예제 #1
def decrypt(ik, sk, ct, pk=None):
    group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    if pk is None:
        pk = getPK(stsConfig['TS_ip'],stsConfig['api_getPK'])
    if type(pk['g']) == type(''):
        pk = dictToObject(pk_dict=pk, group=group)
    if type(ct['C0']) == type(''):
        ct = dictToObject(ct_dict=ct)
    if type(ik['K0']) == type(''):
        ik = dictToObject(ik_dict=ik)
    if type(sk) == type(''):
        sk = dictToObject(pairingElement_dict=sk)
    group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    util = SecretUtil(group, False)
    w = pk['w']
    u = pk['u']
    S = ik['S'] #['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO']
    K0 = ik['K0']
    K1 = ik['K1']
    Kj2 = ik['Ki2']
    Kj3 = ik['Ki3']
    C0 = ct['C0']
    Ci1 = ct['C_j_1']
    Ci2 = ct['C_j_2']
    Ci3 = ct['C_j_3']
    Ci4 = ct['C_j_4']
    Ci5 = ct['C_j_5']
    policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) #((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))
    print('access policy of this file :', policy)
        pruned = util.prune(policy, S) #[ONE, TWO]
    except Exception,e:
        raise Exception('your attributes do not satisfy the policy!')
예제 #2
def predecrypt(pk, ik, ct):
    group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    util = SecretUtil(group, debug)
    w = pk['w']
    u = pk['u']
    S = ik['S'] #['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO']
    K0 = ik['K0']
    K1 = ik['K1']
    Kj2 = ik['Ki2']
    Kj3 = ik['Ki3']
    C0 = ct['C0']
    Ci1 = ct['C_j_1']
    Ci2 = ct['C_j_2']
    Ci3 = ct['C_j_3']
    Ci4 = ct['C_j_4']
    Ci5 = ct['C_j_5']
    policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) #((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))
    print('policy in predecrypt===', policy)
    print('S in predecrypt===', S)
    pruned = util.prune(policy, S) #[ONE, TWO]
    if pruned is False:
        raise Exception('Prune error in pre-decrypt')
    wi = util.getCoefficients(policy) #{u'TWO': <pairing.Element>, u'FOUR': <pairing.Element>, u'THREE': <pairing.Element>, u'ONE': <pairing.Element>}

    eC0K0 = pair(C0,K0)
    ECi4wi = 0
    for each in pruned:
        i = each.getAttribute()
        ECi4wi += Ci4[i] * wi[i]
    ewECi4wiK1 = pair(w ** ECi4wi,K1)
    PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi = 1
    for each in pruned:
        j = each.getAttributeAndIndex()
        i = each.getAttribute()
        eCi1K1 = pair(Ci1[i],K1)
        eCi2uCi5Kj2 = pair(Ci2[i] * (u ** -Ci5[i]), Kj2[j])
        eCi3Kj3 = pair(Ci3[i],Kj3[j])
        PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi *= (eCi1K1 * eCi2uCi5Kj2 * eCi3Kj3) ** wi[i]

    return objectToBytes(eC0K0/(ewECi4wiK1 * PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi), group)
예제 #3
def encrypt(policy_str, pool, group=None):
    print('policy_str in ABEnc=',policy_str)
    if group is None:
        group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    util = SecretUtil(group, False)
    policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str)
    secret = pool.pop('s')
    print('policy in ABEnc=',policy)
    sshares = util.calculateSharesList(secret, policy)
    sshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in sshares])
    print('sshares in ABEnc=',sshares)
    C0 = pool.pop('C0')
    C_x_1, C_x_2, C_x_3, C_x_4, C_x_5 = {},{},{},{},{}
    for attr, s_share in sshares.items():
        component = pool['components'].pop()
        C_x_1[attr] = component['C_j_1']
        C_x_2[attr] = component['C_j_2']
        C_x_3[attr] = component['C_j_3']
        C_x_4[attr] = s_share - component['lambda_prime_j']
        C_x_5[attr] = component['t_j'] * (group.hash(unicode(attr),ZR) - component['x_j'])
    ct = {'policy':policy_str, 'C0':C0,'C_j_1':C_x_1, 'C_j_2':C_x_2, 'C_j_3':C_x_3, 'C_j_4':C_x_4, 'C_j_5':C_x_5}
    print('ct in ABEnc=',ct)
    return (pool, ct)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, group):
     self.group = group
     self.util = SecretUtil(self.group)
예제 #5
class YLLC15(ABEnc):
    Possibly a subclass of BSW07?
    def __init__(self, group):
        self.group = group
        self.util = SecretUtil(self.group)

