예제 #1
 def testConstructYFromX(self):
     """Tests cA.constructXFromY using randomly generated 
     for test in range(self.testNo): #Do self.testNo random tests
         X = getRandomX()
         #If testConstructReversePrefixSortMatrix is failing then the 
         #inputs to cA.constructCommonSuffixMatrix will be incorrect
         #and this test will likely fail. Hence checking that 
         #cA.constructCommonSuffixMatrix works correctly first is likely
         #to be a good plan.
         A = cA.constructReversePrefixSortMatrix(X)
         Y = cA.constructYFromX(X)
         for j in range(A.shape[1]-1):
             #Check that Y[A[i,j],j] == X[i][j]
             self.assertEqual(list(map(lambda i : int(X[A[i,j]][j]), 
                                   range(A.shape[0]))), list(Y[:,j]))
예제 #2
    def testConstructCommonSuffixMatrix(self):
        """Tests cA.constructCommonSuffixMatrix using randomly generated 
        examples, again checking the output using a simple brute force 

        for test in range(self.testNo):  #Do self.testNo random tests
            X = getRandomX()

            #If testConstructReversePrefixSortMatrix is failing then the
            #inputs to cA.constructCommonSuffixMatrix will be incorrect
            #and this test will likely fail.
            A = cA.constructReversePrefixSortMatrix(X)

            D = cA.constructCommonSuffixMatrix(A, X)

            #Might un-comment the following for debugging
            #print "Test", test, "X", X, "D", D

            #Check has expected number of rows and columns
            self.assertEquals(A.shape, D.shape)

            #For each column check the length of the common suffixes
            for j in xrange(A.shape[1]):
                #A sorted list of reversed prefixes
                k = sorted(map(lambda i: X[i][:j][::-1], range(len(X))))

                def commonPrefix(x1, x2):
                    #Computes the common prefix of the two strings x1 and x2
                    i = 0
                    while i < len(x1) and x1[i] == x2[i]:
                        i += 1
                    return x1[:i]

                #Convert k into the lengths of the common suffixes of
                #the strings of interest
                k = ([0] if len(X) > 0 else []) + \
                map(lambda i : len(commonPrefix(k[i], k[i-1])), range(1, len(X)))

                #Check the common prefix lengths agree
                self.assertEquals(k, list(D[:, j]))
예제 #3
    def testConstructReversePrefixSortMatrix(self):
        """Tests cA.constructReversePrefixSortMatrix using randomly generated 
        examples, checking the output using a simple brute force algorithm.
        for test in range(self.testNo): #Do self.testNo random tests
            X = getRandomX() #A random set of equal length substrings
            A = cA.constructReversePrefixSortMatrix(X)
            #Might un-comment the following for debugging
            #print "Test", test, "X", X, "A", A

            #Check has expected number of rows
            self.assertEqual(len(X), A.shape[0]) 
            #Check has expected number of columns
            self.assertEqual(len(X[0])+1 if len(X) > 0 else 1, A.shape[1]) 
            #For each column check the reverse prefix sort
            for j in range(A.shape[1]):
                #Gets a sorted list of reversed prefixes 
                #paired with the index of the parent string in X
                k = sorted(list(map(lambda i : (X[i][:j][::-1], i), range(len(X))))) 
                #The lists of sorted indices should be equal
                self.assertEqual(list(map(lambda i : i[1], k)), list(A[:,j]))