예제 #1
def inverse_dynamics(thetaList, d_thetaList, dd_thetaList, g, F_tip, M_list, G_list, S_list):
    n = len(thetaList)

    # initializing the twist, and twist dot
    Vi = np.zeros((6,n+1)) # if there are 3 joints, then there are 4 twists to find (n+1)
    Vdi = np.zeros((6,n+1))
    Vdi[:,0] = np.r_[np.array([0,0,0]), -np.array(g)]
        # first acceleration is from gravity, dont know where the negative came from
        # this notation [:,0] is the first column
        # np.array is for case where g is inputed as python array, np.array works fine for g inputed as numpy array

    Mi = np.identity(4) # for the transfer from space axis to body axis, need the transf from {0} to the joint axis {i}
    Ai = np.zeros((6,n)) # body axes, need to store for second for loop
    AdTi = [[None]] * (n+1) # Adjoint of the transf_i_i-1, storing for second for loop
    AdTi[n] = ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(M_list[n])) 
        # second for loop wants the transf from last frame to tip, and first for loop doesnt provide it

    Fi = np.array(F_tip).copy() # copy by value, no link

    tau_list = np.zeros(n) # initialize torque return list

    for i in range(n): # 0 --> n-1
        Mi = np.dot(Mi, Mlist[i]) #previous iterations dotted with current link config (this ends up being current link referenced to {0})
        Ai[:,i] = np.dot(ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(Mi)), np.array(S_list)[:,i]) # Ai = Ad_(T_(i,i-1)) * Si
            # use adjoint_transf to convert a space frame screw axis Si, into screw axis of joint i in {i} Ai
            # Mi is T_sb, base relative to space; but to convert space axis to body axis--> Ab = T_bs*S_s (need to invert Mi)

        # Ti = e^(-A_i*theta)*M_i,i-1
        Ti = np.dot(ch3.se3_to_transf_matrix(ch3.vector6_to_se3(Ai[:, i]* -1*thetaList[i])),ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(Mlist[i]))
            # Ti is Mi,i-1 with the joints at the respective angles (M is home config, T is final config)
            # given Mi,i+1 in Mlist, need to invert it to fit in this equation
            # the [:,x] notation is editing the column, index of x
        AdTi[i] = ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(Ti)

        # Vi = Ad_Ti,i-1(Vi-1) + A_i*theta_dot
        Va = np.dot(AdTi[i],Vi[:,i]) # twist of the previous link {i-1}, expressed in the current link {i} by the adjoint
        Vb = Ai[:,i]*d_thetaList[i] # joint rate theta_dot about the screw axis Ai
        Vi[:,i+1] = Va + Vb 
            # the [:,x] notation is editing the column, index of x

        # dVi = Ad_Ti,i-1(dVi-1) + ad_Vi(Ai)*theta_dot + A_i*theta_ddot
        Vda = np.dot(AdTi[i], Vdi[:,i]) # accleration of previous link {i-1}, expressed in current link {i} by adjoint
        Vdb = np.dot(adjoint_twist(Vi[:,i+1]),Ai[:,i]) * d_thetaList[i] # velocity product component (came from derivative of AdTi from Vi)
        Vdc = Ai[:,i]*dd_thetaList[i] # joint acceleration dd_theta around the screw axis Ai
        Vdi[:,i+1] = Vda+Vdb+Vdc

    for i in range(n-1,-1,-1):
        Fa = np.dot(np.array(AdTi[i+1]).T, Fi) # wrench applied to link i thru joint i+1
        Fb = np.dot(G_list[i],Vdi[:,i+1]) # wrench applied to link i thru joint i, G_b*dV_b
        Fc = np.dot(np.array(adjoint_twist(Vi[:,i+1])).T, np.dot(G_list[i], Vi[:,i+1])) # wrench applied to link i thru joint i (ad_Vb)^T*G_b*V_b
        Fi = Fa+Fb-Fc
        tau_list[i] = np.dot(np.array(Fi).T, Ai[:, i])

    return tau_list
예제 #2
def inverse_dynamics_bad(thetaList, d_thetaList, dd_thetaList, g, fTip, MList, GList, SList):
    forces = [np.array(fTip)]
    torques = []
    transfs = []
    twists = [np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0])] # first twist shouldn't be moving if arm is stationary, if attached to a wheeled platform then yeah change it
    twistDots = [np.append(np.zeros(3),-1*g)]

