=rd_regrid, # options=options, calc=calc, calc_grouping=calc_grouping, geom=geom, output_format=output_format, prefix=prefix, search_radius_mult=search_radius_mult, select_nearest=select_nearest, select_ugid=select_ugid, add_auxiliary_files=False)'OcgOperations set') except: LOGGER.exception('failed to setup OcgOperations') return None try:'ocgis module call as ops.execute()') geom_file = ops.execute() except: LOGGER.exception('failed to execute ocgis operation') return None # # try: # from numpy import sqrt # from flyingpigeon.utils import FreeMemory # # if memory_limit is None: # f = FreeMemory() # mem_kb = f.user_free # mem_mb = mem_kb / 1024. # mem_limit = mem_mb / 2. # set limit to half of the free memory # else: # mem_limit = memory_limit # # if mem_limit >= 1024. * 4: # mem_limit = 1024. * 4 # # 475.0 MB for openDAP # #'memory_limit = %s Mb' % (mem_limit)) # # data_kb = ops.get_base_request_size()['total'] # data_mb = data_kb / 1024. # # # data_kb = size['total']/reduce(lambda x,y: x*y,size['variables'][variable]['value']['shape']) #'data_mb = %s Mb' % (data_mb)) # # if data_mb <= mem_limit: # input is smaler than the half of free memory size # try: #'ocgis module call as ops.execute()') # geom_file = ops.execute() # except Exception as e: # LOGGER.debug('failed to execute ocgis operation') # raise # return None # # else: # ########################## # # calcultion of chunk size # ########################## # try: # size = ops.get_base_request_size() # nb_time_coordinates_rd = size['variables'][variable]['temporal']['shape'][0] # element_in_kb = size['total']/reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, size['variables'][variable]['value']['shape']) # element_in_mb = element_in_kb / 1024. # tile_dim = sqrt(mem_limit/(element_in_mb*nb_time_coordinates_rd)) # maximum chunk size # #'ocgis module call compute with chunks') # if calc is None: # calc = '%s=%s*1' % (variable, variable) #'calc set to = %s ' % calc) # ops = OcgOperations(dataset=rd, # output_format_options=output_format_options, # dir_output=dir_output, # spatial_wrapping=spatial_wrapping, # spatial_reorder=spatial_reorder, # # regrid_destination=rd_regrid, # # options=options, # calc=calc, # calc_grouping=calc_grouping, # geom=geom, # output_format=output_format, # prefix=prefix, # search_radius_mult=search_radius_mult, # select_nearest=select_nearest, # select_ugid=select_ugid, # add_auxiliary_files=False) # geom_file = compute(ops, tile_dimension=int(tile_dim), verbose=True) # print 'ocgis calculated' # except Exception as e: # LOGGER.debug('failed to compute ocgis with chunks') # raise # return None #'Succeeded with ocgis module call function') # except: # LOGGER.exception('failed to compare dataload with free memory, calling as execute instead') ############################################ # remapping according to regrid informations ############################################ if regrid_destination is not None: try: from tempfile import mkstemp from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() output = '' % uuid.uuid1() remap = 'remap%s' % regrid_options call = [op for op in dir(cdo) if remap in op] cmd = "output = cdo.%s('%s',input='%s', output='%s')" \ % (str(call[0]), regrid_destination, geom_file, output) exec cmd except Exception as e: LOGGER.debug('failed to remap') raise return None else: output = geom_file # try: # from flyingpigeon.utils import unrotate_pole # lat, lon = unrotate_pole(output) # except: # LOGGER.exception('failed to unrotate pole') return output
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ''' import os from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() from logging import getLogger from .log import LOG_NAME # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # create logger log = getLogger(LOG_NAME) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Remap a file using CDO def remap(grid_file, in_file, out_file, operator='remapcon', remap_options=None): '''Remap infile using cdo''''Remapping %s to %s', in_file, out_file) remap_method = getattr(cdo, operator) if remap_options: remap_method(grid_file, input=in_file, output=out_file, options=remap_options) else:
def test_returnCdf(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) ofile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, prefix='cdoPy').name press = cdo.stdatm("0", output=ofile, options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(ofile, press) variables = cdo.stdatm("0", options="-f nc", returnCdf=True).variables print(variables) cdf = cdo.stdatm("0", options="-f nc", returnCdf=True) press = cdf.variables['P'][:] self.assertEqual(1013.25, press.min()) press = cdo.stdatm("0", output=ofile, options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(ofile, press) cdo.setReturnArray() outfile = '' cdf = cdo.stdatm("0", output=outfile, options="-f nc") press = cdf.variables["P"][:] self.assertEqual(1013.25, press.min()) cdo.unsetReturnArray() press = cdo.stdatm("0", output=outfile, options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(press, outfile) cdf = cdo.stdatm("0", output=outfile, options="-f nc", returnCdf=True) press = cdf.variables["P"][:] self.assertEqual(1013.25, press.min()) print("press = " + press.min().__str__()) cdo.unsetReturnArray() press = cdo.stdatm("0", output=ofile, options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(ofile, press) rm([ outfile, ])
