def handle_action(environ, start_response, config): global available_tables fields = FieldStorage(fp = environ['wsgi.input'], environ = environ) action = fields.getfirst('a') datadir = config['datadir'] sessiondir = config['sessiondir'] if action in ['plot', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: settings = {} for k in fields.keys(): if k[0] in 'xyzcmsorntwhfgl': settings[k] = fields.getfirst(k).strip().decode('utf8', errors = 'ignore') images = make_plot(settings, config) for k, v in images.items(): images[k] = 'plots/' + basename(v) if action == 'plot': return serve_json(images, start_response) elif action in ['png', 'svg', 'pdf']: return serve_plot(images[action], start_response, config) elif action == 'list': if not available_tables or time() - available_tables[0] > 86400: available_tables = time(), ctplot.plot.available_tables(datadir) return serve_json(available_tables[1], start_response) elif action == 'save': id = fields.getfirst('id').strip() if len(id) < 8: raise RuntimeError('session id must have at least 8 digits') data = fields.getfirst('data').strip() with open(os.path.join(sessiondir, '{}.session'.format(id)), 'w') as f: f.write(data.replace('},{', '},\n{')) return serve_json('saved {}'.format(id), start_response) elif action == 'load': id = fields.getfirst('id').strip() if len(id) < 8: raise RuntimeError('session id must have at least 8 digits') try: with open(os.path.join(sessiondir, '{}.session'.format(id))) as f: return serve_plain(, start_response) except: return serve_json('no data for {}'.format(id), start_response) elif action == 'newid': id = randomChars(16) while os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sessiondir, '{}.session'.format(id))): id = randomChars(16) return serve_plain(id, start_response) else: raise ValueError('unknown action {}'.format(action))
def get_comments(): #Function to take in user comments, add them to a database & display them from cgi import FieldStorage, escape import pymysql as db from os import environ comments = '' url = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') try: connection = db.connect('', 'cgg1', 'weeS2dih', '2021_cgg1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) form_data = FieldStorage() if len(form_data) != 0: if form_data.getfirst('username') != None and form_data.getfirst( 'new_comment') != None: username = escape(form_data.getfirst('username')) new_comment = escape(form_data.getfirst('new_comment')) username = profanity(username) new_comment = profanity(new_comment) cursor.execute( """INSERT INTO comments_table (username, url, comment) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""", (username, url, new_comment)) connection.commit() cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM comments_table WHERE url = %s ORDER BY comment_id DESC""", (url)) for row in cursor.fetchall(): comments += '<article><h1>%s</h1><p>%s</p></article>' % ( row['username'], row['comment']) cursor.close() connection.close() except db.Error: comments = '<p class="error">Sorry! We are experiencing problems at the moment. Please call back later.</p>' return """ <h1>Comments</h1> <form action="%s" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Post a new comment</legend> <label for="username">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" maxlength="255"/> <label for="new_comment">Comment:</label> <textarea name="new_comment" id="new_comment" rows="5" cols="30" maxlength="255"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Post" /> </fieldset> </form> %s""" % (url, comments)
def main(): form = FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True) ft=form.getfirst('ft',False) cat=form.getfirst('cat',None) if cat == None: return from MySQLdb import connect db = connect(db=WIKIDB, host=HOSTNAME, read_default_file=CNFFILE) cursor=db.cursor() query="SELECT CatCount,concat('20',CatDate) FROM "+DB+".CatTrack where CatId=(select cat_id from category where cat_title=%s) ORDER BY CatDate;" cursor.execute(query,(cat,)) print 'Content-type: text\n' print '{| class = "wikitable"\n|-\n!Date!!Number of Pages in [[:Category:'+cat.replace('_',' ')+']]' for count,date in cursor.fetchall(): print '|-\n|'+str(date)+'||'+str(count) print'|}'
def main(): form = FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True) ft=form.getfirst('ft',False) cat=form.getfirst('cat',None) if cat == None: return from MySQLdb import connect db = connect(db=WIKIDB, host=HOSTNAME, read_default_file=CNFFILE) cursor=db.cursor() query="SELECT CatCount,CONCAT('20',CatDate) FROM "+DB+".CatTrack where CatID=(select cat_id from category where cat_title=%s) ORDER BY CatDate;" cursor.execute(query,(cat,)) print 'Content-type: application/download\nContent-disposition: attachment; filename="Tim1357-CatTracker-'+cat.replace('_',' ').replace(' ','-')+'.csv"\n' print '"Date","# of Pages in Category"' for count,date in cursor.fetchall(): print '"'+strftime('%Y-%m-%d',strptime(date,'%Y%m%d'))+'",'+str(count)
def StoredHandler(environ, start_response): from cgi import FieldStorage import cgitb; cgitb.enable(display=0, logdir="/tmp") form = FieldStorage(fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=environ) print(form.keys()) start_response('200 Ok', [('Content-type', 'text/javascript')]) if "oper" not in form: #print("Bad Request") return [json.dumps([False, 'Bad Request'])] method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() if method == 'GET' or method == 'HEAD': return [json.dumps([False, 'bad request'])] oper = form['oper'] print(oper) section = form.getfirst('roof', 'imsto') # section = form['section'] if form.has_key('section') else 'imsto' imsto = load_imsto(section) if oper.value == 'delete': id = form['id'] r = imsto.delete(id.value) print r return [json.dumps(r)] if oper.value == 'add': if "new_file" not in form: return [json.dumps([False, 'please select a file'])] new_file = form['new_file'] if new_file is None: return [json.dumps([False, 'invalid upload field'])] # print(type(new_file)) result = [] if type(new_file) == type([]): for f in new_file: print('%r %r %r %r %r %r' % (, f.filename, f.type, f.disposition, f.file, f.length)) r =, ctype=f.type, name=f.filename) print 'store: %r, result %r' % (, r) if type(r) == type([]): result.append(r) else: result.append(False) else: f = new_file print('single file %r %r' % (, f.filename)) try: result =, ctype=f.type, name=f.filename) print 'store: %r, result %r' % (, result) except Exception, e: result = [False, e.message] print "\n".join(get_traceback()) + "\n" if hasattr(imsto, 'close'): imsto.close() return [json.dumps(result)]