    @Output(params_t, msk_t)
    def setup(self):
        g, gp = self.group.random(G1), self.group.random(G2)
        alpha, beta = self.group.random(ZR), self.group.random(ZR)
        # initialize pre-processing for generators

        h = g**beta
        e_gg_alpha = pair(g, gp**alpha)

        params = {'g': g, 'g2': gp, 'h': h, 'e_gg_alpha': e_gg_alpha}
        msk = {'beta': beta, 'alpha': alpha}
        return params, msk

    @Output(pku_t, sku_t)
    def ukgen(self, params):
        g2 = params['g2']
        x = self.group.random(ZR)
        pku = g2**x
        sku = x
        return pku, sku

    @Input(params_t, msk_t, pku_t, pku_t, [str])
    # @Output(pxku_t)
    def proxy_keygen(self, params, msk, pkcs, pku, attribute_list):
        attributes specified in the `attribute_list` are converted to uppercase
        r1 = self.group.random(ZR)
        r2 = self.group.random(ZR)
        g = params['g']
        g2 = params['g2']

        k = ((pkcs**r1) * (pku**msk['alpha']) * (g2**r2))**~msk['beta']
        k_prime = g2**r1
        k_attrs = {}
        for attr in attribute_list:
            attr_caps = attr.upper()
            r_attr = self.group.random(ZR)
            k_attr1 = (g2**r2) * (self.group.hash(str(attr_caps), G2)**r_attr)
            k_attr2 = g**r_attr
            k_attrs[attr_caps] = (k_attr1, k_attr2)

        proxy_key_user = {'k': k, 'k_prime': k_prime, 'k_attrs': k_attrs}
        return proxy_key_user

    @Input(params_t, GT, str)
    # @Output(ct_t)
    def encrypt(self, params, msg, policy_str):
         Encrypt a message M under a policy string.

         attributes specified in policy_str are converted to uppercase
         policy_str must use parentheses e.g. (A) and (B)
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        s = self.group.random(ZR)
        shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(s, policy)

        C = (params['e_gg_alpha']**s) * msg
        c_prime = params['h']**s
        c_prime_prime = params['g']**s

        c_attrs = {}
        for attr in shares.keys():
            attr_stripped = self.util.strip_index(attr)
            c_i1 = params['g']**shares[attr]
            c_i2 = self.group.hash(attr_stripped, G1)**shares[attr]
            c_attrs[attr] = (c_i1, c_i2)

        ciphertext = {
            'policy_str': policy_str,
            'C': C,
            'C_prime': c_prime,
            'C_prime_prime': c_prime_prime,
            'c_attrs': c_attrs
        return ciphertext

    # @Input(sku_t, pxku_t, ct_t)
    def proxy_decrypt(self, skcs, proxy_key_user, ciphertext):
        policy_root_node = ciphertext['policy_str']
        k = proxy_key_user['k']
        k_prime = proxy_key_user['k_prime']
        c_prime = ciphertext['C_prime']
        c_prime_prime = ciphertext['C_prime_prime']
        c_attrs = ciphertext['c_attrs']
        k_attrs = proxy_key_user['k_attrs']

