def activate(args, cfg): LOG.debug( "Activating cluster %s disks %s", args.cluster, # join elements of t with ':', t's with ' ' # allow None in elements of t; print as empty " ".join(":".join((s or "") for s in t) for t in args.disk), ) for hostname, disk, journal in args.disk: distro = hosts.get(hostname, username=args.username)"Distro info: %s %s %s",, distro.release, distro.codename) LOG.debug("activating host %s disk %s", hostname, disk) LOG.debug("will use init type: %s", distro.init), ["ceph-disk", "-v", "activate", "--mark-init", distro.init, "--mount", disk]) # give the OSD a few seconds to start time.sleep(5) catch_osd_errors(distro.conn, distro.conn.logger, args) if distro.is_el: system.enable_service(distro.conn) distro.conn.exit()
def start_mon_service(distro, cluster, hostname): """ start mon service depending on distro init """ if distro.init == 'sysvinit': service = distro.conn.remote_module.which_service() distro.conn, [ service, 'ceph', '-c', '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=cluster), 'start', 'mon.{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname) ], timeout=7, ) system.enable_service(distro.conn) elif distro.init == 'upstart': distro.conn, [ 'initctl', 'emit', 'ceph-mon', 'cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster), 'id={hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) # centos7为system elif distro.init == 'systemd': # enable ceph target for this host (in case it isn't already enabled) distro.conn, ['systemctl', 'enable', ''], timeout=7, ) # enable and start this mon instance distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, )
def create(distro, args, monitor_keyring): hostname = distro.conn.remote_module.shortname() common.mon_create(distro, args, monitor_keyring, hostname) if distro.init == 'sysvinit': service = distro.conn.remote_module.which_service() distro.conn, [ service, 'ceph', '-c', '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=args.cluster), 'start', 'mon.{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname) ], timeout=7, ) system.enable_service(distro.conn) elif distro.init == 'upstart': distro.conn, [ 'initctl', 'emit', 'ceph-mon', 'cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=args.cluster), 'id={hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) elif distro.init == 'systemd': # enable ceph target for this host (in case it isn't already enabled) distro.conn, ['systemctl', 'enable', ''], timeout=7, ) # enable and start this mon instance distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, )
def prepare_disk( conn, cluster, disk, journal, activate_prepared_disk, init, zap, fs_type, dmcrypt, dmcrypt_dir, storetype): """ Run on osd node, prepares a data disk for use. """ ceph_disk_executable = system.executable_path(conn, 'ceph-disk') args = [ ceph_disk_executable, '-v', 'prepare', ] if zap: args.append('--zap-disk') if dmcrypt: args.append('--dmcrypt') if dmcrypt_dir is not None: args.append('--dmcrypt-key-dir') args.append(dmcrypt_dir) if storetype: args.append('--' + storetype) args.extend([ '--cluster', cluster, '--fs-type', fs_type, '--', disk, ]) if journal is not None: args.append(journal) conn, args ) if activate_prepared_disk: # we don't simply run activate here because we don't know # which partition ceph-disk prepare created as the data # volume. instead, we rely on udev to do the activation and # just give it a kick to ensure it wakes up. we also enable #, the other key piece of activate. if init == 'systemd': system.enable_service(conn, "") elif init == 'sysvinit': system.enable_service(conn, "ceph")
def install(distro, version_kind, version, adjust_repos, **kw): packages = map_components(NON_SPLIT_PACKAGES, kw.pop('components', [])) distro.packager.install(packages) # Start and enable services for unit in SYSTEMD_UNITS: if unit not in SYSTEMD_UNITS_SKIP_START: start_service(distro.conn, unit) if unit not in SYSTEMD_UNITS_SKIP_ENABLE: enable_service(distro.conn, unit)
def prepare_disk( conn, cluster, disk, journal, activate_prepared_disk, init, zap, fs_type, dmcrypt, dmcrypt_dir): """ Run on osd node, prepares a data disk for use. """ ceph_disk_executable = system.executable_path(conn, 'ceph-disk') args = [ ceph_disk_executable, '-v', 'prepare', ] if zap: args.append('--zap-disk') if dmcrypt: args.append('--dmcrypt') if dmcrypt_dir is not None: args.append('--dmcrypt-key-dir') args.append(dmcrypt_dir) args.extend([ '--cluster', cluster, '--fs-type', fs_type, '--', disk, ]) if journal is not None: args.append(journal) conn, args ) if activate_prepared_disk: # we don't simply run activate here because we don't know # which partition ceph-disk prepare created as the data # volume. instead, we rely on udev to do the activation and # just give it a kick to ensure it wakes up. we also enable #, the other key piece of activate. if init == 'systemd': system.enable_service(conn, "") elif init == 'sysvinit': system.enable_service(conn, "ceph")
def create(distro, args, monitor_keyring): hostname = distro.conn.remote_module.shortname() common.mon_create(distro, args, monitor_keyring, hostname) if distro.init == 'sysvinit': service = distro.conn.remote_module.which_service() distro.conn, [ service, 'ceph', '-c', '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=args.cluster), 'start', 'mon.{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname) ], timeout=7, ) system.enable_service(distro.conn) elif distro.init == 'systemd': # enable ceph target for this host (in case it isn't already enabled) distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', '' ], timeout=7, ) # enable and start this mon instance distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, )