def get_anomalies(nc_file, frac=0.2, reference=None, method='ocgis', sseas='serial', variable=None): """ Anomalisation of data subsets for weather classification by subtracting a smoothed annual cycle :param nc_file: input netCDF file :param frac: Number between 0-1 for strength of smoothing (0 = close to the original data, 1 = flat line) default = 0.2 :param reference: Period to calculate annual cycle :returns str: path to output netCDF file """ from netCDF4 import Dataset if variable is None: variable = utils.get_variable(nc_file) # if more when 2 variables: if (variable.count(variable)==0): _ds=Dataset(nc_file) # Works only if we have one 3D variables for j in variable: if len(_ds.variables[j].dimensions)==3: _var=j variable=_var _ds.close() LOGGER.debug('3D Variable selected: %s'%(variable)) try: if (method == 'cdo'): from cdo import Cdo from os import system ip2, nc_anual_cycle = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.nc') cdo = Cdo() #ip, nc_anual_cycle_tmp = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.nc') # TODO: if reference is none, use utils.get_time for nc_file to set the ref range # But will need to fix 360_day issue (use get_time_nc from analogs) # com = 'seldate' # comcdo = 'cdo %s,%s-%s-%s,%s-%s-%s %s %s' % (com, reference[0].year, reference[0].month, reference[0].day, # reference[1].year, reference[1].month, reference[1].day, # nc_file, nc_anual_cycle_tmp) # LOGGER.debug('CDO: %s' % (comcdo)) # system(comcdo) # Sub cdo with this trick... Cdo keeps the precision and anomalies are integers... calc = '%s=%s'%(variable, variable) nc_anual_cycle_tmp = call(nc_file, time_range=reference, variable=variable, calc=calc) nc_anual_cycle = cdo.ydaymean(input=nc_anual_cycle_tmp, output=nc_anual_cycle) else: calc = [{'func': 'mean', 'name': variable}] calc_grouping = calc_grouping = ['day', 'month'] nc_anual_cycle = call(nc_file, calc=calc, calc_grouping=calc_grouping, variable=variable, time_range=reference)'annual cycle calculated: %s' % (nc_anual_cycle)) except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to calcualte annual cycle %s' % e LOGGER.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: # spline for smoothing #import statsmodels.api as sm #from numpy import tile, empty, linspace from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() # variable = utils.get_variable(nc_file) ds = Dataset(nc_anual_cycle, mode='a') vals = ds.variables[variable] vals_sm = empty(vals.shape) ts = vals.shape[0] x = linspace(1, ts*3, num=ts*3, endpoint=True) if ('serial' not in sseas): # Multiprocessing ======================= from multiprocessing import Pool pool = Pool() valex = [0.] valex = valex*vals.shape[1]*vals.shape[2] # TODO redo with reshape ind = 0 for lat in range(vals.shape[1]): for lon in range(vals.shape[2]): valex[ind] = vals[:, lat, lon] ind += 1 LOGGER.debug('Start smoothing with multiprocessing') # TODO fraction option frac=... is not used here tmp_sm =, valex) pool.close() pool.join() # TODO redo with reshape ind=0 for lat in range(vals.shape[1]): for lon in range(vals.shape[2]): vals_sm[:, lat, lon] = tmp_sm[ind] ind+=1 else: # Serial ================================== vals_sm = empty(vals.shape) for lat in range(vals.shape[1]): for lon in range(vals.shape[2]): try: y = tile(vals[:, lat, lon], 3) # ys = smooth(y, window_size=91, order=2, deriv=0, rate=1)[ts:ts*2] ys = sm.nonparametric.lowess(y, x, frac=frac)[ts:ts*2, 1] vals_sm[:, lat, lon] = ys except: msg = 'failed for lat %s lon %s' % (lat, lon) LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) LOGGER.debug('done for %s - %s ' % (lat, lon)) vals[:, :, :] = vals_sm[:, :, :] ds.close()'smothing of annual cycle done') except: msg = 'failed smothing of annual cycle' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: ip, nc_anomal = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.nc') try: nc_anomal = cdo.sub(input=[nc_file, nc_anual_cycle], output=nc_anomal)'cdo.sub; anomalisation done: %s ' % nc_anomal) except: # bug cdo: ip3, nc_in1 = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.nc') ip4, nc_in2 = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.nc') ip5, nc_out = mkstemp(dir='.', suffix='.nc') nc_in1 = cdo.selvar(variable, input=nc_file, output=nc_in1) nc_in2 = cdo.selvar(variable, input=nc_anual_cycle, output=nc_in2) nc_out = cdo.sub(input=[nc_in1, nc_in2], output=nc_out) nc_anomal = nc_out except: msg = 'failed substraction of annual cycle' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) return nc_anomal