        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_root_node)
        attributes = proxy_key_user['k_attrs'].keys()
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, attributes)
        if not pruned_list:
            return None
        z = self.util.getCoefficients(policy)
        # reconstitute the policy random secret (A) which was used to encrypt the message
        A = 1
        for i in pruned_list:
            attr_idx = i.getAttributeAndIndex()
            attr = i.getAttribute()
            A *= (pair(c_attrs[attr_idx][0], k_attrs[attr][0]) /
                  pair(k_attrs[attr][1], c_attrs[attr_idx][1]))**z[attr_idx]

        e_k_c_prime = pair(k, c_prime)
        denominator = (pair(k_prime, c_prime_prime)**skcs) * A
        encrypted_element_for_user_pkenc_scheme = e_k_c_prime / denominator

        intermediate_value = {
            'C': ciphertext['C'],
            'e_term': encrypted_element_for_user_pkenc_scheme

        return intermediate_value

    @Input(type(None), sku_t, v_t)
    def decrypt(self, params, sku, intermediate_value):
        :param params: Not required - pass None instead. For interface compatibility only.
        :param sku: the secret key of the user as generated by `ukgen()`.
        :param intermediate_value: the partially decrypted ciphertext returned by `proxy_decrypt()`.
        :return: the plaintext message
        ciphertext = intermediate_value['C']
        e_term = intermediate_value['e_term']
        denominator = e_term**(sku**-1)
        msg = ciphertext / denominator
        return msg
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, groupObj, verbose=False):
     global group, util
     group = groupObj
     util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, groupObj):
     global util, group
     util = SecretUtil(groupObj, verbose=False)
     group = groupObj
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, groupObj):
     global util, group
     util = SecretUtil(groupObj, debug)
     self.group = groupObj
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, groupObj):
     self.util = SecretUtil(groupObj,
                            verbose=False)  #Create Secret Sharing Scheme
     self.group = groupObj  #:Prime order group
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, group, verbose=False):
     self.group = group
     self.util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)
예제 #11
class MaabeRW15(ABEncMultiAuth):
    Efficient Statically-Secure Large-Universe Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption
    Rouselakis - Waters
    def __init__(self, group, verbose=False):
        self.group = group
        self.util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)

    def H(self, x):
        return self.group.hash(x, G2)

    def F(self, x):
        return self.group.hash(x, G2)

    def setup(self):
        g1 = self.group.random(G1)
        g2 = self.group.random(G2)
        egg = pair(g1, g2)
        gp = {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2, 'egg': egg}
        if debug:
        return gp

    def unpack_attribute(self, attribute):
        Unpacks an attribute in attribute name, authority name and index
        :param attribute: The attribute to unpack
        :return: The attribute name, authority name and the attribute index, if present.
         group = PairingGroup('SS512')
         maabe = MaabeRW15(group)
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', None)
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', '2')
        parts = re.split(r"[@_]", attribute)
        assert len(parts) > 1, "No @ char in [attribute@authority] name"
        return parts[0], parts[1], None if len(parts) < 3 else parts[2]

    def authsetup(self, gp, name):
        Setup an attribute authority.
        :param gp: The global parameters
        :param name: The name of the authority
        :return: The public and private key of the authority
        alpha, y = self.group.random(), self.group.random()
        egga = gp['egg']**alpha
        gy = gp['g1']**y
        pk = {'name': name, 'egga': egga, 'gy': gy}
        sk = {'name': name, 'alpha': alpha, 'y': y}
        if debug:
            print("Authsetup: %s" % name)
        return pk, sk

    def keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attribute):
        Generate a user secret key for the attribute.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attribute: The attribute.
        :return: The secret key for the attribute for the user with identifier gid.
        _, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(attribute)
        assert sk[
            'name'] == auth, "Attribute %s does not belong to authority %s" % (
                attribute, sk['name'])

        t = self.group.random()
        K = gp['g2']**sk['alpha'] * self.H(gid)**sk['y'] * self.F(attribute)**t
        KP = gp['g1']**t
        if debug:
            print("User: %s, Attribute: %s" % (gid, attribute))
            print({'K': K, 'KP': KP})
        return {'K': K, 'KP': KP}

    def multiple_attributes_keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attributes):
        Generate a dictionary of secret keys for a user for a list of attributes.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attributes: The list of attributes.
        :return: A dictionary with attribute names as keys, and secret keys for the attributes as values.
        uk = {}
        for attribute in attributes:
            uk[attribute] = self.keygen(gp, sk, gid, attribute)
        return uk

    def encrypt(self, gp, pks, message, policy_str):
        Encrypt a message under an access policy
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param pks: The public keys of the relevant attribute authorities, as dict from authority name to public key.
        :param message: The message to encrypt.
        :param policy_str: The access policy to use.
        :return: The encrypted message.
        s = self.group.random()  # secret to be shared
        w = self.group.init(ZR, 0)  # 0 to be shared

