예제 #1
    def test_comments(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('minimalistic_comments.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = load(handle)

        with open(util.get_data_filename('minimalistic_comments.new.conf'), 'w') as handle:
            dump(parsed, handle)

        with open(util.get_data_filename('minimalistic_comments.new.conf')) as handle:
            parsed_new = load(handle)

            self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)

            self.assertEqual(parsed_new, [
                ['#', " Use bar.conf when it's a full moon!"],
                ['include', 'foo.conf'],
                ['#', ' Kilroy was here'],
                 [['#', ''],
                  ['#', " Don't forget to open up your firewall!"],
                  ['#', ''],
                  ['listen', '1234'],
                  ['#', ' listen 80;']]],
예제 #2
    def test_dump_as_file(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = load(handle)
                               [['listen', ' ', '443 ssl'],
                                ['server_name', ' ', 'localhost'],
                                ['ssl_certificate', ' ', 'cert.pem'],
                                ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', 'cert.key'],
                                ['ssl_session_cache', ' ', 'shared:SSL:1m'],
                                ['ssl_session_timeout', ' ', '5m'],
                                ['ssl_ciphers', ' ', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'],
                                [['location', ' ', '/'],
                                 [['root', ' ', 'html'],
                                  ['index', ' ', 'index.html index.htm']]]]]))

        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.new.conf'), 'w') as handle:
            dump(parsed, handle)
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.new.conf')) as handle:
            parsed_new = load(handle)
            self.maxDiff = None
            self.assertEqual(parsed[0], parsed_new[0])
            self.assertEqual(parsed[1:], parsed_new[1:])
예제 #3
    def _mod_config(self, ll_addrs):
        """Modifies Nginx config to include challenge server blocks.

        :param list ll_addrs: list of lists of
            :class:`certbot_nginx.obj.Addr` to apply

        :raises .MisconfigurationError:
            Unable to find a suitable HTTP block in which to include
            authenticator hosts.

        # Add the 'include' statement for the challenges if it doesn't exist
        # already in the main config
        included = False
        include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self.challenge_conf]
        root = self.configurator.parser.config_root

        bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128']

        main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root]
        for line in main:
            if line[0] == ['http']:
                body = line[1]
                found_bucket = False
                posn = 0
                for inner_line in body:
                    if inner_line[0] == bucket_directive[1]:
                        if int(inner_line[1]) < int(bucket_directive[3]):
                            body[posn] = bucket_directive
                        found_bucket = True
                    posn += 1
                if not found_bucket:
                    body.insert(0, bucket_directive)
                if include_directive not in body:
                    body.insert(0, include_directive)
                included = True
        if not included:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                'Certbot could not find an HTTP block to include '
                'TLS-SNI-01 challenges in %s.' % root)
        config = [
            self._make_server_block(pair[0], pair[1])
            for pair in six.moves.zip(self.achalls, ll_addrs)
        config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config)

            True, self.challenge_conf)

        with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf:
            nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf)

        logger.debug("Generated server block:\n%s", str(config))
예제 #4
    def _mod_config(self, ll_addrs):
        """Modifies Nginx config to include challenge server blocks.

        :param list ll_addrs: list of lists of
            :class:`certbot_nginx.obj.Addr` to apply

        :raises .MisconfigurationError:
            Unable to find a suitable HTTP block in which to include
            authenticator hosts.

        # Add the 'include' statement for the challenges if it doesn't exist
        # already in the main config
        included = False
        include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self.challenge_conf]
        root = self.configurator.parser.config_root

        bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128']

        main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root]
        for line in main:
            if line[0] == ['http']:
                body = line[1]
                found_bucket = False
                posn = 0
                for inner_line in body:
                    if inner_line[0] == bucket_directive[1]:
                        if int(inner_line[1]) < int(bucket_directive[3]):
                            body[posn] = bucket_directive
                        found_bucket = True
                    posn += 1
                if not found_bucket:
                    body.insert(0, bucket_directive)
                if include_directive not in body:
                    body.insert(0, include_directive)
                included = True
        if not included:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                'Certbot could not find an HTTP block to include '
                'TLS-SNI-01 challenges in %s.' % root)
        config = [self._make_server_block(pair[0], pair[1])
                  for pair in six.moves.zip(self.achalls, ll_addrs)]
        config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config)

            True, self.challenge_conf)

        with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf:
            nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf)

        logger.debug("Generated server block:\n%s", str(config))
예제 #5
파일: http_01.py 프로젝트: zwd1990/certbot
    def _mod_config(self):
        """Modifies Nginx config to include server_names_hash_bucket_size directive
           and server challenge blocks.