def write_output(wdir, model, file_list, varlist): """Write auxiliary variables to new NC files, write new attributes. Arguments: - wdir: the work directory where the outputs are stored; - model: the name of the model; - file_list: the list containing the input fields; - varlist: a list containing the variables to be written to NC files, i.e. tlcl (the temperature at the LCL), t_z (the temperature at the boundary layer top), htop (the height of the boundary layer top); their dimensions are as (time, lat, lon); Author: Valerio Lembo, University of Hamburg (2019). """ import fourier_coefficients cdo = Cdo() fourc = fourier_coefficients dataset = Dataset(file_list[0]) ztlcl = varlist[0] t_z = varlist[1] htop = varlist[2] tlcl_temp = wdir + '/' removeif(tlcl_temp) with Dataset(tlcl_temp, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as w_nc_fid: w_nc_fid.description = ( "Monthly mean LCL temperature from {} model. ".format(model), "Calculated by Thermodynamics model diagnostics ", "in ESMValTool. Author Valerio Lembo, ", "Meteorologisches Institut, Universitaet ", "Hamburg.") with Dataset(file_list[0]) as dataset: fourc.extr_time(dataset, w_nc_fid) fourc.extr_lat(dataset, w_nc_fid, 'lat') fourc.extr_lon(dataset, w_nc_fid) w_nc_var = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'tlcl', 'f8', ('time', 'lat', 'lon')) w_nc_var.setncatts({ 'long_name': "LCL Temperature", 'units': "K", 'level_desc': "surface", 'var_desc': ("LCL temperature from LCL ", "height (Magnus formulas and dry ", "adiabatic lapse ratio)"), 'statistic': 'monthly mean' }) w_nc_fid.variables['tlcl'][:] = ztlcl tabl_temp = wdir + '/' removeif(tabl_temp) with Dataset(tabl_temp, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as w_nc_fid: w_nc_fid.description = ( "Monthly mean BL top temperature for {} model. ".format(model), "Calculated by Thermodynamics model diagnostics ", "in ESMValTool. Author Valerio ", "Lembo, Meteorologisches Institut, ", "Universitaet Hamburg.") with Dataset(file_list[0]) as dataset_tabl: fourc.extr_time(dataset_tabl, w_nc_fid) fourc.extr_lat(dataset_tabl, w_nc_fid, 'lat') fourc.extr_lon(dataset_tabl, w_nc_fid) w_nc_var = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'tabl', 'f8', ('time', 'lat', 'lon')) w_nc_var.setncatts({ 'long_name': "Temperature at BL top", 'units': "K", 'level_desc': "surface", 'var_desc': ("Temperature at the Boundary Layer ", "top, from boundary layer thickness and ", "barometric equation"), 'statistic': 'monthly mean' }) w_nc_fid.variables['tabl'][:] = t_z htop_temp = wdir + '/' removeif(htop_temp) with Dataset(htop_temp, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as w_nc_fid: w_nc_fid.description = ( "Monthly mean height of the BL top for {} model. ".format(model), "Calculated by Thermodynamics model diagnostics ", "in ESMValTool. Author Valerio ", "Lembo, Meteorologisches Institut, ", "Universitaet Hamburg.") with Dataset(file_list[0]) as dataset_htop: fourc.extr_time(dataset_htop, w_nc_fid) fourc.extr_lat(dataset_htop, w_nc_fid, 'lat') fourc.extr_lon(dataset_htop, w_nc_fid) w_nc_var = w_nc_fid.createVariable( 'htop', 'f8', ('time', 'lat', 'lon')) w_nc_var.setncatts({ 'long_name': "Height at BL top", 'units': "m", 'level_desc': "surface", 'var_desc': ("Height at the Boundary Layer top, ", "from boundary layer thickness and ", "barometric equation"), 'statistic': 'monthly mean' }) w_nc_fid.variables['htop'][:] = htop tlcl_file = wdir + '/{}'.format(model) cdo.setrtomiss('400,1e36', input=tlcl_temp, output=tlcl_file) tabl_file = wdir + '/{}'.format(model) cdo.setrtomiss('400,1e36', input=tabl_temp, output=tabl_file) htop_file = wdir + '/{}'.format(model) cdo.setrtomiss('12000,1e36', input=htop_temp, output=htop_file) os.remove(tlcl_temp) os.remove(tabl_temp) os.remove(htop_temp) return htop_file, tabl_file, tlcl_file
def test_combine(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) cdo.debug = DEBUG stdatm = cdo.stdatm("0", options="-f nc") stdatm_ = cdo.stdatm("0", options="-f nc")
def test_returnMaArray(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) cdo.debug = DEBUG topo = cdo.topo(options='-f nc', returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual(-1890.0, round(topo.mean())) bathy = cdo.setrtomiss(0, 10000, input=cdo.topo(options='-f nc'), returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual(-3386.0, round(bathy.mean())) oro = cdo.setrtomiss(-10000, 0, input=cdo.topo(options='-f nc'), returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual(1142.0, round(oro.mean())) bathy = cdo.remapnn('r2x2', input=cdo.topo(options='-f nc'), returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual(-4298.0, bathy[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(-2669.0, bathy[0, 1]) ta = cdo.remapnn('r2x2', input=cdo.topo(options='-f nc')) tb = cdo.subc(-2669.0, input=ta) withMask = cdo.div(input=ta + " " + tb, returnMaArray='topo') self.assertEqual('--', withMask[0, 1].__str__()) self.assertEqual(False, withMask.mask[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(False, withMask.mask[1, 0]) self.assertEqual(False, withMask.mask[1, 1]) self.assertEqual(True, withMask.mask[0, 1])
