def funds_post(): request = app.current_request data = request.json_body owner = None ownerId = data["ownerId"] if "ownerId" in data else None if not ownerId: owner = Database.find_one("User", {"address": Web3Helper.account()}) ownerId = owner["id"] else: owner = Database.find_one("User", {"id": ownerId}) if not owner: raise NotFoundError('No user found') fund_data = { "name": data["name"], "ownerId": ownerId } fund = Database.find_one('Fund', fund_data, insert=True) for token in data["tokens"]: token_data = { "name": data["name"], "fundId": fund["id"], "decimals": token["decimals"], "symbol": token["symbol"], "cutoffTime": int(token["cutoffTime"]), "fee": int(token["fee"]), "ownerId": ownerId, "currency": token["currency"], "initialAmount": token["initialAmount"], "incomeCategory": token["incomeCategory"], "minimumOrder": token["minimumOrder"] } if "nav" in token: token_data["nav"] = token['nav'] if "holdings" in token: token_data["holdings"] = token["holdings"] token = createToken(token_data) return toObject(fund)
def createToken(data): owner = None ownerId = data["ownerId"] if "ownerId" in data else None if not ownerId: owner = Database.find_one("User", {"address": Web3Helper.account()}) ownerId = owner["id"] else: owner = Database.find_one("User", {"id": ownerId}) if not owner: raise NotFoundError('No user found') token_data = { "fundId": data["fundId"], "decimals": data["decimals"], "symbol": data["symbol"], "cutoffTime": int(data["cutoffTime"]), "fee": int(data["fee"]), "ownerId": ownerId, "name": data["name"], "totalSupply": data["initialAmount"], "incomeCategory": data["incomeCategory"], "minimumOrder": data["minimumOrder"], "currency": data["minimumOrder"], } if "fundId" in data: token_data["fundId"] = data["fundId"] # Check if a token with the same symbol already exists symbolToken = Database.find_one("Token", {"symbol": token_data["symbol"]}) if (symbolToken): raise ForbiddenError("Already a token with this symbol") token = Database.find_one("Token", token_data, insert=True) tokenHoldings = Database.find_one( "TokenHoldings", { "tokenId": token['id'], "executionDate": str( }, insert=True) if 'nav' in data: # Create a NAV timestamp executionDate ='YYYY-MM-DD') Database.insert( "NAVTimestamp", { "tokenId": token['id'], "price": data['nav'], "executionDate": executionDate }) holdings = [] if 'holdings' in data: for holding in data['holdings']: # get the correct security security = Database.find_one("Security", {"symbol": holding["symbol"]}) if (security): Database.update("Security", {"id": security["id"]}, { "name": holding["name"], "currency": holding["currency"], "country": holding["country"], "sector": holding["sector"], "class": holding["class"] }) else: security = Database.find_one("Security", { "symbol": holding["symbol"], "name": holding["name"], "currency": holding["currency"], "country": holding["country"], "sector": holding["sector"], "class": holding["class"] }, insert=True) price = holding['price'] if 'price' in holding else '0' securityTimestamp = Database.find_one('SecurityTimestamp', { 'securityId': security["id"], 'price': price }, order_by='-createdAt', insert=True) tokenHolding = Database.find_one( "TokenHolding", { "securityId": security["id"], "securityAmount": holding["amount"], "tokenHoldingsId": tokenHoldings["id"] }, insert=True) holdings.append(tokenHolding) holdingsString = createHoldingsString(holdings) try: tx = Web3Helper.transact( token_factory_contract, 'createETT', token_data["name"], token_data["decimals"], token_data["symbol"], int(data["initialAmount"]), holdingsString, token_data["cutoffTime"], token_data["fee"], Web3Helper.toChecksumAddress(owner['address']), ) print(tx.hex()) except Exception as e: print(e) pass