예제 #1
    def __enter__(self):
        '''Returns the class instance to use for Context Management'''

        # Get the AddonCFG instance for the .cfg file
        self.config = AddonCFG(self.filepath)

        # Add the AddonCFG instance to config_files

        # Create the list of sections to add cvars and text to
        self.sections = list()

        # Return the instance
        return self
예제 #2
def load():

    # Create the cfg file
    with ConfigContextManager(
      path(__file__).parent.split('scripts')[~0][1:]) as config:

        # Create the gg_warmup_round instance
        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_round') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'WARMUP ROUND'
            cvar.notes.append('Players cannot ' +
                'level up during the warmup round.')
            cvar.notes.append('Warmup round is triggered ' +
                'at the start of each map change.')
            cvar.options.append('0 = Disabled.')
            cvar.options.append('1 = Enabled.')
            cvar.default = 0
            cvar.text = 'Enables or disables warmupround.'

        # Create the gg_warmup_timer instance
        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_timer') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'WARMUP ROUND TIMER'
            cvar.options.append('The amount of time (in ' +
                'seconds) that the warmup round will last.')
            cvar.default = 30
            cvar.text = ('The amount of time (in ' +
                'seconds) that the the warmup round will last.')

        # Create the gg_warmup_weapon instance
        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_weapon') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'WARMUP ROUND WEAPON'
            cvar.notes.append('Only supports "weapon_*" entities.')
            cvar.notes.append('Warmup round is triggered at ' +
                'the start of each map change.')
            cvar.options.append(' awp   \tscout\taug   \tmac10' +
                '\ttmp   \tmp5navy\tump45\tp90')
            cvar.options.append(' galil\tfamas\tak47\tsg552\t' +
            cvar.options.append(' xm1014\tm4a1\tglock\tusp   ' +
            cvar.options.append(' hegrenade\tknife')
            cvar.options.append(' 0 = The first level weapon')
            cvar.options.append(' weapon1,weapon2,weapon3 = For ' +
                'each warmup, one of these weapons is chosen')
            cvar.options.append(' #random = For ' +
                'each warmup, a random weapon is chosen.')
            cvar.default = 'hegrenade'
            cvar.text = ('The weapon that players ' +
                'will use during the warmup round.')

        # Create the cfg section
        config.cfg_section('WARMUP START AND END CFG SETTINGS')

        # Create the gg_warmup_start_file instance
        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_start_file') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'WARMUP ROUND START CFG FILE'
            cvar.description.append('Set to the .cfg ' +
                'file to be executed when Warmup Round starts.')
            cvar.notes.append('The cfg file should contain the ' +
                'GunGame values you wish to use for the current map.')
            cvar.notes.append('Make sure to turn off addons that should ' +
                'not be used during Warmup Round "prior" to turning on ' +
                'any addons that should be used during Warmup Round.')
            cvar.notes.append('The path to the file "must" ' +
                'be relative to the "../cfg/gungame51/" folder')
            cvar.default = (
            cvar.text = 'CFG file to be executed when Warmup Round starts.'

        # Create the gg_warmup_end_file instance
        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_end_file') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'WARMUP ROUND END CFG FILE'
            cvar.description.append('Set to the .cfg ' +
                'file to be executed when Warmup Round ends.')
            cvar.notes.append('The cfg file should contain the ' +
                'GunGame values you wish to use for the current map.')
            cvar.notes.append('Make sure to turn off any addons that ' +
                'were used during Warmup Round and are not needed for ' +
                'the current match, "prior" to turning on any addons ' +
                'that are needed for the current match.')
            cvar.notes.append('The path to the file "must" ' +
                'be relative to the "../cfg/gungame51/" folder')
            cvar.default = (
            cvar.text = 'CFG file to be executed when Warmup Round ends.'

        # Create the extension section
        config.cfg_section('WARMUP ROUND EXTENSION SETTINGS')

        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_round_min_players') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'MINUMUM HUMAN PLAYERS'
            cvar.description.append('Set to the minimum ' +
                'number of players needed for Warmup Round to end.')
            cvar.default = 0
            cvar.text = (
                'Number of human players needed for Warmup Round to end.')

