예제 #1
 def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
     """Decrypt ciphertext with key using AES-128-CBC."""
     c = chunks(ciphertext, self.keysize)
     plaintext = xor(super().decrypt(c[0]), self.iv)
     for i in range(0, len(c) - 1):
         plaintext += xor(c[i], super().decrypt(c[i + 1]))
     return plaintext
예제 #2
 def encrypt(self, plaintext):
     """Encrypt ciphertext with key using AES-128-CBC."""
     p = chunks(plaintext, self.keysize)
     c = super().encrypt(xor(p[0], self.iv))
     ciphertext = c
     for chunk in p[1:]:
         c1 = super().encrypt(xor(c, chunk))
         ciphertext += c1
         c = c1
     return ciphertext
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, ciphertext):
        """Ciphertext to analyze for most likely single-character xor key."""
        self.ciphertext = ciphertext
        self.scores = {}

        # letter frequency dictionary
        etaoin = {
            b"e": 13, b" ": 12, b"t": 11, b"a": 10, b"o": 9, b"i": 8, b"n": 7, b"s": 6, b"h": 5,
            b"r": 4, b"d": 3, b"l": 2, b"u": 1

        # iterate through all possible keys
        for key in range(256):
            key = bytes([key])
            full_key = key * len(self.ciphertext)
            xor_text = xor(self.ciphertext, full_key)

            # update frequency score
            self.scores[key] = 0
            for c in xor_text:
                if bytes([c]).lower() in etaoin:
                    self.scores[key] += etaoin[bytes([c]).lower()]
                elif bytes([c]).isalnum() is False:
                    self.scores[key] -= 1

        # most likely key
        self.key = max(self.scores, key=self.scores.get)
        self.score = self.scores[self.key]
예제 #4
def decrypt_single_xor_str(s):
    decrypt_singe_xor_str(str) -> (int, str)
    Finds the string with the highest number of alphabets
    and spaces after being single-byte XOR'ed.
    freq_dict = {}
    for j in xrange(256):
        decrypted_str = ""
        xor_key = hex(j)[2:].zfill(2)
        freq_dict[xor_key] = {}
        freq_dict[xor_key]["count"] = 0

        for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2):
            encrypted_str = s[i:i + 2]
            decrypted_str += c2.xor(encrypted_str, xor_key)

        decrypted_str = decrypted_str.decode("hex")
        freq_dict[xor_key]["str"] = decrypted_str

        for e in decrypted_str:
            if e.isalpha() or e == " ":
                freq_dict[xor_key]["count"] += 1

    #Finding the maximum count
    max_count = -1
    max_str = ""
    for k in freq_dict:
        if int(freq_dict[k]["count"]) > max_count:
            max_count = freq_dict[k]["count"]
            max_str = freq_dict[k]["str"]
            max_key = k
    print "Almost done"
    return (max_count, max_str, max_key)
예제 #5
def decrypt_single_xor_str(s):
    decrypt_singe_xor_str(str) -> (int, str)
    Finds the string with the highest number of alphabets
    and spaces after being single-byte XOR'ed.
    freq_dict = {}
    for j in xrange(256):
        decrypted_str = ""
        xor_key = hex(j)[2:].zfill(2)
        freq_dict[xor_key] = {}
        freq_dict[xor_key]["count"] = 0

        for i in xrange(0,len(s),2):
            encrypted_str = s[i:i+2]
            decrypted_str += c2.xor(encrypted_str, xor_key)

        decrypted_str = decrypted_str.decode("hex")
        freq_dict[xor_key]["str"] = decrypted_str

        for e in decrypted_str:
            if e.isalpha() or e == " ":
                freq_dict[xor_key]["count"] += 1

