def loadCharacters(): print "--------------------------" print "--- LOADING CHARACTERS ---" print "--------------------------" tempChar = sql.getCharacters() for c in tempChar: character.characterStore[c["name"]] = character.Characters() character.characterStore[c["name"]].name = c["name"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].level = c["level"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].energy = c["energy"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].skillPoints = c["skillPoints"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].currentXP = c["currentXP"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].levelXP = c["levelXP"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].hp = c["hp"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].maxHP = c["maxHP"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].mana = c["mana"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].maxMana = c["maxMana"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].str = c["str"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].wis = c["wis"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].vit = c["vit"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].weapon = c["weapon"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].armor = c["armor"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].shield = c["shield"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].location = c["location"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].whisperMode = c["whisperMode"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].inventory = c["inventory"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].money = c["money"] character.characterStore[c["name"]].recalculateStats(item.itemStore) print character.characterStore[c["name"]].inventory print character.characterStore[c["name"]] print "--- Loaded Character: " + c["name"]
def test_set_blanks(self): guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks = [], [" ", "-", "\'", "\"", "!", ".", ","], 1 testCharacterObject = characters.Characters(guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks) self.assertEqual(1, testCharacterObject.get_blanks()) testCharacterObject.set_blanks(5) self.assertEqual(5, testCharacterObject.get_blanks())
def test_append_guessedCharacters(self): guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks = [], [" ", "-", "\'", "\"", "!", ".", ","], 1 testCharacterObject = characters.Characters(guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks) guess = 'Q' testCharacterObject.append_guessedCharacters(guess) self.assertEqual(['Q'], testCharacterObject.get_guessedCharacters())
def test_str(self): guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks = [], [" ", "-", "\'", "\"", "!", ".", ","], 1 testCharacterObject = characters.Characters(guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks) testCharacterObject.append_guessedCharacters('A') testCharacterObject.append_guessedCharacters('B') testCharacterObject.append_guessedCharacters('C') abc = 'A, B, C' self.assertEqual(abc, testCharacterObject.__str__())
def createCharacterInformation(): defaultCharacters = [ " ", "-", "\'", "\"", "!", ".", "," ] # Add special characters as needed to be revealed by default guessedCharacters = [] # User-guessed characters will append onto the list blanks = 1 charInfo = characters.Characters(guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks) return charInfo
def main(): print "Connecting to Slack as SlackRPG" if slack_client.rtm_connect(with_team_state=False): print("Starter Bot connected and running!") # Read bot's user ID by calling Web API method `auth.test` starterbot_id = slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"] print "STARTER BOT ID: " + starterbot_id s = slack_client ''' # Networking functions s.connect((cfg.HOST, cfg.PORT)) s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(cfg.PASS).encode("utf-8")) s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(cfg.NICK).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(cfg.CHAN[0]).encode("utf-8")) s.send("JOIN #{}\r\n".format(cfg.CHAN[1]).encode("utf-8")) # Decode chat message from IRC format. for i in cfg.CHAN:, "The portals have opened to another land in the Slack realm! For more information, type @SlackRPG !help.", False, None, i) ''' for channel in cfg.CHAN:, "The portals have opened to another land in the Twitch realm! For more information, type !help.", False, None, channel) loadLocations() loadItems() loadCharacters() loadMonsters() # load up the oplist for admin commands thread.start_new_thread(utils.threadFillOpList, ()) # start the thread to give energy every 60 seconds thread.start_new_thread(giveEnergy, (s,)) # Start the autosaving thread to save characters to DB every 60 seconds thread.start_new_thread(sql.autosaveCharacters, (character.characterStore,)) # Main logic loop while True: CHAT_MSG, chan, username = parse_bot_commands(slack_client.rtm_read()) response = CHAT_MSG # Respond to ping request to stay alive on the server if response: # Here we process the different commands print "COMMAND WAS MESSAGE:" + CHAT_MSG + " CHANNEL:" + chan + " USER:"******"--- MESSAGE NOT STRIPPED: " + message print "--- MESSAGE NOT STRIPPED: " + message.strip() # splits the message so we can detect if there's a number to add for certain commands. message = message.split(" ") try: char = character.characterStore[username] except: pass if message[0].strip() == "!help":, "Hey <@" + username + ">!, some commands you can use are !joingame, !stats, !location [additional], !north, !south, !east, !west, !addstrength, !addwisdom, !addvitality, !hunt, !toggleWhisper, !rest, !inventory, !equipment, !equip [inventory slot number], !unequip [weapon/armor/shield]", True, username, chan) # TODO: Flesh out the help command to take additional argument for per command usage. # this creates a new character for the account. Only one character is allowed per account. if message[0].strip() == "!joingame": if username in character.characterStore: # check and see if the character is already made, "<@" + username + ">, you already have a character!", True, username, chan) else: # create the character and add it to the DB character.characterStore[username] = character.Characters() if character.characterStore[username].createCharacter(username): if sql.createCharacter(character.characterStore[username]):, "<@" + username + ">, You've now created a character. Some commands you can use are !help ,!stats, !location, !north, !south, !east, !west", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + ">, there was an error saving you to the database, please