        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_round_max_extensions') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'MAX EXTENSIONS'
            cvar.description.append('Number of extensions '
                'allowed before Warmup Round automatically ends.')
            cvar.default = 1
            cvar.text = ('Maximum number of '
                'extensions allowed before Warmup Round ends.')

        with config.cfg_cvar('gg_warmup_round_players_reached') as cvar:

            cvar.name = 'MIN HUMAN PLAYERS REACHED'
                'Determines whether or not to end Warmup Round ' +
                'when the minimum number of players has been reached.')
                '0 = Never end Warmup as soon as min players is reached.')
            cvar.options.append('1 = Only end Warmup ' +
                'if in "extended" time when min players is reached.')
                '2 = End Warmup Round as soon as min players is reached.')
            cvar.default = 0
            cvar.text = (
                'Allows Warmup Round to end when min players is reached.')

    # Get the path to the default Warmup Round Start cfg file
    start_path = path(get_game_dir(

    # Does the file exist?
    if not start_path.isfile():

        # Create the AddonCFG instance
        start = AddonCFG(start_path)

        # Add basic description of how to use the file
        start.text('-' * 74 + '//')
        start.text('warmup_round_start_default.cfg'.center(74) + '//')
        start.text(('This is the default file (using the ' +
            'value of gg_warmup_start_file)').center(74) + '//')
        start.text(('used to determine the gameplay ' +
            '"during" Warmup Round').center(74) + '//')
        start.text(('As an example, if the server should ' +
            'have gg_deathmatch during Warmup').center(74) + '//')
        start.text(('and gg_elimination, gg_turbo, and ' +
            'gg_teamwork for the actual match,').center(74) + '//')
            'the contents could look like the following'.center(74) + '//')
        start.text((' // Turn off any addons that ' +
            'should not be ran during warmup').ljust(74) + '//')
        start.text(' gg_elimination 0'.ljust(74) + '//')
        start.text(' gg_turbo 0'.ljust(74) + '//')
        start.text(' gg_teamwork 0'.ljust(74) + '//')
        start.text((' // Turn on any addons that ' +
            'should be ran during warmup').ljust(74) + '//')
        start.text(' gg_deathmatch 1'.ljust(74) + '//')
        start.text('-' * 74 + '//')

        # Write the file

    # Get the path to the default Warmup Round End cfg file
    end_path = path(get_game_dir(

    # Does the file exist?
    if not end_path.isfile():

        # Create the AddonCFG instance
        end = AddonCFG(end_path)

        # Add basic description of how to use the file
        end.text('-' * 74 + '//')
        end.text('warmup_round_end_default.cfg'.center(74) + '//')
        end.text(('This is the default file (using the ' +
            'value of gg_warmup_end_file)').center(74) + '//')
        end.text(('used to change the gameplay from ' +
            'Warmup to the actual match').center(74) + '//')
        end.text(('As an example, if the server should ' +
            'have gg_deathmatch during Warmup').center(74) + '//')
        end.text(('and gg_elimination, gg_turbo, and ' +
            'gg_teamwork for the actual match,').center(74) + '//')
            'the contents could look like the following'.center(74) + '//')
        end.text((' // Turn off any addons that ' +
            'were ran during warmup,').ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text(' //   but need to be off during the match'.ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text(' gg_deathmatch 0'.ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text((' // Turn on any addons that ' +
            'should be ran for the match').ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text(' gg_elimination 1'.ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text(' gg_turbo 1'.ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text(' gg_teamwork 1'.ljust(74) + '//')
        end.text('-' * 74 + '//')

        # Write the file
예제 #3
class ConfigContextManager(object):
    '''Context Management class used to create config files'''

    def __init__(self, filepath):
        '''Called when the class is first initialized'''

        # Split the given file path.
        config_path = path(filepath).splitpath()

        # Get the first part of the path
        config_type = config_path[0]

        # Set the filename of the cfg file
        self._filename = config_path[1] + '.cfg'

        # Is the path from an included or custom addon?
        if config_type in ('included', 'custom'):

            # Get the name of the addon
            self.name = ' '.join(
                config_path[1].split('_')).title().replace('Gg ', 'GG ')

            # Set the description to use
            self.description = ('This file defines GunGame '
                + config_type.capitalize() + ' Addon settings.')

