def fetch(self, url, hash=None): self.prefix.log("fetch:", url) f = util.retrieve_url(url, self.top_dir) if os.path.isfile(f): if hash and not util.check_hash(f, hash): raise util.BuildError("Hash doesn't match for {0}: {1}".format(url, hash)) click.echo("Extracting archive {0} ...".format(f)) util.extract_ar(archive=f, dst=self.top_dir) return next(util.get_dirs(self.top_dir))
def check(self, f, *args): if self.verbose and not f(*args): raise util.BuildError('ASSERTION FAILURE: ', ' '.join([str(arg) for arg in args]))
def size_command(prefix, n): pkgs = len(list(, os.path.isdir))) if pkgs != int(n): raise util.BuildError( "Not the correct number of items: {}".format(pkgs))