        :raises .MisconfigurationError:
            Unable to find a suitable HTTP block in which to include
            authenticator hosts.
        included = False
        include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self.challenge_conf]
        root = self.configurator.parser.config_root

        bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128']

        main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root]
        for line in main:
            if line[0] == ['http']:
                body = line[1]
                found_bucket = False
                posn = 0
                for inner_line in body:
                    if inner_line[0] == bucket_directive[1]:
                        if int(inner_line[1]) < int(bucket_directive[3]):
                            body[posn] = bucket_directive
                        found_bucket = True
                    posn += 1
                if not found_bucket:
                    body.insert(0, bucket_directive)
                if include_directive not in body:
                    body.insert(0, include_directive)
                included = True
        if not included:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                'Certbot could not find a block to include '
                'challenges in %s.' % root)
        config = [
            self._make_or_mod_server_block(achall) for achall in self.achalls
        config = [x for x in config if x is not None]
        config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config)
        logger.debug("Generated server block:\n%s", str(config))

            True, self.challenge_conf)

        with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf:
            nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf)
예제 #6
    def _mod_config(self, ll_addrs):
        """Modifies Nginx config to include challenge server blocks.

        :param list ll_addrs: list of lists of
            :class:`certbot_nginx.obj.Addr` to apply

        :raises .MisconfigurationError:
            Unable to find a suitable HTTP block in which to include
            authenticator hosts.

        # Add the 'include' statement for the challenges if it doesn't exist
        # already in the main config
        included = False
        include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self.challenge_conf]
        root = self.configurator.parser.loc["root"]

        bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128']

        main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root]
        for key, body in main:
            if key == ['http']:
                found_bucket = False
                for k, _ in body:
                    if k == bucket_directive[1]:
                        found_bucket = True
                if not found_bucket:
                    body.insert(0, bucket_directive)
                if include_directive not in body:
                    body.insert(0, include_directive)
                included = True
        if not included:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                'LetsEncrypt could not find an HTTP block to include '
                'TLS-SNI-01 challenges in %s.' % root)

        config = [
            self._make_server_block(pair[0], pair[1])
            for pair in itertools.izip(self.achalls, ll_addrs)
        config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config)

            True, self.challenge_conf)

        with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf:
            nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf)
예제 #7
    def _mod_config(self, ll_addrs):
        """Modifies Nginx config to include challenge server blocks.

        :param list ll_addrs: list of lists of
            :class:`certbot_nginx.obj.Addr` to apply

        :raises .MisconfigurationError:
            Unable to find a suitable HTTP block in which to include
            authenticator hosts.

        # Add the 'include' statement for the challenges if it doesn't exist
        # already in the main config
        included = False
        include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self.challenge_conf]
        root = self.configurator.parser.loc["root"]

        bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128']

        main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root]
        for key, body in main:
            if key == ['http']:
                found_bucket = False
                for k, _ in body:
                    if k == bucket_directive[1]:
                        found_bucket = True
                if not found_bucket:
                    body.insert(0, bucket_directive)
                if include_directive not in body:
                    body.insert(0, include_directive)
                included = True
        if not included:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                'LetsEncrypt could not find an HTTP block to include '
                'TLS-SNI-01 challenges in %s.' % root)

        config = [self._make_server_block(pair[0], pair[1])
                  for pair in itertools.izip(self.achalls, ll_addrs)]
        config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config)

            True, self.challenge_conf)

        with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf:
            nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf)
예제 #8
    def filedump(self, ext='tmp'):
        """Dumps parsed configurations into files.

        :param str ext: The file extension to use for the dumped files. If
            empty, this overrides the existing conf files.

        for filename in self.parsed:
            tree = self.parsed[filename]
            if ext:
                filename = filename + os.path.extsep + ext
                logger.debug('Dumping to %s:\n%s', filename, nginxparser.dumps(tree))
                with open(filename, 'w') as _file:
                    nginxparser.dump(tree, _file)
            except IOError:
                logger.error("Could not open file for writing: %s", filename)
예제 #9
    def _mod_config(self):
        """Modifies Nginx config to include server_names_hash_bucket_size directive
           and server challenge blocks.

