예제 #1
def C(g):
    Ratio of density.viscosity product at points in the boundary layer.
    T = g * h_e / C_p
    T = max(T, 100.0)  # to avoid difficult values
    rho = p_e / (R * T)
    mu = sutherland.mu(T, 'Air')
    return rho * mu / (rho_e * mu_e)
예제 #2
print "tindx=", tindx

print "Begin: Pick up data for tindx=", tindx
from libprep3 import Vector, cross, dot, vabs
from e3_flow import read_all_blocks
from math import sqrt
nb = 28
pick_list = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26]  # surface
rho_inf = 6.081e-4  # kg/m**3
p_inf = 18.55  # Pa
u_inf = 2576.0  # m/s
T_inf = 102.2  # K
T_wall = 295.8  # K
from cfpylib.gasdyn import sutherland
mu_inf = sutherland.mu(T_inf, 'N2')
mm = 0.001  # metres
corner1 = Vector(92.08, 42.94) * mm
corner2 = Vector(153.69, 130.925) * mm
grid, flow, dim = read_all_blocks(job, nb, tindx, zipFiles=True)
print "Compute properties for cell-centres along the surface"
outfile = open("surface.data", "w")
    "# x(m) s(m) tau_w(Pa) Cf Cf_blasius y_plus p(Pa) Cp q(W/m**2) Ch\n")
for ib in pick_list:
    j = 0  # surface is along the South boundary
    k = 0  # of a 2D grid
    print "# start of block"
    for i in range(flow[ib].ni):
        # Cell closest to surface
예제 #3
# compute_viscous_data_simple.py
# inspired by PJ's compute_y_plus.py script
# Updated 27 October 2008 - Wilson Chan
# Refined 01 November 2010 - PJ

import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/e3bin")) # installation directory
from cfpylib.gasdyn import sutherland

# Freestream and test conditions (user input)
wall_y = 0.0      # Location of wall, m
T_w = 316.2        # Temperature at wall, K
rho_inf = 0.457    # free stream density, kg/m^3
u_inf = 707.0     # free stream velocity, m/s
mu = sutherland.mu(T_w, "Air")  # fluid viscosity at wall

print "Begin compute_viscous_data_simple.py"

infile = open("./tc2update-y-wall.dat", "r")
line = infile.readline()  # read away the first (comment) line containing notes on format
# Assuming .dat format is ...
# Variables: pos.x pos.y pos.z volume rho vel.x vel.y vel.z p a mu k[0] mu_t k_t S tke omega massf[0] e[0] T[0]

outfile = open("viscous_data.dat", "w")
outfile.write("# x(m) du(m/s) dy(m) tau_w(N/m^2) c_f y_plus \n")

# Process every data line.
while True:
    line = infile.readline().strip()
    if len(line) == 0: break
    data_array = [float(word) for word in line.split()]
예제 #4
#Assume ideal gas, use properties for air
select_gas_model(model='ideal gas', species=['air'])

# Define flow conditions to match Mabey's data set 74021802
p_inf = 3.16e3  # Pa
u_inf = 712.9   # m/s
T_inf = 62.16   # degrees K
rho_inf = p_inf / (287.1 * T_inf)

# Estimate turbulence quantities for free stream by specifying turbulence
# intensity and the ratio of turbulent-to-laminar viscosity.
turbulence_intensity = 0.01
turb_lam_viscosity_ratio = 1.0
tke_inf = 1.5 * (turbulence_intensity * u_inf)**2
mu_t_inf = turb_lam_viscosity_ratio * sutherland.mu(T_inf, "Air")
omega_inf = rho_inf * tke_inf / mu_t_inf
print "Inflow turbulence: tke=", tke_inf, "omega=", omega_inf

inflow = FlowCondition(p=p_inf, u=u_inf, v=0.0, T=T_inf, massf=[1.0,],
                       tke=tke_inf, omega=omega_inf )
initial = inflow

