def ws_error_task(self, number): progress_recorder = WebSocketProgressRecorder(self) for i in range(number): time.sleep(.1) progress_recorder.set_progress(i + 1, number) if i == int(number / 2): raise StopIteration('We broke it!') return random() * 1000
def product_upload_task(self, file): progress_recorder = WebSocketProgressRecorder(self) file =, 'r').read() csv_reader = csv.reader(file.strip().split('\n')) data = list(csv_reader) cols, data = data[0], data[1:] total_count = len(data) result = 0 try: for rows in chunked(data, MAX_DB_INSERTIONS): add_or_update_bulk_product(rows, cols) result += len(rows) progress_recorder.set_progress(result, total_count) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while running the task {e}") return result
def create_pages(self, data: dict, uuid: str): """ Take formatted JSON log data and save it to a log. :param self: Task instance, supplied by Celery. :param data: Formatted data. :param uuid: Log uuid. :return: Log uuid. """ progress = WebSocketProgressRecorder(self) messages = data.pop('messages') batch_list = [] batches = range(0, len(messages), 1000) total = len(batches) for count, batch in enumerate(batches): progress.set_progress(count, total) # [[0, 1, 2...], [1000, 1001, 1002...], [2000, 2001, 2002...]...] batch_list.append(messages[batch:batch + 1000]) # Split messages by the 1000 while not Log.objects.filter(uuid=uuid).exists(): time.sleep(1) log = Log.objects.update_or_create(uuid=uuid, defaults={'users': data.pop('users')})[0] pages = Page.objects.bulk_create([ Page(log=log, messages=batch_list[i], index=i) for i in range(len(batch_list)) ]) log.pages.set(pages) progress.set_progress(total, total) return uuid
def parse_text(self, log_type: str, content: str): """ Convert raw log content into usable data. :param self: Task instance, supplied by Celery. :param log_type: Log type. :param content: Log content. :return: Parsed data. """ if '\r' in content: content = re.sub('\r\n', '\n', content) if log_type in rowboat_types: log_type = 'rowboat' parser = getattr(handlers, log_type) message_array = parser(content, WebSocketProgressRecorder(self)) if not message_array: raise IndexError('No messages match this pattern!') return message_array
def parse_json(self, json_data: dict): """ Convert raw JSON into finished message objects. :param self: Task instance, supplied by Celery. :param json_data: Raw JSON. :return: Parsed data. """ messages = list() bad_messages = list() data = dict() users = [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d['author'].items()) for d in json_data}] total = len(json_data) progress = WebSocketProgressRecorder(self) for count, msg in enumerate(json_data): msg = MessageSerializer(data=msg, context={'users': users}) if msg.is_valid(): messages.append( else: bad_messages.append((msg.initial_data, msg.errors)) progress.set_progress(count, total) def sort_chronological(value): return int(value.get('id') or 0) or value.get('timestamp') if any([messages[0].get('timestamp'), messages[0].get('id')]): messages.sort(key=sort_chronological) data['messages'] = messages def sort_alphabetical(value): return value['username'] users.sort(key=sort_alphabetical) data['users'] = users progress.set_progress(total, total) return data
def parse_json(self, json_data: dict): """ Convert raw JSON into finished message objects. :param self: Task instance, supplied by Celery. :param json_data: Raw JSON. :return: Parsed data. """ messages = [] bad_messages = [] data = {} _users = { a['id'] or f'{a["username"]}#{a["discriminator"]}': a for a in [msg.get('author', unknown_author) for msg in json_data] } total = len(json_data) progress = WebSocketProgressRecorder(self) for count, msg in enumerate(json_data): msg = MessageSerializer(data=msg, context={'users': _users}) if msg.is_valid(): messages.append( else: bad_messages.append((msg.initial_data, msg.errors)) progress.set_progress(count, total) if any([messages[0].get('timestamp'), messages[0].get('id')]): messages.sort(key=lambda value: int(value.get('id') or 0) or value.get( 'timestamp')) data['messages'] = messages users = list(_users.values()) users.sort(key=lambda value: value['username']) data['users'] = users progress.set_progress(total, total) return data
def ws_task(self, *args, number): progress_recorder = WebSocketProgressRecorder(self) for i in range(number): time.sleep(.1) progress_recorder.set_progress(i + 1, number) return int(random() * 10)
def task_postrun_handler(task_id, **kwargs): """Runs after a task has finished. This will be used to push a websocket update for completed events. If the websockets version of this package is not installed, this will do nothing.""" if WEBSOCKETS_AVAILABLE: WebSocketProgressRecorder.push_update(task_id)