        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        attribute_list = self.util.getAttributeList(policy)

        secret_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(
            s, policy)  # These are correctly set to be exponents in Z_p
        zero_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(w, policy)

        C0 = message * (gp['egg']**s)
        C1, C2, C3, C4 = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for i in attribute_list:
            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(i)
            attr = "%s@%s" % (attribute_name, auth)
            tx = self.group.random()
            C1[i] = gp['egg']**secret_shares[i] * pks[auth]['egga']**tx
            C2[i] = gp['g1']**(-tx)
            C3[i] = pks[auth]['gy']**tx * gp['g1']**zero_shares[i]
            C4[i] = self.F(attr)**tx
        if debug:
                'policy': policy_str,
                'C0': C0,
                'C1': C1,
                'C2': C2,
                'C3': C3,
                'C4': C4
        return {
            'policy': policy_str,
            'C0': C0,
            'C1': C1,
            'C2': C2,
            'C3': C3,
            'C4': C4

    def decrypt(self, gp, sk, ct):
        Decrypt the ciphertext using the secret keys of the user.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret keys of the user.
        :param ct: The ciphertext to decrypt.
        :return: The decrypted message.
        :raise Exception: When the access policy can not be satisfied with the user's attributes.
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
        coefficients = self.util.getCoefficients(policy)
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, sk['keys'].keys())

        if not pruned_list:
            raise Exception(
                "You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")

        B = self.group.init(GT, 1)
        for i in range(len(pruned_list)):
            x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()  # without the underscore
            y = pruned_list[i].getAttributeAndIndex()  # with the underscore
            B *= (ct['C1'][y] * pair(ct['C2'][y], sk['keys'][x]['K']) *
                  pair(ct['C3'][y], self.H(sk['GID'])) *
                  pair(sk['keys'][x]['KP'], ct['C4'][y]))**coefficients[y]
        if debug:
            print("Decrypted Message:")
            print(ct['C0'] / B)
        return ct['C0'] / B
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, groupObj):
     global util, group
     util = SecretUtil(groupObj, debug)
     group = groupObj
예제 #13
파일: dabe_aw11.py 프로젝트: ztm1992/charm
 def __init__(self, groupObj):
     global util, group
     util = SecretUtil(groupObj,
                       verbose=False)  #Create Secret Sharing Scheme
     group = groupObj  #:Prime order group
 def __init__(self, group_object):
     # initialize class object with secret sharing utility
     # and appropriate group object
     self.util = SecretUtil(group_object, verbose=False)
     self.group = group_object
class OMACPABE(object):
    def __init__(self, group_object):
        # initialize class object with secret sharing utility
        # and appropriate group object
        self.util = SecretUtil(group_object, verbose=False)
        self.group = group_object

    # certificate authority (CA) setup function
    def abenc_casetup(self):
        Global setup function run by the CA to generate the
        Global Master Key (GMK) and the Global Public Parameters (GPP)

        :return: GMK, GPP
        # initialize bilinear group G of prime p with generator g
        g = self.group.random(G1)
        # initialize hash function that maps to an element of G
        H = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G1)
        # select random elements from Z_p
        a = self.group.random(ZR)
        b = self.group.random(ZR)

        g_a = g**a
        g_b = g**b

        # Global Public Parameters (GPP) = g, g_a, g_b, H
        GPP = {
            'g': g,
            'g_a': g_a,
            'g_b': g_b,
            'H': H,

        # Global Master Key (GMK) = a, b
        GMK = {
            'a': a,
            'b': b,
        return (GPP, GMK)

    def abenc_userreg(self, GPP, entity='user'):
        User registration by Certificate Authority (CA) to generate corresponding
        key pairs (i.e. Public and Private keys)