        :raises .MisconfigurationError:
            Unable to find a suitable HTTP block in which to include
            authenticator hosts.
        included = False
        include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self.challenge_conf]
        root = self.configurator.parser.config_root

        bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128']

        main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root]
        for line in main:
            if line[0] == ['http']:
                body = line[1]
                found_bucket = False
                posn = 0
                for inner_line in body:
                    if inner_line[0] == bucket_directive[1]:
                        if int(inner_line[1]) < int(bucket_directive[3]):
                            body[posn] = bucket_directive
                        found_bucket = True
                    posn += 1
                if not found_bucket:
                    body.insert(0, bucket_directive)
                if include_directive not in body:
                    body.insert(0, include_directive)
                included = True
        if not included:
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                'Certbot could not find a block to include '
                'challenges in %s.' % root)
        config = [self._make_or_mod_server_block(achall) for achall in self.achalls]
        config = [x for x in config if x is not None]
        config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config)
        logger.debug("Generated server block:\n%s", str(config))

            True, self.challenge_conf)

        with open(self.challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf:
            nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf)
예제 #10
    def test_comments(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename(
                'minimalistic_comments.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = load(handle)

        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
            dump(parsed, f)
            parsed_new = load(f)

        self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)
        self.assertEqual(parsed_new, [
            ['#', " Use bar.conf when it's a full moon!"],
            ['include', 'foo.conf'],
            ['#', ' Kilroy was here'],
             [['#', ''], ['#', " Don't forget to open up your firewall!"],
              ['#', ''], ['listen', '1234'], ['#', ' listen 80;']]],
예제 #11
    def test_dump_as_file(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle))
                               [['listen', '443 ssl'],
                                ['server_name', 'localhost'],
                                ['ssl_certificate', 'cert.pem'],
                                ['ssl_certificate_key', 'cert.key'],
                                ['ssl_session_cache', 'shared:SSL:1m'],
                                ['ssl_session_timeout', '5m'],
                                ['ssl_ciphers', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'],
                                [['location', '/'],
                                 [['root', 'html'],
                                  ['index', 'index.html index.htm']]]]])

        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.new.conf'), 'w') as handle:
            dump(parsed, handle)
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.new.conf')) as handle:
            parsed_new = util.filter_comments(load(handle))
        self.assertEquals(parsed, parsed_new)
예제 #12
    def test_dump_as_file(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = load(handle)
                               [['listen', ' ', '443 ssl'],
                                ['server_name', ' ', 'localhost'],
                                ['ssl_certificate', ' ', 'cert.pem'],
                                ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', 'cert.key'],
                                ['ssl_session_cache', ' ', 'shared:SSL:1m'],
                                ['ssl_session_timeout', ' ', '5m'],
                                ['ssl_ciphers', ' ', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'],
                                [['location', ' ', '/'],
                                 [['root', ' ', 'html'],
                                  ['index', ' ', 'index.html index.htm']]]]]))

        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
            dump(parsed, f)
            parsed_new = load(f)
        self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)
예제 #13
    def test_dump_as_file(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = load(handle)
                               [['listen', ' ', '443', ' ', 'ssl'],
                                ['server_name', ' ', 'localhost'],
                                ['ssl_certificate', ' ', 'cert.pem'],
                                ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', 'cert.key'],
                                ['ssl_session_cache', ' ', 'shared:SSL:1m'],
                                ['ssl_session_timeout', ' ', '5m'],
                                ['ssl_ciphers', ' ', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'],
                                [['location', ' ', '/'],
                                 [['root', ' ', 'html'],
                                  ['index', ' ', 'index.html', ' ', 'index.htm']]]]]))

        with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as f:
            dump(parsed, f)
            parsed_new = load(f)
        self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)
예제 #14
    def test_dump_as_file(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = util.filter_comments(load(handle))
                               [['listen', '443 ssl'],
                                ['server_name', 'localhost'],
                                ['ssl_certificate', 'cert.pem'],
                                ['ssl_certificate_key', 'cert.key'],
                                ['ssl_session_cache', 'shared:SSL:1m'],
                                ['ssl_session_timeout', '5m'],
                                ['ssl_ciphers', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'],
                                [['location', '/'],
                                 [['root', 'html'],
                                  ['index', 'index.html index.htm']]]]])

        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.new.conf'), 'w') as handle:
            dump(parsed, handle)
        with open(util.get_data_filename('nginx.new.conf')) as handle:
            parsed_new = util.filter_comments(load(handle))
        self.assertEquals(parsed, parsed_new)
예제 #15
    def test_comments(self):
        with open(util.get_data_filename('minimalistic_comments.conf')) as handle:
            parsed = load(handle)

        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
            dump(parsed, f)
            parsed_new = load(f)

        self.assertEqual(parsed, parsed_new)
        self.assertEqual(parsed_new, [
            ['#', " Use bar.conf when it's a full moon!"],
            ['include', 'foo.conf'],
            ['#', ' Kilroy was here'],
             [['#', ''],
              ['#', " Don't forget to open up your firewall!"],
              ['#', ''],
              ['listen', '1234'],
              ['#', ' listen 80;']]],