contact the channel admin or join the Discord for TC_RPG", True, username, chan) # Obviously shows the stats for the character. Twitch doesn't have linebreaks thanks to broke ass IRC code. So wall of text it is. if message[0].strip() == "!stats": # We try this, if it throws an error, most likely they don't have a character. Need to clean this up a bit. try: print, "Hey <@" + username + ">. Your stats are:"\ "\n• Level: " + str(character.characterStore[username].level) \ + "\n• XP: " + str(character.characterStore[username].currentXP) + "/" + str(character.characterStore[username].levelXP) \ + "\n• Health: " + str(character.characterStore[username].hp) + "/" + str(character.characterStore[username].maxHP) \ + "\n• Mana: " + str(character.characterStore[username].mana) + "/" + str(character.characterStore[username].mana) \ + "\n• Energy: " + str(character.characterStore[username].energy) \ + "\n• Money: " + str(character.characterStore[username].money) \ + "\n• Skill Points: " + str(character.characterStore[username].skillPoints) \ + "\n• Location: " + str(location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].name) \ + ".", True, username, chan) print character.characterStore[username].name except:, "Hey " + username + ", you don't currently have a character registered. Type !joingame to have us create one for you!", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!south": if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].south > 0: character.characterStore[username].location = location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].south, "<@" + username + "> decides to go to the south, now you're at " + location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].name, True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> looks to the south but there's no where to go!", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!north": if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].north > 0: character.characterStore[username].location = location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].north, "You decide you want to head to the north, now you're at " + location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].name, True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> looks to the north but there's no where to go!", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!east": if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].east > 0: character.characterStore[username].location = location.locationStore[ character.characterStore[username].location].east, "You decide you want to head to the east, now you're at " + location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].name, True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> shifts their glance to the east, but there's no where to go!", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!west": if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].west > 0: character.characterStore[username].location = location.locationStore[ character.characterStore[username].location].west, "You decide you want to head to the west, now you're at " + location.locationStore[ character.characterStore[username].location].name, True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> glances to the west, but there's no where to go!", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() in ('!location', '!look'): text = "" if len(message) > 1: print message if message[1].strip() == "players": playersAtLocation = sql.getPlayersAtLocation(character.characterStore[username].location) print playersAtLocation if len(playersAtLocation) > 1: for p in playersAtLocation: text += "• <@" + p["name"] + "> \n ", "<@" + username + "> the current players in the same location are:\n " + text, True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> you're all alone...", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> I didn't quite understand that.", True, username, chan) else: if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].location_id > 0:, "<@" + username + "> looks at their surroundings. " + location.locationStore[char.location].description, True, username, chan, image=location.locationStore[char.location].image) else:, "<@" + username + "> stares into the nether, seeing nothing but darkness.", True, username, chan) # Players rest to heal in places without monsters if message[0].strip() == "!rest": if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].hasMonsters:, "<@" + username + "> looks around but think it's not exactly the best idea to rest with monsters roaming around.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> takes a break from the burden of adventuring and gains some health.", True, username, chan) character.characterStore[username].hp += 20 if character.characterStore[username].hp > character.characterStore[username].maxHP: character.characterStore[username].hp = character.characterStore[username].maxHP # Starts combat against creatures if message[0].strip() == "!hunt": print character.characterStore[username].energy char = character.characterStore[username] if character.characterStore[username].energy > 3: maxLevel = location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].maxMonsterLevel if maxLevel > 8: minLevel = maxLevel-5 else: minLevel = 1 if location.locationStore[character.characterStore[username].location].hasMonsters: monsters = sql.getMonstersByLevel(minLevel, maxLevel) if monsters: print "Total Monsters" + str(len(monsters)) indexOfMonster = random.randint(0, len(monsters) - 1) print "Index of Monster " + str(indexOfMonster) monsterToFight = monsters[indexOfMonster] print monsterToFight if char.weapon == 0: weapon = 0 else: weapon = item.itemStore[char.weapon] if char.armor == 0: armor = 0 else: armor = item.itemStore[char.armor] if char.shield == 0: shield = 0 else: shield = item.itemStore[char.shield] outcome = combat.fightMonster(s, monsterToFight, char, username, weapon, armor, shield, item.itemStore) # print outcome, outcome, True, username, chan) removeEnergy(1, username) else:, "<@" + username + "> there doesn't seem to be anything here to kill.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> tries to go and kill stuff, but takes a nap instead due to being completely out of of energy.", True, username, chan) # Adds strength using a skill point if message[0].strip() == "!addstrength": if character.characterStore[username].skillPoints > 0: try: if len(message) > 1: message_amount = int(message[1]) if message_amount <= character.characterStore[username].skillPoints: character.characterStore[username].skillPoints -= message_amount, "<@" + username + "> just gained some strength to more easily defeat his foes.