def getfirst(self, name, default=None, fce=uni): """Returns first variable value for key or default, if key not exist. Arguments: fce - function which processed value. """ val = CgiFieldStorage.getfirst(self, name, default) if val is None: return None return fce(val)
def main(): form = FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True) ft=form.getfirst('ft',False) cat=form.getfirst('cat',None) if cat == None: return from MySQLdb import connect db = connect(db=WIKIDB, host=HOSTNAME, read_default_file=CNFFILE) cursor=db.cursor() query="SELECT CatCount,concat('20',CatDate) FROM "+DB+".CatTrack where CatID=(select cat_id from category where cat_title=%s) ORDER BY CatDate;" cursor.execute(query,(cat,)) g=[] for y,x in cursor.fetchall(): g.append((x,y)) gg=graph() gg.g=g if ft: del gg.parameters['chf'] gg.title('Number of Pages in Category:'+cat.replace('_',' ')) t= gg.uobj() if not ft:print "Content-Type: image/png\n" else: print 'Content-type: application/download\nContent-disposition: attachment; filename="Tim1357-CatTracker-'+cat.replace('_',' ').replace(' ','-')+'.png"\n' print t
def getInt(key, min_int=None, max_int=None, default=0): form_data = FieldStorage() value = escape(form_data.getfirst(key, '')).strip() if value: try: value = int(value) if (min_int and value <= min_int) or (max_int and value > max_int): value = default except ValueError: value = default else: value = default return value
def getfirst(self, key: str, default: Any = None, fce: Callable = str): """Returns first variable value for key or default, if key not exist. Arguments: key : str key name default : None default value if key not found fce : convertor (str) Function or class which processed value. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ val = CgiFieldStorage.getfirst(self, key, default) if val is None: return None return fce(val)
def AdminHandler(environ, start_response): path = get_path_info(environ) man_regex = r'(env|Gallery|Stored|Sections)$' match =, path) #print('match: {0}'.format(match)) if match is None: return not_found(environ, start_response) from cgi import FieldStorage form = FieldStorage(environ=environ) section = form.getfirst('roof', 'imsto') action, = match.groups() if (action == 'Gallery'): limit = 20 start = 0 if form.has_key("page") and form["page"].value != "": page = int(form["page"].value) if page < 1: page = 1 start = limit * (page - 1) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/javascript')]) imsto = load_imsto(section) gallery = imsto.browse(limit, start) import datetime dthandler = lambda obj: obj.isoformat() if isinstance( obj, datetime.datetime) else None if hasattr(imsto, 'close'): imsto.close() return [json.dumps(gallery, default=dthandler)] elif (action == 'Stored'): return StoredHandler(environ, start_response) #start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) #return ['Stored'] elif (action == 'env'): return print_env(environ, start_response) elif action == 'Sections': start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/javascript')]) config = Config() return [json.dumps(config.sections())] start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) return [path_info]
def contactUs(): # Function to take in user information from contact us and insert it into a database from cgi import FieldStorage, escape import pymysql as db from os import environ result = '' url = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') try: connection = db.connect('', 'cgg1', 'weeS2dih', '2021_cgg1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) form_data = FieldStorage() if len(form_data) != 0: if form_data.getfirst('name') != None and form_data.getfirst( 'phone') != None and form_data.getfirst('comment') != None: name = escape(form_data.getfirst('name')).strip() phone = escape(form_data.getfirst('phone')).strip() comment = escape(form_data.getfirst('comment')).strip() comment = profanity(comment) if not phone.isnumeric() or len(phone) != 10: result += '<p class="error">Please enter a valid phone number.</p>' else: cursor.execute( """INSERT INTO contact_us (name, url, phone, comment) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""", (name, url, phone, comment)) connection.commit() result += "<p>Message successfully sent.</p>" else: result += '<p class="error">Please fill in all the text boxes.</p>' cursor.close() connection.close() except db.Error: result += '<p class="error">Sorry! We are experiencing problems at the moment. Please call back later.</p>' return """ <h1>Contact Us</h1> <form action="%s" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Send A Message</legend> <label for="name">Name: </label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" maxlength="40"/> <label for="phone">Phone: </label> <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" maxlength="10"/> <label for="comment">Comment:</label> <textarea name="comment" id="comment" rows="4" cols="30"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Send"/> </fieldset> </form> %s""" % (url, result)
def AdminHandler(environ, start_response): path = get_path_info(environ) man_regex = r'(env|Gallery|Stored|Sections)$' match =, path) #print('match: {0}'.format(match)) if match is None: return not_found(environ, start_response) from cgi import FieldStorage form = FieldStorage(environ=environ) section = form.getfirst('roof', 'imsto') action, = match.groups() if (action == 'Gallery'): limit = 20 start = 0 if form.has_key("page") and form["page"].value != "": page = int(form["page"].value) if page < 1: page = 1 start = limit * (page - 1) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/javascript')]) imsto = load_imsto(section) gallery = imsto.browse(limit, start) import datetime dthandler = lambda obj: obj.isoformat() if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime) else None if hasattr(imsto, 'close'): imsto.close() return [json.dumps(gallery, default=dthandler)] elif (action == 'Stored'): return StoredHandler(environ, start_response) #start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) #return ['Stored'] elif (action == 'env'): return print_env(environ, start_response) elif action == 'Sections': start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/javascript')]) config = Config() return [json.dumps(config.sections())] start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) return [path_info]