def input_data(wdir, file_list): """Manipulate input fields and read datasets. Arguments: - wdir: the working directory path; - file_list: the list of file containing ts, hus, ps, uas, vas, hfss, te; Author: Valerio Lembo, University of Hamburg, 2019 """ cdo = Cdo() ts_file = file_list[0] #removeif(ts_miss_file) #cdo.setctomiss('0', input=file_list[0], output=ts_miss_file) hus_file = file_list[1] #removeif(hus_miss_file) #cdo.setctomiss('0', input=file_list[1], output=hus_miss_file) ps_file = file_list[2] #removeif(ps_miss_file) #cdo.setctomiss('0', input=file_list[2], output=ps_miss_file) #vv_missfile = wdir + '/' #removeif(vv_missfile) vv_file = wdir + '/' #removeif(vv_file) cdo.sqrt( input='-add -sqr {} -sqr {}'.format(file_list[3], file_list[4]), options='-b F32', output=vv_file) #cdo.setctomiss('0', input=vv_file, output=vv_missfile) #os.remove(vv_file) hfss_file = file_list[5] #removeif(hfss_miss_file) #cdo.setctomiss('0', input=file_list[5], output=hfss_miss_file) te_file = file_list[6] #removeif(te_miss_file) #cdo.setctomiss('0', input=file_list[6], output=te_miss_file) with Dataset(ts_file) as dataset: t_s = dataset.variables['ts'][:, :, :] with Dataset(hus_file) as dataset: hus = dataset.variables['hus'][:, :, :, :] lev = dataset.variables['plev'][:] with Dataset(ps_file) as dataset: p_s = dataset.variables['ps'][:, :, :] with Dataset(vv_file) as dataset: vv_hor = dataset.variables['uas'][:, :, :] with Dataset(hfss_file) as dataset: hfss = dataset.variables['hfss'][:, :, :] with Dataset(te_file) as dataset: t_e = dataset.variables['rlut'][:, :, :] huss = hus[:, 0, :, :] huss = np.where(lev[0] >= p_s, huss, 0.) nlev = len(lev) for l_l in range(nlev): aux = hus[:, l_l, :, :] aux = np.where((p_s >= lev[l_l]), aux, 0.) huss = huss + aux #remove_files = [ #ts_file, hus_file, ps_file, vv_file, hfss_file, #te_file #] #for filen in remove_files: # os.remove(filen) return hfss, huss, p_s, t_e, t_s, vv_hor
def get_model_data_generic(self, interval='season', **kwargs): """ unique parameters are: filename - file basename variable - name of the variable as the short_name in the netcdf file kwargs is a dictionary with keys for each model. Then a dictionary with properties follows """ if not self.type in kwargs.keys(): print '' print 'WARNING: it is not possible to get data using generic function, as method missing: ', self.type, kwargs.keys( ) assert False locdict = kwargs[self.type] # read settings and details from the keyword arguments # no defaults; everything should be explicitely specified in either the config file or the dictionaries varname = locdict.pop('variable', None) #~ print self.type #~ print locdict.keys() assert varname is not None, 'ERROR: provide varname!' units = locdict.pop('unit', None) assert units is not None, 'ERROR: provide unit!' lat_name = locdict.pop('lat_name', 'lat') lon_name = locdict.pop('lon_name', 'lon') model_suffix = locdict.pop('model_suffix', None) model_prefix = locdict.pop('model_prefix', None) file_format = locdict.pop('file_format') scf = locdict.pop('scale_factor') valid_mask = locdict.pop('valid_mask') custom_path = locdict.pop('custom_path', None) thelevel = locdict.pop('level', None) target_grid = self._actplot_options['targetgrid'] interpolation = self._actplot_options['interpolation'] if custom_path is None: filename1 = self.get_raw_filename( varname, **kwargs) # routine needs to be implemented by each subclass else: filename1 = custom_path + self.get_raw_filename(varname, **kwargs) if filename1 is None: print_log(WARNING, 'No valid model input data') return None force_calc = False if self.start_time is None: raise ValueError('Start time needs to be specified') if self.stop_time is None: raise ValueError('Stop time needs to be specified') #/// PREPROCESSING /// cdo = Cdo() s_start_time = str(self.start_time)[0:10] s_stop_time = str(self.stop_time)[0:10] #1) select timeperiod and generate monthly mean file if target_grid == 't63grid': gridtok = 'T63' else: gridtok = 'SPECIAL_GRID' file_monthly = filename1[: -3] + '_' + s_start_time + '_' + s_stop_time + '_' + gridtok + '' # target filename file_monthly = get_temporary_directory() + os.path.basename( file_monthly) sys.stdout.write('\n *** Model file monthly: %s\n' % file_monthly) if not os.path.exists(filename1): print 'WARNING: File not existing: ' + filename1 return None cdo.monmean(options='-f nc', output=file_monthly, input='-' + interpolation + ',' + target_grid + ' -seldate,' + s_start_time + ',' + s_stop_time + ' ' + filename1, force=force_calc) sys.stdout.write('\n *** Reading model data... \n') sys.stdout.write(' Interval: ' + interval + '\n') #2) calculate monthly or seasonal climatology if interval == 'monthly': mdata_clim_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' mdata_sum_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' mdata_N_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' mdata_clim_std_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' cdo.ymonmean(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_clim_file, input=file_monthly, force=force_calc) cdo.ymonsum(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_sum_file, input=file_monthly, force=force_calc) cdo.ymonstd(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_clim_std_file, input=file_monthly, force=force_calc) cdo.div(options='-f nc', output=mdata_N_file, input=mdata_sum_file + ' ' + mdata_clim_file, force=force_calc) # number of samples elif interval == 