예제 #1
def test_gh_63_value():
    Test that Joins with conditionals that cannot evaluate to AWS::NoValue
    are converted to Fn::Sub

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
                "Fn::If": ["Condition1", "True1", "False1"]
            }, {
                "Fn::If": ["Condition2", "True2", "False2"]

    expected = ODict((("Fn::Sub", [
            ("Param1", ODict((("Fn::If", ["Condition1", "True1",
                                          "False1"]), ))),
            ("Param2", ODict((("Fn::If", ["Condition2", "True2",
                                          "False2"]), ))),
    ]), ))

    actual = clean(source)

    assert actual == expected
def test_others():
    GetAtt should be replaced by ${Thing.Property}

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
            ["The", {
                "Fn::Base64": "Notreallybase64"
            }, "is", "a", "lie"],

    expected = {
        "Fn::Sub": [
            "The ${Param1} is a lie",
                "Param1": {
                    "Fn::Base64": "Notreallybase64",

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
예제 #3
def to_json(template, clean_up=False):
    Assume the input is YAML and convert to JSON

    data = load_yaml(template)

    if clean_up:
        data = clean(data)

    return dump_json(data)
예제 #4
def to_yaml(template, clean_up=False, long_form=False):
    Assume the input is JSON and convert to YAML

    data = load_json(template)

    if clean_up:
        data = clean(data)

    return dump_yaml(data, clean_up, long_form)
예제 #5
def to_yaml(template, clean_up=False, long_form=False, literal=True):
    Assume the input is JSON and convert to YAML

    data, _ = load(template)

    if clean_up:
        data = clean(data)

    if literal:
        data = cfn_literal_parser(data)

    return dump_yaml(data, clean_up, long_form)
예제 #6
def yaml_to_json(p_input_file):
    json_out = ROOT_DIR+'/../../../tacocat_cf.json'

    with open( p_input_file,'r') as yaml_in:
        yaml_data = load_yaml(yaml_in)
        yaml_data = clean(yaml_data)

    with  open(json_out,'w') as out_file:
        json_data = dump_json(yaml_data)
        json_data = load_json(json_data)     
        json.dump(json_data ,out_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
        print('The new JSON file has been created in the root folder of the project with the name tacocat_cf.json')
def flip(template,
    Figure out the input format and convert the data to the opposing output format

    # Do we need to figure out the input format?
    if not in_format:
        # Load the template as JSON?
        if (out_format == "json" and no_flip) or (out_format == "yaml"
                                                  and not no_flip):
            in_format = "json"
        elif (out_format == "yaml" and no_flip) or (out_format == "json"
                                                    and not no_flip):
            in_format = "yaml"

    # Load the data
    if in_format == "json":
        data = load_json(template)
    elif in_format == "yaml":
        data = load_yaml(template)
        data, in_format = load(template)

    # Clean up?
    if clean_up:
        data = clean(data)

    # Figure out the output format
    if not out_format:
        if (in_format == "json" and no_flip) or (in_format == "yaml"
                                                 and not no_flip):
            out_format = "json"
            out_format = "yaml"

    # Finished!
    if out_format == "json":
        if sys.version[0] == "3":
            return dump_json(data)
            return dump_json(data).encode('utf-8')

    return dump_yaml(data, clean_up, long_form)
def test_basic_case():
    As simple as it gets

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
            ["The", "cake", "is", "a", "lie"],

    expected = "The cake is a lie"

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
def test_literals():
    Test that existing ${var} in source is respected

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
            ["The", "${cake}", "is", "a", "lie"],

    expected = "The ${!cake} is a lie"

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
def test_in_array():
    Converting Join to Sub should still work when the join is part of a larger array

    source = {
        "things": [
            "Just a string",
                "Fn::Join": [
                    " ",
                        "The", {
                            "Fn::Base64": "Notreallybase64"
                        }, "is", "a", "lie"
                "Another": "thing",

    expected = {
        "things": [
            "Just a string",
                "Fn::Sub": [
                    "The ${Param1} is a lie",
                        "Param1": {
                            "Fn::Base64": "Notreallybase64",
                "Another": "thing",