def page_exec_shit(environ): if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': fields = FieldStorage( fp = environ['wsgi.input'], environ = environ, ) code = fields.getfirst('code') if code: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(8.0) sock.connect('/home/fluxid/main/dev/sandboxed/socket') code = code.replace('\r\n', '\n') sock.sendall(code.encode('utf8') + b'\0') c.code = code print('===') print(code) print('===') def _gen_receive(): try: continue_recv = True while continue_recv: try: data = sock.recv(4096) except socket.timeout: yield '\n\nExecution timed out' return if not data: return zeropos = data.find(b'\0') if zeropos > -1: data = data[:zeropos] continue_recv = False if not data: return # Let's say it won't stop in the middle # octet stream ;) yield data.decode('utf8', 'ignore') finally: sock.close() c.result = _gen_receive()
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage from shelve import open from html import escape import pymysql as db print('Content-Type: text/plain') print() form_data = FieldStorage() score = int(escape(form_data.getfirst('score', '').strip())) game = escape(form_data.getfirst('game', '').strip()) sid = escape(form_data.getfirst('sid', '').strip()) game = game + '_score' try: session_store = open('sess_' + sid, writeback=False) username = session_store['username'] authenticated = session_store['authenticated'] if authenticated: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'cmd14', 'idaeh', 'cs6503_cs1106_cmd14') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM users WHERE username = '******';" % (game, username)) current_score = cursor.fetchone() if game == 'pong_score': if current_score[game] == None or score < int(current_score[game]): cursor.execute("""
building = "" contents = "" full_name = "" age = "" phone = "" email = "" cookie = SimpleCookie() http_cookie_header = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') try: form_data = FieldStorage() if len(form_data) != 0: dbList = [] #Property if form_data.getfirst('property') != None and form_data.getfirst( 'cover') != None and form_data.getfirst( 'occupants') != None and form_data.getfirst( 'insurance') != None: property = escape(form_data.getfirst('property')) cover = escape(form_data.getfirst('cover')) occupants = escape(form_data.getfirst('occupants')) insurance = escape(form_data.getfirst('insurance')) dbList.append(property) dbList.append(cover) dbList.append(occupants) dbList.append(insurance) else: propertyError = "<p class='error'>Please select an option from all of the dropdown menus.</p>"
connection.close() except db.Error: result = '<p>Sorry! We are experiencing problems at the moment. Please call back later.</p>' teacher_email_name = teacher_name.replace(" ", "") teacher_email_name = teacher_email_name.lower() if len(form_data) != 0: try: # check which input fields contain data # and from with source, i.e. from searching or from adding event try: student_id = escape( form_data.getfirst('student_id')) except: student_id = '' try: event_date_input = escape( form_data.getfirst('event-date-input')) except: event_date_input = '' try: event_descrition_input = escape( form_data.getfirst('event-description-input')) except: event_descrition_input = '' try: student_1_attendance = escape( form_data.getfirst('optradio1'))
Hey, %s. Sorry to see you go. </p> <p> <strong>Warning! This action is permenant.</strong> All of your scores will be lost. </p> <form action="" method="post"> <label for="pass1">Enter password: </label> <input type="password" name="pass1" id="pass1" placeholder="Enter password" required /> <label for="pass2">Reenter password: </label> <input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2" placeholder="Reenter password" required /> <label for="confirm">Confirm Deletion: </label> <input type="checkbox" name="confirm" id="confirm" value="yes" /> <input type="submit" value="Delete Account" /> </form>""" % username if len(form_data) != 0: pass1 = escape(form_data.getfirst('pass1', '').strip()) pass2 = escape(form_data.getfirst('pass2', '').strip()) confirm = escape(form_data.getfirst('confirm', '').strip()) if confirm == 'yes': if pass1 == pass2: sha256_password = sha256( pass1.encode()).hexdigest() connection = db.connect('localhost', 'cf26', 'pecah', 'cs6503_cs1106_cf26') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s""", (username, sha256_password))
<form action='' method='post'> <select name="playlist"> %s </select> <input type="submit" value='Add'/> </form> </td> </tr>""" % (row['location'], row['name'], row['artist'], row['song_id'], playlists) result += '</table>' cursor.close() if len(form_data) != 0: genre = escape(form_data.getfirst('genre', '')).strip() sort = escape(form_data.getfirst('sort', '')).strip() new_playlist = escape( form_data.getfirst('new_playlist', '')).strip() search = escape(form_data.getfirst('search', '')) genre_selection = [ 'rock', 'punk', 'hiphop', 'electric', 'freaky', '' ] sort_selection = [ 'song_id', 'artist', 'name', 'date_of_release' ] cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) if new_playlist != '':