def activate(args, cfg): LOG.debug( 'Activating cluster %s disks %s', args.cluster, # join elements of t with ':', t's with ' ' # allow None in elements of t; print as empty ' '.join(':'.join((s or '') for s in t) for t in args.disk), ) for hostname, disk, journal in args.disk: distro = hosts.get( hostname, username=args.username, callbacks=[packages.ceph_is_installed] ) 'Distro info: %s %s %s',, distro.release, distro.codename ) LOG.debug('activating host %s disk %s', hostname, disk) LOG.debug('will use init type: %s', distro.init) ceph_disk_executable = system.executable_path(distro.conn, 'ceph-disk') distro.conn, [ ceph_disk_executable, '-v', 'activate', '--mark-init', distro.init, '--mount', disk, ], ) # give the OSD a few seconds to start time.sleep(5) catch_osd_errors(distro.conn, distro.conn.logger, args) if distro.init == 'systemd': system.enable_service(distro.conn, "") elif distro.init == 'sysvinit': system.enable_service(distro.conn, "ceph") distro.conn.exit()
def install(distro, version_kind, version, adjust_repos, **kw): packages = map_components( NON_SPLIT_PACKAGES, kw.pop('components', []) ) distro.packager.install( packages ) # Start and enable services for unit in SYSTEMD_UNITS: if unit not in SYSTEMD_UNITS_SKIP_START: start_service(distro.conn, unit) if unit not in SYSTEMD_UNITS_SKIP_ENABLE: enable_service(distro.conn, unit)
def create(distro, args, monitor_keyring): hostname = distro.conn.remote_module.shortname() common.mon_create(distro, args, monitor_keyring, hostname) service = distro.conn.remote_module.which_service() distro.conn, [ service, 'ceph', '-c', '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=args.cluster), 'start', 'mon.{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname) ], timeout=7, ) system.enable_service(distro.conn)
def activate(args, cfg): LOG.debug( 'Activating cluster %s disks %s', args.cluster, # join elements of t with ':', t's with ' ' # allow None in elements of t; print as empty ' '.join(':'.join((s or '') for s in t) for t in args.disk), ) for hostname, disk, journal in args.disk: distro = hosts.get(hostname, username=args.username) 'Distro info: %s %s %s',, distro.release, distro.codename ) LOG.debug('activating host %s disk %s', hostname, disk) LOG.debug('will use init type: %s', distro.init) distro.conn, [ 'ceph-disk', '-v', 'activate', '--mark-init', distro.init, '--mount', disk, ], ) # give the OSD a few seconds to start time.sleep(5) catch_osd_errors(distro.conn, distro.conn.logger, args) distro.conn.exit() if distro.is_el: system.enable_service(distro.conn)
def create_rgw(distro, name, cluster, init): conn = distro.conn path = "/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{cluster}-{name}".format(cluster=cluster, name=name) conn.remote_module.safe_mkdir(path) bootstrap_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/{cluster}.keyring".format(cluster=cluster) keypath = os.path.join(path, "keyring") stdout, stderr, returncode = remoto.process.check( conn, [ "ceph", "--cluster", cluster, "--name", "client.bootstrap-rgw", "--keyring", bootstrap_keyring, "auth", "get-or-create", "client.{name}".format(name=name), "osd", "allow rwx", "mon", "allow rw", "-o", os.path.join(keypath), ], ) if returncode > 0 and returncode != errno.EACCES: for line in stderr: conn.logger.error(line) for line in stdout: # yes stdout as err because this is an error conn.logger.error(line) conn.logger.error("exit code from command was: %s" % returncode) raise RuntimeError("could not create rgw") remoto.process.check( conn, [ "ceph", "--cluster", cluster, "--name", "client.bootstrap-rgw", "--keyring", bootstrap_keyring, "auth", "get-or-create", "client.{name}".format(name=name), "osd", "allow *", "mon", "allow *", "-o", os.path.join(keypath), ], ) conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, "done")) conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, init)) if init == "upstart": conn, ["initctl", "emit", "radosgw", "cluster={cluster}".format(cluster=cluster), "id={name}".format(name=name)], timeout=7, ) elif init == "sysvinit":, ["service", "ceph", "start", "rgw.{name}".format(name=name)], timeout=7) if distro.is_el: system.enable_service(distro.conn)
def start_mon_service(distro, cluster, hostname): """ start mon service depending on distro init """ if distro.init == 'sysvinit': service = distro.conn.remote_module.which_service() distro.conn, [ service, 'ceph', '-c', '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=cluster), 'start', 'mon.{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname) ], timeout=7, ) system.enable_service(distro.conn) elif distro.init == 'upstart': distro.conn, [ 'initctl', 'emit', 'ceph-mon', 'cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster), 'id={hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) elif distro.init == 'systemd': # enable ceph target for this host (in case it isn't already enabled) distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', '' ], timeout=7, ) # enable and start this mon instance distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, ) distro.conn, [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-mon@{hostname}'.format(hostname=hostname), ], timeout=7, )