    #Finding the maximum count
    max_count = -1
    max_str = ""
    for k in freq_dict:
        if int(freq_dict[k]["count"]) > max_count:
            max_count = freq_dict[k]["count"]
            max_str = freq_dict[k]["str"]
            max_key = k
    print "Almost done"
    return (max_count, max_str, max_key)
예제 #6
def edit_distance(buffer1, buffer2):
    """Calculate edit distance between two buffers."""
    >>> edit_distance(b"this is a test", b"wokka wokka!!!")
    >>> 37
    hamm = xor(buffer1, buffer2)
    cnt = 0
    for byte in hamm:
        cnt += bin(byte).count("1")
    return cnt
예제 #7
 def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
     """Decrypt ciphertext with key using AES-128-CTR."""
     counter = 0
     plaintext = b""
     c = chunks(ciphertext, 16)
     for chunk in c:
         n = len(chunk)
         keystream = ECB(self.key).encrypt(self.nonce + pack("Q", counter))
         plaintext += xor(keystream[0:n], chunk)
         counter += 1
     return plaintext
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, ciphertext, keyrange):
     """Ciphertext and range of key lengths."""
     self.ciphertext = ciphertext
     self.keyrange = keyrange
     self.keysize = KeySize(self.ciphertext, self.keyrange).keysize
     self.chunks = chunks(self.ciphertext, self.keysize)
     self.transposed = transpose(self.chunks, self.keysize)
     self.key = b""
     for chunk in self.transposed:
         self.key += KeyScore(chunk).key
     n = len(self.ciphertext)
     k = self.keysize
     self.full_key = n // k * self.key + self.key[:n % k]
     # decrypted plaintext
     self.plaintext = xor(self.full_key, self.ciphertext)
예제 #9
def score_keys_list(position):
    # iterate through all possible keys
    scores = {}
    for key in range(256):
        key = bytes([key])
        full_key = key * len(position)
        xor_text = xor(position, full_key)

        # update frequency score
        scores[key] = 0
        for c in xor_text:
            if bytes([c]).lower() in etaoin:
                scores[key] += etaoin[bytes([c]).lower()]
            elif bytes([c]).isalnum() is False:
                scores[key] -= 1

    # most likely key
    return scores
예제 #10
def score_keys(position):
    """Score keys iterating over all possible keys (0-255)."""
    # iterate through all possible keys
    scores = {}
    for key in range(256):
        key = bytes([key])
        full_key = key * len(position)
        xor_text = xor(position, full_key)

        # update frequency score
        scores[key] = 0
        for c in xor_text:
            if bytes([c]).lower() in etaoin:
                scores[key] += etaoin[bytes([c]).lower()]
            elif bytes([c]).isalnum() is False:
                scores[key] -= 1

    # most likely key
    return max(scores, key=scores.get)
 def get_xor(self):
     return challenge_2.xor(plaintext.encode("hex"), self.exp_key)
예제 #12
 def decrypt(self):
     """Decrypt plaintext using brute force."""
     return xor(self.ciphertext, self.key * len(self.ciphertext))
예제 #13
        # update frequency score
        scores[key] = 0
        for c in xor_text:
            if bytes([c]).lower() in etaoin:
                scores[key] += etaoin[bytes([c]).lower()]
            elif bytes([c]).isalnum() is False:
                scores[key] -= 1

    # most likely key
    return scores

def print_scores(scores):
    """Print scores for all keys."""
    num = 0
    print("{:<12} {:<8}".format("Key", "Score"))
    sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    for score in sorted_scores:
        print("{:<12} {:<8}".format(str(score[0]), score[1]))

keystream = b""
for t in transposed:
    keystream += score_keys(t)

plaintexts = []
for c in ciphertexts:
    n = len(c)
    plaintexts.append(xor(keystream[0:n], c))
예제 #14
def repeating_key_xor_encrypt(plaintext, key):
    """Encrypts plaintext with repeating-key XOR."""
    n = len(plaintext)
    k = len(key)
    return xor(n // k * key + key[:n % k], plaintext)
예제 #15

def score_keys(position):
    """Score keys iterating over all possible keys (0-255)."""
    # iterate through all possible keys
    scores = {}
    for key in range(256):
        key = bytes([key])
        full_key = key * len(position)
        xor_text = xor(position, full_key)

        # update frequency score
        scores[key] = 0
        for c in xor_text:
            if bytes([c]).lower() in etaoin:
                scores[key] += etaoin[bytes([c]).lower()]
            elif bytes([c]).isalnum() is False:
                scores[key] -= 1

    # most likely key
    return max(scores, key=scores.get)

keystream = b""
for t in transposed:
    keystream += score_keys(t)

for c in ciphertexts:
    n = len(c)
    print(xor(keystream[0:n], c))