if session_store.get('authenticated'): result2 = """<p id='larger'>No Need to Register - You are Logged In!</p> <p>Click on the links to continue shopping and add to your basket!</i></p> <p><a href="" id='larger' >Continue to Shop for <b>Boys Toys</b></a></p> <p><a href="" id='larger' >Continue to Shop for <b>Girls Toys</b></a></p> <p><a href="" id='larger' ><b>See Your Basket</b></a></p> <p><a href="" id='larger' ><b>or... Check Out</b></a></p> """ loggedIn=True else: result2 = "<p><b>Please enter in your details to Sign Up!</b></p>" except (IOError): result2 = "<p>Sorry! We can't confirm you are logged in or not. Please call back later.</p>" if len(form_data) != 0: username = escape(form_data.getfirst('username', '').strip()) password1 = escape(form_data.getfirst('password1', '').strip()) password2 = escape(form_data.getfirst('password2', '').strip()) fname = escape(form_data.getfirst('fname', '').strip()) lname = escape(form_data.getfirst('lname', '').strip()) full_address = escape(form_data.getfirst('full_address', '').strip()) phone = escape(form_data.getfirst('phone', '').strip()) email = escape(form_data.getfirst('email', '').strip()) if not username or not password1 or not password2 or not fname or not lname or not full_address or not phone or not email: result = '<p>Sorry! - you must fill out all the boxes</p>' elif password1 != password2 : result = '<p>Sorry! - your passwords much match up. Please try again.</p>' elif '@' not in email: result = '<p>Sorry! - Please enter in a valid email address. Please try again.</p>' else: try:
from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage, escape from hashlib import sha256 from time import time from shelve import open from http.cookies import SimpleCookie import pymysql as db form_data = FieldStorage() username = '' result = '' if len(form_data) != 0: username = escape(form_data.getfirst('username', '').strip()) password1 = escape(form_data.getfirst('password1', '').strip()) password2 = escape(form_data.getfirst('password2', '').strip()) email1 = escape(form_data.getfirst('email1', '').strip()) email2 = escape(form_data.getfirst('email2', '').strip()) if not username or not password1 or not password2 or not email: result = '<p>Error: user name and passwords are required</p>' elif password1 != password2: result = '<p>Error: passwords must be equal</p>' elif email1 != email2: result = '<p>Error: emails must be equal</p>' else: try: #Begin Try connection = db.connect('localhost', 'userid', 'password', 'WD2_Vinyl') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM users
from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage, escape from hashlib import sha256 from time import time from shelve import open from http.cookies import SimpleCookie import pymysql as db form_data = FieldStorage() username = '' result = '' if len(form_data) != 0: username = escape(form_data.getfirst('username', '').strip()) password = escape(form_data.getfirst('password', '').strip()) if not username or not password: result = '<p>Error: user name and password are required</p>' else: sha256_password = sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() try: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'userid', 'password', 'database_name') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s""", (username, sha256_password)) if cursor.rowcount == 0: result = '<p>Error: incorrect user name or password</p>' else: cookie = SimpleCookie()
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage import pymysql as db print('Content-Type: text/html') print() form_data = FieldStorage() result ='' first_name = form_data.getfirst('name', '').strip() # we can grab any form data sent to us here if len(form_data) != 0 : # check if there is any form data, if there is we need to do something #do something try : # OPTION 1: # if you want to add something to the database connection = db.connect('credentials') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) # we set up a cursor to interact with the databse cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (%s)""", (first_name)) # always use the comma to sanitize our code connection.commit() #WaRNING HERE# # this is only needed if we are adding data to our database except db.Error : # if there is an error connecting to the database do something result = "Sorry yo, couldn't do what you asked" # in this case we set the result to an error message # this is the final print statement, it returns our edited web page
return '<a href="'+to+'">'+title+'</a>' def hitmark(): import pickle i=pickle.load(open('hitcount','r')) pickle.dump(i+1,open('hitcount','w')) return str(i+1) def topline(cat): return '%s| Download Raw Data (%s or %s)'%(link(''+quote(cat),'Image'),link(''+quote(cat),'.csv'),link(''+quote(cat),'wikitable')) def header(): return '''<div id="header"><center><span><font color="ccffff">Bugs/Feedback Appreciated <a style= "color: #aaffee" href="">here</a> | Check out <a style= "color: #aaffee" href="">my other tool</a> | '''+hitmark()+''' Hits .</font></span></center></div><h2>Tim1357's Category Tracking Tool</h2>''' out_="""<html xmlns=""> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />""" _CATEGORY=form.getfirst('cat',None) if _CATEGORY == None: out_+='<title>Tim1357\'s CatTrack Tool</title>' out_+=header() else: from MySQLdb import connect db = connect(db=DB, host=HOSTNAME, read_default_file=CNFFILE) cursor=db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT 1 from u_tim1357.CatTrack where CatID=(select cat_id from category where cat_title=%s) limit 1;',(_CATEGORY.replace(' ','_'),)) _temp=cursor.fetchall() if not _temp: print 'Location:\n\n' quit() out_+='<title>CatTrack - '+escape(_CATEGORY).replace('_',' ')+'</title>' out_+=header()
print('Content-Type: text/html') # this is the http header data print() # this is the break in the header response form_data = FieldStorage() # grab the submitted data (if any) into an object called 'form_data' result = '' # make sure to declare variables that are used in the final http response below if len(form_data) != 0 : # check if there is any form data, if there is we need to do something #do something result = 'change' # this is where we can make changes to the result of our web page try : first_name = escape(form_data.getfirst('name')).strip() # we can grab any form data sent to us here # OPTION 1: # if you want to add something to the database connection = db.connect('localhost', 'userid', 'password', 'database_name') # this is how we create a connection to the database cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) # we set up a cursor to interact with the databse cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (%s, %s)""", (first_name)) # always use the comma to sanitize our code connection.commit() #WARNING HERE# # this is only needed if we are adding data to our database # OPTION 2: # else if you want to fetch something from the database connection = db.connect('localhost', 'userid', 'password', 'database_name') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM people
