def delete_environment(self, name, cascade=False, force=False): if cascade: self.sdk.throw_warning(CdpWarning('Cascading Environment deletions currently not supported')) if force: self.sdk.throw_warning(CdpWarning('Forced Environment deletions currently not supported')) return svc='environments', func='delete_environment', ret_field='environment', environmentName=name )
def sync_users(self, environments=None): if isinstance(environments, list): if len(environments) == 0: environments = None elif isinstance(environments, str): environments = [environments] else: self.sdk.throw_error( CdpError( "environments must be a list of one or more strings or a string" )) resp ='environments', func='sync_all_users', ret_error=True, environmentNames=environments) if isinstance(resp, CdpError): if resp.error_code == 'CONFLICT': operation_match = self.sdk.regex_search( self.sdk.OPERATION_REGEX, str(resp.violations)) if operation_match is not None: existing_op_id = if not self.sdk.strict_errors: self.sdk.throw_warning( CdpWarning( 'Sync All Users Operation already running, tracking existing job {0}' .format(existing_op_id))) return self.get_sync_status(existing_op_id) self.sdk.throw_error(resp) return resp
def create_aws_credential(self, name, role, description, retries=3, delay=2): resp = svc='environments', func='create_aws_credential', ret_error=True, squelch=[ Squelch(field='violations', value='Credential already exists with name', warning='Credential with this name already exists', default=None)], credentialName=name, roleArn=role, description=description ) if isinstance(resp, CdpError): if retries > 0: consistency_violations = [ 'Unable to verify credential', 'sts:AssumeRole', 'You are not authorized' ] if any(x in resp.violations['message'] for x in consistency_violations): retries = retries - 1 self.sdk.throw_warning( CdpWarning('Got likely AWS IAM eventual consistency error [%s], %d retries left...' % (resp.violations['message'], retries)) ) self.sdk.sleep(delay) return self.create_aws_credential(name, role, description, retries, delay) else: self.sdk.throw_error(resp) return resp
def create_aws_environment(self, **kwargs): # TODO: Rework with named kwargs resp = svc='environments', func='create_aws_environment', ret_field='environment', ret_error=True, **kwargs ) if isinstance(resp, CdpError): if resp.error_code == 'INVALID_ARGUMENT': if 'constraintViolations' not in resp.violations: resp.update(message="Received violation warning:\n%s" % self.sdk.dumps(resp.violations)) self.sdk.throw_warning(CdpWarning(resp.violations['message'])) self.sdk.throw_error(resp) return resp
def describe_environment(self, name): resp = svc='environments', func='describe_environment', ret_field='environment', ret_error=True, environmentName=name ) if isinstance(resp, CdpError): if resp.error_code == 'NOT_FOUND': # Describe will fail in certain fault scenarios early in Environment creation # We helpfully provide the summary listing as a backup set of information # If the environment truly does not exist, then this will give the same response self.sdk.throw_warning(CdpWarning(resp.violations['message'])) return self.summarize_environment(name) self.sdk.throw_error(resp) return resp
def resolve_service_crn_from_name(self, name, only_enabled=True): listing = self.list_services(only_enabled=only_enabled, name=name) # More than one DF Service may exist with a given name if it was previously uncleanly deleted if len(listing) == 1: return listing[0]['crn'] elif len(listing) == 0: self.sdk.throw_warning( CdpWarning("No DataFlow Service found matching name %s" % name)) return None else: self.sdk.throw_error( CdpError("Multiple DataFlow Services found matching name %s" % name))
def create_azure_credential(self, name, subscription, tenant, application, secret, retries=3, delay=5): resp = svc='environments', func='create_azure_credential', ret_error=True, squelch=[ Squelch(field='violations', value='Credential already exists with name', warning='Credential with this name already exists', default=None) ], credentialName=name, subscriptionId=subscription, tenantId=tenant, appBased={ 'applicationId': application, 'secretKey': secret }) if isinstance(resp, CdpError): if retries > 0: consistency_violations = [ 'You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant' ] if any(x in str(resp.violations) for x in consistency_violations): retries = retries - 1 self.sdk.throw_warning( CdpWarning( 'Got likely Azure eventual consistency error [%s], %d retries left...' % (str(resp.violations), retries))) self.sdk.sleep(delay) return self.create_azure_credential( name, subscription, tenant, application, secret, retries, delay) else: self.sdk.throw_error(resp) return resp
def list_cluster_templates(self, retries=3, delay=5): # Intermittent timeout issue in CDP 7.2.10, should be reverted to bare listing in 7.2.12 resp ='datahub', func='list_cluster_templates', ret_field='clusterTemplates', ret_error=True) if isinstance(resp, CdpError): if retries > 0: if str(resp.status_code ) == '500' and resp.error_code == 'UNKNOWN': retries = retries - 1 self.sdk.throw_warning( CdpWarning( 'Got likely CDP Control Plane eventual consistency error, %d retries left...' % (retries))) self.sdk.sleep(delay) return self.list_cluster_templates(retries, delay) else: self.sdk.throw_error(resp) return resp
def get_version_crn_from_flow_definition(self, flow_name, version=None): summary_list = self.list_flow_definitions(name=flow_name) if summary_list: if len(summary_list) == 1: flow_def = summary_list[0] kind = flow_def['artifactType'] if kind == 'flow': detail = self.describe_customflow(flow_def['crn']) elif kind == 'readyFlow': detail = self.describe_added_readyflow(flow_def['crn']) else: detail = None self.sdk.throw_error( CdpError("DataFlow Definition type not supported %s" % kind)) if version is None: # versions are sorted descending by default return detail['versions'][0]['crn'] else: out = [ x for x in detail['versions'] if x['version'] == version ] if out: return out[0]['crn'] else: self.sdk.throw_error( CdpError( "Could not find version %d for DataFlow Definition named %s" % (version, flow_name))) else: self.sdk.throw_error( CdpError( "More than one DataFlow Definition found for name %s" % flow_name)) else: self.sdk.throw_warning( CdpWarning("DataFlow Definition not found for name %s" % flow_name))