예제 #1
 def MsgTestAESCBCSeperate(self,msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     ran = groupObj.random(GT)
     a =  AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(ran))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)        
     b =  AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(ran))
     dmsg = b.decrypt(ct);
     assert msg == dmsg , 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
예제 #2
 def MsgTestAESCBCSeperate(self, msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     ran = groupObj.random(GT)
     a = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(ran))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)
     b = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(ran))
     dmsg = b.decrypt(ct)
     assert msg == dmsg, 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
예제 #3
 def encrypt(self, pk, M, object):
     key = self.group.random(GT)
     c1 = abenc.encrypt(pk, key, object)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
예제 #4
 def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = abenc.decrypt(pk, sk, c1)
     print type(key), key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     print cipher
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #5
 def testTamperMac(self):
     key = sha1(PairingGroup('SS512').random(GT))
     m = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a = m.mac('hello world')
     m1 = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a["digest"]= "tampered" 
     assert not m1.verify(a), "expected message to verify";
예제 #6
 def testTamperMac(self):
     key = sha1(PairingGroup('SS512').random(GT))
     m = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a = m.mac('hello world')
     m1 = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a["digest"] = "tampered"
     assert not m1.verify(a), "expected message to verify"
	def decrypt(self, sKey, serializedCiphertext):
		''' Decrypt the provided ciphertext sing the secret key. Decryption is only successful if
		the policy embedded in the secret key matches the ciphertext access policy.

		NOTE: there is a bug in Charm (?) where a policy of a single value causes an error to be thrown: 

		unsupported right operand types: int, bytes, str

		Sample code that throws the error: 
		enc2 = EncryptionModule()
		policy = '(three)' 
		attrs = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
		msg = "Hello world!"
		ct2 = enc2.encrypt(msg, policy)
		sk2 = enc2.generateUserKey(attrs) 
		enc2.decrypt(sk2, ct2)

		ciphertext = bytesToObject(serializedCiphertext, self.groupObj)
		c1, c2 = ciphertext['c1'], ciphertext['c2']
		success = True
			key = self.cpabe.decrypt(self.public, sKey, c1)
			if (key == False):
				success = False
			success = False

		# Try to perform the decryption if we were able to recover the key
		plaintext = None
		if (success == True):
			cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
			plaintext = cipher.decrypt(c2)
		return (success, plaintext)
예제 #8
def callKeyGen(scheme, pp, mk, N, tp):
	if (tp=='lw08'):
		return scheme.keygen(pp,mk,p_complex(N))
	elif tp == 'AESCBC':
		return sha1(mk)
		return scheme.keygen(pp,mk,p_attr(N))
예제 #9
 def encrypt(self, pk, M, object):
     key = self.group.random(GT)
     c1 = abenc.encrypt(pk, key, object)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return {'c1': c1, 'c2': c2}
예제 #10
 def testTamperAlg(self):
     key = sha1(PairingGroup('SS512').random(GT))
     m = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a = m.mac('hello world')
     m1 = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     m1._algorithm = "alg" # bypassing the algorithm check to verify the mac is over the alg + data 
     a["alg"]= "alg" 
     assert not m1.verify(a), "expected message to verify";
예제 #11
 def testTamperAlg(self):
     key = sha1(PairingGroup('SS512').random(GT))
     m = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a = m.mac('hello world')
     m1 = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     m1._algorithm = "alg"  # bypassing the algorithm check to verify the mac is over the alg + data
     a["alg"] = "alg"
     assert not m1.verify(a), "expected message to verify"
예제 #12
 def encrypt(self, pk, gp, M, policy_str):
     if type(M) != bytes and type(policy_str) != str: raise "message and policy not right type!"        
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = abencma.encrypt(pk, gp, key, policy_str)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key)) 
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
예제 #13
 def encrypt_jet(self, params, ID, M):
     if type(M) != bytes: raise "Type ERROR: Message should be bytes."
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = self.encrypt(params, ID, key)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return {'c1': c1, 'c2': c2}
예제 #14
 def keyenc(self, params, ID, msg):
     s = group.random()
     A = sha1(params['v']**s)  # session key
     B = params['Y']**s
     C = (params['X']**s) * (params['g']**(s * ID))
     # use prf here?
     ciph = {'B': B, 'C': C}
     return (A, ciph)  # user must destroy A since it protects the msg
예제 #15
 def encrypt(self, pk, ID, M):
     if type(M) != bytes: raise "message not right type!"        
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = ibenc.encrypt(pk, ID, key)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
예제 #16
 def encrypt(self, pk, ID, M):
     if type(M) != bytes: raise "message not right type!"
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = ibenc.encrypt(pk, ID, key)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return {'c1': c1, 'c2': c2}
예제 #17
파일: ibenc_bb03.py 프로젝트: FinalF/charm
 def keyenc(self, params, ID, msg):
     s = group.random()
     A = sha1(params['v'] ** s) # session key
     B = params['Y'] ** s
     C = (params['X'] ** s) * (params['g'] ** (s * ID))
     # use prf here?
     ciph = { 'B': B, 'C': C }
     return (A, ciph) # user must destroy A since it protects the msg
예제 #18
 def encrypt(self, pk, gp, M, policy_str):
     if type(M) != bytes and type(policy_str) != str:
         raise "message and policy not right type!"
     key = group.random(GT)
     c1 = abencma.encrypt(pk, gp, key, policy_str)
     # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     c2 = cipher.encrypt(M)
     return {'c1': c1, 'c2': c2}
예제 #19
	def encrypt(self, plaintext, policy):
		#return self.cpabe.encrypt(self.public, plaintext, policy)
		key = self.groupObj.random(GT)
		c1 = self.cpabe.encrypt(self.public, key, policy)

        # instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
		cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
		c2 = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
		return { 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }
	def encrypt(self, plaintext, policy):
		''' Encrypt a block of plaintext using the provided polcy structure. 
		The ciphertext is stored as a dictionary, for now.
		key = self.groupObj.random(GT)
		c1 = self.cpabe.encrypt(self.public, key, policy)

        # Instantiate a symmetric enc scheme from this key
		cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
		c2 = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
		return objectToBytes({ 'c1':c1, 'c2':c2 }, self.groupObj)
예제 #21
파일: data.py 프로젝트: dkhungme/FastKAC
def generate_param(n):
	storage = {}
	global kac 
	kac = KAC()
	storage['n'] = n
	storage['param'] = kac.setup(n)
	storage['plain'] = [kac.group.random(GT)]
	storage['cipher'] = [kac.group.random(GT)]
	storage['e_g1_g2'] = kac.e_g1_g2
	storage['key'] = kac.keygen(storage['param'])
	global AESkey

	for i in range(1,n+1): 
		plain = kac.group.random(GT)
		storage['cipher'].append(kac.encrypt(storage['key']['pk'], i, plain, storage['param']))
	print "I have done all parameters!"
	# outFile = open('GTparam.txt', 'w')
	# for i in range(1,n+1): 
	# 	storage['plain'] = [kac.group.random(GT)]
	# 	storage['cipher'] = [kac.group.random(GT)]
	# 	# with open('GTparam.txt', 'w') as outfile:
	# 	# json.dump(data,outfile)
	# 		# outfile.write(str(i)+':\n')
	# 	outFile.write('\nMy output GT element!\n')
	# 	plain = kac.group.random(GT)
	# 	storage['plain'].append(plain)
	# 	storage['cipher'].append(kac.encrypt(storage['key']['pk'], i, plain, storage['param']))
	# 	data=objectToBytes(storage['plain'], kac.group)
	# 	# with open('GTparam.txt', 'w') as outfile:
	# 	outFile.write(data)
	# 		# outfile.write(storage['plain'])
	# outFile.close()
	# p=subprocess.Popen("/home/grace/Desktop/KAC code/abc",stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = False)
	# p.stdin.write(str(n)+'\n')
	# a = p.stdout.read()
	# print a
	# print "sent"
	# print storage
	return storage
예제 #22
	def decrypt(self, sKey, ciphertext):
		#return self.cpabe.decrypt(self.public, sKey, ciphertext)
		c1, c2 = ciphertext['c1'], ciphertext['c2']
		success = True

		# TODO: we need to supress the print statement that comes out of this guy, to avoid unnecessary events
			key = self.cpabe.decrypt(self.public, sKey, c1)
			if (key == False):
				success = False
			success = False