<input type="submit" value="See Leaderboard"> </form>""" try: cookie = SimpleCookie() http_cookie_header = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') if http_cookie_header: cookie.load(http_cookie_header) if 'cfgof_sid' in cookie: cfgof_sid = cookie['cfgof_sid'].value session_store = open('users/sess_' + cfgof_sid, writeback=False) username = session_store.get("username") if session_store.get('authenticated'): result = "" if len(form_data) != 0: type = escape(form_data.getfirst('type', '').strip()) game = escape(form_data.getfirst('game', '').strip()) result = """ <table> <th scope="col">Username</th><th scope="col">Score</th><th scope="col">Date</th> """ connection = db.connect('', 'cjb4', 'ohchu', 'cs6503_cs1106_cjb4') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) if type == "personal": if game == "cr": cursor.execute( """SELECT username, score, date_scored FROM scores WHERE username = username AND game = "chicken_run" ORDER BY score; """ (username))
from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage import pymysql as db print('Content-Type: text/html') print() comments = '' try: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'userid', 'password', 'database_name') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) form_data = FieldStorage() if len(form_data) != 0: username = form_data.getfirst('username') new_comment = form_data.getfirst('new_comment') cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO comments_table (username, comment) VALUES (%s, %s)""", (username, new_comment)) connection.commit() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM comments_table ORDER BY comment_id DESC""") for row in cursor.fetchall(): comments += '<article><h1>%s</h1><p>%s</p></article>' % (row['username'], row['comment']) cursor.close() connection.close() except db.Error: comments = '<p>Sorry! We are experiencing problems at the moment. Please call back later.</p>' print(""" <!DOCTYPE html>
API endpoint for updating product location. An ajax request is made to execute this endpoint. Url is /api/ . API returns json with updated and message fields "updated" field --> True if the location was updated. False if not "message" field --> Different messages depending on outcome. These are ready to be inserted into HTML and displayed to the the user. """ print('Content-Type: text/json') print() message = {"updated": False, "message": ""} if not loggedIn(): message["message"] = "Sorry, you don't seem to be logged in" else: form_data = FieldStorage() pid = form_data.getfirst("pid") lid = form_data.getfirst("lid") if pid and lid: result = update_location(pid, lid) if result == 1: message["message"] = "That was updated" message["updated"] = True elif result == 0: message["message"] = "Sorry, that location does not exist" elif result == -1: message["message"] = "Sorry, that product does not exist" elif result == -2: message["message"] = "Sorry, something went wrong"
year = '' answer = '' book_msg = '' author_msg = '' year_msg = '' file_txt_msg = '' file_img_msg = '' file1 = '' file2 = '' if len(form_data) != 0: try: connection = db.connect('', 'sy1', 'gaequaez', 'csdipact2015_1_sy1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) bookname = escape(form_data.getfirst('bookname', "").strip()) author = escape(form_data.getfirst('author', "").strip()) year = escape(form_data.getfirst('year', "").strip()) book_link = escape(form_data.getfirst('book_link', "").strip()) images = escape(form_data.getfirst('images', "").strip()) cursor.execute( "Insert INTO library (book_name, author, written, book_link, images) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CONCAT('library/',%s), CONCAT('images/',%s))", (bookname, author, year, book_link, images)) result = "<p>Congratulations! Your book_information was inserted successfully.</p>" connection.commit() except db.Error: result = """DB is in trouble at the moment. Call again later.""" try: cookie = SimpleCookie() http_cookie_header = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') if http_cookie_header:
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgitb import enable enable() from os import environ from shelve import open from http.cookies import SimpleCookie import pymysql as db from cgi import FieldStorage, escape from datetime import datetime cookie = SimpleCookie() http_cookie_header = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') curdate = (str('.'))[0] form_data = FieldStorage() forumName = escape(form_data.getfirst('forum', '')) post = escape(form_data.getfirst('post', '.')) logedin = False if http_cookie_header: cookie.load(http_cookie_header) if 'sid' in cookie: sessionId = cookie['sid'].value sessionStore = open('../session_stores/session-' + sessionId, writeback=False) if sessionStore.get('authenticated'): logedin = True if logedin == True: logout = "<form action=''><input type='submit' value='Log Out'></form>" else:
def start_sse_stream(output_stream=sys.stdout): """Generate a stream of server-sent events according to state changes. This function is activated by making a request to the JavaScript function "initialiseEventSource()" which is located in "sse.js". This operation is performed by the JavaScript waitingGame function, and hence, other JavaScript code need only "get" a reference to the EventSource object (by calling "getEventSource()" from "sse.js"). Reads in the game id, and repeatedly does each of the following: 1) Check whose turn it is. 2) Check if any new players have joined the waiting game lobby. 