    # have to edit both for loops for i=1..n, i=n...1 (cut some lists up) hard

    for (theta, dtheta, ddtheta, M, S) in zip(thetaList, d_thetaList, dd_thetaList, MList[1:], np.transpose(SList)):
        #first need to find the transf matrix T_(i+1,i) using M,A,thetaand matrix exponentials
        A = np.dot(ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(Mi)), np.array(S_list)[:,i])
        T = ch3.screwtheta_to_transf_matrix(A,theta) @ M
        V = np.dot(ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(T),twists[-1]) + A*dtheta
        Vdot = np.dot(ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(T), twistDots[-1]) + np.dot(adjoint_twist(V),A)*dtheta + A*ddtheta 


    # twists and twistDots contain the zeroth twist and twistDot, but this zip will stop at the smallest list end, so it fine
    for (twist, twistDot, G, A) in zip(twists[::-1], twistDots[::-1], GList[::-1], np.transpose(SList)[::-1]):
        #first need to find the transf matrix T_(i+1,i) using M,A,thetaand matrix exponentials
        first = np.dot(ch3.adjoint_transf_matrix(T),forces[0])
        second = np.dot(G,twistDot)
        third = np.dot(adjoint_twist(V),(np.dot(G,twist)))
        force = first+second-third
        tau = np.dot(force,A)

        # np.column_stack((forces,force))

    return torques
예제 #3
def screw_trajectory(X_start, X_end, Tf, N, method):
    """Computes a trajectory as a list of N SE(3) matrices corresponding to
      the screw motion about a space screw axis (each matrix represents the config of the end effector at an instant in time)
    :param Xstart: The initial end-effector configuration
    :param Xend: The final end-effector configuration
    :param Tf: Total time of the motion in seconds from rest to rest
    :param N: The number of points N > 1 (Start and stop) in the discrete
              representation of the trajectory
    :param method: The time-scaling method, where 3 indicates cubic (third-
                   order polynomial) time scaling and 5 indicates quintic
                   (fifth-order polynomial) time scaling
    :return: The discretized trajectory as a list of N matrices in SE(3)
             separated in time by Tf/(N-1). The first in the list is Xstart
             and the Nth is Xend"""
    N = int(N)
    timegap = Tf / (N - 1.0)
    traj = [[None]] * N

    X_start_end = np.dot(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(X_start), X_end)
    for i in range(N):
        if method == 3:
            s = cubic_time_scaling(Tf, timegap * i)
            s = quintic_time_scaling(Tf, timegap * i)

        fractioned_X_start_end = ch3.se3_to_transf_matrix(
            ch3.transf_matrix_to_se3(X_start_end) * s
        )  # applying s to the se3 matrix instead of the transf matrix, it works
        traj[i] = np.dot(X_start, fractioned_X_start_end)
    return traj
예제 #4
def IK_body(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, e_omega, e_v):
    """uses iterative Netwon Raphson to calculate inverse kinematics

        Blist : list of joint screws expressed in the end effector frame scriptB
        M : end effector home configuration
        T : desired end effector configuration (T_sd)
        thetalist0: initial guess
        e_omega : omega error tolerance for stoppage
        e_v : linear velocity error tolerance for stoppage
    thetaList = thetalist0
    # finds transf matrix of current guess T_sb
    T_sb = ch4.forward_kinematics_in_body(M, Blist, thetaList)
    T_bs = ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(T_sb)
    # finds the se3 for the transf matrix T_bd (transformation from current guess to answer)
    (scriptV_b_bracketed, theta) = ch3.transf_matrix_to_se3(T_bs @ T)
    scriptV_b_exp6 = ch3.se3_to_vector6(scriptV_b_bracketed*theta)
    # these velocities are required to get from T_sb (current) to T_sd (target)
    # - want to bring these to zero
    omega = scriptV_b_exp6[0:3]
    v = scriptV_b_exp6[3:6]