		# Try to perform the encryption if we were able to recover the key
		plaintext = None
		if (success == True):
			cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
			plaintext = cipher.decrypt(c2)
		return (success, plaintext)
	def decrypt(self, sKey, serializedCiphertext):
		''' Decrypt the provided ciphertext sing the secret key. Decryption is only successful if
		the policy embedded in the secret key matches the ciphertext access policy.
		ciphertext = bytesToObject(serializedCiphertext, PairingGroup('SS512'))
		c1, c2 = ciphertext['c1'], ciphertext['c2']
		success = True
			key = self.cpabe.decrypt(self.public, sKey, c1)
			if (key == False):
				success = False
			success = False

		# Try to perform the decryption if we were able to recover the key
		plaintext = None
		if (success == True):
			cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
			plaintext = cipher.decrypt(c2)
		return (success, plaintext)
예제 #24
 def testSeperateVerify(self):
     key = sha1(PairingGroup('SS512').random(GT))
     m = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a = m.mac('hello world')
     m1 = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     assert m1.verify(a), "expected message to verify";
예제 #25
파일: decrypto.py 프로젝트: nemare/Rbac-abe
# print pk+"\n"
# print cipher+"\n"

mk = bytesToObject(mk, groupObj)
pk = bytesToObject(pk, groupObj)
cipher = bytesToObject(cipher, groupObj)

sk = cpabe.keygen(pk, mk, asl)

print sk

    plaintext = cpabe.decrypt(pk, sk, cipher)
    print "Error"

if plaintext != False:
    a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(plaintext))

    with open(fileUrl, "rb") as f:
        cloudfile = f.read()
    file = a.decrypt(cloudfile)

    with open(fileUrl, "wb") as re:
    print "Dcrypto Fail!"

del groupObj

예제 #26
 def keydec(self, pk, dID, CT):
     A, B, C = CT['A'], CT['B'], CT['C']
     v_s = pair(((B**dID['r']) * C), dID['K'])
     return sha1(v_s)
예제 #27
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction, AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction, MessageAuthenticator
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup, GT
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as sha1

debug = 0

groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')

pk = groupObj.random(GT)

if debug: print pk

a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(pk))


    f = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/charm.dmg', 'rb')
    ff = f.read()
    ct = a.encrypt(ff)

    if debug: print ct

    ffe = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/jiami', 'wb')


    fpk = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/pk', 'wb')


예제 #28
파일: cpabe.py 프로젝트: nemare/Rbac-abe
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as sha1
from charm.schemes.abenc.abenc_waters09 import CPabe09
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction,AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction, MessageAuthenticator

groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
symKey = groupObj.random(GT)
a1 =  SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(symKey))
with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/pk','rb') as f:
    msg1 = f.read() 
ct = a1.encrypt(msg1)
cpabe = CPabe09(groupObj)
(msk, pk) = cpabe.setup()
pol = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))'

with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/msk','wb') as fm:
with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/mpk','wb') as fp:

with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/info','wb') as fi:

print('Acces Policy: %s' % pol)
cipher = cpabe.encrypt(pk, symKey, pol)

print cipher
예제 #29
 def testSeperateVerify(self):
     key = sha1(PairingGroup('SS512').random(GT))
     m = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     a = m.mac('hello world')
     m1 = MessageAuthenticator(key)
     assert m1.verify(a), "expected message to verify"
예제 #30
파일: decrypto.py 프로젝트: aietxm/Rbac-abe
# print pk+"\n"
# print cipher+"\n"

mk = bytesToObject(mk,groupObj)
pk = bytesToObject(pk,groupObj)
cipher = bytesToObject(cipher,groupObj)

sk = cpabe.keygen(pk,mk,asl)

print sk

    plaintext = cpabe.decrypt(pk,sk,cipher)
    print "Error"

if plaintext!=False :
    a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(plaintext))

    with open(fileUrl,"rb") as f:
        cloudfile = f.read()
    file = a.decrypt(cloudfile)

    with open(fileUrl,"wb") as re:
    print "Dcrypto Fail!"