3) Check if any of the players' balances have changed in a game. 4) Check if any of the players' positions have changed in a game. 5) Check if the specified game's status has changed to "playing". """ # The following headers are compulsory for SSE. output_stream.write('Content-Type: text/event-stream\n') output_stream.write('Cache-Control: no-cache\n') output_stream.write('\n') # Read in the game id from standard input (aka. FieldStorage) and create # an empty dictionary of current players, positions, balances, new # players, new positions, new balances and turn orders. All the "new" # dicts will be populated with the most up to date data from the # **database**, while non-"new" dicts will be populated only after a # comparison between it and the corresponding "new" dict has been made. input_data = FieldStorage() game_id = input_data.getfirst('game') last_game_state = "waiting" players = {} positions = {} balances = {} new_players = {} new_positions = {} new_balances = {} turn = None turn_order = {} jailed_players = {} new_jailed_players = {} push_initial_user_details = True houses = {} property_ownership = {} # These statements are executed constantly once the first request to this # function is made. while True: # Create a Game object representing the game in the database. # This can be thought of as a "pointer" to the appropriate game in the # database. game = Game(game_id) # Go through each player in the game and populate the "new" # dictionaries with user_id (aka. player_id) as the key, and # username/position/balance/turn-order as the value. # These are the latest values retrieved from the database. for player in map(Player, game.players): new_players[player.uid] = player.username new_jailed_players[player.uid] = player.jail_state new_positions[player.uid] = player.board_position new_balances[player.uid] = player.balance turn_order[player.uid] = player.turn_position # Assign the current (aka. non-new) dictionaries to the value of the # "new" (aka. latest) dictionaries, after calling the appropriate # comparison function to determine whether an event should be # generated. turn = check_new_turn(output_stream, turn, game.current_turn, turn_order) players = check_new_players(output_stream, players, new_players) balances = check_new_balances(output_stream, balances, new_balances) jailed_players = check_new_jailed_players(output_stream, jailed_players, new_jailed_players) positions = check_new_positions(output_stream, positions, new_positions, new_jailed_players) houses = check_property_houses(output_stream, game_id, houses) property_ownership = check_property_ownership( output_stream, game_id, property_ownership, ) # Pushes data to update the players info table on game start if push_initial_user_details and last_game_state == "playing": push_initial_user_details = False start_game_push(output_stream, turn_order) # Call function to check the current state of this game. # A game state may be "waiting" or "playing". last_game_state = check_game_playing_status(output_stream, game, last_game_state) time.sleep(3) # Flush standard out which forcefully sends everything that might be # buffered in standard out to the client. No need to worry about tech # details too much, it's just standard SSE procedure! output_stream.flush()
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgi import FieldStorage from random import shuffle from cgitb import enable enable() print('Content-Type: text/html') print() form_data = FieldStorage() players = form_data.getfirst('players', '') rsp_dict = { 0: 'Dynamite', 1: 'Tornado', 2: 'Quicksand', 3: 'Pit', 4: 'Chain', 5: 'Gun', 6: 'Law', 7: 'Whip', 8: 'Sword', 9: 'Rock', 10: 'Death', 11: 'Wall', 12: 'Sun', 13: 'Camera', 14: 'Fire', 15: 'Chainsaw',
x[1] = 'Absent' attendance_dict[x[0]] = x[1] cursor.close() cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM students WHERE class=1""") for row in cursor.fetchall(): class_ids_list.append(row['student_id']) cursor.close() except db.Error: result = '<p>Sorry! We are experiencing problems at the moment. Please call back later.</p>' if len(form_data) != 0: try: student_id = escape(form_data.getfirst('student_id')) connection = db.connect('', 'rjf1', 'ahf1Aeho', '2021_rjf1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_id = '%s'""" % (student_id)) for row in cursor.fetchall(): #result+=row student_firstname = row['first_name'] student_lastname = row['last_name'] student_phone_number = row['phone_number'] #result += '</table>' cursor.close() cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor)
#!/usr/bin/python3 from cgi import FieldStorage from python.login import * from python.databases.databaseQueries import get_product_info """ API endpoint for getting product location on map. An ajax request is made to execute this endpoint. Url is /api/get_product_map?pid=PRODUCT_ID . API returns an image tag containing the map """ print('Content-Type: text/html') print() message = "/assets/images/404.gif" if not loggedIn(): pass else: form_data = FieldStorage() pid = form_data.getfirst("pid") result = form_data.getfirst("pid") if pid: result = get_product_info(pid) if result: map_image = result["location_info"]["map"] map_image = map_image.split(".")[0] map_image += "-min.png" message = map_image print(str(message))
cookie.load(http_cookie) if 'karols_sid' in cookie: try: karols_sid = cookie['karols_sid'].value session_store = open('../js_python/sessions/sess_' + karols_sid, writeback=True) if session_store['authenticated']: return session_store['username'] == 'admin' except IOError: return '' return '' if len(form_data): comment_id = escape(form_data.getfirst('my_id', '')).strip() if isAdmin(): try: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'kpp1', 'mah9eiQu', '2021_kpp1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute('SELECT * from comments WHERE comment_id = %s', comment_id) if cursor.rowcount == 0: result = 'fail' else: cursor.execute( """ DELETE from comments WHERE comment_id = %s
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage, escape from hashlib import sha256 import pymysql as db from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from shelve import open from time import time form_data = FieldStorage() username = escape(form_data.getfirst("username", '').strip()) password = escape(form_data.getfirst("password", '').strip()) result = """""" if len(form_data) > 0: #try: connection = db.connect('', 'ajbod1', 'eimaidae', 'users_ajbod1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM register WHERE username=%s AND userpassword=%s """, (username, password)) if cursor.rowcount > 0: cookie = SimpleCookie() sid = sha256(repr(time()).encode()).hexdigest()