'season': mdata_clim_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' mdata_sum_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' mdata_N_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' mdata_clim_std_file = file_monthly[:-3] + '' cdo.yseasmean(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_clim_file, input=file_monthly, force=force_calc) cdo.yseassum(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_sum_file, input=file_monthly, force=force_calc) cdo.yseasstd(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_clim_std_file, input=file_monthly, force=force_calc) cdo.div(options='-f nc -b 32', output=mdata_N_file, input=mdata_sum_file + ' ' + mdata_clim_file, force=force_calc) # number of samples else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown temporal interval. Can not perform preprocessing!') if not os.path.exists(mdata_clim_file): return None #3) read data if interval == 'monthly': thetime_cylce = 12 elif interval == 'season': thetime_cylce = 4 else: print interval raise ValueError('Unsupported interval!') mdata = Data(mdata_clim_file, varname, read=True, label=self._unique_name, unit=units, lat_name=lat_name, lon_name=lon_name, shift_lon=False, scale_factor=scf, level=thelevel, time_cycle=thetime_cylce) mdata_std = Data(mdata_clim_std_file, varname, read=True, label=self._unique_name + ' std', unit='-', lat_name=lat_name, lon_name=lon_name, shift_lon=False, level=thelevel, time_cycle=thetime_cylce) mdata.std = del mdata_std mdata_N = Data(mdata_N_file, varname, read=True, label=self._unique_name + ' std', unit='-', lat_name=lat_name, lon_name=lon_name, shift_lon=False, scale_factor=scf, level=thelevel) mdata.n = del mdata_N # ensure that climatology always starts with January, therefore set date and then sort mdata.adjust_time(year=1700, day=15) # set arbitrary time for climatology mdata.timsort() #4) read monthly data mdata_all = Data(file_monthly, varname, read=True, label=self._unique_name, unit=units, lat_name=lat_name, lon_name=lon_name, shift_lon=False, time_cycle=12, scale_factor=scf, level=thelevel) mdata_all.adjust_time(day=15) #mask_antarctica masks everything below 60 degrees S. #here we only mask Antarctica, if only LAND points shall be used if valid_mask == 'land': mask_antarctica = True elif valid_mask == 'ocean': mask_antarctica = False else: mask_antarctica = False if target_grid == 't63grid': mdata._apply_mask( get_T63_landseamask(False, area=valid_mask, mask_antarctica=mask_antarctica)) mdata_all._apply_mask( get_T63_landseamask(False, area=valid_mask, mask_antarctica=mask_antarctica)) else: tmpmsk = get_generic_landseamask(False, area=valid_mask, target_grid=target_grid, mask_antarctica=mask_antarctica) mdata._apply_mask(tmpmsk) mdata_all._apply_mask(tmpmsk) del tmpmsk mdata_mean = mdata_all.fldmean() mdata._raw_filename = filename1 mdata._monthly_filename = file_monthly mdata._clim_filename = mdata_clim_file mdata._varname = varname # return data as a tuple list retval = (mdata_all.time, mdata_mean, mdata_all) del mdata_all return mdata, retval
def init_mkthe_direntr(model, wdir, filedict, te_file, flags): """Compute the MEP with the direct method. Arguments: --------- model: the model name; wdir: the working directory where the outputs are stored; filedict: a dictionary of file names containing the input fields; te_file: a file containing the emission temperature computed from OLR; flags: (wat: a flag for the water mass budget module (y or n), entr: a flag for the material entropy production (y or n); met: a flag for the material entropy production method (1: indirect, 2, direct, 3: both); evap: a flag for the evaporation flux); Returns: ------- A list of files containing the components of the MEP with the direct method. """ cdo = Cdo() met = flags[3] if met in {'2', '3'}: evspsbl_file, prr_file = wfluxes(model, wdir, filedict, flags) hfss_file = filedict['/hfss_'] hus_file = filedict['/hus_'] ps_file = filedict['/ps_'] ts_file = filedict['/ts_'] uas_file = filedict['/uas_'] vas_file = filedict['/vas_'] uasmn_file = wdir + '/{}'.format(model) uasmn_file = mon_from_day(wdir, model, 'uas', uas_file) uas_file = uasmn_file vasmn_file = wdir + '/{}'.format(model) vasmn_file = mon_from_day(wdir, model, 'vas', vas_file) vas_file = vasmn_file mk_list = [ ts_file, hus_file, ps_file, uas_file, vas_file, hfss_file, te_file ] htop_file, tabl_file, tlcl_file = mkthe_main(wdir, mk_list, model) # Working temperatures for the hydrological cycle tcloud_file = (wdir + '/{}'.format(model)) removeif(tcloud_file) cdo.mulc('0.5', input='-add {} {}'.format(tlcl_file, te_file), options='-b F32', output=tcloud_file) tcolumn_file = (wdir + '/{}'.format(model)) removeif(tcolumn_file) cdo.mulc('0.5', input='-add {} {}'.format(ts_file, tcloud_file), options='-b F32', output=tcolumn_file) # Working temperatures for the kin. en. diss. (updated) tasvert_file = (wdir + '/{}'.format(model)) removeif(tasvert_file) cdo.fldmean(input='-mulc,0.5 -add {} {}'.format(ts_file, tabl_file), options='-b F32', output=tasvert_file) aux_files = [ evspsbl_file, htop_file, prr_file, tabl_file, tasvert_file, tcloud_file, tcolumn_file, tlcl_file ] else: aux_files = [] return aux_files
