def color_mesh(target=None, mode='puppetmesh'): _str_func = "color_mesh" if not target: raise ValueError, "|{0}| >> Must have a target".format(_str_func) l_targets = VALID.listArg(target) _shader, _set = getControlShader(None, 'puppetmesh', False, False, False) for t in l_targets: log.debug("|{0}| >> t: {1} ...".format(_str_func, t)) _type = VALID.get_mayaType(t) log.debug("|{0}| >> shapes: {1} ...".format(_str_func, TRANS.shapes_get(t, True))) log.debug("|{0}| >> type: {1} ...".format(_str_func, _type)) mc.sets(t, edit=True, remove='initialShadingGroup') if _type in ['nurbsSurface', 'mesh']: mc.sets(t, e=True, forceElement=_set) else: for s in TRANS.shapes_get(t, True): log.debug("|{0}| >> s: {1} ...".format(_str_func, s)) _type = VALID.get_mayaType(s) if _type in ['nurbsSurface', 'mesh']: mc.sets(s, edit=True, forceElement=_set) mc.sets(s, remove='initialShadingGroup') try: mc.disconnectAttr( '{0}.instObjGroups.objectGroups'.format(s), 'initialShadingGroup.dagSetMembers') except: pass else: log.debug("|{0}| >> Not a valid target: {1} | {2}".format( _str_func, s, _type)) mc.sets(t, edit=True, remove='initialShadingGroup') return True
def fbx_cleaner(delete = False, spaceString = '03FBXASC032'): """ Find all the sill attributes fbx adds on import :parameters: delete | whether to delete all userDefined attrs or not spaceString | Search string for what fbx did with spaces from max or other app. Replaces with underscore """ _str_func = 'fbx_cleaner' log.debug("|{0}| >> ...".format(_str_func)) _res = {} for o in _res[o] = [] _l = mc.listAttr(o,userDefined=True) or [] for a in _l: _res[o].append(a) _shapes = TRANS.shapes_get(o) if _shapes: for s in _shapes: _res[s] = [] _l = mc.listAttr(s,userDefined=True) or [] for a in _l: _res[s].append(a) print cgmGEN._str_hardBreak l_renamed = [] for k,l in _res.iteritems(): if l: print cgmGEN._str_subLine print(cgmGEN._str_baseStart * 2 + " node: '{0}' | attrs: {1}...".format(k,len(l))) for i,a in enumerate(l): print(" {0} | '{1}'".format(i,a)) if delete: ATTR.delete(k,a) if spaceString: if spaceString in NAMES.get_base(k) and k not in l_renamed: new = mc.rename(k, NAMES.get_base(k).replace(spaceString,'_')) print(" Rename {0} | '{1}'".format(k,new)) l_renamed.append(k) print cgmGEN._str_hardBreak
def get_list(context='selection', mType=None, getTransform=False): """ Get contextual data for updating a transform :parameters context(string): selection children heirarchy scene buffer mType getTransform :returns list(list) """ _str_func = "get_list" _l_context = [] _context = context.lower() log.debug("|{0}| >> context: {1} | mType: {2}".format( _str_func, _context, mType)) if _context == 'selection': log.debug("|{0}| >> selection mode...".format(_str_func)) if mType: if mType == 'shape': _bfr =, shortNames=False) for o in _bfr: _l_context.extend(TRANS.shapes_get(o, True)) else: _l_context =, type=mType, shortNames=False, flatten=True) else: _l_context =, shortNames=False, flatten=True) elif _context == 'scene': log.debug("|{0}| >> scene mode...".format(_str_func)) if mType is not None: _l_context =, shortNames=False) else: _l_context = #raise Exception,"Really shouldn't use this without a specific object type..." elif _context == 'children': log.debug("|{0}| >> children mode...".format(_str_func)) _sel =, shortNames=False) for o in _sel: if mType: if, type=mType, shortNames=False): _l_context.append(o) else: _l_context.append(o) if mType: try: _buffer = mc.listRelatives( o, allDescendents=True, type=mType, fullPath=True) or [] except: _buffer = [] else: _buffer = mc.listRelatives( o, allDescendents=True, fullPath=True) or [] for o2 in _buffer: if o2 not in _l_context: _l_context.append(o2) elif _context == 'heirarchy': log.debug("|{0}| >> heirarchy mode...".format(_str_func)) _sel =, shortNames=False) for o in _sel: if mType: if, type=mType, shortNames=False): _l_context.append(o) else: _l_context.append(o) _parents = SEARCH.get_all_parents(o) _buffer = [] if _parents: root = _parents[-1] #...get the top of the tree if mType: if, type=mType, shortNames=False): _l_context.append(root) else: _l_context.append(root) if mType: try: _buffer = mc.listRelatives(root, allDescendents=True, type=mType, fullPath=True) or [] except: _buffer = [] else: _buffer = mc.listRelatives( root, allDescendents=True, fullPath=True) or [] for o2 in _buffer: if o2 not in _l_context: _l_context.append(o2) else: if mType: try: _buffer = mc.listRelatives( o, allDescendents=True, type=mType, fullPath=True) or [] except: _buffer = [] else: _buffer = mc.listRelatives( o, allDescendents=True, fullPath=True) or [] for o2 in _buffer: if o2 not in _l_context: _l_context.append(o2) else: log.warning("|{0}| >> context unkown: {1}...".format( _str_func, _context)) return False if getTransform: for i, o in enumerate(_l_context): _trans = SEARCH.get_transform(o) if _trans: _l_context[i] = _trans return _l_context
def create_localAxisProxyBAK(obj=None): """ Make a local axis box around a given object so that you can then """ try: _str_func = 'create_localAxisProxy' _dag = VALID.getTransform(obj) if not _dag: raise ValueError, "Must have a dag node" l_shapes = TRANS.shapes_get(_dag) _dup = mc.duplicate(l_shapes, po=False, rc=True)[0] #_dup = TRANS.parent_set(_dup,False) #Get some values... t = ATTR.get(_dup, 'translate') r = ATTR.get(_dup, 'rotate') s = ATTR.get(_dup, 'scale') o = TRANS.orient_get(_dup) shear = ATTR.get(_dup, 'shear') _scaleLossy = TRANS.scaleLossy_get(_dag) #Reset our stuff before we make our bb... TRANS.orient_set(_dup, (0, 0, 0)) ATTR.set(_dup, 'scale', [1, 1, 1]) _size = POS.get_bb_size(_dup, True) import cgm.core.lib.math_utils as COREMATH reload(COREMATH) #_proxy = create_proxyGeo('cube',COREMATH.list_div(_scaleLossy,_size)) _proxy = create_proxyGeo('cube', _size) mc.makeIdentity(_proxy, apply=True, scale=True) return #mc.xform(_proxy, scale = _size, worldSpace = True, absolute = True) #Parent it to the dup... _proxy = TRANS.parent_set(_proxy, _dup) ATTR.reset(_proxy, ['t', 'r', 'shear']) #_dup = TRANS.parent_set(_dup, TRANS.parents_get(_dag)) SNAP.go(_dup, _dag) ATTR.set(_dup, 'shear', shear) #TRANS.scaleLocal_set(_dup, s) #mc.delete(_dup) #_scaleLossy = TRANS.scaleLossy_get(_dag) #import cgm.core.lib.math_utils as COREMATH #TRANS.scaleLocal_set(_dup, COREMATH.list_mult([-1.0,-1.0,-1.0],_scaleLossy,)) #proxy = TRANS.parent_set(_proxy, False) cgmGEN.func_snapShot(vars()) #ATTR.set(_dup,'translate',t) #ATTR.set(_dup,'rotate',r) #SNAP.go(_proxy[0],_dag) #ATTR.set(_proxy[0],'scale',_scaleLossy) #TRANS.scaleLocal_set(_dup,[1,1,1]) #ATTR.set(_dup,'shear',[0,0,0]) #_proxy = TRANS.parent_set(_proxy, False) #TRANS.scaleLocal_set(_proxy,_scaleLossy) #ATTR.set(_dup,'scale',s) return mc.rename(_proxy, "{0}_localAxisProxy".format(NAMES.get_base(_dag))) except Exception, err: cgmGEN.cgmExceptCB(Exception, err, msg=vars())
def create_axisProxy(obj=None): """ Make a local axis box around a given object so that you can then """ try: _str_func = 'create_axisProxy' _dag = VALID.getTransform(obj) if not _dag: raise ValueError, "Must have a dag node. Obj: {0}".format(obj) if VALID.is_shape(obj): l_shapes = [obj] else: l_shapes = TRANS.shapes_get(_dag, True) _parent = TRANS.parent_get(_dag) _dup = mc.duplicate(l_shapes, po=False, rc=True)[0] #TRANS.pivots_recenter(_dup) _dup = TRANS.parent_set(_dup, False) ATTR.set_standardFlags(_dup, lock=False, keyable=True) #Get some values... l_reset = ['t', 'r', 's', 'shear', 'rotateAxis'] t = ATTR.get(_dup, 'translate') r = ATTR.get(_dup, 'rotate') s = ATTR.get(_dup, 'scale') ra = ATTR.get(_dup, 'rotateAxis') if ATTR.has_attr(_dup, 'jointOrient'): l_reset.append('jointOrient') jo = ATTR.get(_dup, 'jointOrient') o = TRANS.orient_get(_dup) shear = ATTR.get(_dup, 'shear') _scaleLossy = TRANS.scaleLossy_get(_dag) #Reset our stuff before we make our bb... ATTR.reset(_dup, l_reset) _size = POS.get_bb_size(_dup, True) #_proxy = create_proxyGeo('cube',COREMATH.list_div(_scaleLossy,_size)) _proxy = create_proxyGeo('cube', _size) mc.makeIdentity(_proxy, apply=True, scale=True) #Now Put it back _dup = TRANS.parent_set(_dup, TRANS.parent_get(_dag)) _proxy = TRANS.parent_set(_proxy, _dup) #_dup = TRANS.parent_set(_dup, TRANS.parents_get(_dag)) SNAP.go(_dup, _dag) #ATTR.set(_dup,'s',(0,0,0)) ATTR.reset(_dup, ['s', 'shear']) ATTR.reset(_proxy, ['t', 'r', 's', 'shear', 'rotateAxis']) _proxy = TRANS.parent_set(_proxy, _dag) ATTR.reset(_proxy, ['t', 'r', 's', 'shear', 'rotateAxis']) #match_transform(_proxy,_dag) #SNAP.go(_proxy,_dag,pivot='bb') #cgmGEN.func_snapShot(vars()) _proxy = TRANS.parent_set(_proxy, False) mc.delete(_dup) #match_transform(_proxy,_dag) return mc.rename(_proxy, "{0}_localAxisProxy".format(NAMES.get_base(_dag))) except Exception, err: cgmGEN.cgmExceptCB(Exception, err, msg=vars())