session_store = open('sess_' + sid, writeback=False) if session_store.get('authenticated'): username = session_store.get('username') try: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'root', 'fordemc2', 'projects') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT playlist_name FROM playlists where username=%s""", username) if cursor.rowcount != 0: playlists = '' for row in cursor.fetchall(): playlists += '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (row['playlist_name'], row['playlist_name']) if len(form_data) != 0: playlist = escape(form_data.getfirst('playlist', '')).strip() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM music WHERE song_id in (select song_id from playlists where username = %s and playlist_name = %s)""", (username, playlist)) result = """ <audio controls source src='' type='audio/mp3' id='audioPlayer'> <p>Sorry, Your browser doesn't support HTML5</p> </audio> <table id='songlist'> <tr><th colspan="3">Your %s Playlist</th></tr> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Artist</th><th>Delete</th></tr>""" % playlist for row in cursor.fetchall(): result += """<tr> <td><a href='%s'>%s</a></td> <td>%s</td> <td> <form action="" method='post'>
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage from html import escape from hashlib import sha256 from time import time from shelve import open from http.cookies import SimpleCookie import pymysql as db form_data = FieldStorage() username = '' result = '' if len(form_data) != 0: username = escape(form_data.getfirst('username', '').strip()) password = escape(form_data.getfirst('password', '').strip()) if not username or not password: result = '<p>Error: username and password are required</p>' else: sha256_password = sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() try: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'cmd14', 'idaeh', 'cs6503_cs1106_cmd14') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s""", (username, sha256_password)) if cursor.rowcount == 0:
</label> </div> <button class="landing btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="submit">Sign in</button> <p class="error-message">No account? <a href="">Sign up</a></p> </form> <script src="" integrity="sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="[email protected]/dist/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-Q6E9RHvbIyZFJoft+2mJbHaEWldlvI9IOYy5n3zV9zzTtmI3UksdQRVvoxMfooAo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </body>""" cookie = SimpleCookie() http_cookie_header = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') form_data = FieldStorage() email = escape(form_data.getfirst('email', "").strip()) password = escape(form_data.getfirst('password', "").strip()) if email != '': connection = db.connect('', 'rjf1', 'ahf1Aeho', '2021_rjf1') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) search_result = cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s AND password = %s""", (email, password)) #user found and password match, issue cookie and redirect to homepage if search_result == 1: cookie = SimpleCookie() sid = sha256(repr(time()).encode()).hexdigest() cookie['sid'] = sid session_store = open('sess_' + sid, writeback=True)
from os import environ # import files needed from http.cookies import SimpleCookie # the header section will most likely be provided by Derek Bridge print("Content-Type: text/html") # very likely he might ask us for this print() # don't forget this print, it signals the end of the HTTP header form_data = FieldStorage() # grab the data that has been sent to us http_cookie_header = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') # check if there are any cookies in the header if not http_cookie_header : # if there isn't proceed if len(form_data) != 0 : # check if we have been given form data # we have data, let's do something with it try : band_vote = escape(form_data.getfirst('bands')).strip() # store the band voted for as band_vote connection = db.connect('localhost', 'userid', 'password', 'database_name') # connect to database cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) # set up cursor cursor.execute("""UPDATE votes SET num_votes = num_votes + 1 WHERE band = '%s'""", (band_vote)) # don't forget the comma to sanitize cursor.commit() # needed because we updated the database cookie = SimpleCookie() # create a cookie object called cookie cookie['band'] = band_vote # set it's value to the band we voted for cookie['band']['expires'] = 9999999 # don't firget to set an expiration date result = 'Woo, you voted for %s. What terrible taste' % band_vote; except db.Error : # this is called if something goes wrong connecting to the database result = 'Something went wrong!' # create an error message if we coudn't connect else : # the user already voted cookie.load(http_cookie_header)
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgi import FieldStorage import pymysql as db from math import ceil from html import escape from cgitb import enable enable() print('Content-Type: text/html') print() form_data = FieldStorage() country = escape(form_data.getfirst('country', '')).strip() points = escape(form_data.getfirst('points', '')).strip() form = '' output = '' try: connection = db.connect('localhost', 'cf26', 'pecah', 'cs6503_cs1106_cf26') # connection = db.connect('localhost', 'cf26', 'p', 'cs6503_cs1106_cf26') cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT country FROM winners""") form = """<form action="" method="get"> <label for="country">Search by Country:</label> <select name="country" id="country"> <option value="" label="Please select a country"></option>""" for row in cursor.fetchall(): if row['country'] == country: form += """<option value="%s" selected>%s</option>""" % (
from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage, escape import pymysql as db print('Content-Type: text/html') print() form_data = FieldStorage() result = '' candidate='' candidate= form_data.getfirst('candidate') try: if candidate !=None: connection = db.connect(# login) cursor = connection.cursor(db.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute("""SELECT candidate_name FROM candidates WHERE candidate_name= %s""" , (candidate)) if cursor.rowcount==1 : result=('Sorry, your candidate was already found in the database.') else: cursor.execute("""INSERT into candidates (candidate_name, total_votes) values (%s,0)""" , (candidate)) connection.commit() cursor.close() connection.close() result=('Thanks for adding a candidate!')
