def test_get_virtual_service(client, get_vs): content = MagicMock() = '"vs"' call_api = MagicMock() call_api.return_value = (content, 200, {}) client.return_value.call_api = call_api res = get_virtual_service("mysvc") call_api.assert_called_with( "/apis/", "GET", header_params={"Accept": "application/json"}, auth_settings=['BearerToken'], _preload_content=False)
def set_fault( virtual_service_name: str, routes: List[Dict[str, str]], # noqa: C901 fault: Dict[str, Any], ns: str = "default", version: str = "", configuration: Configuration = None, secrets: Secrets = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Setfault injection on the virtual service identified by `name` The `fault` argument must be the object passed as the `spec` property of a virtual service resource. If a fault already exists, it is updated with the new specification. See """ # noqa: E501 result = get_virtual_service(virtual_service_name, ns=ns, version=version, configuration=configuration, secrets=secrets) if result["status"] != 200: raise ActivityFailed("Virtual Service '{}' does not exist: {}".format( virtual_service_name, str(result["body"]))) # which destinations to we target? expected_destinations = set() for route in routes: if "destination" in route: destination = route["destination"] expected_destinations.add( (destination["host"], destination.get("subset"))) # inject a fault block into the targets spec = deepcopy(result["body"]["spec"]["http"]) for i in spec: if "route" in i: for route in i["route"]: if "destination" in route: destination = route["destination"] # not mandatory in response # # noqa: E501 target = (destination["host"], destination.get("subset")) if target in expected_destinations: i["fault"] = fault break api = create_k8s_api_client(configuration, secrets) url = "/apis/{}/namespaces/{}/virtualservices/{}".format( version, ns, virtual_service_name) payload = { "apiVersion": version, "kind": "VirtualService", "metadata": { "name": virtual_service_name }, "spec": { "http": spec } } try: data, status, headers = api.call_api( url, "PATCH", header_params={ "Content-Type": "application/merge-patch+json", "Accept": "application/json" }, body=payload, auth_settings=['BearerToken'], _preload_content=False) except ApiException as x: body = x.body if x.headers.get("Content-Type") == "application/json": body = json.loads(body) return {"status": x.status, "body": body, "headers": dict(**x.headers)} return { "status": status, "body": json.loads(, "headers": dict(**headers) }
def unset_fault(virtual_service_name: str, routes: List[Dict[str, str]], ns: str = "default", version: str = "", configuration: Configuration = None, secrets: Secrets = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Unset fault injection from the virtual service identified by `name` The `fault` argument must be the object passed as the `spec` property of a virtual service resource. See """ # noqa: E501 result = get_virtual_service(virtual_service_name, ns=ns, version=version, configuration=configuration, secrets=secrets) if result["status"] != 200: raise ActivityFailed("Virtual Service '{}' does not exist: {}".format( virtual_service_name, str(result["body"]))) # which destinations to we target? expected_destinations = set() for route in routes: if "destination" in route: destination = route["destination"] expected_destinations.add( (destination["host"], destination["subset"])) # remove fault block from the targets destinations = set() spec = deepcopy(result["body"]["spec"]["http"]) for i in spec: if "route" in i: for route in i["route"]: if "destination" in route: destination = route["destination"] target = (destination["host"], destination["subset"]) if target in expected_destinations: i.pop("fault", None) api = create_k8s_api_client(configuration, secrets) url = "/apis/{}/namespaces/{}/virtualservices/{}".format( version, ns, virtual_service_name) payload = { "apiVersion": version, "kind": "VirtualService", "metadata": { "name": virtual_service_name }, "spec": { "http": spec } } data, status, headers = api.call_api(url, "PATCH", header_params={ "Content-Type": "application/merge-patch+json", "Accept": "application/json" }, body=payload, auth_settings=['BearerToken'], _preload_content=False) return { "status": status, "body": json.loads(, "headers": dict(**headers) }