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters (GPP)
        :param entity: the entity executing algorithm
        # :param registered_users: Dictionary of already registered users
        :return: User Global Secret and Public Keys (GSK_uid, GSK_uid_prime, GPK_uid, GPK_uid_prime)
        # group generator from GPP
        g = GPP['g']
        # random numbers as user global secret keys
        u_uid = self.group.random(ZR)
        u_uid_prime = self.group.random(ZR)
        # user global public keys
        g_u_uid = g**u_uid
        g_u_uid_prime = g**(1 / u_uid_prime)

        # secret public key pair sent to user
        GSK_uid_prime = u_uid_prime
        GPK_uid = g_u_uid

        # secret public key pair to be sent to  registered Attribute Authorities (AAs)
        GSK_uid = u_uid
        GPK_uid_prime = g_u_uid_prime

        return (GPK_uid, GSK_uid_prime), {
            'GSK_uid': GSK_uid,
            'GPK_uid_prime': GPK_uid_prime,
            'u_uid': u_uid,

    def abenc_aareg(self, GPP, authority_id, attributes,
        Registration of Attribute Authorities (AA) by the Certificate Authority (CA)

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters (GPP)
        :param authority_id: Unique ID for Attribute Authority
        :param attributes: Attributes managed by the authority
        :param registered_authorities: Dictionary of already registered authorities
        :return: Attribute Authority Secret and Public Key pairs with Version and Public keys for the attributes
        # check if authority has already been registered
        if authority_id not in registered_authorities:
            # generate random values to serves as attribute authority secret key
            alpha_aid = self.group.random(ZR)
            beta_aid = self.group.random(ZR)
            gamma_aid = self.group.random(ZR)
            # attribute authority secret key values
            SK_aid = {
                'alpha_aid': alpha_aid,
                'beta_aid': beta_aid,
                'gamma_aid': gamma_aid
            # attribute authority public key values
            PK_aid = {
                'e_alpha': pair(GPP['g'], GPP['g'])**alpha_aid,
                'g_beta_aid': GPP['g']**beta_aid,
                'g_beta_aid_inv': GPP['g']**(1 / beta_aid),
            authority_attributes = {}
            registered_authorities[authority_id] = (SK_aid, PK_aid,
            SK_aid, PK_aid, authority_attributes = registered_authorities[

        # generate version and public keys for attributes
        for attribute in attributes:
            # check if attributes already exist with public and version keys
            # if they do, skip generation process
            if attribute in authority_attributes:
            # generate random element as version key
            version_key = self.group.random(ZR)
            h = GPP['H'](attribute)
            PK_1_attribute = h**version_key
            PK_2_attribute = h**(version_key * SK_aid['gamma_aid'])
            PK_attribute_aid = [PK_1_attribute, PK_2_attribute]
            authority_attributes[attribute] = {
                'VK': version_key,
                'PK': PK_attribute_aid,
        return (SK_aid, PK_aid, authority_attributes)

    def abenc_keygen(self, GPP, authority, attribute, user_object, USK=None):
        Generate attribute authority related secret keys for users (executed by the corresponding attribute authority)

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters
        :param authority: Attribute Authority Parameters
        :param attribute: Attribute for which secret key is being generated
        :param user_object: User
        :param USK: Generated attribute authority related user secret key
        :return: User Secret Key (USK)
        # generate random integer to tie attribute secret key to user
        if 't' not in user_object:
            user_object['t'] = self.group.random(ZR)
        t = user_object['t']

        # assign corresponding attribute authority parameters
        ASK, APK, authority_attrs = authority

        u = user_object

        # create USK data set if none exists already
        if USK is None:
            USK = {}

        if 'K_uid_aid' not in USK or 'K_uid_aid_prime' not in USK or 'AK_uid_aid' not in USK:
            USK['K_uid_aid'] = (u['GPK_uid_prime']**ASK['alpha_aid']) * (
                GPP['g_a']**u['u_uid']) * (GPP['g_b']**t)
            USK['K_uid_aid_prime'] = GPP['g']**t
            USK['AK_uid_aid'] = {}

