def group( groups: List[str] = typer.Argument( ..., help="Group to delete (can provide more than one).", autocompletion=cli.cache.group_completion ), yes: bool = typer.Option(False, "-Y", help="Bypass confirmation prompts - Assume Yes"), yes_: bool = typer.Option(False, "-y", hidden=True), debug: bool = typer.Option(False, "--debug", envvar="ARUBACLI_DEBUG", help="Enable Additional Debug Logging",), default: bool = typer.Option(False, "-d", is_flag=True, help="Use default central account", show_default=False,), account: str = typer.Option("central_info", envvar="ARUBACLI_ACCOUNT", help="The Aruba Central Account to use (must be defined in the config)",), ) -> None: yes = yes_ if yes_ else yes groups = [cli.cache.get_group_identifier(g) for g in groups] reqs = [cli.central.BatchRequest(cli.central.delete_group, (, )) for g in groups] _grp_msg = "\n".join([f" [cyan]{}[/]" for g in groups]) _grp_msg = _grp_msg.lstrip() if len(groups) == 1 else f"\n{_grp_msg}" print( f"[bright_red]Delete[/] {'group ' if len(groups) == 1 else 'groups:'}{_grp_msg}" ) if len(reqs) > 1: print(f"\n[italic dark_olive_green2]{len(reqs)} API calls will be performed[/]") if yes or typer.confirm("\nProceed?", abort=True): resp = cli.central.batch_request(reqs) cli.display_results(resp, tablefmt="action") if resp: upd_res =[{"name":} for g in groups], remove=True)) log.debug(f"cache update to remove deleted groups returns {upd_res}")
def request(self, func: callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Response: """non async to async wrapper for all API calls Args: func (callable): One of the CentralApi methods Returns: centralcli.response.Response object """ log.debug(f"sending request to {func.__name__} with args {args}, kwargs {kwargs}") return, *args, **kwargs))
async def _batch_request(self, api_calls: List[BatchRequest],) -> List[Response]: self.silent = True _tot_start = time.perf_counter() resp: Response = await api_calls[0].func( *api_calls[0].args, **api_calls[0].kwargs ) if not resp or len(api_calls) == 1: return [resp] m_resp: List[Response] = [resp] chunked_calls = utils.chunker(api_calls, 7) # remove first call performed above from first chunk chunked_calls[0] = chunked_calls[0][1:] # Make calls 7 at a time ensuring timing so that 7 per second limit is not exceeded for chunk in chunked_calls: _start = time.perf_counter() if chunk != chunked_calls[-1]: _br = self.BatchRequest(self.pause, (_start,)) chunk += [_br] m_resp += await asyncio.gather( *[call.func(*call.args, **call.kwargs) for call in chunk] ) _elapsed = time.perf_counter() - _start log.debug(f"chunk of {len(chunk)} took {_elapsed:.2f}.") # strip out the pause/limitter responses (None) m_resp = utils.strip_none(m_resp) log.debug(f"Batch Requests exec {len(api_calls)} calls, Total time {time.perf_counter() - _tot_start:.2f}") self.silent = False log.debug(f"API per sec ratelimit as reported by Central: {[r.rl.remain_sec for r in m_resp]}") return m_resp
def vscode_arg_handler(): def get_arguments_from_import(import_file: str, key: str = None) -> list: """Get arguments from default import_file (stored_tasks.yaml) Args: import_file (str): name of import file key (str, optional): return single value for specific key if provided. Defaults to None. Returns: list: updated sys.argv list. """ # args = utils.read_yaml(import_file) args = config.get_file_data(Path(import_file)) if key and key in args: args = args[key] sys.argv += args return sys.argv try: if len(sys.argv) > 1: if " " in sys.argv[1] or not sys.argv[1]: vsc_args = sys.argv.pop(1) if vsc_args: if "\\'" in vsc_args: _loc = vsc_args.find("\\'") _before = vsc_args[:_loc - 1] _before = _before.split() _str_end = vsc_args.find("\\'", _loc + 1) sys.argv += [i.rstrip(',') for i in _before if i != ','] sys.argv += [f"{vsc_args[_loc + 2:_str_end]}"] _the_rest = vsc_args[_str_end + 2:].split() sys.argv += [i.rstrip(',') for i in _the_rest if i != ','] else: sys.argv += vsc_args.split() if len(sys.argv) > 2: _import_file, _import_key = None, None if sys.argv[2].endswith((".yaml", ".yml", "json")): _import_file = sys.argv.pop(2) if not utils.valid_file(_import_file): if utils.valid_file(config.dir.joinpath(_import_file)): _import_file = config.dir.joinpath(_import_file) if len(sys.argv) > 2: _import_key = sys.argv.pop(2) sys.argv = get_arguments_from_import(_import_file, key=_import_key) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"Exception in vscode arg handler (arg split) {e.__class__.__name__}.{e}", show=True) return # update launch.json default if launched by vscode debugger try: # Update prev_args history file history_lines = None history_file = config.base_dir / ".vscode" / "prev_args" this_args = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) if not this_args: return if history_file.is_file() and this_args.strip(): history_lines = history_file.read_text().splitlines() if this_args in history_lines: _ = history_lines.pop(history_lines.index(this_args)) history_lines.insert(0, _) else: history_lines.insert(0, this_args) if len(history_lines) > 10: _ = history_lines.pop(10) history_file.write_text("\n".join(history_lines) + "\n") # update launch.json default arg do_update = False launch_data = None launch_file = config.base_dir / ".vscode" / "launch.json" launch_file_bak = config.base_dir / ".vscode" / "launch.json.bak" if launch_file.is_file(): launch_data = launch_file.read_text() launch_data = launch_data.splitlines() for idx, line in enumerate(launch_data): if "default" in line and "// VSC_PREV_ARGS" in line: _spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" ")) new_line = f'{" ":{_spaces}}"default": "{this_args}" // VSC_PREV_ARGS' if line != new_line: do_update = True log.debug(f"changing default arg for promptString:\n" f"\t from: {line}\n" f"\t to: {new_line}" ) launch_data[idx] = new_line elif history_lines and "options" in line and "// VSC_ARG_HISTORY" in line: import json _spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" ")) new_line = f'{" ":{_spaces}}"options": {json.dumps(history_lines)}, // VSC_ARG_HISTORY' if line != new_line: do_update = True log.debug(f"changing options arg for pickString:\n" f"\t from: {line}\n" f"\t to: {new_line}" ) launch_data[idx] = new_line if do_update and launch_data: # backup launch.json only if backup doesn't exist already if not launch_file_bak.is_file(): import shutil shutil.copy(launch_file, launch_file_bak) # update launch.json launch_file.write_text("\n".join(launch_data) + "\n") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"Exception in vscode arg handler (launch.json update) {e.__class__.__name__}.{e}", show=True)
def method( method: str = typer.Argument(..., autocompletion=cli.cache.method_test_completion), kwargs: List[str] = typer.Argument(None), _help: bool = typer.Option(False, "--doc", help="Get details on required args/keyword args for provided method."), do_json: bool = typer.Option(False, "--json", is_flag=True, help="Output in JSON", show_default=False), do_yaml: bool = typer.Option(False, "--yaml", is_flag=True, help="Output in YAML", show_default=False), do_csv: bool = typer.Option(False, "--csv", is_flag=True, help="Output in CSV", show_default=False), do_table: bool = typer.Option(False, "--table", is_flag=True, help="Output in Table", show_default=False), outfile: Path = typer.Option(None, help="Output to file (and terminal)", writable=True), pager: bool = typer.Option(False, help="Enable Paged Output"), update_cache: bool = typer.Option(False, "-U", hidden=True), # Force Update of cache for testing default: bool = typer.Option(False, "-d", is_flag=True, help="Use default central account", show_default=False, callback=cli.default_callback), debug: bool = typer.Option(False, "--debug", envvar="ARUBACLI_DEBUG", help="Enable Debug Logging", callback=cli.debug_callback), debugv: bool = typer.Option( False, "--debugv", envvar="ARUBACLI_VERBOSE_DEBUG", help="Enable verbose Debug Logging", hidden=True, callback=cli.verbose_debug_callback, ), account: str = typer.Option( "central_info", envvar="ARUBACLI_ACCOUNT", help="The Aruba Central Account to use (must be defined in the config)", autocompletion=cli.cache.account_completion, ), ) -> None: """Dev testing commands to run CentralApi methods from command line. Refer to and the schema generated code in the boilerplate dir for available calls. Tab completion will also return available methods. Use --doc to get details on arguments for the provided method. Args: method (str, optional): CentralAPI method to test. kwargs (List[str], optional): list of args kwargs to pass to function. format: arg1 arg2 keyword=value keyword2=value or arg1, arg2, keyword = value, keyword2=value Examples: cencli test method platform_get_devices all_ap Use --doc flag to see documentation for usage of a method. cencli test method platform_get_devices --doc Displays all attributes of Response object """ # FIXME account only works if method is in central = CentralApi(account) cli.cache(refresh=update_cache) if not hasattr(central, method): if account != "central_info": print("Testing methods only supports the --account option for methods in") raise typer.Exit(1) bpdir = Path(__file__).parent / "boilerplate" all_calls = [ importlib.import_module(f"centralcli.{}.{f.stem}") for f in bpdir.iterdir() if not"_") and f.suffix == ".py" ] for m in all_calls: log.debug(f"Looking for {method} in {m.__file__.split('/')[-1]}") if hasattr(m.AllCalls(), method): central = m.AllCalls() break if not hasattr(central, method): typer.secho(f"{method} does not exist", fg="red") raise typer.Exit(1) if _help: old_ret = "Response: CentralAPI Response object" new_ret = "Response from Aruba Central API gateway." print(getattr(central, method).__doc__.replace(old_ret, new_ret)) raise typer.Exit(0) kwargs = ( "~".join(kwargs).replace("'", "").replace('"', '').replace("~=", "=").replace("=~", "=").replace(",~", "~").split("~") ) args = [k if not k.isdigit() else int(k) for k in kwargs if k and "=" not in k] kwargs = [k.split("=") for k in kwargs if "=" in k] kwargs = {k[0]: k[1] if not k[1].isdigit() else int(k[1]) for k in kwargs} for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): if arg.startswith("[") and arg.endswith("]"): args[args.index(arg)] = [a if not a.isdigit() else int(a) for a in arg.strip("[]").split(",")] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, str): if v.startswith("[") and v.endswith("]"): kwargs[k] = [vv if not vv.isdigit() else int(vv) for vv in v.strip("[]").split(",")] if v.lower() in ["true", "false"]: kwargs[k] = True if v.lower() == "true" else False from rich.console import Console c = Console(file=outfile) req = ( f"central.{method}({', '.join(str(a) for a in args)}{', ' if args else ''}" f"{', '.join([f'{k}={kwargs[k]}' for k in kwargs]) if kwargs else ''})" ) resp = central.request(getattr(central, method), *args, **kwargs) if "should be str" in resp.output and "bool" in resp.output: c.log(f"{resp.output}. LAME! Converting to str!") args = tuple([str(a).lower() if isinstance(a, bool) else a for a in args]) kwargs = {k: str(v).lower() if isinstance(v, bool) else v for k, v in kwargs.items()} resp = central.request(getattr(central, method), *args, **kwargs) attrs = { k: v for k, v in resp.