예제 #1
def poller():
    context = messaging.Context()

    p = messaging.Poller()

    sub = messaging.SubSocket()
    sub.connect(context, 'controlsState')

    socks = p.poll(10000)
    r = [s.receive(non_blocking=True) for s in socks]

    return r
예제 #2
def steer_thread():
    poller = messaging.Poller()

    logcan = messaging.sub_sock('can')
    health = messaging.sub_sock('health')
    joystick_sock = messaging.sub_sock('testJoystick',

    carstate = messaging.pub_sock('carState')
    carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock('carControl')
    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')

    button_1_last = 0
    enabled = False

    # wait for health and CAN packets
    hw_type = messaging.recv_one(health).health.hwType
    has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno, HwType.dos]
    print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

    CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan, has_relay)
    Params().put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())

    CC = car.CarControl.new_message()

    while True:

        # send
        joystick = messaging.recv_one(joystick_sock)
        can_strs = messaging.drain_sock_raw(logcan, wait_for_one=True)
        CS = CI.update(CC, can_strs)

        # Usually axis run in pairs, up/down for one, and left/right for
        # the other.
        actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()

        if joystick is not None:
            axis_3 = clip(-joystick.testJoystick.axes[3] * 1.05, -1.,
                          1.)  # -1 to 1
            actuators.steer = axis_3
            actuators.steerAngle = axis_3 * 43.  # deg
            axis_1 = clip(-joystick.testJoystick.axes[1] * 1.05, -1.,
                          1.)  # -1 to 1
            actuators.gas = max(axis_1, 0.)
            actuators.brake = max(-axis_1, 0.)

            pcm_cancel_cmd = joystick.testJoystick.buttons[0]
            button_1 = joystick.testJoystick.buttons[1]
            if button_1 and not button_1_last:
                enabled = not enabled

            button_1_last = button_1

            #print "enable", enabled, "steer", actuators.steer, "accel", actuators.gas - actuators.brake

            hud_alert = 0
            if joystick.testJoystick.buttons[3]:
                hud_alert = "steerRequired"

        CC.actuators.gas = actuators.gas
        CC.actuators.brake = actuators.brake
        CC.actuators.steer = actuators.steer
        CC.actuators.steerAngle = actuators.steerAngle
        CC.hudControl.visualAlert = hud_alert
        CC.hudControl.setSpeed = 20
        CC.cruiseControl.cancel = pcm_cancel_cmd
        CC.enabled = enabled
        can_sends = CI.apply(CC)
        sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))

        # broadcast carState
        cs_send = messaging.new_message('carState')
        cs_send.carState = copy(CS)

        # broadcast carControl
        cc_send = messaging.new_message('carControl')
        cc_send.carControl = copy(CC)
예제 #3
from cereal import log
import cereal.messaging as messaging

from helpers import draw_pose

if __name__ == "__main__":

    os.environ["ZMQ"] = "1"

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sniff a communcation socket')
    parser.add_argument('--addr', default='')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    messaging.context = messaging.Context()

    poller = messaging.Poller()

    m = 'driverMonitoring'
    messaging.sub_sock(m, poller, addr=args.addr)

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((320, 640), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
    camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((160, 320), 0, 24).convert()

    while 1:
        polld = poller.poll(1000)
        for sock in polld:
            msg = sock.receive()
            evt = log.Event.from_bytes(msg)