예제 #1
def create_tumbler_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns, dependencies):
        # retrieve ID list
        spent_list = loads(outputs[1])
        # retrieve vvk & sig
        packed_vvk = spent_list['vvk']
        sig = pet_unpack(parameters[0])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(outputs) != 2 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False 

        # check types
        if loads(inputs[0])['type'] != 'TToken' or loads(outputs[0])['type'] != 'TToken': return False
        if spent_list['type'] != 'TList': return False

        # verify that the spent list is empty
        if spent_list['list']: return False

        # verify signature
        bp_params = bp_setup()
        hasher = sha256()
        m = Bn.from_binary(hasher.digest())
        vvk = (unpackG2(bp_params,packed_vvk[0]), unpackG2(bp_params,packed_vvk[1]), unpackG2(bp_params,packed_vvk[2]))
        if not verify(bp_params, vvk, m, sig): return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False
예제 #2
def sign(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, priv_signer, sig, vvk):
    # ini petition, list and parameters
    old_petition = loads(inputs[0])
    new_petition = loads(inputs[0])
    old_list = loads(inputs[1])
    new_list = loads(inputs[1])
    new_values = loads(parameters[0])

    # update petition values
    for i in range(0, len(new_values)):
        new_petition['scores'][i] = old_petition['scores'][i] + new_values[i]

    # prepare showing of credentials
    UUID = pet_unpack(old_petition['UUID'])
    bp_params = bp_setup()
    (kappa, nu, proof_v) = show_coconut_petition(bp_params, vvk, priv_signer,
    #print(coconut_petition_verify(bp_params, vvk, kappa, sig, proof_v, UUID, nu))

    # update spent list

    # pack sig
    packed_sig = (pack(sig[0]), pack(sig[1]))

    # return
    return {
        'outputs': (dumps(new_petition), dumps(new_list)),
        (packed_sig, pack(kappa), pack(nu), pet_pack(proof_v))
예제 #3
def redeem_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns, dependencies):
        # retrieve ID list
        old_list = loads(inputs[0])
        new_list = loads(outputs[0])
        # retrieve parameters
        bp_params = bp_setup()
        ID = loads(parameters[0])
        merchant_addr = loads(parameters[1])
        packed_sig = parameters[2]
        sig = (unpackG1(bp_params, packed_sig[0]), unpackG1(bp_params, packed_sig[1]))

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 1 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(outputs) != 1 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False 

        # check types
        if new_list['type'] != 'TList': return False      

        # check format & consistency with old object
        packed_vvk = new_list['vvk']
        if new_list['vvk'] != new_list['vvk']: return False

        # check spent list
        if (ID in old_list['list']) or (new_list['list'] != old_list['list'] + [ID]):
            return False

        # verify signature and nu's correctness
        vvk = (unpackG2(bp_params,packed_vvk[0]), unpackG2(bp_params,packed_vvk[1]), unpackG2(bp_params,packed_vvk[2]))
        hasher = sha256()
        m = Bn.from_binary(hasher.digest())
        if not verify(bp_params, vvk, m, sig): return False
        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception): 
        return False
예제 #4
    start_tx = datetime.now()
    response = client.process_transaction(tx)
    client_latency = (datetime.now() - start_tx)
    print response.text
    json_response = json.loads(response.text)
    results.append((json_response['success'], response.url,
                    str(client_latency), tx['transaction']['methodID']))

start_time = datetime.now()

client = ChainspaceClient()

# crypto parameters
t, n = 4, 5  # threshold and total number of authorities
bp_params = bp_setup()  # bp system's parameters
(sk, vk, vvk) = ttp_th_keygen(bp_params, t, n)  # signers keys

# petition parameters
UUID = Bn(1234)
options = ['YES', 'NO']
pet_params = pet_setup()
(priv_owner, pub_owner) = pet_keygen(pet_params)

tx_init = petition.init()

# pp_object(tx_init)


# pp_object(init_transaction)
예제 #5
def sign_checker(inputs, reference_inputs, parameters, outputs, returns,
        # retrieve petition
        old_petition = loads(inputs[0])
        new_petition = loads(outputs[0])
        # retrieve ID list
        old_list = loads(inputs[1])
        new_list = loads(outputs[1])
        # retrieve parameters
        bp_params = bp_setup()
        new_values = loads(parameters[0])
        packed_sig = parameters[1]
        sig = (unpackG1(bp_params,
                        packed_sig[0]), unpackG1(bp_params, packed_sig[1]))
        kappa = unpackG2(bp_params, parameters[2])
        nu = unpackG1(bp_params, parameters[3])
        proof_v = pet_unpack(parameters[4])

        # check format
        if len(inputs) != 2 or len(reference_inputs) != 0 or len(
                outputs) != 2 or len(returns) != 0:
            return False

        # check types
        if new_petition['type'] != 'PObject' or new_list['type'] != 'PList':
            return False

        # check format & consistency with old object
        UUID = pet_unpack(new_petition['UUID'])
        options = new_petition['options']
        packed_vvk = new_petition['verifier']
        scores = new_petition['scores']
        if old_petition['UUID'] != new_petition['UUID']: return False
        if len(old_petition['owner']) != len(new_petition['owner']):
            return False
        if len(old_petition['options']) != len(new_petition['options']):
            return False
        if old_petition['verifier'] != new_petition['verifier']: return False

        # check new values
        if sum(new_values) != 1: return False
        for i in range(len(scores)):
            if scores[i] != old_petition['scores'][i] + new_values[i]:
                return False
            if new_values[i] != 0 and new_values[i] != 1: return False

        # check spent list
        packed_nu = parameters[3]
        if (packed_nu in old_list['list']) or (new_list['list'] !=
                                               old_list['list'] + [packed_nu]):
            return False

        # verify signature and nu's correctness
        vvk = (unpackG2(bp_params,
                        packed_vvk[0]), unpackG2(bp_params, packed_vvk[1]),
               unpackG2(bp_params, packed_vvk[2]))
        if not coconut_petition_verify(bp_params, vvk, kappa, sig, proof_v,
                                       UUID, nu):
            return False

        # otherwise
        return True

    except (KeyError, Exception):
        return False