__dict__.items() if k not in ["output", "raw"] and (log.DEBUG or not k.startswith("_")) } c.print(req) c.print("\n".join([f" {k}: {v}" for k, v in attrs.items()])) tablefmt = cli.get_format( do_json, do_yaml, do_csv, do_table, default="yaml" ) if resp.raw and resp.output != resp.raw: typer.echo(f"\n{'CentralCLI Response Output', fg='bright_green')}:") cli.display_results(data=resp.output, tablefmt=tablefmt, pager=pager, outfile=outfile) if resp.raw: typer.echo(f"\n{'Raw Response Output', fg='bright_green')}:") cli.display_results(data=resp.raw, tablefmt="json", pager=pager, outfile=outfile)
def batch_add_groups(import_file: Path, yes: bool = False) -> List[Response]: console = Console(emoji=False) br = cli.central.BatchRequest data = config.get_file_data(import_file) # TODO handle csv if isinstance(data, dict) and "groups" in data: data = data["groups"] reqs, gw_reqs, ap_reqs = [], [], [] pre_cfgs = [] _pre_config_msg = "" cache_data = [] for group in data: if "allowed-types" in data[group]: data[group]["allowed_types"] = data[group]["allowed-types"] del data[group]["allowed-types"] try: g = GroupImport(**{"group": group, **data[group]}) except ValidationError as e: print(e) raise typer.Exit(1) reqs += [ br( cli.central.create_group,, allowed_types=g.allowed_types, wired_tg=g.wired_tg, wlan_tg=g.wlan_tg, aos10=g.aos10, microbranch=g.microbranch, gw_role=g.gw_role, monitor_only_sw=g.monitor_only_sw, monitor_only_cx=g.monitor_only_cx, ) ] cache_data += [ {"name":, "template group": {"Wired": g.wired_tg, "Wireless": g.wlan_tg}} ] for dev_type, cfg_file, var_file in zip(["gw", "ap"], [g.gw_config, g.ap_config], [g.gw_vars, g.ap_vars]): if cfg_file is not None: pc = _build_pre_config(, dev_type=dev_type, cfg_file=cfg_file, var_file=var_file) pre_cfgs += [pc] _pre_config_msg += ( f" [bright_green]{len(pre_cfgs)}[/]. [cyan]{}[/] {'gateways' if dev_type == 'gw' else 'AP'} " f"group level will be configured based on [cyan]{}[/]\n" ) if dev_type == "gw": gw_reqs += [pc.request] else: ap_reqs += [pc.request] print(f"[bright_green]The following groups will be created:[/]") _ = [print(f" [cyan]{g}[/]") for g in data] _pre_config_msg = ( "\n[bright_green]Group level configurations will be sent:[/]\n" f"{_pre_config_msg}" f"\n[italic dark_olive_green2]{len(reqs) + len(gw_reqs) + len(ap_reqs)} API calls will be performed.[/]\n" ) print(_pre_config_msg) for idx in range(len(pre_cfgs) + 1): if idx > 0: print(_pre_config_msg) print(f"Select [bright_green]#[/] to display config to be sent or [bright_green]go[/] to continue.") ch = utils.ask( ">", console=console, choices=[*[str(idx) for idx in range(1, len(pre_cfgs) + 1)], "abort", "go"], ) if ch.lower() == "go": yes = True break else: pc: PreConfig = pre_cfgs[int(ch) - 1] console.rule(f"Config to be sent to {}") with console.pager(): console.print(pc.config) console.rule(f" End {} config ") if reqs and yes or typer.confirm("Proceed?", abort=True): resp = cli.central.batch_request(reqs) if all(r.ok for r in resp): cache_resp = log.debug(f"batch add group cache resp: {cache_resp}") cli.display_results(resp) if gw_reqs: print("\n[bright_green]Results from Group level gateway config push (CLI commands)[/]") print("\n [italic]This can take some time.[/]") resp = cli.central.batch_request(gw_reqs) cli.display_results(resp, cleaner=cleaner.parse_caas_response) if ap_reqs: print("\n[bright_green]Results from Group level AP config push (Replaces entire group level)[/]\n") resp = cli.central.batch_request(ap_reqs) cli.display_results(resp, tablefmt="action")
