예제 #1
def cascade():
    Beginning of cascade classification. Still being developed.
    pred = 0
    bdt = joblib.load('models/adaboost256.pkl')
    frame = cv2.imread('images/gradient.jpg')
    # X = cf.compute_chans(frame).ravel().reshape(1, -1)
    # X = cf.compute_chans(cv2.resize(frame, (64, 128))).ravel().reshape(1, -1)
    x = cf.compute_chans(cv2.resize(frame, (64, 128))).ravel()
    # np.random.shuffle(x)
    N = 100
    pred = [None] * N
    X = np.array([x for i in range(N)])
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        for t, estimator in enumerate(bdt.estimators_):
            pred += _samme_proba(estimator, 2, X)
            p_t = pred[0, 1] / (t + 1)
            print('p_t is: ', p_t)

            if p_t < -.2 and t > 8:
                return False

        return False
        out = casc.cascade(X, bdt)
    print((time.time() - start) / N)
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        out = bdt.predict(X)
    print((time.time() - start) / N)

예제 #2
def test(img, bdt):
    stride = 6
    w0, h0 = (16, 32)
    # img = cv2.pyrUp(img)
    # img = cv2.pyrUp(img)
    # img = cv2.pyrDown(img)
    clone = img.copy()
    # pyr = cv2.pyrUp(img)
    # start = time.time()
    img = cf.compute_chans(img)
    # print(time.time() - start)

    # start = time.time()

    frames, bbs = slide_window(img, w0, h0, stride)
    # print(time.time() - start)
    # f = frames[0,:100]
    # print(f)
    # start = time.time()
    y = bdt.predict(frames)
    cp = bdt.predict_proba(frames)
    print(.5 * np.log(cp[:, 0] / cp[:, 1]))
    # print(bdt.get_params())
    # print(time.time() - start)
    for yi, bb in zip(y, bbs):
        if yi == 1:
            x0, y0, x1, y1 = np.int32(4 * bb)
            # print(bb)
            cv2.rectangle(clone, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.imshow('frame', clone)
예제 #3
def load_images():
    Loads unscaled pedestrian frames, returns the feature channels for the frames at original and half scale.
    TODO: generalize to arbitrary scaling
    images = []
    frames = []
    frames_s = []
    #pos_dir = '/media/nolsman/TRANSCEND/data/train/positive_unscaled'
    pos_dir = '/home/lane/Development/computer_vision/images'

    for fname in glob.glob(pos_dir + '/*'):
        img = cv2.imread(fname)
        channels = cf.compute_chans(img)
        channels_s = cf.compute_chans(cv2.pyrDown(img))

    return images, frames, frames_s
예제 #4
def hard_negatives(N, clf):
    :param N: Number of negatives
    :param clf: classifier
    Mines N hard negatives with the classifier clf. Basically searches for false positives.
    data_dir = '/media/nolsman/TRANSCEND/data'

    negatives = [None] * N
    annotations = json.load(open(data_dir + '/annotations.json'))
    image_locs = np.random.permutation(get_image_locs())
    fcount = 0
    n_tot = 0
    while n_tot < N:
        fname = image_locs[fcount]
        fcount += 1

        setID = re.search('set(\d)+', fname).group(0)
        vidID = re.search('V(\d)+', fname).group(0)

        ind = re.search('(?<=\_)(\d)+(?=\.)', fname).group(0)
        img = cv2.imread(fname)
        frame = cf.compute_chans(img)
        wins, bbs = detect(frame, clf, 1)
        perm = np.random.permutation(np.arange(wins.shape[0]))
        wins = wins[perm, :]
        bbs = bbs[perm, :]
        ncount = 0

        for bb1, win in zip(bbs, wins):
            neg = True

            if ncount < 25:
                if ind in annotations[setID][vidID]['frames']:
                    data = annotations[setID][vidID]['frames'][ind]
                    for datum in data:
                        bb2 = datum['pos']
                        if iou(bb1, bb2) > .1:
                            neg = False
                if neg:
                    negatives[n_tot] = win
                    ncount += 1
                    n_tot += 1
                    if n_tot % 25 == 0:

                    if n_tot == N:

    return negatives
예제 #5
def load_neg(N):
    :param N:
    Load random negatives, labels automatically set to 0
    img_neg = random_negatives(N)
    neg = []
    for img in img_neg:
        x = cf.compute_chans(img).ravel()
    X_n = np.array(neg)
    y_n = np.zeros(N)

    return X_n, y_n
예제 #6
def load_pos():
    Loads all positive training samples, automatically labeled 1
    pos_dir = '/media/nolsman/TRANSCEND/data/train/positive'
    pos = []
    for fname in glob.glob(pos_dir + '/*'):
        img = cv2.imread(fname)
        x = cf.compute_chans(img).ravel()
    X_p = np.array(pos)
    y_p = np.ones(len(pos))

    return X_p, y_p