def keyPressEvent(self, event): # preflight | suppress if over header is_child_of_header = TansuModelViewWidget.isWidgetUnderCursorChildOfHeader( ) if is_child_of_header: tab_tansu_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) return tab_tansu_widget.headerWidget().keyPressEvent(event) # Tansu functions TansuBaseWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) # Global escape if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: tab_tansu_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) if tab_tansu_widget: tab_tansu_widget.updateDelegateDisplay() tab_tansu_widget.toggleDelegateSpacerWidget() # TODO TOGGLE DELEGATE KEY # This is also maintained under the TansuHeader tab_tansu_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) if event.key() in tab_tansu_widget.TOGGLE_DELEGATE_KEYS: header_widget = tab_tansu_widget.headerWidget() if not header_widget.delegateWidgetAlwaysOn(): header_widget.toggleDelegateWidget(event)
def drawGradient(self): """ Draws the gradient that will be displayed to the user """ _gradient = draw.drawColorTypeGradient(self.gradient_type, self.width(), self.height()) direction = self.linearCrosshairDirection() self.rgba_foreground.hide() # show gradient for RGBA gradient if self.gradient_type == attrs.RGBA: """ for some reason the darker it gets the harder of a time the picker has and the steps become larger and larger =/ """ # get value main_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self.views()[0], ColorGradientDelegate) value = main_widget.color().valueF() self.rgba_foreground.updateSize(QRectF(0, 0, self.width(), self.height())) self.rgba_foreground.updateGradient(value, self.width(), self.height()) # update linear gradient else: if direction == Qt.Horizontal: _gradient.setFinalStop(QPoint(self.width(), 0)) elif direction == Qt.Vertical: # TODO Move this to draw utils (gradient inversion) _gradient.setStart(QPoint(0, self.height())) _gradient.setFinalStop(QPoint(0, 0)) self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(_gradient))
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, *args, **kwargs): # reset everything back to default state # reset gradient self.__hideRGBACrosshair(False) self.__hideLinearCrosshair(True) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.RGBA self.scene().drawGradient() # reset picking attrs self._picking = False self._black_select = False # reset cursor self.unsetCursor() QCursor.setPos(self._orig_pos) # disable labels color_gradient_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, ColorGradientDelegate) color_arg_widgets_dict = color_gradient_widget.header_widget.getWidgetDict() for color_arg in color_arg_widgets_dict: color_arg_widgets_dict[color_arg].setSelected(False) # update rgba crosshair pos self.scene().updateRGBACrosshair() return QGraphicsView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, *args, **kwargs)
def selectionChanged(self, selected, deselected): top_level_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) if top_level_widget: # for index in selected.indexes(): # if index.column() == 0: # print(index.internalPointer().columnData()['name']) top_level_widget.updateDelegateDisplayFromSelection( selected, deselected)
def updateUserInputItem(self, *args): try: widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelDelegateWidget) widget.item().columnData()['value'] = self.text() # add user input event widget.item().userInputEvent(self.text()) except AttributeError: pass
def updateUserInputItem(self, *args): """ When the user inputs text, this will update the model item """ try: widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelDelegateWidget) widget.item().columnData()['value'] = self.getInput() widget.item().userInputEvent(self.getInput()) except AttributeError: pass
def keyPressEvent(self, event): # TODO TOGGLE DELEGATE KEY # tansu hotkeys esc/~ tab_tansu_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) if event.key() in tab_tansu_widget.TOGGLE_DELEGATE_KEYS: header_widget = tab_tansu_widget.headerWidget() if not header_widget.delegateWidgetAlwaysOn(): header_widget.toggleDelegateWidget(event) return AbstractDragDropAbstractView.keyPressEvent(self, event)
def _getColor(self, event): """ Gets the color from the user selection and sends it to the setColor on the main widget ( ColorInputWidget ) """ # get attrs delegate = getWidgetAncestor(self, ColorGradientDelegate) selection_type = self.scene().gradient_type # 2D Gradient if selection_type == attrs.RGBA: # RGBA (HUE / SATURATION) color = self._getRGBAValue(event) delegate.setColor(color) return # Linear Gradient else: self.scene().linear_crosshair_item.setCrosshairPos(event.pos()) pos = event.globalPos() orig_color = delegate.color() new_color = self._pickColor(pos) # TODO DUPLICATE SET COLOR VALUE FROM ARG """ TODO UPDATE COLOR""" # saturation if selection_type == attrs.SATURATION: hue = orig_color.hueF() sat = new_color.valueF() value = orig_color.valueF() orig_color.setHsvF(hue, sat, value) # value elif selection_type == attrs.VALUE: # get HSV values hue = orig_color.hueF() sat = orig_color.saturationF() value = new_color.valueF() orig_color.setHsvF(hue, sat, value) # red elif selection_type == attrs.RED: red = new_color.redF() orig_color.setRedF(red) # green elif selection_type == attrs.GREEN: green = new_color.greenF() orig_color.setGreenF(green) # blue elif selection_type == attrs.BLUE: blue = new_color.blueF() orig_color.setBlueF(blue) delegate.setColor(orig_color) return