    counter = 0
    while((ch3.magnitude(omega) > e_omega or ch3.magnitude(v) > e_v) and counter < 25):
        # use the jacobian body in chapter 5 to see what velocities can be generated by each angle velocity
        #- uses this stupid pseudo inverse thing that i missed
        jacobian_b = np.linalg.pinv(ch5.jacobian_body(Blist, thetaList))
        # multiplying the jacobian by the twist gives an angle to add to
        thetaListaddition = np.dot(jacobian_b, np.reshape(scriptV_b_exp6, (-1,1)))
        # add said angle
        thetaList = [sum(i) for i in zip(thetaList,thetaListaddition.flatten().tolist())]
        # recalculate current transf matrix, scriptV, screw, omega, and v
        T_sb = ch4.forward_kinematics_in_body(M, Blist, thetaList)
        T_bs = ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(T_sb)
        (scriptV_b_bracketed, theta) = ch3.transf_matrix_to_se3(T_bs @ T)
        scriptV_b_exp6 = ch3.se3_to_vector6(scriptV_b_bracketed*theta)
        omega = scriptV_b_exp6[0:3]
        v = scriptV_b_exp6[3:6]

        counter += 1

    return (thetaList, counter < 25)
예제 #5
def testingJacobianWithExampleFromGithub():
    R = np.identity(3)
    p = np.array([0, 2, 1])
    M = ch3.Rp_to_transf_matrix(R, p)
    thetaList = [0.2, 1.1, 0.1, 1.2]
    screwSpaceAxis1 = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0.2, 0.2])
    screwSpaceAxis2 = np.array([1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3])
    screwSpaceAxis3 = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1])
    screwSpaceAxis4 = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])

    screwSpaceList = [
        screwSpaceAxis1, screwSpaceAxis2, screwSpaceAxis3, screwSpaceAxis4
    screwBodyList = []
    for screwSpaceAxis in screwSpaceList:
            np.dot(ch3.adjoint(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(M)), screwSpaceAxis))

    FK_space = ch5.jacobian_space(screwSpaceList, thetaList)
    FK_body = ch5.jacobian_body(screwSpaceList, thetaList)
예제 #6
def testingJacobian():
    R = np.identity(3)
    p = np.array([0, 2, 1])
    M = ch3.Rp_to_transf_matrix(R, p)
    thetaList = [np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, -1 * np.pi / 2, 1]
    screwSpaceAxis1 = ch3.qsh_to_screwaxis(np.array([0, 0, 0]),
                                           np.array([0, 0, 1]), 0)
    screwSpaceAxis2 = ch3.qsh_to_screwaxis(np.array([0, 1, 0]),
                                           np.array([0, 0, 1]), 0)
    screwSpaceAxis3 = ch3.qsh_to_screwaxis(np.array([0, 2, 0]),
                                           np.array([0, 0, 1]), 0)
    screwSpaceAxis4 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    screwSpaceList = [
        screwSpaceAxis1, screwSpaceAxis2, screwSpaceAxis3, screwSpaceAxis4
    screwBodyList = []
    for screwSpaceAxis in screwSpaceList:
            np.dot(ch3.adjoint(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(M)), screwSpaceAxis))

    FK_space = ch5.jacobian_space(screwSpaceList, thetaList)
예제 #7
def testingJacobianWithExample():
    R = np.identity(3)
    p = np.array([0, 2, 1])
    M = ch3.Rp_to_transf_matrix(R, p)
    thetaList = [0, 0, 1 * np.pi / 2, 1]
    screwSpaceAxis1 = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0])
    screwSpaceAxis2 = np.array(
        [0, 0, 1, 2 * math.sin(thetaList[0]), -2 * math.cos(thetaList[0]), 0])
    screwSpaceAxis3 = np.array([
        0, 0, 1, 2 * math.sin(thetaList[0]) + 3 * math.sin(thetaList[1]),
        -2 * math.cos(thetaList[0]) - 3 * math.cos(thetaList[1]), 0
    screwSpaceAxis4 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    screwSpaceList = [
        screwSpaceAxis1, screwSpaceAxis2, screwSpaceAxis3, screwSpaceAxis4
    screwBodyList = []
    for screwSpaceAxis in screwSpaceList:
            np.dot(ch3.adjoint(ch3.transf_matrix_inverse(M)), screwSpaceAxis))

    FK_space = ch5.jacobian_space(screwSpaceList, thetaList)