def colorControl(target=None, direction='center', controlType='main', pushToShapes=True, rgb=True, shaderSetup=True, shaderOnly=False, transparent=False, proxy=False, directProxy=False): """ Sets the override color on shapes and more :parameters target(str): What to color - shape or transform with shapes direction controlType pushToShapes rgb shaderSetup transparent proxy - offsets the color down to not match curve color exactly directProxy(bool) - Setpu transparent shader for 'invisible' controls :returns info(dict) """ _str_func = "color_control" if not target: raise ValueError, "|{0}| >> Must have a target".format(_str_func) l_targets = VALID.listArg(target) if rgb: _color = SHARED._d_side_colors[direction][controlType] else: _color = SHARED._d_side_colors_index[direction][controlType] _shader = False _set = False if shaderSetup: _shader, _set = getControlShader(direction, controlType, transparent, proxy, directProxy) for t in l_targets: log.debug("|{0}| >> t: {1} ...".format(_str_func, t)) _type = VALID.get_mayaType(t) log.debug("|{0}| >> shapes: {1} ...".format(_str_func, TRANS.shapes_get(t, True))) log.debug("|{0}| >> type: {1} ...".format(_str_func, _type)) if not shaderOnly: if rgb: override_color(t, _color, pushToShapes=pushToShapes) else: _v = SHARED._d_colors_to_index[_color] override_color(t, index=_v, pushToShapes=pushToShapes) if shaderSetup: mc.sets(t, edit=True, remove='initialShadingGroup') if _type in ['nurbsSurface', 'mesh']: mc.sets(t, e=True, forceElement=_set) else: for s in TRANS.shapes_get(t, True): log.debug("|{0}| >> s: {1} ...".format(_str_func, s)) _type = VALID.get_mayaType(s) if _type in ['nurbsSurface', 'mesh']: mc.sets(s, edit=True, forceElement=_set) mc.sets(s, remove='initialShadingGroup') try: mc.disconnectAttr( '{0}.instObjGroups.objectGroups'.format(s), 'initialShadingGroup.dagSetMembers') except: pass else: log.debug( "|{0}| >> Not a valid target: {1} | {2}".format( _str_func, s, _type)) mc.sets(t, edit=True, remove='initialShadingGroup') return True
cgmMeta.cgmObject(_rootRoot).getListPathTo(_root) TRANS.get_listPathTo(_rootRoot, _root,False) cgmMeta.cgmObject(_root).getListPathTo(_rootRoot) TRANS.get_listPathTo(_root, _rootRoot,False) TRANS.is_parentTo(_root,TRANS.parents_get(_root)[0]) _root = 'NotBatman_master_block' _root = 'NotBatman_master_block|curveShape2' _root = '[50]' _root = 'NotBatman_master_block.ep[26]' _root = 'NotBatman_master_block2' TRANS.sibblings_get(_root,False) TRANS.shapes_get(_root) TRANS.get_rootList() #...transform matrix stuff... _v = [1,1,1] TRANS.worldMatrix_get(_root,True) TRANS.transformDirection(_root,_v) TRANS.transformPoint(_root,_v) TRANS.transformInverseDirection(_root,_v) TRANS.transformInversePoint(_root,_v) TRANS.euclidVector3Arg([0,0,0]) #...creation TRANS.child_create(_root)
l_dat.extend(mModule.rigNull.getMessage('rigNodes')) except Exception, err: log.error("{0} | {1}".format(mModule, err)) if attr and value is not None: int_lenNodes = len(l_dat) if progressBar: cgmUI.progressBar_start(progressBar, int_lenNodes + 1) for i, node in enumerate(l_dat): if progressBar: cgmUI.progressBar_set(progressBar, status=node, progress=i, vis=True) try: _shapes = TRANS.shapes_get(node) if _shapes: for s in _shapes: ATTR.set(node, attr, value) ATTR.set(node, attr, value) except Exception, err: log.error("{0} | {1}".format(node, err)) if progressBar and progressEnd: cgmUI.progressBar_end(progressBar) return l_dat @cgmGEN.Timer def rig_connectAll(self, mode='connect', progressBar=None, progressEnd=True):