def toRadians(degrees):
    import math
    return degrees * math.pi / 180.0

def simpleBoxCorners(xPos=0.0, yPos=0.0, zPos=0.0, xSize=1.0, ySize=1.0, zSize=1.0):
    """\brief Creates a corner coordinate list for a simple box."""
    p0 = Node(xPos,       yPos,       zPos)
    p1 = Node(xPos+xSize, yPos,       zPos)
예제 #5
        u1 = flow[ib].data['vel.x'][i][j]
        # Compute distance from centre to interface (2D only for now)
        c = Vector(x[0], y[0])  # cell centre
        # north-west vertex
        temp_x = grid[ib].x[i, j + 1]
        temp_y = grid[ib].y[i, j + 1]
        s0 = Vector(temp_x[0], temp_y[0])
        # north-east vertex
        temp_x = grid[ib].x[i + 1, j + 1]
        temp_y = grid[ib].y[i + 1, j + 1]
        s1 = Vector(temp_x[0], temp_y[0])
        tangent = unit(s1 - s0)
        s0c = c - s0
        # d1 is distance from centre to interface
        d1 = vabs(s0c - dot(s0c, tangent) * tangent)
        # Compute viscous parameters
        dudy = (u1 - 0.0) / d1  # du/dy for no-slip wall
        mu = sutherland.mu(T_w, "Air")
        # Wall shear stress .. tau_w = mu_w * du/dy
        tau_w = mu * dudy
        # Friction velocity .. u_tau = (tau_w / rho_w)**0.5
        u_tau = sqrt(tau_w / rho)
        # Non-dimensionalised y .. y_plus = u_tau * dy * rho_w / mu_w
        y_plus = u_tau * d1 * rho / mu
        # Skin friction coefficient .. c_f = tau_w / (0.5 * rho * u**2)
        c_f = tau_w / (0.5 * rho_inf * u_inf**2)
        outfile.write("%f %f %f %f %f %f \n" % (x, u1, d1, tau_w, c_f, y_plus))

print "Done."
예제 #6
# Freestream conditions
T_e = 300.0  # degrees K
p_e = 1.013e3  # static pressure in Pa
u_e = 1390.0  # u-velocity in m/s
rho_e = p_e / (287.1 * T_e)  # density in kg/m**3
M_e = 4.0  # u_e / sqrt(1.4 * 287.1 * T_e)
T_w = 300.0  # Wall temperature in K

outfile = open("cf-ref-temp.data", "w")
outfile.write("# 1.x(m) 2.c_f \n")

x = 0.001  # start just downstream  of the leading edge
x_stop = 1.0
x_step = 0.001
while 1:
    # Reference temperature Eq. 7-42
    T_star = T_e * (0.5 + 0.039 * M_e**2 + 0.5 * T_w / T_e)  # White
    # T_star = T_e * (0.42 + 0.032 * M_e**2 + 0.58 * T_w / T_e)  # Anderson
    c_star = (T_star / T_e)**(-1.0 / 3.0)  # Eq. 7-40
    # Viscosity by Sutherland's law
    mu_e = sutherland.mu(T_e, "Air")
    Re_xe = rho_e * u_e * x / mu_e  # Eq. 1-1
    c_f = 0.664 * sqrt(c_star) / sqrt(Re_xe)  # Eq. 7-41b
    # c_f = 0.584 / sqrt(Re_xe)
    x += x_step
    outfile.write("%f %f \n" % (x, c_f))
    if x > x_stop: break

print "Done."
예제 #7
Pr = 0.71  # to match Schetz' boundary-layer code
print "R=", R, "gamma=", gamma, "C_p=", C_p, "Pr=", Pr

print "Conditions just outside of boundary layer to match Schetz's worked example 5-1"
p_e = 1.013e3  # Pa
u_e = 1390.0  # m/s
T_e = 300.0  # degrees K
h_e = C_p * T_e
T_wall = 300.0
h_wall = C_p * T_wall
print "p_e=", p_e, "u_e=", u_e, "T_e=", T_e, "h_e=", h_e
print "Condition at wall"
print "T_wall=", T_wall, "h_wall=", h_wall

rho_e = p_e / (R * T_e)  # ideal equation of state
mu_e = sutherland.mu(T_e, 'Air')
k_e = mu_e * C_p / Pr
print "rho_e=", rho_e, "mu_e=", mu_e, "k_e=", k_e

