def __call__(klass, request, show_welcome): featured_channels = list(klass.get_featured_channels(request)) categories = Category.objects.filter( on_frontpage=True).order_by('name') language = get_current_language(request) for category in categories: def popular_channels(category=category): return category.get_list_channels(True, klass.show_state, language) category.popular_channels = popular_channels context = { 'show_welcome': show_welcome, 'new_channels': klass.get_new_channels(request, True, 20), 'popular_channels': klass.get_popular_channels(request, 20), 'popular_hd_channels': klass.get_popular_channels(request, 20, hi_def=True), 'featured_channels': featured_channels[:2], 'featured_channels_hidden': featured_channels[2:], 'categories': categories, 'language': language, 'header': klass.get_header() } context.update(klass.additional_context) return util.render_to_response(request, 'frontpage.html', context)
def edit_header(request): Comment = comments.get_model() content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site) site = Site.objects.get_current() headers = Comment.objects.filter(content_type=content_type,, flags__flag='site header') if request.method == 'POST': header = request.POST.get('header') headers.delete() if header: obj = Comment.objects.create(site=site, user=request.user, comment=header, content_type=content_type,, is_removed=True, is_public=False) comments.models.CommentFlag.objects.get_or_create( comment=obj, user=request.user, flag='site header') return util.redirect_to_referrer(request) if headers: header = headers[0].comment else: header = '' return util.render_to_response(request, 'edit-header.html', {'header': header})
def edit_header(request): Comment = comments.get_model() content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site) site = Site.objects.get_current() headers = Comment.objects.filter( content_type=content_type,, flags__flag='site header') if request.method == 'POST': header = request.POST.get('header') headers.delete() if header: obj = Comment.objects.create( site=site, user=request.user, comment=header, content_type=content_type,, is_removed=True, is_public=False) comments.models.CommentFlag.objects.get_or_create( comment=obj, user=request.user, flag='site header') return util.redirect_to_referrer(request) if headers: header = headers[0].comment else: header = '' return util.render_to_response(request, 'edit-header.html', {'header': header})
def email_owners(request): if request.method != 'POST': form = forms.EmailChannelOwnersForm() else: form = forms.EmailChannelOwnersForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form.send_email(request.user) return util.redirect('moderate') return util.render_to_response(request, 'email-channel-owners.html', {'form': form})
def email_owners(request): if request.method != 'POST': form = forms.EmailChannelOwnersForm() else: form = forms.EmailChannelOwnersForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form.send_email(request.user) return util.redirect('moderate') return util.render_to_response(request, 'email-channel-owners.html', { 'form': form})
def __call__(klass, request, show_welcome): featured_channels = list(klass.get_featured_channels(request)) categories = Category.objects.filter( on_frontpage=True).order_by('name') language = get_current_language(request) for category in categories: def popular_channels(category=category): return category.get_list_channels(True, klass.show_state, language) category.popular_channels = popular_channels context = { 'show_welcome': show_welcome, 'new_channels': klass.get_new_channels(request, True, 20), 'popular_channels': klass.get_popular_channels(request, 20), 'popular_hd_channels': klass.get_popular_channels(request, 20, hi_def=True), 'featured_channels': featured_channels[:2], 'featured_channels_hidden': featured_channels[2:], 'categories': categories, 'language' : language, 'header': klass.get_header() } context.update(klass.additional_context) return util.render_to_response(request, 'frontpage.html', context)
def item(request, id): item = get_object_or_404(Item, pk=id) return util.render_to_response(request, 'playback.html', {'item': item})
def email(request, id): channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, pk=id) email_type = request.REQUEST['type'] skipable = True if request.user.get_full_name(): mod_name = '%s (%s)' % (request.user.get_full_name(), request.user.username) else: mod_name = request.user.username common_body = """%s is in line to be featured on the Miro Channel Guide, which is great because 50,000-100,000 people see this page every day!""" % common_middle = """Depending on the number of channels in line, %s should appear on the front page in the next few days; it will remain in the spotlight for 4 full days at:""" % common_footer = """If you want to show off your featured channel, you can link to this page: Regards, %s PS. Miro 1-click links rock! They give your viewers a simple way to go directly from your website to being subscribed to your feed in Miro:""" % mod_name if channel.owner.username != 'freelance': if channel.owner.get_full_name(): name = channel.owner.get_full_name() else: name = channel.owner.username body = """Hello %s, %s %s Modify your channel and get stats here: %s#edit %s""" % (name, common_body, common_middle, channel.get_absolute_url(), common_footer) else: body = """Hello, %s The Guide is part of Miro, the free internet TV application: %s Currently we're managing your channel -- if you'd like to take control, view stggats, and be able to change the images and details associated with it, please contact us at: [email protected] %s""" % (common_body, common_middle, common_footer) if email_type in ('Feature', 'Refeature'): action = 'feature' elif email_type == 'Approve & Feature': action = 'change-state' elif email_type == "Custom": email_type = 'Reject' action = 'reject' body = '' skipable = False elif email_type == 'Comment': action = 'editors_comment' email = True skipable = False Comment = comments.get_model() content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(channel) try: body = Comment.objects.get(content_type=content_type,, flags__flag='editors comment').comment except Comment.DoesNotExist: body = '' else: raise Http404 if action != 'reject' and != '*****@*****.**': email = else: email = '' return util.render_to_response( request, 'email-form.html', { 'channel': channel, 'type': email_type, 'action': action, 'body': body, 'email': email, 'skipable': skipable })
def email(request, id): channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, pk=id) email_type = request.REQUEST['type'] skipable = True if request.user.get_full_name(): mod_name = '%s (%s)' % (request.user.get_full_name(), request.user.username) else: mod_name = request.user.username common_body = """%s is in line to be featured on the Miro Channel Guide, which is great because 50,000-100,000 people see this page every day!""" % common_middle = """Depending on the number of channels in line, %s should appear on the front page in the next few days; it will remain in the spotlight for 4 full days at:""" % common_footer ="""If you want to show off your featured channel, you can link to this page: Regards, %s PS. Miro 1-click links rock! They give your viewers a simple way to go directly from your website to being subscribed to your feed in Miro:""" % mod_name if channel.owner.username != 'freelance': if channel.owner.get_full_name(): name = channel.owner.get_full_name() else: name = channel.owner.username body = """Hello %s, %s %s Modify your channel and get stats here: %s#edit %s""" % (name, common_body, common_middle, channel.get_absolute_url(), common_footer) else: body = """Hello, %s The Guide is part of Miro, the free internet TV application: %s Currently we're managing your channel -- if you'd like to take control, view stggats, and be able to change the images and details associated with it, please contact us at: [email protected] %s""" % (common_body, common_middle, common_footer) if email_type in ('Feature', 'Refeature'): action = 'feature' elif email_type == 'Approve & Feature': action = 'change-state' elif email_type == "Custom": email_type = 'Reject' action = 'reject' body = '' skipable = False elif email_type == 'Comment': action = 'editors_comment' email = True skipable = False Comment = comments.get_model() content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(channel) try: body = Comment.objects.get( content_type=content_type,, flags__flag='editors comment').comment except Comment.DoesNotExist: body = '' else: raise Http404 if action != 'reject' and != '*****@*****.**': email = else: email = '' return util.render_to_response(request, 'email-form.html', {'channel': channel, 'type': email_type, 'action': action, 'body': body, 'email': email, 'skipable': skipable})