del groupObj

예제 #31
파일: ibenc_bb03.py 프로젝트: FinalF/charm
 def keydec(self, pk, dID, CT):
     A, B, C = CT['A'], CT['B'], CT['C']
     v_s = pair(((B ** dID['r']) * C), dID['K'])
     return sha1(v_s)
예제 #32
    def decrypt_jet(self, params, skid, cid):
        c1, c2 = cid['c1'], cid['c2']
        key = self.decrypt(params, skid, c1)

        cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
        return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #33
 def decrypt(self, pk, ID, ct):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = ibenc.decrypt(pk, ID, c1)        
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #34
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction, AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction, MessageAuthenticator
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup, GT
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as sha1

debug = 0

groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')

    f = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/pk', 'rb')
    pk = f.read()

    a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(groupObj.deserialize(pk)))

    ffe = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/jiami', 'rb')

    ct = ffe.read()

    de = a.decrypt(ct)

    fpk = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/jiemi.dmg', 'wb')



예제 #35
 def decrypt(self, pk, ID, ct):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = ibenc.decrypt(pk, ID, c1)
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #36
파일: abe-de.py 프로젝트: aietxm/Rbac-abe
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as sha1
from charm.schemes.abenc.abenc_waters09 import CPabe09
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction,AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction, MessageAuthenticator

asl= ['ONE','TWO']
groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
cpabe = CPabe09(groupObj)

with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/info','rb') as f:
    info = f.read()

cpkey = cpabe.keygen(pk,msk,asl)

with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/cipk','r') as f2:
    ciphertext = f2.read()

ciphertext = eval(ciphertext)

print ciphertext

prig_msg = cpabe.decrypt(pk,cpkey,ciphertext)

a2 =  SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(orig_symKey))

plaintext = a2.decrypt(info)

print plaintext
예제 #37
파일: client.py 프로젝트: spinakr/attr-chat
def generateSessionKey(encaps):
    key=sha1(cpabe.decrypt(pk, cpkey, encaps.pop()))
    for encap in encaps:
        key = xorString(key,sha1(cpabe.decrypt(pk, cpkey, encap)))
    return key
예제 #38
 def MsgtestAESCBC(self, msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     a = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(groupObj.random(GT)))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)
     dmsg = a.decrypt(ct)
     assert msg == dmsg, 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
예제 #39
 def decrypt(self, ct, sk):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = abenc.decrypt(c1, sk)
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #40
 def MsgtestAESCBC(self,msg):
     groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
     a =  AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(groupObj.random(GT)))
     ct = a.encrypt(msg)
     dmsg = a.decrypt(ct);
     assert msg == dmsg , 'o: =>%s\nm: =>%s' % (msg, dmsg)
예제 #41
 def decrypt(self, gp, sk, ct):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = abencma.decrypt(gp, sk, c1)
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #42
파일: abe-de.py 프로젝트: nemare/Rbac-abe
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup, GT
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as sha1
from charm.schemes.abenc.abenc_waters09 import CPabe09
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction, AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction, MessageAuthenticator

asl = ['ONE', 'TWO']
groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
cpabe = CPabe09(groupObj)

with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/info', 'rb') as f:
    info = f.read()

cpkey = cpabe.keygen(pk, msk, asl)

with open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/cipk', 'r') as f2:
    ciphertext = f2.read()

ciphertext = eval(ciphertext)

print ciphertext

prig_msg = cpabe.decrypt(pk, cpkey, ciphertext)

a2 = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(orig_symKey))

plaintext = a2.decrypt(info)

print plaintext
예제 #43
 def decrypt(self, ct, sk):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = abenc.decrypt(c1, sk)
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #44
 def decrypt(self, gp, sk, ct):
     c1, c2 = ct['c1'], ct['c2']
     key = abencma.decrypt(gp, sk, c1)
     cipher = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(sha1(key))
     return cipher.decrypt(c2)
예제 #45
def getAESCBC(groupObj):
	pp = sha1(groupObj.random(G1))
	mk = groupObj.random(G1)
	scheme = AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction(pp)
	return (scheme, pp, mk)
 def getDEK(self):
     """selects a new DEK from G1"""        
     return sha1(self.groupObj.random(G1))
예제 #47
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction,AuthenticatedCryptoAbstraction, MessageAuthenticator
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as sha1

debug = 0

groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')

pk = groupObj.random(GT)

if debug :print pk

a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(sha1(pk))


    f = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/charm.dmg','rb')
    ff = f.read()
    ct = a.encrypt(ff)

    if debug :print ct

    ffe = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/jiami','wb')

    fpk = open('/Users/cirnotxm/down/pk','wb')