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> you don't have enough skillpoints!", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> looks like you wanted to add some strength, but wasn't quite sure how much. Please use !addstrength amount (ex: !addstrength 5).", True, username, chan) except ValueError:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> just tried to gain some strength, but failed miserably due to not having enough skill.", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!equipment": command.showEquipment(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!weapon": command.showWeapon(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!armor": command.showArmor(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!shield": command.showShield(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!inventory": command.showInventory(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, chan) # Sells and item if message[0].strip() == "!sell": print location.locationStore[char.location].hasMonsters if location.locationStore[char.location].hasMonsters == 0: try: if len(message[1]) >= 1: command.sellItem(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, int(message[1].strip()), chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> we didn't quite catch what you wanted to sell. Use the item number in () when using !inventory to sell that item to the merchant.", char.whisperMode, username, chan) except ValueError as e:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number and that you actually, you know, have the item.", True, username, chan) print e except IndexError as e:,"<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number and that you actually, you know, have the item.",True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> there isn't a merchant at this location.", True, username, chan) # Adds wisdom using a skill point if message[0].strip() == "!addwisdom": print len(message) try: if character.characterStore[username].skillPoints > 0: try: if len(message) > 1: message_amount = int(message[1]) if message_amount <= character.characterStore[username].skillPoints: character.characterStore[username].wis += 1 character.characterStore[username].skillPoints -= 1, "<@" + username + "> just got slightly less dumb and gained some hard earned wisdom.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> you don't have enough skillpoints!", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> you need to specify how many you wan to add!", True, username, chan) finally: pass else:, "<@" + username + "> just tried to gain some wisdom, but his brain just couldn't handle it.", True, username, chan) except ValueError:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number.", True, username, chan) # Adds vitality using a skill point if message[0].strip() == "!addvitality": try: if character.characterStore[username].skillPoints > 0: if len(message) > 1: message_amount = int(message[1]) if message_amount <= character.characterStore[username].skillPoints: character.characterStore[username].vit += 1 character.characterStore[username].skillPoints -= 1 character.Characters.recalculateStats(), "<@" + username + "> just gained some vitality to take some more hits like the mythical Rocky Balboa that he read about in some timetravel mages apartment.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> you don't have enough skillpoints!", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> you need to specify how many.", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> just tried to be more of a meat shield, but is just too scrawny and weak.", True, username, chan) except ValueError:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number.", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!unequip": try: if len(message) > 1: if message[1].strip() == "weapon": command.unequipWeapon(s, username, character.characterStore[username], chan) elif message[1].strip() == "armor": command.unequipArmor(s, username, character.characterStore[username], chan) elif message[1].strip() == "shield": command.unequipShield(s, username, character.characterStore[username], chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> we didn't quite catch what you wanted to unequip. Did you want to !unequip your weapon, armor, or shield?", True, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> we didn't quite catch what you wanted to unequip. Did you want to !unequip your weapon, armor, or shield?", True, username, chan) except ValueError:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number.", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!equip": try: if len(message) > 1 and int(message[1]): command.equipItem(s, username, character.characterStore[username], item.itemStore, int(message[1].strip()), chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> we didn't quite catch what you wanted to equip. Use the item number in () when using !inventory to equip that item.", char.whisperMode, username, chan) except ValueError:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's a number.", True, username, chan) if message[0].strip() == "!reload": try: if len(message) > 1: if message[1].strip() == "characters": character.characterStore.clear() loadCharacters(), "<@" + username + "> all characters have been reloaded.", False, username, chan) if message[1].strip() == "items": item.itemStore.clear() loadItems(), "<@" + username + "> all items have been reloaded.", False, username, chan) if message[1].strip() == "monsters": monster.monsterStore.clear() loadMonsters(), "<@" + username + "> all monsters have been reloaded.", False, username, chan) if message[1].strip() == "locations": location.locationStore.clear() loadLocations(), "<@" + username + "> all locations have been reloaded.", False, username, chan) else:, "<@" + username + "> we didn't quite catch what you wanted to reload master.", False, username, chan) except ValueError:, "<@" + username + "> you entered a wrong value, please make sure it's either characters, locations, items, or monsters.", True, username, chan) sleep(0.5), "Bye everyone :)");
def test_create_Characters_Object(self): guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks = [], [" ", "-", "\'", "\"", "!", ".", ","], 1 testCharacterObject = characters.Characters(guessedCharacters, defaultCharacters, blanks) self.assertEqual(guessedCharacters, testCharacterObject.guessedCharacters) self.assertCountEqual(defaultCharacters, testCharacterObject.defaultCharacters) self.assertEqual(blanks, testCharacterObject.blanks)