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
예제 #11
def convert_yaml_to_json(yaml_file):
    converted_file = ROOT_DIR + '/../../../tacocat_cf.json'

    with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file_in:
        yaml_data = load_yaml(file_in)
        yaml_data = clean(yaml_data)

    with open(converted_file, 'w') as file_out:
        json_data = dump_json(yaml_data)
        json_data = load_json(json_data)
                  separators=(',', ': '))
            '#####--Converted successfully, please check the root folder with the name tacocat_cf.json--#####'
예제 #12
def test_gh_63_no_value():
    Test that Joins with conditionals that can evaluate to AWS::NoValue
    are not converted to Fn::Sub

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
                "Fn::If": ["Condition1", "True1", "Ref: AWS::NoValue"]
            }, {
                "Fn::If": ["Condition2", "True2", "False2"]

    assert source == clean(source)
def test_get_att():
    Intrinsics should be replaced by parameters to Sub

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
            ["The", {
                "Fn::GetAtt": ["Cake", "Hole"]
            }, "is", "a", "lie"],

    expected = {
        "Fn::Sub": "The ${Cake.Hole} is a lie",

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
def test_ref():
    Refs should be replaced by ${value}

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
            ["The", {
                "Ref": "Cake"
            }, "is", "a", "lie"],

    expected = {
        "Fn::Sub": "The ${Cake} is a lie",

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
def test_reused_sub_params():
    Test that params in Joins converted to Subs get reused when possible

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
                    "Fn::Join": ["-", [{
                        "Ref": "Cake"
                    }, "Lie"]],
                    "Fn::Join": ["-", [{
                        "Ref": "Cake"
                    }, "Lie"]],
                "and isn't",
                    "Fn::Join": ["-", [{
                        "Ref": "Pizza"
                    }, "Truth"]],

    expected = ODict((("Fn::Sub", [
        "The ${Param1} is ${Param1} and isn't ${Param2}",
            ("Param1", ODict((("Fn::Sub", "${Cake}-Lie"), ))),
            ("Param2", ODict((("Fn::Sub", "${Pizza}-Truth"), ))),
    ]), ))

    assert clean(source) == expected
def test_deep_nested_join():
    Test that a join works correctly when inside an intrinsic, inside a join

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
                "The", "cake", "is", "a", {
                    "Fn::ImportValue": {
                        "Fn::Join": [
                                "Ref": "lieStack"
                            }, "lieValue"],

    expected = {
        "Fn::Sub": [
            "The cake is a ${Param1}",
                "Param1": {
                    "Fn::ImportValue": {
                        "Fn::Sub": "${lieStack}-lieValue",

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
def test_nested_join():
    Test that a join of joins works correctly

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
            ["The", "cake", {
                "Fn::Join": [
                    " ",
                    ["is", "a"],
            }, "lie"],

    expected = "The cake is a lie"

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual
예제 #18
def flip(template, out_format=None, clean_up=False, no_flip=False, long_form=False):
    Figure out the input format and convert the data to the opposing output format

    data = None
    in_format = None

    if no_flip:
        in_format = out_format
    elif out_format == "json":
        in_format = "yaml"
    elif out_format == "yaml":
        in_format = "json"

    if in_format == "json":
        data = load_json(template)
    elif in_format == "yaml":
        data = load_yaml(template)
            data, in_format = load(template)
        except Exception:
            raise Exception("Could not determine the input format")

    if no_flip:
        out_format = in_format
    elif in_format == "json":
        out_format = "yaml"
        out_format = "json"

    if clean_up:
        data = clean(data)

    if out_format == "json":
        return dump_json(data)

    return dump_yaml(data, clean_up, long_form)
def test_multi_level_get_att():
    Intrinsics should be replaced by parameters to Sub

    source = {
        "Fn::Join": [
            " ",
                "The", {
                    "Fn::GetAtt": ["First", "Second", "Third"]
                }, "is", "a", "lie"

    expected = {
        "Fn::Sub": "The ${First.Second.Third} is a lie",

    actual = clean(source)

    assert expected == actual