levels = 0 positive = "up" long_name = "GEOS-Chem levels" axis = "Z" """) # # Initialize the CDO Library and Prepare Command # # * Initialization is easy # * You may get a warning # # In[ ]: from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() # cdo.CDO = '/work/ROMO/anaconda3/envs/geo/bin/cdo # # Now Configure the CDO Command # # cmd has 5 parts (run and described in bottom-to-top order) # # * Set the vertical axis, # * rename TSTEP axis to time, remove TFLAG, set the time # * convert from tons/year to tons/s, tons/m2/s, then kg/m2/s # * Set units to mass fluxes # * Set grid to LCC and Regrid to the lon/lat grid # # In[ ]:
def method_A(resource=[], start=None, end=None, timeslice=20, variable=None, title=None, cmap='seismic'): """returns the result :param resource: list of paths to netCDF files :param start: beginning of reference period (if None (default), the first year of the consistent ensemble will be detected) :param end: end of comparison period (if None (default), the last year of the consistent ensemble will be detected) :param timeslice: period length for mean calculation of reference and comparison period :param variable: variable name to be detected in the netCDF file. If not set (not recommended), the variable name will be detected :param title: str to be used as title for the signal mal :param cmap: define the color scheme for signal map plotting :return:,,, graphic.png, text.txt """ from os.path import split from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() cdo.forceOutput = True try: # preparing the resource file_dic = sort_by_filename(resource, historical_concatination=True)'file names sorted experimets: %s' % len(file_dic.keys())) except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to sort the input files' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: mergefiles = [] for key in file_dic.keys(): if type(file_dic[key]) == list and len(file_dic[key]) > 1: input = [] for i in file_dic[key]: input.extend([i.replace(' ', '\\\ ')]) mergefiles.append( cdo.mergetime(input=input, output=key + '')) else: mergefiles.extend(file_dic[key])'datasets merged %s ' % mergefiles) except Exception as e: msg = 'seltime and mergetime failed %s' % e logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(e) try: text_src = open('infiles.txt', 'a') for key in file_dic.keys(): text_src.write(key + '\n') text_src.close() except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to write source textfile' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) # configure reference and compare period try: if start is None: st_set = set() en_set = set() for f in mergefiles: times = get_time(f) st_set.update([times[0].year]) if end is None: en_set.update([times[-1].year]) start = max(st_set) if end is None: end = min(en_set)'Start and End: %s - %s ' % (start, end)) if start >= end: logger.error( 'ensemble is inconsistent!!! start year is later than end year' ) except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to detect start and end times of the ensemble' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) # set the periodes: try: start = int(start) end = int(end) if timeslice is None: timeslice = int((end - start) / 3) if timeslice == 0: timeslice = 1 else: timeslice = int(timeslice) start1 = start start2 = start1 + timeslice - 1 end1 = end - timeslice + 1 end2 = end'timeslice and periodes set') except Exception as e: msg = 'failed to set the periodes' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: files = [] for i, mf in enumerate(mergefiles): files.append( cdo.selyear('{0}/{1}'.format(start1, end2), input=[mf.replace(' ', '\ ')], output='file_{0}'.format(i))) # python version'timeseries selected from defined start to end year') except Exception as e: msg = 'seltime and mergetime failed' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: # ensemble mean nc_ensmean = cdo.ensmean(input=files, output='')'ensemble mean calculation done') except Exception as e: msg = 'ensemble mean failed' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: # ensemble std nc_ensstd = cdo.ensstd(input=files, output='')'ensemble std and calculation done') except Exception as e: msg = 'ensemble std or failed' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) # get the get the signal as difference from the beginning (first years) and end period (last years), : try: selyearstart = cdo.selyear('%s/%s' % (start1, start2), input=nc_ensmean, output='') selyearend = cdo.selyear('%s/%s' % (end1, end2), input=nc_ensmean, output='') meanyearst = cdo.timmean(input=selyearstart, output='') meanyearend = cdo.timmean(input=selyearend, output='') signal = cdo.sub(input=[meanyearend, meanyearst], output='')'Signal calculation done') except Exception as e: msg = 'calculation of signal failed' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) # get the intermodel standard deviation (mean over whole period) try: # std_selyear = cdo.selyear('%s/%s' % (end1,end2), input=nc_ensstd, output='') # std = cdo.timmean(input = std_selyear, output = '') std = cdo.timmean(input=nc_ensstd, output='') std2 = cdo.mulc('2', input=std, output='')'calculation of internal model std for time period done') except Exception as e: msg = 'calculation of internal model std failed' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: absolut = cdo.abs(input=signal, output='') high_agreement_mask = input=[absolut, std2], output='') low_agreement_mask = input=[absolut, std], output='')'high and low mask done') except Exception as e: msg = 'calculation of robustness mask failed' logger.