        # generate attribute specific secret key parameters
        AK_uid_aid = (GPP['g'] ** (t * ASK['beta_aid'])) * authority_attrs[attribute]['PK'][0] \
            ** (ASK['beta_aid'] * (u['u_uid'] + ASK['gamma_aid']))
        USK['AK_uid_aid'][attribute] = AK_uid_aid

        return USK

    def abenc_encrypt(self, GPP, policy_string, k, authority):
        Encryption algorithm which encrypts the message given, based on the policy

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters
        :param policy_string: Policy
        :param k: Content Key (i.e group element based on AES key)
        :param authority: Attribute Authority Parameters
        :return: Ciphertext
        APK = {}
        authority_attributes = {}
        authority_g_beta_inv = {}

        # extract the APK for the different authorities
        for authority_temp in authority.keys():
            APK[authority_temp] = authority[authority_temp][1]

            # extract the PK values of the attributes of the attribute authorities
            # extract the corresponding g_beta_inverse values for the attribute authorities
            for item in authority[authority_temp][2].keys():
                authority_attributes[item] = authority[authority_temp][2][item]
                authority_g_beta_inv[item] = APK[authority_temp][

        # extract policy and use policy elements to slit the secret
        # into their corresponding shares for encryption
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_string)

        # generate secret through random element
        secret = self.group.random(ZR)

        # split secret into shares (this returns a list)
        shares = self.util.calculateSharesList(secret, policy)

        # process shares list to create a dict with attribute as key
        # and corresponding shares as value
        shares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in shares])

        # initialize blinding factor to hide key
        blinding_factor = 1

        for authority_temp in authority.keys():
            blinding_factor *= APK[authority_temp]['e_alpha']

        # create C elements of encrypted file
        C = k * (blinding_factor**secret)
        C_prime = GPP['g']**secret
        C_prime_prime = GPP['g_b']**secret

        # create structure (dict) to hold the C_i and D_i elements of the encrypted file
        # these are the components related to the attributes
        C_i = {}
        C_i_prime = {}
        D_i = {}
        D_i_prime = {}

        # generate C_i and D_i elements
        for attribute, secret_share in shares.items():
            # attribute_temp = self.util.strip_index(attribute)
            # generate random r_i element
            k_attr = self.util.strip_index(attribute)
            r_i = self.group.random(ZR)
            attribute_PK = authority_attributes[attribute]

            C_i[attribute] = (GPP['g_a']**
                              secret_share) * ~(attribute_PK['PK'][0]**r_i)
            C_i_prime[attribute] = GPP['g']**r_i
            D_i[attribute] = authority_g_beta_inv[attribute]**r_i
            D_i_prime[attribute] = attribute_PK['PK'][1]**r_i

        return {
            'C': C,
            'C_prime': C_prime,
            'C_prime_prime': C_prime_prime,
            'C_i': C_i,
            'C_i_prime': C_i_prime,
            'D_i': D_i,
            'D_i_prime': D_i_prime,
            'policy': policy_string,

    def abenc_generatetoken(self, GPP, CT, UASK, user_keys):
        Partial decryption of the ciphertext

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters
        :param CT: Ciphertext elements
        :param UASK: Secret Keys for user gotten from Attribute Authorities
        :param user_keys: User global keys
        :return: Partially decrypted ciphertext

        # list to hold corresponding attributes possessed by the user
        user_attributes = []

        for authority in UASK.keys():

        # access ciphertext policy
        encryption_policy = self.util.createPolicy(CT['policy'])

        # generate list of minimum policy elements needed for encryption
        # returns False if user fails policy assessment
        minimal_policy_list = self.util.prune(encryption_policy,

        # print(minimal_policy_list)

        # this is an error handling implementation that should be fixed later
        if not minimal_policy_list:
            return False

        # get attribute coefficients to be able to access their share of the secret
        coefficients = self.util.getCoefficients(encryption_policy)
        # initialize the dividend value for the token generation computation
        dividend = 1

        for authority in UASK.keys():
            dividend *= (
                pair(CT['C_prime'], UASK[authority]['K_uid_aid']) *
                ~pair(CT['C_prime_prime'], UASK[authority]['K_uid_aid_prime']))

