예제 #1
def main():
    # Инициализиировать переменную для управления циклом.
    again = 'д'

    # Открыть файл.
    with open(FILENAME, 'wb') as output_file:

        # Получить данные от пользователя.
        while again.lower() == 'д':
            # Получить данные о сотовом телефоне.
            man = input('Введите производителя: ')
            mod = input('Введите номер модели: ')
            retail = float(input('Введите розничную цену: '))

            # Создать объект CellPhone.
            phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

            # Законсервировать объект и записать его в файл.
            pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

            # Получить еще один элемент данных?
            again = input('Введёте еще один элемент данных? (д/н): ')

    # Закрыть файл.
    print('Данные записаны в', FILENAME)
def main():
    # initialize a variable to control the loop.
    again = "y"

    # open a file.
    output_file = open(FILENAME, "wb")

    # get the data from the user.
    while again.lower() == "y":
        # get the cell phone data.
        man = input("Enter the manufacturer: ")
        mod = input("Enter the model number: ")
        retail = float(input("Enter the retail price: "))

        # create a CellPhone object.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # pickle the object and write it to the file.
        pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

        # get more cell phone data?
        again = input("enter more phone data? (y/n): ")

    # close the file.
    print("The data was written to", FILENAME)
예제 #3
def main():
    # Inicjalizacja zmiennej kontrolującej działanie pętli.
    again = 't'

    # Otworzenie pliku.
    output_file = open(FILENAME, 'wb')

    # Pobranie danych od użytkownika.
    while again.lower() == 't':
        # Pobranie danych o telefonie komórkowym.
        man = input('Podaj producenta telefonu: ')
        mod = input('Podaj numer modelu telefonu: ')
        retail = float(input('Podaj cenę detaliczną telefonu: '))

        # Utworzenie obiektu klasy CellPhone.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Serializacja obiektu i jego zapis w pliku.
        pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

        # Czy będą podane dane o kolejnym telefonie komórkowym?
        again = input('Czy chcesz podać dane kolejnego telefonu komórkowego? (t/n): ')

    # Zamknięcie pliku.
    print('Dane zostały zapisane w pliku ', FILENAME)
예제 #4
def main():
    # Initialize a variable to control the loop.
    again = 'y'

    # Open a file.
    output_file = open(FILENAME, 'wb')

    # Get data from the user.
    while again.lower() == 'y':
        # Get cell phone data.
        man = input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
        mod = input('Enter the model number: ')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

        # Create a CellPhone object.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Pickle the object and write it to the file.
        pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

        # Get more cell phone data?
        again = input('Enter more phone data? (y/n): ')

    # Close the file.
    print('The data was written to', FILENAME)
def main():

    again = 'y'

    output_file = open(FILENAME, 'wb')

    while again.lower() == 'y':
        man = input('Enter the Manufacture: ')
        mod = input('Enter the Model #: ')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

        again = input('Enter more phone data? (y/n): ')

    print('The data was written to', FILENAME)
예제 #6
def main():
    cell_man = input("Enter cell phone manufacture :")
    cell_name = input("Enterr cell phone name :")
    cell_price = float(input("Enter cell phone price"))

    #Creating the instance of Cell phone
    phone = cellphone.CellPhone(cell_man, cell_name, cell_price)

예제 #7
def main():
    manufacturer = input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
    model = input('Enter the model number: ')
    retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

    phone = cellphone.CellPhone(manufacturer, model, retail)

    print('Here is the data that you entered:')
    print('Manufacturer:', phone.get_manufact())
    print('Model:', phone.get_model())
    print('Retail price:', phone.get_retail_price())
예제 #8
def main():
    man=input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
    mod=input('Enter the model number: ')
    retail=float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

    # Creat an instance of the Cellphone class.

    print('Here is the data that you entered:')
    print('Model Number:',phone.get_model())
    print('Retail Price:$',format(phone.get_retail_price(),',.2f'),sep='')
예제 #9
def main():
    # Pobranie danych o telefonie komórkowym.
    man = input('Podaj producenta telefonu: ')
    mod = input('Podaj numer modelu telefonu: ')
    retail = float(input('Podaj cenę detaliczną telefonu: '))