# Choose a position along the plate
x = 0.1  # metres
xi = rho_e * u_e * mu_e * x
print "x=", x, "xi=", xi

def C(g):
    Ratio of density.viscosity product at points in the boundary layer.
    T = g * h_e / C_p
    T = max(T, 100.0)  # to avoid difficult values
예제 #8
print "Begin: Pick up data for tindx=", tindx
from libprep3 import Vector, cross, dot, vabs
from e3_flow import read_all_blocks
from math import sqrt
nb = 22
pick_list = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] # blocks against cubic surface
rho_inf = 5.521e-3 # kg/m**3
p_inf = 66.43 # Pa
u_inf =  1589.8 # m/s
T_inf = 41.92 # K
T_wall = 296.0 # K
T_0 = 1300.0 # K
specific_heat = 1004.5 # J/kg.K
from cfpylib.gasdyn import sutherland
mu_inf = sutherland.mu(T_inf, 'Air')
mm = 0.001  # metres
grid, flow, dim = read_all_blocks(job, nb, tindx, zipFiles=True)
print "Compute shear stress for cell-centres along the surface"
outfile = open("surface.data", "w")
outfile.write("# x(m) tau_w(Pa) Cf Cf_blasius y_plus p(Pa) Cp q(W/m**2) St.Re^0.5\n")
for ib in pick_list:
    j = 0 # surface is along the South boundary  
    k = 0 # of a 2D grid
    print "# start of block"
    for i in range(flow[ib].ni):
        # Cell closest to surface
        x = flow[ib].data['pos.x'][i,j,k] 
        y = flow[ib].data['pos.y'][i,j,k]
        ctr = Vector(x, y)
예제 #9
print gdata.title
gdata.axisymmetric_flag = 1
# Conditions to match the TUSQ operating condition.
p_inf = 701.5  # Pa
u_inf = 989.8  # m/s
T_inf = 72.46  # degree K
p_init = 1000.0  # Pa, DRB estimate
T_wall = 300.0  # degree K

# Estimate turbulence quantities for free stream
# by specifying the intensity as 0.01 and estimating the
# turbulence viscosity as 10 times the laminar viscosity.
tke_inf = 1.5 * (u_inf * 0.01)**2
rho_inf = p_inf / (287.0 * T_inf)
from cfpylib.gasdyn.sutherland import mu
mu_t_inf = 10.0 * mu(T_inf, 'Air')
omega_inf = rho_inf * tke_inf / mu_t_inf
gdata.turbulence_model = "k_omega"
print "Inflow turbulence: tke=", tke_inf, "omega=", omega_inf

select_gas_model(model='ideal gas', species=['air'])
inflow = FlowCondition(p=p_inf, u=u_inf, T=T_inf, tke=tke_inf, omega=omega_inf)
initial = FlowCondition(p=p_init, u=0, T=T_wall, tke=0.0, omega=1.0)

mm = 1.0e-3  # metres per mm

# Conical forebody
a0 = Vector(0.0, 0.0)
a1 = Vector(0.0, 10.0) * mm  # leading edge of domain
y_outer = 130.0  # mm outer radius of simulated domain
a2 = Vector(0.0, y_outer) * mm
예제 #10
u_cj_th = 759.8     # m/s
T_cj_th = 236.5     # degrees K
rho_cj_th = p_cj_th / (1537.3 * T_cj_th)    # Uses R from He-O2

# Ambient conditions
p_amb = 101300  # Pa
u_amb = 0.0     # m/s
T_amb = 300.0   # degrees K
rho_amb = p_amb / (287.1 * T_amb)  # Uses R from Air

# Estimate turbulence quantities for free stream by specifying turbulence
# intensity and the ratio of turbulent-to-laminar viscosity

# for coflow jet
tke_coflow = 1.5 * (0.01 * u_coflow)**2
mu_t_coflow = 1.0 * sutherland.mu(T_coflow, "Air")
omega_coflow = rho_coflow * tke_coflow / mu_t_coflow

# for centrejet
tke_cj = 0.0  # 1.5 * (0.005 * u_cj)**2
mu_t_cj = 1.0 * sutherland.mu(T_cj, "Air")
omega_cj = rho_cj * tke_cj / mu_t_cj

# for coflow jet at throat
tke_coflow_th = 1.5 * (0.035 * u_coflow_th)**2
mu_t_coflow_th = 5000.0 * sutherland.mu(T_coflow_th, "Air")
omega_coflow_th = rho_coflow_th * tke_coflow_th / mu_t_coflow_th

# for centrejet at throat
tke_cj_th = 1.5 * (0.020 * u_cj_th)**2
mu_t_cj_th = 5000.0 * sutherland.mu(T_cj_th, "Air")