f" {rtxt} 'SNAN'\n" " '%H-1%' will split the hostname into parts separating on '-' and use\n" f" the firt segment. {rtxt} 'SNANTX\n" f" '%p%' represents the interface. {rtxt} '7'\n" " note: an interface in the form 1/1/12 is converted to 1_1_12\n" " '%p/3% seperates the port string on / and uses the 3rd segment.\n" " '%m% or %m[-4] = last 4 digits of the AP MAC\n" " '%m:1% would split on : and take the 1st segment.\n") fstr = typer.prompt("Enter Desired format string:") do_lldp_rename(fstr) else: typer.secho( "import file Argument is required if --lldp flag not provided", fg="red") cli.display_results(resp) @app.callback() def callback(): """ Perform batch operations. """ pass log.debug(f'{__name__} called with Arguments: {" ".join(sys.argv)}') if __name__ == "__main__": app()
async def api_call(self, url: str, data: dict = None, json_data: Union[dict, list] = None, method: str = "GET", headers: dict = {}, params: dict = {}, callback: callable = None, callback_kwargs: Any = {}, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: # Debugging flag to lower paging limit to test paging with smaller chunks. if params and params.get("limit") and config.limit: f'paging limit being overriden by config: {params.get("limit")} --> {config.limit}' ) params[ "limit"] = config.limit # for debugging can set a smaller limit in config to test paging # allow passing of default kwargs (None) for param/json_data, all keys with None Value are stripped here. # supports 2 levels beyond that needs to be done in calling method. params = utils.strip_none(params) json_data = utils.strip_none(json_data) if json_data: # strip second nested dict if all keys = NoneType y = json_data.copy() for k in y: if isinstance(y[k], dict): y[k] = utils.strip_none(y[k]) if not y[k]: del json_data[k] # Output pagination loop paged_output = None while True: # -- // Attempt API Call \\ -- r = await self.exec_api_call(url, data=data, json_data=json_data, method=method, headers=headers, params=params, **kwargs) if not r.ok: break # data cleaner methods to strip any useless columns, change key names, etc. elif callback is not None: # TODO [remove] moving callbacks to display output in cli, leaving methods to return raw output log.debug( f"DEV NOTE CALLBACK IN centralapi lib {url} -> {callback}") r.output = callback(r.output, **callback_kwargs or {}) # -- // paging \\ -- if not paged_output: paged_output = r.output else: if isinstance(r.output, dict): paged_output = {**paged_output, **r.output} else: paged_output += r.output _limit = params.get("limit", 0) _offset = params.get("offset", 0) if params.get("limit") and len(r.output) == _limit: params["offset"] = _offset + _limit else: r.output = paged_output break return r
async def exec_api_call(self, url: str, data: dict = None, json_data: Union[dict, list] = None, method: str = "GET", headers: dict = {}, params: dict = {}, **kwargs) -> Response: auth = self.auth resp, spin = None, None _data_msg = ' ' if not url else f' [{url.split("")[-1]}]' spin_txt_run = "Collecting Data..." spin_txt_fail = f"Collecting Data{_data_msg}" for _ in range(0, 2): if _ > 0: spin_txt_run += f" retry {_}" log.debug( f"Attempt API Call to:{_data_msg}Try: {_ + 1}\n" f" access token: {auth.central_info.get('token', {}).get('access_token', {})}\n" f" refresh token: {auth.central_info.get('token', {}).get('refresh_token', {})}" ) try: with Halo(spin_txt_run, enabled=bool(utils.tty)) as spin: _start = time.time() headers = self.headers if not headers else { **self.headers, **headers } # -- // THE API REQUEST \\ -- resp = await self.aio_session.request(method=method, url=url, params=params, data=data, json=json_data, headers=headers, ssl=self.ssl, **kwargs) elapsed = time.time() - _start try: output = await resp.json() try: raw_output = output.copy() except AttributeError: raw_output = output output = cleaner.strip_outer_keys(output) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ContentTypeError): output = raw_output = await resp.text() resp = Response(resp, output=output, raw=raw_output, elapsed=elapsed) except Exception as e: resp = Response(error=str(e), url=url) _ += 1 fail_msg = spin_txt_fail if self.silent else f"{spin_txt_fail}\n {resp.output}" if not resp: if "invalid_token" in resp.output: self.refresh_token() else: log.error( f"API [{method}] {url} Error Returned: {resp.error}") break else: # spin.succeed() spin.stop() break return resp
async def pause(start: float) -> None: _elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start _pause = (int(_elapsed) + 1) - _elapsed log.debug("PAUSE {_pause:.2f}s...") time.sleep(_pause)
async def api_call(self, url: str, data: dict = None, json_data: Union[dict, list] = None, method: str = "GET", headers: dict = {}, params: dict = {}, callback: callable = None, callback_kwargs: Any = {}, count: int = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: # TODO cleanup, if we do strip_none here can remove from calling funcs. params = utils.strip_none(params) # Debugging flag to lower paging limit to test paging with smaller chunks. if params and params.get("limit") and config.limit:'paging limit being overridden by config: {params.get("limit")} --> {config.limit}') params["limit"] = config.limit # for debugging can set a smaller limit in config to test paging # allow passing of default kwargs (None) for param/json_data, all keys with None Value are stripped here. # supports 2 levels beyond that needs to be done in calling method. json_data = utils.strip_none(json_data) if json_data: # strip second nested dict if all keys = NoneType y = json_data.copy() for k in y: if isinstance(y, dict) and isinstance(y[k], dict): y[k] = utils.strip_none(y[k]) if not y[k]: del json_data[k] # Output pagination loop paged_output = None paged_raw = None while True: # -- // Attempt API Call \\ -- r = await self.exec_api_call(url, data=data, json_data=json_data, method=method, headers=headers, params=params, **kwargs) if not r.ok: break # data cleaner methods to strip any useless columns, change key names, etc. elif callback is not None: # TODO [remove] moving callbacks to display output in cli, leaving methods to return raw output log.debug(f"DEV NOTE CALLBACK IN centralapi lib {r.url.path} -> {callback}") r.output = callback(r.output, **callback_kwargs or {}) # -- // paging \\ -- if not paged_output: paged_output = r.output else: if isinstance(r.output, dict): paged_output = {**paged_output, **r.output} else: # FIXME paged_output += r.output was also changed contents of paged_raw dunno why paged_output = paged_output + r.output if not paged_raw: paged_raw = r.raw else: if isinstance(r.raw, dict): for outer_key in constants.STRIP_KEYS: if outer_key in r.raw and outer_key in paged_raw: if isinstance(r.raw[outer_key], dict): paged_raw[outer_key] = {**paged_raw[outer_key], **r.raw[outer_key]} else: # TODO use response magic method to do adds have Response figure this out paged_raw[outer_key] += r.raw[outer_key] break else: paged_raw += r.raw _limit = params.get("limit", 0) _offset = params.get("offset", 0) if params.get("limit") and len(r.output) == _limit: if count and len(paged_output) >= count: r.output = paged_output r.raw = paged_raw break elif count and len(paged_output) < count: next_limit = count - len(paged_output) next_limit = _limit if next_limit > _limit else next_limit params["offset"] = _offset + next_limit else: params["offset"] = _offset + _limit else: r.output = paged_output r.raw = paged_raw break return r