    # Utworzenie egzemplarza klasy CellPhone.
    phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

    # Wyświetlenie podanych danych.
    print('Oto podane przez Ciebie dane:')
    print('Producent:', phone.get_manufact())
    print('Numer modelu:', phone.get_model())
    print('Cena detaliczna:', format(phone.get_retail_price(), '.2f'), sep='')
def main():
    # Get the phone data
    man = input('Enter the manufacturer:\n')
    mod = input('Enter the model number:\n')
    retail = float(input('Enter the retail price:\n'))

    # Create an instance of the CellPhone class
    phone = c.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

    # Display the data that was entered
    print('Here is the data that you entered:')
    print('Manufacturer: ', phone.get_manufact())
    print('Model Number: ', phone.get_model())
    print(f'Retail Price: ${phone.get_retail_price():,.2f}')
예제 #11
def main():
    # Получить данные о телефоне.
    man = input('Введите производителя: ')
    mod = input('Введите номер модели: ')
    retail = float(input('Введите розничную цену: '))

    # Создать экземпляр класса CellPhone.
    phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

    # Показать введенные данные.
    print('Вот введеные Вами данные: ')
    print('Производитель:', phone.get_manifact())
    print('Номер модели:', phone.get_model())
    print('Розничная цена: ₽', format(phone.get_retail_price(), '.2f'), sep='')
def main():
    # get the phone data.
    man = input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
    mod = input('Enter the model: ')
    retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

    # Creates an instance of the cellphone class
    phone = c.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

    # display the data that was entered
    print('Here is the data you entered')
    print('Manufacturer: ', phone.get_manufact())
    print('Model: ', phone.get_model())
    print(f'Retail Price: ${phone.get_price():,.2f}')
def main():
    # get the phone data.
    man=input("Enter the manufacturer: ")
    mod=input("Enter the model number: ")
    retail=float(input("Enter the retail price: "))
    # create an instance of the CellPhone class.
    # display the data that was entered.
    print("Here is the data you entered: ")
    print("Manufacturer:", phone.get_manufact())
    print("Model Number:", phone.get_model())
    print("Retail Price: $", format(phone.get_retail_price(), ",.2f"), sep="")
예제 #14
def make_list():
    phone_list = []

    #Add five Cellpone objects to the list.
    for count in range(1,6):
        print ('phone number ' + str(count) + ':')
        man = input('Enter Manufacturer: ')
        mod = input('Enter the model number: ')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

    #Create a new CellPhone object in memory and
    #assign it to the variable.
    phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man,mod, retail)

    #Add the object to the list.
    return phone_list
예제 #15
def make_list():
    #Create empty list
    phone_list = []

    #Add five CellPhone objects to the list
    print('Enter data for five phones.')
    for count in range(1,6):
        #Get the phone data
        print('Phone number ' +str(count) +':')
        man = input('Enter the manufacturer:\n')
        mod = input('Enter the model number:\n')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price:\n'))

        phone = c.CellPhone(man,mod,retail)

    return phone_list
예제 #16
def make_list():
    # Create an empty list
    phone_list = []

    # Add 5 phone objects to the list
    print('Enter data for five phones.')
    for count in range(1, 6):
        print('Phone number ' + str(count) + ':')
        man = input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
        mod = input('Enter the model number: ')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

        # Create phone object in memory
        phone = cp.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Add phone object to the list

    return phone_list
예제 #17
def main():  # Create the main function
    again = 'y'  # Initialize a variable to control the loop
    output_file = open(
        'wb')  # Write back to the file that is open & which was created above

    while again.lower() == 'y':  # While the again = 'y'
        man = input("Please enter the manufacturer: ")
        mod = input("Please enter the model: ")
        retail = float(input("Please enter the retail price: "))

        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod,
                                    retail)  # Create the cell phone object
            output_file)  # Pickle the object and send it to the output_file
        again = input("Would you like to enter more phone data? (y/n): ")

    output_file.close()  # Close the file in question
    print("The data was written to", FILENAME)
예제 #18
def make_list():  # Define the make list function
    phone_list = []  # Create an empty list

    # Add five cell phones to the list
    for x in range(1, 6):
        print("Phone number" + " " + str(x) +
              ' :')  # Print out the number that the user is currently on
        man = input(
            "Please enter the manufacturer: ")  # Input the manufacturer
        mod = input("Please enter the model of the phone: "
                    )  # Input the model of the phone
        retail = float(input("Please enter the price of the phone: ")
                       )  # Input the price of the phone
        print("")  # Print a blank line