            # Set the path within ../cfg/gungame51/ for the .cfg file
            self.cfgpath = config_type + '_addon_configs/' + self._filename

        # Is this from the core of GunGame?

            # Set name to None to be set later by the *_config.py file itself
            self.name = None

            # Set desc to None to be set later by the *_config.py file itself
            self.description = None

            # Set the path within ../cfg/gungame51/ for the .cfg file
            self.cfgpath = self._filename

        # Set the path to the .cfg file
        self.filepath = _base_config_path.joinpath(self.cfgpath)

    def __enter__(self):
        '''Returns the class instance to use for Context Management'''

        # Get the AddonCFG instance for the .cfg file
        self.config = AddonCFG(self.filepath)

        # Add the AddonCFG instance to config_files

        # Create the list of sections to add cvars and text to
        self.sections = list()

        # Return the instance
        return self

    def cfg_cvar(self, cvarname):
        '''Used to create cvars and their text for the .cfg file'''

        # Set "notify" to False
        notify = False

        # Is this cvar the name of the file?
        # Used for auto adding the "notify" flag for included/custom addons
        if cvarname == self._filename[:~3]:

            # Set the "notify" flag to True
            notify = True

        # Get the CvarContextManager instance for the current cvar
        section = CvarContextManager(cvarname, notify, self.config)

        # Add the CvarContextManager instance to the list of sections

        # Return the section
        return section

    def cfg_section(self, section_name):
        '''Used to create separated sections within the .cfg file'''

        # Add the new section name to the list of sections

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, _traceback):
        '''Verifies that there is a description and creates the .cfg file'''

        # Was an error encountered?
        if _traceback:

            # Print the traceback
            es.dbgmsg(0, _traceback)

            # Return
            return False

        # Does the .cfg file have a description
        if self.description is None:

            # Raise an error
            raise ValueError(
                'No description set for .cfg file "' + self._filename + '"')

        # Create the first line of the header
        self.config.text('*' * 76)

        # Is there nothing to add to the filename in the header?
        if self.name is None:

            # Set the topline to be just the filename
            topline = self._filename

        # Is there a name that needs to be added to the filename in the header?

            # Set the topline to be the filename and the name
            topline = self._filename + ' -- ' + self.name

        # Add the topline to the header
        self.config.text('*' + topline.center(74) + '*')

        # Add a blank line to the header
        self.config.text('*' + ' ' * 74 + '*')

        # Add the description to the header
        self.config.text('*' + self.description.center(74) + '*')

        # Add a blank line to the header
        self.config.text('*' + ' ' * 74 + '*')

        # Add the note lines to the header
        self.config.text('*' +
            'Note: Any alteration of this file requires a'.center(74) + '*')
        self.config.text('*' +
            'server restart or a reload of GunGame.'.center(74) + '*')

        # Add the last line of the header
        self.config.text('*' * 76)

        # Loop through all sections to add to the .cfg file
        for section in self.sections:

            # Is the current section just text?
            if isinstance(section, str):

                # Add 2 blank lines for separation

                # Start the section header
                self.config.text('+' * 76)

                # Add the section header name
                self.config.text('|' + section.center(74) + '|')

                # End the section header
                self.config.text('+' * 76)

                # Add a blank line for separation

            # Is the section for a cvar?

                if section.name:

                    # Add a blank line for separation

                    # Start the cvar section header
                    self.config.text('=' * 76)

                    # Add the section name
                    self.config.text('>> ' + section.name)

                    # End the cvar section header
                    self.config.text('=' * 76)

                # Print the description

                # Print the instructions

                # Print any extra text

                # Print the notes

                # Print the examples

                # Print the options

                # Is there default_text to print?
                if not section.default_text is None:

                    # Is the default_text a string?
                    if isinstance(section.default_text, str):

                        # Is there any text to print?
                        if section.default_text:

                            # Add the string to the cfg file

                    # Is the default_text a list?
                    elif isinstance(section.default_text, list):

                        # Loop through each line in the list
                        for line in section.default_text:

                            # Add the line to the cfg file

                # Is the default value a string?
                elif isinstance(section.default, str):

                    # Add "" around the value when printing the default
                    self.config.text('Default Value: "' +
                        str(section.default) + '"')

                # Is the default value not a string?

                    # Add the default value section
                    self.config.text('Default Value: ' + str(section.default))

                # Create the ServerVar instance for the cvar
                current = self.config.cvar(
                    section.cvarname, section.default, section.text)

                # Is the cvar supposed to be set to notify?
                if section.notify:

                    # Add the notify flag

        # Write the .cfg file

        # Return
        return True