async def exec_api_call(self, url: str, data: dict = None, json_data: Union[dict, list] = None, method: str = "GET", headers: dict = {}, params: dict = {}, **kwargs) -> Response: auth = self.auth resp = None # _url = URL(url).with_query({k: v for k, v in params.items() if k in {"offset", "limit"}}) _url = URL(url).with_query(params) _data_msg = ' ' if not url else f' [{_url.path}]' run_sfx = '' if self.req_cnt == 1 else f' Request: {self.req_cnt}' spin_word = "Collecting" if method == "GET" else "Sending" spin_txt_run = f"{spin_word} Data...{run_sfx}" spin_txt_retry = "" spin_txt_fail = f"{spin_word} Data{_data_msg}" self.spinner.text = spin_txt_run for _ in range(0, 2): if _ > 0: spin_txt_run = f"{spin_txt_run} {spin_txt_retry}".rstrip() token_msg = ( f"\n access token: {auth.central_info.get('token', {}).get('access_token', {})}" f"\n refresh token: {auth.central_info.get('token', {}).get('refresh_token', {})}" ) log.debug( f"Attempt API Call to:{_data_msg}Try: {_ + 1}{token_msg if self.req_cnt == 1 else ''}" ) if config.debugv: call_data = { "method": method, "url": url, "url_params": params, "data": data, "json_data": json_data, } if kwargs: call_data["Additional kwargs"] = kwargs print("[bold magenta]VERBOSE DEBUG[reset]") call_data = utils.strip_none(call_data, strip_empty_obj=True) utils.json_print(call_data) headers = self.headers if not headers else {**self.headers, **headers} try: req_log = LoggedRequests(_url.path_qs, method) # -- // THE API REQUEST \\ -- # -- // RATE LIMIT TEST \\ -- # await self.wait_for_token() _start = time.monotonic() now = time.monotonic() - INIT_TS _try_cnt = [u.url for u in self.requests].count(_url.path_qs) + 1 self.rl_log += [ f'{now:.2f} [{method}]{_url.path_qs} Try: {_try_cnt}' ] # -- // RATE LIMIT TEST \\ -- self.spinner.start(spin_txt_run) self.req_cnt += 1 # TODO move batch_request _bacth_request, get, put, etc into Session # change where client is instantiated to _request / _batch_requests pass in the client # remove aio_session property call ClientSession() direct async with self.aio_session as client: resp = await client.request( method=method, url=url, params=params, data=data, json=json_data, headers=headers, ssl=self.ssl, **kwargs ) elapsed = time.monotonic() - _start self.requests += [req_log.update(resp)] try: output = await resp.json() try: raw_output = output.copy() except AttributeError: raw_output = output # Strip outer key sent by central output = cleaner.strip_outer_keys(output) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ContentTypeError): output = raw_output = await resp.text() resp = Response(resp, output=output, raw=raw_output, elapsed=elapsed) except Exception as e: resp = Response(error=str(e), url=_url.path_qs) _ += 1 fail_msg = spin_txt_fail if self.silent else f"{spin_txt_fail}\n {resp.output}" if not resp: if "invalid_token" in resp.output: spin_txt_retry = "(retry after token refresh)" self.refresh_token() elif resp.status == 429: # per second rate limit. spin_txt_retry = "(retry after hitting per second rate limit)" self.rl_log += [f"{now:.2f} [:warning: [bright_red]RATE LIMIT HIT[/]] p/s: {resp.rl.remain_sec}: {_url.path_qs}"] _ -= 1 else: # else break else: if resp.rl.near_sec: self.rl_log += [ f"{time.monotonic() - INIT_TS:.2f} [[bright_green]{resp.error}[/] but [dark_orange3]NEARING RATE LIMIT[/]] p/s: {resp.rl.remain_sec} {_url.path_qs}" ] else: self.rl_log += [ f"{time.monotonic() - INIT_TS:.2f} [[bright_green]{resp.error}[/]] p/s: {resp.rl.remain_sec} {_url.path_qs}" ] self.spinner.stop() break return resp