        # Create a new CellPhone object and assign it in memory
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)  # Create the new object
        phone_list.append(phone)  # Append the phone_list with the new value

    return phone_list  # Return the cell phone list from the function
예제 #19
def main():
	# Init a varialble to control the loop
	again = 'y'

	# Open the output file
	output_file = open(FILENAME, 'wb')

	# Get the phone data
	while again.lower() == 'y':
		man = input("Enter the manufacturer: ")
		mod = input("Enter the model: ")
		price = float(input("Enter the price: "))

		phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, price)

		pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

		again = input("Enter more phone data? (y/n) ")

	print(f"Data was written to {FILENAME}")
예제 #20
def make_list():
    # Создать пустой список.
    phone_list = list()

    # Добавить пять объектов CellPhone в список.
    print('Введите данные о пяти телефонах.')
    for count in range(1, 6):
        # Получить данные о телефоне.
        print('Номер телефона ' + str(count) + ":")
        man = input('Введите производителя: ')
        mod = input('Введите номер модели: ')
        retail = float(input('Введите розничную цену: '))

        # Создать новый объект CellPhone в памяти
        # и присвоить его переменной phone.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Добавить объект в список.

    # Вернуть список.
    return phone_list
예제 #21
def make_list():
    # Utworzenie pustej listy.
    phone_list = []

    # Dodanie pięciu obiektów CellPhone do listy.
    print('Podaj dane pięciu telefonów komórkowych.')
    for count in range(1, 6):
        # Pobranie danych o telefonie komórkowym.
        print('Telefon nr ' + str(count) + ':')
        man = input('Podaj producenta telefonu: ')
        mod = input('Podaj numer modelu telefonu: ')
        retail = float(input('Podaj cenę detaliczną telefonu: '))

        # Utworzenie w pamięci nowego obiektu CellPhone
        # i przypisanie go zmiennej phone.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Dodanie obiektu do listy.

    # Zwrot listy.
    return phone_list
def make_list():
    # create an empty list.
    phone_list = []

    # add five CellPhone objects to the list.
    print("Enter data for five phones.")
    for count in range(1, 6):
        # get the phone data.
        print("Phone number ", str(count), ":", sep="")
        man = input("Enter the manufacturer: ")
        mod = input("Enter the model number: ")
        retail = float(input("Enter the retail price: "))

        # create a new CellPhone object in memory and
        # assign it to the phone variable.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # add the object to the list.
    # return the list
    return phone_list
def make_list():
    # create an empty list
    phone_list = []

    # Add five cellphone objects to the list
    print('Enter data for five phones. ')
    for count in range(1, 6):
        #get the phone data
        print('Phone Number ' + str(count) + ':')
        man = input('Manufacturer: ')
        mod = input('Model: ')
        price = float(input('Price: '))

        # Create a new CellPhone object in memory then
        # assign it to the new phone variable
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, price)

        # Add the object to the list

    #Return the list
    return phone_list
예제 #24
def make_list():
    # Create an empty list.
    phone_list = []

    # Add five CellPhone objects to the list.
    print('Enter data for five phones.')
    for count in range(1, 6):
        # Get the phone data.
        print('Phone number ' + str(count) + ':')
        man = input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
        mod = input('Enter the model number: ')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

        # Create a new CellPhone object in memory and
        # assign it to the phone variable.
        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Add the object to the list.

    # Return the list.
    return phone_list
예제 #25
def main():

    again = 'y'

    # Open a file
    output_file = open(FILENAME, 'wb')

    # Get data from the user
    while again.lower() == 'y':
        # Get cellphone data
        man = input('Enter the manufacturer: ')
        mod = input('Enter the model number: ')
        retail = float(input('Enter the retail price: '))

        phone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, retail)

        # Pickle the object and write it to the file
        pickle.dump(phone, output_file)

        again = input('Enter more phone data? (y/n): ')

    # Close the file
    print('Data was written to', FILENAME)
예제 #26
def main():

    man = input('What is your phone\'s manufacture? ')
    mod = input('What is your phone\'s model? ')
    price = float(input('What is your phone\'s price? '))
    cellphone = cellphone.CellPhone(man, mod, price)
예제 #27
def main():
	c = cellphone.CellPhone("Samsung", "Note 8", 600.13)
	print(f"Manufacturer: {c.get_manufact()}")
	print(f"Model: {c.get_model()}")
	print(f"Price: {c.get_price():.2f}")