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: if variable is None: variable = get_variable(signal)'variable to be plotted: %s' % variable) if title is None: title = 'Change of %s (difference of mean %s-%s to %s-%s)' % ( variable, end1, end2, start1, start2) graphic = None graphic = map_ensembleRobustness(signal, high_agreement_mask, low_agreement_mask, variable=variable, cmap=cmap, title=title)'graphic generated') except Exception as e: msg('graphic generation failed: %s' % e) logger.debug(msg) raise Exception(msg) return signal, low_agreement_mask, high_agreement_mask, graphic, text_src #
def remove_mean_trend(fana, varname): """ Removing the smooth trend from 3D netcdf file """ if type(fana) == list: fana = fana[0] backup_ana = 'orig_mod_' + path.basename(fana) cdo = Cdo(env=environ) # create backup of input file # Again, an issue with cdo versioning. # TODO: Fix CDO versioning workaround... try: cdo_cp = getattr(cdo, 'copy') cdo_cp(input=fana, output=backup_ana) except: if (path.isfile(backup_ana) == False): com = 'copy' comcdo = 'cdo -O %s %s %s' % (com, fana, backup_ana) system(comcdo) else: backup_ana = 'None' # create fmana - mean field fmana = '' % uuid.uuid1() cdo_op = getattr(cdo, 'fldmean') cdo_op(input=fana, output=fmana) mean_arc_dataset = Dataset(fmana) mean_arcvar = mean_arc_dataset.variables[varname][:] data = mean_arcvar[:, 0, 0] mean_arc_dataset.close() x = np.linspace(0, len(data) - 1, len(data)) y = data # Very slow method. # TODO: sub by fast one # (there is one in R, but doesn't want to add R to analogs...) spl = UnivariateSpline(x, y) smf = (len(y)) * np.var(y) spl.set_smoothing_factor(smf) trend = np.zeros(len(y), dtype=np.float) trend[:] = spl(x) # orig_arc_dataset = Dataset(fana,'r+') orig_arc_dataset = Dataset(fana, 'a') orig_arcvar = orig_arc_dataset.variables.pop(varname) orig_data = orig_arcvar[:] det = np.zeros(np.shape(orig_data), dtype=np.float) det = (orig_data.T - trend).T orig_arcvar[:] = det at = {k: orig_arcvar.getncattr(k) for k in orig_arcvar.ncattrs()} maxat = np.max(det) minat = np.min(det) act = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.float32) valid = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.float32) act[0] = minat act[1] = maxat valid[0] = minat - abs(0.2 * minat) valid[1] = maxat + abs(0.2 * maxat) act_attr = {} val_attr = {} act_attr['actual_range'] = act val_attr['valid_range'] = valid orig_arcvar.setncatts(act_attr) orig_arcvar.setncatts(val_attr) orig_arc_dataset.close() return backup_ana
def test_listAllOperators(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) operators = cdo.operators operators.sort()
.format(mips[exper], exper, key)) modelss = df_experkey.source_id.unique() modelss = modelss[modelss != 'NorCPM1'] modelss = modelss[modelss != 'MCM-UA-1-0'] for model in modelss: print(model) os.system("mkdir -p {}/AImelt/CMIP_6/{}/{}/{}".format( scratchdir, exper, key, model)) dltab = df_experkey.query("source_id=='{}'".format(model)) for ens in range(len(dltab.zstore.values)): zstore = dltab.zstore.values[ens] mapper = gcs.get_mapper(zstore) ds = xr.open_zarr(mapper, consolidated=True) ds.to_netcdf("/glade/scratch/raymonds/temp/") ds = Cdo().seasavg( input="/glade/scratch/raymonds/temp/", returnXDataset=True) ds = ds.sel(time=ds["time.season"] == "JJA") attrs = ds.attrs if key == 'zg': plev = np.abs(ds.plev.values - 50000.0) p = np.argmin(plev) ds = ds[key] ds = ds[:, p, :, :] ds = ds.to_dataset() ds.attrs = attrs ds.encoding["unlimited_dims"] = "time" else: ds = ds[key] ds = ds.to_dataset()
def test_chain(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) ofile = cdo.setname("veloc", input=" -copy -random,r1x1", options="-f nc") self.assertEqual(["veloc"], cdo.showname(input=ofile))
gridded data. """ from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date from cdo import Cdo from nco import Nco import as ccrs import cartopy.feature as cfeature import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import xarray as xr import sys import metpy.calc as mpcalc from metpy.interpolate import cross_section cdo = Cdo() cdo.timmean(input='', output='') nco = Nco() nco.ncwa(input='', output='', options=['-a', 'bnds']) nco.ncks(input='', output='', options=['-C', '-O', '-x', '-v', 'time_bnds']) cdo.timmean(input='', output='') nco.ncwa(input='', output='', options=['-a', 'bnds']) nco.ncks(input='', output='', options=['-C', '-O', '-x', '-v', 'time_bnds']) fFile = Dataset('', 'r') rhum = fFile.variables['rhum'][:]
