예제 #1
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: varda/varda
def import_coverage(coverage_id):
    Import coverage as regions.
    logger.info('Started task: import_coverage(%d)', coverage_id)

    current_task.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'percentage': 0})

    coverage = Coverage.query.get(coverage_id)
    if coverage is None:
        raise TaskError('coverage_not_found', 'Coverage not found')

    if coverage.task_done:
        raise TaskError('coverage_imported', 'Coverage already imported')

    # If running eagerly, task id cannot have been stored yet. But perhaps
    # this is not a good check anyway...
    if (not current_task.request.is_eager and coverage.task_uuid
            and coverage.task_uuid != current_task.request.id):
        raise TaskError('coverage_importing', 'Coverage is being imported '
                        'by another task instance')

    data_source = coverage.data_source

    # Calculate data digest if it is not yet known.
    if not data_source.checksum:
        with data_source.data() as data:
            data_source.checksum, data_source.records = digest(data)

    # Check if checksum is not in imported data sources.
    if DataSource.query.filter_by(checksum=data_source.checksum
                                                             ).count() > 0:
        raise TaskError('duplicate_data_source',
                        'Identical data source already imported')

    def delete_regions():
    current_task.register_cleanup(current_task.request.id, delete_regions)

    # In case we are retrying after a failed import, delete any existing
    # regions for this coverage.

        data = data_source.data()
    except DataUnavailable as e:
        raise TaskError(e.code, e.message)

        with data as regions:
            old_percentage = -1
            for i, (record, chromosome, begin, end) \
                    in enumerate(read_regions(regions,
                percentage = min(int(record / data_source.records * 100), 99)
                if percentage > old_percentage:
                                              meta={'percentage': percentage})
                    old_percentage = percentage
                db.session.add(Region(coverage, chromosome, begin, end))
                if i % DB_BUFFER_SIZE == DB_BUFFER_SIZE - 1:
    except ReadError as e:
        raise TaskError('invalid_regions', str(e))

    current_task.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'percentage': 100})
    coverage.task_done = True

    logger.info('Finished task: import_coverage(%d)', coverage_id)
예제 #2
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: varda/varda
def import_variation(variation_id):
    Import variation as observations.
    logger.info('Started task: import_variation(%d)', variation_id)

    current_task.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'percentage': 0})

    variation = Variation.query.get(variation_id)
    if variation is None:
        raise TaskError('variation_not_found', 'Variation not found')

    if variation.task_done:
        raise TaskError('variation_imported', 'Variation already imported')

    # If running eagerly, task id cannot have been stored yet. But perhaps
    # this is not a good check anyway...
    if (not current_task.request.is_eager and variation.task_uuid
            and variation.task_uuid != current_task.request.id):
        raise TaskError('variation_importing', 'Variation is being imported '
                        'by another task instance')

    data_source = variation.data_source

    # Calculate data digest if it is not yet known.
    # Todo: Can we somehow factor this out into a separate (singleton) task,
    #     on which we wait?
    #     Waiting synchronously is not a good idea, since we would be holding
    #     the worker process, but I think retrying after some countdown would
    #     be the solution?
    #     self.apply_async(countdown=SOME_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLE)
    if not data_source.checksum:
        with data_source.data() as data:
            data_source.checksum, data_source.records = digest(data)

    # Check if checksum is not in imported data sources.
    if DataSource.query.filter_by(checksum=data_source.checksum
                                                              ).count() > 0:
        raise TaskError('duplicate_data_source',
                        'Identical data source already imported')

    def delete_observations():

    # In case we are retrying after a failed import, delete any existing
    # observations for this variation.

        data = data_source.data()
    except DataUnavailable as e:
        raise TaskError(e.code, e.message)

    # Remember that this only makes sense if autocommit and autoflush are off,
    # which is the default for flask-sqlalchemy.
    # Related discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/sqlalchemy/ZD5RNfsmQmU

    # Alternative solution might be to dump all observations to a file and
    # import from that. It would not have memory problems and is probably
    # faster, but really not portable.
    # A better option is probably to bypass part of the ORM like discussed in
    # this presentation:
    # https://speakerdeck.com/rwarren/a-brief-intro-to-profiling-in-python
    # Not sure if this would solve any memory problems, but it's probably a
    # lot faster than what we do now.

        with data as observations:
            old_percentage = -1
            for i, (record, chromosome, position, reference, observed, zygosity, support) \
                    in enumerate(read_observations(observations,
                # Task progress is updated in whole percentages, so for a
                # maximum of 100 times per task.
                percentage = min(int(record / data_source.records * 100), 99)
                if percentage > old_percentage:
                                              meta={'percentage': percentage})
                    old_percentage = percentage
                observation = Observation(variation, chromosome, position,
                                          reference, observed,
                                          zygosity=zygosity, support=support)
                if i % DB_BUFFER_SIZE == DB_BUFFER_SIZE - 1:
                    # Todo: In principle I think calling session.flush() once
                    #     every N records should work perfectly. We could then
                    #     just do a session.rollback() on error.
                    #     Unfortunately, session.flush() does not prevent the
                    #     memory usage from increasing (even with expire_all()
                    #     or expunge_all() calls). So in practice we cannot
                    #     use it (tested with psycopg2 2.4.5 and SQLAlchemy
                    #     0.7.8).
                    #     As an alternative, we call session.commit() but the
                    #     problem is that a simple session.rollback() is not
                    #     enough. Therefore we use the CleanTask base class
                    #     to register a cleanup handler.
    except ReadError as e:
        raise TaskError('invalid_observations', str(e))

    current_task.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'percentage': 100})
    variation.task_done = True

    logger.info('Finished task: import_variation(%d)', variation_id)