예제 #1
def _run_deterministic(
    ixs: Union[prange, np.ndarray],
    indices: np.ndarray,
    indptr: np.ndarray,
    expression: np.ndarray,
    velocity: np.ndarray,
    backward: bool = False,
    backward_mode: BackwardMode = BackwardMode.TRANSPOSE,
    softmax_scale: float = 1,
) -> np.ndarray:

    starts = _calculate_starts(indptr, ixs)
    probs_cors = np.empty((2, starts[-1]))

    for i in prange(len(ixs)):
        ix = ixs[i]
        start, end = indptr[ix], indptr[ix + 1]

        nbhs_ixs = indices[start:end]
        n_neigh = len(nbhs_ixs)
        assert n_neigh, f"Cell {ix} does not have any neighbors."

        W = expression[nbhs_ixs, :] - expression[ix, :]

        if not backward or (backward and backward_mode == BackwardMode.NEGATE):
            v = np.expand_dims(velocity[ix], 0)

            # for the negate backward mode
            if backward:
                v *= -1

            if np.all(v == 0):
                p, c = _get_probs_for_zero_vec(len(nbhs_ixs))
                p, c = _predict_transition_probabilities_numpy(
            # compute how likely all neighbors are to transition to this cell
            V = velocity[nbhs_ixs, :]
            p, c = _predict_transition_probabilities_numpy(
                -1 * W,

        probs_cors[0, starts[i]:starts[i] + n_neigh] = p
        probs_cors[1, starts[i]:starts[i] + n_neigh] = c

        if queue is not None:

    if queue is not None:

    return probs_cors
예제 #2
    def test_zero_unif_sum_to_1_vector(self):
        sum_to_1, zero = _get_probs_for_zero_vec(10)

        assert zero.shape == (10,)
        assert sum_to_1.shape == (10,)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(zero, np.zeros_like(zero))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sum_to_1, np.ones_like(sum_to_1) / sum_to_1.shape[0])
        assert np.isclose(sum_to_1.sum(), 1.0)
예제 #3
def _run_stochastic(
    ixs: np.ndarray,
    indices: np.ndarray,
    indptr: np.ndarray,
    expression: np.ndarray,
    expectation: np.ndarray,
    variance: np.ndarray,
    softmax_scale: float = 1,
) -> np.ndarray:
    starts = _calculate_starts(indptr, ixs)
    probs_cors = np.empty((2, starts[-1]))

    for i, ix in enumerate(ixs):
        start, end = indptr[ix], indptr[ix + 1]

        nbhs_ixs = indices[start:end]
        n_neigh = len(nbhs_ixs)
        assert n_neigh, f"Cell {ix} does not have any neighbors."

        v = expectation[ix]

        if np.all(v == 0):
            p, c = _get_probs_for_zero_vec(len(nbhs_ixs))
            # compute the Hessian tensor, and turn it into a matrix that has the diagonal elements in its rows
            W = expression[nbhs_ixs, :] - expression[ix, :]

            H = _predict_transition_probabilities_jax_H(
                v, W, softmax_scale=softmax_scale)
            H_diag = np.array([np.diag(h) for h in H])

            # compute zero order term
            p_0, c = _predict_transition_probabilities_numpy(
                v[None, :], W, softmax_scale=softmax_scale)

            # compute second order term (note that the first order term cancels)
            p_2 = 0.5 * H_diag.dot(variance[ix])

            # combine both to give the second order Taylor approximation. Can sometimes be negative because we
            # neglected higher order terms, so force it to be non-negative
            p = np.clip(p_0 + p_2, a_min=0, a_max=1)

            mask = np.isnan(p)
            p[mask] = 0
            c[mask] = 0

            if np.all(p == 0):
                p, c = _get_probs_for_zero_vec(len(nbhs_ixs))

            sum_ = fsum(p)
            if not np.isclose(sum_, 1.0, rtol=_RTOL):
                p[~mask] = p[~mask] / sum_

        probs_cors[0, starts[i]:starts[i] + n_neigh] = p
        probs_cors[1, starts[i]:starts[i] + n_neigh] = c

        if queue is not None:

    if queue is not None:

    return probs_cors
예제 #4
def _run_stochastic(
    ixs: np.ndarray,
    scheme: Callable,
    indices: np.ndarray,
    indptr: np.ndarray,
    expression: np.ndarray,
    expectation: np.ndarray,
    variance: np.ndarray,
    softmax_scale: float = 1,
) -> np.ndarray:
    if not hasattr(scheme, "hessian"):
        raise AttributeError()

    starts = _calculate_starts(indptr, ixs)
    probs_cors = np.empty((2, starts[-1]))
    n_genes = expression.shape[1]

    for i, ix in enumerate(ixs):
        start, end = indptr[ix], indptr[ix + 1]

        nbhs_ixs = indices[start:end]
        n_neigh = len(nbhs_ixs)
        assert n_neigh, f"Cell {ix} does not have any neighbors."

        v = expectation[ix]

        if np.all(v == 0):
            p, c = _get_probs_for_zero_vec(len(nbhs_ixs))
            # compute the Hessian tensor, and turn it into a matrix that has the diagonal elements in its rows
            W = expression[nbhs_ixs, :] - expression[ix, :]

            H = scheme.hessian(v, W, softmax_scale)
            if H.shape == (n_neigh, n_genes):
                H_diag = H
            elif H.shape == (n_neigh, n_genes, n_genes):
                H_diag = np.array([np.diag(h) for h in H])
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Expected full Hessian matrix of shape `{(n_neigh, n_genes, n_genes)}` "
                    f"or its diagonal of shape `{(n_neigh, n_genes)}`, found `{H.shape}`."

            # compute zero order term
            p_0, c = scheme(v[None, :], W, softmax_scale)

            # compute second order term (note that the first order term cancels)
            p_2 = 0.5 * H_diag.dot(variance[ix])

            # combine both to give the second order Taylor approximation. Can sometimes be negative because we
            # neglected higher order terms, so force it to be non-negative
            p = np.clip(p_0 + p_2, a_min=0, a_max=1)

            mask = np.isnan(p)
            p[mask] = 0
            c[mask] = 0

            if np.all(p == 0):
                p, c = _get_probs_for_zero_vec(len(nbhs_ixs))

            sum_ = fsum(p)
            if not np.isclose(sum_, 1.0, rtol=_RTOL):
                p[~mask] = p[~mask] / sum_

        probs_cors[0, starts[i]:starts[i] + n_neigh] = p
        probs_cors[1, starts[i]:starts[i] + n_neigh] = c

        if queue is not None:

    if queue is not None:

    return probs_cors