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 from cgitb import enable enable() from cgi import FieldStorage print('Content-Type: text/html') print() form_data = FieldStorage() mass_kg = form_data.getfirst('mass_kg', '').strip() height_m = form_data.getfirst('height_m', '').strip() outcome = '' try: mass_kg = float(mass_kg) height_m = float(height_m) bmi = mass_kg / (height_m * height_m) category = '' if bmi < 18.5: category = 'underweight' elif bmi > 25: category = 'overweight' else: category = 'normal' outcome = """Your mass in kg is %.1f. Your height in m is %.1f. Your BMI is %.2f. You are %s.""" % (mass_kg, height_m, bmi, category) except ValueError:
class application(object): # don't serve static by default static_serve = False static_alias = { '' : 'ketcher.html' } static_root = None indigo = None indigo_inchi = None def __init__(self, environ, start_response): self.path = environ['PATH_INFO'].strip('/') self.method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] self.content_type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') self.fields = FieldStorage(fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=environ, keep_blank_values=True) self.FileWrapper = environ.get('wsgi.file_wrapper', FileWrapper) self.headers = Headers([]) route = getattr(self, 'on_' + self.path, None) if route is None: route = self.serve_static if self.method == 'GET' and \ self.static_serve else self.notsupported status = "200 OK" try: self.response = route() except self.HttpException as e: status = e.args[0] self.response = [e.args[1]] self.headers.setdefault('Content-Type', 'text/plain') start_response(status, self.headers.items()) def __iter__(self): for chunk in self.response: yield chunk if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or \ not hasattr(chunk, 'encode') else chunk.encode() def notsupported(self): raise self.HttpException("405 Method Not Allowed", "Request not supported") def indigo_required(method): def wrapper(self, **args): if not self.indigo: raise self.HttpException("501 Not Implemented", "Indigo libraries are not found") try: return method(self, **args) except indigo.IndigoException as e: message = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if 'indigoLoad' in message: # error on load message = "Cannot load the specified " + \ "structure: %s " % str(e) raise self.HttpException("400 Bad Request", message) return wrapper @indigo_required def on_knocknock(self): return ["You are welcome!"] @indigo_required def on_layout(self): moldata = None if self.method == 'GET' and 'smiles' in self.fields: moldata = self.fields.getfirst('smiles') elif self.is_form_request() and 'moldata' in self.fields: moldata = self.fields.getfirst('moldata') selective = 'selective' in self.fields if moldata: if '>>' in moldata or moldata.startswith('$RXN'): rxn = self.indigo.loadQueryReaction(moldata) if selective: for mol in rxn.iterateMolecules(): self.selective_layout(mol) else: rxn.layout() return ["Ok.\n", rxn.rxnfile()] elif moldata.startswith('InChI'): mol = self.indigo_inchi.loadMolecule(moldata) mol.layout() return ["Ok.\n", mol.molfile()] else: mol = self.indigo.loadQueryMolecule(moldata) if selective: for rg in mol.iterateRGroups(): for frag in rg.iterateRGroupFragments(): self.selective_layout(frag) self.selective_layout(mol) else: mol.layout() return ["Ok.\n", mol.molfile()] self.notsupported() @indigo_required def on_automap(self): moldata = None if self.method == 'GET' and 'smiles' in self.fields: moldata = self.fields.getfirst('smiles') elif self.is_form_request() and 'moldata' in self.fields: moldata = self.fields.getfirst('moldata') if moldata: mode = self.fields.getfirst('mode', 'discard') rxn = self.indigo.loadQueryReaction(moldata) if not moldata.startswith('$RXN'): rxn.layout() rxn.automap(mode) return ["Ok.\n", rxn.rxnfile()] self.notsupported() @indigo_required def on_aromatize(self): try: md, is_rxn = self.load_moldata() except: message = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if message.startswith("\"molfile loader:") and \ message.endswith("queries\""): # hack to avoid user confusion md, is_rxn = self.load_moldata(True) else: raise md.aromatize() return ["Ok.\n", md.rxnfile() if is_rxn else md.molfile()] @indigo_required def on_getinchi(self): md, is_rxn = self.load_moldata() inchi = self.indigo_inchi.getInchi(md) return ["Ok.\n", inchi] @indigo_required def on_dearomatize(self): try: md, is_rxn = self.load_moldata() except: # TODO: test for query features presence raise self.HttpException("400 Bad Request", "Molecules and reactions " + \ "containing query features " + \ "cannot be dearomatized yet.") md.dearomatize() return ["Ok.\n", md.rxnfile() if is_rxn else md.molfile()] def on_open(self): if self.is_form_request(): self.headers.add_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') return ['<html><body onload="parent.ui.loadMoleculeFromFile()" title="', b64encode("Ok.\n"), b64encode(self.fields.getfirst('filedata')), '"></body></html>'] self.notsupported() def on_save(self): if self.is_form_request(): type, data = self.fields.getfirst('filedata').split('\n', 1) type = type.strip() if type == 'smi': self.headers.add_header('Content-Type', 'chemical/x-daylight-smiles') elif type == 'mol': if data.startswith('$RXN'): type = 'rxn' self.headers.add_header('Content-Type', 'chemical/x-mdl-%sfile' % type) self.headers.add_header('Content-Length', str(len(data))) self.headers.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='ketcher.%s' % type) return [data] self.notsupported() class HttpException(Exception): pass def load_moldata(self, is_query=False): moldata = self.fields.getfirst('moldata') if moldata.startswith('$RXN'): if is_query: md = self.indigo.loadQueryReaction(moldata) else: md = self.indigo.loadReaction(moldata) is_rxn = True else: if is_query: md = self.indigo.loadQueryMolecule(moldata) else: md = self.indigo.loadMolecule(moldata) is_rxn = False return md, is_rxn def selective_layout(self, mol): dsgs = [dsg for dsg in mol.iterateDataSGroups() \ if dsg.description() == '_ketcher_selective_layout' and \ == '1'] atoms = sorted([atom.index() for dsg in dsgs \ for atom in dsg.iterateAtoms()]) for dsg in dsgs: dsg.remove() mol.getSubmolecule(atoms).layout() return mol def serve_static(self): root = self.static_root or getcwd() fpath = self.static_alias.get(self.path, self.path) fpath = path.abspath(path.join(root, fpath)) if not fpath.startswith(root + path.sep) or not path.isfile(fpath) \ or fpath == path.abspath(__file__): raise self.HttpException("404 Not Found", "Requested file isn't accessible") self.headers['Content-Type'] = guess_type(fpath)[0] or 'text/plain' try: fd = open(fpath, 'rb') return self.FileWrapper(fd) if self.method == 'GET' else [''] except (IOError, OSError): raise self.HttpException("402 Payment Required", # or 403, hmm.. "Must get more money for overtime") def is_form_request(self): return self.method == 'POST' and \ (self.content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') or self.content_type.startswith('multipart/form-data'))