        # attribute authority index?
        n_a = 1

        # initialize divisor value for token generation computation
        divisor = 1

        # create dict to hold attributes for the authorities and their corresponding secret keys
        attribute_keys = {}

        # create dict to hold attributes contained in the pruned list and their corresponding secret keys
        pruned_attribute_keys = {}

        # populate attribute with with corresponding key value pairs
        for authority in UASK.keys():

        # populate pruned attribute with corresponding key value pairs
        # from attribute list
        for attribute in minimal_policy_list:
            pruned_attribute_keys[str(attribute)] = attribute_keys[str(

        # compute divisor
        for authority in UASK.keys():

            temp_divisor = 1

            for attribute in minimal_policy_list:
                x = attribute.getAttributeAndIndex()
                y = attribute.getAttribute()

                temp_divisor *= (
                    (pair(CT['C_i'][y], user_keys) *
                     pair(CT['D_i'][y], pruned_attribute_keys[y]) *
                           UASK[authority]['K_uid_aid_prime']) *
                     ~pair(GPP['g'], CT['D_i_prime'][y]))**(coefficients[x] *

            divisor *= temp_divisor

        Token = dividend / divisor

        return (Token, CT['C'])

    def abenc_decrypt(self, CT, TK, user_keys):
        Final decryption algorithm to reveal original message. To be run by the user

        :param CT: Original component of ciphertext that contains the encrypted message
        :param TK: Token generated during partial decryption of ciphertext
        :param user_keys: User global keys
        :return: Decrypted message
        message = CT / (TK**user_keys[1])
        return message

    def abenc_ukeygen(self, GPP, authority, attribute, user_object):
        Generate update keys used in the revocation process for users and the cloud service provider.

        This will be run by the Attribute Authority.

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters
        :param authority: Attribute Authority
        :param attribute: Attribute to be updated
        :param user_object: User
        :return: User attribute update keys and ciphertext update keys

        ASK, _, authAttrs = authority
        # attribute version key to be updated
        old_version_key = authAttrs[attribute]['VK']
        # set new version key to old value
        new_version_key = old_version_key
        # ensure that new version key is different from original version key
        while old_version_key == new_version_key:
            new_version_key = self.group.random()

        # update version key of the attribute in the dictionary
        authAttrs[attribute]['VK'] = new_version_key

        u_uid = user_object['u_uid']

        # create update key for users i.e to update the attribute involved
        KUK = GPP['H'](attribute)**(ASK['beta_aid'] *
                                    (new_version_key - old_version_key) *
                                    (u_uid + ASK['gamma_aid']))

        # create update key for ciphertexts encrypted with attribute involved
        CUK = (new_version_key / old_version_key,
               (old_version_key - new_version_key) /
               (old_version_key * ASK['gamma_aid']))

        # update the public parameters of the attribute involvedauthAttrs[attribute]['PK'][0] = authAttrs[attribute]['PK'][0] ** CUK[0]
        authAttrs[attribute]['PK'][1] = authAttrs[attribute]['PK'][1]**CUK[0]

        return {
            'KUK': KUK,
            'CUK': CUK,

    def abenc_skupdate(self, USK, attribute, KUK):
        Updates the attribute secret key for the specific attribute.

        This is executed by a non-revoked user.

        :param USK: User secret key
        :param attribute: Attribute whose secret key is to be updated
        :param KUK: Update key for users
        :return: NA

        # update the secret key component of the affected attribute
        # print(USK)
        USK['AK_uid_aid'][attribute] = USK['AK_uid_aid'][attribute] * KUK

    def abenc_ctupdate(self, GPP, CT, attribute, CUK):
        Updates the ciphertexts that contain the specific attribute (revoked attribute).

        This is executed by the cloud service provider.

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters
        :param CT: The affected ciphertext
        :param attribute: Attribute that is affected by the revocation process
        :param CUK: The Ciphertext Update Key
        :return: NA
        # update the corresponding components of the ciphertext that are related to the affected attribute
        CT['C_i'][attribute] = CT['C_i'][attribute] * (
        CT['D_i_prime'][attribute] = CT['D_i_prime'][attribute]**CUK[0]