def updateUserInputItem(self, *args): try: widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelDelegateWidget) widget.item().setValue(self.currentText()) # add user input event widget.item().userInputEvent(self.currentText()) except AttributeError: pass
def dropEvent(self, event): # resolve drop event return_val = super(self.__class__, self).dropEvent(event) # get main widget main_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) # clear selection main_widget.delegateWidget().displayAllWidgets(False) self.selectionModel().clearSelection() return return_val
def updateUserInputItem(self, *args): """ When the user clicks on this """ try: widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelDelegateWidget) widget.item().columnData()['value'] = self.is_clicked self.is_clicked = self.is_clicked # add user input event widget.item().userInputEvent(self.is_clicked) except AttributeError: pass
def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Note duplicate to view... must it be duplicate? :param event: :return: """ # TODO TOGGLE DELEGATE KEY # this is also maintained under... TansuMainDelegateWidget tab_tansu_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) if event.key() in tab_tansu_widget.TOGGLE_DELEGATE_KEYS: if not self.delegateWidgetAlwaysOn(): self.toggleDelegateWidget(event)
def showEvent(self, event): tab_tansu_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, TansuModelViewWidget) if tab_tansu_widget: tab_tansu_widget.updateDelegateDisplay()
def isWidgetUnderCursorChildOfHeader(): pos = QCursor.pos() widget_pressed = qApp.widgetAt(pos) is_child_of_header = getWidgetAncestor(widget_pressed, TansuHeader) return True if is_child_of_header else False
def updateRGBACrosshair(self): main_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, ColorGradientDelegate) xpos = (main_widget.color().hueF() * self.width()) ypos = math.fabs((main_widget.color().saturationF() * self.height()) - self.height()) pos = QPoint(xpos, ypos) self.setRGBACrosshairPos(pos)
def mousePressEvent(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """ Attrs: _picking (bool): tells the widget that the user is now attempting to pick a value _in_gradient_widget (bool) tells the widget that the cursor is in the gradient widget """ modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() button = event.button() if button in [Qt.LeftButton, Qt.RightButton, Qt.MiddleButton]: # move rgba # HSV self._picking = True self._black_select = False self._in_gradient_widget = True self._orig_pos = QCursor.pos() # setup default crosshair self.__hideRGBACrosshair(True) self.__hideLinearCrosshair(False) # RGB main_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, ColorGradientDelegate) color = main_widget.color() pos = QPoint(0, 0) # TODO Check hack after upgrading to 5.15 # katana is not registering the alt + mmb? if modifiers in [Qt.AltModifier, Qt.ControlModifier]: # RED if button == Qt.LeftButton: pos = QPoint(color.redF() * self.width(), color.redF() * self.height()) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.RED # GREEN elif button == Qt.MiddleButton: pos = QPoint(color.greenF() * self.width(), color.greenF() * self.height()) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.GREEN # BLUE elif button == Qt.RightButton: pos = QPoint(color.blueF() * self.width(), color.blueF() * self.height()) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.BLUE # HSV else: if button == Qt.LeftButton: self.__hideRGBACrosshair(False) self.__hideLinearCrosshair(True) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.RGBA # VALUE elif button == Qt.MiddleButton: pos = QPoint(color.valueF() * self.width(), color.valueF() * self.height()) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.VALUE # SATURATION elif button == Qt.RightButton: pos = QPoint(color.saturationF() * self.width(), color.saturationF() * self.height()) self.scene().gradient_type = attrs.SATURATION # update display label to show selected value color_gradient_widget = getWidgetAncestor(self, ColorGradientDelegate) color_arg_widgets_dict = color_gradient_widget.header_widget.getWidgetDict() if self.scene().gradient_type != attrs.RGBA: color_arg_widgets_dict[self.scene().gradient_type].setSelected(True) # draw gradient / hide cursor self.scene().drawGradient() # set up cursor self.setCursor(Qt.BlankCursor) if pos: self.scene().linear_crosshair_item.setCrosshairPos(pos) QCursor.setPos(self.mapToGlobal(pos)) return QGraphicsView.mousePressEvent(self, event, *args, **kwargs)