def create_mgr(distro, name, cluster, init): conn = distro.conn path = '/Ceph/Data/Mgr/{cluster}-{name}'.format(cluster=cluster, name=name) conn.remote_module.safe_mkdir(path) bootstrap_keyring = '/Ceph/Data/Mgr/{cluster}.keyring'.format( cluster=cluster) keypath = os.path.join(path, 'keyring') stdout, stderr, returncode = remoto.process.check(conn, [ 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster, '--name', 'client.bootstrap-mgr', '--keyring', bootstrap_keyring, 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'mgr.{name}'.format(name=name), 'mon', 'allow profile mgr', 'osd', 'allow *', 'mds', 'allow *', '-o', os.path.join(keypath), ])"---stdout:%s, stderr:%s, returncode:%s---", stdout, stderr, returncode) if returncode > 0: for line in stderr: conn.logger.error(line) for line in stdout: # yes stdout as err because this is an error conn.logger.error(line) conn.logger.error('exit code from command was: %s' % returncode) raise RuntimeError('could not create mgr') conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, 'done')) conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, init)) if init == 'upstart':, [ 'initctl', 'emit', 'ceph-mgr', 'cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster), 'id={name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7) elif init == 'sysvinit':, [ 'service', 'ceph', 'start', 'mgr.{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7) if distro.is_el: system.enable_service(distro.conn) elif init == 'systemd':, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mgr@{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7), [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-mgr@{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7), [ 'systemctl', 'enable', '', ], timeout=7)
def create_rgw(distro, name, cluster, init): conn = distro.conn path = '/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{cluster}-{name}'.format(cluster=cluster, name=name) conn.remote_module.safe_makedirs(path) bootstrap_keyring = '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/{cluster}.keyring'.format( cluster=cluster) keypath = os.path.join(path, 'keyring') stdout, stderr, returncode = remoto.process.check(conn, [ 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster, '--name', 'client.bootstrap-rgw', '--keyring', bootstrap_keyring, 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.{name}'.format(name=name), 'osd', 'allow rwx', 'mon', 'allow rw', '-o', os.path.join(keypath), ]) if returncode > 0 and returncode != errno.EACCES: for line in stderr: conn.logger.error(line) for line in stdout: # yes stdout as err because this is an error conn.logger.error(line) conn.logger.error('exit code from command was: %s' % returncode) raise RuntimeError('could not create rgw') remoto.process.check(conn, [ 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster, '--name', 'client.bootstrap-rgw', '--keyring', bootstrap_keyring, 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.{name}'.format(name=name), 'osd', 'allow *', 'mon', 'allow *', '-o', os.path.join(keypath), ]) conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, 'done')) conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, init)) if init == 'upstart':, [ 'initctl', 'emit', 'radosgw', 'cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster), 'id={name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7) elif init == 'sysvinit':, [ 'service', 'ceph-radosgw', 'start', ], timeout=7) if distro.is_el: system.enable_service(distro.conn, service='ceph-radosgw') elif init == 'systemd':, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-radosgw@{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7), [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-radosgw@{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7), [ 'systemctl', 'enable', '', ], timeout=7)
def create_mgr(distro, name, cluster, init): conn = distro.conn path = '/var/lib/ceph/mgr/{cluster}-{name}'.format( cluster=cluster, name=name ) conn.remote_module.safe_makedirs(path) bootstrap_keyring = '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/{cluster}.keyring'.format( cluster=cluster ) keypath = os.path.join(path, 'keyring') stdout, stderr, returncode = remoto.process.check( conn, [ 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster, '--name', 'client.bootstrap-mgr', '--keyring', bootstrap_keyring, 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'mgr.{name}'.format(name=name), 'mon', 'allow profile mgr', 'osd', 'allow *', 'mds', 'allow *', '-o', os.path.join(keypath), ] ) if returncode > 0: for line in stderr: conn.logger.error(line) for line in stdout: # yes stdout as err because this is an error conn.logger.error(line) conn.logger.error('exit code from command was: %s' % returncode) raise RuntimeError('could not create mgr') conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, 'done')) conn.remote_module.touch_file(os.path.join(path, init)) if init == 'upstart': conn, [ 'initctl', 'emit', 'ceph-mgr', 'cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster), 'id={name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7 ) elif init == 'sysvinit': conn, [ 'service', 'ceph', 'start', 'mgr.{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7 ) if distro.is_el: system.enable_service(distro.conn) elif init == 'systemd': conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mgr@{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7 ) conn, [ 'systemctl', 'start', 'ceph-mgr@{name}'.format(name=name), ], timeout=7 ) conn, [ 'systemctl', 'enable', '', ], timeout=7 )