def test_forceOutput(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) cdo.debug = DEBUG outs = [] # tempfiles outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20")) outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20")) self.assertNotEqual(outs[0], outs[1]) outs = [] # deticated output, force = true (=defaut setting) ofile = 'test_force' outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20", output=ofile)) mtime0 = os.stat(ofile).st_mtime #to make it compatible with systems providing no nanos. import time time.sleep(1) outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20", output=ofile)) mtime1 = os.stat(ofile).st_mtime self.assertNotEqual(mtime0, mtime1) self.assertEqual(outs[0], outs[1]) os.remove(ofile) outs = [] # dedicated output, force = false ofile = 'test_force_false' outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20", output=ofile, force=False)) mtime0 = os.stat(outs[0]).st_mtime outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20", output=ofile, force=False)) mtime1 = os.stat(outs[1]).st_mtime self.assertEqual(mtime0, mtime1) self.assertEqual(outs[0], outs[1]) os.remove(ofile) outs = [] # dedicated output, global force setting ofile = 'test_force_global' cdo.forceOutput = False outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20", output=ofile)) mtime0 = os.stat(outs[0]).st_mtime outs.append(cdo.stdatm("0,10,20", output=ofile)) mtime1 = os.stat(outs[1]).st_mtime self.assertEqual(mtime0, mtime1) self.assertEqual(outs[0], outs[1]) os.remove(ofile) outs = []
def get_generic_landseamask(shift_lon, mask_antarctica=True, area='land', interpolation_method='remapnn', target_grid='t63grid', force=False): """ get generic land/sea mask. The routine uses the CDO command 'topo' to generate a 0.5 degree land/sea mask and remaps this using nearest neighbor to the target grid NOTE: using inconsistent land/sea masks between datasets can result in considerable biases. Note also that the application of l/s mask is dependent on the spatial resolution This routine implements a VERY simple approach, but assuming that all areas >0 m height are land and the rest is ocean. Parameters ---------- shift_lon : bool specifies if longitudes shall be shifted interpolation_method : str specifies the interpolation method that shall be used for remapping the 0.5degree data to the target grid. This can be any of ['remapnn','remapcon', 'remapbil'] target_grid : str specifies target grid to interpolate to as similar to CDO remap functions. This can be either a string or a filename which includes valid geometry information force : bool force calculation (removes previous file) = slower area : str ['land','ocean']. When 'land', then the mask returned is True on land pixels, for ocean it is vice versa. in any other case, you get a valid field everywhere (globally) mask_antarctica : bool mask antarctica; if True, then the mask is FALSE over Antarctice (<60S) Returns ------- returns a Data object """ print('WARNING: Automatic generation of land/sea mask. \ Ensure that this is what you want!') cdo = Cdo() #/// construct output filename. #If a filename was given for the grid, replace path separators /// target_grid1 = target_grid.replace(os.sep, '_') outputfile = get_temporary_directory() + 'land_sea_fractions_' \ + interpolation_method + '_' + target_grid1 + '.nc' print 'outfile: ', outputfile print 'cmd: ', '-remapnn,' + target_grid + ' -topo' #/// interpolate data to grid using CDO /// cdo.monmean(options='-f nc', output=outputfile, input='-remapnn,' + target_grid + ' -topo', force=force) #/// generate L/S mask from topography (land = height > 0. ls_mask = Data(outputfile, 'topo', read=True, label='generic land-sea mask', lat_name='lat', lon_name='lon', shift_lon=shift_lon) print('Land/sea mask can be found on file: %s' % outputfile) if area == 'land': msk = > 0. # gives land elif area == 'ocean': msk = <= 0. else: msk = np.ones('bool')[~msk] = 0.[msk] = 1. ='bool') #/// mask Antarctica if desired /// if mask_antarctica:[ < -60.] = False # ensure that also the mask attribute is set properly ls_mask._apply_mask(~msk) return ls_mask
def test_cdf_mod(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) cdo.setReturnArray() print('cdo.cdfMod:' + cdo.cdfMod) self.assertEqual(cdo.cdfMod, CDF_MOD)
from utils import get_variable, get_values, get_time import config import os from os.path import join, basename from shutil import copyfile import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger("PYWPS") from cdo import Cdo cdo_version = Cdo().version() cdo = Cdo(env=os.environ) import pandas def select_run_tokeep(f_xhist, f_xrcp, f_yhist, f_yrcp): run_xrcp = [basename(f).split("_")[4] for f in f_xrcp] run_xhist = [basename(f).split("_")[4] for f in f_xhist] run_yrcp = [basename(f).split("_")[4] for f in f_yrcp] run_yhist = [basename(f).split("_")[4] for f in f_yhist] rset_xrcp = set(run_xrcp) rset_xhist = set(run_xhist) rset_yrcp = set(run_yrcp) rset_yhist = set(run_yhist) rset_all = set(run_xhist + run_xrcp + run_yhist + run_yrcp) rset_others = [rset_xhist, rset_yrcp, rset_yhist] run_tokeep = rset_xrcp.intersection(*rset_others) return run_tokeep
def test_output_set_to_none(self): cdo = Cdo(cdfMod=CDF_MOD) self.assertEqual(str, type(cdo.topo(output=None))) self.assertEqual( "GRIB", cdo.sinfov(input="-topo", output=None)[0].split(' ')[-1])
def test_cdo_general(self): # test if cdos work in general cdo = Cdo()